
Offsite Storage Inventory

Restrictions on Access

The Endicott Peabody papers and photographs are CLOSED pending processing. Some materials may be made available for research at the discretion of the MHS library staff following a review to identify copyright, privacy, and/or preservation concerns. Prior to placing a request through Portal1791, contact the library at 617-646-0532 or to initiate this review. Please allow up to two weeks for requests to be reviewed.

This collection is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the professional papers of Massachusetts Governor Endicott "Chub" Peabody, 1952-1997, as well as photographs from Peabody's political career.

Collection Description

This collection consists of professional papers of Massachusetts Governor Endicott "Chub" Peabody, 1952-1997, including correspondence, speeches, press releases, scrapbooks, memorabilia, and other papers related to his Massachusetts governor and U.S. Senate campaigns, as well as speeches, interviews, scrapbooks, clippings, and memorabilia kept while governor. Also included are diaries and desk calendars, 1952-1961, 1967-1968; an autograph collection; scrapbooks and other papers related to Peabody's campaign against land mines, 1997; and audio-visual materials.

The collection also contains photographs from Peabody's political career. The bulk of the photographs date from his campaign for governor in 1962 until he left the governor's office in 1965. They document campaign rallies, inauguration ceremonies, official ceremonies as governor, bill signings, and many other subjects. There are also a number of portraits of Endicott Peabody from 1962 through the 1990s, as well as one folder of miscellaneous clippings collected by the governor. All of the photographs are paper-based, and there are both black and white as well as color images.

Processing Information

This collection is UNPROCESSED. A detailed box and folder list accompanied the collection, and that list has been revised to account for the reboxing of the collection for offsite storage.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Barbara Peabody, October 1999; additions, 2000.

Restrictions on Access

The Endicott Peabody papers and photographs are CLOSED pending processing. Some materials may be made available for research at the discretion of the MHS library staff following a review to identify copyright, privacy, and/or preservation concerns. Prior to placing a request through Portal1791, contact the library at 617-646-0532 or to initiate this review. Please allow up to two weeks for requests to be reviewed.

This collection is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Summary Description of the Collection

Files: "The Massachusetts Years"

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Endicott Peabody Registers as a Democrat July 1, 1949

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Biographical Information (includes some athletic and 48 pg. military history)

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Massachusetts Governors Council 1952

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

American Veterans Organization 1955

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Attorney General 1958: Campaign: Speeches, Newsreleases, Official Listing of MA Senators and House of Representatives by District & Counties under Gov. Foster Furculo List of Democratic Convention Delegates

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

District Attorney Appointment Support 1959 (Chronological) Telegrams & Letters recommending EP (copies) Gov. Furculo Letters (orig.) of reply to supporters of EP Statement before and after

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

1959 News clippings

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Mixed Correspondence 11/58 to 4/60 (Chronological)

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

1960 Campaign for District Attorney Strategy Papers Projection

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

1960 Democratic Primary Papers

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Governor Campaign - Ideas from Others

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Correspondence in Support of EP's Run for Gov. July & Aug. 1960 (Chronological)

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Campaign for Governor - Primary

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Ideas for Changing MA Govt. & Proposed Amendments to MA Constitution Correspondence, Interview Notes, Press Releases, Amendments

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

1960 Analysis of EP Campaign for Primary Gov. Selection

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Mixed Correspondence 2/61 to 12/61 (Chronological) Post Primary Luncheons for Winners, for Losers Newspaper Clippings, Primary Vote Results

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Correspondence Dec. 26, 1961 to Nov. 5, 1961 (Chronological)

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Speaking Engagements & Replies 12/60 to 2/62

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Original Notice: EP's Nomination at Primaries as Official Candidate for MA Governor

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Peabody Deficit Dinner 1960 (Postponed)

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Peabody Deficit Dinner Poem, Arrangements, Correspondence 1961

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

April 8, 1962 Deficit Dinner

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Delegate Poll 1962

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Governor Campaign Strategy 1962

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Survey of Political Attitudes MA, Aug. 1962

