
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This microfilm edition consists of colonial diaries, logbooks, and orderly books compiled from manuscript collections at the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Collection Description

This microfilm edition of pre-Revolutionary era diaries consists of 276 diaries written by 112 individuals from 1635 to 1790 and provides a rich and authentic portrait of incidents, manners, customs, and details of life in pre-Revolutionary America. The collection contains the diaries of a broad range of individuals, from farmers and businessmen to clergymen, soldiers, students, and physicians.

The diaries are arranged alphabetically, by author, on reels 1-11, followed by a reel of logbooks (reel 12) and a reel of orderly books (reel 13), also arranged alphabetically. Dates given for individual diaries, logbooks, etc., are terminal dates of entire volumes from earliest to latest entry. No effort has been made to identify omissions within these dates or to distinguish between such terms as "diary" or "journal"; regular or sporadic notations of personal, professional, or job-related entries are included. Many of the diaries were bound into interleaved almanacs.

Omitted from this microfilm edition, although a part of the MHS collections, are diaries and journals readily available in published format, for example the diaries of Cotton Mather, Samuel Sewall, and John Winthrop.

Acquisition Information

The items in this collection were acquired through a combination of gifts and purchases.

Other Formats

Black and white digital images of this collection--produced from the microfilm edition--are available as part of History Vault: Revolutionary War and Early America, a digital resource from ProQuest. This resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS also provides access onsite to the Society's contributions to this resource; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Diaries, 1635-1790

Reel 1Vol. 1.1

Eliphalet Adams, diary in almanac, 1717

Reel 1Vol. 1.2

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1752-1761

Reel 1Vol. 1.3

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1761-1767

Reel 1Vol. 1.4

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1768-1773

Reel 1Vol. 1.5

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1774-1781

Reel 1Vol. 1.6

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1718-1719

Note: This diary is identified as anonymous, 1718, but was kept by Benjamin Webb from 1718-1719. The rest of Webb's diaries appear on reel 11.

Reel 1Vol. 1.7

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1743

Reel 1Vol. 1.8

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1747

Reel 1Vol. 1.9

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1748

Note: This diary is identified as anonymous, but was kept by Andrew Eliot. This volume and the rest of Eliot's diaries appear on reel 3.

Reel 1Vol. 1.10

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1755

Reel 1Vol. 1.11

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 1Vol. 1.12

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 1Vol. 1.13

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 1Vol. 1.14

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 1Vol. 1.15

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 1Vol. 1.16

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 1Vol. 1.17

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1774-1775

Reel 1Vol. 1.18

John Bailey, diary in almanac, 1682

Reel 1Vol. 1.19

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 1, 1742-1749

Reel 1Vol. 1.20

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 2, 1759-1761

Reel 1Vol. 1.21

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 3, 1761-1763

Reel 1Vol. 1.22

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 4, 1763-1765

Reel 1Vol. 1.23

William Barrell, 1766

Reel 2Vol. 2.1

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 2Vol. 2.2

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 2Vol. 2.3

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1760

Reel 2Vol. 2.4

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 2Vol. 2.5

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 2Vol. 2.6

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 2Vol. 2.7

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 2Vol. 2.8

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 2Vol. 2.9

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 2Vol. 2.10

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 2Vol. 2.11

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 2Vol. 2.12

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 2Vol. 2.13

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 2Vol. 2.14

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 2Vol. 2.15

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 2Vol. 2.16

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 2Vol. 2.17

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 2Vol. 2.18

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 2Vol. 2.19

Andonijah Bidwell, journal of expedition to Cape Breton, 1745

Reel 2Vol. 2.20

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 2Vol. 2.21

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 2Vol. 2.22

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 2Vol. 2.23

Dudley Bradstreet, diary, 1745-1746

Reel 2Vol. 2.24

Edward Brooks, journal, 1753-1762

Reel 2Vol. 2.25

John Brown, journal, 1718-1742

Reel 2Vol. 2.26

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1715

Reel 2Vol. 2.27

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 2Vol. 2.28

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1719

Reel 2Vol. 2.29

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1723

Reel 2Vol. 2.30

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1725

Reel 2Vol. 2.31

Thomas Cushman, diary, 1761-1775

Reel 2Vol. 2.32

Benjamin Dolbeare, journal to Bristol, 1739

Reel 3Vol. 3.1

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1740

Reel 3Vol. 3.2

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 3Vol. 3.3

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1742

Reel 3Vol. 3.4

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1742

Reel 3Vol. 3.5

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1743

Reel 3Vol. 3.6

Andrew Eliot, diaries in almanacs, 1744

Reel 3Vol. 3.7

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1745

Reel 3Vol. 3.8

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1746

Reel 3Vol. 3.9

Andrew Eliot, diaries in almanacs, 1747

Reel 3Vol. 3.10

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1748

Note: This volume is the same as volume 1.9 on reel 1.

