1775-1966; bulk: 1866-1924

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the personal, official, and family papers of historian and United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) spanning the years 1775-1966. Subjects covered include Republican Party politics in Massachusetts and the nation, 1870-1924, and American foreign policy, 1890-1924.

Biographical Sketch

Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) was a historian and U.S. senator, the son of John Ellerton Lodge (b. 1807) and Anna Cabot (1821-1900). He graduated from Harvard in 1871 and, later that year, married Anna "Nannie" Cabot Mills Davis (1850-1915). The couple had three children: Constance Davis Lodge (b. 1872), who married Augustus Peabody Gardner (d. 1918) in 1891; George "Bay" Cabot Lodge (1873-1909), a poet who married Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (1876-1960) in 1900 and had two sons who became involved with United States politics, senator and diplomat Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (1902-1985) and ambassador John Davis Lodge (1903-1985); and John Ellerton Lodge (1876-1942), who married Mary Connolly. The Lodge family made their homes in Nahant, Mass. and Washington, D.C.

After his marriage to Nannie Davis and their subsequent honeymoon travels in Europe during 1871-1872, Henry Cabot Lodge was editor of the North American Review from 1873-1876. He graduated from the Harvard Law School in 1874 and, in 1876, earned one of the first Ph.D. degrees in history and government given by Harvard University. From 1876-1879, Lodge was a lecturer on American history at Harvard. He was subsequently elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1880, a position he kept until 1881. After many unsuccessful campaigns, Lodge was elected as a Republican U.S. representative from Massachusetts in 1887, and he served in that capacity until 1893, when he was elected to the U.S. Senate. He remained a senator until his death in 1924.

Collection Description

The Henry Cabot Lodge papers span the years 1775-1966 and consist of 183 microfilm reels (P-525) of materials of Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924), historian, Congressman, and United States senator. The Lodge papers are arranged in roughly the order in which they were received from Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. All artifacts, printed materials, and photographs have been removed from the collection. The collection has been divided into six series, described below.

Series I contains the major body of H. C. Lodge correspondence, 1866-1966, arranged chronologically and alphabetically within years on 94 reels. Though largely consisting of Lodge's incoming correspondence, this series also contains a significant number of original Lodge letters. The letters span Lodge's years as a Harvard student and instructor, North American Review editor, Massachusetts legislator, Congressman, United States senator, and Republican Party leader. Included are letters to and from nearly every important literary and political figure at home and abroad, 1871-1924. Among the more prominent correspondents are Brooks Adams, Henry Adams, George Bancroft, Albert J. Beveridge, James G. Blaine, William E. Borah, James Bryce, Calvin Coolidge, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Charles W. Eliot, Moreton Frewen, Warren G. Harding, John Hay, George Frisbie Hoar, Charles Evans Hughes, Rudyard Kipling, William McKinley, Thomas B. Reed, Carl Schurz, Cecil Spring-Rice, Charles Sumner, William Howard Taft, George Otto Trevelyan, and Henry White. Reel 94 contains typescripts of letters of Brooks Adams, Charles Francis Adams II, and Henry Adams, 1891-1918, and copies of Lodge correspondence with Houghton Mifflin, 1879-1942.

Series II, reels 95-108, contains family correspondence, 1775-1925, and is organized chronologically for each individual. Included are most of Lodge's letters to and from his mother, Anna Cabot Lodge, 1866-1900; some correspondence of his wife, Anna Cabot Mills Davis Lodge; his son, John Ellerton Lodge, Jr.; other Lodge family members; and members of the Blake, Cabot, Davis, Ellerton, and Mills families. In addition, there is some Lodge genealogical material and condolence correspondence upon the deaths of Lodge's mother, wife, and son George Cabot Lodge. (The Society has a separate collection of George Cabot Lodge papers.)

Series III, Miscellaneous Papers, arranged by names and subjects, reels 109-115, contains Lodge's correspondence with select individuals including Worthington C. Ford, Lewis Harcourt, Ellerton James, Henry Lee, Herbert St. George Mildmay, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, and Barrett Wendell, 1876-1924. Also included are copies of letters of John Lothrop Motley and Charles Sumner, 1835-1877 (reel 97); notes and correspondence concerning Colombian-American relations and the Panama Canal, 1903-1921 (reel 113); the Washington Conference on the Limitation of Armament, 1921-1922 (reel 114); and Lodge business papers (reel 115).

