
Guide to the Collection

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Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of Edward Cummings, his wife Rebecca Clarke Cummings, and their families, including the childhood correspondence and artwork of their son Edward Estlin Cummings. It contains family correspondence, personal papers, writings, sermons, diaries, scrapbooks, artwork, and related printed material. Also included are the sermons of Rev. Pitt Clarke of Norton, Mass., the papers of Boston architect Richard Bond, and the papers of Cambridge engineer Philip W. Davis.

Biographical Sketches

(listed alphabetically)

See also the Clarke Family Tree below.

Richard Bond (1798-1861) was born in Boston to Consider and Jane Tobey Bond. A Boston architect, he designed numerous churches and public buildings throughout Massachusetts, notably First Congregational Church in Plymouth (1830), Lewis Wharf in Boston (1835), North Parish Church in North Andover (1836), Salem City Hall (1837), Salem Court House (1840), Bowdoin Square Baptist Church in Boston (1840), St. John's Episcopal Church in Charlestown (1841), and the Concord Town House (1851). Bond also designed Gore Hall, which was the Harvard College library from 1838-1913 and which can still be seen on the seal of the city of Cambridge. Richard married Mary Labaree of New Hampshire and had six children, none of whom survived him.

J. Estlin Carpenter (1844-1927) was the son of William B. and Louisa Powell Carpenter. His grandfather was William Benjamin Carpenter (1813-1885), an English physician, zoologist, and physiologist who apprenticed with eye surgeon John Bishop Estlin. After receiving his doctorate from Oxford University, Carpenter served as Unitarian minister and principal of Manchester College, Oxford from 1866 to 1875. He was a prolific author of theological works including The First Three Gospels, Their Origin and Relations (1890) and Comparative Religion (1910). He was the godfather of Edward Estlin Cummings, later known as the poet E. E. Cummings.

John Jones Clarke (1803-1887) was born in Norton, Mass. to Rev. Pitt Clarke and Rebecca Jones Clarke. He studied for college at Framingham Academy, at Norton Academy, at Phillips Academy in Andover, and privately with his father, entering Harvard College in 1819. A member of the class of "Rebellion," he did not officially receive his diploma from Harvard until 1841. Clarke was admitted to the bar in 1826, practicing law in Roxbury and Boston in partnership with his brother Manlius Stimson Clarke and, after his brother's death in 1850, with Lemuel Shaw. He served as a member of the Massachusetts General Court in 1836 and 1837 and a member of the Massachusetts Senate in 1853. In 1846, he was elected Roxbury's first mayor and served as president of the Winthrop Bank of Roxbury, a founder of the Roxbury Gas Company, and a director of the Metropolitan Railroad. Clarke married Rebecca Cordis Haswell in 1830 and was the father of Mary Lemist Clarke (1831-1904) and Haswell Cordis Clarke (1842-1901).

Mary Lemist Clarke (1831-1904) was the daughter of John Jones Clarke and Rebecca Cordis Haswell Clarke. She married John Adams Hanson in 1858, and the couple had three children: Rebecca Haswell Clarke (1859-1947), George Lemist Clarke (1861-1917), and Ellen Clarke Tuckerman (1869-1939). In 1873, the marriage was annulled by the Massachusetts Supreme Court for Hanson's misconduct, and Mary and her children changed their last names from Hanson to Mary's maiden name of Clarke. In her later years, Mary shared a home with her daughter Rebecca Cummings and her family in Cambridge.

