Guide to the Collection
Restrictions on Access
The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@masshist.org.
This collection includes digital material that can only be accessed onsite at the MHS library.
This collection consists of the papers of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., author, reporter, United States senator, and ambassador. Included are letters, speeches, scrapbooks, photographs, audio tapes, newsreels, and memorabilia concerning Lodge's career as a reporter for the New York Herald Tribune, Massachusetts state representative, United States senator, and representative to the United Nations.
Biographical Sketch
Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985) was a U.S. senator and diplomat, the son of poet George Cabot Lodge and Mathilda Frelinghuysen (Davis) Lodge, and the grandson of U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924). He graduated from Harvard in 1924 and worked as a journalist until 1933. He married Emily Sears in 1926, and the couple had two children. Elected as a Republican state representative in Massachusetts in 1932, he moved up to the U.S. Senate in 1936. He took a temporary leave of absence from the Senate and served in World War II with American tank units in Libya. Lodge was re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 1942, but resigned in 1944 to serve with the army in Europe. He was elected once again to the Senate in 1946, but lost in 1952 to John F. Kennedy while working on Dwight D. Eisenhower's campaign. President Eisenhower appointed Lodge ambassador to the United Nations, where he served until 1960, when he ran as vice president with Richard Nixon, losing to the Kennedy/Johnson ticket. In 1963, President Kennedy appointed Lodge ambassador to Vietnam, and he was again appointed in 1965 by President Johnson. He served in that position until 1967 and then served in 1968-1969 as ambassador to Germany. In 1969, Lodge headed the U.S. delegation to the unsuccessful Paris Peace Talks with Vietnam. From 1969 to 1977, he served occasionally as an envoy to the Vatican for Presidents Nixon and Ford.
Collection Description
The papers of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., author, reporter, United States senator, and ambassador, include letters, speeches, scrapbooks, audio tapes, newsreels, and memorabilia concerning Lodge's career as a reporter for the New York Herald Tribune, Massachusetts state representative, United States senator, and representative to the United Nations. The collection also contains campaign literature, legislative subject files, and Senate correspondence; material related to Eisenhower's inauguration, including a Truman-Eisenhower transition diary, 1952-1953; material related to Lodge's service as 1952 Republican campaign manager, United Nations ambassador (1953-1960), Republican vice-presidential candidate (1960), and director of the Atlantic Institute (1961-1962); and diaries kept by Lodge, 1928-1929, 1943-1944, recording world trips.
Acquisition Information
The Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers were a gift to the Massachusetts Historical Society from Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Feb. 1978, with additions in 1983. Lodge's speech on the Panama Canal, ca. 1977, was a gift from Mark Zashin, March 2018.
Restrictions on Access
The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@masshist.org.
This collection includes digital material that can only be accessed onsite at the MHS library.
Restrictions on Use
The Massachusetts Historical Society does not own the copyright to the audiovisual materials in Series XVII, Subseries A and B, and cannot provide copies to researchers. The Massachusetts Historical Society cannot give permission to publish or quote from documents to which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to obtain formal permission from the owners of the literary rights (copyright) to publish or quote from this collection.
Please note that this collection has only received a preliminary arrangement.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Campaigns, 1932-1964
1936 campaign: speeches and correspondence, 1932-1936
1936 campaign: printed material, 1936
1942 campaign: correspondence, 1942
1942 campaign: strategy and correspondence, 1942
1946 campaign: congratulatory letters and telegrams, 1946
1952 campaign: state contacts, Alaska-New Hampshire
1952 campaign: state contacts, New Jersey-Wyoming; correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1952
1952 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1952
1952 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1952
1952 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1952
1952 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1952
1952 campaign: research materials, 1952
1956 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1956
1960 campaign: correspondence, speeches, memorabilia, 1960; Congressional Campaign Speech Kit
1960 campaign: news clippings, 1960
1960 campaign: news clippings, 1960; miscellaneous material
1964 campaign: news clippings, 1963-1964
1964 campaign: correspondence, 1964; loose-leaf notebook of information on current campaign issues
1964 campaign: loose-leaf notebook of information on current campaign issues
1964 campaign: correspondence, 1964; inauguration, 1965
1964 campaign: inauguration, 1965
II. Legislative subject files, 1947-1952
Committee on Organization of Executive Branch; other legislation, 1947-1948
Foreign Relations Committee, 1947; other legislation, 1947-1949
Alien Soldiers Bill, 1951
Electoral college, 1948-1949
Electoral college, 1949-1950
Veterans, 1948
Subcommittees, various legislation, 1949
Various legislation, 1949-1951
Ireland, 1949-1952
Various legislation, 1951-1952
Various legislation, 1952
III. General subject files, 1948-1975
General subjects, A-D; economy, 1948-1975
General subjects, E-L; loyalty probe, 1948-1975
Loyalty probe, 1950
Loyalty probe, 1950
General subjects, M-Pl, 1948-1975
General subjects, Po-Z, 1948-1975
IV. Voting record, 1933-1952
Labor, 1933-1941
Legislative, 1947-1951
Legislative, 1952
V. Eisenhower material, 1952-1957
Note: Lodge-Eisenhower correspondence has been moved to the H. C. Lodge papers II (Ms. N-166).
