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L. F. Hughes and his horse, Lady Spendthrift, at Soledad, Cuba

L. F. Hughes and his horse, Lady Spendthrift, at Soledad, Cuba Photograph
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L. F. Hughes became the assistant manager of the Soledad estate in 1895, under the supervision of J. N. S. Williams.  In 1898, Williams and his family left Cuba when war was officially declared between the United States and Spain, and L. F. Hughes took over the management of the estate.  In 1926, Edwin Atkins wrote of Hughes in his memoir, Sixty Years in Cuba, "I cannot write of Soledad without a last word of my dear friend Mr. Hughes... To him in a large measure is due the success of the estate.  Not only is he respected by all, but he is beloved by every one who comes in contact with him.  He bears the cares of all upon his shoulders and none but feel free to seek his counsel."