Pitt Clarke (1763-1835) was born in Medfield, Mass. to Jacob and Meletiah Hammond Clarke. After studying with Hannah Adams in Medfield, he was admitted to Harvard University in 1786 at the age of 22, graduating in 1790 with distinguished honors. After graduation he taught at the Cambridge town school while studying theology. He was ordained by the First Congregational Parish of Norton, Mass. in 1793, where he remained until his death in 1835 at age 72, in the 42nd year of his ministry. According to a Nov. 1865 letter of his son John Jones Clarke, "it was his habit for many years . . . to fit young men for college, and to instruct and discipline those who were suspended from Harvard University, for misdemeanors, or for neglect of study." Clarke's first wife was Rebecca Jones (1787-1811), daughter of Col. John Jones of Hopkinton, with whom he fathered Abigail Morton Clarke (Stimson), William Pitt Clarke, and John Jones Clarke. After Rebecca's death, he married Maria Jones Stimson, and their children were George Leonard Clarke, Harriet Clarke, Manlius Stimson Clarke, and Edward Hammond Clarke.

Rebecca Cordis Haswell Clarke (1801-1883) was born in Charlestown, Mass. to Capt. Robert Haswell and Mary Cordis Haswell. After Rebecca's father left the U.S. Navy for the merchant marine service, he was lost at sea in 1802, and her mother married John Lemist of Roxbury in 1810. Rebecca married John Jones Clarke in May 1830, and their children were Mary Lemist Clarke (1831-1904) and Haswell Cordis Clarke (1842-1901).

Edward Cummings (1861-1926) was born in Colebrook, New Hampshire to Edward Norris Cummings and Lucretia Frances Merrill Cummings. Edward studied both religion and sociology at Harvard and, in 1887, received a Harvard fellowship to study labor relations Europe. In 1891, he became an instructor of sociology at Harvard, rising to assistant professor in 1893, and in Oct. 1900 he was installed as Edward Everett Hale's successor at South Congregational Church (Unitarian). Cummings sat on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Penal Aspects of Drunkenness; served as a director of the Massachusetts Prison Association, the Watch and Ward Society, the Industrial Aid Society, Boston Associated Charities, the Massachusetts Prison Association, and the Hale House Social Settlement; as vice-president of the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches; as president of the Massachusetts Association for Promoting the Interests of the Adult Blind and the Massachusetts Civic League; and as chairman of the Theodore Parker Memorial and the Russian Famine Relief Committee of Boston. Cummings became a trustee of the World Peace Foundation in 1910, and in 1916 he became its general secretary. Cummings married Rebecca Haswell Clarke in June 1891, and their children were Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962) and Elizabeth Frances Cummings (Qualey) (1902-1980). The family lived in Cambridge, Mass. and at Joy Farm in Silver Lake, New Hampshire. Cummings died in a car accident in December 1926.

Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962) was the son of Edward Cummings and Rebecca Haswell Clarke Cummings. He was christened by his godfather, English Unitarian minister J. Estlin Carpenter. Cummings attended Cambridge Latin High School and received his B.A. from Harvard University in 1915 and his Master's Degree in 1916. Cummings served as a volunteer in the Ambulance Corps in France during World War I, where he was imprisoned in 1917 on suspicion of anti-war views and espionage. A poet, author, and artist who was better known as E. E. Cummings, he published The Enormous Room (1922) about his French imprisonment, as well as Tulips and Chimneys (1923) and numerous other books of his collected poetry. Among his many honors were an Academy of American Poets fellowship, two Guggenheim Fellowships, the Charles Eliot Norton Professorship at Harvard, and a Ford Foundation Grant. He married Elaine Orr in 1924, with whom he had a daughter, Nancy T. (Andrews), and divorced her the same year. He married second Anne Minnerly Barton in 1929 and third Marion Morehouse, who survived him.

Jane (Jennie) Cummings (1862-1951) was the daughter of Edward Norris Cummings and Lucretia Merrill Cummings. Although she had planned to attend college and study medicine, she helped with her father's business in Lynn, Mass. and took care of her mother, whose health was poor. After her father's death, she and her mother lived with her brother Edward Cummings and his family in Cambridge. She took an active part in her brother's ministry at South Congregational Church in Boston. Jennie never married.

