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This series consists of letters and copies of letters written in the years 1709-1841. The
bulk of the correspondence is heavily concentrated in the years 1772-1800. Most of the papers
are arranged chronologically.
The microfilm edition includes four topical targets:
1. "Mercy Warren to Winslow Warren," including "Letters containing many of the most
remarkable Events from the memorable AEra of the Stamp Act, 1765, to the Commencement of
Hostilities between Great Britain & the American Colonies, 1775";
2. "Mercy Warren to Winslow Warren," including "Letters containing many of the most
remarkable Events from the memorable AEra of the Stamp Act, 1765, to the Commencement of
Hostilities between Great Britain & the American Colonies, 1775";
3. "Mercy Warren to John Adams," including "Remarks & Observations in reply to ten
Letters received by Mrs. Warren from John Adams, late President of the United States" and a
notebook containing letters from Warren to John Adams, 16 July-27 August 1807; and
4. "Poems," containing 52 pages of Warren's poetry.