Reel 3Vol. 3.11

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1749

Reel 3Vol. 3.12

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1750

Reel 3Vol. 3.13

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1751

Reel 3Vol. 3.14

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1752

Reel 3Vol. 3.15

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1754

Reel 3Vol. 3.16

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1756

Reel 3Vol. 3.17

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 3Vol. 3.18

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 3Vol. 3.19

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1760

Reel 3Vol. 3.20

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 3Vol. 3.21

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 3Vol. 3.22

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 3Vol. 3.23

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 3Vol. 3.24

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 3Vol. 3.25

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 3Vol. 3.26

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 3Vol. 3.27

Andrew and John Eliot, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 3Vol. 3.28

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 3Vol. 3.29

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 3Vol. 3.30

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 3Vol. 3.31

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 3Vol. 3.32

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 3Vol. 3.33

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 3Vol. 3.34

Joseph Emerson, diary, 1745

Reel 3Vol. 3.35

Joseph Emerson, diary, 1748

Reel 4Vol. 4.1

Moody Follansbee, diary, 1765

Reel 4Vol. 4.2

Moody Follansbee, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 4Vol. 4.3

Eli Forbes, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 4Vol. 4.4

Charles Henry Frankland, diary, 1755-1767

Reel 4Vol. 4.5

Archelaus Fuller, journal, 1758-1763

Reel 4Vol. 4.6

John Gates, diary, 1755-1790

Reel 4Vol. 4.7

Joshua Gee, memorandum book, 1714-1715

Reel 4Vol. 4.8

Joseph Gerrish, diary, 1717-1719

Reel 4Vol. 4.9

Jonathan Green, journal, 1738-1752

Reel 4Vol. 4.10

Samuel Greenleaf, accounts, 1756-1767

Reel 4Vol. 4.11

Benjamin Guild, diary, 1774

Reel 5Vol. 5.1

David Hall, diary, 1740-1769

Reel 5Vol. 5.2

David Hall, diary, 1769-1789

Reel 5Vol. 5.3

Lawrence Hammond, diary, 1678-1694

Gideon Hawley, journal, 1757-1769: see reel 8, vol. 8.1.

Reel 5Vol. 5.4

Joseph Haynes, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 5Vol. 5.5

Joseph Haynes, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 5Vol. 5.6

David Hobart, family register, 1635-1714

Reel 5Vol. 5.7

Benjamin Hodgkin, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 5Vol. 5.8

David Holden, diary, 1760

Reel 5Vol. 5.9

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1764-1765

Reel 5Vol. 5.10

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1768

Reel 5Vol. 5.11

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1771

Reel 6Vol. 6.1

John Leach, diary, 1757-1758

Reel 6Vol. 6.2

Joseph Lee, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 6Vol. 6.3

Joseph Lee, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 6Vol. 6.4

Israel Loring, diary, 1750-1751

Reel 6Vol. 6.5

Robert Love, record book, 1765-1766

This item has been digitized. Click here to view this item online.

Reel 6Vol. 6.6

Benjamin Lynde, accounts, 1690

Reel 6Vol. 6.7

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1718

Reel 6Vol. 6.8

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1720

Reel 6Vol. 6.9

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1726

Reel 6Vol. 6.10

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1730

Reel 6Vol. 6.11

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1732

Reel 6Vol. 6.12

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1733

Reel 6Vol. 6.13

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1734

Reel 6Vol. 6.14

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1735

Reel 6Vol. 6.15

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1736

Reel 6Vol. 6.16

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1737

Reel 6Vol. 6.17

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 6Vol. 6.18

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1742

Reel 6Vol. 6.19

Benjamin Lynde, Jr., diaries in almanacs, 1715-1780

Reel 6Vol. 6.20

Benjamin Lynde, Jr., diary, 1732-1779

Reel 6Vol. 6.21

William Lynde, diary concerning weather, visits, and activities in Salem, 1747-1748

Reel 6Vol. 6.22

John Marshall, diary, 1689-1711

Reel 6Vol. 6.23

Jonathan Mills, records, 1726-1730

Reel 6Vol. 6.24

Timothy Nichols, diary, 1759

Reel 6Vol. 6.25

Mary Lynde Oliver, diary kept at Salem, 1750-1751

Reel 6Vol. 6.26

James Osgood, diary in almanac, 1731

Reel 7Vol. 7.1

William Palfrey, memorandum book, 1771

Reel 7Vol. 7.2

William Parker, notebook containing memoranda of cases and payments, 1736-1758

Reel 7Vol. 7.3

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 1, 1749

Reel 7Vol. 7.4

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 2, 1755

Reel 7Vol. 7.5

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 3, 1771-1773

Reel 7Vol. 7.6

William Parkman, journal, 1758-1759

Reel 7Vol. 7.7

Stephen Peabody, diary, 1767-1768

Reel 7Vol. 7.8

John Pike, diary, 1702-1710

Reel 7Vol. 7.9

Nathan Prince, journal, 1747

Reel 7Vol. 7.10

Josiah Quincy, diary, 1773-1774

Reel 7Vol. 7.11

Josiah Quincy, journal during voyage to England, 1774-1775

Reel 7Vol. 7.12

Chandler Robbins, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 7Vol. 7.13

Thomas Robie, smallpox diary, 1721-1722

Reel 7Vol. 7.14

Ezekiel Russell, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 7Vol. 7.15

Ezekiel Russell, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 8Vol. 8.1

Gideon Hawley, journal, 1757-1769

Note: This diary was formerly incorrectly identified as Samuel Phillips Savage.