Series IV, Writings and Speeches, etc., reels 116-126, contains primarily original writings and speeches of Lodge. The writings and speeches included on reels 116-120 are largely unorganized and undated. Reels 121-125 are arranged in alphabetical order by title or topic. In addition, this part of the collection has a small collection of Lodge's student notes on history, science, and law, and copies of many of his published articles and reviews.

Series V, Bound Volumes, reels 127-183, contains diaries, journals, letterbooks, notebooks, and scrapbooks of George Cabot (1752-1823), Anna Sophia Cabot (1796-1845), Anna Cabot Lodge (1821-1900), Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924), the Republican District Committee of the Fifth Congressional District, Cecil Spring-Rice, Mrs. L. A. Ward, E. C. Kirkland, and Henry Cabot and are arranged chronologically within each of the nine sub-series. The volumes of Anna Sophia Cabot and Anna Cabot Lodge are primarily European travel journals; those of George Cabot are letterbooks, 1783-1818. The bulk of the collection consists of the diaries, letterbooks, historical notebooks, and political scrapbooks of Henry Cabot Lodge. Because of the easy access to printed material in libraries, only the title page or first page of printed materials in the scrapbooks was microfilmed. Due to their deteriorating condition, the scrapbooks of Henry Cabot Lodge consisting primarily of newspaper clippings were discarded after filming. Annotated printed material contained in the scrapbooks was removed from the scrapbook before the volume was discarded. See the Curator of Manuscripts for further information.

Series VI, Oversize, 1893-1924 (reel 183), consists of miscellaneous oversized materials, mainly graphics. These are stored in oversize box 1 (onsite). Also located in this box is Volume 111, an oversize scrapbook. These materials are on microfilm P-525. There are some other miscellaneous oversize papers, mainly certificates and diplomas, which do not appear on the microfilm. These are located in oversize box 2. Oversize boxes are stored onsite at H. C. Lodge Oversize. To access the oversize materials in box 2, which are not on the microfilm, please see the Curator of Manuscripts.

Acquisition Information

The Henry Cabot Lodge papers were a gift to the Massachusetts Historical Society from Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or


The Henry Cabot Lodge papers have been processed and microfilmed over a number of years. As a result, box numbers have changed several times. This guide reflects the latest physical arrangement of the collection in cartons for offsite storage, and the microfilm reel numbers for general use. For more information, please see the Curator of Manuscripts.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Expand all

II. Family correspondence, 1775-1925

Carton 28SH 14U2 $Reel 95

Blake, Cabot, Lodge, and Mills family letters, 1785-1839

Carton 28SH 14U2 $Reel 96

Blake, Cabot, Davis, Ellerton, and Lodge family letters, 1840-1884

Carton 29SH 14U3 /Reel 97

Business papers, 1775-1874

J. & A. Lodge business papers, J. E. Lodge business papers, Anna Lodge, Stephen Cleveland. Lodge genealogy. Also contains some letters of John Lothrop Motley and Charles Sumner.

Carton 29SH 14U3 /Reel 98-99

Correspondence of H. C. Lodge and Anna Cabot Lodge, 1866-1891

Carton 29SH 14U3 /Reel 100-101

Correspondence of H. C. Lodge and Anna Cabot Lodge, 1892-1895

Carton 30SH 14U4 +Reel 102

Correspondence of H. C. Lodge and Anna Cabot Lodge, 1896-1900

Carton 30SH 14U4 +Reel 103

Correspondence of H. C. Lodge and Anna Cabot Lodge, n.d.

Carton 30SH 14U4 +Reel 104

Correspondence, 1886-1924

Correspondence of H. C. Lodge and Anna Cabot Lodge with Charles Henry Davis (1807-1877), Charles Henry Davis II (1845-1921), other Davis family members, Constance Lodge Gardner, Ellerton James, George Abbot James, Lillie Lodge James, H. C. Lodge, Jr., and John Ellerton Lodge II.

