
Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection is composed of approximately 1,100 Union and Confederate patriotic covers (envelopes) issued during the Civil War.

Collection Description

This collection is composed of approximately 1,100 Union and Confederate patriotic covers (envelopes) issued and used during the Civil War. Featuring strong graphic images, these covers expressed patriotic and propagandistic messages. Common images include flags, eagles, soldiers, and portraits (and caricatures) of famous Civil War figures and others, including George Washington. This collection has been organized into the series established by William R. Weiss, Jr. in his The Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers (Bethlehem, Penn., 1995). The Weiss number is pencilled on the upper left-hand corner on the verso of each envelope. If the envelope was not found in Weiss, it is recorded at the end of the appropriate series. In addition to the Union patriotic covers included in Weiss, the MHS has a small grouping of Confederate-issued covers that have been arranged in similar categories to those used by Weiss. In most cases, the "content" of the envelope is obvious from its placement in the various Weiss categories; in cases where additional graphic or subject elements exist, a cross-index has been added to the end of this guide that will allow researchers to identify patriotic covers whose subject matter is not apparent from their placement in the scheme or title.

Acquisition Information

This collection was created by the MHS from various sources.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Famous people (FP)

A. George Washington (FP-GW)

Box 1FP-GW-5

A model patriot

Box 1FP-GW-17

Long may our land be bright ...

Box 1FP-GW-24


2 copies
Box 1FP-GW-26


Box 1FP-GW-36

One of the rebels

Box 1FP-GW-50

The father of our country

Box 1FP-GW-65

George Washington

Box 1FP-GW-71

Remember 76

Box 1FP-GW-76

Behold the illustrious champion of our country ....

Box 1FP-GW-77

Shall the name of Washington ever be heard ...

Box 1FP-GW-80


Box 1FP-GW-83


Box 1FP-GW-86


2 copies
Box 1FP-GW-86a


Box 1FP-GW-111


Box 1FP-GW-111a


Box 1FP-GW-118


2 copies
Box 1FP-GW-121

1861 Remember Washington

Box 1FP-GW-124

Washington: A Southern man with union principles

Box 1FP-GW-136

Washington: A Southern man with union principles Washington's Farewell Address

Box 1FP-GW-137

First in War, First in Peace and First in the Hearts of his Countrymen

2 copies
Box 1FP-GW-149

Past, Present and Future

Box 1FP-GW-156


Box 1FP-GW-158

The eagle shall bear the rattlesnake in his talons and shall rend him with his beak

Box 1FP-GW-165

Beware of traitors

2 copies

B. Abraham Lincoln (FP-AL)

Box 1FP-AL-64a

Secession! non est

Box 1FP-AL-65 (var.)

The Union it must and shall be preserved.

Box 1FP-AL-66

The Union, it must be preserved

Box 1FP-AL-66a

The Union, it must be preserved

Box 1FP-AL-67

They can afford to do a wrong, I cannot

3 copies
Box 1FP-AL-90


Box 1FP-AL-142

Star of the North, or the comet of 1861

Box 1FP-AL-188

President Lincoln and his cabinet

Box 1FP-AL-191

Champion Prize Envelope. Lincoln & Davis in 5 rounds. 1st Round

Box 1FP-AL-193

Champion Prize Envelope. Lincoln & Davis in 5 rounds. 2nd Round

Box 1FP-AL-196

Champion Prize Envelope. Lincoln & Davis in 5 rounds. 3d. Round

Box 1FP-AL-198

Champion Prize Envelope. Lincoln & Davis in 5 rounds. 4th Round

Box 1FP-AL-200

Champion Prize Envelope. Lincoln & Davis in 5 rounds. 5th Round

C. Winfield Scott (FP-WS)

Box 1FP-WS-8a

True to the Union

Box 1FP-WS-12

Stand by the Flag

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-14

This is my last campaign, and it shall be my best

Box 1FP-WS-16

This is my last campaign, and it shall be my best

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-25

This is my last campaign, and it shall be my best.--Gen. Scott

3 copies
Box 1FP-WS-26

Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott. Born 1786 ...

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-29

Brave in the field, Wise in Council, A true patriot, loyal to the Constitution and Union

Box 1FP-WS-33

Desertion of the people's cause, the people cannot forgive; no traitor to the American Flag shall hereafter hold office under it

Box 1FP-WS-38 (variant)

The Union must and shall be preserved

Box 1FP-WS-39

The Rebels will not go free

Box 1FP-WS-39 (larger)

The Rebels will not go free

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-41

We must restore the government of the South, into the hands of its real people--Vox Populi

Box 1FP-WS-42

His exploits in the field, which placed him in the front rank of our soldiers, have been obscured by the purer and more lasting glory of a pacificator and a friend of mankind

Box 1FP-WS-48


Box 1FP-WS-50

Scott & Anderson

Box 1FP-WS-67

Brave in the field, Wise in Council, A true patriot, loyal to the Constitution and Union

Box 1FP-WS-69

The right man in the right place!

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-71

Lieut. Gen'l Winfield Scott

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-72

About this time you will hear thunder. The great "comet" of 1861

2 copies
Box 1FP-WS-78

The hero of Lundy's Lane

D. George McClellan (FP-GM)

Box 1FP-GM-21

Major-General McClellan

Box 1FP-GM-28

Appearance of the Son of Pennsylvania in Washington, on the morning of July 26, 1861

2 copies
Box 1FP-GM-43

Maj. General George B. McClellan

Box 1FP-GM-73

Gen. McClellan

Box 1FP-GM-93

Maj. Gen'l McClellan, our Napoleon

2 copies
Box 1FP-GM-94

Major General Geo. B. McClellan, commanding the Department on the Potomac

2 copies
Box 1FP-GM-102

Maj. Gen. G. B. McClellan

Box 1FP-GM-146

Gen. McClellan and his staff

E. Elmer Ellsworth (FP-EE)

Box 1FP-EE-4

True to the Union / For the Sake of Liberty

Box 1FP-EE-8 (smaller)

Col. Ellsworth, the Warren of 1861 / Whatever may happen, cherish the consolation ...

Box 1FP-EE-8 (larger)

Col. Ellsworth, the Warren of 1861 / Whatever may happen, cherish the consolation ...

Box 1FP-EE-9

Father--Col. Ellsworth was shot dead this morning. I killed his murderer. Frank

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-17

E. E. Ellsworth, Late Col., N.Y. Fire Zouaves

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-18

E. E. Ellsworth, Late Col., N.Y. Fire Zouaves

Box 1FP-EE-20

He who noteth even the fall of a sparrow will have some purpose even in the fate of one like me--Ellsworth

Box 1FP-EE-21b

Col. Ellsworth, the Martyr / Cherish the consolation ...

Box 1FP-EE-25

He who noteth even the fall of a sparrow will have some purpose even in the fate of one like me--Ellsworth

Box 1FP-EE-26a

Col. Ellsworth. Don't shed a tear for him. Lay him to rest ...

Box 1FP-EE-29

Union now & for ever / Col. Ellsworth. Don't shed a tear for him. Lay him to rest ...

Box 1FP-EE-30

Remember Ellsworth

Box 1FP-EE-32

He who noteth even the fall of a sparrow will have some purpose even in the fate of one like me--Ellsworth

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-35

Memorial to Col. Ellsworth. Thou noble warrior, young and brave ...

Box 1FP-EE-36

Remember! Ellsworth!!!

Box 1FP-EE-38


Box 1FP-EE-41

He who noteth even the fall of a sparrow will have some purpose even in the fate of one like me--Ellsworth

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-47

Remember Ellsworth!

3 copies
Box 1FP-EE-50

Remember Ellsworth!

3 copies
Box 1FP-EE-53

Memorial to Col. Ellsworth. Thou noble warrior, young and brave ...

Box 1FP-EE-54

Defender of the Stars and Stripes! a nation mourns thy loss. A nation's tears thy memory shall bedew

Box 1FP-EE-56

Our cause is just. Fight on. Remember Ellsworth

Box 1FP-EE-57

Our cause is just. Fight on. Remember Ellsworth

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-61

To Richmond / Remember Ellsworth

2 copies
Box 1FP-EE-67

Col. E. E. Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, Va., May 24th, 1861.

Box 1FP-EE-67a

Col. E. E. Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, Va., May 24th, 1861.

Box 1FP-EE71

Col. Ellsworth, his last letter to his parents ...

Box 1FP-EE-74

The first officer killed in the Revolution. The first officer killed in the present Rebellion

F. John C. Fremont (FP-JF)

Box 1FP-JF-10

In Union there is strength

Box 1FP-JF-15


Box 1FP-JF-17


2 copies
Box 1FP-JF-24c


Box 1FP-JF-35

Rise up Fremont! and go before: The hour must have its man ...

Box 1FP-JF-44

Fremont, first of freedom's host ...

2 copies
Box 1FP-JF-61

Major General John C. Fremont

Box 1FP-JF-64

We stand by the Union

G. Portraits - Military (FP-PM)

Box 1PM-2

Sumter. Union Forever

Box 1PM-5

Col. Robert Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter

Box 1PM-6


Box 1PM-7

Col. Anderson. The excitement of the brave Charlestonians ...

Box 1PM-8

General Beauregard is already acquainted with my only terms

Box 1PM-12

Col. Robt. Anderson, U. S. A.

Box 1PM-27

"There should be but one subject in the mind of any citizen of the United States at this time, that of preserving the Government of his Country." N. P. Banks

2 copies
Box 1PM-28

One of the Banks in Baltimore that has not suspended operations / Hon. N. P. Banks of Mass. commanding at Fort M'Henry

Box 1PM-69A

Union now & for ever / Gen. Butler

Box 1PM-70

Gen. B. F. Butler

Box 1PM-73

Major General B. F. Butler. "Whatever our politics, the Government must be sustained."

Box 1PM-80

Cain of Baltimore

Box 1PM-85

Sons of Erin! Let the watchword be Corcoran! Rescued if living, avenged if dead

2 copies
Box 1PM-171

Luther C. Ladd, of Alexandria, N.H., was shot in the Baltimore Riot ...

Box 1PM-171 (variant)

Luther C. Ladd, of Alexandria, N.H., was shot in the Baltimore Riot ...

Box 1PM-177

Brig. Gen. Lyon

Box 1PM-183

Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Killed at the battle near Springfield ...

Box 1PM-242

Gen'l Sigel

Box 1PM-268

Maj. Gen. John . Wool

Box 1PM-275

Our Army & Navy / Gen. Butler, Com. Stringham

H. Portraits - Non-military (FP-PNM)

Box 1PNM-1

True to the Union / Gov. John A. Andrew

Box 1PNM-3

John Bell, in a recent secession speech .... Traitor

Box 1PNM-5

Jno. Bell Traitor

Box 1PNM-26

Right to the last / We are on the side of the Government in which we live ... Parson Brownlow

Box 1PNM-33

Parson Brownlow / Knowville, April, 22, 1861 ...

2 copies
Box 1PNM-39

One of the Rebels. Charles Carroll of Carrollton

Box 1PNM-47

Stands by the Flag

Box 1PNM-57

S. A. Douglas. True to the Union and the Constitution to the last

Box 1PNM-61

"Tell them to obey the laws and support the Constitution of the United States"

Box 1PNM-80

The Union / Printer & Patriot

Box 1PNM-81

The Union Printer & Patriot

Box 1PNM-85

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Box 1PNM-90

Franklin. A northern man with Union principles

Box 1PNM-100

By the eternal, the Union must and shall be preserved"

Box 1PNM-107

To Lafayette, we are grateful

Box 1PNM-115

One of the rebels. Martha Washington

Box 1PNM-117

Secession! Peaceable secession. Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle ...

II. Scenes (SC)

A. Military battles, expeditions, and troop movements (SC-MB)

Box 1SC-MB-36

First Blow for Liberty. "Proaris et Focis."

Box 1SC-MB-41

The Traitor's Doom / O'er Sumter's walls, again our flag we'll wave ...

Box 1SC-MB-53

Though seven rebel forts combined, set Sumter's Fort in flame, They in each freeman's heart enshrined Brave Anderson's bright name

Box 1SC-MB-63

What! shall our Banner drag in dust While Lafayette upheld the trust ...

Box 1SC-MB-85

Untitled battle scene

B. Military - non-battle (SC-NB)

Box 1SC-NB-21

Camp Dennison near Cincinnati

Box 1SC-NB-60

Gen. Jackson 1833 Maj. Anderson 1861 Fort Sumter as it was and shall be; "By the eternal!" Our flag shall wave and none other!

Box 1SC-NB-65

Sumter First--Peace Afterwords

Box 1SC-NB-66

Ft. Sumpter [sic]

2 copies
Box 1SC-NB-75

We're the Boys that fear no noise

Box 1SC-NB-79

The Gallant 69th of New York ready to receive their secession freinds from the South. Arlington Heights, June 1861

Box 1SC-NB-126

The Soldier's dream of home

C. Washington, D.C. scenes (SC-DC)

Box 1SC-DC-2

Then conquer we must--For our cause it is just; And this be our Motto--"In God is our Trust."

