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The diaries of William Heath, 1775-1804, are located on microfilm reels 30 and 31. There are
gaps from December 1798-July 1801 and 22 August 1802-February 1803.
Diary entries during the war include Heath's comments on daily military life. Subjects
covered during the war years include location and possible movements of the enemy, main and
Northern Army locations, marches, brigade distribution, prisoner escapes, courts-martial,
executions, work details, the reenlistment of troops, the personal health of Heath (including
his smallpox inoculation on 21 April 1776 and its after effects), and the movements of the
French fleet and army. Some battles and skirmishes are also described. Friendly and enemy
casualty figures are often listed.
After the war, diary entries refer to global events, including politics, wars, and natural
catastrophes, in particular French politics and conflicts between 1789 and 1793. Daily weather
reports are given, as are family milestones, i.e., births, marriages, and deaths.
Original volumes 30 and 31 each contained multiple diaries.