ca. 1860-1866
Guide to the Photograph Collection
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
This collection consists of an album containing 93 carte de visite portraits of Union officers who fought in the Civil War, taken ca. 1860-1866. The album was collected and assembled by Joshua Huntington Wolcott for his grandson Roger Wolcott, Jr., probably between 1877-1880.
Collection Description
This collection consists of an album containing 93 carte de visite portraits of Union officers who fought in the Civil War, taken ca. 1860-1866. The album was collected and assembled by Joshua Huntington Wolcott for his grandson Roger Wolcott, Jr., probably between 1877-1880. Subjects include Huntington F. Wolcott, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert Gould Shaw, among others, as well as a number of officers from the 2nd and 20th Massachusetts Infantry Regiments, among other regiments. There is also one photograph of an African American soldier, Nicholas Said, a private with the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Included is one envelope of clippings originally found between the pages of the album and a letter from Roger Wolcott to his wife. Photographers include John Adams Whipple and Brady's National Portrait Gallery, among many others.
All of the photographs are identified and captioned in the hand of Joshua Huntington Wolcott. The album is inscribed in Wolcott's hand, "For my dear little grandson/ Roger Wolcott Jun." Included with the album are photocopies of clippings originally found between the album pages, as well as a transcription in Roger Wolcott's hand and dedicated to his wife of a passage by James Freeman Clarke.
The photographs in this collection are listed in the order in which they appear in the album.
Acquisition Information
Gift of the Wolcott family, through Samuel Wolcott, 1990.
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allEllsworth, Elmer Ephraim (1837-1861), ca. 1861.
Taken by Silsbee, Case, & Co. (Boston, Mass.).Inscribed with Ellsworth's signature.
Winthrop, Theodore (d. 1861), ca. 1861.
Taken by Silsbee, Case, & Co. (Boston, Mass.).Lowell, Charles (1835-1864), ca. 1864.
Taken by Black & Case (Boston, Mass.).Brigadier General, 2nd Mass. Cavalry Regiment.
Wolcott, Huntington F. (1846-1865), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 2nd Mass. Cavalry Regiment, Co. I.
Putnam, William Lowell (1840-1861), ca. 1861.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. E.
Lowell, James J. (1838-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. E.
Lyon, Nathaniel, ca. 1861.
Photographer unknown.Brigadier General.
Kearney, Philip (1815-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by Henry Ulke (Washington, D.C.).Major General.
Perkins, James Amory (1836-1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lander, Frederick West (1821-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Brigadier General.
Sumner, Edwin Vose (1797-1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Photographer unknown.General.
Mason, Philip D. (d. 1864) and Herbert C. Mason (1840-1864), ca. 1864.
Taken by Black & Case (Boston, Mass.).Philip D. Mason was Lieutenant, 1st U.S. Artillery Regiment. Herbert C. Mason was Captain, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. H.
Willard, Sydney (1831-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Major, 35th Mass. Infantry Regiment. Co. I.
Peabody, Oliver W. (b. 1834), ca. 1863-1865.
Taken by Antoine Sonrel (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 45th Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Bowditch, Nathaniel (1840-1863), 1860.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. L.
Ropes, Henry (1839-1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. K.
Stearns, Frazer Augustus (1840-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Stone, Goodwin Atkins (1841-1864), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 2nd Mass. Cavalry Regiment, Co. K and Co. L.
Dwight, Wilder (1832-1862), ca. 1860-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant Colonel, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Dwight, Howard (d. 1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Captain and Asst. Adj., U.S. Volunteers; Captain, 4th Missouri Cavalry Regiment, Co. E.
Foote, Andrew Hull (1806-1863), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by Allen & Horton (Boston, Mass.).Photograph of artwork; original artist unknown.Commander, U.S. Navy.
Dupont, Samuel Francis (1803-1865), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Earles Gallery (Philadelphia, Penn.).Admiral, U.S. Navy.
Ware, Robert (1833-1863), ca. 1862-1863.
Taken by John Payson Soule (Boston, Mass.).Surgeon, 44th Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Fox, Thomas Bayley (1838-1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. K and Co. C.
Cary, Richard (1836-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. G.
Williams, W. B., ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant.
Misidentified in caption as "Col. Paul Revere."
[Photograph of Gen. Mansfield missing.]
Mudge, Charles R. (1840-1863), ca. 1860-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant Colonel, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Shaw, Robert Gould (1838-1863), ca. 1861-1863.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Colonel, 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Mills, Charles J., ca. 1863-1865.
Taken by Antoine Sonrel (Boston, Mass.).Major, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. I.
Wolcott, Huntington F. (1846-1865), ca. 1860-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).2nd Mass. Cavalry Regiment, Co. I.
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Alexander Gardner (Washington, D.C.).Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1822-1885), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Meade, George Gordon (1815-1872), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by F. Gutekunst (Philadelphia, Penn.).Major General.
Sheridan, Philip Henry (1831-1888), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Misidentified in caption as "Maj. Gen. Sherman."
Sherman, Thomas (1813-1879), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Misidentified in caption as "Maj. Gen. Sheridan."
Anderson, Robert (1805-1871), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by F. Gutekunst (Philadelphia, Penn.).Brigadier General.
