1771-1948; bulk: 1785-1801

Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of Winthrop Sargent (1753-1820), Revolutionary War officer, Ohio Company agent, secretary of the Northwest Territory, and governor of the Mississippi Territory.

Biographical Sketch

Winthrop Sargent was born in Gloucester, Mass. on 1 May 1753 into a family of merchant-mariners that had been influential in Gloucester since the middle of the 17th century. He received his education at Harvard, then signed onto one of his father's ships and traveled widely in the West Indies and Europe. When he returned to Massachusetts, the Revolution had begun, and his vessel was seized by the British as it entered Boston Harbor. Sargent escaped on a fishing boat and reached Gloucester safely. He immediately joined the patriot cause.

Sargent served in the artillery for the duration of the war. He participated in the siege of Boston, went with the American army to New York, and, until 1778, took part in most of the battles fought by Washington's army--Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Monmouth. He spent the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge, Pa. before he and Henry Knox, chief of artillery in the American army, were sent to Congress to plead for more food and clothing for the troops. After 1778, Sargent worked as an aide to Major General Robert Howe, spending most of the time on garrison duty. In 1783, Congress conferred on him the rank of major just as he was being mustered out of the army.

Sargent's health was suffering after seven years of service, and he spent a good part of the next three years recuperating in Gloucester. In 1786, with the help of Henry Knox, Sargent was chosen to be one of the surveyors of the Northwest Territory. He spent the last half of 1786 as a surveyor in Ohio, drawing the 5th Range, but winter and the hostility of the Native Americans prevented him from finishing the job. Sargent was impressed with the Ohio country, and in 1787, he became secretary of the newly formed Ohio Company, a land-speculation organization of New England veterans and businessmen. He and the Reverend Manasseh Cutler lobbied Congress to secure the land grant, which passed late in 1787.

Though Sargent withdrew from the Scioto River venture when it proved embarrassing, he was one of the most active members of the Ohio Company, selling a total of 157 shares. When Congress appointed General Arthur St. Clair governor of the Northwest Territory, the directors of the Ohio Company helped to get Sargent elected as secretary. Though the position was not a lucrative one, the secretary was empowered, under a law passed by Congress in 1789, to serve as acting governor in case of the governor's absence.

In the spring of 1788, the first settlers of the Ohio Company went west and founded the town of Marietta. Sargent arrived a few weeks later and, within a year or so, became a well-established member of the community. In 1789, he married Rowena Tupper, the daughter of General Benjamin Tupper of Revolutionary War fame. Unfortunately, Sargent's wife died in childbirth a year later, along with the child. When Cincinnati became the seat of government in 1791, Sargent moved to that city and built a house and garden, where he could pursue his interest in horticulture.

However, the Native Americans in the Northwest Territory did not recognize the white settlers' claim on the land, and clashes between the two groups were frequent and bloody. After Colonel John Hardin's defeat at Kekionga in October 1790, Washington ordered St. Clair to launch another military expedition against the Native Americans. Sargent was appointed adjutant-general, and it fell to him to shape the undisciplined recruits into an effective fighting force. However, faced with a shortage of men and supplies, the laziness and inexperience of the recruits, friction between St. Clair and his second-in-command General Richard Butler, and poor weather conditions, the American forces were defeated in the Battle of the Wabash on 4 November 1791. Sargent himself was wounded twice.

After the Wabash disaster, St. Clair traveled to Philadelphia to defend himself against charges of incompetence, leaving Sargent as acting governor. Sargent's responsibilities included: reorganizing the militia, providing for defense against Native American raids, cooperating with federal military forces in the area, and preserving law and order. He rigorously enforced the letter of the law and passed additional legislation to deal with specific frontier problems. As a result, his relations with the people of the territory were often strained. He had more success in settling conflicting land claims, establishing new counties, and setting up the basic institutions of government. When the British evacuated Detroit after Jay's Treaty, Sargent promptly extended civil jurisdiction to the Detroit area and established Wayne County. However, this action angered St. Clair, who had returned to the territory and who resented what he considered Sargent's usurpation of power.

In 1798, Sargent was appointed governor of the Mississippi Territory, and he moved to Natchez, the seat of the territorial government. There he instituted many of the same strict policies he had adopted in Ohio, which again angered his constituents. His opponents launched a campaign against him, and anti-Sargent candidates were elected to the legislature and the Council. They objected to the harsh criminal code Sargent had implemented and accused him of lining his own pockets with tavern and marriage license fees. In 1801, Sargent--a Federalist--appealed to President Thomas Jefferson for reappointment, but he was replaced by Jeffersonian William C. C. Claiborne. That same year, Sargent published two pamphlets in his own defense, Papers in Relation to the Official Conduct of Governour Sargent and Political Intolerance, or the Violence of Party Spirit; Exemplified in a Recent Removal from Office.

Shortly after his arrival in Natchez, Sargent had married Mary McIntosh Williams, and the couple had two sons, William Fitz-Winthrop Sargent and George Washington Sargent. They built a house called Gloster Place on Mrs. Sargent's plantation, and after his retirement from public office, Sargent supervised the work of the estate. He was an influential member of the community and a leader in the founding of the Bank of Mississippi, serving as one of its 13 superintendents for most of the rest of his life. A lifelong student of meteorology, botany, horticulture, geology, and archaeology, Sargent was a member of the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Massachusetts Historical Society. Between 1793 and 1815, he published articles and papers on subjects such as forestry, earthquakes, and Native American antiquities.

The Sargents lived briefly in Cambridge, Mass. from 1816 to 1818 before returning to Natchez. When Sargent, plagued by gout, was told by his doctors that a change of climate might bring him relief, the family made plans to move to Philadelphia. In 1820, on a steamboat en route to New Orleans, Sargent died suddenly of "gout of the stomach." He was 67 years old.


Haynes, Robert V. "The Revolution of 1800 in Mississippi." Journal of Mississippi History 19.4 (1957): 234-251.

Pershing, B. H. "Winthrop Sargent." Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 35.4 (1926): 583-602.

Pleasants, Henry, Jr. "Winthrop Sargent: Patriot and Pioneer." Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Publications 6.5 (1944).

Toulmin, George B. "The Political Ideas of Winthrop Sargent: A New England Federalist on the Frontier." Journal of Mississippi History 15.4 (1953): 207-229.

Collection Description

The Winthrop Sargent papers include personal, business, and official correspondence; diaries (1786-1820); orderly books; lists of Ohio Company agents and sales; petitions; contracts; pamphlets; wills, tax slips, receipts, and other documents relating to the Sargent estate; weather records and agricultural notebooks; and plats and survey reports. Other papers relate to the St. Clair expedition against the Native Americans of which Sargent was adjutant general; Sargent's survey of the 5th Range, Northwest Territory; a trip from Marietta, Ohio, to Cahokia, Ill., with Governor Arthur St. Clair; Sargent's plantations near Natchez, Miss.; the Congressional investigation of Sargent's administration of the Mississippi Territory and his dismissal; the Ohio Company; the early settlement and administration of the Northwest Territory; relations with the Spanish governments of Louisiana and West Florida; and military, business, and family matters. The bulk of the collection covers Sargent's public career from 1785-1801.

The collection contains a large number of typescripts. When an original document has been lost, the typescript has been microfilmed in its place.

The journal of Sargent's 1805 voyage to Palermo, Naples, and Leghorn has not been microfilmed.

Acquisition Information

Most of the items in this microfilm edition were gifts from Paul Dana, 1922, and Winthrop Sargent, Jr., 1938-1965. Three volumes were loaned by the Ohio Historical Society for use in this microfilm: the notebook entitled "Informations from Mr. Maya"; the diary dated 29 Apr. 1791-30 June 1791; and the diary dated 1 Jan. 1801-31 Dec. 1802.

Other Formats

Digital facsimiles of the Winthrop Sargent papers are available on Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

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Correspondent Index, 1784-1820

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This list contains the names of 388 select correspondents in the Winthrop Sargent papers from 1784 through 1820, the year of Sargent's death. Most but not all of Sargent's correspondents during this period are included. Correspondents are listed alphabetically, and each has been identified according to the period, locale, or subject matter of his or her letters. Petitions signed by one person have been included; longer petitions and extracts have not. Letters dated 1821 through 1948 are listed separately.

Abbot, Benjamin. N.H., principal, Phillips Exeter Academy.

20 May 1801 [to Robert Fletcher]

11 July 1801

Adams, John. Mass., U.S. President.

7 Apr. 1799

Addison, Alexander. Penn., District Court judge.

28 July 1797

2 Sep. 1797

Agostini, Francesco. Natchez resident.

22 Mar. 1799

Allison, Robert. Cincinnati physician.

[Feb. 1798]

Armstrong, John. Major, U.S. Army.

17 Mar. 1792

1 June 1792

10 Mar. 1793

Arnold, Thomas. Of Ky.

25 Nov. 1797

Arundel, William. Member, St. Clair County militia, Northwest Territory.

30 Sep. 1797

Aspinwall, Gilbert. N.Y.C. merchant.

25 May 1802

15 Sep. 1802

8 Apr. 1803

11 May 1803

17 June 1810

8 Sep. 1810

29 Sep. 1810

27 May 1811

6 July 1811

13 July 1811

23 July 1811

3 Aug. 1811

13 Sep. 1811

5 Oct. 1811

14 Nov. 1811

24 Dec. 1811 [with John M. Aspinwall]

3 Feb. 1812

18 Mar. 1812

4 Apr. 1812

9 Apr. 1812

17 Apr. 1812

9 May 1812

21 May 1812

11 Aug. 1812

20 Aug. 1812

8 Sep. 1812

27 Jan. 1813

25 June 1813

29 July 1813

13 Nov. 1813

30 Dec. 1813

24 May 1814

25 June 1814

21 July 1814

11 Oct. 1814

11 Nov. 1814

26 Nov. 1814

1 May 1815

30 June 1815

Aspinwall, Gilbert and John. N.Y.C. merchants.