Carton 31SH 14U5 %Reel 105

H. C. Lodge correspondence with H. C. Lodge, Jr., etc., 1912-1924.

Carton 31SH 14U5 %Reel 106

Letters of condolence concerning the deaths of Anna Cabot Lodge (1900) and Lillie Lodge James (1908) and the serious illness of H. C. Lodge (1913)

Carton 31SH 14U5 %Reel 107

Letters of condolence upon the death of George Cabot (Bay) Lodge, 1909

Carton 31SH 14U5 %Reel 108

Letters of condolence upon the death of Anna Cabot Mills Davis (Nannie) Lodge, and typescripts of same, 1915 (A-E)

Carton 32SH 14U6 0Reel 108

Letters of condolence upon the death of Anna Cabot Mills Davis (Nannie) Lodge, and typescripts of same, 1915 (F-Z)

Close II. Family correspondence, 1775-1925

III. H. C. Lodge miscellaneous papers, 1835-1924

Carton 32SH 14U6 0Reel 109

Correspondence with Worthington C. Ford concerning the Mass. Historical Soc., 1909-1924

Carton 32SH 14U6 0Reel 110

Correspondence with L. Harcourt (first Viscount Harcourt), Viscountess Harcourt, and Ellerton James, 1922

Carton 33SH 14U7 1Reel 111

Correspondence with Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, 1918-1924, Henry Lee, members of the Luce family, and Herbert St. John-Mildmay, 1876-1918

Carton 33SH 14U7 1Reel 112

Copies of John Lothrop Motley letters to Anna Cabot Lodge, 1835-1877; and of Barrett Wendell/H. C. Lodge correspondence, 1905-1919

The handwritten draft of Henry Adams' "Rule of Phase Applied to History" has been removed to the Adams Family Collections and is on a separate microfilm reel, P-522.

Carton 33SH 14U7 1Reel 113

Lodge papers relating to international treaties, 1903-1921

Includes materials relating to international treaties with Belgium, Caribbean republics, Columbia (letters of Albert B. Fall on U.S./Columbian agreement of 1921), Great Britain, Japan, international treaties with Mexico, Panama Canal shipping, Turkey (and Great Britain), and miscellaneous.

Carton 34SH 14U8 2Reel 114

Governmental and legal papers, 1912-1924

Notes, correspondence, and printed material on the Washington Conference on the Limitation of Armament, 1921-1922. Also material on an investigation of the "sugar lobby," 1912-1924, and legal matters, i.e., Sears v. Nahant and United States v. Charles W. Morse et al.

Carton 34SH 14U8 2Reel 115

Lodge business correspondence, receipts, stock certificates, etc., 1884-1921

Close III. H. C. Lodge miscellaneous papers, 1835-1924

V. Bound volumes

B. Anna Sophia Cabot volumes, 1823-1838

Carton 39SH 14UE 8Reel 128

4-5. European journals of Anna Sophia (Mrs. Henry) Cabot, 1823-1824

Carton 39SH 14UE 8Reel 128

6-8. European journals of Anna Sophia Cabot, 1837-1838

D. Anna Cabot Lodge volumes, 1833-1911

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

10. Notebook of Anna Cabot Lodge containing extracts of poetry, n.d.

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

11. Sunday School book of Anna Cabot Lodge, 1833

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

12. Book of sonnets of Anna Cabot Lodge, 1834

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

13-17. Travel journals of Anna Cabot Lodge, 1837-1938

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

18. European travel journal of Anna Cabot Lodge, 1866

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

19. Account book of Anna Cabot Lodge, 1836

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 129

20. Account book of Anna Cabot Lodge as guardian of Henry Cabot Lodge, 1864-1871

Carton 40SH 14UD 7Reel 130

21-22. Anna Cabot Lodge scrapbooks

Scrapbooks contain original letters from Brooks Adams, George Bancroft, Rufus Choate, James F. Clarke, Ralph W. Emerson, Charles W. Eliot, Oliver W. Holmes, Samuel G. Howe, Henry W. Longfellow, James R. Lowell, Harrison G. Otis, Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, Daniel Webster, John Whittier, and others; Henry C. Lodge school drawings and grades; Lodge's appointment as a Harvard instructor and overseer; misc. clippings and printed matter concerning the Cabot and Lodge families.

