Guide to the Collection
Restrictions on Access
This collection is available as microfilm and color digital facsimiles. Use of the originals is restricted.
This collection consists of the papers of Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814), author and patriot from Massachusetts. Also included in the collection are her son Winslow Warren's letters and journals, 1781-1785.
Biographical Sketch
Mercy Otis Warren, author, historian, and patriot, was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on 14 September 1728. She was the third of thirteen children and the first daughter of James Otis (1702-1778) and Mary (Allyne) Otis. She was educated by her uncle Rev. Jonathan Russell and sat in on her brother's lessons as he prepared for Harvard. While at Harvard, her brother continued to suggest books for her to read.
Warren's interest and involvement in politics began early and continued throughout her life. Her father worked as a lawyer, judge, and colonel of the militia, and her brother James Otis, Jr. (1725-1783) was an outspoken opponent of the writs of assistance. In 1754, Mercy Otis married James Warren (1726-1808), who would go on to become a member of the Massachusetts legislature, and the Warrens hosted meetings at their home in Plymouth for leading opponents of British colonial policies. The meetings were attended by many prominent revolutionary figures, such as John Adams and Samuel Adams.
Though Warren had been writing poems since 1759, she gained notoriety for her political dramas supporting the revolutionary cause and satirizing British representatives in the colonies. Her first play, The Adulateur, appeared in a Boston newspaper in 1772 and cast the royal governor of Massachusetts as the villainous Rapatio. Among Warren's other political plays were The Defeat (1773) and The Group (1775).
In 1788, Warren wrote Observations on the New Constitution, in which she articulated her reasons for opposing ratification of the Constitution. In 1790, she published Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, a collection that included two verse dramas. But by far Warren's most important literary work was History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution (1805), a three-volume history she had begun in the late 1770s. This work led to a public schism between her and John Adams; in it, Warren accused Adams of forgetting "the principles of the American revolution." After several years and a heated exchange of letters, Warren and Adams reconciled in 1812.
Mercy Otis Warren had five sons: James (1757), Winslow (1759), Charles (1762), Henry (1764), and George (1766). She continued to correspond with political and literary friends until her death in Plymouth on 19 October 1814.
James, Edward T., Janet Wilson James, and Paul S. Boyer, eds. Notable American Women, 1607-1950: A Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971.
Collection Description
The Mercy Otis Warren papers consist of three boxes of loose papers and one letterbook. Warren's correspondence makes up the bulk of the collection. Warren's letterbook contains copies of her outgoing letters from 1770 to 1800, likely transcribed and annotated by her son James Warren. Recipients of her letterbook copies include Abigail Adams (1744-1818), John Adams (1735-1826), Martha Washington (1731-1802), Catharine Macaulay (1731-1791), and members of her family. Loose correspondence includes letters dating from 1709 to 1841 sent between Warren and her husband James and sons Winslow, George, Henry, and Charles, as well as with Samuel Allyne Otis (1740-1814), Benjamin Lincoln (1733-1810), Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814), and James Freeman (1759-1835). Also included are fragments of Warren's dramatic writings and copies of her poems.
Among the topics covered in Warren's correspondence are her opinions of the political climate before, during, and after the American Revolution; brewing hostilities with England; news of the Revolution, especially in letters to her son Winslow while he was abroad; the formation of a new government; state politics, in particular her husband's career; and her political satires, dramas, and other writings.
The final series consists of Winslow Warren's letters home and journals kept while in France, 1781-1783, and Portugal, 1784-1785.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Charles Warren, 1942.
Restrictions on Access
This collection is available as microfilm and color digital facsimiles. Use of the originals is restricted.
Other Formats
This collection is available as microfilm and color digital facsimiles.
Detailed Description of the Collection
I. Letterbook, 1770-1800Digital Content
This series consists of Warren's letterbook, containing 500 pages of copies of letters written by Warren to 35 correspondents during the years 1770-1800, likely transcribed and annotated by her son James Warren. Several pages of the book are blank. For a list of select recipients and the page numbers of the letterbook on which correspondence with that individual appears, see Select List of Correspondents below.
