
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This microfilm edition is composed of five collections: the Horace Mann papers, 1669-1926; Horace Mann papers II, 1826-1882; Horace Mann papers III, 1709-1904; Horace Mann papers IV, 1827-1835; and Horace Mann papers V, 1841-1849. These collections pertain to the lives of Horace Mann (1796-1859), Mary Tyler Peabody Mann, Thomas Mann, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, Elizabeth Amelia Dwight, George Albert Hubbell, William Bentley Fowle, Benjamin Pickman Mann, Horace Mann (1844-1868), and George Combe Mann, among others.

Biographical Timeline

4 May 1796
Mann is born in Franklin, Mass., the son of Thomas and Rebecca (Stanley) Mann.
20 June 1809
Thomas Mann, father of Horace, dies.
22 July 1810
Stephen Mann (born 1792), brother of Horace, drowns in Uncas Pond.
Fall 1816
Mann enters Brown University in Providence, R.I., as a member of the sophomore class.
1 Sep. 1819
He graduates from Brown University with high honors.
Fall 1819
Mann obtains a legal apprenticeship in the office of Josiah J. Fiske of Wrentham, Mass.
Feb. 1820
He returns to Brown University as a tutor in Latin and Greek; he is later appointed school librarian as well.
Feb. 1822
He attends Tapping Reeve's Law School in Litchfield, Connecticut.
21 Dec. 1823
Mann is granted the privilege of practicing law in the Norfolk Court of Common Pleas (Mass.).
Calvin Pennell, Mann's brother-in-law, dies.
Thomas Stanley Mann, Horace's older brother, loses three children within days of each other.
21 Dec. 1825
The Norfolk bar recommends that Mann be admitted to practice before the Supreme Judicial Court.
1 May 1827
Mann is elected as representative to the Massachusetts General Court from Dedham.
29 Sep. 1830
He marries Charlotte Messer, daughter of Brown University president Asa Messer.
1 Aug. 1832
Charlotte Messer Mann dies.
11 Aug. 1834
The Ursuline Convent in Charlestown, Mass., is attacked by a mob. For ten days, Mann heads an ad hoc committee of citizens to investigate the incident, until he falls ill.
Nov. 1834
Mann is elected as a Whig senator in Massachusetts. He is president of the Senate from 1836 to 1837.
Thomas Stanley Mann (born 1788) dies.
11 Oct. 1836
Asa Messer dies.
Rebecca Stanley Mann dies.
29 June 1837
Mann is elected secretary of the Board of Education of Massachusetts.
Jan. 1840
Barre, Bridgewater, and Lexington are selected as sites for the new Normal Schools.
Spring 1840
Mann journeys south along the coast and then westward with George Combe.
4 July 1842
He gives the Fourth of July oration in Boston.
26 Mar. 1843
Mann proposes marriage to Mary Tyler Peabody.
1 May 1843
The couple marry and depart on the Britannia for Europe with Samuel G. and Julia Ward Howe. They visit England, Scotland, Hamburg, Magdeburg, Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig, Saxon Switzerland, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Baden-Baden, Utrecht, Leyden, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Paris, England, and Ireland.
Nov. 1843
The Britannia arrives in Boston after a rough passage.
24 Feb. 1844
Horace Mann, Jr. is born.
27 Dec. 1845
George Combe Mann is born.
Apr. 1848
Mann is elected from the Eighth District to the U.S. House of Representatives.
15 Apr. 1848
At midnight, Daniel Drayton and Edward Sayres sail down the Potomac in the Pearl with 76 freedom seekers. They are apprehended on Apr. 16.
30 Apr. 1848
Benjamin Pickman Mann is born.
30 June 1848
Mann gives his maiden speech in Congress, strongly supporting the anti-slavery cause.
July 1848
Mann decides to serve as attorney for Drayton and Sayres in "the Pearl case." Drayton's trial begins.
Nov. 1850
He is re-elected from the Eighth District.
15 Sep. 1852
Mann is nominated as the Free-Soil candidate for governor of Massachusetts. He is simultaneously appointed by the "Christian Connexion" as the president of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He loses the gubernatorial election and accepts the presidency of Antioch.
Sep. 1853
The Manns arrive in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
5 Oct. 1853
Mann is inaugurated as president of Antioch.
Aug. 1858
George Combe dies.
20 Apr. 1859
Antioch College is sold at auction to a group of Mann's friends led by Josiah Quincy.
29 June 1859
Mann gives his final baccalaureate address.
2 Aug. 1859
Horace Mann dies.

Collection Description

This microfilm edition of the papers of Horace Mann is composed of five separate collections of Horace Mann papers held by the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS). The five collections are: the Horace Mann papers, 1669-1926; the Horace Mann papers II, 1826-1882; the Horace Mann papers III, 1709-1904; the Horace Mann papers IV, 1827-1835; and the Horace Mann papers V, 1841-1849. The first collection is the largest and is represented in Series I-III of this microfilm. The Horace Mann papers II, III, IV, and V are represented in Series IV-VII of this microfilm. Series VIII consists of oversize material from all of the Horace Mann papers.

This collection consists of the papers of Horace Mann and other family members, including material from Mann's career as a lawyer, legislator, abolitionist, educator, and president of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mann's correspondence constitutes the bulk of the collection. His correspondents included most of his prominent contemporaries in his various fields of interest. The collection also contains the correspondence of reformers Mary Tyler Peabody Mann (1806-1887) and Elizabeth Palmer Peabody (1804-1894), as well as some of the letters of Elizabeth Amelia (White) Dwight (1809-1883). Also included in the collection are a number of Horace Mann's journals, legal papers, and speeches on wide-ranging subjects, such as education, politics, slavery, temperance, and religion.

Other individuals represented in this collection are: Thomas Mann (1756-1809), George Albert Hubbell (b. 1824), William Bentley Fowle (1795-1865), Benjamin Pickman Mann (1848-1926), Horace Mann (1844-1868), and George Combe Mann (b. 1845), among others.

Acquisition Information

Horace Mann papers: Gift of George Combe Mann and Benjamin Pickman Mann, Jan. 30, 1915. Additional material gifts of Laura E. Richards, 1940, and Horace Mann, Oct. 1945.

Horace Mann papers II: Deposited by Horace Mann (of Maine), May 1952.

Horace Mann papers III: Acquired by purchase, 1954.

Horace Mann papers IV: Gift of Mr. Wilder Dwight, Oct. 4, 1920.

Horace Mann papers V: Acquired by purchase, Waterston Fund I, Nov. 30, 1918.

Other Formats

Digital facsimiles of the Horace Mann, Jr. travel diary are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

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Preferred Citation

Horace Mann collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Dwight, Elizabeth Amelia, 1809-1883.
Fowle, William Bentley, 1795-1865.
Hubbell, George Albert, b. 1824.
Mann family.
Mann, B. Pickman (Benjamin Pickman), 1848-1926.
Mann, George Combe, 1845-
Mann, Horace, 1844-1868.
Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody, 1806-1887.
Mann, Thomas, 1756-1809.
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Horace Mann family photographs. Photo. Coll. 500.56.

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