E. Henry Cabot Lodge volumes, 1867-1924

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 131

23a. H. C. Lodge (HCL) journal of European tour, n.d.

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 131

23b. HCL journal, 1867

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 131

23c. HCL journal, 1875-1885

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 131

24. HCL line-a-day diary, 1899

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 132-133

25. HCL letterbook, 13 Dec. 1886-6 Mar. 1889

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 133

26. HCL letterbook, 13 Mar.-1 Aug. 1889

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 134

27. HCL letterbook, 27 Nov. 1889-May 1891

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 134

28. HCL letterbook, 7 Aug. 1890-11 June 1891

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 135

29. HCL letterbook, 30 Nov. 1891-24 Sep. 1892

Carton 41SH 14UF 9Reel 135-136

30. HCL letterbook, Sep. 1892-12 June 1894

Carton 42SH 14UG AReel 137-138

31. HCL letterbook, June 1894-Jan. 1896

Carton 42SH 14UG AReel 138-139

32. HCL letterbook, 26 Jan.-25 Nov. 1896

Carton 42SH 14UG AReel 140-141

33. HCL letterbook, 27 Nov. 1896-15 Feb. 1897

Carton 42SH 14UG AReel 141-142

34. HCL letterbook, 16 Feb.-29 Apr. 1897

Carton 43SH 14UH BReel 143-144

35. HCL letterbook, 30 Apr.-8 July 1897

Carton 43SH 14UH BReel 144-145

36. HCL letterbook, 8 July 1897-25 Jan. 1898

Carton 43SH 14UH BReel 146-147

37. HCL letterbook, 25 Jan.-6 Apr. 1898

Carton 43SH 14UH BReel 147-148

38. HCL letterbook, 7 Apr.-26 May 1898

Carton 44SH 14UI CReel 149-150

39. HCL letterbook, 28 May-9 July 1898

Carton 44SH 14UI CReel 150-151

40. HCL letterbook, 27 May 1898-13 Jan. 1899

Carton 44SH 14UI CReel 152-153

41. HCL letterbook, 14 Jan.-7 Mar. 1899

Carton 44SH 14UI CReel 153-154

42. HCL letterbook, 7 Mar. 1899-19 Jan. 1900

Carton 45SH 14UJ DReel 155-156

43. HCL letterbook, 20 Jan.-31 Mar. 1900

Carton 45SH 14UJ DReel 156-157

44. HCL letterbook, 2 Apr.-23 Nov. 1900

Carton 45SH 14UJ DReel 158-159

45. HCL letterbook, 28 Nov. 1900-1 Feb. 1901

Carton 45SH 14UJ DReel 159-160

46. HCL letterbook, 1 Feb.-8 Apr. 1901

Carton 45SH 14UJ DReel 161

47. HCL letterbook, 8 Apr.-Nov. 20 1901

Carton 46SH 14UK EReel 162

48. HCL letterbook, 22 Nov.-19 Dec. 1901

Carton 46SH 14UK EReel 163-164

49. HCL letterbook, 19 Dec. 1901-7 Feb. 1902

Carton 46SH 14UK EReel 164-165

50. HCL letterbook, 7 Feb.-31 Mar. 1902

Carton 46SH 14UK EReel 166-167

51. HCL letterbook, 1 Apr.-20 May 1902

Carton 46SH 14UK EReel 167-167

52. HCL letterbook, 21 May-31 Dec. 1902

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 169

53. HCL letterbook, 2 Jan.-11 Mar. 1903

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 170

54. Letterbook, 1781-1879

Contains correspondence concerning Cabot lineage, original letters of Fisher Ames, William Eustis, Timothy Pickering, and James Sullivan; and copies of letters of James Bowdoin, Rufus King, Pickering, Oliver Wolcott, and other Federalist leaders.