Reel 8Vol. 8.2

Samuel Phillips Savage, diary in almanac, 1770-1775

Reel 8Vol. 8.3

Samuel Phillips Savage, ledger, 1772-1783

Reel 8Vol. 8.4

Joseph Sewall, diary, 1711-1716

Reel 8Vol. 8.5

Samuel Sewall, journal of voyage to England, 1688-1689

Reel 8Vol. 8.6

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 8Vol. 8.7

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1718

Reel 8Vol. 8.8

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1719

Reel 8Vol. 8.9

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1729

Reel 8Vol. 8.10

Joseph Shaw, account book, 1753-1789

Reel 8Vol. 8.11

Hezekiah Smith, diary, 1773-1778

Reel 8Vol. 8.12

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1728

Reel 8Vol. 8.13

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1738

Reel 8Vol. 8.14

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1739

Reel 8Vol. 8.15

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 8Vol. 8.16

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1749

Reel 8Vol. 8.17

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1751

Reel 8Vol. 8.18

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1754

Reel 8Vol. 8.19

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1755

Reel 8Vol. 8.20

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 8Vol. 8.21

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 8Vol. 8.22

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 8Vol. 8.23

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 8Vol. 8.24

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 8Vol. 8.25

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 8Vol. 8.26

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 8Vol. 8.27

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 8Vol. 8.28

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 8Vol. 8.29

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1777

Reel 8Vol. 8.30

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1778

Reel 9Vol. 9.1

John Southgate, diary, 1768-1776

Reel 9Vol. 9.2

Benjamin Stearns, diary of Louisbourg expedition, 1745

Reel 9Vol. 9.3

John Stickney, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 9Vol. 9.4

John Stickney, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 9Vol. 9.5

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1756

Reel 9Vol. 9.6

William Stickney, diary, 1757

Reel 9Vol. 9.7

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 9Vol. 9.8

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 9Vol. 9.9

John and William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 9Vol. 9.10

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1769-1770

Reel 9Vol. 9.11

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 9Vol. 9.12

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 9Vol. 9.13

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 9Vol. 9.14

David Stoddard, journal, 1717-1733

Reel 9Vol. 9.15

Josiah Thacher, journal of the expedition to Crown Point, vol. 1, 1756

Reel 9Vol. 9.16

Josiah Thacher, journal of the expedition to Crown Point, vol. 2, 1757

Reel 9Vol. 9.17

Peter Thacher, journal, 1678-1681

Reel 9Vol. 9.18

Peter Thacher, diary, 1682-1698/9

Reel 9Vol. 9.19

Peter Thacher, register of marriages, 1686-1727

Reel 9Vol. 9.20

Peter Thacher II, diary, vol. 1, 1764

Reel 9Vol. 9.21

Peter Thacher II, diary, vol. 2, 1772-1773

Reel 9Vol. 9.22

Peter Thacher II, leaves from diary

Reel 9Vol. 9.23

Jehoshaphat Trescot, diary, 1721-1726

Reel 9Vol. 9.24

Abiel Trescot, diary, 1730-1737

Reel 9Vol. 9.25

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1748

Reel 9Vol. 9.26

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 9Vol. 9.27

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 9Vol. 9.28

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 9Vol. 9.29

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 9Vol. 9.30

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 9Vol. 9.31

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 9Vol. 9.32

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 9Vol. 9.33

Cotton Tufts, diaries in almanacs, 1770

Reel 9Vol. 9.34

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 9Vol. 9.35

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 10Vol. 10.1

Benjamin Wadsworth, journal on Five Nations Commission, 1694

Reel 10Vol. 10.2

Benjamin Wadsworth, diary, 1692-1737

Reel 10Vol. 10.3

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1726-1734

Reel 10Vol. 10.4

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1735-1742

Reel 10Vol. 10.5

Benjamin Walker, leaves from diary, n.d.-1743

Reel 10Vol. 10.6

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1743-1749

Reel 11Vol. 11.1

Samuel Ward, diary, 1759

Reel 11Vol. 11.2

John and Eleazer Ware, military journal, 1689-1725

Reel 11Vol. 11.3

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1715

Reel 11Vol. 11.4

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 11Vol. 11.5

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1717

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1718-1719: see reel 1, vol. 1.6.