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Financial Contributions Law

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

EP's Stance on Issues & EP's Public Image

Carton 1SH 13J5 U

Campaign Press Releases 3/13/62 to 11/10/63 (Chron.)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Campaign Press Releases 9/1/62 to 7/20/63 (Chron.)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Endorsements by Major Organizations

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Schedules 9/18/62 to 11/62, 9/25/62 to 11/5/62, several fr. '63-65

Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Special Appointments/Contracts Controversy (some newsclips)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1963 Birthday Dinner - Planning, Invitations, Strategy

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Survey of Political Attitudes, May 1963

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

As Governor- Misc. Papers

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Henry Beston File

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Gov. Endicott Peabody's Jan. 6, 1964 Last Speech as Governor Campaign 1964 Misc.

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Survey of Political Attitudes, June 1964

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Survey of Peabody-Bellotti Primary 1965

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Salute to Governor Endicott Peabody

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Governor Peabody's Papers @ the Massachusetts State Archives 1982

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Gov. and Toni Peabody's Plan to Return to Boston 1997

Memorabilia, 1962-1965

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

2 "On the Record" Newsletters (Peabody Accomplishments) 1963/64?

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

"Liberty" Magazine, July-August 1962, Vol.57, No.4

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

3 "Bay Stater" Magazines, June 1963, "Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Endicott Peabody" pp.18-21, 32-33

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1961-1962 ROUTE MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS (travel conditions and proposed highways)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

16 Laminated Richard Cardinal Cushing Letters re: Birth Control/Religious Beliefs

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Victory Dinner Program, Oct. 31, 1962 with pic of young JFK on cover - EP listed on Democratic State Ticket/Governor

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1 Peabody Family Christmas Card 1956?

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

11 Color Christmas Cards 1964 with State Seal and Family

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1 Color Christmas Card 1965

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

13 B1.& Wh. Peabody Family/Thank You for Support Cards 1966

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

4 Bl. & Wh. Snapshots "Time for Peabody for Governor" 1962

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1 B1. & Wh. Snapshot of Poster on Tree with Egg Timer Logo

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

54 Postcards with Peabody Family/Campaign 1962

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Anti Corruption "Time for Peabody" Governor Campaign Leaflet

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Jar-2 silver tone & glass "egg timer" campaign pins

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1 Red White Blue Business Size Campaign Envelope Half Decorated with full EP Sketch and wording PEABODY "Man of Courage Gets Things Done"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1 Sheet Stationary

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

16 1962 Red White Blue "Democrat - Time for Peabody" bus. envelope

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1962 B1 & Wh Leaflet "Help Our Senior Citizens"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

"Join Peabody & President Kennedy in the fight for MEDICARE ELECT PEABODY GOVERNOR

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1982 Banquet/Chamber of Commerce (includes pic. of Governor Peabody

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Peabody Campaign Button (clip on, very small)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

"Peabody for Governor" Primary Poster/Banner (folded)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

5 Peabody Campaign Buttons with pic. RWB 1 1/2" 1964

Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Slides from 1964, 1965, 1967 (sm. plastic bag) 1964 Film-the Governor at Worcester Airport, World's Fair, Governor's Day, & President Johnson's Rally

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1963-65 Matchbook "The Governor's Residence"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Plastic Gray Donkey Picture Envelope/Sleeve (back)"Re-Elect GOVERNOR PEABODY" (originally held lady's folded rainhat)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1966 Campaign Cards EP on front "PEABODY DEMOCRAT a man of courage who gets things done"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Program: Lincoln Park Sept. 12, 1962 Campaign Fashion Show with EP pic. on cover

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Placecard with Painted Donkey "Mass. Governor-Elect Endicott Peabody"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V


Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Campaign folded Leaflet "TIME FOR PEABODY GOVERNOR" Leadership and anti corruption record

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

2 Family Booklets (spiral look/family pics)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Desk Nameplate (taped) "Governor ENDICOTT PEABODY MASSACHUSETTS" Deauville Hotel Miami Beach, FL

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

5 "Time for Peabody" Ribbons

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Christmas Card 1966/State House Portrait of EP