Lucretia F. Merrill Cummings (1839-1923) was born in northern New Hampshire where her father was in the potato starch business. The eldest of five daughters, Lucretia attended boarding school and was proficient in piano, voice, and drawing. She married Edward Norris Cummings in 1859 at the age of 19, and the couple settled in Colebrook, New Hampshire with their four children: Edward (1861-1926), Jane (1862-1951), a daughter who died in early infancy, and John (1868-1931). The family later moved to Woburn, Mass. and then to Lynn, Mass. After the death of her husband, Lucretia and her daughter Jane lived with her son Edward and his family in Cambridge, Mass.

Rebecca (Retta) Clarke Cummings (1859-1947) was the daughter of Mary Lemist Clarke and John A. Hanson. When her parents' marriage was annulled in 1873, Rebecca, her siblings George and Ellen, and her mother changed their last name from Hanson to Clarke, her mother's maiden name. Rebecca took a trip to Europe with her mother and sister in 1889, where she met Harvard graduate student Edward Cummings. She and Cummings married in 1891, and the couple moved to Cambridge, Mass., where Edward taught sociology at Harvard and later served as minister at the South Congregational Church in Boston. The family summered at Joy Farm at Silver Lake, New Hampshire. She was the mother of two children: Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), later known as the poet E. E. Cummings, and Elizabeth Frances Cummings (Qualey) (1901-1980).

Philip W. Davis (1871-1939) was born in Boston to William Whitney Davis and Julia Wilder Robinson Davis. For most of his childhood, Philip lived in Rome with his family, returning to the United States to attend Brown and Nichols School in Cambridge, Mass. He graduated from Harvard University with a B.A. in 1893 and a B.S. in 1895. He was a member of the Harvard University Cycling Association, one of the first college cycling teams, as well as a founding member of the Harvard Engineering Society. Davis worked as an electrical engineer for Electric Storage and Battery Co., Eastern Metal and Refining Co., and Doble Engineering Co., all of Boston. He was the inventor of the Davis Continuous Lead Refining Process, which allowed plants to use smaller furnaces to smelt iron. Throughout his adult life, Davis, unmarried, lived with the Edward Cummings family on Irving St. in Cambridge, Mass.

Collection Description

The Cummings and Clarke family papers consist of 63 boxes, 4 volumes, and an oversize box. The collection includes the correspondence, personal papers, writings, diaries, scrapbooks, and related printed material of Rev. Edward Cummings, his wife Rebecca Haswell Clarke Cummings, and their families, including the early letters, writings, and artwork of their son Edward Estlin Cummings, later known as the poet E. E. Cummings.

Family correspondence consists primarily of the correspondence of Edward Cummings and his wife Rebecca Clarke Cummings with each other and their families. Included are letters between Edward and his mother Lucretia Cummings when he studied in Europe; between Rebecca and her mother Mary L. Clarke when she was at school and abroad; courtship letters between Edward and Rebecca; and correspondence with their children, Edward Estlin Cummings and Elizabeth Frances Cummings. Also included is correspondence with siblings, cousins, and other relatives. Of particular interest is the childhood correspondence of E. E. Cummings, including previously unknown letters, sketches, and poems that he created for his parents.

Earlier family correspondence is primarily that of Rebecca Cordis Haswell Clarke with her husband John Jones Clarke; her daughter Mary Lemist Clarke; her son Haswell Cordis Clarke; and other relatives. Clarke family papers include the correspondence and personal papers of John J. Clarke, who practiced law in Roxbury, served as a member of the Massachusetts legislature, and became Roxbury's first mayor. Rev. Pitt Clarke, the pastor of the First Congregational Parish of Norton, Mass., was the great-grandfather of Rebecca Clarke Cumming; his sermons, correspondence, and other papers are also in this series.