Reel 11Vol. 11.6

Benjamin Webb, Jr., journal, 1748-1769

Reel 11Vol. 11.7

Nathan Plimpton West, diary in almanac, 1744

Reel 11Vol. 11.8

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 11Vol. 11.9

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 11Vol. 11.10

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 11Vol. 11.11

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 11Vol. 11.12

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 11Vol. 11.13

Nathaniel Wheelwright, journal, 1753-1754

Reel 11Vol. 11.14

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1731

Reel 11Vol. 11.15

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1732

Reel 11Vol. 11.16

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1733

Reel 11Vol. 11.17

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1734

Reel 11Vol. 11.18

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1736

Reel 11Vol. 11.19

Michael Wigglesworth, diary, 1652-1657

Reel 11Vol. 11.20

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 11Vol. 11.21

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 11Vol. 11.22

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 11Vol. 11.23

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 11Vol. 11.24

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 11Vol. 11.25

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 11Vol. 11.26

Stephen Williams, Louisbourg diary, 1745-1749

Reel 11Vol. 11.27

Jonathan Willis, journal, 1744-1747

II. Logbooks, 1709-1774

Reel 12Vol. 12.1

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1727

Reel 12Vol. 12.2

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1729

Reel 12Vol. 12.3

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1730

Reel 12Vol. 12.4

John Morke, log of sloop Albany, 1729-1733

Reel 12Vol. 12.5

John Morke, voyage on Dolphin, 1732-1753

Reel 12Vol. 12.6

Thomas Nicolson, journal on sloop Rememberg, 1769

Reel 12Vol. 12.7

Thomas Nicolson, brig Polly, 1766

Reel 12Vol. 12.8

Thomas Nicolson, brig Polly, 1768

Reel 12Vol. 12.9

Thomas Nicolson, journal on sloop Rememberg, 1769

Reel 12Vol. 12.10

Thomas Nicolson, journal of voyages on brig William, 1769-1771

Reel 12Vol. 12.11

Thomas Nicolson, log of brig William, 1773-1774

Reel 12Vol. 12.12

Christopher Pinkham, log of voyages, 1754-1763

Reel 12Vol. 12.13

Thomas Prince, journal of voyage from New England to Barbados, 1709

Reel 12Vol. 12.14

Lot Stetson, log and journal kept on ship Betty, 1772

Reel 12Vol. 12.15

George Stevens, log books kept on ships from Beverly, 1769-1774

III. Orderly books, 1745-1773

Reel 13Vol. 13.1

Anonymous, Captain Richardson's company in the siege of Louisbourg, 1745

Reel 13Vol. 13.2

Anonymous, Quebec, 1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.3

Anonymous, orderly book of 75th Regiment, Mahan, Minorca, 1769

Reel 13Vol. 13.4

Anonymous, orderly books of Lord G. Lennox Co., 1772-1773

Reel 13Vol. 13.5

Nathaniel Bangs, orderly book, at Castle William, 1759-1762

Reel 13Vol. 13.6

Silas Brown, orderly book, 1760

Reel 13Vol. 13.7

James Hamilton, orderly book, 1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.8

David Holmes, orderly book, 1758-1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.9

David Holmes, orderly book, 1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.10

William Price, book of orders, 1758-1760

This volume is part of the Price-Osgood-Valentine papers, Ms. N-2199 (Box 11, Folder 5).

