
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.

Collection Summary


Records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), document the administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities of ACLUM, the ACLU, and its other affiliates from ACLUM's founding as the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts in 1920 to 2005. The records include legal, legislative, and subject files, ACLUM administrative records, correspondence, printed material, and other records related to the organization's attempts to protect civil rights in Massachusetts and the United States.

Historical Sketch

The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), was founded just a few months before the ACLU when a small group of people met in the Beacon Hill home of Mrs. Margaret (Arthur A.) Shurcliff in Boston, Mass. in 1920. The group, "brought together by their concern with the waves of repression during and after World War I" (i.e. the "Great Red Scare" and the Palmer raids), formed the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Committee, which would soon be know as the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union (CLUM), a name they would retain for nearly 65 years.

From the very beginning, CLUM actively battled censorship. From 1930 until the end of World War II, CLUM fought Mayor James Michael Curley when he banned birth control advocate Margaret Sanger from public speaking, opposed Curley's refusal to allow the Ku Klux Klan to meet in Boston (based on First Amendment grounds); and argued against the teachers' loyalty oath law of the mid-1930s. After the end of World War II, CLUM assisted with the creation of the Massachusetts Fair Employment Practices Commission, and in the 1950s they "became a rallying point for all religious, civic, and educational organizations opposed to McCarthyism."

The new constitutional arenas that CLUM was obliged to face after 1960 would focus on the broader issues of civil rights and the equality of rights historically denied minority groups such as African Americans, women, children, students, homosexuals, patients, the physically and mentally disabled, and prisoners. In addition to their new broader focus, in 1970 CLUM would also reorganize their administrative structure; hire a full time director, legislative agent (lobbyist), and legal director; and establish the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), their 501(c)(3) legal arm to fund litigation and education activities.

In 1995 CLUM changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) and MCLUF changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts (ACLUFM) to reflect their affiliation with the ACLU.


American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, The Operations Manual of the Board of Directors of the ACLU of Massachusetts and The ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts, 1996.

Collection Description

The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), formerly the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM), consist of 96 record cartons, 3 document boxes and 11 oversize boxes, spanning the years 1920-2005. The records are arranged into three record groups: Record Group I, 1920-1969; Record Group II, 1927-1987 (bulk: 1970-1985); and Record Group III, 1951-2005 (bulk: 1985-2000). See the arrangement note for more information about these sections.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) national administrative records date primarily from 1920-1985 and include correspondence, legal files, legislative files, subject files, business correspondence from ACLU national affiliates, and newsclippings. The bulk of the collection is CLUM Boston office records including administrative files, correspondence, committee records, development and membership records, legal files, legislative files, and subject files. Other records include Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), now known as the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUFM), records from 1970-1999 and CLUM chapter records from CLUM Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Worcester counties, and various student chapters.

The CLUM records are made up of annual reports, by-laws, policy statements, financial statements, officer lists, requests for legal assistance, legal case files, legal briefs, legal dockets, Massachusetts legislative files, Congressional legislative files, Massachusetts state and Congressional bills, newsletters, news releases, speeches, reports, studies, periodicals, photographs, audio tapes, hundreds of printed pamphlets, and clippings spanning 1970-1999.

Papers and briefs in the CLUM records relating to legal actions of interest illustrate a wide spectrum of civil liberty issues, including anarchy and sedition, academic freedom, censorship, compulsory flag salute, distribution of literature, loyalty oaths, public assembly, conscientious objectors, unionization, police malpractice, separation of church and state, aid to parochial schools, racial and religious discrimination, and the rights of voters, women, children, students, homosexuals, prisoners, patients, the handicapped, and the mentally ill.

Of particular interest are the papers and briefs relating to Massachusetts state-wide legal actions, such as Nicholls, Jr. v. Mayor and School Committee of Lynn (Mass.), the 1935-1939 compulsory flag salute case; Commonwealth v. Nichols (Mass.), the 1938 leaflet distribution case; Galardi v. Hague, U. S. Navy (Mass.), the 1946-1948 federal employee loyalty oath; Commonwealth v. Struik and Winner, the 1951-1956 anarchy case; Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Super Market (Mass.), the 1961-1962 censorship case; and Richardson v. Cole and Greenblatt (Mass.) the 1969 state employee loyalty oath.