Box 1SC-DC-7

The Capitol at Washington

Box 1SC-DC-13

Capitol at Washington

D. Non-Washington scenes (SC-NW)

Box 1SC-NW-2

Beauregard killed

2 copies
Box 1SC-NW-26

Boston / Bay State Soldiers Motto. We live for the Union. We die for the Union. We will uphold the Union

III. Regiments (RE)

Box 1RE-48

Ever ready. The Boys of 21st Regiment N.Y.S.V

IV. States (ST)

Box 1ST-1

California. For the Union

Box 1ST-2

Connecticut. For the Union

Box 1ST-3

Delaware. For the Union

Box 1ST-4

Illinois. For the Union

Box 1ST-5

Indiana. For the Union

Box 1ST-6

Iowa. For the Union

Box 1ST-7

Kansas. For the Union

Box 1ST-8

Maine. For the Union

Box 1ST-10

Michigan. For the Union

Box 1ST-11

Minnesota. For the Union

Box 1ST-12

New Hampshire. For the Union

Box 1ST-13

New Jersey. For the Union

Box 1ST-14

New York. For the Union

Box 1ST-15

Ohio. For the Union

Box 1ST-16

Oregon. For the Union

Box 1ST-17

Pennsylvania. For the Union

Box 1ST-18

Rhode Island. For the Union

Box 1ST-19

Utah. For the Union

Box 1ST-20

Vermont. For the Union

Box 1ST-21

Wisconsin. For the Union

Box 1ST-22

Kentucky. On the fence

Box 1ST-23

Maryland. On the fence

Box 1ST-24

Missouri. On the fence

Box 1ST-25

Alabama. Secession

Box 1ST-26

Arkansas. Secession

Box 1ST-27

Florida. Secession

Box 1ST-28

Georgia. Secession

Box 1ST-29

Louisiana. Secession

Box 1ST-30

Mississippi. Secession

Box 1ST-31

North Carolina. Secession

Box 1ST-32

South Carolina. Secession

Box 1ST-33

Tennessee. Secession

Box 1ST-34

Texas. Secession

Box 1ST-35

Virginia. Secession

Box 1ST-36

The Loyal States. Union. California

Box 1ST-37a

The Loyal States. Union. Connecticut

Box 1ST-38a

The Loyal States. Union. Delaware

Box 1ST-39

The Loyal States. Union. Indiana

Box 1ST-40a

The Loyal States. Union. Illinois

Box 1ST-41b

The Loyal States. Union. Iowa

Box 1ST-42

The Loyal States. Union. Kansas

Box 1ST-43

The Loyal States. Union. Kentucky

Box 1ST-44a

The Loyal States. Union. Maine

Box 1ST-45

The Loyal States. Union. Maryland

Box 1ST-46

The Loyal States. Union. Massachusetts

five copies
Box 1ST-47c

The Loyal States. Union. Michigan

Box 1 ST-48

The Loyal States. Union. Minnesota

Box 1ST-48.5 (unlisted)

The Loyal States. Union. Missouri

Box 1ST-49

The Loyal States. Union. Nebraska

Box 1ST-50c

The Loyal States. Union. New Hampshire

Box 1ST-51a

The Loyal States. Union. New Jersey

Box 1ST-52

The Loyal States. Union. New York

Box 1ST-53c

The Loyal States. Union. Ohio

Box 1ST-54

The Loyal States. Union. Oregon

Box 1ST-55a

The Loyal States. Union. Pennsylvania

Box 1ST-56

The Loyal States. Union. Rhode Island

Box 1ST-57

The Loyal States. Union. Vermont

Box 1ST-59a

The Loyal States. Union. Wisconsin

Box 1ST-83

The Rebel States. Alabama

Box 1ST-84

The Rebel States. Arkansas

Box 1ST-85

The Rebel States. Florida

Box 1ST-86

The Rebel States. Georgia

Box 1ST-87

The Rebel States. Louisiana

Box 1ST-88

The Rebel States. Mississippi

Box 1ST-89

The Rebel States. North Carolina

Box 1ST-90

The Rebel States. South Carolina

Box 1ST-91

The Rebel States. Tennessee

Box 1ST-92

The Rebel States. Texas

Box 1ST-93

The Rebel States. Virginia

Box 1ST-433

The Great Seal of Alabama

Box 1ST-434

The People Rule

Box 1ST-437

[Seal of Connecticut]

Box 1ST-441

Wisdom, Justice & Moderation

Box 1ST-467

Marylanders know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain them

Box 1ST-470

O long may it wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

Box 1ST-471

Under the folds of this flag, Maryland shall prosper

Box 1ST-472

Coat of arms of Maryland / Increase & Multiply

Box 1ST-474

The coat of arms of Tennessee

Box 1ST-479 (small)

April 19, 1775/April 19, 1861

Box 1ST-479 (lg.)

April 19, 1775/April 19, 1861

Box 1ST-479c

April 19, 1775/April 19, 1861

Box 1ST-480

April 19, 1775/April 19, 1861

Box 1ST-480 (variant)

April 19, 1775/April 19, 1861

Box 1ST-512

The Arms of the Keystone State

Box 1ST-523

Virginia The mother of states

Box 1ST-530

We are all here

2 copies
Box 1ST-543


2 copies
Box 1ST-544

One nation. One government

Box 1ST-548

The stars and stripes must cover the whole

V. Caricatures (C)

A. Animals - dogs (C-A-D)

Box 1C-A-D-1

Scott's tactics

2 copies
Box 1C-A-D-3

Dedicated to the noble defenders of our country

Box 1C-A-D-4

Mad dog!!

Box 1C-A-D-5

Secession is a hard road to travel.

3 copies
Box 1C-A-D-8

Jeff Davis--Puss, Oh! What a nice little Washington Bird. Gen. Scott. Yes Pussy, very nice. Why don't you take it

Box 1C-A-D-10

All we want is to be let alone

2 copies
Box 1C-A-D-11

While the cat's away the mice will play

Box 1C-A-D-15

Southern Confederacy. "The moaning of the tied."

Box 1C-A-D-16

Gen. Scott--Gov. Banks, just chain up that dog Baltimore, until he behaves himself

Box 1C-A-D-24

No you don't you treacherous hound ...

3 copies
Box 1C-A-D-25

The end of rebellion--a painful tail

2 copies
Box 1C-A-D-26


3 copies
Box 1C-A-D-30a

Why don't you take it?

Box 1C-A-D-37

Why don't you take it?

Box 1C-A-D-37a

Why don't you take it?

3 copies
Box 1C-A-D-37a (var.)

Why don't you take it?

Box 1C-A-D-40a

Why don't you take it?

Box 1C-A-D-41

Why don't you take it? I only want to be left alone

Box 1C-A-D-42

Why don't you take it? / A friendly invitation to "Jeff" to walk up to the "Captain's office."

Box 1C-A-D-45

Why don't you take it

Box 1C-A-D-48

Don't see it! Big thing big thing.

B. Animals - elephants (C-A-E)

Box 1C-A-E-1

What if a hungry rat should cross the path of an Elephant, squelch it, by Heaven, squelch it

2 copies
Box 1C-A-E-8

Where is Beauregard?

Box 1C-A-E-12

Jeff. Davis & Co. "Seeing the Elephant" / Let me alone

C. Animals - horses and mules (C-A-H)

Box 1C-A-H-1

Secessionist, after nature's own sweet model

2 copies
Box 1C-A-H-3a


Box 1C-A-H-5

F.F.V. Cavalry

Box 1C-A-H-6

A Secession movement

2 copies
Box 1C-A-H-7

In memoriam of Jef Davis Traitor

Box 1C-A-H-9

Floyd off for the South. All that the seceeding states ask is to be "let alone"

Box 1C-A-H-10 (variant)

Why don't you get on behind?

Box 1C-A-H-11

Jeff Davis getting to the White House.

2 copies
Box 1C-A-H-12

Send it abroad, that the Loyal States will have no compromise with traitors, treason, or treachery

Box 1C-A-H-15a

Jeff. Davis' war horse

Box 1C-A-H-16a

Jeff. Davis' war horse

Box 1C-A-H-18

Capture of one of Jeff. Davis' "Private-ears"

Box 1C-A-H-26

Southern Ass-Stock-Crazy. (Southern Aristocracy)

3 copies
Box 1C-A-H-26a

Southern Ass-Stock-Crazy. (Southern Aristocracy)

Box 1C-A-H-28

When Southern fools depute an Ass, In Lion's skin, to bray their cause ...

Box 1C-A-H-29

When Southern fools depute an Ass, In Lion's skin, to bray their cause ...

Box 1C-A-H-31a

Old Blowregard will soon expire, While thus he drills his shy Man-asses, for they can never stand our fire, While they feed on secession grasses

Box 1C-A-H-36

John Bull in his perilous feat of horsemanship

2 copies
Box 1C-A-H-38

Strayed from the neighborhood of Boonville, Mo. an ugly Jack ...

Box 1C-A-H-39


Box 1C-A-H-41a

Rice Straw! Effect of "feed" on the cavalry horses in the secession army.

Box 1C-A-H-42

When shall we three meet again / Very soon

Box 1C-A-H-42a

When shall we three meet again / Very soon

Box 1C-A-H-43

O Jeff! you little noisy cur ...

2 copies
Box 1C-A-H-43a

O Jeff! you little noisy cur ...

Box 1C-A-H-46

The flower o the South

Box 1C-A-H-47

No folly 'neath the sun surpasses the folly of these suicidal Asses!

Box 1C-A-H-50

Federal Cavalry

2 copies

D. Animals - reptiles (C-A-R)

Box 1C-A-R-1

Co. A. Jeff D's Zouaves.

Box 1C-A-R-3

Co. A. Jeff D's Zouaves. Co. A. Jeff D's Zouaves.

Box 1C-A-R-6

An original secessionist

Box 1C-A-R-7

"Old Secesh"

Box 1C-A-R-12

Jeff. and his pet

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-13

"Or any other man." "That's what's the matter."

5 copies
Box 1C-A-R-15

The star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave ... / "Or any other man." "That's what's the matter."

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-18 (var.)

De Fowler caught in his own snare

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-19

Cease Viper, you bite a file.

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-21

In memory of the S. C.

Box 1C-A-R-23

The modern laocoon.

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-25

Let the sword of the Union, first subdue the monster secession ...

2 copies
Box 1C-A-R-26a


Box 1C-A-R-26b


Box 1C-A-R-29

The croakers in council. Onward to Richmond! (We're safe behind the bushes.)

Box 1C-A-R-31

Gen. Scott killing the secession hydra.

Box 1C-A-R-33

Jeff. Davis in suspense. Long may he wave

Box 1C-A-R-34


Box 1C-A-R-39

Northern Shiver-lery

Box 1C-A-R-42

Uncle Sam. That cussed varmint has broke out of the box again ...

Box 1C-A-R-43

The key to the the Southern rebellion

Box 1C-A-R-44

Uncle Sam's recipe for traitors. "To be well shaken before taken."

Box 1C-A-R-46

I say old fellow, just hold on to this ere flag, or You are lost

Box 1C-A-R-48

Young America preparing a "Hasty Plate of Soup" for General Scott.

Box 1C-A-R-49

For New Orleans and a market. "Running the blockade"

E. Animals - rodents (C-A-RO)

Box 1C-A-Ro-2

President Jeff. His pipe will soon be out

Box 1C-A-Ro-3

Northern Cheese

3 copies
Box 1C-A-Ro-7

A polite invitation

2 copies
Box 1C-A-Ro-8

National veal weal / You fain would steal My national (veal) weal ...

Box 1C-A-Ro-9 (variant)

Missouri tasting secession soup, and gets burnt! And thinks she won't go in

Box 1C-A-Ro-10

I wonder if the coast is clear?

F. Animals - others, including insects (C-A-O)

Box 1C-A-O-5

Jeff. Davis exhibits the "What-is-it" in Europe, and begs for aid and comfort

Box 1C-A-O-6

Whole or none

4 copies
Box 1C-A-O-7


2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-10

Evacuation of Harper's Ferry

Box 1C-A-O-12

Boar-egard / Beauregard "turned up"

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-14

Jeff uses Virginia as a cat's paw

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-20

Jeff, trying to tickle the British Lion with cotton

3 copies
Box 1C-A-O-21


Box 1C-A-O-24

Southern Disposition / Let us Alone

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-25

Root or die

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-26

Those grapes up there which look so fine ...

Box 1C-A-O-27

The Washington Grapes

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-28

The Washington Grapes / The chances are scaly

Box 1C-A-O-29a

Massachusetts vs. South Carolina / A friendly set-to

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-30

Secession with her "back up." Gen. Scott will soon make her "back down."

Box 1C-A-O-31a

One of South Carolina's "noble sons" who invested his cash in Confederate bonds. The result--nary red.

Box 1C-A-O-34

To Dixie's Land / Tennessee, Virginia

3 copies
Box 1C-A-O-35

Jeff. Davis on a scouting expedition / To Dixie's Land / Tennessee, Virginia

Box 1C-A-O-37

Sly-fox Scott taking Jeff Monkey's last trump

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-42

Southern Menagerie is coming

3 copies
Box 1C-A-O-43 (variant)

The fox and the goose.

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-45

You can't come it, Jeff

Box 1C-A-O-46

"The secession wolf" offering to lead Kentucky, "or any other state," out of the Union. "That's what's the matter."

Box 1C-A-O-48

Jeff's a negro-man,sir: he seeks to know the "bitter end," and finds confusion and ruin only. Everything wrong side up

Box 1C-A-O-49

Dictator Jeff finding he cannot have the whole of Virginia, concludes to take only a part

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-50

Victoria Rex thinks better of it and won't recognise traitors or harbo(u)r their pirate-eers.

Box 1C-A-O-51

The F. F. Vs. rejoicing

Box 1C-A-O-53

General Boar-A-Guard on duty

Box 1C-A-O-54

Boar-egard throwing up intrenchments

Box 1C-A-O-56

Recruits wanted for the brave Southern army--Good pay, (in Confederate Bonds) and good quarters, (in a horn)

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-57

Secession web / "Walk into my parlor," says the spider to the fly.

Box 1C-A-O-60

Governor Magoffin's neutrality means holding the cock of the walk while the Confederate cat kills off his chickens

Box 1C-A-O-61

Come and take a Horn, Jeff. You go away and let me alone

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-61a

Come and take a Horn, Jeff. You go away and let me alone

Box 1C-A-O-62

A Southern Gorilla (Guerilla) / Oh! for a nigger and oh! for a whip ...