Chronological Index

17th Century Diaries

Reel 5Vol. 5.6

David Hobart, family register, 1635-1714

Reel 11Vol. 11.19

Michael Wigglesworth, diary, 1652-1657

Reel 9Vol. 9.17

Peter Thacher, journal, 1678-1681

Reel 5Vol. 5.3

Lawrence Hammond, diary, 1678-1694

Reel 1Vol. 1.18

John Bailey, diary in almanac, 1682

Reel 9Vol. 9.18

Peter Thacher, diary, 1682-1698/9

Reel 9Vol. 9.19

Peter Thacher, register of marriages, 1686-1727

Reel 8Vol. 8.5

Samuel Sewall, journal of voyage to England, 1688-1689

Reel 6Vol. 6.22

John Marshall, diary, 1689-1711

Reel 11Vol. 11.2

John and Eleazer Ware, military journal, 1689-1725

Reel 6Vol. 6.6

Benjamin Lynde, accounts, 1690

Reel 10Vol. 10.2

Benjamin Wadsworth, diary, 1692-1737

Reel 10Vol. 10.1

Benjamin Wadsworth, journal on Five Nations Commission, 1694

18th Century Diaries

Reel 7Vol. 7.8

John Pike, diary, 1702-1710

Reel 12Vol. 12.13

Thomas Prince, journal of voyage from New England to Barbados, 1709

Reel 8Vol. 8.4

Joseph Sewall, diary, 1711-1716

Reel 4Vol. 4.7

Joshua Gee, memorandum book, 1714-1715

Reel 2Vol. 2.26

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1715

Reel 11Vol. 11.3

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1715

Reel 6Vol. 6.19

Benjamin Lynde, Jr., diaries in almanacs, 1715-1780

Reel 2Vol. 2.27

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 8Vol. 8.6

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 11Vol. 11.4

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1716

Reel 1Vol. 1.1

Eliphalet Adams, diary in almanac, 1717

Reel 11Vol. 11.5

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1717

Reel 4Vol. 4.8

Joseph Gerrish, diary, 1717-1719

Reel 9Vol. 9.14

David Stoddard, journal, 1717-1733

Reel 6Vol. 6.7

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1718

Reel 8Vol. 8.7

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1718

Reel 1Vol. 1.6

Benjamin Webb, diary in almanac, 1718-1719

Reel 2Vol. 2.25

John Brown, journal, 1718-1742

Reel 2Vol. 2.28

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1719

Reel 8Vol. 8.8

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1719

Reel 6Vol. 6.8

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1720

Reel 7Vol. 7.13

Thomas Robie, smallpox diary, 1721-1722

Reel 9Vol. 9.23

Jehoshaphat Trescot, diary, 1721-1726

Reel 2Vol. 2.29

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1723

Reel 2Vol. 2.30

William Cooper, diary in almanac, 1725

Reel 6Vol. 6.9

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1726

Reel 6Vol. 6.23

Jonathan Mills, records, 1726-1730

Reel 10Vol. 10.3

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1726-1734

Reel 12Vol. 12.1

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1727

Reel 8Vol. 8.12

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1728

Reel 12Vol. 12.2

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1729

Reel 8Vol. 8.9

Samuel Sewall, diary in almanac, 1729

Reel 12Vol. 12.4

John Morke, log of sloop Albany, 1729-1733

Reel 12Vol. 12.3

John Erving, voyages from Boston, 1730

Reel 6Vol. 6.10

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1730

Reel 9Vol. 9.24

Abiel Trescot, diary, 1730-1737

Reel 6Vol. 6.26

James Osgood, diary in almanac, 1731

Reel 11Vol. 11.14

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1731

Reel 6Vol. 6.11

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1732

Reel 11Vol. 11.15

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1732

Reel 12Vol. 12.5

John Morke, voyage on Dolphin, 1732-1753

Reel 6Vol. 6.20

Benjamin Lynde, Jr., diary, 1732-1779

Reel 6Vol. 6.12

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1733

Reel 11Vol. 11.16

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1733

Reel 6Vol. 6.13

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1734

Reel 11Vol. 11.17

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1734

Reel 6Vol. 6.14

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1735

Reel 10Vol. 10.4

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1735-1742

Reel 6Vol. 6.15

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1736

Reel 11Vol. 11.18

Joseph Whipple, diary in almanac, 1736

Reel 7Vol. 7.2

William Parker, notebook containing memoranda of cases and payments, 1736-1758

Reel 6Vol. 6.16

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1737

Reel 8Vol. 8.13

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1738

Reel 4Vol. 4.9

Jonathan Green, journal, 1738-1752

Reel 2Vol. 2.32

Benjamin Dolbeare, journal to Bristol, 1739

Reel 8Vol. 8.14

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1739

Reel 3Vol. 3.1

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1740

Reel 5Vol. 5.1

David Hall, diary, 1740-1769

Reel 3Vol. 3.2

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 6Vol. 6.17

Benjamin Lynde, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 8Vol. 8.15

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1741

Reel 3Vol. 3.3-3.4

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1742

Reel 6Vol. 6.18

Benjamin Lynde, diary, 1742

Reel 1Vol. 1.19

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 1, 1742-1749

Reel 1Vol. 1.7

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1743

Reel 3Vol. 3.5

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1743

Reel 10Vol. 10.6

Benjamin Walker, diary, 1743-1749

Reel 3Vol. 3.6

Andrew Eliot, diaries in almanacs, 1744

Reel 11Vol. 11.7

Nathan Plimpton West, diary in almanac, 1744

Reel 11Vol. 11.27

Jonathan Willis, journal, 1744-1747

Reel 2Vol. 2.19

Andonijah Bidwell, journal of expedition to Cape Breton, 1745

Reel 3Vol. 3.7

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1745

Reel 13Vol. 13.1

Anonymous, Captain Richardson's company in the siege of Louisbourg, 1745

Reel 3Vol. 3.34

Joseph Emerson, diary, 1745

Reel 9Vol. 9.2

Benjamin Stearns, diary of Louisbourg expedition, 1745

Reel 2Vol. 2.23

Dudley Bradstreet, diary, 1745-1746

Reel 11Vol. 11.26

Stephen Williams, Louisbourg diary, 1745-1749

Reel 3Vol. 3.8

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1746

Reel 1Vol. 1.8

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1747

Reel 3Vol. 3.9

Andrew Eliot, diaries in almanacs, 1747

Reel 7Vol. 7.9

Nathan Prince, journal, 1747

Reel 6Vol. 6.21

William Lynde, diary concerning weather, visits, and activities in Salem, 1747-1748