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 170

55. Book of congratulatory telegrams to HCL after his scuffle with pacifist Alexander Bannwart, Apr. 1917

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 171

56-57. Law school notebooks of HCL, [1872-1874]

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 171

58. Book of "Notes Collected for a thesis on the Land Law of the Anglo-Saxons," [1875-1876]

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 171

59. HCL notebook on George Cabot, [1876-1877]

Carton 47SH 14UL FReel 171

60-66. HCL notebooks on colonial government, manners, and customs, [1876-1879]

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 172

67-71. HCL notebooks on colonial government, manners, and customs, [1876-1879]

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 172

72-75. HCL notebooks on the history of the early Republic, [1876-1879]

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 172

76. HCL notebook on Alexander Hamilton, [1882]

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 173

77. HCL notebook on George Washington, [1889]

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 173

78. HCL notebook on New England towns, n.d.

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 173

79. HCL notebook containing notes, clippings, and a few original letters relating to the writings of HCL and other literati, 1894

Carton 48SH 14UM GReel 173

80-81. HCL notebooks containing lists of books read or consulted, n.d.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 173

82. HCL notebook concerning the Alaska Boundary Tribunal, [1903]

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 173

83. HCL index of historical subjects, n.d.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 173

84-85. HCL grade books for Harvard classes, [1878-1879]

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 173

86. Account book containing information on Lodge finances, 1887-1915

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 173

87. HCL address book, n.d.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

88. HCL scrapbook concerning his works on Hamilton, Washington, and Webster, 1801-1910

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

89. HCL Harvard scrapbook containing photographs of 1871 classmates and Harvard dignitaries; views of Harvard and Cambridge students, professors, and former presidents, 1867-1868

This scrapbook has been removed to the Henry Cabot Lodge photographs (Photo. Coll. 183), Vol. 1. See the guide to that collection for more information.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

90. HCL Harvard scrapbook, [1867-1871]

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

91. HCL scrapbook of prominent obituaries: John A. Andrew, Charles H. Davis, Samuel May, John L. Motley, Theodore Roosevelt, and others, 1867-1880

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

92. HCL scrapbook on public affairs, [1870-1876]

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

93. HCL scrapbook of prominent obituaries: Louis Agassiz, Samuel G. Howe, Motley, Charles Sumner, and others, 1873-1877

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 174

94. HCL scrapbook on his early career, 1877-1886

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 175

95. HCL scrapbook on Benjamin F. Butler and George D. Robinson gubernatorial election, 1883

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 175

96. HCL scrapbook on horses and fox-hunting, correspondence, and photographs, 1885-1890

Carton 49SH 14UN HReel 175

97. HCL scrapbook on his congressional career, etc., 1887-1892

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 176

98. HCL scrapbook on the Federal Elections (Force) Bill. Printed material, clippings, 1890

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 177

99. HCL scrapbook on his congressional and senatorial career, etc., 1890-1901

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 177

100. HCL small scrapbook on the silver and tariff issues, apparently used by Lodge for a debate with Democrat John E. Russell, 1891

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

101. [No volume located here.]

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 177

102. HCL scrapbook on public affairs, 1895-1896

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 177

103. HCL scrapbook mainly concerning the Republican National Conventions of 1896 and 1900. Clippings and printed material, 1896-1900

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 177

104. HCL scrapbook on the Republican National Convention of 1900, clippings and printed matter, 1900

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 178

105. HCL scrapbook on public affairs, 1901-1907, clippings and printed matter

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 179

106. Scrapbook concerning a Harvard Univ. performance of "The Agamemnon," 1906, clippings and printed matter

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 179

107. HCL scrapbook primarily concerned with the Republican National Convention of 1908. Clippings and printed matter, 1908-1916

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 179

108. HCL scrapbook on public affairs (World War I and Wilsonian policy, Lodge-Fitzgerald senate campaign), 1915-1917

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 179

109. HCL scrapbook on public affairs (WWI, Paris Peace Conference), 1917-1919

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 50SH 14UP JReel 179

110. HCL scrapbook containing misc. clippings, photographs, and printed matter on his literary and political achievements, 1917-1924

