By Jeremy Dibbell
C-SPAN has just announced that a whopping 160,000 hours of video from 1987 to the present is now available free through the C-SPAN Video Library website. These include many MHS-related events from 1999 through 2009, among them:
– Woody Holton’s 9 November 2009 talk on his recent biography, Abigail Adams. Video.
– Two panels from the Charlottesville portion of last summer’s Adams/Jefferson libraries conference: Jefferson, Adams and Religion (Video) and Jefferson, Adams and Their Legacy (Video).
– A 1999 vignette on the Thomas Jefferson collections at MHS with our librarian, Peter Drummey. Video.
– Joseph Ellis’s 16 December 2004 talk on his biography of George Washington, His Excellency. Video.
– A 29 January 2009 lunch talk by Ken Burns on his documentary series “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.” Video.
– The dramatic reading of letters between John and Abigail Adams, held at Faneuil Hall on 19 November 2007, featuring Gov. Deval and Diane Patrick, Gov. Mike and Kitty Dukakis, and Sen. Edward and Victoria Kennedy. Video.
To find other MHS-related events (there are many more), just search for “Massachusetts HIstorical Society” in the search bar at the top of the C-SPAN Video Library homepage.