Reel 1Vol. 1.9

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1748

Reel 3Vol. 3.10

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1748

Reel 3Vol. 3.35

Joseph Emerson, diary, 1748

Reel 9Vol. 9.25

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1748

Reel 11Vol. 11.6

Benjamin Webb, Jr., journal, 1748-1769

Reel 3Vol. 3.11

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1749

Reel 7Vol. 7.3

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 1, 1749

Reel 8Vol. 8.16

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1749

Reel 3Vol. 3.12

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1750

Reel 6Vol. 6.4

Israel Loring, diary, 1750-1751

Reel 6Vol. 6.25

Mary Lynde Oliver, diary kept at Salem, 1750-1751

Reel 3Vol. 3.13

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1751

Reel 8Vol. 8.17

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1751

Reel 3Vol. 3.14

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1752

Reel 1Vol. 1.2

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1752-1761

Reel 11Vol. 11.13

Nathaniel Wheelwright, journal, 1753-1754

Reel 2Vol. 2.24

Edward Brooks, journal, 1753-1762

Reel 8Vol. 8.10

Joseph Shaw, account book, 1753-1789

Reel 3Vol. 3.15

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1754

Reel 8Vol. 8.18

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1754

Reel 12Vol. 12.12

Christopher Pinkham, log of voyages, 1754-1763

Reel 1Vol. 1.10

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1755

Reel 7Vol. 7.4

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 2, 1755

Reel 8Vol. 8.19

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1755

Reel 4Vol. 4.4

Charles Henry Frankland, diary, 1755-1767

Reel 4Vol. 4.6

John Gates, diary, 1755-1790

Reel 3Vol. 3.16

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1756

Reel 9Vol. 9.5

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1756

Reel 9Vol. 9.15

Josiah Thacher, journal of the expedition to Crown Point, vol. 1, 1756

Reel 4Vol. 4.10

Samuel Greenleaf, accounts, 1756-1767

Reel 9Vol. 9.6

William Stickney, diary, 1757

Reel 9Vol. 9.16

Josiah Thacher, journal of the expedition to Crown Point, vol. 2, 1757

Reel 6Vol. 6.1

John Leach, diary, 1757-1758

Reel 8Vol. 8.1

Gideon Hawley, journal, 1757-1769

Reel 1Vol. 1.11

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 2Vol. 2.1

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 3Vol. 3.17

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 5Vol. 5.7

Benjamin Hodgkin, diary in almanac, 1758

Reel 13Vol. 13.8

David Holmes, orderly book, 1758-1759

Reel 7Vol. 7.6

William Parkman, journal, 1758-1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.10

William Price, book of orders, 1758-1760

Reel 4Vol. 4.5

Archelaus Fuller, journal, 1758-1763

Reel 13Vol. 13.2

Anonymous, Quebec, 1759

Reel 2Vol. 2.2

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 3Vol. 3.18

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.7

James Hamilton, orderly book, 1759

Reel 13Vol. 13.9

David Holmes, orderly book, 1759

Reel 6Vol. 6.24

Timothy Nichols, diary, 1759

Reel 8Vol. 8.20

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1759

Reel 11Vol. 11.1

Samuel Ward, diary, 1759

Reel 1Vol. 1.20

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 2, 1759-1761

Reel 13Vol. 13.5

Nathaniel Bangs, orderly book, at Castle William, 1759-1762

Reel 2Vol. 2.3

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1760

Reel 13Vol. 13.6

Silas Brown, orderly book, 1760

Reel 3Vol. 3.19

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1760

Reel 5Vol. 5.8

David Holden, diary, 1760

Reel 2Vol. 2.4

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 3Vol. 3.20

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 7Vol. 7.14

Ezekiel Russell, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 8Vol. 8.21

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1761

Reel 1Vol. 1.21

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 3, 1761-1763

Reel 1Vol. 1.3

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1761-1767

Reel 2Vol. 2.31

Thomas Cushman, diary, 1761-1775

Reel 2Vol. 2.5

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 3Vol. 3.21

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 4Vol. 4.3

Eli Forbes, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 5Vol. 5.4

Joseph Haynes, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 7Vol. 7.15

Ezekiel Russell, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 8Vol. 8.22

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1762

Reel 2Vol. 2.6

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 3Vol. 3.22

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 8Vol. 8.23

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 9Vol. 9.26

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1763

Reel 1Vol. 1.22

Benjamin Bangs, journal, vol. 4, 1763-1765

Reel 2Vol. 2.7

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 3Vol. 3.23

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 9Vol. 9.20

Peter Thacher II, diary, vol. 1, 1764

Reel 9Vol. 9.27

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1764

Reel 5Vol. 5.9

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1764-1765

Reel 2Vol. 2.8

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 3Vol. 3.24

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 4Vol. 4.1

Moody Follansbee, diary, 1765

Reel 8Vol. 8.24

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 9Vol. 9.28

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1765

Reel 6Vol. 6.5

Robert Love, record book, 1765-1766

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Reel 1Vol. 1.23

William Barrell, 1766

Reel 2Vol. 2.9

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 3Vol. 3.25

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 4Vol. 4.2

Moody Follansbee, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 12Vol. 12.7

Thomas Nicolson, brig Polly, 1766

Reel 8Vol. 8.25

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 9Vol. 9.7

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 9Vol. 9.29

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 11Vol. 11.8

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1766

Reel 2Vol. 2.10

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 3Vol. 3.26

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 8Vol. 8.26

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 9Vol. 9.8

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 9Vol. 9.30

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 11Vol. 11.9

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1767

Reel 7Vol. 7.7

Stephen Peabody, diary, 1767-1768

Reel 2Vol. 2.11

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 3Vol. 3.27

Andrew and John Eliot, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 5Vol. 5.10

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1768

Reel 12Vol. 12.8

Thomas Nicolson, brig Polly, 1768

Reel 7Vol. 7.12

Chandler Robbins, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 8Vol. 8.27

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 9Vol. 9.9

John and William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 9Vol. 9.31

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 11Vol. 11.10

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1768

Reel 1Vol. 1.4

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1768-1773

Reel 9Vol. 9.1

John Southgate, diary, 1768-1776

Reel 13Vol. 13.3

Anonymous, orderly book of 75th Regiment, Mahan, Minorca, 1769

Reel 2Vol. 2.12

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 2Vol. 2.20

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 3Vol. 3.28

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 6Vol. 6.2

Joseph Lee, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 12Vol. 12.6, 12.9