State legislative efforts to abolish the Massachusetts Committee to Curb Communism (1937) and the Massachusetts Commission to Investigate Subversion (1950), as well as national legislative efforts like the lobby to abolish the Congressional House Un-American Activities Committee (1945-1970), the campaign to repeal the McCarran Act of 1950 during the McCarthy era, and the Nixon Impeachment Campaign (1973-1974) are included in the records. Of particular interest are the Federal Bureau of Investigation files requested in 1977 under the Freedom of Information Act, documenting FBI surveillance of ACLU and CLUM officers, members, and activities between 1920 and 1970.

In the 1980s and 1990s, CLUM records reflect its collaborative efforts with other organizations and individuals on various projects and coalitions. Coalitions of particular interest include the Campaign for Choice Coalition (reproductive rights) from 1983-1990, Bill of Rights Education Project from 1987-1999, and the youth-led Project Hip-Hop organization from 1992-1999, among many others. Records from the 1980s and 1990s also reflect the growth of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation with records documenting trustee meetings, development and fund-raising activities, and interactions with donors and members. In addition, the legal and general subject files (also called FLAPS) of the 1980s and 1990s reflected the controversies addressed by CLUM, including due process, sentencing legislation, issues with prisoners and prisons, privacy and technology, speech and censorship, drug issues, racism and hate crimes, and reproductive freedom.

Additional material include papers of CLUM Executive Secretary and academic freedom activist Kirtley F. Mather, 1936-1958, papers of CLUM Church-State Committee Chairman Dunbar Holmes, 1952-1967; the papers of CLUM Vice Chair Florence Luscomb, 1922-1977; the reading and subject files of CLUM Director John Roberts, 1986-1999; and the papers of CLUM board member and MCLUF trustee Eva Moseley, 1970-2003. In addition the collection includes legal files of United States v. Leon J. Kamin, an anarchy case, 1954-1957; and records pertaining to civil rights controversies at Boston University, most notably those relating to a First Amendment suit brought by the bu exposure against Boston University President John Silber, 1977-1984.


The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), formerly the Civil Liberties of Massachusetts (CLUM), are divided into three record groups: Record Group I, 1920-1969; Record Group II, 1927-1988 (bulk: 1970-1985); and Record Group III, 1970-2005 (bulk: 1985-2000). The record group divisions are based loosely on the date ranges of the records, the record keeping practices of the organization, and how and when the records were accessioned by the MHS.

Record Groups I and II were formerly arranged and described separately. This finding aid now brings all ACLUM and CLUM records together and supersedes all other versions of the finding aid. The variations in the arrangement of the three record groups reflect the nature of the records and different styles of arrangement and description over a period of thirty-five years. Although the series are arranged in three rough chronological sequences, users should note that there is some overlap in dates across the three record groups because of filing practices in the ACLUM offices.

The bulk of the records in Record Group I span the years 1920-1969, and are arranged chronologically in one series titled Archival records. Within each chronological series, the files folders are arranged to reflect the union's hierarchy and organization. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) administrative files are listed first, followed by alphabetical ACLU subject files. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM) administrative files are after the ACLU files and are followed by alphabetical subject files. Printed materials and miscellaneous are arranged at the end of each chronological series. Other series, such as the personal papers of CLUM members Kirtley F. Mather and Dunbar Holmes, and county chapter records, among other series, follow the Archival records series.

The records in Group II are arranged differently than in Group I. The ACLU records, CLUM records, and then MCLUF records are each arranged into their own series. Within these series the records are then arranged in to sub-series by office, creator, or subject. As with Group I, there are other series that are listed after the organizational records.

The records in Group III are arranged similarly to Group II, with a few exceptions. ACLU records are not the first series listed in the collection; chapter records are arranged within the CLUM administrative series, and the directors' records, coalition records, and general subject files (FLAPS), are each arranged into their own series.

Acquisition Information

The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts were placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society in three main accessions (with occasional additions): 1970, 1989-1991, and 2005. Additional papers were placed on deposit in 1973, 2002, and 2003.

The papers of Eva Moseley were the gift of Eva Moseley, August 2008.

The bulk of Florence Luscomb's papers were the gift of Sharon Strom, July 2016.

Restrictions on Access

The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.

Restrictions on Use

The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts have been placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the literary rights (copyright) to this collection. The Massachusetts Historical Society cannot give permission to publish or quote from documents to which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to obtain formal permission from the owners of the literary rights (copyright) to publish or quote from documents in this collection.