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

6 Postcards (blank) "I'm BACKING DEMOCRATS" RWB Stripes, Backwards Donkey

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

10" Round "Peabody for Governor" Campaign Card

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Peabody for Governor Mailing pkg. Letter to Democratic Committee Member 3-9-1962 Sheet of Newsclips (copied) Response Card & Envelope

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

19 Lg. Program Cards (front) EP & President Kennedy (back) List of Speakers & Head Table Guests

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1964 Booklet "One Nation, One People" Democratic Platform

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

"Governor Endicott Peabody" booklet 1963-1965 "A Partnership for Progress" "On the Record" included

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1963 Proclamation "Peter Francisco Day, Mar. 15, 1963"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

1963 Proclamation "Boston Massacre Day, Mar. 5, 1963"

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Invitation Jan. 3, 1963 Luncheon @ Somerset Club (Inauguration Day) Inaugural Ceremonies Information Card First Corp of Cadets Invitation to Inaugural Ball, Jan. 3, 1963, 8PM, Boston, MA

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Card Fan "I AM A PEABODY FAN (stapled wood handle)

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Lg. File Newspaper Clippings (mostly 1960-1963, some to 1995 as related to EP's service as Governor of Massachusetts

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Articles of Incorporation of Council of Former Governors

Carton 2SH 13J6 V

Endicott Peabody Paper (Presented as part of panel discussion focusing on Massachusetts Political History and "The Governors: Views from the Corner Office, Nov 17, 1981, JFK Library and Univ. of MA co-sponsors)(includes related correspondence and press coverage clips)

Files: "Campaign for U.S. Senate 1966 from Massachusetts through Vietnam 1968"

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

(Speech by Adlai Stevenson: Tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt)

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

EP's 1966 Speeches, Statements, Position

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Press Releases

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Biographical Sketch as of 10/1/66

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Campaign Schedules: Aug. 3, 1966 to Sept. 30, 1966

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Letters to Voters

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Correspondence-General (chronological)

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

1966 Senate Campaign Information/Organization

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Telephone Campaign Guidelines

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Campaign Handout Sheets

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Campaign Debt

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Senate Run Newclippings

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

EP Law 1966 MA

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Endicott Peabody Oral History Mar. 4, 1969 (for 1966-68) Focus EP Relationship to LBJ VP and President Cover Letter - Vietnam in Hindsight

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Office of Emergency Planning

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

EP Law in Washington, DC

Carton 3SH 13J7 W


Carton 3SH 13J7 W


Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Galbraith/Quoted in (long) Telegram (EP and others named in effects of losing campaigns commentary)

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Vietnam-EP's Correspondence Mar. 12, 1966 - Jan. 24, 1968

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Vietnam-General Information and Position Booklets

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

William Bundy

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Vietnam Newsclippings

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Francis Sargent

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Carter Campaign

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

memorabilia (plastic envelope)

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"Salute - 1966" to Endicott Peabody, Program Oct. 21

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"The Endicott Peabody Dinner" Friendship Dinner Program, May 15, 1966

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"Peabody Senator" Metal Pin (smiling photo) 1 1/2

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"Peabody Senator" Metal Pins (not smiling) 1 1/2 and 3"

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"Peabody Senator" Metal Pins with RWB Ribbon 1 1/2"

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

2 "Route to Victory Route to Greatness Vote Democratic 1966" Pins

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

100 "Peabody for U.S. Senate Committee" bus. sz. envelopes

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

15 "Vote Peabody Democrat U.S. Senate" Stickers (smiling, head cut around)

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

"Chub Peabody U.S. Senator" Bumper Sticker Info. Sheet: "Endicott Peabody for U.S. Senator" Instructions for Bumper Sticker Distribution

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

4 Photographs of EP During Campaign

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

4 U.S. Senator Campaign Recipe Cards

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

I.D. from Democratic Campaign Conference

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

I.D. Go-.-. Endicott Peabody

Carton 3SH 13J7 W

Senate Nominee Massachusetts Vote Democratic Route to Greatness

Additions (files, paperback books, videotapes)

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

45 Record - Taunton Centennial, "The Taunton Centennial Song" and Centennial Proclamation" by Mayor Benjamin A. Friedman


Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"Election Statistics-The Commonwealth of Massachusetts" 1956 and 1960

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"State Government and Public Responsibility, Papers of the 1960 Tufts Assembly on Massachusetts Government,' Robert R. Robbins, ed.