Thomas Nicolson, journal on sloop Rememberg, 1769

Reel 9Vol. 9.32

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 11Vol. 11.11

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 11Vol. 11.20

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1769

Reel 9Vol. 9.10

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1769-1770

Reel 12Vol. 12.10

Thomas Nicolson, journal of voyages on brig William, 1769-1771

Reel 12Vol. 12.15

George Stevens, log books kept on ships from Beverly, 1769-1774

Reel 5Vol. 5.2

David Hall, diary, 1769-1789

Reel 2Vol. 2.13

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 2Vol. 2.21

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 3Vol. 3.29

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 5Vol. 5.5

Joseph Haynes, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 6Vol. 6.3

Joseph Lee, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 9Vol. 9.11

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 9Vol. 9.33

Cotton Tufts, diaries in almanacs, 1770

Reel 11Vol. 11.21

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1770

Reel 8Vol. 8.2

Samuel Phillips Savage, diary in almanac, 1770-1775

Reel 1Vol. 1.12

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 2Vol. 2.14

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 2Vol. 2.22

Jacob Bigelow, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 3Vol. 3.30

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 5Vol. 5.11

Samuel Kirkland, journal, 1771

Reel 7Vol. 7.1

William Palfrey, memorandum book, 1771

Reel 8Vol. 8.28

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 9Vol. 9.12

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 9Vol. 9.34

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 11Vol. 11.22

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1771

Reel 7Vol. 7.5

Ebenezer Parkman, diary, vol. 3, 1771-1773

Reel 1Vol. 1.13

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 2Vol. 2.15

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 3Vol. 3.31

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 12Vol. 12.14

Lot Stetson, log and journal kept on ship Betty, 1772

Reel 9Vol. 9.3

John Stickney, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 9Vol. 9.35

Cotton Tufts, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 11Vol. 11.12

Samuel West, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 11Vol. 11.23

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1772

Reel 13Vol. 13.4

Anonymous, orderly books of Lord G. Lennox Co., 1772-1773

Reel 9Vol. 9.21

Peter Thacher II, diary, vol. 2, 1772-1773

Reel 8Vol. 8.3

Samuel Phillips Savage, ledger, 1772-1783

Reel 1Vol. 1.14

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 2Vol. 2.16-2.17

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 3Vol. 3.32

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 9Vol. 9.13

William Stickney, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 11Vol. 11.24