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-63

Jeff's reply to Why don't you take it / don't want it now. We want to be let alone.

Box 1C-A-O-64

That feed won't do

2 copies
Box 1C-A-O-65

That hard old ram "Jeff" thinks he can buck the "Union" down

Box 1C-A-O-67

The Speaker of the House of the "Southern Confederacy," now assembled, July 20th, 1861

3 copies

G. Birds (C-B)

Box 2C-B-1

While I live I'll Crow

2 copies
Box 2C-B-10

Eagle assurance: Surprise upon the rebel savages and rescue of Maryland

Box 2C-B-10a

Eagle assurance: Surprise upon the rebel savages and rescue of Maryland

Box 2C-B-12

Uncle Sam's bantam. I'll crow while I live

Box 2C-B-13

The American eagle about to take a drink on the sly

Box 2C-B-14

Don't you wish you may get it?

Box 2C-B-15

The Long and short of it: The game cock of the Baltimore rioters wishes for a taste of the poisonous Palmetto fruit, upon which Charleston is feasting

2 copies
Box 2C-B-18

Secession: I thought away from home to run ...

Box 2C-B-19

A Confederated chicken after the cock of the walk (Uncle sam) gets done with him

Box 2C-B-20

O, where are all of my friends?

3 copies
Box 2C-B-22

I'll block that game, you thieving rascal

Box 2C-B-25

How our American eagle serves the secession rooster

Box 2C-B-26

Look out John or you will get your foot in it ...

2 copies
Box 2C-B-29

Our relative positions

Box 2C-B-31

Jeff Davis Alarmed / I wish I was well out of this, I do believe I am in a rale hard fix

2 copies
Box 2C-B-37

Jeff Davis surprised in his attempt to rob the American eagle's nest

2 copies
Box 2C-B-39

Untitled Rooster with American flag, wingless bird with pirate flag

2 copies
Box 2C-B-39a

Untitled Rooster with American flag, wingless bird with pirate flag

2 copies
Box 2C-B-41

The Union Game Cock and Secession Shanghae

Box 2C-B-42

J. D.'s march on Washington. Jeff, when will you get here? [Says W. S.]

Box 2C-B-43

Catch him Catch him Ha, ha ha!

2 copies
Box 2C-B-45

The Southern vulture "hard up"

2 copies
Box 2C-B-48

A bird's eye view of the great Southern loan / All we ask is to be let alone

3 copies
Box 2C-B-48a

A bird's eye view of the great Southern loan / All we ask is to be let alone

Box 2C-B-49

Behold the man! He said that cotton would surely make them inde-pendant

3 copies
Box 2C-B-51


2 copies
Box 2C-B-52


2 copies
Box 2C-B-53

Don't you wish you may get it.

Box 2C-B-56a

Let you alone and you'l steal the capital / The result of the attack upon Washington

Box 2C-B-57

5 to one HA.

Box 2C-B-58

Unkle Sam & Jeff. Yankee Doodle is the tune Americans delight in ...

H. Blacks (C-BL)

Box 2C-BL-2a

Dixie's land

Box 2C-BL-5


3 copies
Box 2C-BL-6

Oh! Massa Jeff, dis sesesch fever will kill de Nigger

Box 2C-BL-7

I'se de innocent cause ob all dis war trubble

Box 2C-BL-11

Him fader's hope. Him moder's joy, Him darling little Contraband Boy.

Box 2C-BL-14a

I'se contraband

Box 2C-BL-15a

The innocent cause of the war

3 copies
Box 2C-BL-16

Massa can't have dis chile. dat's what's de matter. / The latest contraband of war

Box 2C-BL-17

Whar is Massa Jeff now, dat's what's de matter. / The latest contraband of war

Box 2C-BL-19

I'm glad I'm not in Dixie! Hooray! Hooray!

3 copies
Box 2C-BL-20

I'm just from Dixie's land

Box 2C-BL-21

Music by the "Contra-Band"

Box 2C-BL-23

Southern Currency / Come along colored pussons

Box 2C-BL-24

Dis chile's contraban'

Box 2C-BL-28

Stiring him up

Box 2C-BL-31

The "peculiar" institution

Box 2C-BL-31 (var.)

[untitled, same image as The peculiar institution]

Box 2C-BL-40

"The peculiar institution" / Secession's moving foundation. Tendency due North via "Monroe"

2 copies
Box 2C-BL-42

We is de innocent root ob dis yere trubble, Mass' Jeff, but its gwine to take all us poor niggas' breff away to keep de wind in it

Box 2C-BL-43

John Bull's Sympathy

Box 2C-BL-44

Jeff the dictator as he is / Jeff the dig-tater-er as he should be

Box 2C-BL-47

Away down south in Dixie

Box 2C-BL-48

Away down south in Dixie

2 copies
Box 2C-BL-51

John Bull "don't see it."

Box 2C-BL-52

Bress de Lor, we am Contraban

Box 2C-BL-53

One of the F. F. V's after his Contraband / General Butler "can't see it."

3 copies
Box 2C-BL-54

The persuasive eloquence of the sunny South

Box 2C-BL-55

Uncle Sam sends his bird after traitor Jeff / Golly Mas'a Jeff! You's in a bad fix sure enough.

Box 2C-BL-55a

Uncle Sam sends his bird after traitor Jeff / Golly Mas'a Jeff! You's in a bad fix sure enough.

Box 2C-BL-57

Dinah. "What is you gwing to fite' for?" Pompey. "Dat's what dis chile can't find out, Massa says he don't know."

Box 2C-BL-59

By golly Massa Butler. I like dis better dan workin' in de field for ole Sesesh massa

Box 2C-BL-60

Southern chilvalry. Richmond, Va.

3 copies
Box 2C-BL-61

You had better get out dere, Massa Jeff, and go Norf, dey soon cool you or any oder man

Box 2C-BL-64


Box 2C-BL-65

A king for the South / They want a king down south--King Dahomey sends Prince Sauce-pan of the royal blood--This is his nigger-otype--from life

Box 2C-BL-66

Contraband of war / Volunteer sappers and miners from the F. F. V's

2 copies
Box 2C-BL-67

Volunteer sappers and miners from the F.F.V. or merchandise contraband of war.

2 copies
Box 2C-BL-68

Volunteer sappers and miners from the F.F.V. or merchandise contraband of war.

Box 2C-BL-69

"Contraband of War" or Volunteer sappers and miners from the F. F. V.

Box 2C-BL-70a

The result of secession

Box 2C-BL-71

Whar's Jeff Davis

Box 2C-BL-73

I wouldn't pull down dat flag, Massa George ...

Box 2C-BL-74

I wouldn't pull down dat flag, Massa George ...

Box 2C-BL-77

Come back here, you black rascal. / Can't come back nohow, massa; Dis chile's contraban'

3 copies
Box 2C-BL-78

Come back you black rascal /

Box 2C-BL-79

Map of the seat of War / I'se de innocent cause ob all dis war trubble.

I. Devils (C-D)

Box 2C-D-2

Secession / Treason

Box 2C-D-4a

Southern aristocracy (A la mushroom.)

Box 2C-D-5

Alabama Home Guards

Box 2C-D-7

The root of treason. Found in the "sacred soil" of Virginia

Box 2C-D-8

"Success shall perch upon our banner." J.D.

Box 2C-D-9

J.D. putting his best foot foremost / A poor disguise

Box 2C-D-11

J.D., (his crest.)

Box 2C-D-13

The emblem of the South

Box 2C-D-14a


Box 2C-D-18

The end of Secession! Jeff Davis. Oh! I am afraid I am a goner

Box 2C-D-19 variant

Trees-on a hard road to travel

Box 2C-D-21

Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you

Box 2C-D-23b

I, G. T. Beauregard, Brigadier-General of the Confederate States ... do make this my proclamation &c.

Box 2C-D-24

Uncle Sam cutting down the "Secession Tree" just as it is in full bloom, against the wishes of the planter

Box 2C-D-25

Jeff and Beauregard on their last ride

Box 2C-D-27

The traitor Arnold giving a warm reception to the traitor Davis

Box 2C-D-28

The innocent cause of all the trouble

2 copies
Box 2C-D-29

The Devil he sat with his claw in his mouth ...

Box 2C-D-30

An eminent Southern clergyman ... is wonderfully assisted in finding scriptural authority ...

Box 2C-D-31

The original suggestion and adoption of the Confederate flag

Box 2C-D-34


2 copies
Box 2C-D-35

The first secessionist

2 copies
Box 2C-D-39

Secession is nearly played out, so I will go back to my H----hole

2 copies
Box 2C-D-40

A warm reception for Jeff. Davis

2 copies
Box 2C-D-41a


Box 2C-D-44

There was a man in our town, and he was wondrous wise ...

J. Flags (C-F)

Box 2C-F-1

This flag will run

2 copies
Box 2C-F-2

J.D. his marque / A.L. his marks

Box 2C-F-6

The real secession flag

Box 2C-F-10

J.D. His Marque

3 copies
Box 2C-F-15


Box 2C-F-19

South Carolina palmetto flag: The black flag and trouble-maker of the Union. We chastised them in 1832, and will finish the punishment in 1861.

2 copies
Box 2C-F-23

The Traitor's Doom

2 copies
Box 2C-F-24

The flag of a new confederacy

Box 2C-F-25

A.L. His mark

Box 2C-F-26

A.L. His mark

Box 2C-F-31

Played out!

K. Ships (C-SH)

Box 2C-SH-1

The "union boys" after Jeff Davis's pirates, off Charleston Harbor

2 copies
Box 2C-SH-2

The impending crisis

2 copies
Box 2C-SH-4

Jeff's Knave-y / Seven wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl

2 copies
Box 2C-SH-4b

Jeff's Knave-y / Seven wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl

Box 2C-SH-6

Jeff's Knave-y / Seven wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl

2 copies
Box 2C-SH-7

A flying rumour for Jeff. Davis' "private-ear." The opening of the ports on the rebel coast

Box 2C-SH-8

Master Jeff and his Navy

2 copies
Box 2C-SH-15a

The American eagle coming down on the C.S.A. pirates

L. Skulls (C-SK)

Box 2C-SK-3

Vanity, Treachery & Death / Secession emblems

Box 2C-SK-6

End of Secession

3 copies
Box 2C-SK-8

A Rebel's masked battery

Box 2C-SK-12

A design for the coat of arms of the C.S.A.

Box 2C-SK-17

Secession whiskey. One dose warranted to kill, at 40 rods

Box 2C-SK-18

Secession trap

Box 2C-SK-19

Virginny, Mother of "Old Dominion" presidents and other (Wise) things, is asked by Mrs. Davis to try a cup of Secession tea and finds Death in the pot

Box 2C-SK-21

Monument to the memory of Jeff. Davis

Box 2C-SK-21a

Monument to the memory of Jeff. Davis

Box 2C-SK-22

A Confederated "Dead Head"

Box 2C-SK-23

Jeff. Davis' Coat of "Alms"

2 copies

M. Other (C-O)

Box 2C-O-1

Southern ammunition

Box 2C-O-5a

Good "noose" for traitors

Box 2C-O-7

The Lock and key

Box 2C-O-8

Hartford Wide-Awakes. Organized 1860.

Box 2C-O-10

"Infernal machine," found at Washington

Box 2C-O-12

Confederate Bonds

Box 2C-O-13

"Jewels" found at Alexandria, by the Federal Army; consisting of Chains, Bracelets and Anklets / Supposed to have belonged to the "First Families" of Virginia

Box 2C-O-15

Thou are weighed in the balance, and art found wanting.

Box 2C-O-16

To cure rebellion / This is the pill that will cure or kill

2 copies
Box 2C-O-20

Our "commissioner" to the Confederate States

2 copies
Box 2C-O-28

To the memory of General Dyer Rhea Price

Box 2C-O-34

If God is with us, who shall stand against us?

Box 2C-O-35

Fac-Simile of the new Confederate bond

Box 2C-O-36

The "Union" pill in operation, working out the quack nostrums of Doctor Davis & Co.

Box 2C-O-38

"Enough of sppech; the trumpet rings ..." Holmes

2 copies
Box 2C-O-43

No traitor's flag shall tarnish thy golden dome with its rebellious shadows

3 copies
Box 2C-O-44

The Union locomotive clearing the Secession track

3 copies
Box 2C-O-45


Box 2C-O-46

Once upon a time, the Southern Kite was mounted to a wondrous height ...

Box 2C-O-49

Design for a new coin of the C.S.A. / Owe ever pay never

Box 2C-O-51

Design for a new coin of the C.S.A. / Centrifugal States of North America

Box 2C-O-53

[untitled, patent medicine shop]

N. People (C-P-A through C-P-Z)

Box 2C-P-A-1

A Southern politician "making a raise"

Box 2C-P-A-2a

A bad head but a good foot ball. "Keep the ball a-rolling"

Box 2C-P-A-3

A Northern Traitor

Box 2C-P-A-4

An officer in "King Cotton's" army addressing his constituents

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-5

A pair of spectacles

Box 2C-P-A-11

A blower. Gen. McClellan--I say, Wise, put that thing up; everybody knows you're a good blower, but you can't fight!

Box 2C-P-A-12

A chance for his life. / Jeff. can't play Yankee Doodle to save his life

Box 2C-P-A-13

Army rations of the Southern Confederacy / The quartermaster dealing out the allowance

Box 2C-P-A-14

A "Horse Marine" of the C.S.A.

