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Bloody News!: General Hull, and the British Frigate Guerier [sic] taken Plummer against all War

Bloody News!: General Hull, and the British Frigate Guerier [sic] taken Plummer against all War Broadside
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Resistance to the War of 1812 in Massachusetts gave rise to a broader antiwar movement. Jonathan Plummer of Newburyport, a peddler, physician, and writer of popular verse, preached against all war in this broadside account of battles in North America, at sea, and in Europe. Plummer calculated not only American casualties in General William Hull's abortive campaign against Canada, and the loss of life (both American and British seamen) when the "Guerier" [HMS Guerrière] was destroyed by the Constitution, but also 7,000 soldiers and civilians killed in the Salamanca campaign in Spain during the summer of 1812. The Massachusetts Peace Society was founded in 1815.