7 July 1801

17 Aug. 1801

11 Dec. 1801

28 Jan. 1802

11 May 1803 [2 letters]

13 May 1803

16 June 1803

8 Oct. 1803

1 Dec. 1803

3 Feb. 1804

25 Apr. 1804

23 July 1804

14 Sep. 1804 [with copies of letters to T. and D. Urquhart, 12 Sep. 1804 and 13 Sep. 1804]

13 Oct. 1804

6 July 1805

20 July 1805

1 Oct. 1805

24 Jan. 1806

24 July 1806

9 July 1807

29 Sep. 1807

1 Apr. 1808

10 Nov. 1808

1 Mar. 1810

Aspinwall, John. N.Y.C. merchant.

16 June 1810

Aspinwall, John Myer. Partner, G. Aspinwall and Son.

24 Dec. 1811 [with G. Aspinwall]

16 Oct. 1819

Audrain, Peter. Recorder, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

10 Oct. 1796

31 Oct. 1796

6 Nov. 1796

12 Nov. 1796

14 Nov. 1796

22 Nov. 1796

19 Dec. 1796

16 Jan. 1797

23 Mar. 1797

28 Mar. 1797

16 Apr. 1797

21 May 1797

28 June 1797

21 July 1797

2 Aug. 1797

22 Sep. 1797

26 Sep. 1797

12 Oct. 1797

15 Nov. 1797

20 Jan. 1798

26 Jan. 1798

1 Mar. 1798

7 July 1798

Avery, Charles. Militia officer, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

13 July 1798

Baird, Samuel. Vincennes surveyor, Northwest Territory.

12 Oct. 1790

4 Jan. 1792

18 Feb. 1792

5 July 1792

Baldwin, Loammi. Mass. civil engineer.

9 Sep. 1816

Barclay, T. B. Of Philadelphia.

8 Mar. 1812

28 Aug. 1812

1 Oct. 1812

23 Dec. 1812

23 Jan. 1813

4 Mar. 1813

20 Apr. 1813

31 May 1813

30 Sep. 1814

12 Nov. 1814

17 Feb. 1815

Barlow, Joel. Scioto Company agent in France.

25 Aug. 1789

Barrell, Joseph. Boston merchant.

18 Sep. 1801

4 Oct. 1801

Bartlett, William. Mass., Newburyport merchant.

18 July 1788

Barton, Benjamin Smith. Penn. physician, naturalist.

9 Mar. 1812

Bates, Uzal. Militia officer, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

3 Apr. 1794

Bayly, William. Of Georgetown, Md.

1 Feb. 1794

Beasley, John. Magistrate, militia officer, Adams County, Northwest Territory.

18 Oct. 1797

Beatty, Erkurius. Ohio Company shareholder.

11 Mar. 1796

Beckes, Benjamin. Militia officer, Knox County, Northwest Territory.


Belknap, Ebenezer. Ohio Company shareholder.

12 Feb. 1802

Belknap, Jeremy. Mass. clergyman, historian.

3 Aug. 1784 [in his hand, marked "copy"]

26 Apr. 1788

17 Sep. 1788

29 Jan. 1789

30 May 1789

8 Dec. 1789

30 July 1790

27 Mar. 1792

2 Aug. 1792

14 Feb. 1794 [2 letters]

10 Aug. 1795

Belli, John. Magistrate, militia officer, Adams County, Northwest Territory.

16 Aug. 1797

15 Nov. 1797

11 Dec. 1797

30 May 1808

Benard, Peter. Boston merchant.

19 Jan. 1802

17 Feb. 1802

9 May 1802 [copied onto 6 June 1803, Dearborn to Winthrop Sargent]

Benham, Robert. Cincinnati ferry keeper.

8 Feb. 1792

Berrish, John.

1 Feb. 1799 [to Wm. McCaule]

Biddle, Clement. Philadelphia judge.

8 Mar. 1799

Bingaman, Adam Lewis. Natchez planter.

30 Apr. 1813

Blanc, Louis de.

See de Blanc, Louis.

Blennerhassett, Harman. Miss. planter.

2 May 1807

7 June 1812

Blount, William. N.C., U.S. Representative.

9 Sep. 1787

Bond, Phineas. British Consul, Philadelphia.

9 Oct. 1794

Bowdoin, Elizabeth (wife of James). Mass., Ohio Company shareholder.

20 Mar. 1788

24 Apr. 1792

Bowdoin, James. Mass., president, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

21 Apr. 1789

Boyd, Adam. Episcopal clergyman, Natchez.

30 Apr. 1802

Bradford, David. Of Miss.

17 July 1799

21 Oct. 1799

Brooks, Samuel. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory; mayor, Natchez.

17 Feb. 1802

2 July 1803

Bruin, Peter Bryan. Judge, Mississippi Territory.

[Apr.] 1799

[15/18 June 1799, to D. Clark, enclosed in 18 June 1799, Clark to Winthrop Sargent]

12 Mar. 1801

Buell, John H. Major, U.S. Army.

26 Sep. 1794

Buntin, Robert. Surveyor, court clerk, Knox County, Northwest Territory.

21 June 1793

4 Nov. 1794

4 Nov. 1796

25 Feb. 1797

23 Nov. 1797

Burke, John Daly. Editor, N.Y. Time Piece.

21 May 1799 [copy of letter to T. Pickering, enclosed in 22 May 1799, Pickering to Winthrop Sargent]

Burling, Walter. Miss. planter.

30 Mar. 1801 [to M. Franks]

Burnet, Jacob. Cincinnati lawyer, town officer; Ohio legislator.

8 Sep. 1798

3 Jan. 1801

12 July 1801

4 Dec. 1802

12 Nov. 1803

4 Feb. 1804

14 Nov. 1806

31 Mar. 1811

8 Jan. 1815

Burnett, William. Mich., St. Joseph merchant.

27 Aug. 1796

Butler, Edward. Captain, U.S. Army.

24 Feb. 1797

Butler, Richard. Brevet Brigadier General, U.S. Army; Penn., Allegheny County magistrate.

14 Sep. 1789

Butler, Richard. Magistrate, militia officer, Wilkinson County, Mississippi Territory.

15 May 1803

Butler, Thomas. Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army.

4 July 1794

Byrd, Charles Willing. Secretary, Northwest Territory.

14 Sep. 1800

Cadwell, Aaron. Magistrate, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

6 Feb. 1793

Callier, John. Magistrate, militia officer, Washington County, Mississippi Territory.

21 Sep. 1800 [copy of letter to B. Shaumburgh, enclosed in 25 Mar. 1801, Shaumburgh to Winthrop Sargent]

12 Jan. 1801 [copy of letter to B. Shaumburgh, enclosed in 25 Mar. 1801, Shaumburgh to Winthrop Sargent]

Calvit, Joseph. Miss. planter.

1 Oct. 1798

Calvit, Thomas. Militia officer, Northern District, Mississippi Territory.

19 Apr. 1799

Campbell, James. Natchez lawyer.

11 Aug. 1800

22 Aug. 1800


17 Oct. 1801 [to A. Hutchins]

Camus, Peter. Natchez resident.

12 Nov. 1798

Carman, Wilson. Sheriff, Washington County, Mississippi Territory.

23 Mar. 1799

9 May 1799

5 Sep. 1799

8 Oct. 1799

13 Jan. 1800

20 Mar. 1800

8 Sep. 1800

30 Oct. 1800

Carmichael, John F. Natchez physician, collector of customs.

8 Apr. 1801

23 Feb. 1803

Carney, Arthur. Militia officer, Pickering County, Mississippi Territory.

30 May 1799 [2 letters, one to J. Girault]

Carney, John. Natchez merchant.

[Feb. 1800]

Carrington, Edward. Va., U.S. Representative; member of committee reporting Northwest Ordinance; Ohio Company shareholder.

5 Sep. 1787

10 Jan. 1789

1 June 1789

19 Dec. 1789

28 July 1790

10 Mar. 1793

12 Feb. 1794

22 Aug. 1807 [enclosed in 28 Aug. 1807, Hodgdon to Winthrop Sargent]

Casa-Calvo, Marquis of. Spanish governor of La.

28 Jan. 1800

19 Apr. 1801

Cass, Jonathan. Major, U.S. Army.

30 May 1796

3 Feb. 1797

Chapman, Thomas, Jr. Miss. planter.

14 Mar. 1802

Chevallie, John Augustus. Va., Richmond merchant.

8 Feb. 1798

Chew and Relf. New Orleans merchants.

12 May 1801

29 May 1801

15 Dec. 1801 [to J. McIntosh]

Chorley, Henry. Of Savannah, Ga.

29 Jan. 1807

Clamorgan Lorel [?] and Co. St. Louis merchants.

3 Oct. 1797

Clark, Daniel. Miss. planter, magistrate, militia commander, Southern District, Mississippi Territory.

2 Oct. 1798

26 Jan. 1799

27 Jan. 1799

15 May 1799

1 June 1799

18 June 1799

29 June 1799

2 July 1799

16 July 1799 [copy of letter to Capt. Collins, enclosed in 18 July 1799, Clark to Winthrop Sargent]

18 July 1799

24 July 1799

4 Aug. 1799

23 Jan. 1800

1 Feb. 1800

4 Feb. 1800

9 Mar. 1800

26 Mar. 1800

20 May 1800

10 June 1800

Clark, Daniel, Jr. New Orleans planter, merchant, political leader.