OS Box 1Reel 180

111. Scrapbook of documents pertaining to the H. C. Lodge-A. Lawrence Lowell debate on the League of Nations at Symphony Hall. Printed matter, clippings, 19 Mar. 1919

Stored onsite in oversize box 1

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 180

112. HCL scrapbook on public affairs (Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, election of 1920), 1919-1920

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 180

113. HCL scrapbook on public affairs (Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, election), 1920

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 180

114. HCL scrapbook of miscellany on the senator's life and career, 1921-1922

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 180

115. HCL scrapbook on the Washington Conference for the Limitation of Armament, 1921-1922

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 181

116. HCL scrapbook on Washington Conference for the Limitation of Armament, 1921-1922

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 181

117. Scrapbook of clippings on the Lodge-William A. Gaston senatorial campaign, 1922

Original scrapbook discarded.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 181

118. Scrapbook of clippings on the Lodge-Gaston senatorial campaign, 1922

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 181

119. HCL scrapbook on Washington Conference for the Limitation of Armament, 1921-1922

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 181

120. HCL miscellaneous scrapbook, 1919-1924

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 182

121. Scrapbook of misc. HCL writings, newspaper and magazine clippings, 1861-1924

Original scrapbook discarded, some loose matter left in folder.

I. Henry Cabot scrapbook, 1837-1861

Carton 51SH 14UQ KReel 183

125. Henry Cabot scrapbook containing engravings collected on a European trip, 1837-1838; George Cruickshank Almanac, 1844; photographs of the Brattle Street Church, Boston, by R. Nixon, 1861

Original scrapbook located in Engravings.

J. Miscellaneous volumes, 1866-1902

These volumes were NOT microfilmed with the rest of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers.

Carton 51SH 14UQ K

John Lodge Ellerton European travel journal, 1866-1872

This travel journal, kept by classical composer John Lodge Ellerton, describes social engagements, dining out, family news, health matters, and sightseeing in France, Italy, Germany, and Great Britain, as well as work on his compositions, performances of his music, and his loneliness and grief over the deaths of loved ones, including his dog Fido. The author was previously unidentified, but has been confirmed as Ellerton.

Carton 51SH 14UQ K

Notebook containing historical and literary notations, 1901-1902, author unknown

Close V. Bound volumes

VI. Oversize materials

There materials are stored ONSITE in oversize boxes 1 and 2.

OS Box 1Reel 183

Miscellaneous oversize papers (mainly graphics)

Stored onsite in oversize box 1.

OS Box 2

H. C. Lodge honorary degrees and commendations, 1893-1924

Stored onsite in oversize box 2.

This journal was NOT microfilmed with the rest of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers.

Close VI. Oversize materials

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Henry Cabot Lodge photographs, ca. 1860-1945. Photo. Coll. 183.

Artifacts from this collection have been removed to the Artifact Collection. See Curator of Art for more information.

Preferred Citation

Henry Cabot Lodge papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927.
Adams, Henry, 1838-1918.
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
Cabot, Anna Sophia, 1796-1845.
Cabot, George, 1752-1823.
Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933.
Ellerton, James.
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941.
Gardner, Augustus Peabody, 1865-1918.
Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923.
Hay, John, 1838-1905.
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948.
Lodge, Anna Cabot, 1821-1900.
Lodge, Anna Cabot Mills Davis, 1850-1915.
Lodge, George Cabot, 1873-1909.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1902-1985.
Lodge, John Ellerton, 1876-1942.
McKinley, William, 1843-1901.
Motley, John Lothrop, 1814-1877.
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt, 1861-1933.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.
Spring Rice, Cecil, Sir, 1859-1918.
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874.
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.
White, Henry, 1850-1927.
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924.


Republican Party (Mass.).
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-).
United States. Congress. Senate.


Panama Canal (Panama).
Philippines--Politics and government--1898-1935.
Spanish-American War, 1898.
United States--Foreign relations--1865-1921.
United States--Foreign relations--1921-1923.
United States--Politics and government--1865-1933.
World War, 1914-1918.


Treaty of Versailles (1919).

Click the description headings to expand their contents, and click the red REQUEST buttons to add items to your request.

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