Records containing confidential information such as client/attorney privileged communications, medical information, social security numbers, names and addresses of individuals who donated to ACLUM, and personnel matters have been removed from this collection. If a researcher should discover materials of this nature that have inadvertently been left in the collection, s/he will notify the reference staff immediately and will make no use whatsoever of the information contained in those records.

All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated to or deposited in other libraries or archives, or made available to other researchers, without the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Detailed Description of Record Group I

Expand all

I. Archival records, 1920-1970

Arranged alphabetically within years.

This series contains the organizational files of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Boston office. The records document ACLUM's various administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities within the ACLU national organization, ACLU affiliates, local, regional, and national civil liberties groups, and individuals.

The files, dating from 1920 to the early 1960's, focus on ACLUM's defense of First Amendment freedoms of speech, religion, press, and assembly during an era of heightened national fear of aliens, labor's radical subversion and their alleged communist threats to the national security. The bulk of the records, dating from 1960 to 1969, reflect the civil rights movement within Massachusetts and the United States.

Note: The files are arranged alphabetically within years. Many years overlap across two or more cartons. ACLU and CLUM files precede alphabetical topical files which are followed by miscellaneous printed material. Not all years contain each of these elements.

Close I. Archival records, 1920-1970

II. Newsclippings, 1929-1970

Newsclippings were assembled by the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts main Boston office and date from 1929 to 1968. Newsclippings reflect the files in Archival records, 1920-1969.

Close II. Newsclippings, 1929-1970

III. Kirtley F. Mather Papers, 1936-1958

These papers are the personal business files of Kirtley F. Mather, Civil Liberties Union Executive Secretary and academic freedom activist.

See also Archival records, 1920-1969.

Arranged chronologically by subject.

Carton 42SH 13MM 7

Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, 1936-1958

Carton 42SH 13MM 7

House Un-American Activities Committee, 1953-1954

Carton 42SH 13MM 7

Religious Inquisition, 1953

Close III. Kirtley F. Mather Papers, 1936-1958

Detailed Description of Record Group II

Expand all

I. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1970-1985

These records consists of the second accession of organizational files from the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Boston Office and are a continuation of Archival records, 1920-1969. The records document the union's various administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities in defense of civil rights issues and constitutional infringements between the years 1970 and 1988. Included in these records are the national Nixon Impeachment Campaign's files and the Federal Bureau of Investigation files requested by the ACLU under the Freedom of Information Act. These FBI files document intelligence surveillance of ACLU and CLUM activities, as reflected in Archival records, 1920-1969, during the years 1920 to 1970.

See also Record Group I and Record Group III.

Close I. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1970-1985

II. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts records, 1927-1988 (bulk: 1970-1985)

Close II. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts records, 1927-1988 (bulk: 1970-1985)

III. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation records, 1971-1984

Close III. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation records, 1971-1984

IV. Boston University, 1967-1986

Records in this series relate to the interactions of CLUM and Boston University students, faculty, and administration, concerning accusations of the BU administration's abuse of First Amendment rights. Records largely pertain to the investigation of BU's alleged censorship of the student newspaper bu exposure, including correspondence, legal documents, committee records, working files, reports, and published newspaper and magazine articles.

Close IV. Boston University, 1967-1986

Detailed Description of Record Group III

Expand all

I. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM)/American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) administrative records, 1951-2001 (bulk: 1980-1999)

This series includes the records of CLUM's Board of Directors, legal correspondence and subject files, committee records, records of student and regional CLUM chapters, membership records and financial records. In 1995, CLUM changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) to reflect its relationship with its parent organization, the ACLU. Record series that span the time of the name change are referred to as CLUM/ACLUM records .

Close I. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM)/American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) administrative records, 1951-2001 (bulk: 1980-1999)

II. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF) records, 1974-1999 (bulk: 1980-1999)

This series contains the records of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), an organization founded to raise tax-exempt founds to support the work of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the American Civil Liberties Union. It includes records of the trustees, correspondence, development and fundraising records, and financial records. In 1995, the foundation changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts to reflect its association with its national counterpart, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Record series that span the time of the name change are referred to as MCLUF/ACLUFM records.

Close II. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF) records, 1974-1999 (bulk: 1980-1999)

III. John Roberts's Records, 1975-2001

See also Record Group II.