The papers of Edward Cummings form the bulk of this collection. As professor of sociology at Harvard University, Unitarian minister at South Congregational Church in Boston, member of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Penal Aspects of Drunkenness, director of the Mass. Prison Association and the Watch and Ward Society, president of the Mass. Association for Promoting the Interests of the Adult Blind, chairman of the Theodore Parker Memorial, chairman of the Russian Famine Relief Committee of Boston, and general secretary of the World Peace Foundation, his correspondence, memos, meeting notes, writings, and printed material richly reflect these activities. Notable correspondents include Woodrow Wilson (1887), Jane Addams (1893), W. E. B. Dubois (1900), and Edward Everett Hale (1900-1909). His papers also include a long stretch of correspondence with J. Estlin Carpenter, British author and theologian, who was E. E. Cummings's godfather and namesake. A large part of the collection consists of Edward's sermons, including drafts, revisions, and published copies.

Other Cummings family papers consist of the papers of Edward Cummings's wife Rebecca Haswell Clarke Cummings, including personal correspondence, legal and financial papers, account books, and notebooks, as well as papers of Edward's siblings, John Cummings and Jane Cummings, and those of his children Edward Estlin Cummings and Elizabeth Cummings (Qualey). E. E. Cummings's papers consist almost entirely of childhood drawings, paintings, writings, and scrapbooks, mostly completed between the ages of six and twelve.

The collection also contains the personal and professional papers of Boston architect Richard Bond, including correspondence, accounts and receipts, estate settlement records, and architectural journals that were retained by Bond's lawyer, John J. Clarke. The papers of Philips W. Davis, a Harvard University cyclist and professional engineer who lived with the Cummings family in Cambridge, include personal and professional papers, printed materials, a cycling scrapbook, a gardening journal, and a sketchbook.

Restrictions on Access

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.

Restrictions on Use

The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the literary rights (copyright) to writings, drawings, or other materials created by Edward Estlin Cummings (E. E. Cummings) in the Cummings-Clarke family papers. The Massachusetts Historical Society cannot give permission to publish or quote from documents to which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to obtain formal permission from the owners of the literary rights (copyright) to publish or quote from all materials created by E. E. Cummings. Permission requests should be directed to the Permissions Department at W. W. Norton and Company, publishers, in New York at

All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated to or deposited in other libraries or archives, or made available to other researchers, without the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Acquisition Information

Gift of the estate of E. E. Cummings, Oct. 1969, and of Elizabeth Cummings Qualey, 1969-1973.

Detailed Description of the Collection

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II. Clarke family papers, 1793-1947

Clarke family papers consist of the sermons and writings of Rev. Pitt Clarke; the correspondence and papers of his son, lawyer John Jones Clarke; the correspondence, notebook, and recipe book of John Jones Clarke's wife Rebecca Cordis Haswell Clarke; the correspondence, diary, and scrapbook of John and Rebecca's daughter Mary Lemist Clarke; household receipts of cousin Eliot C. Clarke; Clarke family genealogical papers; and miscellaneous family documents. =

See also Family correspondence.

Close II. Clarke family papers, 1793-1947

III. Cummings family papers, 1875-1949

This series primarily consists of the papers of Edward Cummings, but also include those of his wife Rebecca Haswell Clarke Cummings, his brother John Cummings, his sister Jane Cummings, and his children Edward Estlin Cummings and Elizabeth F. Cummings (Qualey).

Close III. Cummings family papers, 1875-1949

IV. Richard Bond papers, 1824-1886

Included in this series are the personal and professional papers, accounts and receipts, estate settlement records, and architectural journals of Boston architect Richard Bond (1798-1861). Bond's papers are part of this collection because John J. Clarke served as his lawyer, and Clarke evidently retained them after Bond's death.

Close IV. Richard Bond papers, 1824-1886

V. Philip W. Davis papers, 1873-1939

The papers of Philip W. Davis (1871-1939), a Harvard University cyclist and professional engineer who lived with the Cummings family in Cambridge, include personal and professional papers, printed materials, a cycling scrapbook, a gardening journal, and a sketchbook.

Close V. Philip W. Davis papers, 1873-1939

VI. Printed material, 1819-1941

Most of the material in this series was collected by or for Edward Cummings. It contains printed material related to Harvard University; ephemera, such as tickets and programs; genealogical and memorial material; prints and engravings; newspaper clippings; copies of the printed works of Edward Cummings; and miscellaneous material.