15 Jan. 1799

28 Feb. 1799

19 May 1799

28 May 1799

7 Aug. 1799

12 Oct. 1799

15 Nov. 1799

27 Nov. 1799

2 Dec. 1799

4 Jan. 1800

13 Jan. 1800

28 Jan. 1800

12 Mar. 1800

28 Mar. 1800

5 Apr. 1800

9 Apr. 1800

13 May 1800

14 July 1800

21 July 1800

4 Aug. 1800

18 Aug. 1800

31 Aug. 1800

8 Sep. 1800

18 Oct. 1800

6 Nov. 1800

8 Nov. 1800

23 Dec. 1800

2 Feb. 1801

21 Feb. 1801

14 Mar. 1801

12 May 1801


Clark, Lardner. Court clerk, Randolph County, Northwest Territory.

7 Oct. 1797

Clarke, William. Ky., U.S. attorney.

22 Feb. 1800

Claus, William. Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Upper Canada.

12 May 1807

Cochran, George. Militia officer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

30 Jan. 1799

17 Feb. 1801

Colbert, James. Chickasaw leader.

22 June 1800 [copy of letter to J. McKee, enclosed in 12 July 1800, McKee to Winthrop Sargent]

Colden, Henrietta (wife of Richard N.). N.Y., Ohio Company shareholder.

27 Sep. 1793

Conner, William. Miss. lawyer.

[1798-1801, copy]

Cox, Zachariah. Adventurer; promoter, Tenn. Land Company.

3 Sep. 1798

20 Sep. 1798

16 June 1799 [copy of letter to W. P. Smith, enclosed in 30 July 1799, Smith to Winthrop Sargent]

Coxe, Daniel W. Philadelphia merchant.

17 June 1801 [copy]

Craig, Isaac. Pittsburgh merchant.

22 May 1797

11 Apr. 1799

Crandon, John. Louisville merchant.

24 Nov. 1802

Crawford, Samuel. Of Miss.

2 July 1799

Creigh, Samuel. Pittsburgh merchant.

1 Aug. 1796

10 Nov. 1796

Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean de. Essayist; French Consul, N.Y.C.

25 Sep. 1787

27 Sep. 1787

9 Jan. 1788

Crocker, Joseph. Boston merchant; Ohio Company agent.

21 Apr. 1789

14 July 1792

10 Feb. 1794

8 Mar. 1794

15 Nov. 1794

11 Apr. 1796

Crocker, Joseph and Allen. Boston merchants.

Jan. 1789

12 Apr. 1793

Crookshanks, Patrick. Of Ga.

12 Nov. 1793 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

7 Dec. 1794 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

10 Apr. 1795 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

22 May 1795 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

Cumming, John. Of Newark, N.J.; Brigadier General, U.S. Army (retired).

20 Sep. 1817

Curtis, Richard. Baptist preacher, Mississippi Territory.


Cushing, Thomas H. Major, U.S. Army.

6 Jan. 1793

23 July 1799

14 Mar. 1800

12 Apr. 1800 [copy of letter to J. Wilkinson, enclosed in 16 Apr. 1800, Wilkinson to Winthrop Sargent]

Cutler, Manasseh. Mass. clergyman, naturalist, Ohio Company director, U.S. Representative.

9 Aug. 1784 [to J. Belknap]

28 Feb. 1785 [to J. Belknap]

24 Mar. 1786

20 Apr. 1786

6 Oct. 1786

5 Jan. 1787

30 May 1787 [with R. Putnam]

29 Sep. 1787

5 Dec. 1787

29 Dec. 1787

3 Jan. 1788

13 May 1788

19 Nov. 1788

28 Sep. 1789

16 Nov. 1790

10 Mar. 1791

27 Aug. 1791

15 May 1792

8 Mar. 1793

23 Oct. 1798

24 Aug. 1801

Darlinton, Joseph. Magistrate, Adams County, Northwest Territory.

12 Apr. 1798

Darneille, Isaac. U.S. attorney, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

15 Nov. 1794

Darquilleur, Jean. Vincennes trader, Northwest Territory.

29 Oct. 1794

Dayton, Ebenezer. Natchez lawyer.

16 Aug. 1798

1 Oct. 1798

Dayton, Jonathan. N.J. land speculator, U.S. Senator.

7 Feb. 1801

Dearborn, Benjamin. Boston manufacturer.

6 June 1803

De Blanc, Louis. Spanish commandant, Attakapas, La.

16 Oct. 1799

De Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean.

See Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean de.

De Grand Pre, Charles. Spanish commandant, Baton Rouge, La.

10 Sep. 1799

25 Mar. 1804


D'hebecourt, Francois. Militia officer, Gallipolis, Northwest Territory.

26 Dec. 1794

4 Mar. 1797

8 Feb. 1812

De Joncaire, Chabert.

See Joncaire (De Joncaire), Chabert.

De Lanzas, Manuel. Spanish commandant, Mobile, West Fla.

19 Feb. 1800 [copy of letter to B. Shaumburgh]

De Niguemont, Miguel.

[June 1790, to the governor]

Dennie, Joseph. Penn. editor, The Port Folio.

4 Mar. 1803 [copy]

Denny, Ebenezer. Captain, U.S. Army.

23 May 1792

27 July 1792

De Saint Pierre. Roman Catholic curate, Natchez.

13 Apr. 1799

De Vilemont (Vilamont), Carlos. Spanish commandant, Port Arkansas, La.

25 Mar. 1800 [copy of letter to J. McKee or S. Mitchell]

21 June 1800 [copy of letter to N. Folson, enclosed in 12 July 1800, McKee to Winthrop Sargent]

Dodemead, John. Coroner, militia officer, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

21 Sep. 1797

Doughty, John. Major, U.S. Army.

5 Dec. 1787

Dow, Robert. New Orleans physician.

20 Oct. 1799

17 Jan. 1804

27 Mar. 1806

16 Apr. 1806

7 Aug. 1806

7 Dec. 1806

30 Jan. 1807

21 Dec. 1807

28 Dec. 1807

4 Jan. 1808

11 Jan. 1808

1 Feb. 1808

15 Feb. 1808

18 Mar. 1808

20 May 1808 [2 letters]

30 May 1808

20 June 1808

6 Jan. 1810

21 Apr. 1810

Doyle, Thomas. Major, U.S. Army.

1 Sep. 1792

Drake, Daniel. Cincinnati physician, author.

12 Jan. 1816

4 Dec. 1816

Duer, William. N.Y.C. merchant, financier, secretary to Board of Trade.

17 Feb. 1788

27 Feb. 1788

Dumoulin, John. Magistrate, militia commander, St. Clair County, Northwest Territory.

7 Oct. 1797

Dunbar, William. Miss. planter, surveyor, naturalist; magistrate, Adams County; Mississippi Territory legislator.

[? Oct. 1798]

8 Nov. 1798

18 Sep. 1799

21 Nov. 1799

25 Feb. 1800 [with W. Kenner, T. Wilkins, and W. Vousdan]

22 July 1800

30 Aug. 1800

31 Aug. 1800

11 Sep. 1800

12 Oct. 1800

29 Oct. 1800

2 Feb. 1801 [2 letters]

16 Mar. 1801

29 Mar. 1801


14 Feb. 1802

28 May 1806

16 Mar. 1807

Duncan, A. L.

26 July 1799 [to W. P. Smith, enclosed in 30 July 1799, Smith to Winthrop Sargent]

Dunn, Abner M. U.S. attorney, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

18 Jan. 1794

6 Mar. 1794

10 Mar. 1794

23 Apr. 1794

Duval, Gabriel. Comptroller, U.S. Treasury.

2 Apr. 1810

Eberts, Hermann. Sheriff, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

24 July 1797

21 Sep. 1797

Edgar, John. Magistrate, militia officer, Randolph County, Northwest Territory.

25 Aug. 1797 [to A. St. Clair]

21 Mar. 1802

Eliott, William.

14 June 1803

Ellicott, Andrew. Surveyor, mathematician; U.S. boundary commissioner, Mississippi Territory.

14 July 1798

4 Sep. 1798

8 Sep. 1798

15 Sep. 1798

18 Sep. 1798

8 Oct. 1798

20 Oct. 1798

8 Nov. 1798

16 Dec. 1798

12 Feb. 1799

18 Apr. 1800

10 Dec. 1800

27 May 1801 [copy of letter to J. Madison]

27 June 1801

15 Aug. 1801

11 May 1802

Elliott, John. Militia officer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

22 Sep. 1799

Ellis, John. Magistrate, militia officer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

14 Feb. 1801

Ernandes, Thomas. Natchez resident.

17 Feb. 1800

Ernest, Matthew. Lieutenant, U.S. Army.

3 Mar. 1798 [to J. Wilkinson, enclosed in 6 Mar. 1798, Wilkinson to Winthrop Sargent]

Eustis, William. Mass. physician, U.S. Representative; vice president, Society of the Cincinnati.

26 Jan. 1802

[4 July 1807?]

Evans, Lewis. Sheriff, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

4 Oct. 1799

15 July 1806

Fearing, Paul. Marietta lawyer, Northwest Territory.

16 July 1788 [with E. Sproat, J. May, to A. St. Clair]

Filhiol, Juan. Spanish commandant, Ft. Miro, La.

15 Nov. 1798

Finley, James. Miss. tavern keeper.

24 Feb. 1800

Fitzgerald, George. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

6 Sep. 1798

Ford, David. Of Booneton, N.J.

29 Mar. 1803

Forman, Joseph. Of Miss.

31 Dec. 1808

Forman, William Gordon. Of Miss.