Close III. John Roberts's Records, 1975-2001

IV. Eva Moseley Papers, 1970-2003

This series contains the papers of Eva Moseley, who from 1978 to 2003 served in various capacities in both CLUM/ACLUM and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts. These papers include correspondence, CLUM/ACLUM board records from her tenure as Board Secretary, records from CLUM's Nominating and Public Education and Colloquium Committees, ACLUFM trustees' records, fundraising records, various ACLU and ACLUM printed material, and clippings related to ACLUM issues and events. Many records contain Moseley's handwritten notations.

Close IV. Eva Moseley Papers, 1970-2003

V. Coalition records, 1980-2002

This series contains records pertaining to various coalitions, and other similar organizations, in which CLUM/ACLUM created, lead, or participated from 1980-2002. The coalition records relate to a wide variety of civil liberty issues, including abortion, affirmative action, immigrants and refugees, police practice, and sex offenders, among other topics. The bulk of the subseries consists of records pertaining to CLUM/ACLUM's Bill of Rights Education project from 1987-1999, including project descriptions and time lines, records relating to the youth-oriented Project Hip Hop, fundraising and donor information, press coverage, and other related materials.

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 88SH 17E2 QFolders 32-35

Abortion Referenda, 1981-1984

Carton 88SH 17E2 QFolder 36

Affirmative Action Voices, 1997-1999

Carton 88SH 17E2 QFolder 37

Algebra Project, 1993

Carton 88SH 17E2 QFolder 38

Amicus Club, 1993

Carton 88SH 17E2 QFolder 39

Anti-Censorship Network, 1997

Carton 89SH 17EB ZFolders 25-49

Campaign for Choice Coalition (also called Coalition for Choice), 1983-1990 (bulk: 1986)

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folders 1-3

Civil Liberties and Economic Justice conference, 1985

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 4

Civil Liberties Task Force, ca. 2002

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 5

Coalition to Stop Institutional Violence, 1986

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 6

Council for Fair School Finance, 1994

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folders 7-9

Criminal Justice policy Coalition, 1997-1999

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 10

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), 2002

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 11

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD), 1980-1985

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 12

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), 1990-1991

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 13

National Committee Against Repressive Legislation, 1990

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 14

New Office Technology Coalition, 1989

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 15

Patient Confidentiality Coalition, 1996-2001

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folders 16-28

Police Practices Coalition, 1991-1998

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 29

Regional Community Policing Institute for New England, 2000

Carton 90SH 17EG /Folder 30

Sex Offenders Registry Law meeting, 1996

Close V. Coalition records, 1980-2002

VI. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1980-1996

This series contains records created by the national ACLU from 1980-1996. The series primary contains form letters, memos, and newsletters received by CLUM from 1987-1992 and 1996, pertaining to national civil liberty issues and organizational updates. In addition, the series records from 1986-1991 pertaining to the Annual ACLU Executive Directors Conference. Conference records include correspondence, conference schedules, and other related materials. The series also contains a small amount of form letters and memos from ACLUF, primarily pertaining to national membership and fundraising; records pertaining to the ACLU Biennial Conference in 1989; and other miscellaneous ACLU records.

See also Record Group I and Record Group II

Close VI. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1980-1996

VII. Subject files, 1972-1999

This series contains subject files (also called Flaps) that were kept in the main CLUM offices in Boston. Subject files pertain to a variety of CLUM activities and interests and consists of newspaper clippings, memos, correspondence, printed material, and notes.

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolders 31-32

Abortion, 1978-1989

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 33

Almighty RSO (rap group), 1992

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 34

ACLU defense of right-wingers, 1987

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 35

Andover High t-shirt, 1994

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 36

Anti-boycott cases, 1976-1977

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 37

Anti-terrorist activity, 1991

Carton 91SH 17E4 SFolder 38

Anti-war activities, 1991

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolders 1-3

Behavior Research Institute, 1986-1994

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 4

Bicentennial (Constitution), 1985-1987

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 5

Board of Bar Overseers, 1979-1989

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 6

Boston Common permit, 1989-1990

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 7

Bowman: naked union election, 1993

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 8

Buffer zone (Massachusetts law), 1999

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 9

Cambridge Art Exhibit, 1994

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 10

Cambridge Civilian Review Board, 1984-1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 11

Campus Speech,1990-1991

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 12

Censorship, 1986-1989

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 13

Chatham field hockey, 1993

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 14

Chelsea R.O.C.A., 1991

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolders 15-18

Church/State, 1979-1997

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 19

CIA recruiting at UMass, 1987

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 20

City transfer, 1989

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 21

Condoms, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 22

Confederate flag at City Hall, 1994

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 23

Council for Fair School Finance, n.d.