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Senate No.1, "Annual Message of His Excellency Endicott Peabody Delivered Before the General Court of Massachusetts on January 2, 1964." 2 copies

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Senate, No.1, "Inaugural Address of His Excellency Endicott Peabody Delivered Before the General court of Massachusetts on January 3, 1963" Partnership for Progress (2 copies)

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Senate No.750, "Special Message of His Excellency Governor Endicott Peabody on Education, Local Aid and Tax Reform, March 7, 1963"

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"Addresses and Messages to the General Court, Public Speeches and Other Papers of General Interest of His Excellency Governor Endicott Peabody" 1963-1964 Compiled by Lester Hyman

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"Governor Endicott Peabody" "A Partnership for Progress" 1963-1965 2 copies

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"Proceedings of the Electoral College of Massachusetts 1964° (embossed to Honorable Endicott Peabody)

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"Year of BREAK-THROUGH" Legislative Review, 1964

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

"1962 Massachusetts Vacation Travel Survey" Aug. 1963


Carton 4SH 13J8 X

EP Law Practice 1959 Correspondence re.: Campaigning and office workload staff needs

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Mixed Correspondence 1959-1966

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

UMass Boston

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Highway Safety and Transportation

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

American Public Service Bureau Newsletters

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Humorous Birthday Telegrams

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

1964 Christmas Message with seal

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Interview 1965? (Prof. Beer, Gov. Peabody and others).

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

EP Round the World Trip 199?

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Brussels/NATO 1995

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

United Nations 2 files; UNA-GB Peacekeeping Speech; UNA-USA Day, March 7, 1996

Paperback books:

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Banning Landmines, A Chronology, Sept. 1995-July 1996, Newspaper Article Collection

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

After the Guns Fall Silent - The Enduring Legacy of Landmines, S. Roberts and J. Williams, 1995

Video Films:

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

UNA-USA Friends of the Future: 50th Anniversary, 1945-1995 (a summary)

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Ban Landmines, The Ottawa Process: International Campaign to Ban Landmines

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

UNA-USA Membership Video

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Mike Wallace-60 Minutes: Landmine Report

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Elizabeth Dole: Thank you to EP for arranging the New England Town Meeting on Banning Landmines and statement on Landmines situation

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

US Committee for UNICEF

Carton 4SH 13J8 X

Concerned Citizens for Justice: Fred Ames on increasing voter participation

Correspondence, printed materials, videos re: landmines, 1996-1997

Carton 5SH 13J9 Y


Carton 6SH 13JA Z

March 18, 1967-September 21, 1968

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

August 20, 1952-March 20, 1961

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Loose sheets, March 18, 1967 - week of March 22, 1967

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

"A Mother's Record" of son Endicott Peabody

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Journal, 1952

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Desk calendar, 1952

Autograph collection

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Beach, Edward L-, Commander, U.S. Navy (correspondence )

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Carter, President James and Mrs.- Rosalyn (correspondence and memorabilia)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Clinton, President William (correspondence, memorabilia, and photographs)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Galbraith, John Kenneth (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Gore, Vice President Albert (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Gregg, Governors Hugh and Judd (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Humphrey, Vice President Hubert H. (correspondence,invitations, menus)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Johnson, President Lyndon and Lady Bird (correspondence and memorabilia)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Kennedy, Jacqueline (correspondence-birth of JFK Jr., death of JFK, responses to invitations)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Kennedy, President John F. (correspondence, mass booklets, 4 funeral cards with 3 photographs, 1st Day Issue envelopes)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Kennedy, Senator Edward M. and Ethel Kennedy (correspondence, condolence response, 2 funeral cards with 2 photographs for Robert Francis Kennedy)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Mixed File:

3 Nelson Rockefeller Postcards, 1 Senator George McGovern Postcard, A1 Capp, Maurice A. Donahue, Senator John E. Powers, Governor Faster Furcalo, Senator William M. Bulger, Representative Barney Frank, Representative Torbert Macdonald, Senator William X. Wall, Edward King & mass card, Secr. John F.X. Davoren, Rt. Reverend Monsignor George V. Kerr, Representative Harold D. Donohue, Representative Langdon Marvin, Governor Francis W. Sargent, General Richard E. McLaughlin, Francis X. Bellotti, Senator Mark O. Hatfield, Senator Gary Hart, Kenneth O'Donnell, Governor William F. Weld, Congressman Charles F. Bass, Governor Michael S. Dukakis, copy of invitation to inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1937), Mrs. Tip O'Neill, Jr., Mondale, Vice President Walter F. and Mrs. Joan (card)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Shaheen, Governor Jeanne (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Stevenson, Adlai (correspondence and 2 campaign ribbons)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Simon, Senator Paul (correspondence)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

Truman, President Harry S, (letter and sticker "ME FOR TRUMAN-BARKLEY FOR ME")

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

White House (Table Placecards and Menu)

Carton 6SH 13JA Z

White House (Donations, Matchbook, Notepaper, ID, 4 Programs, White House Staff Mess Account Statement)

Films and tapes

Carton 7SH 13JB -

1. International Conference on Urban Transportation

Carton 7SH 13JB -

2. Peabody Jingles (5 cuts)

Carton 7SH 13JB -

3. Tea With Nancy Stevens (Adlai Stevenson Campaign)

Carton 7SH 13JB -

4. Democrats in Action #1

Carton 7SH 13JB -

5. Democrats in Action #2

Carton 7SH 13JB -

6. Democrats in Action #3

Carton 7SH 13JB -

7. Democrats in Action #4 (Service)

Carton 7SH 13JB -

8. Democrats in Action #5 (Accomplishment)

Carton 7SH 13JB -

9. Portrait of a Candidate #1

Carton 7SH 13JB -

10. Campaign, A Study in Democracy #2

Carton 7SH 13JB -

11. Peabody of Massachusetts #3

Carton 7SH 13JB -

12. The Office of Governor #4

Carton 7SH 13JB -

13. 5 1/211 Reel-unknown subject matter

Endicott Peabody Films previewed by Atlantic Productions, British Broadcasting Corporation for the mini series "The American Dream" 1998 (yellow discs numbered by Atlantic)

Carton 7SH 13JB -

1. Peabody

Carton 7SH 13JB -

2. Peabody in the Street 3. unknown subject matter

Carton 8SH 13JC .

3. unknown subject matter

Carton 8SH 13JC .

4. "A Dream" Mystery (?)

Carton 8SH 13JC .

5. Peabody-Johnson

Carton 8SH 13JC .

6. Peabody in the Street

Carton 8SH 13JC .

7. Peabody in the Street

Carton 8SH 13JC .

8. Peabody in the Street

Carton 8SH 13JC .

9. 1st Peabody Tape WBZ-TV

Carton 8SH 13JC .

10. Peabody-Johnson

Carton 8SH 13JC .

11. unknown subject matter

Carton 8SH 13JC .

12. Mystery 2 (?)

Carton 9SH 13JD

13. McCormack "Education"

Carton 9SH 13JD

14. Convention, Ted Kennedy, Man in the Street

Carton 9SH 13JD

15. 9/6/66 #2

Carton 9SH 13JD

16. 1st Peabody Tape WBZ-TV

Carton 9SH 13JD

17. 9/6/66 (9/8, 9/9)

Carton 9SH 13JD

18. Peabody in the Street

Carton 9SH 13JD

19. Peabody Pol (Dupe #1)

Carton 9SH 13JD

20. 4 -60 sec. spots ?

Carton 10SH 13JE $

21. Political Oct. 26, 1966 (#228)

Carton 10SH 13JE $

Set of 3 Gray Reels - unknown subject matter

Carton 10SH 13JE $

1 Reel (no box) in manila soft envelope-unknown subject

Box of political buttons

Carton 10SH 13JE $

Magazines collected by EP

Carton 10SH 13JE $


See also the oversize scrapbooks (below) for overlapping dates.