20 July 1801

Freeman, Constant. Major, U.S. Army.

26 Feb. 1786 [copy]

Gano, John Stites. Magistrate, court clerk, militia officer, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

30 Mar. 1792

28 Apr. 1792

9 Nov. 1792

21 Jan. 1793

6 Feb. 1793

[Nov. 1794]

11 May 1797

Gardiner, Henry. Liverpool merchant.

24 Mar. 1807

Gilman, Benjamin Ives. Marietta merchant, shipbuilder, federal politician, Northwest Territory.

6 Aug. 1806

3 Aug. 1820

Gilman, Joseph. Judge, Northwest Territory; Ohio Company officer.

21 May 1791

20 Mar. 1792

20 Apr. 1792

1 June 1792

26 June 1792

13 Oct. 1792

6 Dec. 1794

12 Apr. 1795

28 Apr. 1801

Gilman, Nicholas. N.H., U.S. Representative.

14 Feb. 1797

Girault, John. Magistrate, militia commander, Pickering County, Mississippi Territory.

3 Mar. 1800

20 May 1800

[July 1800]

7 Feb. 1801

Goforth, William. Magistrate, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

4 Feb. 1792

5 Feb. 1793 [with W. Wells, W. McMillan]

Goudy, Thomas. U.S. attorney, militia officer, Hamilton County; deputy secretary, Northwest Territory.

17 Mar. 1793

14 Apr. 1796

21 Nov. 1796

14 June 1797

21 Aug. 1797

Grand Pre, Charles de.

See de Grand Pre, Charles.

Greaton, Richard H. Miss. planter.

24 Mar. 1807

Green and Wainwright. Liverpool merchants.

19 Nov. 1803

Green, Henry. Of Miss.

15 May 1799

Green, James. Natchez resident.

21 Oct. 1801

Green, John.

13 Apr. 1788

Greene, Griffin. Magistrate, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

25 Nov. 1792

Greene, Thomas M. Miss. planter, political leader.

14 Sep. 1798

Greenup, Christopher. Ky., U.S. Representative.

14 May 1796

28 Mar. 1799

Grubb, Burd. Physician, possibly Winthrop Sargent's agent in Chickasaw Agency.

30 Aug. 1799

Guion, Isaac. Militia officer, Ohio Company agent, Gallipolis, Northwest Territory.

12 Dec. 1791

Hamtramck, John Francis. Major, U.S. Army.

1 Mar. 1787

28 June 1787

24 Feb. 1789

20 July 1790

21 July 1790

1 Nov. 1790

1 Feb. 1791

12 Apr. 1791

4 Jan. 1792

31 Mar. 1792

26 May 1792

9 Aug. 1792

23 Dec. 1792

6 Feb. 1793

13 Apr. 1793

19 June 1800

Hancock, Samuel. Natchez resident.

11 Jan. 1800

Harding, Lyman. Attorney General, Mississippi Territory.

12 Feb. 1800

30 Apr. 1800

10 July 1800

17 Aug. 1800

24 Mar. 1801

[May 1806?]

15 June 1807

Harper, Robert G. S.C., U.S. Representative.

7 Mar. 1799

13 Jan. 1800

11 Nov. 1802

Harrison, Richard. Militia officer, Pickering County, Mississippi Territory.

21 Nov. 1798

Harrison, William Henry. Delegate to Congress, Northwest Territory.

15 Nov. 1799 [copy]

Haskell, Elnathan. Mass., Ohio Company shareholder.

28 Feb. [1786?]

10 May 1787

9 May 1788

27 Nov. 1790

3 Sep. 1792

[Sep. 1807]

Hawkins, Benjamin. U.S. agent to Creek Nation; Superintendent of Indian Affairs South of the Ohio.

23 Feb. 1799

26 Aug. 1800 [2 copies of letters to J. McKee and to Choctaw leaders, enclosed in 19 Sep. 1800, McKee to Winthrop Sargent]

Hazard, Ebenezer. Postmaster-General; Ohio Company shareholder.

19 Aug. 1788

Heckewelder, John. Penn., Moravian missionary.

1 May 1789

2 May 1789

11 June 1789

10 Aug. 1789

21 June 1790

13 Feb. 1796

Hedge, Levi. Harvard professor.

22 Nov. 1817

27 Apr. 1818

24 July 1818

1 Sep. 1818

29 Oct. 1818


Henley, Samuel.

18 May 1800

Herries, William. Developer of Monsanto community, La.

30 Jan. 1807 [enclosed in 30 Jan. 1807, Dow to Winthrop Sargent]

Heth, John. Captain, U.S. Army.

23 Feb. 1799

Hodgdon and Harris. Philadelphia merchants.

21 Apr. 1802

3 Dec. 1802 [letter copied onto 17 Feb. 1803, Hodgdon to Winthrop Sargent]

27 Aug. 1803

17 Nov. 1803

2 Dec. 1803

6 Oct. 1804

Hodgdon, Benjamin. Boston merchant.

23 Sep. 1801

Hodgdon, Samuel. Philadelphia merchant; U.S. Army Quartermaster; Winthrop Sargent's business agent.

14 July 1788

17 June 1789

3 July 1792

6 Aug. 1792

25 Aug. 1792 [2 letters]

28 Aug. 1792

23 Nov. 1792

8 Mar. 1793

9 Mar. 1793

10 Mar. 1793

30 Mar. 1793

27 Apr. 1793

23 Aug. 1793

3 Jan. 1795

24 Jan. 1795

30 Jan. 1795

28 Feb. 1795

20 Mar. 1795

8 June 1795

13 Aug. 1795

28 May 1796

4 June 1796

2 July 1796

6 Aug. 1796

17 Nov. 1796

9 Dec. 1796

13 Apr. 1797

28 Apr. 1797

12 May 1797

13 June 1797

26 June 1797

7 July 1797

11 Aug. 1797

16 Aug. 1797

21 Aug. 1797

13 Sep. 1797

20 Oct. 1797

12 Jan. 1798

16 Jan. 1798

4 Apr. 1798

4 May 1798

7 May 1798

18 May 1798

5 June 1798

15 June 1798

19 July 1798

20 Oct. 1798

19 Nov. 1798

23 Nov. 1798

29 Nov. 1798

4 Mar. 1799

15 May 1799

18 May 1799

20 May 1799

12 July 1799

18 Oct. 1799

30 Oct. 1799

15 Dec. 1799

18 Mar. 1800

20 Mar. 1800

26 Mar. 1800

11 Apr. 1800

3 July 1800

7 Aug. 1800

26 Sep. 1800

14 May 1801

22 June 1801

23 June 1801

9 July 1801

27 July 1801

8 Dec. 1801

5 May 1802

14 June 1802

27 Oct. 1802

28 Oct. 1802

17 Feb. 1803

12 May 1803

12 July 1803

1 Feb. 1804

21 Feb. 1804

2 Mar. 1804

17 Mar. 1804

29 Mar. 1805

22 Mar. 1806

18 Apr. 1806

14 May 1806

8 Oct. 1806

12 Mar. 1807

4 July 1807

11 July 1807

18 July 1807

27 July 1807

15 Aug. 1807

28 Aug. 1807

21 Sep. 1807

28 May 1808

15 Mar. 1810

4 May 1810

24 May 1810

5 July 1810

Holland, John.

10 Oct. 1799 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

Holmes, J. London watchmaker.

14 June 1788

Hoops, Adam. Major, U.S. Army.

16 Mar. 1787

13 May 1789

3 Mar. 1801

Howard, Joshua. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

22 Jan. 1799 [2 letters]

29 Jan. 1799

5 June 1799

26 May 1800 [copy]

8 Sep. 1800

Howell, Joseph. Of War Department, Accountant's Office.

31 May 1794

Hulings, William E. New Orleans merchant, U.S. Vice Consul.

20 July 1800

23 Apr. 1802

25 Sep. 1802

29 Oct. 1802 [copied onto 10 Feb. 1803, Hulings to Winthrop Sargent]

Nov. 1802

10 Dec. 1802

10 Feb. 1803

3 Mar. 1803

4 Mar. 1803

25 Mar. 1803

16 Apr. 1803

25 May 1803

14 Dec. 1803

Hunt, Abijah. Natchez merchant.

7 Apr. 1799

8 Feb. 1801

23 Apr. 1807

Hunt, Henry. Of Miss. and La.

2 May 1807

22 June 1807

15 July 1815

Hunter, Henry. Speaker, Miss. Territorial House of Representatives.

9 Oct. 1800

Hutchins, Anthony. Miss. planter, political leader.

12 Oct. 1797 [to whom it may concern]

28 Jan. 1799

Hutchins, Thomas. U.S. Geographer.

7 June 1786 [to H. Knox]

25 June 1787

15 Dec. 1787

25 Apr. 1788

4 Nov. 1788

Ingersoll, George. Captain, U.S. Army.

20 Oct. 1794

Irvine, William. Brigadier General, U.S. Army.

5 June 1789

Jackson, Jonathan. Mass. state treasurer.

3 Sep. 1801

Johnson, James. Magistrate, treasurer, Knox County, Northwest Territory.

7 Dec. 1794

22 Oct. [1796]

Joncaire (de Joncaire), Chabert. Treasurer, militia commander, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

6 Dec. 1796

Jones, Evan. U.S. Consul, New Orleans.

28 Jan. 1800

30 Jan. 1800

29 Mar. 1800

20 Aug. 1800

19 Dec. 1800

14 Apr. 1801

19 Mar. 1802

7 Apr. 1804

24 May 1804

20 Jan. 1806

Jones, John Rice. Court clerk, Randolph County, Northwest Territory.