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 24

Mark Curtis Defense, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 25

UMass Daily Collegian, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 26

Dukakis, 1988

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 27

David Duke, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 38

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1994

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 39

Episcopal clergy, 1995

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 40

Extradition of Jerry Lui, 1996

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 41

Falmouth-10 year old arrested, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 42

Framingham library, 1988

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolders 43-44

Hampshire College- Kramer, 1986-1989

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolder 45

Harvard Law Review, 1992

Carton 92SH 13N4 XFolders 46-47

Health Bill, 1994

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 1-3

David Hendricks (killed by police), 1992-1993

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 4-5

Heroin, 1973-1976

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 6

Hertz/teamsters, 1996

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 7

Willie Horton story, 1989

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 8

Hopkinton censorship, 1992

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 9

Immigrant voting, 1991

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 10

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Palestinian films, 1991

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 11-14

Jail (County Correction Facilities Project), 1975-1978

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 15

Justice for women, 1991

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 16

Lawrence mayor, drugs and welfare, 1989

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 17

Lawrence police barricades, 1992

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 18

Lexington High School student paper, 1992

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 19-24

Julius Lester/UMass, 1988

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 25

Malaysian tourists, 1992

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 26

Marblehead advocate Carl King, 1995

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 27-28

Professor Tony Martin (Wellesley), 1992-1994

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 29

MIT "Bad Mouth" speech, 1992

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 30

Medford High racial incidents, 1993

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folders 31-32

Mental patients-model drug laws, 1975-1977, 1987

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 33

Nantucket police, 1995

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 34

The Nationalist Movement, 1995

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 35

Newburyport protective custody provision, 1994

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 36

Newton sex education battle, 1993

Carton 93SH 17EC -Folder 37

Ollie North on Freedom Alliance, 1990

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 1-2

OCBC FOIA Request, 1986-1988

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 3

Police meeting, 1986

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 4

Police misconduct project, 1979-1981

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 5-7

Political asylum/ immigration representation project, 1989-1991

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 8

Pre-term suit, 1973-1974

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 9

Prison expansion, 1976-1977

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 10-11

Prisoners, 1974-1980

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 12

Privacy- Medical Records Confidentiality Act, 1995

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 13-14

Privacy Project, 1973-1975

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 15-16

Privacy- Titicut Follies, 1967-1975

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 17

Proposals, 1974-1976

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 18

Racism Conference, 1990

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 19-20

Religious Right, 1993-1994

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolders 21-22

Reproductive Freedom project (ACLU), 1988-1992

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 23

Rock concerts, 1996

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 24

Salem witches, 1992

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 25

Scituate baccalaureate service, 1994

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 26

Skokie and CLUM, 1977-1978

Carton 94SH 13N1 UFolder 27

SAT scores, 1989

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolders 1-6

St. Patrick's Day parade, 1992-1999

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolder 7

Stoneham Adult Video, 1993

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolders 8-12

Voting, 1977-1995

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolder 13

Welfare Study, 1978-1979

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolder 14

White supremacist parade. 1994

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolders 15-19

Women's Rights project, 1972-1978

Carton 95SH 17E1 PFolder 20

Ziegler, 1975

Close VII. Subject files, 1972-1999

VIII. CLUM printed materials, ca. 1975-2005

This series contains publications from 1983-2005, including CLUM/ACLUM's newspaper The Docket, which is printed about twice a year; the Bill of Rights Network, a newsletter produced quarterly by the Bill of Rights Education Project; and The Rising Times, a newspaper produced several times a year by the group Project Hip-Hop. This series also contains a variety of clipping pertaining to CLUM/ACLUM and the ACLU from 1980-1999.

See also Record Group I and Record Group II

Close VIII. CLUM printed materials, ca. 1975-2005

Preferred Citation

American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
American Civil Liberties Union


Children's rights
Civil rights--Massachusetts--Law and legislation
Civil rights--Massachusetts--Societies, etc.
Civil rights--United States--Law and legislation
Freedom of speech
Freedom of the press
Gay rights
Privacy, Right of
Women's rights

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