Guide to the Microfilm Edition
This collection consists of the personal papers and business records of Thomas H. Perkins (1764-1854), including correspondence, diaries, invoices, account books, ledgers, and other papers.
Biographical Sketch
Thomas Handasyd Perkins (1764-1854) was one of Boston's most successful China merchants.
Collection Description
The Thomas Handasyd Perkins papers consist of the personal papers of Thomas Handasyd Perkins and the records of various Perkins trading firms, including correspondence, invoices, and other business papers related to late 18th-century and early 19th-century mercantile trade. Subjects include the Boston Tea Party, 18th-century revolts of enslaved people in Santo Domingo, and trade during the War of 1812. Among the significant correspondents are John Jacob Astor, Robert Bennet Forbes, and Georges Washington Motier de Lafayette. The bound volumes include diaries of Thomas H. Perkins; a letterbook of his grandson Thomas H. Perkins III (1823-1900); and account books, blotters, journals, ledgers, letterbooks, and waste books of the firms E. Bumstead & Co., J. & T. H. Perkins, J. & T. H. Perkins & Sons, and Perkins & Co.
The collection is divided into three series: I. Loose papers; II. Oversize papers; and III. Bound volumes. This guide also contains an Select Index of correspondents in Series I (Loose papers), names mentioned in Series II (Oversize papers), authors and owners of the volumes in Series III (Bound volumes), and select individuals and subjects of historical significance found in the collection.
Acquisition Information
Gift of George Edward Cabot, 1922.
Other Formats
Digital facsimiles of parts of the Thomas Handasyd Perkins papers are available on China, America and the Pacific, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Loose papers, 1789-1853
Arranged chronologically.
This series contains correspondence, invoices, bills of lading, and other papers related to late 18th-century and early 19th-century mercantile trade. Significant subjects include the perils of trading during the French Revolution and the War of 1812, the 18th-century uprisings of enslaved people in Santo Domingo, and the sometimes violent encounters between traders and Native Americans on the northwest coast of America. Among the notable correspondents represented in this series are John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Fisher Ames, John Jacob Astor, Edward Everett, John Murray Forbes, Robert Bennet Forbes, Georges Washington Motier de Lafayette, and Jonathan Mason.
For a list of the correspondents in this series, see the Select Index.
II. Oversize papers, 1795-1851
This series consists mainly of newspaper clippings and legal documents pertaining to the sea trade.
For a list of the names mentioned in this series, see the Select Index.
III. Bound volumes, 1783-1892
For a list of the authors or owners of the volumes in this series, see the Select Index.
A. Personal journals, 1789-1892
This subseries contains the diaries and personal journals of Thomas H. Perkins, including one letterbook (Vol. 32) of his grandson Thomas H. Perkins III (1823-1900). Most of the journals describe the travels of the Perkins family in Europe and the United States.
13 July 1789
Voyage on ship Charlotte to Bordeaux, 14 Dec. 1794-2 Feb. 1795
At Paris, France, 12 Mar.-21 May 1795
France to Holland and back, 10 May-6 June 1795
Paris to Amsterdam, 6 June-24 July 1795
Europe and England, 1 July-29 Sep. 1795
At Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 3-12 Sep. 1800
On a voyage to Bristol, England, 27 Aug.-30 Sep. 1811
At Cherbourg, 14 May 1812, 1 June 1812
London to Boston, 11 June 1820, 10 July 1823
Liverpool, England, 11 May-5 July 1823
London to Holland, July 1823
Voyage on ship Milo, 14 Apr.-31 July 1826
Trip to England, 4 May 1826
Voyage on Margaret Forbes to London, 13 July-5 Aug. 1829, and Dover to Boston, 20 Sep.-22 Oct. 1829
In England, Aug.-Sep. 1829
Account books, 30 Nov. 1834-2 Jan. 1835, and at London, 22 Mar. 1835
London to Paris, 4-19 Apr. 1835
In Europe, 19 Apr.-5 May 1835
In Europe, 9 May-9 June 1835
In Europe, 12-29 June 1835
In Europe, 9-13 July 1835
St. Louis to Canada up Mississippi River, 8-29 July 1837
Voyage on Patrick Henry, Liverpool to N.Y., 27 Apr.-30 May 1841
Voyage on Massachusetts, N.Y. to Liverpool and return, 15 Sep.-13 Nov. 1845
Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 18 July 1846
At Saratoga Springs, 17 July-1 Aug. 1847
At Saratoga Springs, 3-22 July 1854
Inventory of Perkins property in Temple Place and Brookline houses, [1854?]