17 Oct. 1797

28 Nov. 1797

3 Mar. 1798

9 May 1798

Kean, John.


Kenner, William. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

25 Feb. 1800 [with W. Dunbar, T. Wilkins, W. Vousdan]

8 May 1806

Kersey, William. Major, U.S. Army.

1 July 1798

Ketland, Thomas and John. Philadelphia merchants.

8 June 1799 [to Capt. H. Hunter]

King, Richard. Of Miss.

7 Nov. 1798

17 Apr. 1800

25 Apr. 1800

28 Apr. 1800

King, Rufus. Mass., U.S. Representative.

27 Dec. 1786 [copy]

5 Aug. 1787

6 Oct. 1787

Kingsbury, Jacob. Conn., Ohio Company shareholder.

22 Aug. 1801

Knox, Henry. Secretary of War.

12 Mar. 1786 [copy]

28 May 1786

4 June 1786

2 Mar. 1787

29 Apr. 1787

16 Dec. 1787

8 Dec. 1788

30 Mar. 1789

3 July 1789

9 Nov. 1789

2 Dec. 1791

6 Jan. 1792

4 Apr. 1792

21 Apr. 1792 [2 letters]

12 May 1792

23 July 1792 [2 letters]

8 Aug. 1792

24 Apr. 1793 [to A. St. Clair]

18 May 1793

11 May 1801 [copy of letter to T. Jefferson]

8 Aug. 1801

Knox, Henry Jackson.

22 May 1808

Knox, Lucy Flucker (wife of Henry).

18 Dec. 1807 [enclosed in 22 May 1808, H. J. Knox to Winthrop Sargent]

Knox, William.

29 Sep. 1788

16 Mar. 1789

Lacassagne, M. Of Louisville, Ky.

13 Mar. 1795

Lang, James. Of Brownsville, [Penn.?].

6 Aug. 1789

19 Nov. 1798

23 Mar. 1802

6 Sep. 1802

Langham, Elias. Magistrate, Ross County, Northwest Territory.

8 Aug. 1797

Lanzas, Manuel de.

See de Lanzas, Manuel.

Laurance, John. N.Y., U.S. Representative; Ohio Company shareholder.

3 Feb. 1793

4 July 1793

Laurence, J. [?] H.

6 Nov. 1812

Lee, Charles. U.S. Attorney General.

11 Sep. 1798 [copy of letter to T. Pickering]

Lee, Richard. Of Washington County, Mississippi Territory.

9 Mar. 1799

Le Turc, J. Cincinnati resident.

13 Jan. 1793 [copy of letter to J. C. Symmes]

16 Jan. 1793

17 May 1793

Lintot, Bernard. Magistrate, treasurer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.


31 Jan. 1802

Little, Daniel. Maine clergyman.

28 June 1784 [to J. Belknap]

Lloyd, Joseph A. Miss. schoolteacher.

20 Dec. 1798

Lovell, James. Naval officer, port of Boston.

12 Jan. 1800

Ludlow, Charlotte Chambers. Of Cincinnati.

15 Apr. 1805

Ludlow, Israel. Magistrate, court clerk, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

29 Dec. 1791

19 Mar. 1792

26 Jan. 1793

10 Dec. 1794

Macomb, Alexander. N.Y.C. merchant.

14 Feb. 1798

Madison, James. Secretary of State.

16 June 1801

Mallidery (?), M.

18 Apr. [1802] [to Mrs. Piercy]

Mann and Barnard. London merchants.

27 Oct. 1803

Marschalk, Andrew. Captain, U.S. Army; Miss. printer.

7 Oct. 1796

6 Dec. 1796

30 Sep. 1798

24 July 1799

1 Sep. 1799

1 Oct. 1799

27 Oct. 1799

3 Nov. 1799

20 Nov. 1799

2 Dec. 1799

15 Dec. 1799

13 Dec. 1800

Marshall, _____.

29 Dec. 1799

Massie, Nathaniel. Magistrate, militia commander, Adams County, Northwest Territory; Republican leader.

1 May 1797

17 Sep. 1797

Mathews, George. Former Ga. governor; agent, N.E.-Miss. Land Company.

11 Oct. 1798

May, John. Ohio Company agent.

16 July 1788 [with E. Sproat, P. Fearing; to A. St. Clair]

May, Joseph. Boston merchant; Ohio Company agent.

5 Mar. 1788

15 Mar. 1788

29 Apr. 1788

29 Apr. 1789

McAllister, Matthew. Ga. Company shareholder.

10 Mar. 1794 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

McCormick, William J. Miss. planter.

1 May 1803

McCullagh, John. Winthrop Sargent's business agent, Cincinnati.

25 Jan. 1799

11 Mar. 1799

11 Apr. 1799

5 May 1799

9 June 1799

20 July 1799

McGrew, John. Of Washington County, Mississippi Territory.

9 Mar. 1799

McHenry, James. Secretary of War.

1 Feb. 1799 [copy of letter to J. McKee, enclosed in 21 July 1799, McKee to Winthrop Sargent]

22 Mar. 1800

McIntosh, Eunice. Miss. landowner; Winthrop Sargent's mother-in-law.

9 Mar. 1784 [to P. Trevino]

McIntosh, James. Miss. planter; Winthrop Sargent's brother-in-law.

20 Apr. 1801

30 May 1801

McIntosh, William. Miss. planter; Winthrop Sargent's brother-in-law.

4 Oct. 1801

McKee, John. U.S. agent to Choctaw Nation.

21 July 1799

19 Oct. 1799

24 Oct. 1799

26 Oct. 1799 [2 letters]

19 Nov. 1799

29 Nov. 1799

20 Feb. 1800

23 Feb. 1800

12 July 1800 [2 letters]

20 Aug. 1800

19 Sep. 1800

20 Sep. 1800

5 Dec. 1800

21 Mar. 1801

1 July 1801

9 Oct. 1802

McMillan, William. Magistrate, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

16 Feb. 1792

5 Feb. 1793 [with W. Goforth, W. Wells]

McNiff, Patrick. Magistrate, surveyor, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

17 Aug. 1796

12 July 1797

Meade, Richard Kidder. Va. planter.

26 Mar. 1799

Meigs, John. Of Gallipolis, Northwest Territory.

15 Aug. 1797

Meigs, Return Jonathan. Court clerk, Washington County, Northwest Territory; Ohio Company agent.

26 Mar. 1792

25 June 1792

25 Dec. 1792

Meigs, Return Jonathan, Jr. Militia officer, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

5 Nov. 1792

Meredith, William. Philadelphia lawyer, banker.

10 Apr. 1819

Middleton, Eliza. Of La.

18 Apr. 1804

23 July 1804

Miller, Joseph.

29 Aug. 1795 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

[16 Nov. 1795] [to T. Fitzsimmons]

Miller, Wert. Cincinnati ferry keeper.

17 Apr. 1797

Mills, Benjamin.

15 Aug. 1797 [with C. Mills]

Mills, Charles.

15 Aug. 1797 [with B. Mills]

Mills, John. Captain, U.S. Army.

17 Apr. 1791

7 May 1792

17 Oct. 1792

16 July [1795]

Mills, John. Boston resident.

1 Sep. 1796 [enclosed in 28 Sep. 1796, D. Sargent, Jr., to Winthrop Sargent]

Mills, William. Militia officer, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

10 Aug. 1797

23 June 1798

Minor, Stephen. Miss. planter; Spanish officer.

30 Sep. 1798

29 Nov. 1802

1 Feb. 1803

1 Jan. 1806

27 Feb. 1807

Mitchell, Samuel. U.S. agent to Choctaw Nation.

31 Mar. 1799

19 Oct. 1799

2 Nov. 1799

8 Sep. 1802

Morgan, Benjamin. New Orleans merchant.

25 Mar. 1803

Morgan, George W. and Co. New Orleans merchants.

8 Sep. 1802

Morris, Robert. Penn. financier, member of General Assembly.

12 May 1786

Morris, William. Of N.Y.

1 Dec. 1803

Morrison, William. Kaskaskia merchant, shipper, Northwest Territory.

20 Mar. 1802

Mumford[?], F.

2 June 1815 [to Judge Perkins]

Munsell, Levi. Cincinnati tavern keeper.

28 Nov. 1797

Murray, John. Mass., Universalist clergyman; Winthrop Sargent's brother-in-law.

7 Dec. 1798

25 Sep. 1799

Murray, Judith Sargent. Mass. author; Winthrop Sargent's sister.

1 Feb. 1799 [to Epes Sargent]

1 July 1811 [copy of letter to G. Aspinwall, enclosed in 6 July 1811, Aspinwall to Winthrop Sargent]

10 Sep. 1811 [copy of letter to G. Aspinwall, enclosed in 13 Sep. 1811, Aspinwall to Winthrop Sargent]

Navarre, Robert. Magistrate, Wayne County, Northwest Territory.

12 Mar. 1798

Nicholson, Joseph H. Md., U.S. Representative.

17 Jan. 1803

Niguemont, Miguel de.

See de Niguemont, Miguel.

Ogden, David B. N.Y. lawyer.

22 Apr. 1814

O'Hara, James. Pittsburgh merchant.

2 Apr. 1789

17 Apr. 1791

Oliver, Robert. Magistrate, militia officer, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

30 June 1792

Olney, Jeremiah. Collector of customs, Providence, R.I.

23 Dec. 1803

Orr, Alexander. Ky., U.S. Representative.

5 July 1797

Osmun, Benejah. Militia officer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

14 Jan. 1801

19 Jan. 1801

Pannill, John B. Militia officer, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

7 Apr. 1800

Pannill, Joseph. Miss. planter.