Legislative, 1952
Truman-Eisenhower transition diary, 1952-1953
Eisenhower inauguration, 1957
VI. United Nations, 1950-1976
Press releases and meeting minutes, 1950-1953
Korea, 1950-1953
Correspondence, 1952-1953
Correspondence, 1952-1953
Korea, 1952-1953
General Assemblies, 8th-15th, 1953-1960
Embassy residence, loyalty program, 1960 resignation, publications, budget, 1953-1960
Press releases and speeches, 1955
Press releases and speeches, 1955-1956
Press releases and speeches, 1957-1959
Press releases and speeches, 1959-1960
Khrushchev visit, 1959
General materials, 1953-1976
General materials, 1953-1976
Trips, 1956-1961
Trips, 1956-1961
Congressional correspondence, 1953-1960
VII. Speeches, 1926-1977
Note: Series VII is on microfilm P-519, Reels 1-14.
Speeches, 1926-1946; materials about Cult of Weakness, 1932
Speeches, 1947-Aug. 1950; writings, etc. (alpha.), 1948, 1949; "Public Relations in Western Europe," statements, 1947-1949
Speeches, Sep. 1950-Aug. 1953; writings, etc. (alpha.), 1950-1952
Speeches, Sep. 1953-1958 (no speeches from 1956); writings, etc. (alpha.), 1953-1954
Speeches, 1959-Mar. 1961
Speeches, Apr. 1961-1965; card file index to speeches, ca. 1967
"The U.S. Future and the Panama Canal," ca. 1977 (photocopy)
This item is not on microfilm.
VIII. Vietnam, 1963-1969
Included is material related to Lodge's appointment as ambassador, trips, correspondence, memorabilia, and photographs.
IX. Atlantic Institute, 1959-1963
Note: Series IX is on microfilm P-519, Reels 13-14.
Included are chronological files, 1959-1963; alphabetical subject files; Partnership for Progress files; alphabetical correspondence files; and printed matter about the Atlantic Institute.
X. Miscellaneous material, 1922-1977
Ambassador to Germany, 1968-1969
Anti-Ballistic Missile System, 1970
Book offers, Vietnam, 1964-1977
Book drafts: The Storm Has Many Eyes and As it Was, 1957-1973
Awards, honors, memberships, etc., 1960-1970
Biographical and personal papers; materials about H. C. Lodge, Sr., 1922-1963
Awards, honors, memberships, etc., 1960-1970
Biographical and personal papers; materials about H. C. Lodge, Sr., 1959-1963
Correspondence, 1933-1944
Form letters, 1948-1951
XI. Special collections, 1920-1977
Included is correspondence with presidents Jimmy Carter, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman, and correspondence with Frances Wilcox.
XII. Diaries, 1928-1969
Nicaragua trip, 1928, diary (typescript); articles written about Nicaragua (typescripts)
World trip, 1928-1929, diary with photographs glued on pages
World trip, 1928-1929, memorabilia and printed ephemera
World trip, 1943-1944, diary, notes, correspondence, misc. papers and memorabilia
Daily desk diaries, 1953-1967
Calendars, 1944-1969
XIII. Memorabilia: passports, 1932-1964
XIV. Additions, 1946-1982
Material related to U.N., Vietnam, and legislative record, 1946-1982
Christmas list card file
1960 campaign friendly list, card file; publications card file
XV. Scrapbooks, 1923-1978
General, 1923-1935
General, 1928-1931
General, 1931
General, 1935
Senatorial campaign, book I, Aug. 1935-Jan. 1936
Senatorial campaign, book II, Jan.-June 1936
Senatorial campaign, book III, June-July 1936
Senatorial campaign, book IV, Aug.-Sep. 1936
Senatorial campaign, book V, Sep.-Oct. 1936
Senatorial campaign, book VI, Oct.-Nov. 1936
Roll calls, 75th Congress, Jan. 1937-Mar. 1938
75th Congress, book I, Jan.-June 1937
75th Congress, book II, June-Aug. 1937
75th Congress, book III, Aug.-Oct. 1937
Book IV, Oct.-Dec. 1937
Book V, Dec. 1937-Feb. 1938
Book VI, Feb.-Mar. 1938
Book VII, Mar.-May 1938
Book VIII, May-July 1938
Book IX, July-Oct. 1938
Book X, Oct.-Dec. 1938
Book XI, Jan.-Feb. 1939
[unnumbered], Nov. 1938-Apr. 1939
Book XII, Apr.-June 1939
Book XIII, June-Aug. 1939
Book XIV, Aug.-Nov. 1939
Book XV, Nov. 1939-Feb. 1940
Book XVII, Apr.-May 1940
Book XVIII, May-June 1940
Book XIX, June-Aug. 1940
Book XX, Aug.-Oct. 1940
Book XXI, Oct.-Dec. 1940
Book XXII, Dec. 1940-Apr. 1941
[unnumbered], 23 Mar.-28 June 1941
[unnumbered], 28 June-26 Nov. 1941.