Journal of reminiscences of England and Wales, 1 July 1812
Memorandum book, 1824-1828
Thomas H. Perkins III letterbook, 1888-1892
B. Business papers, 1783-1857
This subseries contains account books, blotters, journals, ledgers, letterbooks, waste books, and other records of the various firms with which Thomas H. Perkins was associated, including E. Bumstead & Co.; J. & T. H. Perkins; J. & T. H. Perkins & Sons; and Perkins and Co. Subjects include trade practices in Santo Domingo, China, and Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
E. Bumstead & Co. papers
Blotter, 25 Jan. 1803-20 Oct. 1805
Journal, 6 Feb. 1804-20 Oct. 1805
Cabot papers
Handasyd Cabot account book, 1834-1835
Extracts of J. & T. H. Perkins letterbooks, compiled by James Elliot Cabot, 1786-1838
Typescript of extracts of J & T. H. Perkins letterbooks, compiled by James Elliot Cabot, 1786-1838
Note: This volume is a duplicate of Vol. 36, so it has not been microfilmed.
Photocopy of extracts of J & T. H. Perkins letterbooks, compiled by James Elliot Cabot, 1786-1838
Note: This volume is a duplicate of Vol. 36, so it has not been microfilmed.
S. Cabot waste book, 1829-1857
J & T. H. Perkins papers
Account book, 20 July 1819-30 Nov. 1827
Blotter, 18 Jan. 1797-3 Aug. 1798
Blotter, 5 Dec. 1805-23 Sep. 1807
Blotter, 24 Sep. 1807-20 July 1810
Blotter, 30 Apr. 1818-12 Oct. 1820
Blotter, 17 Oct. 1820-30 Nov. 1827
Invoice book, 10 Sep. 1803-26 Dec. 1811
Invoice book, 5 Aug. 1819-3 May 1823
Journal, 25 Feb. 1798-25 Feb. 1800
Journal, 26 Feb. 1800-30 Dec. 1801
Journal, 1 May 1804-15 May 1806
Journal, 16 Jan. 1821-30 Nov. 1827
Ledger, 1818-1824
Letterbook, 3 Apr. 1807-5 Jan. 1815
Sales book, 29 Mar. 1817-10 Mar. 1823
Trial balance book, 20 Jan. 1820-24 Feb. 1825
J & T. H. Perkins & Sons papers
Account book, 5 Jan. 1821-July 1835
Invoice book, 20 Dec. 1820-7 Nov. 1832
Invoice book, 28 Oct. 1826-24 Sep. 1832
Journal, 12 Feb. 1825-7 June 1827
Journal, 7 June 1827-Nov. 1835
Ledger, Aug. 1822-Nov. 1835
Sales book, 24 Apr. 1821-9 Dec. 1837
Trial balance book, 2 Jan. 1832-27 May 1836
Waste book, 23 Oct. 1824-3 July 1826
Waste book, 5 July 1826-31 Dec. 1827
Perkins & Co. papers
Invoice book, 10-15 Nov. 1805
Journal, 1 Oct. 1828-11 July 1829
Ledger, 31 Jan. 1832-Dec. 1844
Waste book, 20 Feb. 1828-30 Nov. 1830
Prince and Cabot papers
Account book, 10 Dec. 1783-19 June 1785
Select Index
Listed below are the correspondents in Series I (Loose papers), the names mentioned in Series II (Oversize papers), the authors or owners of the volumes in Series III (Bound volumes), and select individuals and subjects of historical significance found in the collection. The numbers following each item indicate the box(es) and folder(s) where information about that individual or subject is located. For example, information about Mrs. M. Abbot can be found in Box 2, Folder 6.