Box 2C-P-A-19

A new way to pay old debts, as practiced by the "Southern Chivalry"

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-21

A member of the C.S.A. Alligator rangers, who is to make 5 of the "northern mudsils" run. We don't see it

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-22

A Southern privateer / A Northern private-ear

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-23

A fireman Zouave putting out secession

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-24

A pretty good choke (joke,) on J. D. Verdict, served him right

Box 2C-P-A-26

Agriculture, manufactures, fine arts / Hemp for traitors North or South

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-27

Agriculture, manufactures, fine arts / Jeff Davis boasts that "Cotton's King," upon his throne so rotten--But he'll soon find, amid his swing that "hemp" is king of cotton

Box 2C-P-A-28c

Agriculture, manufactures, fine arts / Them pesky treason fellers hev got to hev rope and "more tew," and we mite jest as well be gettin the hemp dewins ready .. and give em full swing

Box 2C-P-A-29

Agriculture, manufactures, fine arts / Them pesky treason fellers hev got to hev rope and "more tew," and we mite jest as well be gettin the hemp dewins ready .. and give em full swing

Box 2C-P-A-30

Artemas Ward having had his "wax figger show" 'fiscated, is taken before Jeff Davis by the Vigilance Committee

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-31

As it is; as it will be / "God watches over them"

Box 2C-P-A-32

Agricultural implements going South

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-33

A general of the C.S.A. preparing to meet Gen. McClellan ... After he met him!

Box 2C-P-A-34

A convention of secessionists after the war

2 copies
Box 2C-P-A-39

Art. Ward Jr's speech at Camp Dennison

Box 2C-P-B-2

Brothers in the tented field--plenty of water, but no whiskey

Box 2C-P-B-3a

Baltimore quiet

2 copies
Box 2C-P-B-4

"Capt. Baker" of the pirate "Savannah," is astounded to find that the vessel he is trying to overhaul is the man-of-war brig Perry

Box 2C-P-B-6

Beauregard: I say Jeff, that's all right; now it's over Washington / Davis. No it's not, here comes McClellan, let's be off

Box 2C-P-B-7

Big thing! / Don't see it

Box 2C-P-B-8

Brigadier General, the Honorable Henry A. Wise of Virginia ...

Box 2C-P-B-10

Beauregard and Davis taking observations ...

Box 2C-P-C-7

Contraband barricade. come and get your property

2 copies
Box 2C-P-C-8

Capt. Thomas's new position in the Naval Bureau / Another outrage by Northern hirelings! ...

2 copies
Box 2C-P-C-9

Change, Arms! / The Union volunteer leaving his "Old arms" for the "New Minnie"

Box 2C-P-C-12

Corn (not cotton) is king

Box 2C-P-C-13

Commissioners of C.S.A. at the foreign courts

2 copies
Box 2C-P-C-16

Cotton is King!

Box 2C-P-C-17

No. 2 / Cotton is King! / Old England is mighty ...

2 copies
Box 2C-P-C-19b

Capitol Punishment

Box 2C-P-D-5

Did'nt I tell you so? Jeff. Davis

2 copies
Box 2C-P-D-7

"Don't see it"

Box 2C-P-D-8

Dedicated to the 71st Regiment and the Rhode Island Boys

2 copies
Box 2C-P-D-10a

Death to Traitors

Box 2C-P-E-2

Evil omen to C.S.A. privateers

Box 2C-P-F-1

Forward march to Richmond!

Box 2C-P-F-4

Fate of Traitors

2 copies
Box 2C-P-F-8

First Pirate to Jeff Davis--"We want our $25 for this live Northerner ... / Blood money; or how Southern rebels encourage piracy

2 copies
Box 2C-P-F-9

"Forgive me, my friends, ef I seem to be het, But a crisis like this must with vigor be met ...

3 copies
Box 2C-P-G-1

Gen. Beauregard on his homeward march

2 copies
Box 2C-P-G-5

Gen. Scott about making a ten strike

Box 2C-P-G-8

Gen. Scott. I say, Uncle Sam, it is hardly worth while to use this, it will soon play itself out

Box 2C-P-G-9a

Grand victorious 'return' march of the rebels

2 copies
Box 2C-P-G-16

Gen. Beauregard, and his lady love

Box 2C-P-G-17

Grandmother Davis administering the sugar-coated pill of secession to Miss Virginia

Box 2C-P-G-18

G. T. Beauregard and his shadow

Box 2C-P-G-19

General Agent of the Southern Confederates Loan

Box 2C-P-G-20

Gov. Letcher, bringing in clothes stolen from Union ladies

Box 2C-P-G-21

Gen. Lyon, of Missouri

2 copies
Box 2C-P-H-1

How about Washington? / Let me alone!

Box 2C-P-H-3

How Virginia was voted out of the Union!!!

Box 2C-P-H-6

Jeff. Davis in two characters / He wants to be a king / He makes a donkey of himself

Box 2C-P-I-1

I have no hesitation in saying, and I say it boldly, this Civil War is ruinous!

Box 2C-P-I-8

I've been a thief and traitor, Against the laws I own, But I wish to "go to Dixie" and "there be let alone"

Box 2C-P-J-2

Jeff. Davis on the march

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-3

J.D. looking into futurity, and he don't like the "look"--but looks "down in the mouth"

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-6

Jeff. Davis' passport

Box 2C-P-J-8

J.D.'s body guard

Box 2C-P-J-10

Jeff Davis instead of taking Washington, takes to his heels

Box 2C-P-J-13

Jeff. Davis' Confederate bonds

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-16

John Bull making his speech to "King Cotton"

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-19a

Jeff's march on Washington. His courage kept up to the "sticking point."

Box 2C-P-J-21

Jeff Davis 'taking' Washington

Box 2C-P-J-23

Jeff--I want to be "let a loan" on these little collaterals

Box 2C-P-J-27

Jeff in a tight place, he wont get off "Scott free"

Box 2C-P-J-28

Jeff Davis's letters of mark / Pirate

Box 2C-P-J-30

Jeff's unbounded ambition gives him an elevated position / I only wanted to be let alone

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-32

Jeff. Davis--Please ma'am, my big brother won't let me alone ...

Box 2C-P-J-35

Jeff Davis's private tears

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-36

Jeff. chewing the secession flag-root

Box 2C-P-J-42

Jeff Davis. Taken from life / Let me alone

3 copies
Box 2C-P-J-42c

Jeff Davis. Taken from life / Let me alone

Box 2C-P-J-43

Jeff--"Big thing." Uncle Abe--"Can't see it."

Box 2C-P-J-45

Jeff thought he could take Washington but he made a mistake and now he Nose it

Box 2C-P-J-47

Jeff the Dictator as he is; as he should be Jeff the Dig-tater-er

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-49a

Jeff, on Harper's Ferry ...

Box 2C-P-J-50

Jeff in the patent Union neck tie

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-51

J-ackass Davis and G-asconade Beauregard backing each other

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-52

J.D.--Please let me bring my prizes on to your premises, Mr. Bull ...

Box 2C-P-J-53

J.D. (patient). Doctor, I don't know what to think of my disorder ....

Box 2C-P-J-59

Jeff Davis' passport

2 copies
Box 2C-P-J-60

Jeff Davis' Doom

Box 2C-P-J-64

Jeff Davis "going in" / Jeff Davis "coming out"

Box 2C-P-J-66a

Jeff. Davis going to war / Jeff, returning from war an [ass]

Box 2C-P-J-66b

Jeff. Davis going to war / Jeff, returning from war an [ass]

Box 2C-P-J-70

Jeff Davis going to war / Returning

Box 2C-P-J-72

Jeff Davis' attack on Fortress Monroe

Box 2C-P-J-73

Jeff Davis catching a tartar / Columbia aroused

Box 2C-P-J-74

Jeff. Davis's adieu to his foes ...

Box 2C-P-L-1

Latest news from the South, "The Union feeling is increasing"

2 copies
Box 2C-P-L-2a

Let me alone

2 copies
Box 2C-P-L-3

Long may HE wave

Box 2C-P-L-4

Long may HE wave

Box 2C-P-L-5

Longing for the White House

2 copies
Box 2C-P-M-1 (variant)

McClellan is some pumpkins, Ha! Ha! Ha! Yes

Box 2C-P-M-3a

Mr. Davis! About Harper's Ferry? Do you want to be let alone?

Box 2C-P-M-6

Mary. Why Johnny what have you been doing ...

Box 2C-P-M-7

Mary. Why Johnny what have you been doing ...

Box 2C-P-N-1

'Neath a ragged Palmetto, a Southerner sat ...

Box 2C-P-N-2

Nightmare. Mrs. Davis dreaming she saw her husband with a rope around his neck

Box 2C-P-N-4

Now, boasting Southron, hold thine own ...

2 copies
Box 2C-P-O-1

Oh Dear! Dear! This is a much heavier burden than I had ever anticipated!!

Box 2C-P-O-2

One of the Wigfall family

Box 2C-P-O-4

One of the "Flowers" of the Rebel Army, provided with a pair of seven-league boots

Box 2C-P-O-5

One of the ends of secession

Box 2C-P-O-8

Oh Johnny! Help me out of this

2 copies
Box 2C-P-O-8a

Oh Johnny! Help me out of this

Box 2C-P-O-13

Old Dominion / Poor old simple Virginia

3 copies
Box 2C-P-O-14

Old Dominion : Southern chivalry! ...

Box 2C-P-P-1

Plenty of drumming, but no recruits

Box 2C-P-P-2

Portrait of the Southern gentleman who objected to Ellsworth's Zouaves coming into Virginia, because they didn't belong to the "First Families"

Box 2C-P-P-5

Poor delude Miss-Souri takes a Secession bath, and finds it much hotter than she expected!

Box 2C-P-R-1

Rebel Army rations

3 copies
Box 2C-P-R-1a

Rebel Army rations

Box 2C-P-R-6


Box 2C-P-S-3

Secession cavalry

3 copies
Box 2C-P-S-3b

Secession cavalry

Box 2C-P-S-12a

Showman--At the end of the Avenue, you perceive a white house / Jeff and the Showman

Box 2C-P-S-14

Secessionists leaving the Union

Box 2C-P-S-15a

Scott's extinguisher

Box 2C-P-S-17


Box 2C-P-S-17b

Southern politicians on a bust / Secession

2 copies
Box 2C-P-S-20

Secession States--Present / Secession State--Future

3 copies
Box 2C-P-S-21a

Scott's Tactics: Stopping up the rat holes

Box 2C-P-S-24

Scott vs. Hardee

Box 2C-P-S-26

Second edition. Important news

Box 2C-P-S-27

Say Stranger, have you seen Beauregard?

Box 2C-P-T-1

This tells its own story

Box 2C-P-T-3

To-day a king, to-morrow nothing

Box 2C-P-T-7

The way Washington was taken.

Box 2C-P-T-8

The future turning point

Box 2C-P-T-10

The Flying artillery of the C.S.A.

Box 2C-P-T-11

The Latest Zouave drill (All up)

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-12

The "Double quick" movement as performed in Virginia by the C.S.A. 55ths

Box 2C-P-T-13a

Take the rag--we're played out

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-14

The Southern Army as it will appear when it enters Washington

Box 2C-P-T-16

The new Zouave drill. Choke Secession (Three motions)

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-17

The new Zouave drill. Choke Secession (Three motions)

Box 2C-P-T-18

The new Constellation

Box 2C-P-T-19

The "Dance of Death" in Virginia; the ball opened

Box 2C-P-T-20

The Rebel's camp at Manassas Junction

Box 2C-P-T-22a

The upshot of secession

Box 2C-P-T-23

The "key" to the Southern rebellion

Box 2C-P-T-23

The "key" to the Southern rebellion

Box 2C-P-T-25

The "Bragg" fruit of the Palmetto Tree-son

Box 2C-P-T-27

The end of rebellion

Box 2C-P-T-28

Scott's hold on the Seccessionists [sic]

Box 2C-P-T-31

The wrong man in the right place

Box 2C-P-T-33

The Country's in danger!--that's what's the matter

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-34

This modern Blondin leaves but one impression ...

Box 2C-P-T-41

Though not a wizard by profession Old Uncle Sam knows how to save his bacon ...

Box 2C-P-T-41a

Though not a wizard by profession Old Uncle Sam knows how to save his bacon ...

Box 2C-P-T-42

Those bonds will never do my friend ...

3 copies
Box 2C-P-T-43

The bursting of the Secession bubbles

Box 2C-P-T-45

The result of playing with dangerous weapons--the sure result Traitors beware!

Box 2C-P-T-47a

To the rescue of the sacred soil

3 copies
Box 2C-P-T-48

To the rescue of the sacred soil

Box 2C-P-T-56

The downfall of secession Treas-on

Box 2C-P-T-57

The man who conceived C.S.A.

3 copies
Box 2C-P-T-58

The way the Southern Loan was taken

Box 2C-P-T-60

The Union 34 pounder

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-61

The first step in the art of war: How to run

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-64

The way to go through Baltimore / Armed and provisioned for a siege

2 copies
Box 2C-P-T-66

The last that was seen of Beauregard

Box 2C-P-U-2

Uncle Abe--Look her Jeff Davis, you have rode that Secession Hobby about long enough

Box 2C-P-U-4b

Unexpected results arising from fall of Sumter's flag

Box 2C-P-U-6

Uncle Sam & Jeff

2 copies
Box 2C-P-U-11


3 copies
Box 2 C-P-U-12

Union Jack sending one of Jeff Davis' pirates to "Davy Jones locker" -- Serves 'em right

3 copies
Box 2C-P-U-13

Uncle Abe. Lady--Is Mrs. Jefferson Davis in? ...

Box 2C-P-V-2

Virginia begins the war

2 copies
Box 2C-P-V-3

Virginia in 1776; Virginia in 1861

3 copies
Box 2C-P-W-1

W.S. / J.D.