[unnumbered], 22 Nov. 1941-13 Feb. 1942
[unnumbered], 11 Feb.-2 July 1942
[unnumbered], 29 June-22 July 1942
[unnumbered], 23 July-25 Aug. 1942
[unnumbered], 8 Aug.-13 Sep. 1942
[unnumbered], 3 Sep.-12 Nov. 1942
[unnumbered], 13 Sep.-15 Oct. 1942
[unnumbered], 14 Oct.-3 Nov. 1942
[unnumbered], 29 Oct.-25 Nov. 1942
State elections, 31 Oct.-5 Nov. 1942
[unnumbered], 27 Nov. 1942-10 June 1943
[unnumbered], 10 June-24 Sep. 1943
[unnumbered], 25 Sep.-14 Oct. 1943
[unnumbered], 13 Oct.-5 Dec. 1943
[unnumbered], 22 Nov. 1943-31 Jan. 1944
Campaign, 22 Apr.-1 Aug. 1946
Campaign, 1 Aug.-1 Oct. 1946
Campaign, 1-31 Oct. 1946
Election, 1-7 Nov. 1946
Election, 6 Nov.-8 Dec. 1946
D. I. Walsh, book I, 1 Apr.-1 Oct. 1946
D. I. Walsh, book II, 1 Oct.-6 Nov. 1946
Vol. 1, 1 Dec. 1946-24 June 1947
Vol. 2, June 1947-Jan. 1948
Vol. 3, Jan.-June 1948
Vol. 4, June 1948-Jan. 1949
Vol. 4A, Republican National Convention, June 1948
Vol. 5, Jan.-May 1949
Vol. 6, May-Dec. 1949
Vol. 7, Jan.-Apr. 1950
Vol. 8, May-Aug. 1950
Vol. 9, Aug.-Nov. 1950
Vol. 10, Dec. 1950-Mar. 1951
Vol. 11, Mar.-July 1951
Vol. 12, July-Nov. 1951
Vol. 13A, campaign, 1952
Vol. 13B, campaign, 1952
Republican National Convention, Chicago, Ill., 1952
[unnumbered], July-Nov. 1952
[unnumbered], Sep.-Nov. 1952
Campaign, Oct.-Nov. 1952
Campaign, 1-24 Nov. 1952
United Nations, 20 Nov.-26 Dec. 1952
[unnumbered], Dec. 1952-June 1953
G.O.P. scrapbook #1, 1949-1952
Eisenhower campaign scrapbook #1
Eisenhower campaign scrapbook #2
Eisenhower campaign scrapbook #3
Eisenhower campaign scrapbook #4
[unnumbered], June-Dec. 1953
[unnumbered], Dec. 1953-Sep. 1954
[unnumbered], Sep. 1954-May 1955
[unnumbered], May-Nov. 1955
[unnumbered], Dec. 1955-Nov. 1956
Africa and Europe, travel, 1956
[unnumbered], Nov. 1956-Mar. 1957
[unnumbered], Mar. 1957-July 1958
[unnumbered], July 1958-Aug. 1959
[unnumbered], Sep. 1959-May 1960
[unnumbered], May-Dec. 1960
[unnumbered], 1961-1963
[unnumbered], Sep.-Nov. 1963
[unnumbered], Oct..-Dec. 1963
[unnumbered], Oct. 1963-Jan. 1965
[unnumbered], Feb.-Aug. 1965
[unnumbered], 1967-1968
[unnumbered], 1968-1969
[unnumbered], 1970
"Draft Lodge," 1963-1964 [1]
"Draft Lodge," 1963-1964 [2]
"Draft Lodge," 1963-1964 [3]
The Bellarmine Medal, 1963
General, 1977-1978
Oversize scrapbooks
News clippings, 1953
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS).Trip to India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran, Feb. 1958; trip to Africa, Jan. 1960: independence of Cameroon and inauguration of President Tubman of Liberia
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS).Khrushchev trip to United States, Sep. 1959; and Lodge trip to Soviet Union, Feb. 1960
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS)."Vietnam Clippings 1963"
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS). Cased together with scrapbook below."Vietnam Clippings 1963" (also includes 1964)
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS). Cased together with scrapbook above.Vietnam scrapbook, large green volume, 1965-1967
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS).XVI. Photographs
The bulk of the photographs in this collection have been removed to the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs (Photo. Coll. 184), stored ONSITE.