4 Dec. 1799

23 Oct. 1801

28 Apr. 1802

3 May 1802 [duplicate of 28 Apr. 1802]

3 Feb. 1819

Parsons, Samuel Holden. Ohio Company director.

26 June 1786

2 July 1787

24 Aug. 1787

25 Dec. 1787

Parsons, Theophilus. Chief Justice, Mass. Supreme Court.

[July-Sep. 1807?]

Pasteur, Thomas. Captain, U.S. Army.

30 Jan. 1798

Pendergrast, Garrett Elliott. Army physician, Mississippi Territory.

31 Oct. 1803

3 Dec. 1803

10 Aug. 1804

[1798 to early 1800s, located on reel at end of 1804]

Perry, Hardey.

1 Dec. 1798

Petit, John Gilbert. Magistrate, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

18 Oct. 1792

16 May 1797

Phelon, Edward. Captain, U.S. Army.

7 July 1785

Pickering, Timothy. Secretary of State.

22 May 1799

Piercy, William. British Nonconformist minister.

3 Apr. 1784 [to J. Clay]

Pike, Zebulon. Major, U.S. Army.

22 Sep. 1797

6 July 1800

20 July 1800

31 Aug. 1800

10 Dec. 1800

Pintard, John. N.Y.C. merchant.

24 Feb. 1801

Platt, Richard. N.Y.C. merchant, Ohio Company treasurer.

23 Mar. 1785

29 July 1785

21 Sep. 1785

20 Oct. 1785

30 May 1786

7 May 1787

23 Dec. 1787

9 Jan. 1788

2 May 1788

12 June 1788

14 June 1788

20 July 1788

8 Aug. 1788

8 Oct. 1788

13 Nov. 1788 [2 letters, one of them to "whom it concerns"]

19 Jan. 1789

8 Mar. 1789

17 Mar. 1789

10 June 1789

9 July 1789

19 Sep. 1789

12 Oct. 1789

15 Nov. 1789

14 July 1790

9 Oct. 1791

14 Jan. 1792

25 Mar. 1792

10 May 1792

10 Jan. 1793 [2 letters]

14 Dec. 1793

27 Jan. 1794

3 Feb. 1794

19 Dec. 1795

29 Dec. 1795

27 Jan. 1796

8 Feb. 1796

10 Mar. 1796

12 Mar. 1796

3 Apr. 1796

14 Jan. 1797

24 Oct. 1799

23 July 1800

28 Oct. 1800

6 Jan. 1801 [2 letters]

27 Aug. 1801

7 June 1803

22 June 1803

27 Jan. 1807

Platt, S. (wife of Richard).

3 Apr. 1796

Pomet, Leonard. Miss. planter.

15 Sep. 1798

Power, Thomas. Spanish agent.

5 Sep. 1797 [copy of letter to J. Wilkinson, enclosed in 6 Sep. 1797, Wilkinson to Winthrop Sargent]

Pratt, John. Captain, U.S. Army; Boston merchant.

18 Mar. 1791

1 Aug. 1798

17 Aug. 1801 [enclosed in 22 Aug. 1801, Kingsbury to Winthrop Sargent]

20 Nov. 1809

14 Sep. 1811

Preston, Francis. Va., U.S. Representative.

30 Apr. 1799

Prince, John. Cincinnati tavern keeper.

19 Dec. 1797

29 Dec. 1797

Pryor, John. Va., Adjutant General of militia force in western Penn. following Whiskey Rebellion.

14 Dec. 1794

Putnam, Rufus. Ohio Company director; judge, Northwest Territory.

30 May 1787 [with M. Cutler]

8 Oct. 1787

10 July 1801 [copy of letter to J. Kingsbury, enclosed in 22 Aug. 1801, Kingsbury to Winthrop Sargent]

Rand, Isaac. Boston physician.

27 Apr. 1804 [copy of letter to F. W. Sargent]

Randolph, Edward. Member, Adams County militia, Mississippi Territory.

8 Nov. 1799 [to D. Clark]

Rapalje, George. Miss. planter.

4 Mar. 1799

Read, Jacob. S.C., U.S. Representative.

8 Feb. 1799

Rome, John. Militia officer, Gallipolis, Northwest Territory.

29 Mar. 1792

1 June 1792

Rose, William. Recorder, Western District of Upper Canada.

25 Aug. 1796 [to P. Audrain]

30 Mar. 1797 [to P. Audrain, enclosed in 28 June 1797, Audrain to Winthrop Sargent]

Ross, James. Penn., U.S. Senator.

15 Apr. 1797

24 Apr. 1797

14 June 1797

22 Dec. 1797

15 July 1798

11 Apr. 1799

4 Oct. 1800


18 Feb. 1804

St. Clair, Arthur. Major General, U.S. Army; governor, Northwest Territory.

10 Mar. 1789

20 Oct. 1789

16 Nov. 1789

[Nov.-Dec.? 1791, to leaders and warriors of Wabash Confederacy]

1 June 1795 [copy of letter to Hamilton County judges, Northwest Territory]

22 Feb. 1797

30 Oct. 1797

St. Clair, Arthur, Jr. Attorney General, Northwest Territory.

21 Apr. 1798 [copy]

St. Clair, William. Magistrate, militia commander, St. Clair County, Northwest Territory.

5 Sep. 1797

7 Oct. 1797

Sargent, Daniel, Jr. Boston merchant, banker.

7 Apr. 1794

28 Sep. 1796

20 June 1800

1 July 1800

27 Dec. 1802

20 May 1803

5 Oct. 1803 [copied onto 11 Nov. 1803, D. Sargent, Jr., to Winthrop Sargent]

11 Nov. 1803

Sargent, Mary McIntosh Williams (wife of Winthrop).

1 Oct. 1818 [to W. F. W. Sargent]

Sargent, Winthrop. Ohio Company agent; secretary, Northwest Territory; governor, Mississippi Territory.

22 June 1787 to T. Hutchins

26 Sep. 1787 to Crevecoeur

17 Dec. [1787] to R. Platt

14 [Sep.] 1788 to E. Hazard

10 Dec. 1788 to J. May

1 Aug. 1790 to G. Washington

17 Mar. 1791 [signed memo]

14 Apr. 1791 to R. Flint

[? Dec. 1791] to unknown

3 Jan. 1792 to D. Woodbridge

5 Feb. 1792 to A. St. Clair

8 Feb. 1792 to A. St. Clair

17 May 1792 to H. Knox

1 June 1792 to H. Knox

9 Nov. 1792 to J. Wilkinson

2 Jan. 1793 to Captain Woodward

6 Jan. 1793 to J. C. Symmes

7 Jan. 1793 to W. McMillan

16 Jan. 1793 to J. LeTurc

19 Jan. 1793 to A. St. Clair

5 Feb. 1793 to Hamilton County judges

6 Feb. 1793 to Hamilton County judges

9 Feb. 1793 to W. Goforth, W. Wells, W. McMillan, J. Gano, A. Cadwell

8 Mar. 1793 to R. J. Meigs

12 Apr. 1793 to J. Wilkinson

6 Sep. 1793 to C. Swan

28 Oct. 1793 to W. Bayly

24 Nov. 1793 to B. Tallmadge

30 Dec. 1793 to G. Washington

2 Jan. 1794 to A. Hamilton

[31? Jan. 1794] to Congress

[Jan.-Feb.? 1794] to J. Heath, W. Montgomery, D. Foster

10 Mar. 1794 to U. Tracy

May 1794 to Secretary of State

29 Oct. 1794 to U. Tracy

[20 Sep. 1796] to A. St. Clair [fragment]

[Sep. 1796] to unknown

See reverse side of 20 Sep. 1796.

[24 or 25] May 1797 to J. Wilkinson

6 Feb. 1798 to Mrs. Chapese

13 Oct. 1798 to G. Mathews

See 11 Oct. 1798, Mathews to Winthrop Sargent.

17 Mar. 1799 to J. Wilkinson

12 Jan. 1801 to J. Girault

12 Jan. 1801 to militia officers, Mississippi Territory

26 Jan. 1801 to Secretary of State

1 Feb. 1801 to A. Burr

14 Feb. 1801 to H. Gaither

16 Mar. 1801 to Secretary of War

21 Mar. 1801 to Secretary of State

See reverse side of 16 Mar. 1801.

31 Mar. 1801 to C. de Grand Pre

3 Apr. 1801 to Secretary of State

Apr. 1801 to J. Steele

8 June 1801 to A. Burr

11 June 1801 to J. Madison

23 June 1801 to A. Burr

29 June 1801 to J. Madison

7 July 1801 to A. Ellicott

1 Aug. 1801 to H. Dearborn

27 Jan. 1802 to M. Washington [copy]

8 Apr. 1805 to unknown

18 Feb. 1806 to assignees of P. Benard

23 Mar. 1806 to S. Hodgdon

21 May 1806 to E. Carrington

14 July 1808 to Captain Farar [?]

3 June 1810 to Mrs. M. Sargent

6 Mar. 1811 to G. Aspinwall

1 Dec. 1811 to F. D'hebecourt

2 Apr. 1812 probably to T. B. Barclay

25 Oct. 1812 to Secretary of War

[1814] to the I. Sargents

Scott, George.

20 June 1803

Scott, James. Chillicothe resident.

30 Apr. 1798

Sebastian, Benjamin. Ky., assistant justice, Court of Appeals.

27 Jan. 1799

Sellman, J. Cincinnati resident.

11 May 1799

Shattuck, William. Boston merchant, land speculator.

27 Jan. 1799

25 Nov. 1799

Shaumburgh, Bartholomew. Captain, U.S. Army.