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1773

Reel 12Vol. 12.11

Thomas Nicolson, log of brig William, 1773-1774

Reel 7Vol. 7.10

Josiah Quincy, diary, 1773-1774

Reel 8Vol. 8.11

Hezekiah Smith, diary, 1773-1778

Reel 1Vol. 1.15-1.16

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 2Vol. 2.18

Jeremy Belknap, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 3Vol. 3.33

Andrew Eliot, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 4Vol. 4.11

Benjamin Guild, diary, 1774

Reel 9Vol. 9.4

John Stickney, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 11Vol. 11.25

Aaron Wight, diary in almanac, 1774

Reel 1Vol. 1.17

Anonymous, diary in almanac, 1774-1775

Reel 7Vol. 7.11

Josiah Quincy, journal during voyage to England, 1774-1775

Reel 1Vol. 1.5

Joseph Andrews, journal, 1774-1781

Reel 8Vol. 8.29

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1777

Reel 8Vol. 8.30

William Smith, diary in almanac, 1778

Occupation Index


Reel 4Vol. 4.4

Charles Henry Frankland

Reel 7Vol. 7.2

William Parker

Reel 7Vol. 7.10-7.11

Josiah Quincy


Reel 1Vol. 1.1

Eliphalet Adams


Reel 1Vol. 1.18

John Bailey

Reel 2Vol. 2.1-2.18

Jeremy Belknap

Reel 2Vol. 2.20-2.22

Jacob Bigelow

Reel 2Vol. 2.24

Edward Brooks

Reel 2Vol. 2.25

John Brown

Reel 2Vol. 2.26-2.30

William Cooper

Reel 3Vol. 3.1-3.33

Andrew Eliot

Reel 3Vol. 3.27

John F. Eliot

Reel 3Vol. 3.34-3.35

Joseph Emerson

Reel 4Vol. 4.3

Eli Forbes

Reel 4Vol. 4.8

Joseph Gerrish

Reel 4Vol. 4.11

Benjamin Guild

Reel 5Vol. 5.1-5.2

David Hall

Reel 8Vol. 8.1

Gideon Hawley

Reel 5Vol. 5.6

David Hobart

Reel 5Vol. 5.9-5.11

Samuel Kirkland

Reel 6Vol. 6.1

John Leach

Reel 6Vol. 6.4

Israel Loring

Reel 6Vol. 6.23

Jonathan Mills

Reel 6Vol. 6.26

James Osgood

Reel 7Vol. 7.3-7.5

Ebenezer Parkman

Reel 7Vol. 7.8

John Pike

Reel 7Vol. 7.12

Chandler Robbins

Reel 8Vol. 8.4

Joseph Sewall

Reel 8Vol. 8.5-8.9

Samuel Sewall

Reel 8Vol. 8.11

Hezekiah Smith

Reel 8Vol. 8.12-8.30

William Smith

Reel 9Vol. 9.15-9.16

Josiah Thacher

Reel 9Vol. 9.17-9.19

Peter Thacher

Reel 9Vol. 9.20-9.22

Peter Thacher II

Reel 10Vol. 10.1-10.2

Benjamin Wadsworth

Reel 11Vol. 11.7

Nathan Plimpton West

Reel 11Vol. 11.8-11.12

Samuel West

Reel 11Vol. 11.14-11.18

Joseph Whipple

Reel 11Vol. 11.19

Michael Wigglesworth

Reel 11Vol. 11.26

Stephen Williams

Reel 11Vol. 11.27

Jonathan Willis


Reel 6Vol. 6.5

Robert Love

Craftsman or Artisan

Reel 3Vol. 3.1-3.33

Andrew Eliot

Reel 11Vol. 11.20-11.25

Aaron Wight


Reel 9Vol. 9.3-9.4, 9.9

John Stickney

Reel 9Vol. 9.5-9.13

William Stickney


Reel 7Vol. 7.1

William Palfrey

Farmer and Husbandman

Reel 1Vol. 1.2-1.5

Joseph Andrews


Reel 4Vol. 4.1-4.2

Moody Follansbee

Reel 4Vol. 4.6

John Gates

Reel 4Vol. 4.9

Jonathan Green

Reel 6Vol. 6.2-6.3

Joseph Lee

Reel 8Vol. 8.10

Joseph Shaw

Reel 9Vol. 9.1

John Southgate


Reel 6Vol. 6.25

Mary Lynde Oliver

Indian Missionary

Reel 8Vol. 8.1

Gideon Hawley

Reel 5Vol. 5.9-5.11

Samuel Kirkland


Reel 6Vol. 6.6-6.18

Benjamin Lynde

Reel 6Vol. 6.19-6.20

Benjamin Lynde, Jr.

Reel 8Vol. 8.2-8.3

Samuel Phillips Savage

Reel 8Vol. 8.5-8.9

Samuel Sewall

Land Speculator

Reel 9Vol. 9.14

David Stoddard


Reel 6Vol. 6.22

John Marshall


Reel 1Vol. 1.19-1.22

Benjamin Bangs

Reel 2Vol. 2.32

Benjamin Dolbeare

Reel 4Vol. 4.5

Archelaus Fuller

Reel 5Vol. 5.4-5.5

Joseph Haynes

Reel 8Vol. 8.2-8.3

Samuel Phillips Savage

Reel 9Vol. 9.3-9.4, 9.9

John Stickney

Reel 10Vol. 10.3-10.6

Benjamin Walker

Reel 11Vol. 11.13

Nathaniel Wheelwright



Reel 7Vol. 7.9

Nathan Prince

Reel 7Vol. 7.13

Thomas Robie

Reel 9Vol. 9.17-9.19

Peter Thacher

Reel 9Vol. 9.25-9.35

Cotton Tufts

Reel 11Vol. 11.20-11.25

Aaron Wight


Reel 7Vol. 7.14-7.15

Ezekiel Russell

Sailing and Shipping


Reel 1Vol. 1.19-1.22

Benjamin Bangs

Reel 1Vol. 1.23

William Barrell

Reel 12Vol. 12.1-12.3

John Erving

Reel 6Vol. 6.21

William Lynde

Reel 12Vol. 12.4-12.5

John Morke

Reel 12Vol. 12.6-12.11

Thomas Nicolson

Reel 12Vol. 12.12

Christopher Pinkham

Reel 12Vol. 12.13

Thomas Prince

Reel 12Vol. 12.14

Lot Stetson

Reel 12Vol. 12.15

George Stevens


Reel 1Vol. 1.19-1.22

Benjamin Bangs

Reel 11Vol. 11.6

Benjamin Webb, Jr.



Reel 13Vol. 13.5

Nathaniel Bangs

Reel 2Vol. 2.19

Andonijah Bidwell

Reel 2Vol. 2.23

Dudley Bradstreet

Reel 13Vol. 13.6

Silas Brown

Reel 2Vol. 2.31

Thomas Cushman

Reel 4Vol. 4.5

Archelaus Fuller

Reel 4Vol. 4.10

Samuel Greenleaf

Reel 13Vol. 13.7

James Hamilton

Reel 5Vol. 5.3

Lawrence Hammond

Reel 5Vol. 5.8

David Holden

Reel 13Vol. 13.8-13.9

David Holmes

Reel 6Vol. 6.24

Timothy Nichols

Reel 7Vol. 7.6

William Parkman

Reel 13Vol. 13.10

William Price

Reel 9Vol. 9.2

Benjamin Stearns

Reel 9Vol. 9.15-9.16

Josiah Thacher

Reel 11Vol. 11.1

Samuel Ward

Reel 11Vol. 11.2

Eleazer Ware

Reel 11Vol. 11.2

John Ware


Reel 2Vol. 2.1-2.18

Jeremy Belknap

Reel 4Vol. 4.7

Joshua Gee

Reel 7Vol. 7.7

Stephen Peabody

Reel 9Vol. 9.25-9.35

Cotton Tufts

Preferred Citation

Pre-Revolutionary diaries microfilm, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Orderly books.
United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
United States--History--French and Indian War, 1755-1763--Order-books.