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impracticable to give you a List of them. there is however but one sort
of them that I care for and that is calld by the general name of Spectacles.
these I like very well but Pappa wont let me go to them so often as I wish.
he lets me go now and then especially if there happens to be a tragedy of
Corneille Racine or Voltaire. I have been twice to the opera & several
times to the Italien Comedy but I have been oftenest to the French Comedy.
the others have a great deal of musick and dancing which are sprightly and
agreable enough but the language the wit the passions the sentiments the
oratory the poetry the manners and morals are at the French Comedy.
If you will promiss to learn French I will in some future letters give you an account of <one> some of them but Remember it is upon Condition that you will learn french
am &c.
John Quincy. Letter to Abigail Adams 2d, 27 September 1778. Adams Family
Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society. Published in Adams Family Correspondence,
Volume 3: April 1778 - September 1780 (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 1973). Pages 93-94.