10 Sep. 1797

1 Jan. 1800

10 Sep. 1800

20 Oct. 1800

30 Nov. 1800 [copy of letter to J. Callier, enclosed in 25 Mar. 1801, Shaumburgh to Winthrop Sargent]

25 Mar. 1801

Shaw, John.

22 Apr. 1814

Shaylor, Joseph. Captain, U.S. Army.

6 Nov. 1791

30 Nov. 1791 [to A. St. Clair]

Sheaff, Henry. Philadelphia merchant.

13 Oct. 1801

Small, John. Vincennes settler, Northwest Territory.

30 Nov. 1797

Smith, John Penington. Cincinnati lawyer.

13 Jan. 1793 [to Capt. Cushing]

24 Jan. 1793

Smith, William. Of Pickering County, Mississippi Territory.

16 Feb. 1799

Smith, William P. Lieutenant, U.S. Army.

15 June 1799 [copy of letter to Z. Cox, enclosed in 30 July 1799, Smith to Winthrop Sargent]

16 June 1799 [copy of letter to Z. Cox, enclosed in 30 July 1799, Smith to Winthrop Sargent]

30 July 1799

Smithe, John. Northwest Territory legislator.

27 Oct. 1800

Spencer, Oliver. Magistrate, militia commander, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

24 Dec. 1791

13 Jan. 1792

10 Mar. 1792

11 Mar. 1792

15 Sep. 1792

28 Feb. 1793

4 Mar. 1793

31 July 1794

30 Sep. 1794

14 June 1797

20 May 1800

Spencer, O. H. Medical student.

1 Feb. 1801

5 Mar. 1802

6 Feb. 1803

Sproat (Sprout), Ebenezer. Ohio Company surveyor, agent; sheriff, militia commander, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

16 July 1788 [with P. Fearing, J. May, to A. St. Clair]

6 Aug. 1791

27 Apr. 1792

28 Mar. 1798

Stanley, William. Cincinnati merchant; Winthrop Sargent's property agent.

27 Jan. 1807

15 Mar. 1809

Steele, John. Secretary, Mississippi Territory.

10 Apr. 1799

24 Apr. 1799

18 July 1799

7 Aug. 1799

2 Jan. 1800

16 Jan. 1800

28 Jan. 1800

4 Feb. 1800

14 Feb. 1800

25 Feb. 1800

15 Mar. 1800

19 Apr. 1800

23 June 1800

13 Apr. 1801

23 May 1801

28 July 1803

21 Jan. 1807

Sterett, Samuel. Baltimore merchant.

5 Nov. 1804 [to T. Fitzsimmons]

Stevens, Ebenezer. N.Y.C. merchant.

27 Oct. 1802

12 May 1803

Stille, James.

8 Mar. 1806

Story, Daniel. Marietta clergyman, Northwest Territory.

22 Oct. 1791

Story, Isaac. Mass., Marblehead clergyman.

12 Sep. 1804

1 July 1811

9 Oct. 1812

Stuart, Gallus P. Winthrop Sargent's property agent, Cincinnati.

12 Nov. 1804

Stuart, James. Resident, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

17 Jan. 1799 [to L. Evans]

Sullivan, James. Mass. Attorney General.

13 Oct. 1795

Swan, Caleb. Paymaster, U.S. Army.

10 Oct. 1788

4 Jan. 1793

14 Mar. 1793

22 Nov. 1793

25 Jan. 1799

5 Mar. 1799

1 May 1799

Swan, Samuel. Court clerk, Hamilton County; clerk, Northwest Territory legislature.

15 Jan. 1793

21 Jan. 1793

Symmes, Daniel. Sheriff, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

19 July 1796

Symmes, John Cleves. Land speculator, colonizer; judge, Northwest Territory.

27 Sep. 1789

21 Aug. 1790 [with G. Turner]

22 Aug. 1790 [with G. Turner]

10 Aug. 1791 [to A. St. Clair]

12 May 1792

30 June 1792

7 Jan. 1793 [2 letters]

18 Jan. 1793

1 May 1793

18 Jan. 1798

Tallmadge, Benjamin. Ohio Company treasurer.

9 Nov. 1793

21 Nov. 1793

24 Nov. 1793

2 Dec. 1793

9 Dec. 1793

13 Jan. 1794

10 Feb. 1794

17 Mar. 1794

31 Mar. 1794

13 Apr. 1794

14 Mar. 1795

24 June 1795

Taylor, George, Jr. (Department of State).

6 Jan. 1795

Tenney, Samuel. N.H., U.S. Representative.

10 Dec. 1801

27 Feb. 1804

18 Jan. 1806

23 Mar. 1806

Thatcher, George. Mass., U.S. Representative.

26 Feb. 1801

Thompson, Anna Williams. Winthrop Sargent's stepdaughter.

26 Jan. 1812 [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

Thompson, David. Lieutenant, U.S. Army.

2 Mar. 1799

Thompson, Jonathan. Winthrop Sargent's executor.

3 June 1820 [to L. M. Sargent]

Thomson, Charles. Secretary, Continental Congress.

11 Mar. 1789

Thornton, Joseph.

14 Apr. 1796

Thruston, M.

21 Jan. 1812

Tilton, Daniel. Judge, Mississippi Territory.

20 Aug. 1799

2 Apr. 1802

Tousard, Louis. French Consul, New Orleans.

13 Jan. 1806

24 Mar. 1806

15 Nov. 1806

Tracy, John. Mass., Newburyport merchant.

1 Apr. 1789

15 May 1789

Trevino, Philip. Spanish commandant, Natchez.

23 Mar. 1784 [to Mrs. E. McIntosh, copied onto 9 Mar. 1784, McIntosh to Trevino]

Turner, Edward. Miss. planter, lawyer; member, Mississippi Territory legislature.

17 Dec. 1815

Turner, Edward D. Of Boston; partner in Winthrop Sargent's land speculations.

4 Jan. 1795

18 Jan. 1795

5 Feb. 1795

29 Nov. 1795

31 Jan. 1796

8 Feb. 1796

14 Feb. 1796

18 Feb. 1796

22 Feb. 1796

4 Mar. 1796

4 Sep. 1796

2 Aug. 1797

14 Nov. 1799

4 Oct. 1800

Turner, George. Assistant secretary general, Society of the Cincinnati; judge, Northwest Territory.

17 June 1785

19 Feb. 1786

2 Apr. 1786

25 May 1786

6 Aug. 1787

30 Oct. 1787

6 Nov. 1787

29 Nov. 1787

10 May 1788

21 Aug. 1790 [with J. C. Symmes]

22 Aug. 1790 [with J. C. Symmes]

2 Sep. 1790

5 Mar. 1795

Turner, Will. Miss. planter.

2 July 1809

Underwood, Robert. Ohio Company shareholder.

1 May 1789


See [15 Jan. 1793].

Urquhart, Thomas. New Orleans merchant.

4 June 1819 [to Robert Percy]

Urquhart, Thomas and David. New Orleans merchants.

20 Dec. 1803

21 Sep. 1804

12 Oct. 1804

5 Nov. 1804

Vanderburgh (Vander Burgh), Henry. Magistrate, militia officer, Knox County, Northwest Territory.

14 Apr. 1791

6 Oct. 1791

31 Oct. 1791

20 Feb. 1792

31 Mar. 1792

22 Sep. 1792

10 Oct. 1792

28 Nov. 1792

6 Jan. 1793

11 Apr. 1793

15 Feb. 1795

3 Apr. 1795

30 Apr. 1795

14 June 1795


25 Oct. 1796

2 Apr. 1797

20 May 1797

13 June 1797

10 Aug. 1797

1 Oct. 1797

Van Der Kemp, Francis Adrian. Dutch scholar, preacher.

15 July 1788

Vidal, Joseph. Spanish representative, Natchez.

20 Mar. 1799

16 Oct. 1802

Vidal, Nicholas Mary. Lieutenant governor, West Fla.

28 Jan. 1801

Vigo, Francois. Militia commander, Knox County, Northwest Territory.

4 Jan. 1792

31 Mar. 1792

13 Apr. 1792

3 Nov. 1794

17 Feb. 1795

3 Apr. 1795

Vilemont (Vilamont), Carlos de.

See de Vilemont, Carlos.

Virgin, Brice. Militia officer, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

20 Jan. 1792

Vousdan, William. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

29 Jan. 1799

13 Apr. 1799

23 Apr. 1799

6 Aug. 1799

25 Feb. 1800 [with W. Dunbar, W. Kenner, T. Wilkins]

Wade, John. Captain, U.S. Army.

27 Feb. 1800

8 Apr. 1801

Walker, Martha. Of Boston.

31 July 1807

25 Aug. 1807

Walker, Peter. Court clerk, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

6 June 1801

Warren, James. Mass. governor's councillor.

17 Apr. 1792

Washington, Martha (wife of George).

30 Mar. 1802 [copy]

Wayne, Anthony. Major General, commander, U.S. Army.

9 Oct. 1794

12 July 1795

Webb, Samuel Blatchley. Of Wethersfield, Conn.

26 Aug. 1787

Webber, Samuel. President, Harvard.

29 Aug. 1807

Wells, William. Magistrate, Hamilton County, Northwest Territory.

5 Feb. 1793 [with W. Goforth, W. McMillan]

20 Dec. 1806 [to W. Stanley, enclosed in 27 Jan. 1807, Stanley to Winthrop Sargent]

Wilkins, John, Jr. Quartermaster General, U.S. Army.

1 Dec. 1803

Wilkins, Thomas. Magistrate, Adams County, Mississippi Territory.

25 Feb. 1800 [with W. Dunbar, W. Kenner, W. Vousdan]

Wilkinson, James. Brigadier General, U.S. Army.