Abbot, Mrs. M., 2.6 |
Adams, John, 1.2, 2.6, Box OS |
Adams, John Quincy, 2.7, Box OS |
Adams, Samuel, 1.2, Box OS |
Aligator (ship), 1.3 |
Allen, Andrew, Jr., 2.2 |
Ames, Fisher, 1.7 |
Amory, Thomas C., 1.6 |
Anubis (ship), 1.6 |
Armstrong, Francis, 1.6 |
Astor, John Jacob, 2.1 |
Astrea (ship), 1.2 |
Atalante (brig), 1.6 |
Augusta (ship), 2.6 |
Bangs, Edward, Box OS |
Bartlett, Moses, 2.1 |
Bates, Joshua, 2.8 |
Bayard, Sam, 1.9 |
Beau, Madam, 2.2 |
Bellerire, Barry de, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 1.10 |
Bienaime, Luigi, 2.10 |
Blagge, Sam, 1.2, Box OS |
Bolton, W. C., 2.10 |
Boston Female Asylum, 2.1 |
Boston Tea Party (1773), 2.4 |
Boutarel, 1.9 |
Bradbury, Francis, 2.1 |
Bradford, Alden, Box OS |
Bradford, Samuel, 1.1 |
Brooks, J., Box OS |
Bryant & Sturgis, 2.4, Box OS |
Buchanan, William, 1.2 |
Bulls, Fred, 1.2 |
Bumstead, Ephraim, 1.10, Vols. 33-34 |
Bumstead, E. & Co., Vols. 33-34 |
Bumstead, John, 2.1 |
Burling, Thomas, 1.6 |
Burling, Walter, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1 |
Cabot, Eliza, 2.5, 2.9, 2.10 |
Cabot, James Elliot, Vols. 36, 37, 38 |
Cabot, Richard C., 2.9 |
Cabot, S., Vol. 39 |
Cabot, S. & J. & T. H. Perkins, Jrs., 2.4 |
Cabot, Samuel, 2.4, 2.6, 2.9, 2.10, Box OS, Vols. 56-65, 67-69 |
Cabot, Thomas Handasyd, Vol. 35 |
Cape Francis uprisings of enslaved people, 1.2, 1.3 |
Carter, James, 1.3 |
Cary, T. G., 2.9 |
Chalmers, William, 1.2 |
Comerford, James, 2.7 |
Corbieres, Madam de, 1.5, 1.6 |
Corbieres, Henry, 1.6, 1.7 |
Coublan, Madey de, 1.8, 1.9 |
Crafts, Thomas, 1.5 |
Crafts, W. & E., 1.5 |
Crafts, William, 1.10 |
Cunningham, Capt. William, 1.9 |
Curson, Samuel, 2.6 |
Curtis, Zebina, 1.10 |
Curwen, Joseph, 2.2, 2.8 |
Cushing, John P., 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, Vols. 66-69 |
Cushing, Robert, 1.2 |
Davis, Eleanor, 2.1 |
Davis, J. P., 2.1 |
Dearborn, Henry A. S., Box OS |
Deblois, Stephen, 1.6 |
Degen, Purviance & Co., 1.10 |
Degen & Schwartz, 1.5 |
Delight (brig), 1.3, Box OS |
Derby, Charles, 1.6 |
Derby, Elias Hasket, 1.2 |
Dobell, Peter, 2.4 |
Dodge, Unite, 1.5, 1.6 |
Drew, Nehemiah, 1.6 |
Dufort, A., 1.3, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 |
Dumerisq, P., 2.7 |
Dutilh, Morin & Co., 1.3 |
Duxbury (brig), 2.6 |
Eckley, J., 1.4 |
Edes, Robert, Box OS |
Elliot, Simon, 1.3 |
Emigrant Society, 1.4 |
Enigheden (brig), 1.5 |
Erie, Fort, siege (1814), 2.2 |
Everett, Edward, 2.5, 2.7 |
Fame (ship), 1.6 |
Federal George (brig), 1.6 |
Fitz Patres, Madame, 1.2 |
Five Sisters (schooner), 1.8 |
Forbes, J. G., 1.3 |
Forbes, John M., 1.9, 2.6, 2.9 |
Forbes, J. & R. B., 1.8, 1.9 |
Forbes, R. Bennet, 1.4, 1.8, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10 |
Forbes, Thomas, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 |
Frazier, Charles, 1.3 |
Frestel, 1.5 |
Frothingham, Eliza, 2.1 |
Gallet, A., 1.10 |
Garesche, T. P., 1.9 |
Ghent, Treaty of (1814), 2.3 |
Gibbs & Channing, 1.6, 1.8 |
Glyn, Thomas C., 2.7 |
Gray, John, 1.4 |
Gray, William, Jr., 1.6 |
Greene, John B., 2.3 |
Hancock, John, 1.2, Box OS |
Hannah (ship), 1.6 |
Hanson, A. C., 2.1 |
Hawker, J. M., 2.3 |
Hays, M. M., 1.2 |
Heath, Ebenezer, 2.6 |
Higginson, H., 2.1 |
Higginson, [Jno.], 1.4, 1.5 |
Higginson, Stephen & Co., 1.5 |
Hill, Samuel, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 |
[Hinned], Henry, 1.9 |
Hunt, Jonathan, 2.5 |
Jamina & Fanny (brig), 1.6 |
Jane (brig), 1.5 |
Jay (brig), 1.5 |
Jay's Treaty (1794), 1.4 |
Jefferson, Thomas, Box OS |