II. Correspondence, 1709-1841Digital Content
This series consists of letters and copies of letters written in the years 1709-1841. The bulk of the correspondence is heavily concentrated in the years 1772-1800. Most of the papers are arranged chronologically.
The microfilm edition includes four topical targets:
1. "Mercy Warren to Winslow Warren," including "Letters containing many of the most remarkable Events from the memorable AEra of the Stamp Act, 1765, to the Commencement of Hostilities between Great Britain & the American Colonies, 1775";
2. "Mercy Warren to Winslow Warren," including "Letters containing many of the most remarkable Events from the memorable AEra of the Stamp Act, 1765, to the Commencement of Hostilities between Great Britain & the American Colonies, 1775";
3. "Mercy Warren to John Adams," including "Remarks & Observations in reply to ten Letters received by Mrs. Warren from John Adams, late President of the United States" and a notebook containing letters from Warren to John Adams, 16 July-27 August 1807; and
4. "Poems," containing 52 pages of Warren's poetry.
Copy of map of Kennebuc Purchase removed to Mss. Large 1770.
January-April 1776
September-December 1776
January-March 1780
January-June 1780
August-December 1780
Letter to James Warren from Nathaniel Lothrop, et al. removed to Mss. Large 23 October 1780.
January-June 1781
September-December 1781
April-August 1784
September-December 1784
January-June 1790
List of names, "Dramatis," removed to Mss. Large 1790.
August-December 1790
January-July 1791
August-December 1791
Undated correspondence (1 of 2)
Undated correspondence (2 of 2)
Copies to Winslow Warren, pp. 1-20
Copies to Winslow Warren, pp. 22-40
Copies to Winslow Warren, pp. 41-60
Copies to Winslow Warren, unnumbered
Copies of Stamp Act letters to Winslow Warren, pp. 1-20
Copies of Stamp Act letters to Winslow Warren, pp. 21-40
Letter copies to John Adams, pp. 7-62
Some pages are missing from this sequence.
Letter copies from John Adams, pp. 1-63
Answers to John Adams's Letters and Interrogations
"Dramatis" manuscript
III. Winslow Warren letters and journals, 1781-1785Digital Content
This series consists of letters and journals written by Winslow Warren while in France, 1781-1783, and Portugal, 1784-1785.
Winslow Warren correspondence, 1781-1783
Includes photocopy of handwritten index to Winslow Warren materials.
Winslow Warren correspondence, 1782-1783
Winslow Warren correspondence, 1784-1785
Winslow Warren correspondence, 1784-1786
Winslow Warren journals, 1781
Winslow Warren journals, 1781-1782
Winslow Warren journals, 1782-1783
Winslow Warren collection wrapper
Select List of Correspondents
Below is a list of select recipients of the letters contained in Mercy Warren's letterbook, Series I. Each name is followed by the page number(s) on which the correspondence appears. The list is not a complete index.
Adams, Abigail, 129-148, 498-500
Adams, John, 149-204
Adams, Samuel,
Congress, Members of, 482-484
Gerry, Elbridge, 469-474
Hancock, Dorothy Quincy,
Knox, Henry, 476-479
Lincoln, Hannah, 33-36
Livingston, Catherine,
Macaulay, Catharine, 1-32
Montgomery, Janet Livingston, 39-53
Otis, James, 85-87,
Otis, Rebecca, 57
Otis, Samuel Allyne, 450-454
Sever, Sally,
Temple, Mrs. Robert, 88-91
Warren, Charles, 350-356
Warren, George,
Warren, Henry, 488-495
Warren, James, 213-233
Warren, Winslow,
Washington, Martha, 118-122, 126-128
Winthrop, Hannah Fayerweather, 59-79
Preferred Citation
Mercy Otis Warren papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.