Box 2C-P-W-3

Washwoman Davis--Lor' bless my soul, how these blacks are flying! they'll dirty all my clothes

Box 2C-P-W-3b

Washwoman Davis--Lor' bless my soul, how these blacks are flying! they'll dirty all my clothes

Box 2C-P-W-4

Wigfall in search of information

Box 2C-P-W-5

What they must soon come to

Box 2C-P-W-8

Wigfall on his promised descent on Washington

2 copies
Box 2C-P-W-10

Wigfall in the disguise of a drover, visits Washington. He is surprised at his discoveries

Box 2C-P-W-11

What the South would like to see

Box 2C-P-W-12

What the South shall see!

Box 2C-P-W-13

Wait 'till the war is over

Box 2C-P-W-15

Wait 'till the war is over

Box 2C-P-W-16


Box 2C-P-Y-3

You'll catch it when mother wakes up!

VI. Eagles (E)

A. Facing left (E-L)

Box 3E-L-6


Box 3E-L-7


Box 3E-L-11

E Pluribus Unum

3 copies
Box 3E-L-12

The First Blood

Box 3E-L-12a

The First Blood

Box 3E-L-16


2 copies
Box 3E-L-30


Box 3E-L-33

Forever wave that standard free-Bear it aloft o'er land and sea!

3 copies
Box 3E-L-49

The Union must be perpetuated / In Union there is strength

2 copies
Box 3E-L-74

Union and Liberty

Box 3E-L-75a

Union and Liberty

Box 3E-L-85

One flag and one government

2 copies
Box 3E-L-130


Box 3E-L-132

A million brave spirits all shout with one voice ...

Box 3E-L-153

Shine, stars of the Union!

Box 3E-L-158

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just ...

3 copies
Box 3E-L-162

The Union Forever

Box 3E-L-166

"The Union--the Constitution and the enforcement of laws"

2 copies
Box 3E-L-168

The Union and the Constitution

Box 3E-L-177 (variant)

With Freedom's emblem thus upborne, Our noble bird doth typefy The measure of defiant scorn that blazes in each patriot eye!

Box 3E-L-204

The Union now and forever

2 copies
Box 3E-L-219a

The Loyal states will have no compromise with traitors, treason, or treachery

Box 3E-L-223

The Eagle shall bear the rattlesnake in his beak and rend him with his talons

Box 3E-L-226

Irrepressible conflict!

3 copies
Box 3E-L-231

Proclaim liberty throughout the land

Box 3E-L-233


3 copies
Box 3E-L-239

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-L-244

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-L-245

The Federal Union it must be preserved

Box 3E-L-255

Let your motto be "Liberty now and forever ..."

Box 3E-L-265

Love one another

Box 3E-L-276

Nationality & protection

Box 3E-L-277

Nationality & protection

Box 3E-L-278

Our union forever

Box 3E-L-unlisted


B. Facing right (E-R)

Box 3E-R-5

The Union must be preserved

Box 3E-R-8

Union forever

Box 3E-R-18

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-31


Box 3E-R-37


Box 3E-R-56

The Union and the Constitution

Box 3E-R-58


Box 3E-R-66a

The union of States none can sever

Box 3E-R-66 variant

The union of states none can sever

Box 3E-R-72

Constitution / Union

Box 3E-R-81


Box 3E-R-99

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-102


Box 3E-R-103

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-105


Box 3E-R-106

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-118

Liberty & Union for ever & ever

Box 3E-R-131

First patriot duty is union to uphold

Box 3E-R-132

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-145

The seal of the nation, the arms of the free, shall secession put down, and restore unity!

Box 3E-R-154

E pluribus unum

Box 3E-R-159

The Constitution and the laws

Box 3E-R-162

The Constitution and the laws / Where cease to wave the stripes and stars, The people cease to reign

3 copies
Box 3E-R-171

Liberty and Union

2 copies
Box 3E-R-176

Wrapt in its folds our whole country shines resplendent through its stars

Box 3E-R-202


4 copies
Box 3E-R-210

The Eagle shall bear the rattlesnake in his beak and rend him with his talons

3 copies
Box 3E-R-211

The Eagle shall bear the rattlesnake in his beak and rend him with his talons

2 copies
Box 3E-R-212a

What God has joined, Let no man put asunder

2 copies
Box 3E-R-214

When Freedom, from her mountain height, Unfurled her standard to the air

Box 3E-R-240

Union & liberty. Onward to victory

2 copies
Box 3E-R-244

Our Union must and shall be preserved

Box 3E-R-265


Box 3E-R-268

Disunion by armed force is treason--Andrew Jackson

2 copies
Box 3E-R-274

Majestic monarch of the cloud, Who rear'st aloft thy regal form ...

2 copies
Box 3E-R-296


Box 3E-R-unlisted-1

Union and liberty

Box 3E-R-unlisted-2

E pluribus unum

VII. Flags (F)

A. Overall designs (F-O)

Box 3F-O-13


Box 3F-O-18


Box 3F-O-24


Box 3F-O-35

A secession envelope

Box 3F-O-unlisted

"And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

B. Two or more flags (F-T)

Box 3F-T-5 variant

Liberty and union

Box 3F-T-6

Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable

2 copies
Box 3F-T-7

Our whole union

Box 3F-T-8

Stand by the Union

Box 3F-T-8a

Stand by the Union

Box 3F-T-12

The Union, it must and shall be preserved

2 copies
Box 3F-T-12a

The Union, it must and shall be preserved

Box 3F-T-14a


Box 3F-T-22

The Union and the Constitution

Box 3F-T-22

The Union and the Constitution

Box 3F-T-26

God and our native land

Box 3F-T-31

1776 1861

Box 3F-T-39b

The constitution for ever. Rebellion must be put down

Box 3F-T-42

No compromise with traitors. Rebellion must be put down

Box 3F-T-59

E pluribus unum / Stand by the flag

Box 3F-T-64

The Nation's emblems. Let us hand them down untarnished to future generations

Box 3F-T-70 variant

The Constitution

Box 3F-T-71

Freedom's broad pinions our fathers unfurl'd An ensign to nations, and joy to the world

Box 3F-T-77

Our union forever

2 copies
Box 3F-T-82

The rock of our salvation

Box 3F-T-96

Sweet flag of our country

Box 3F-T-100

Qui. Trans. Sust. Post. Nub Phoeb.

Box 3F-T-107

Illustrated history of the Stars and Stripes

3 copies
Box 3F-T-118


C. Flags facing left (F-L)

Box 3F-L-6

Isa. 25-12

Box 3F-L-8

Give me liberty, or give me death!

Box 3F-L-13

Erin, O Erin, though long in the shade, Thy star will shine out when the proudest shall fade.

Box 3F-L-20 variant

The banner of beauty

Box 3F-L-47


Box 3F-L-48


Box 3F-L-62

The day of compromise with treason has irrevocably passed

2 copies
Box 3F-L-69

The night will soon be past; Joy cometh with the morning

Box 3F-L-76

Let us repair to our churches on the Fourth of July, and, at mid-day, swear allegiance to the Union

2 copies
Box 3F-L-92

The new Quaker bonnet. 1861.

2 copies
Box 3F-L-94

The new Quaker bonnet, (Stars and stripes pattern,), 1861

2 copies
Box 3F-L-96

Arguments for traitors

Box 3F-L-100


Box 3F-L-104

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just ...

Box 3F-L-112


D. Flags facing right (F-R)

Box 3F-R-6


Box 3F-R-8


Box 3F-R-22


Box 3F-R-26

Stand by the flag

2 copies
Box 3F-R-27

Stand by the flag

Box 3F-R-28

Stand by the flag

Box 3F-R-35


3 copies
Box 3F-R-38


Box 3F-R-41


Box 3F-R-42


Box 3F-R-51

The star spangled banner in triumph shall wave. O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave

Box 3F-R-59


Box 3F-R-66


2 copies
Box 3F-R-66 variant

Through Baltimore

Box 3F-R-66 variant

Stand by the flag

2 copies
Box 3F-R-81

In triumph shall wave

Box 3F-R-83

Liberty and Union! / Long may it wave

Box 3F-R-84

Liberty and union! Now and forever, one & inseparable!

Box 3F-R-85

Liberty and union! Now and forever, one & inseparable! / Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just ...

2 copies
Box 3F-R-87 variant

Long may it wave

Box 3F-R-91

Our country

Box 3F-R-99 variant

Stand by the flag

2 copies
Box 3F-R-100

Stand by the flag. Let every man's motto be: I am with my country, and for my Country, under all circumstances, and in every contingency

Box 3F-R-102

The day of absolute victory shall be made to come, if we fight for a century

Box 3F-R-115

The union of lakes and the union of lands--The union of states none can sever ...

Box 3F-R-117

The union of lakes, the union of lands, The union of states none can sever ...

Box 3F-R-132

The Union & Constitution

Box 3F-R-143

Our union--Our constitution and our flag. Not for a day, but for all time

2 copies
Box 3F-R-171

Stand by the flag!

Box 3F-R-172


2 copies
Box 3F-R-192


Box 3F-R-193


Box 3F-R-195

Stand by the flag

Box 3F-R-196

Stand by the union

4 copies
Box 3F-R-196 variant

Stand by the union

Box 3F-R-199

The real people must rule everywhere--Vox populi

Box 3F-R-220


Box 3F-R-233

Our country

Box 3F-R-233 variant

Our country

Box 3F-R-246

Our country / Ours to preserve--Ours to enjoy--Ours to transmit

Box 3F-R-246a

Our country / Ours to preserve--Ours to enjoy--Ours to transmit

Box 3F-R-266


Box 3F-R-269


2 copies
Box 3F-R-269 variant

It must be defended

Box 3F-R-273

The dread of traitors

Box 3F-R-274

To traitors a terror, to patriots--glory

Box 3F-R-283

Flag of the free heart's hope and home ...

Box 3F-R-304


2 copies
Box 3F-R-313

If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot. John A. Dix

Box 3F-R-321

Stand by the flag!

2 copies
Box 3F-R-322 variant

Stand by the flag!

Box 3F-R-329

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just ...

Box 3F-R-349

Stand by the flag / Let every man's motto be "I am with my country ..."

2 copies
Box 3F-R-355

Fast colors. Warranted not to run / The Union forever

Box 3F-R-361

The Union, It must be preserved

Box 3F-R-363

The Union now & forever / The star-spangled banner in triumph shall wav, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

Box 3F-R-373

Stand by the flag

2 copies
Box 3F-R-383

Union and the Constitution / "If anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." John A. Dix

Box 3F-R-387

Union and the Constitution / Long may it wave

Box 3F-R-390

Union and the Constitution / The Star Spangled Banner. The flag we fight under

3 copies
Box 3F-R-392

Union and the Constitution / Long may it wave

Box 3F-R-396


Box 3F-R-405 variant

Death to Traitors

Box 3F-R-422

Our compromise

3 copies
Box 3F-R-441

This is the preacher that speaks to the purpose; Driving his doctrines right into the heart of the foe

2 copies
Box 3F-R-462

Up, up with the flag, let it float o'er the free

2 copies
Box 3F-R-467

And this be our motto "In God is our trust"

Box 3F-R-unlisted


VIII. Male designs

A. One male with no flag (M-A)

Box 3M-A-7

One of the Rebels

Box 3M-A-8

One of the Rebels

Box 3M-A-13

Through Baltimore

Box 3M-A-14

Guards, Up and at them

Box 3M-A-14 variant

Up and at 'em

Box 3M-A-15

Guards, Up and at them

Box 3M-A-18


2 copies
Box 3M-A-23a

The School of the Indiana Zouave

Box 3M-A-24


4 copies
Box 3M-A-25


Box 3M-A-26

Our Nation's honor the bond of Union

Box 3M-A-30

Death of an Honorable Life / 2d Batallion, B.L.I.

2 copies
Box 3M-A-30 variant


Box 3M-A-31

Scotchmen for the Union

2 copies
Box 3M-A-31a

Scotchmen for the Union/ 79th N.Y. Regiment

Box 3M-A-46


Box 3M-A-48

The Zouave defender

2 copies
Box 3M-A-49

The Zouave defender

Box 3M-A-51

The Zouave defender

Box 3M-A-60


Box 3M-A-unlisted

The Union must and shall be preserved

B. Male with one or more other person

Box 3M-T-2

The Constitution

Box 3M-T-5a variant

Off for the war

Box 3M-T-6

Off for the War

Box 3M-T-11

The Union--The Constitution and the enforcement of the laws

Box 3M-T-14

For the flag our fathers gave, O'er our children's head shall wave ...

2 copies
Box 3M-T-15

Constitution & laws

3 copies
Box 3M-T-25

The star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave ...

2 copies
Box 3M-T-27

One of the rebels

Box 3M-T-28


Box 3M-T-45a

Flag of the seas! On ocean wave. The stars shall glitter o'er the brave

Box 3M-T-45a

Flag of the seas! On ocean wave. The stars shall glitter o'er the brave

Box 3M-T-48


Box 3M-T-48a


Box 3M-T-60

Highlanders ...

Box 3M-T-82

1776 1861 / The past, The present

C. With flag, but not holding the flag (M-F)

Box 3M-F-2

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants therof

Box 3M-F-8


Box 3M-F-13


Box 3M-F-30


3 copies
Box 3M-F-30b


2 copies
Box 3M-F-30 variant

Liberty and union

2 copies
Box 3M-F-72


D. On flagpole (M-P)

Box 3M-P-36

The gallant Mr. Hart of New York, nailing the flag of Sumter to the mast

Box 3M-P-48

Forever shall it wave, our Nation's emblem, bidding defiance to rebels and traitors!

2 copies

E. Holding a flag and flag points right (M-R)

Box 3M-R-2

Job. 39-21

Box 3M-R-3 variant

Death to Traitors

Box 3M-R-10

Stand by the Flag!

