a letter Book of a Lad of Eleven years old, Cannot be expected to Contain
much of Science, Litterature, arts, wisdom, or wit, yet it may Serve to
perpetuate many observations that I may make, & may hereafter help me
to recolect both persons, & things, that would other ways escape my
memory. I have been to see the Palace & gardens of Versailles,
the Military scholl at Paris, the
hospital of Invalids, the hospital of Foundling Children, the Church of
Notre Dame, the Heights of Calvare, of Montmatre, of Minemontan, & other
scenes of Magnificense, in & about Paris, which if I had written down
in a diary, or a Letter Book, would give me at this time much Pleasure to
revise, & would enable me hereafter to Entertain my Freinds, but I have
neglected it & therefore, can now only resolve to be more thoughtful,
& Industrious, for the Future
John Quincy. Letter to Abigail Adams, September 27, 1778. Adams Family Papers,
Massachusetts Historical Society. Published in Adams Family Correspondence,
Volume 3: April 1778 - September 1780 (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 1973). Page 92-93.