25 Aug. 1791 [to A. St. Clair]

26 Aug. 1791 [to A. St. Clair]

9 Mar. 1792

16 Mar. 1792

7 Apr. 1792

2 June 1792

27 Sep. 1792

4 Oct. 1792

22 Oct. 1792

10 Nov. 1792

9 Dec. 1792

10 Dec. 1792

14 Dec. 1792

7 Mar. 1793

13 Mar. 1793

12 Apr. 1793

13 Apr. 1793

17 Mar. 1795

28 May 1797 [2 letters]

2 June 1797

5 Sep. 1797 [copy of letter to T. Power, enclosed in 6 Sep. 1797, Wilkinson to Winthrop Sargent]

6 Sep. 1797

7 Sep. 1797

15 Sep. 1797

15 Oct. 1797

17 Nov. 1797

24 Nov. 1797

25 Nov. 1797 [to commanding officer, Ft. Massac]

3 Jan. 1798

5 Mar. 1798

6 Mar. 1798 [2 letters]

24 Mar. 1798

23 Apr. 1798

2 Aug. 1798

26 Aug. 1798

2 Oct. 1798

11 Oct. 1798

20 Oct. 1798

28 Oct. 1798 [2 letters]

4 Nov. 1798 [2 letters]

5 Nov. 1798

7 Nov. 1798

19 Dec. 1798

27 Dec. 1798

31 Dec. 1798

4 Jan. 1799

8 Jan. 1799

10 Jan. 1799

12 Jan. 1799 [2 letters]

9 Feb. 1799

28 Apr. 1799

10 May 1799

29 Aug. 1799


23 Feb. 1800

1 Mar. 1800

8 Mar. 1800

13-17 Mar. 1800

20 Mar. 1800

16 Apr. 1800

24 Apr. 1800

[2 or 9 May] 1800

20 May 1800

Wilkinson, Joseph B. Natchez resident.


Williams, David. Winthrop Sargent's stepson.

29 Jan. 1803

Williams, Otho Holland. Collector of customs, Baltimore.

20 Feb. 1789

Williams, Thomas H. Miss., U.S. Senator.

3 Jan. 1819

Wills, John S. Court clerk, Adams County, Northwest Territory.

20 June 1796

13 July 1797

27 Aug. 1797

1 Nov. 1797

8 Mar. 1808

Winthrop, James. Harvard College librarian.

26 Feb. 1788

Woodbridge, Dudley. Magistrate, recorder, Washington County, Northwest Territory.

10 Mar. 1792

6 July 1792

6 Nov. 1792

13 Apr. 1795

Worthington, Thomas. Militia officer, Adams (later Ross) County, Northwest Territory; Republican leader.

22 Apr. 1798

8 May 1798

Young, Samuel. Miss. planter.

24 Nov. 1808

Zane, Ebenezer. Founder of Wheeling, W. Va.

12 Sep. 1797

20 Oct. 1797

Zeigler, David. Major, U.S. Army; Cincinnati merchant.

7 Jan. 1792

30 Mar. 1803

12 July 1804

Correspondent Index, 1821-1948

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This list contains the names of select correspondents in the Winthrop Sargent papers from 1821 through 1948. Most but not all of Sargent's correspondents during this period are included. Correspondents are listed alphabetically, and each has been identified according to the period, locale, or subject matter of his or her letters. Petitions signed by one person have been included; longer petitions and extracts have not. Letters dated 1784 through 1820 are listed separately.

Atkins, Charles.

30 July 1913 [to Miss Newcombe]

Banks, Charles E.

9 Feb. 1910 [to M. B. Dana]

8 Nov. 1911 [to M. B. Dana]

1 July 1912 [to M. B. Dana]

27 Sep. 1912 [to M. B. Dana]

30 Sep. 1912 [to M. B. Dana]

25 Oct. 1912 [to M. B. Dana]

[1912?] [to M. B. Dana]

11 Feb. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

3 Apr. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

29 May 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

8 June 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

21 June 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

23 Aug. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

19 Sep. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

23 Oct. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

2 June 1914 [to M. B. Dana]

16 Mar. 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

1 Apr. 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

25 May 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

[1915?] [to M. B. Dana]

Biddle, Nicholas.

25 Mar. 1822 [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

2 Jan. 1823 [to C. Chauncy]

7 Feb. 1823 [to C. Chauncy]

Brewer, George S.

26 Aug. 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

Crocker, Burt, and Richmond.

16 Dec. 1822 [to C. Chauncy]

31 Dec. 1822 [to C. Chauncy]

Dana, Elizabeth Ellery.

19 Apr. 1911 [to M. B. Dana]

9 Mar. 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

7 Jan. 1916 [to M. B. Dana]

6 Apr. 1916 [to M. B. Dana]

Duncan, B.

30 Nov. 1841 [to C. Butler]

Duncan, George.

18 Apr. 1916 [to M. B. Dana]

Duncan, William Butler.

19 Apr. 1904 [to C. E. Rice]

18 Jan. 1905 [to W. T. Campbell]

25 June 1908 [to E. E. Hale]

Elliot, A. H.

10 May 1935 [to S. W. Sargent]

French, Elizabeth.

19 June 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

Galbreath, C. B.

17 Sep. 1903 [to M. B. Dana]

Gilman, Benjamin Ives, Jr.

27 Apr. 1822 [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

3 May 1822 [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

[1822?] [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

Halloran, J.

5 Nov. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

Harlan, Edward.

19 Dec. 1851 [to W. Sargent]

Hollorock, Albert.

22 Apr. 1896 [to Mrs. Perry]

Hough, Benjamin K.

16 Sep. 1846 [to G. W. Sargent]

Jennings, Arthur C.

26 Aug. [1915] [to M. B. Dana]

30 Aug. [1915] [to M. B. Dana]

Johnstone, James.

2 Dec. 1848 [to A. Duncan]

Kinniment, D. L.

20 Aug. 1864 [to W. Sargent]

Little, George C.

21 Aug. 1899 [to M. B. Dana]

Livingston, Frank A.

13 May 1940 [to S. W. Sargent]

Massey, A. H. J.

12 July 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

McCain, William D.

24 Mar. 1948 [to W. Sargent, Jr.]

Miller, Morris.

15 Nov. 1848 [to R. B. Miller, enclosed in 18 Nov. 1848, R. B. Miller to A. Duncan]

Miller, Rufus B.

18 Nov. 1848 [to A. Duncan]

27 Nov. 1848 [to A. Duncan]

5 Dec. 1848 [to A. Duncan]

Odell, G. M.

18 June 1861 [to W. Sargent]

Pennington, John.

13 Feb. 1857 [to W. Sargent]

Robinson, Charles E.

30 Dec. 1913 [to M. B. Dana]

Robinson, David.

19 Mar. 1914 [to M. B. Dana]

Rotch, William J.

17 Feb. 1914 [to M. B. Dana]

Sargent, Aaron.

23 July 1890 [to I. Sargent]

Sargent, J. Turner W.

4 Dec. 1852 [copy of letter to Bishop Fitzpatrick]

Sargent, Lucius Manlius.

18 Jan. 1831 [to Mrs. M. Sargent]

11 Nov. 1833 [to G. W. Sargent]

2 Jan. 1843 [to G. W. Sargent]

3 Nov. 1858 [to W. Sargent, copy]

Also, a letterbook, 1823-1840, containing 692 business letters.

Sargent, Samuel Worcester.

14 May 1935 [to A. H. Elliot]

14 May 1940 [to F. A. Livingston]

Sargent, Winthrop, Jr.

4 June 1940 [to F. A. Livingston]

21 Mar. 1948 [to W. Sargent III]

29 Mar. 1948 [to W. McCain]

Sherwood, George.

22 June 1912 [to C. E. Banks, enclosed in 1 July 1912, Banks to Dana]

Slade, Emma H.

22 Jan. 1914 [to M. B. Dana]

Tindall, P. F.

4 July 1913 [to M. B. Dana]


11 Feb. 1896 [to unknown]

Wade, Joseph Henry.

11 Aug. 1915 [to M. B. Dana]

Ward, Townsend.

2 May 1858 [to W. Sargent]

30 July 1859 [to W. Sargent]

Williams, R. N. II.

13 May 1948 [to W. Sargent, Jr.]

Cipher Key

In a few instances, primarily in his diaries, Sargent used a cipher, substituting letters or numbers to conceal certain passages. The diary entry describing his feelings at the death of his wife and child, for example, is written in cipher. Below is the key to Sargent's cipher. Following this key, Winthrop Sargent's name would be written BD4UA6H5 CM62P4U.

Cipher Translation
1 C
2 G
3 K
4 N
5 P
6 R
7 U
8 X
C S and Z

Preferred Citation

Microfilm edition of the Winthrop Sargent papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Sargent family.
St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818.


Mississippi. Governor (1798-1801 : Sargent).
Ohio Company (1786-1795).


Cahokia (Ill.)--Description and travel.
Indians of North America--Government relations.
Indians of North America--Mississippi.
Indians of North America--Northwest Territory.
Land settlement--Mississippi.
Land settlement--Northwest Territory.
Louisiana--Politics and government.
Mississippi--Description and travel.
Mississippi--Politics and government.
Natchez (Miss.)--Description and travel.
Northwest Territory--Climate.
Northwest Territory--Description and travel.
Northwest Territory--Politics and government.
Northwest Territory--Surveys.
Orderly books.
St. Clair's Campaign, 1791.
United States--Territorial expansion.
West Florida--Politics and government.

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Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Winthrop Sargent photographs (unprocessed). Photo. Coll. 500.64.

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