1737-2008; bulk: 1737-1938

Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of papers of the Charitable Irish Society, a charitable organization founded in 1737 for the benefit of Irish Americans in Boston. Included are early record books; meeting minutes; secretary's papers (primarily correspondence); committee, membership, and financial records; printed matter; and other papers.

Historical Sketch

The Charitable Irish Society, the oldest Irish organization in North America, was founded in 1737 by "Several Gentlemen, Merchants, and Others, of the Irish Nation residing in Boston...for the Relief of Poor, aged, and infirm Persons, and such as have been reduced by Sickness, Shipwrack, and other accidental Misfortunes." This relief consisted largely of temporary loans to Irish immigrants in Boston, often for passage back to Ireland, and assistance to those needing work. The organization also promotes education about Irish history and heritage, honors the contributions of Irish Americans, and has been active in political issues from immigration to the Irish Home Rule movement. The Society was incorporated in 1809, and its constitution adopted in 1810. Although its administrative structure has varied over time, officers have generally included a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and Keeper of the Silver Key, whose duties consist of soliciting donations and encouraging membership. The Society holds its annual dinner on St. Patrick's Day, and many eminent individuals have served as keynote speakers, including sitting President William Howard Taft in 1912. Prominent members have included Robert Auchmuty, Patrick A. Collins, James Michael Curley, Patrick Donohoe, John F. Fitzgerald, James McGee, Daniel Malcolm, Hugh O'Brien, John C. Park, and Peter Pelham.


Burke, Charles T. The Silver Key: A History of the Charitable Irish Society. Boston: Charitable Irish Society, 1973.

"History of the Charitable Irish Society, 1737-1837." The Essex Genealogist. Vol. 23. Lynnfield, Mass.: Essex Society of Genealogists, 2003.

Collection Description

The records of the Charitable Irish Society include early record books; meeting minutes; secretary's papers (primarily correspondence); committee, membership, and financial records; printed matter; and other papers documenting the first 200 years of the organization's history. Among the earliest papers are eight volumes containing the Society's constitution and by-laws, minutes, votes, reports, treasurer's accounts, printed matter, and other papers dating from its founding in 1737. The bulk of the collection consists of the papers of the Society's long-time secretary John J. Keenan, who served from ca. 1910 to 1939. Keenan's papers include correspondence related to events, membership, appointments, and other subjects, as well as annotated copies of minutes and printed matter, financial records, notes, and other papers. Among the correspondents are officers and members of the Society and many eminent politicians, local officials, and businessmen. The collection also contains committee records, membership account books, reports from immigration agent Julia C. Hayes (1910-1917), newspaper clippings and other printed matter about the work of the Society, and records of related charitable organizations. Included are papers dealing with immigration, Irish nationalism, and other political issues.

Acquisition Information

Gift of the Charitable Irish Society of Boston, 1979, with later additions.

Detailed Description of the Collection

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I. Administrative records, 1737-1938

Close I. Administrative records, 1737-1938

V. Printed matter, 1858-2008; bulk: 1910-1938

Close V. Printed matter, 1858-2008; bulk: 1910-1938

Preferred Citation

Charitable Irish Society records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Auchmuty, Robert, d. 1788.
Collins, Patrick A. (Patrick Andrew), 1844-1905.
Curley, James Michael, 1874-1958.
Donohoe, Patrick, 1836-1901.
Dore, John B.
Fitzgerald, John Francis, 1863-1950.
Hayes, Julia C.
Keenan, John J.
McGee, James.
Malcolm, Daniel.
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976.
O'Brien, Hugh, 1827-1895
Park, John C.
Pelham, Peter, 1697-1751.
Taff, Thomas F., 1855-1916.
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.
Walsh, David I. (David Ignatius), 1872-1947.


Roman Catholic Youth's Society (Boston, Mass.).
Young Catholics' Friend Society (Boston, Mass.).


Boston (Mass.)--Societies, etc.
Charitable societies--Massachusetts--Boston.
Emigration and immigration law--United States.
Ireland--Emigration and immigration.
Ireland--History--Famine, 1845-1852.
Irish Americans--Massachusetts--Boston.
Irish Americans--Societies, etc.
Irish question.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives.

The following artifacts have been removed to the MHS Artifacts Collection: three ribbons, one from a reception to General Michael Corcoran, 29 Aug. 1862, the other two unidentified; a metal button reading "Community Chest - I Gave - 1930"; a Boston tercentenary medal with the name of the Charitable Irish Society, 1930; and two picture plates of poet Tom A. Daly, [11 Oct.] 1935.

The following printed items have been removed and cataloged separately: Constitution of the Charitable Irish Society (Boston: T. R. Marvin & Son, 1858) and Charitable Irish Society: Its Constitution and By-Laws (Boston: Charitable Irish Society, 1917).

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