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documents containing names Tudor, William
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October 1, 1758Adams, John to Crawford, William

...How it is with you I know not, but if I am rightly informed, I am yet...

October 1, 1758Adams, John to Crawford, William

...Braintree, October? 1758. Printed: JA, Earliest Diary ,...

October 1, 1758Adams, John to Crawford, William

...Braintree, October–November? 1758. Printed: JA, Earliest Diary...

January 13, 1760Crawford, William to Adams, John

...I am lately come from divine Service, if I may be allowed the Expression,...

July 4, 1763Crawford, William to Adams, John

...I hope you enjoy mens sana in Corpore Sano: My Body for more than six...

December 18, 1765Cooper, William to Adams, John

...Boston, 18 December 1765. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography...

January 13, 1766Adams, John; Clarendon, Earl of to Pym, William

...The revolution which one century has produced in your opinions and...

January 20, 1766Adams, John; Clarendon, Earl of to Pym, William

...You and I have changed Sides. As I told you in my last, I can account for...

January 27, 1766Adams, John; Clarendon, Earl of to Pym, William

...You are pleased to charge the Colonists with ignorance of the British...

May 1, 1768Mason, Thaddeus; How, William; Sewall, Jonathan; Kent, Benjamin; Winthrop, Samuel

...We Command you that without Delay you forthwith cause to be replevied (if...