Close VI. Printed material, 1819-1941

VII. Artwork, ca. 1828-1909

This series contains a watercolor, pencil sketch, and embroidery patterns of Rebecca Haswell Clarke; the pastel and charcoal sketches of Edward Cummings; the childhood drawings and watercolors of Edward Estlin Cummings; and miscellaneous artwork by other artists.

Close VII. Artwork, ca. 1828-1909

Clarke Family Tree

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Listed below are members of the Clarke family, their spouses, and their children, beginning with Rev. Pitt Clarke (1763-1835). Some family members may not be included. Names of family members whose papers appear prominently in the collection are listed in bold.

1. Pitt Clarke (1763-1835)

m. in 1898 Rebecca Jones (1787-1811)

m. in 1812 Maria Jones Stimson (d. 1866)

2. Abigail Morton Clarke (1798-1882)

m. in 1828 John Jones Stimson (d. 1860)

3. Frederick Clarke Stimson (1830-1836)

3. Maria Rebecca Stimson (1832-1856)

3. Emily Gardner Stimson (1837-1901)

m. in 1861 J. Lewis Dimon (d. 1881)

4. Maria (May) Stimson Dimon (1862-1881)

2. William Pitt Clarke (b. 1800)

2. John Jones Clarke (1803-1887)

m. in 1830 Rebecca Cordis Haswell (1801-1883)

3. Mary Lemist Clarke (1831-1904)

m. in 1858 John Adams Hanson (1810-1878) Marriage annulled 1873.

4. Rebecca Haswell Clarke (1859-1947)

m. Edward Cummings (1861-1926)

5. Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962)

5. Elizabeth Frances Cummings (Qualey) (1901-1980)

4. George Lemist Clarke (1861-1917)

m. in 1895 Julia A. Little

4. Ellen Montresor Clarke (1869-1939)

m. in 1895 Salisbury Tuckerman

3. Haswell Cordis Clarke (1842-1901)

m. in 1869 Harriet Amelia Cobb (d. 1921)

2. Caroline (b. 1806)

2. George Leonard Clarke (b.1813)

m. in 1841 Frances Alice Chase (d. 1883)

2. Harriett Clarke (b. 1815)

2. Manlius Stimson Clarke (1816-1853)

m. in 1841 Frances Cordis Lemist

2. Edward Hammond Clarke (1820-1877)

m. in 1851 Sarah Loring Loud (d. 1877)

Preferred Citation

Cummings-Clarke family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Bond, Richard, 1798-1861.
Carpenter, J. Estlin (Joseph Estlin), 1844-1927.
Clarke family.
Clarke, John Jones, 1803-1887.
Clarke, Mary Lemist, 1831-1904.
Clarke, Pitt, 1763-1835.
Clarke, Rebecca Cordis Haswell, 1801-1883.
Cummings family.
Cummings, Edward, 1861-1926.
Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962.
Cummings, Jane, 1862-1951.
Cummings, Rebecca Haswell Clarke, 1859-1947.
Davis, Philip W., 1871-1939.
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909.


Associated Charities of Boston.
First Congregational Church (Norton, Mass.).
Harvard University Cycling Club.
Harvard University--Faculty.
Harvard University--Students.
Russian Famine Relief Committee of Boston.
South Congregational Church (Boston, Mass.).
Theodore Parker Memorial.
World Peace Foundation.
World's Columbian Exposition, 1893: Chicago, Ill.


Clarke family--Genealogy.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.
Family history--1900-1949.
International relief--Russia.
Poets, American--Massachusetts.
Unitarian churches--Clergy.
Voyages and travels.
Women travelers.
Cambridge (Mass.)--Social life and customs.
England--Social life and customs.
Europe--Description and travel.
Silver Lake (N.H.)--Social life and customs.

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