2 copies
Box 3M-R-14


Box 3M-R-17


Box 3M-R-25

Stand by the Flag.

4 copies
Box 3M-R-34


Box 3M-R-42

For right is right, since God is God, And right the day must win

3 copies
Box 3M-R-44

Success to our volunteers / Never surrender

Box 3M-R-53


2 copies
Box 3M-R-54


Box 3M-R-55


2 copies
Box 3M-R-60

To Richmond

2 copies
Box 3M-R-63

To Richmond

Box 3M-R-70 variant

To Richmond

Box 3M-R-72


Box 3M-R-79 variant

Wave on Wave on! Thy shining stars shall gleam ..

Box 3M-R-86

Strike--till the last armed foe expires

Box 3M-R-87

Strike--till the last armed foe expires. Strike for your altars and your fires ...

Box 3M-R-90

It shall Wave. Zouave planting our flag on Arlington Heights

Box 3M-R-96a

The Young Volunteer. Bully for you

2 copies
Box 3M-R-99


2 copies

F. Holding a flag and flag points left (M-L)

Box 3M-L-8

Death or victory

Box 3M-L-10


2 copies
Box 3M-L-17


3 copies
Box 3M-L-18


Box 3M-L-28

The Constitution of our Fathers

Box 3M-L-31


Box 3M-L-34 variant

Treason will sink and truth shall soar Where'er our banner floats

Box 3M-L-35

Our Union and our Laws, we must maintain!

Box 3M-L-36

Flag of the seas! On land or wave. Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave

Box 3M-L-38

Up with the stripes down with the bars ...

Box 3M-L-47

Don't give up the ship

2 copies
Box 3M-L-47a

Don't give up the ship

3 copies
Box 3M-L-55

Pro patria et gloria [1st] Regiment National Guard N.Y.S.

Box 3M-L-56

Hope / R. Island Regiment

Box 3M-L-58

Jeff Davis and Stevens may come with their troops ...

Box 3M-L-61

All hail the stars and stripes

Box 3M-L-62


2 copies
Box 3M-L-65

Remember Ellsworth

2 copies
Box 3M-L-93a

Young America off for the War / Excelsior

Box 3M-L-95 variant

To Washington through Baltimore / Death to Traitors

Box 3M-L-103

Our Army and Navy forever, Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue.

3 copies
Box 3M-L-104


2 copies
Box 3M-L-106


Box 3M-L-106b


IX. Female designs (F)

A. With one or more person (F-P)

Box 3F-P-4

One flag--One government

Box 3F-P-7


Box 3F-P-14


B. Sitting alone (F-SI)

Box 3F-SI-1


Box 3F-SI-2

All hail to the Stars and Stripes

Box 3F-SI-4

Let our watchword ever be, Country, God and Liberty

Box 3F-SI-5 variant

Liberty and Union

2 copies
Box 3F-SI-7

Our Country

Box 3F-SI-9

Our Country

Box 3F-SI-16


2 copies
Box 3F-SI-18


Box 3F-SI-20

Flag of the brave, thy folds shall fly, the sign of hope, and triumph high

Box 3F-SI-21

For the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

Box 3F-SI-29

Liberty and Union

Box 3F-SI-31

Liberty and Union

Box 3F-SI-32

Liberty and Union, now and forever!

Box 3F-SI-35

Our Country

Box 3F-SI-37

Stand by the Flag

Box 3F-SI-40

Stike for your country, and your country's laws, Heaven's smile is on so just and true a cause

Box 3F-SI-51

The Spirit of '76 moves us

Box 3F-SI-53

Our hearts are with them

Box 3F-SI-54

Union and happiness

Box 3F-SI-55

Union and liberty forever

Box 3F-SI-57

One of the Rebels

Box 3F-SI-58

One of the Rebels

Box 3F-SI-71


Box 3F-SI-72

I speak to-day for the preservation of the Union. There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession

Box 3F-SI-73

Our Country

Box 3F-SI-74

Our Country

2 copies
Box 3F-SI-77

The Union forever

Box 3F-SI-81


Box 3F-SI-106


Box 3F-SI-110


Box 3F-SI-114

Liberty & Union Now & Forever / Then conquer we must ...

Box 3F-SI-130

To secure our ports hang the pirates

Box 3F-SI-138

One of the Rebels

Box 3F-SI-139


Box 3F-SI-150

Union / In view of the guilt and the treason ...

Box 3F-SI-151


Box 3F-SI-152 variant


Box 3F-SI-155

Columbia recording the names of her heroes

Box 3F-SI-157

Our hearts are with our brothers in the field

2 copies
Box 3F-SI-159

Our hearts are with our brothers in the field

Box 3F-SI-168

In memory of the gallant officers and men, who fell at the Battle of Bull Run

Box 3F-SI-unlisted


C. Standing, no flag (F-ST)

Box 3F-ST-3

I have no one to send--I'll go myself, and nurse the sick

2 copies
Box 3F-ST-6


Box 3F-ST-10


Box 3F-ST-14


2 copies
Box 3F-ST-27 variant

Justice and Unity

Box 3F-ST-37a

Columbia, Columbia to glory arise ...

Box 3F-ST-56


Box 3F-ST-72

One of the Rebels

Box 3F-ST-73

One of the Rebels

Box 3F-ST-79


Box 3F-ST-81


Box 3F-ST-83


Box 3F-ST-98

Our union--It must and shall be preserved; its friends are our friends and its foes are our foes

Box 3F-ST-107

My only support--both boys gone to the war. I wonder if they would take me?

Box 3F-ST-109

If I cannot fight, I can feed those who do

Box 3F-ST-116

When thus our hosts go proudly forth, Let foes beware the Spirit of the North

2 copies
Box 3F-ST-122

Columbia rules the ocean

2 copies
Box 3F-ST-123b

Pillar of Glory

Box 3F-ST-unlisted


D. Standing, with flag (F-F)

Box 3F-F-2


2 copies
Box 3F-F-4

Union & Constitution

3 copies
Box 3F-F-8


2 copies
Box 3F-F-8 variant

The Union forever

Box 3F-F-33

Stand by the Union

2 copies
Box 3F-F-44

Liberty and Union

Box 3F-F-45

Liberty and Union

Box 3F-F-47

Now crush rebellion

Box 3F-F-53


Box 3F-F-54

Flag of the seas! On land or wave, Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave

2 copies
Box 3F-F-56 variant


Box 3F-F-61

Not subjugation, but restoration--Vox Populi

Box 3F-F-62

No truce with traitors

Box 3F-F-66

The streaming flag of liberty, of Freedom's sons the boast ...

Box 3F-F-67

This flag again shall wave from Maine to Oregon

Box 3F-F-68


2 copies
Box 3F-F-76

Our country first

3 copies
Box 3F-F-78

Shame on the dastard who would dim the lustre of a single star

Box 3F-F-83


2 copies
Box 3F-F-85


2 copies
Box 3F-F-96


Box 3F-F-98

Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable

3 copies
Box 3F-F-103

The Union, the Constitution, and the Enforcement of Laws

Box 3F-F-113 variant

This flag must be replaced

Box 3F-F-114a

Death to traitors

Box 3F-F-119

The spirit of the Union crushing out secession

Box 3F-F-120a


Box 3F-F-122


4 copies
Box 3F-F-122a


2 copies
Box 3F-F-125

Liberty and Union

Box 3F-F-130

Stand, the ground's your own, my braves! Will ye give it up to slaves?

3 copies
Box 3F-F-153

United States of America / Conquer we must, for our cause it is just, Let this be our motto, "In God is our trust"

Box 3F-F-159


2 copies
Box 3F-F-159d


Box 3F-F-160

True to the Stars & Stripes

3 copies
Box 3F-F-162

True to the Stars and Stripes

Box 3F-F-164


Box 3F-F-168a


Box 3F-F-194


2 copies
Box 3F-F-197

Our nation's honor the bond of Union

Box 3F-F-199

We must keep that flag where it e'er has stood ...

Box 3F-F-201


Box 3F-F-205


2 copies
Box 3F-F-209

U.S. / I will not usurp power but crush out rebellion

Box 3F-F-214


Box 3F-F-227


3 copies
Box 3F-F-253a

Our Union and Our laws we must maintain And drive foul treason from our land again

Box 3F-F-256

The conquer we must, when our cause it is just ...

Box 3F-F-258a


Box 3F-F-261

The Union must and shall be preserved

Box 3F-F-unlisted


X. Other subjects (O)

A. Bells (O-B)

Box 3O-B-2

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof

Box 3O-B-2a

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof

Box 3O-B-3

Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof

B. Shields (O-S)

Box 3O-S-1


Box 3O-S-4


Box 3O-S-6


2 copies
Box 3O-S-9

God speed the right

Box 3O-S-12

Fear not, Abram, for I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward

Box 3O-S-23

Stand by the flag

Box 3O-S-39

In Union there is strength

2 copies
Box 3O-S-43

Old Secession not according to Hoyle

Box 3O-S-unlisted


C. Stars (O-ST)

Box 3O-ST-5


2 copies

D. Transportation (O-T)

Box 3O-T-1


Box 3O-T-5

Thou, too sail on O Ship of State! ...

Box 3O-T-17


Box 3O-T-19


E. Words U.S., Union, etc. (O-US)

Box 3O-US-11


Box 3O-US-12


F. Miscellaneous (O-M)

Box 3O-M-7

The house that "Uncle Sam" built

Box 3O-M-8

This is the malt that laid in the house that Uncle Sam built

Box 3O-M-9

Secession is the rat that eat the malt that laid in the house that Uncle Sam built

Box 3O-M-10

Our union preserved is the cat that will kill the rat that eat the malt that laid in the house that Uncle Sam built

Box 3O-M-11

Davis the dog that worried the cat that will kill the rat that eat the malt that laid in the house that Uncle Sam built

Box 3O-M-12

Scott is the cow with the crumpled horn that will toss the dog that worried the cat ...

Box 3O-M-13

Liberty is the maiden all forlorn that raised the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog ...

Box 3O-M-14

Uncle Sam is the man all tattered and torn who married the maiden all forlorn ...

Box 3O-M-15

This is the parson now dead and gone that married the man all tattered and torn ...

Box 3O-M-16

Uncle Sam's farm, and how they lived there

Box 3O-M-18

The results of Uncle Sam's government. Peace, plenty and prosperity

Box 3O-M-23

Union. Here's to Ireland's shamrock ...

Box 3O-M-28


Box 3O-M-33

The Massachusetts Pine. I give my rafters to his boat ...

2 copies
Box 3O-M-34

Charter Oak

Box 3O-M-39

By our common kindred tongue ...

XI. Confederate-issued designs (CF)

A. Flags (CF-FL)

Box 4CF-FL-1


Box 4CF-FL-2

Southern men with Southern might, Will shed their blood for Southern right

Box 4CF-FL-3

Death before Dishonor

Box 4CF-FL-4

Don't Tread on Us

2 copies
Box 4CF-FL-5

Southern rights will be defended by Southern men

Box 4CF-FL-6


Box 4CF-FL-7


Box 4CF-FL-8

Sic Semper Tyrannis

2 copies
Box 4CF-FL-9


Box 4CF-FL-10

Don't tread on us

Box 4CF-FL-11

Don't tread on us / Ever ready with our lives and fortunes

Box 4CF-FL-12

The Sunny South Our Country

Box 4CF-FL-13

Jeff. Davis, Prest. Alexr. H. Stephens, Vice Prest.

Box 4CF-FL-14

Gather around your country's flag, Men of the South the hour has come. None may falter, none may lag. March to the sound of the fife and drum

Box 4CF-FL-15


Box 4CF-FL-16

Our father's faith let us keep till death ...

Box 4CF-FL-17

Bright Banner of Freedom with pride I unfurl thee ...

Box 4CF-FL-18


2 copies
Box 4CF-FL-19


Box 4CF-FL-20


Box 4CF-FL-21


Box 4CF-FL-22

Right must prevail

Box 4CF-FL-23


Box 4CF-FL-24


Box 4CF-FL-25


Box 4CF-FL-26


Box 4CF-FL-27


Box 4CF-FL-28

Its thunder tones shall arouse the freeman

3 copies
Box 4CF-FL-29

Southern independence: we will defend it with our lives and fortunes

2 copies
Box 4CF-FL-30

Southern rights! Don't tread on us

B. Male designs (CF-M)

Box 4CF-M-1


Box 4CF-M-2

Death before dishonor

3 copies
Box 4CF-M-3

May those Northern fanatics who abuse their Southern neighbors ...

Box 4CF-M-4

Our flag shall proudly stream, defiant of assault

C. Male on flagpole (CF-M-FP)

Box 4CF-M-FP-1

Death before dishonor

2 copies
Box 4CF-M-FP-2

We have nailed our colors to the mast

2 copies

D. Portraits (CF-P)

Box 4CF-P-1

Southern rights and Southern institutions

2 copies
Box 4CF-P-2

Jeffn. Davis

Box 4CF-P-3

Jeffn. Davis

Box 4CF-P-4

Hon. Jefferson Davis. Champion of the South

Box 4CF-P-5

Hon. Jefferson Davis. Champion of the South

E. Shields (CF-SH)

Box 4CF-SH-1

The Emblem of the South

Box 4CF-SH-2

Southern rights. Death before dishonor. Bold, but wary

F. States (CF-ST)

Box 4CF-ST-1

Sic semper tyrannis. So be it ever to tyrants

Box 4CF-ST-2

Thus will it ever be with tyrants. Virginia the mighty

Box 4CF-ST-3

South Carolina: The palmetto state

2 copies
Box 4CF-ST-4

Charleston, S. C. 1871

G. Other (CF-O)

Box 4CF-O-1


Box 4CF-O-2


Box 4CF-O-3

The device of our Fathers in their first struggle for liberty, 1776. Unite or die

2 copies
Box 4CF-O-4


2 copies

XII. Miscellaneous postal covers, not Civil War (Misc)

Box 4Misc-1

[Illuminated design of knight with shield]

Box 4Misc-2

Les Fumeurs

Box 4Misc- 3

The Press--The lever that moves the world; may it dispel the clouds which surround our country and receive the support of a united people.