Katy (brig), 1.3 |
Keith, James, 2.4 |
Kimball, Hazen, 1.7 |
Kirkland, J. T., 2.9 |
Lafayette, Georges Washington Motier de, 1.5 |
Lamb, James & Thomas, 2.1 |
Lane, John, 1.2 |
Larroque, P. M., 1.2 |
Leipzig, Battle of (1813), 2.2 |
Lewis, Amos, 1.1 |
Lewis, Mrs., 2.3 |
Lincoln, Levi, Box OS |
Lincoln, P., 2.1 |
Little, George, 1.7 |
Lowell, John, 2.5 |
Lucretia (brig), 1.5 |
Magee, Bernard, 1.9 |
Magee, James, Jr., 1.9 |
Mahala Winsor (brig), 1.5 |
Manner, Henry, 1.8, 1.9 |
Manoel, P., 1.8, 1.9 |
Marryat, Samuel, 2.7 |
Mason, Jonathan, 1.8 |
Massachusetts (steamship), 2.10 |
Massachusetts Militia, Corps of Independent Cadets, 1.1, 1.7, Box OS |
Meger, W., 1.8 |
Miller, Alexander, 1.10 |
Monroe, James, 1.4, Box OS |
Montnoel, [Lejeune de], 1.1 |
Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus, Box OS |
Munro, James, 1.6 |
Napoleon I, 2.2, 2.3 |
Nautilus (ship), 2.6 |
Nichols, Ichabod, 1.2, 1.3 |
Nile (brig), 2.6, 2.7, Box OS |
Newell, George, 2.7 |
Newton, E. A., 2.9 |
Ophelia (ship), Box OS |
Otis, H. G., 1.6 |
Otis, Samuel A., 1.3 |
Perkins, Elizabeth, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 |
Perkins, James (1733-1773), 1.1, 2.4 |
Perkins, James (1761-1822), 2.5, Vols. 33, 34, 36-38, 40-58, 62, 66 |
Perkins, James, Jr. (1791-1828), 2.6, Vols. 56-62, 64, 65, 66 |
Perkins, J. & T. H., 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, Box OS, Vols. 40-55 |
Perkins, J. & T. H. & Sons, 2.6, Vols. 56-65 |
Perkins, James H., 2.9 |
Perkins, Samuel G., 1.3, 2.3, Box OS |
Perkins, Stephen H., 2.7, Box OS |
Perkins, Thomas H. (1764-1854), 1.2-10, 2.1-10, Box OS, Vols. 1-31, 33-34, 36-38, 40-69 |
Perkins, Thomas H., Jr. (1796-1850), 2.4, 2.6, Vols. 56-65 |
Perkins, Thomas H., III (1823-1900), Vol. 32 |
Perkins & Co., 2.9, Box OS, Vols. 66-69 |
Perkins, Burling & Co., 1.2, 1.3 |
Philips, William, Box OS |
Pierce, John, 2.10 |
Pinkham, B., 1.5 |
Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola, 1.3 |
Prince & Cabot, Vol. 70 |
[Puk], W., 1.7 |
Purkitt, John, Box OS |
Raimond, S., 1.5 |
Ramirez, Alexander, 1.6, 1.7 |
Ranger (brig), 1.2 |
Raybaud, 1.3 |
Rebecca (brig), 1.6 |
Revere, Paul, 1.6 |
Robinson, John, 2.6 |
Rush, Richard, Box OS |
Russell, John, 1.5 |
Russell, N. P., 2.1 |
Russell & Co., 2.9 |
Sandos, Charles, 2.2, 2.3 |
Santo Domingo, 1.2, 1.3 |
Sargent, Ignatius, 1.7 |
Sargent, J. T., 1.10 |
Sedgwick, Robert, 2.5 |
Smith, J. Adams, Box OS |
Smith, Joseph, 2.9 |
Smith, Timbrell & Co., 2.3 |
Southgate, Richard, 2.9 |
Sparks, Jared, 2.10 |
Stille, John, 1.2 |
Strong, Caleb, Box OS |
Sturgis, George W., 2.4 |
Sturgis, Josiah, 1.8, 1.9 |
Sturgis, Russell, 1.4 |
Sullivan, William, 2.5 |
Swift, Benjamin, 2.1 |
Thomas (schooner), 1.6 |
Thomas Russell (brig), 1.6 |
Thompson, James, 1.8 |
Thorndike, Israel, 1.3 |
Thouin, Claude, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.10 |
Todd, Samuel, 1.5 |
Triton (schooner), 1.6 |
Tyndal, N. C., 2.7 |
United States Naval Benevolent Association, 2.9 |
Vemond, John F., 1.3 |
Vernon, William, 2.5 |
Vila, James, 1.5 |
Wagner, Jacob, 1.7 |
Wall, T., 1.2 |
Washington, George, 1.2, Box OS |
Waters, Josiah, 1.5 |
Weller & Williams, 2.4 |
Whyte, Oliver, 2.6 |
Williams, C., 2.3 |
Williams, S., 2.3 |
Willing, Thomas, 1.6 |
Wills, Arnold, 1.2 |
Winship & Davis, 2.4 |
Winslow, George, 2.6 |
Winslow, Isaac, 1.10 |
Wolcott, Oliver, 1.7 |
Wyman, Simon, 1.5 |
Yznardi, Joseph M., 1.3 |
Preferred Citation
Thomas Handasyd Perkins papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.