Carton 11SH 13JF /

Vol. I Apr. 28, 1954 - Apr. 15, 1955

Carton 11SH 13JF /

Vol. II Apr. 20, 1955 - Apr. 26, 1956

Carton 11SH 13JF /

Vol. III Apr. 28, 1956 - Nov. 30, 1956

Carton 12SH 13JG +

Vol. IV Dec. 2, 1956 - Apr. 26, 1958

Carton 12SH 13JG +

Vol. V Apr. 27, 1958 - June 28, 1958

Box 1SH 1B15

Vol. VI June 29, 1958 - Dec. 31, 1958

Carton 12SH 13JG +

Vol. VII Jan. 1, 1959 - Sept. 8, 1960

Carton 13SH 13JH %

Vol. 1 Jan. 16, 1962 - Dec. 16, 1962

Carton 13SH 13JH %

Vol. 2 Jan. 4, 1963 - Apr. 22, 1963

Carton 13SH 13JH %

Vol. 3 Apr. 26, 1963 - Dec. 31, 1963

Carton 14SH 13JI 0

Vol. 4 Jan. 3, 1964 - Mar. 31, 1964

Carton 14SH 13JI 0

Vol. 5 Mar. 1, 1964 - June 25, 1964

Carton 14SH 13JI 0

Vol. 6 July 1, 1964 - Oct. 25, 1964

Carton 14SH 13JI 0

Vol. 7 Dec. 1, 1964 - Jan. 26, 1965

Carton 15SH 13JJ 1

June 11, 1962 - June 30, 1962

Carton 15SH 13JJ 1

July 1, 1962 - July 26, 1962

Carton 15SH 13JJ 1

April 25, 1963 - Feb. 14, 1964

Carton 15SH 13JJ 1

Scrapbook, 1984-1994

Carton 15SH 13JJ 1

Scrapbook about land mines, 1997

Oversize scrapbooks

See also the scrapbooks (above) for overlapping dates.

Carton 16SH 13JK 2

Vol. 1 May 1, 1961 - Dec. 31, 1962

Carton 16SH 13JK 2

Vol. 2 Jan. 1, 1963 - Jan. 16, 1963

Carton 16SH 13JK 2

Vol. 3 Jan. 17, 1963 - Feb. 7, 1963

Carton 16SH 13JK 2

Vol. 4 Feb. 7, 1963 - Mar. 4, 1963

Carton 17SH 13JL 3

Vol. 5A Mar. 4, 1963 - Mar. 14, 1963

Carton 17SH 13JL 3

Vol. 5B Mar. 14, 1963 - Apr. 4, 1963

Carton 17SH 13JL 3

Vol. 6 Apr. 5, 1963 - May 1, 1963

Carton 17SH 13JL 3

Vol. 7 May 2, 1963 - May 12, 1963

Carton 17SH 13JL 3

Vol. 8 May 12, 1963 - May 23, 1963

Carton 18SH 13JM 4

Vol. 9 May 22, 1963 - June 9, 1963

Carton 18SH 13JM 4

Vo1.10 June 9, 1963 - June 28, 1963

Carton 18SH 13JM 4

Vol.11 June 29, 1963 - July 17, 1963

Carton 18SH 13JM 4

Vo1.12 July 17, 1963 - Aug. 13, 1963

Carton 19SH 13JN 5

Oversize scrapbook, Jan.-June 1962

Honors, awards, political cartons

Carton 19SH 13JN 5
1 oversize folder.


Carton 20SH 15DQ 4

Endicott Peabody family & political photos

Carton 21SH 15DR 5

Endicott Peabody family & political photos

Carton 22SH 15DS 6

Endicott Peabody family & political photos

Carton 23SH 1AYK

Endicott Peabody inaugural photograph albums

Preferred Citation

Endicott Peabody papers and photographs, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Peabody, Endicott, 1920-1997--Photographs.


Massachusetts. Governor (1963-1965 : Peabody).


Land mine victims.
Massachusetts--Politics and government--1951-