Box 4Misc-4


Box 4Misc-5


Box 4Misc-6


Box 4Misc-7


Box 4Misc-8


Box 4Misc-9


Box 4Misc-10



Weiss's organizational scheme groups patriotic covers according to their primary subject matter, but many feature more than one graphic element or subject or are arranged by title, rather than by subject (as is the case in the "Caricatures" sections). This index will assist reasearchers in identifying all patriotic covers featuring a given topic or graphic element.

African Americans: C-BL, C-A-R-18, C-D-40, C-P-F-4, C-P-J-47, C-P-N-1, C-P-O-14, C-P-S-3, C-P-T-3, C-P-T-41, C-P-W-3b, C-P-W-13, C-P-W-15, M-A-7, CF-M-3
Alligators: C-A-R-6, C-A-R-7, C-A-R-46, C-A-R-49, C-P-A-21
Anderson, Robert: FP-WS-50, PM-2, PM-5, PM-6, PM-7, PM-8, PM-12, PM-13a, SC-MB-53, SC-NB-60, F-ST-123b
Andrew, John A.: PNM-1
Banks, Nathaniel P.: PM-27, PM-28, C-A-D-16
Bates, Edward: FP-AL-188
Battle Scenes: FP-GW-111, FP-GW-111a, FP-EE-9, FP-EE-53, FP-EE-56, FP-EE-57, FP-JF-61, SC-MB, E-R-106
Beauregard, G. T.: PM-8, SC-NW-2, C-A-E-8, C-A-H-31a, C-A-H-42, C-A-R-48, C-A-O-12, C-A-O-31a, C-A-O-42, C-A-O-53, C-A-O-54, C-D-23b, C-D-25, C-D-29, C-P-B-6, C-P-B-10, C-P-C-19b, C-P-G-1, C-P-G-16, C-P-G-18, C-P-J-51, C-P-M-6, C-P-M-7, C-P-S-27, C-P-T-7, C-P-T-66, C-P-U-4b, C-P-W-12
Bell, John: PNM-3, PNM-5
Birds: C-A-H-41a, C-A-R-48, C-B, C-D-5, C-A-D-8
Blair, Montgomery: FP-AL-188
Brownlow, William G.: PNM-26, PNM-33
Bull, John: C-A-H-36, C-A-O-50, C-BL-43, C-BL-51, C-P-C-16, C-P-C-17, C-P-J-16, C-P-J-23, C-P-J-52. C-P-O-8, C-P-T-42
Bulls: RE-48, C-A-O-61, C-B-26
Butler, Benjamin F.: PM-69A, PM-70, PM-73, PM-275, C-BL-53, C-BL-59, C-BL-66, C-BL-67, C-BL-68, C-BL-69
Cameron, Simon: FP-AL-188
Cannons: FP-GW-50, FP-GM-43, FP-EE-20, C-O-20, C-O-45, C-P-A-32, C-P-B-3a, C-P-J-5b, C-P-T-11, C-P-T-22a, C-P-T-60, C-P-V-2, F-L-6, F-L-96, F-R-396, F-R-405, F-R-422, F-R-441, M-F-13, M-F-72, M-R-96a, M-R-99, M-L-18, M-L-106, M-L-106b, F-F-96, F-F-98, F-F-103, CF-FL-16, CF-FL-28, CF-P-4, CF-P-5
Carroll, Charles: PNM-39
Chase, Salmon P.: FP-AL-188
Columbia: FP-GW-165, FP-EE-54, PM-8, SC-NB-65, SC-NB-66, SC-NW-26, C-D-21, C-P-E-2, C-P-J-32, C-P-J-73, C-P-W-11, C-P-W-12, F-P-4, F-P-7, F-SI-1-51, F-SI-73 F-SI-74, F-SI-77, F-SI-155, F-SI-168, F-ST-6, F-ST-10, F-ST-37a, F-ST-56, F-ST-83, F-ST-98, F-ST-122, F-F-2, F-F-4, F-F-53, F-F-54, F-F-56, F-F-61, F-F-62, F-F-66, F-F-67, F-F-68, F-F-83, F-F-201, F-F-205, CF-O-1, CF-O-2
Constitution: FP-GW-158, FP-WS-29, FP-WS-67, FP-WS-71, PM-8, PNM-57, PNM-61, PNM-100, ST-544, C-A-D-5, C-B-53, C-O-15, E-L-166, E-L-168, E-R-56, E-R-159, E-R-162, F-T-22, F-T-39b, F-T-70, F-R-132, F-R-143, F-R-383, F-R-387, F-R-390, F-R-392, M-T-2, M-T-11, M-T-15, M-L-28, F-F-4, F-F-103
Corcoran, Michael: PM-85
Cotton: C-A-H-36, C-A-Ro-10, C-A-O-7, C-A-O-20, C-B-49, C-BL-43, C-BL-51, C-D-28, C-D-29, C-P-A-27, C-P-C-12, C-P-C-16, C-P-C-17, C-P-J-16, C-P-O-1
Davis, Jefferson: FP-AL-191-200, C-A-D-5, C-A-D-8, C-A-D-30a-48, C-A-E-1, C-A-E-12, C-A-H-7, C-A-H-11, C-A-H-15a, C-A-H-16a, C-A-H-18, C-A-H-28, C-A-H-29, C-A-H-42-43a, C-A-R-1-3, C-A-R-12, C-A-R-19, C-A-R-33, C-A-R-44, C-A-Ro-2, C-A-Ro-3, C-A-O-5, C-A-O-5a, C-A-O-14, C-A-O-20, C-A-O-21, C-A-O-26-28, C-A-O-31a, C-A-O-34-45, C-A-O-48, C-A-O-49, C-A-O-61, C-A-O-63-65, C-B-20, C-B-22, C-B-31, C-B-37, C-B-42, C-B-51, C-B-52, C-B-56a, C-B-58, C-BL-6, C-BL-17, C-BL-28, C-BL-42, C-BL-44, C-BL-55, C-BL-55a, C-BL-61, C-BL-64, C-BL-71, C-D-8-11, C-D-14a, C-D-18, C-D-25, C-D-27, C-D-29, C-D-40, C-F-2, C-F-10, C-F-23-26, C-SH-1, C-SH-4-8, C-SK-12, C-SK-18-23, C-O-35, C-O-36, C-P-A-2a, C-P-A-5, C-P-A-12, C-P-A-21, C-P-A-24, C-P-A-27, C-P-A-30, C-P-B-6, C-P-B-10, C-P-C-19b, C-P-D-5, C-P-F-4, C-P-F-8, C-P-F-9, C-P-G-17, C-P-H-1, C-P-H-6, C-P-I-8, C-P-J, C-P-L, C-P-M-3a, C-P-N-2, C-P-O-8, C-P-R-6, C-P-S-12a, C-P-S-15a, C-P-S-26, C-P-T-1, C-P-T-7, C-P-T-13a, C-P-T-18, C-P-T-27, C-P-T-31, C-P-T-34, C-P-T-41-43, C-P-U-2-6, C-P-U-12, C-P-U-13, C-P-W-1, C-P-W-3, C-P-W-11, C-P-W-12, F-O-35, M-L-58, O-M-11, CF-FL-13, CF-FL-18, CF-P-1-5, CF-O-3
Devils: C-A-H-42, C-D, ST-83-93
Dogs: C-A-H-41a, C-A-H-43, C-A-H-43a, C-A-O-63, C-BL-53, C-P-A-22, O-M-11-13, C-A-D
Donkeys: C-A-H-1, C-A-H-3a, C-A-H-6, C-A-H-15a, C-A-H-16a, C-A-H-18, C-A-H-38, C-A-H-39, C-A-H-46, C-A-O-63, C-P-H-6, C-P-J-64, C-P-J-66, C-P-J-70
Douglas, Stephen A.: PNM-47, PNM-57, PNM-61
Eagles: FP-GW-50, FP-GW-65, FP-GW-158, FP-WS-8a, FP-WS-69, FP-WS-78, FP-GM-73, FP-GM-94, FP-GM-102, FP-EE-4, FP-EE-20, FP-EE-29, FP-EE-67, FP-EE-71, FP-EE-74, PM-69A, PNM-1, PNM-61, SC-NB-60, SC-DC-13, ST-479, ST-480, ST-543, ST-544, C-A-D-26, C-A-R-33, C-A-R-39, C-A-R-46, C-B, C-BL-55, C-SH-15a, C-P-E-2, E-L, E-R, F-T-100, M-T-15, M-T-25, M-F-72, M-L-28, M-L-55, F-P-4, F-SI-51, F-SI-54, F-SI-55, F-SI-71, F-SI-72, F-SI-73, F-SI-74, F-SI-77, F-SI-106, F-SI-110, F-SI-114, F-SI-151, F-SI-168, F-ST-6, F-ST-10, F-ST-122, F-ST-unlisted, F-F-2, F-F-85, F-F-96, F-F-98, F-F-103, F-F-194, F-F-197, F-F-199, F-F-253a, F-F-261
Ellsworth, Elmer E.: FP-GM-102, FP-EE, C-P-P-2, M-L-65, F-SI-155, F-ST-123b
Embossed designs: FP-GW-24, FP-WS-29, FP-JF-44, E-L-233, F-R-6, Misc-4, Misc-5
England, see Bull, John.
F.F.V. (First Families of Virginia): C-A-R-48, C-BL-66-69, C-A-H-5, C-A-O-51, C-O-13, C-P-P-2
Females: C-A-R-23, C-A-R-26, C-A-O-46, C-P-A-31, C-P-C-9, C-P-D-5, C-P-G-20, C-P-J-73, C-P-O-13, C-P-O-14, C-P-P-5, C-P-U-13, C-P-V-2, C-P-V-3, C-P-W-3, C-P-Y-3, M-T-5a, M-T-6, M-T-45a, M-T-48, F-P, F-SI, F-ST, F-F
Flag, Confederate: FP-EE-47, FP-EE-50, FP-EE-53, C-A-O-14, C-A-O-21, C-A-O-50, C-B-20, C-BL-51, C-BL-60, C-D-19, C-D-31, C-D-34, C-F-1, C-SK-12, C-O-45, C-P-A-19, C-P-B-7, C-P-J-45, C-P-J-51, C-P-L-2a, C-P-T-13a, C-P-T-20, C-P-V-3
Flag, U.S.: FP-GW-17, FP-GW-50, FP-GW-65, FP-GW-83, FP-GW-86, FP-GW-86a, FP-GW-111, FP-GW-111a, FP-GW-121, FP-GW-165, FP-AL-65, FP-AL-66, FP-AL-66a, FP-AL-67, FP-WS-12, FP-WS-16, FP-WS-25, FP-WS-26, FP-WS-29, FP-WS-33, FP-WS-38, FP-WS-39, FP-WS-41, FP-WS-42, FP-WS-69, FP-WS-78, FP-GM-43, FP-GM-73, FP-GM-93, FP-GM-94, FP-GM-102, FP-EE-8, FP-EE-20, FP-EE-29, FP-EE-30, FP-EE-32, FP-EE-35, FP-EE-41, FP-EE-47, FP-EE-50, FP-EE-56, FP-EE-57, FP-EE-71, FP-EE-74, FP-JF-64, PM-13a, PM-69A, PM-171, PNM-33, PNM-47, PNM-100, PNM-107, SC-MB-41, SC-MB-53, SC-MB-63, SC-MB-85, SC-NB-60, SC-NB-65, SC-NB-79, ST-470, ST-471, ST-479, ST-480, ST-530, ST-543, ST-544, C-A-D-26, C-A-R-15, C-A-R-21, C-A-R-39, C-A-R-46, C-A-Ro-7, C-A-Ro-10, C-A-O-6, C-A-O-25, C-A-O-37, C-A-O-46, C-A-O-57, C-A-O-65, C-B-25, C-B-37, C-B-41, C-B-42, C-B-57, C-BL-53, C-BL-66, C-BL-67, C-BL-68, C-BL-69, C-BL-73, C-BL-74, C-D-21, C-D-44, C-P-A-31, C-P-A-39, C-P-C-7, C-P-E-2, C-P-F-4, C-P-G-9a, C-P-J-60, C-P-L-3, C-P-L-4, C-P-O-13, C-P-O-14, C-P-S-15a, C-P-S-24, C-P-T-10, C-P-T-11, C-P-T-22a, C-P-T-31, C-P-U-11, C-P-W-11, C-P-Y-3, E-L-7, E-L-16, E-L-30, E-L-33, E-L-74, E-L-75a, E-L-204, E-L-219a, E-L-223, E-L-226, E-L-239, E-L-255, E-L-276, E-L-277, E-L-278, E-R-5, E-R-8, E-R-18, E-R-37, E-R-56, E-R-58, E-R-72, E-R-81, E-R-131, E-R-132, E-R-145, E-R-159, E-R-162, E-R-171, E-R-176, E-R-202, E-R-210, E-R-211, E-R-214, E-R-240, E-R-244, E-R-265, E-R-268, E-R-296, E-R-unlisted-1, F-O, F-T, F-L, F-R, M-T-2, M-T-5a, M-T-6, M-T-14, M-T-15, M-T-25, M-T-45a, M-T-48, M-T-48a, M-T-82, F-SI-16, F-SI-18, F-SI-20, F-SI-21, F-SI-29, F-SI-31, F-SI-32, F-SI-35, F-SI-37, F-SI-40, F-SI-51, F-SI-54, F-SI-55, F-SI-72, F-SI-73, F-SI-74, F-SI-77, F-SI-106, F-SI-150, F-SI-151, F-SI-157, F-SI-159, F-SI-168, F-SI-unlisted, F-ST-98, F-ST-116, F-ST-122
Floyd, John B.: C-A-R-48, C-BL-64, C-P-C-19b, C-P-U-4b, C-A-D-10, C-A-D-11, C-A-H-9
Foxes: C-A-O-26-28, C-A-O-34-37, C-A-O-43