XVII. Audio/visual material, 1940-1967Digital Content
Stored ONSITE in the MHS A/V Archives. Two boxes of LPs stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (XT).Included are films and audiotapes, as well as two boxes of records (LPs).
Note: For information about the material in this series, please contact the MHS library at reference@masshist.org.
A. Voice of America audio recordings, 1964-1967Digital Content
Note: The Voice of America audio recordings have been reformatted for onsite access only. The MHS does not own the copyright to these items and cannot provide copies to researchers. For copies, please contact: National Archives, 8601 Adelphi Road, NWCS-M Room 3360, Motion Picture, Sound & Video, College Park, MD 20740-6001.
Includes audio recordings produced by Voice of America of two press conferences, a teach-in, and Lodge's 1967 goodbye ceremony as ambassador to South Vietnam.
Voice of America, Henry Cabot Lodge press conference, 1 Sep. 1964
Open-reel audiotape, running time: 00:59:33.Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. press conference, Paris, France, 18 Aug. 1964
Open-reel audiotape, running time: 00:50:47.Voice of America, Goodbye for Ambassador and Mrs. Lodge and Ambassador and Mrs. Porter, Cong Ly, parts 1 and 2 of 3, 18 Apr. 1967
Open-reel audiotape, running time: 00:59:45.Voice of America, Goodbye for Ambassador and Mrs. Lodge and Ambassador and Mrs. Porter, Cong Ly, part 3 of 3, 18 Apr. 1967
Open-reel audiotape, running time: 00:29:16.Voice of America, Oxford teach-in, June 16, 1965 Ambassador Cabot Lodge questions and answer session, 16 June 1965
Open-reel audiotape, running time: 00:17:53.B. Face the Nation television interviews, 1955-1961Digital Content
Note: The Face the Nation television interviews have been reformatted for onsite access only. The MHS does not own the copyright to these items and cannot provide copies to researchers. For copies, please contact CBS.
Includes television broadcast recordings of Lodge's appearances on Face the Nation.
Face the Nation, Henry Cabot Lodge interview, 4 Oct. 1959
16mm film, running time: 00:37:24.Face the Nation, Henry Cabot Lodge interview regarding the 10th General Assembly of the United Nations, 18 Oct. 1955
16mm film, running time: 00:29:31.Face the Nation debate, Should Communist China Be Admitted To The U.N. Now? Part 1 of 2, 23 Mar. 1961
16mm film, running time: 00:41:54.Face the Nation debate, Should Communist China Be Admitted To The U.N. Now? Part 2 of 2, 23 Mar. 1961
16mm film, running time: 00:24:38.C. Home movies, ca. 1940Digital Content
Note: These items have been reformatted for use by researchers. For copies, please contact the MHS library at reference@masshist.org.
Includes vacation travel footage of various locations in California, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Home movie, reel 1, California travel footage, ca. 1940
16mm film, running time: 00:27:16.Home movie, reel 2, Florida travel footage, 1940
16mm film, running time: 00:24:00.Home movie, reel 3, Texas travel footage, ca. 1940
16mm film, running time: 00:25:07.Home movie, reel 4, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine travel footage, ca. 1940
16mm film, running time: 00:30:16.Home movie, reel 5, ca. 1940
16mm film, running time: 00:17:38.D. Unreformatted material
Included are 30 audio tapes (mostly reel-to-reel, a few cassettes), 13 films, and 6 audio discs (records).
XVIII. Oversize material
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1583 (OS).Included are three oversize boxes of awards and citations, maps, commissions, political cartoons, drawings, etc. Box 3 contains the oversize scrapbook #5 (disbound) with news clippings from 1953.
Drawings and posters
Preferred Citation
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.
New York Herald Tribune.Materials Removed from the Collection
Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs, ca. 1861-1985. Photo. Coll. 184.