"The Monitor, 2 guns, and Merrimac, 10 guns, in Hampton Roads, March 9th, 1862," ca. 1863-1865.
Taken by Goupil's (New York, N.Y.).Photograph of artwork; original art by Currier & Ives.Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865), 6 Mar. 1865.
Taken by Henry Franklin Warren (Waltham, Mass.).Caption on photograph: "The last Photograph of President Lincoln. Taken on the Balcony at the White House, March 6, 1865, by H. F. Warren, Waltham, Mass."
Seward, William Henry (1801-1872), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Mathew Brady (New York, N.Y.).Halleck, Henry Wager (1815-1872), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery; published by E. Anthony (New York, N.Y.).Stanton, Edwin McMasters (1814-1869), ca. 1862-1865.
Photographer unknown.Secretary of War, 1862-1868.
Scott, Winfield (1786-1866), ca. 1861-1866.
Taken by Silsbee, Case, & Co. (Boston, Mass.).Major General.
McClellan, George Brinton (1826-1885), ca. 1862.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Major General.
Franklin, William Buel (1823-1903), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by R. W. Addis at McClees Gallery (Washington, D.C.).Brigadier General.
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) and Tad, ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Hunter, David (1802-1886), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Major General.
Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818-1893), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Rosecrans, William Starke (1819-1898), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (1805-1880), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Hancock, Winfield Scott (1824-1886), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by F. Gutekunst (Philadelphia, Penn.).Major General.
Gibbon, John (1827-1896), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by J. E. McClees (Philadelphia, Penn.).Major General.
Hooker, Joseph (1814-1879), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Gilmore, Quincy Adams (1825-1888), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Major General.
Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss (1816-1894), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
McPherson, James Birdseye (1828-1864), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett (1824-1881), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Major General.
Farragut, David Glasgow (1801-1790), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Admiral, U.S. Navy.
Gibbs, Alfred (1823-1868), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Brigadier General.
Wolcott, Huntington F. (1846-1865), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant, 2nd Mass. Cavalry Regiment, Co. I.
Unidentified officer, ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Alexander Gardner (Washington, D.C.).Misidentified in caption as "Maj. Gen. Slocum."
Thomas, George H. (1816-1870), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Custer, George Armstrong (1839-1876), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Brigadier General.
Dix, John Adams (1798-1879), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Major General.
Logan, John Alexander (1826-1886), ca. 1861-1865.
Photographer unknown.Major General.
Poe, Orlando Metcalf (1832-1895), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Brigadier General.
Schofield, John McAllister (1831-1906), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
[Photograph of "Sheridan" missing.]
Wild, Edward Augustus (1825-1891), ca. 1863-1864.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Brigadier General.
Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1822-1885), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Henry Franklin Warren (Waltham, Mass.).Brigadier General.
Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg (1817-1873), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Gurney & Son (New York, N.Y.).Farragut, David Glasgow (1801-1870), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Admiral, U.S. Navy.
Mitchell, Ormsby Macknight (1809-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Photographer unknown.Major General.
Hancock, Winfield Scott (1824-1886), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by J.E. McClees (Philadelphia, Penn.).Major General.
Bartlett, William Francis (1840-1876), ca. 1865.
Taken by Black & Case (Boston, Mass.).Unidentified officer, ca. 1863-1864.
Taken by Case & Getchell (Boston, Mass.).Misidentified in caption as "Gen. Sprague."
Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes (1805-1877), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Davis, Charles H. (1807-1877), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Rear-Admiral, U.S. Navy.
Smith, William Farrar (1824-1903), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Howard, Oliver Otis (1830-1909), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Stevenson, Thomas Greely (1836-1864), ca. 1864.
Taken by Black & Case (Boston, Mass.).Brigadier General.
Peabody, Everett (d. 1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Photographer unknown.Colonel, 25th Missouri Regiment.
Abbott, Edward G. (1841-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by James Wallace Black (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 2nd Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. A.
Abbott, Henry L. (1842-1864), ca. 1863-1864.
Photographer unknown.Major, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. I.
Sedgwick, John (1813-1864), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Major General.
Wadsworth, James Samuel (1807-1864), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Brigadier General.
[Photograph of Col. Peter A. Porter missing.]
Revere, Edward H. R. (d. 1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Surgeon, 20th Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Washburn, Edward (1836-1864), ca. 1864.
Taken by S. L. Walker (Worcester, Mass.).Captain, 53rd Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. I.
Washburn, Francis (1839-1865), ca. 1861-1865.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Lieutenant Colonel, 4th Mass. Cavalry Regiment.
Griswold, Charles E. (1835-1864), ca. 1861-1864.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Colonel, 56th Mass. Infantry Regiment.
Hidden, [ ], (d. 1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by Brady's National Portrait Gallery.Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. (1838-1862), ca. 1861-1862.
Taken by John Adams Whipple (Boston, Mass.).Captain, 12th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. D.
Said, Nicholas (1836-1882), ca. 1863-1866.
Photographer unknown.Private, 55th Mass. Infantry Regiment, Co. I.
Name misspelled in caption as "Saib."
Preferred Citation
Wolcott family Civil War carte de visite album, Photo. Coll. 70, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.