Franklin, Benjamin: PNM-80, PNM-81, PNM-85, PNM-90
Fremont, Jessie: FP-JF-10, FP-JF-64
Fremont, John C.: FP-JF
Gallows: C-A-R-18, C-A-R-21, C-B-49, C-P-A-5, C-P-C-19b, C-P-F-4, C-P-J-42, C-P-J-50, C-P-L-3, C-P-L-4, C-P-O-5, C-P-T-16, C-P-T-17, C-P-T-18, C-P-T-31, C-P-W-12, F-L-96
Handcuffs: C-O-12, C-O-13, C-P-J-13
Hogs: C-A-O-6, C-A-O-12, C-A-O-21, C-A-O-24, C-A-O-25, C-A-O-53, C-A-O-54, C-A-O-64
Horses: FP-GW-80, FP-GW-83, FP-GW-86, FP-GW-86a, C-A-H, C-P-T-47a, C-P-T-48, C-P-U-2, M-A-unlisted, M-R-2
Jackson, Andrew: PNM-100, SC-NB-60, E-R-268, E-R-296, F-ST-123b
Kane, George P.: PM-80
Ladd, Luther C.: PM-171
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier: PNM-107, SC-MB-63
Letcher, John: C-A-R-48, C-A-O-42, C-P-G-20
Lions: C-A-H-28, C-A-H-38, C-A-O-7, C-A-O-20, C-A-O-50, C-A-O-63, C-B-49, C-BL-28, C-P-G-21
Lyon, Nathaniel: PM-177, PM-183
McClellan, George B.: FP-WS-48, FP-GM, C-P-A-11, C-P-A-33, C-P-B-6, C-P-B-10, C-P-J-32, C-P-M-1, F-SI-155
Massachusetts: ST-479, ST-480, C-A-O-29a, E-L-12, F-L-48, F-R-28, F-R-195, O-M-33
Monkeys: C-A-O-14, C-A-O-37, C-A-O-48, C-A-O-49, C-A-O-51, C-A-O-56, C-A-O-62, C-A-O-67, C-P-G-18
Nooses: C-A-D-26, C-SK-6, C-SK-18, C-O-5a, C-P-A-12, C-P-A-24, C-P-A-26-29, C-P-J-35, C-P-N-2, C-P-O-5, C-P-T-16, C-P-T-17, C-P-T-25
Price, Sterling: C-O-28
Putnam, Israel: FP-GM-102
Rodents: C-B-22, C-P-S-21a, C-A-D-10, C-A-D-11, C-A-E-1, C-A-Ro
Sailors: M-T-11, M-T-27, M-T-45a, M-T-48, M-T-48a, M-F-72, M-R-14, M-L-17, M-L-31, M-L-47, M-L-47a
Scott, Winfield: FP-GW-149, FP-AL-188, FP-AL-198, FP-WS, C-A-D-1, C-A-D-5, C-A-D-8, C-A-D-10, C-A-D-11, C-A-D-16, C-A-D-24, C-A-D-30a, C-A-D-37, C-A-D-37a, C-A-D-40a, C-A-D-41, C-A-D-42, C-A-D-45, C-A-D-48, C-A-R-31, C-A-R-42, C-A-R-48, C-A-Ro-3, C-A-O-30, C-A-O-37, C-B-1, C-B-42, C-B-53, C-B-56a, C-BL-64, C-O-53, C-P-B-10, C-P-G-5, C-P-G-8, C-P-J-3, C-P-J-6, C-P-J-27, C-P-J-50, C-P-J-53, C-P-J-59, C-P-L-2a, C-P-M-6, C-P-M-7, C-P-S-15a, C-P-S-21a, C-P-S-24, C-P-T-1, C-P-T-28, C-P-T-43, C-P-T-56, C-P-W-1, F-SI-155, F-ST-123b, O-M-12
Secession: FP-AL-64a, PM-80, PNM-3, PNM-117, SC-NB-79, ST-25-35, C-A-D-4, C-A-D-5, C-A-H-1, C-A-H-3a, C-A-H-6, C-A-H-31a, C-A-H-36, C-A-H-41a, C-A-R-6, C-A-R-7, C-A-R-13, C-A-R-15, C-A-R-25, C-A-R-31, C-A-R-34, C-A-R-46, C-A-Ro-9, C-A-O-25, C-A-O-30, C-A-O-46, C-A-O-57, C-B-18, C-B-25, C-B-26, C-B-41, C-BL-5, C-BL-40, C-BL-70a, C-D-2, C-D-18, C-D-24, C-D-30, C-D-35, C-D-39, C-F-6, C-SK-3, C-SK-6, C-SK-17, C-SK-18, C-SK-19, C-O-44, C-P-A-23, C-P-A-34, C-P-G-17, C-P-J-36, C-P-O-5, C-P-P-5, C-P-S-3, C-P-S-14, C-P-S-17, C-P-S-17b, C-P-S-20, C-P-T-16, C-P-T-17, C-P-T-22a, C-P-T-34, C-P-T-41, C-P-T-43, C-P-T-56, C-P-T-60, C-P-U-2, C-P-U-11, C-P-V-2, E-R-145, F-O-35, F-SI-72, F-F-119, O-M-9, O-S-43 1776: FP-GW-71, FP-GM-102, SC-MB-63, C-P-V-3, F-T-31, M-T-82, F-SI-51, O-M-28, CF-O-3
Seward, William: FP-AL-188, FP-AL-198
Shields: FP-GW-137, FP-GW-165, FP-AL-64a, FP-WS-8a, FP-WS-71, FP-GM-73, FP-EE-4, FP-EE-54, FP-EE-67, FP-EE-67a, FP-JF-10, PNM-1, SC-NW-26, C-B-51, C-B-52, C-P-W-12, E-L-6, E-L-11, E-L-130, E-L-132, E-L-153, E-L-158, E-L-162, E-L-166, E-L-168, E-L-177, E-L-231, E-L-265, E-L-276, E-L-277, E-L-unlisted, E-R-8, E-R-18, E-R-31, E-R-99, E-R-102, E-R-103, E-R-105, E-R-106, E-R-118, E-R-131, E-R-132, E-R-145, E-R-154, E-R-171, E-R-214, E-R-244, E-R-unlisted-2, F-T-31, F-T-59, F-T-64, F-R-269, F-R-269, F-R-273, F-R-274, M-F-72, M-L-55, F-P-7, F-SI-1, F-SI-2, F- SI-4, F-SI-5, F-SI-7, F-SI-9, F-SI-16, F-SI-18, F-SI-20, F-SI-21, F-SI-29, F-SI-31, F-SI-32, F-SI-35, F-SI-37, F-SI-40, F-SI-81, F-SI-106, F-SI-110, F-SI-114, F-SI-152, F-ST-6, F-ST-10, F-ST-14, F-ST-37a, F-ST-56, F-ST-83, F-ST-unlisted, F-F-2, F-F-53, F-F-54, F-F-56, F-F-61, F-F-62, F-F-66, F-F-67, F-F-68, F-F-83, F-F-85, F-F-201, F-F-205, F-F-253a, F-F-261, O-S, CF-FL-2, CF-FL-8, CF-P-1, Misc-1, Misc-5
Sigel, Franz: PM-242
Skulls: C-SK, C-A-R-43, C-A-O-27, C-A-O-28, C-A-O-50, C-A-O-56, C-A-O-57, C-BL-55, C-F-2, C-F-6, C-F-10. C-F-15, C-SH-4, C-SH-6, C-O-53, C-P-A-21, C-P-J-47, C-P-J-51, C-P-R-6, C-P-S-3, C-P-T-1, C-P-T-47a, C-P-T-48, C-P-T-60, F-F-119, Slavery: C-D-30, C-O-7, C-P-C-16, C-P-J-13, C-P-J-47, C-P-N-1
Slavery: C-D-30, C-O-7, C-P-C-16, C-P-J-13, C-P-J-47, C-P-N-1
Smith, Caleb B.: FP-AL-188
Snakes: FP-GW-158, C-A-R-12, C-A-R-13, C-A-R-15, C-A-R-18, C-A-R-19, C-A-R-21, C-A-R-23, C-A-R-25, C-A-R-26a, C-A-R-26b, C-A-R-33, C-A-R-39, C-A-R-42, C-A-R-43, C-A-R-44, C-B-29, C-B-51, C-B-52, C-B-58, C-D-21, C-SK-3, C-SK-23, C-O-15, C-P-O-14, C-P-U-11, C-P-W-12, E-L-7, E-L-162, E-L-204, E-L-219a, E-L-223, E-L-226, E-R-103, E-R-210, E-R-211, E-R-296, F-F-194, F-F-197, F-F-199, F-F-209, CF-FL-10, CF-FL-11, CF-FL-12, CF-O-3
Soldiers: C-A-O-63, C-B-57, C-D-19, C-D-44, C-P-A-31, C-P-A-39, C-P-B-3a , C-P-C-7, C-P-C-9, C-P-D-8, C-P-D-10a, C-P-F-1, C-P-F-4, C-P-F-8, C-P-F-9, C-P-G-9a, C-P-J-19a, C-P-J-30, C-P-J-60, C-P-L-3, C-P-L-4, C-P-N-4, C-P-O-13, C-P-O-14, C-P-P-1, C-P-R-1, C-P-R-1a, C-P-S-24, C-P-T-10-12, C-P-T-16, C-P-T-17, C-P-T-19, C-P-T-20, C-P-T-22a, C-P-T-23, C-P-T-61, M-A, M-T-5a, M-T-6, M-T-11, M-T-28, M-T-60, M-T-82, M-R-17, M-R-25, M-R-34, M-R-54, M-R-60, M-R-63, M-R-70, M-R-72, M-L-10, M-L-28, CF-M
Stars: FP-GW-24, FP-AL-142, C-BL-23, E-L-265, F-T-64, F-R-35, O-ST
Stephens, Alexander H.: C-A-H-42, C-BL-64, C-P-W-12, F-O-35, CF-FL-13
Stringham, Silas: PM-275
Treason: C-A-H-12, C-D-2, C-D-7, C-D-19, C-D-30, C-O-15, C-P-A-28c, C-P-A-29, E-L-219a, E-R-268, F-L-62, M-L-34, F-SI-150, F-F-253a
Turtles: C-A-R-1, C-A-R-3, C-A-R-48
Uncle Sam: C-A-R-13, C-A-R-15, C-A-R-42, C-A-R-44, C-A-R-46, C-A-O-7, C-A-O-60, C-B-12, C-B-19, C-B-49, C-B-57, C-B-58, C-BL-55, C-D-24, C-F-23, C-F-24, C-P-A-26, C-P-A-27, C-P-A-28c, C-P-A-29, C-P-G-8, C-P-I-8, C-P-T-27, C-P-T-33, C-P-T-41, C-P-U-6, C-P-U-11, C-P-W-13, C-P-W-15, O-M-7-18
Warren, Joseph: FP-EE-8, FP-EE-74
Washington, George: FP-GW; C-BL-60, M-T-82, M-R-42, M-R-44, M-R-53, M-R-55, F-ST-27, F-F-159, F-F-159d, O-M-15
Washington, Martha: PNM-115
Washington, D. C.: C-P-V-3, SC-DC, C-A-D-24, C-A-D-26, C-A-D-30a-48, C-A-Ro-7, C-A-O-26, C-A-O-27, C-A-O-28, C-B-14, C-B-42, C-B-48, C-B-53, C-B-56a, C-O-10, C-O-43, C-P-A-5, C-P-B-6, C-P-C-19b, C-P-H-1, C-P-J-10, C-P-J-19a, C-P-J-21, C-P-J-43, C-P-S-12a, C-P-T-7, C-P-T-14, C-P-T-34, C-P-U-13, C-P-W-12, M-F-30, M-R-99, F-F-261, O-M-7
Webster, Daniel: PNM-117, F-SI-72
Wells, Gideon: FP-AL-188
Whiskey: C-A-R-43, C-D-34, C-SK-17, C-SK-23, C-O-1, C-P-A-4, C-P-A-21, C-P-B-2, C-P-J-42, C-P-T-23, C-P-W-13, C-P-W-15
Wigfall, Louis T.: C-A-R-48, C-P-O-2, C-P-W-4, C-P-W-8, C-P-W-10, C-P-W-16
Wise, Henry A.: C-A-R-48, C-P-A-11, C-P-B-8, C-P-T-27, C-P-T-47a, C-P-T-48
Wool, John: PM-268
Zouaves: FP-EE17, FP-EE-18, FP-EE-71, C-A-R-1, C-A-R-3, C-P-A-23, C-P-J-19a, C-P-P-2, C-P-T-11, C-P-T-16, C-P-T-17, M-A-23a, M-A-48, M-A-49, M-A-51, M-R-60, M-R-63, M-R-70, M-R-72, M-R-90, M-L-95

Preferred Citation

Civil War patriotic covers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

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This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889--Caricatures and cartoons.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Caricatures and cartoons.


Confederate States of America--Caricatures and cartoons.
Covers (Philately).
Flags--Pictorial works.
Secession--Pictorial works.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--African Americans.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Caricatures and cartoons.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Pictorial works.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Women--Pictorial works.