
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Endicott family papers (except two oversize boxes and one extra tall volume) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of the Endicott family of Salem and Boston, Massachusetts, in particular William C. Endicott, Sr., attorney, judge, and politician; his wife Ellen P. Endicott; their son William C. Endicott, Jr., Boston attorney and civic leader; their daughter Mary C. Endicott (Chamberlain Carnegie), third wife of British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain; and Louise T. Endicott, wife of William C. Endicott, Jr.

Biographical Sketches

Endicott family

John Endecott was born in England in 1588 and was a soldier and surgeon until becoming a member of the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1627. He was selected as the company's agent in America in 1628 and landed in Salem later that year. In 1629, the company selected him as governor, a position he held until he was superseded by John Winthrop in 1630. During his time in the colony, he served, with the exception of one year, as either assistant, deputy governor, or governor. His 16 terms as governor were the longest tenure of any chief executive in the colony's history. A soldier and government official, he was in essence the colony's chief military officer for much of his life. He married Ann Gower in 1626. After her death in Salem in 1630, he was married a second time to Elizabeth Gibson in 1632. They had two children, John and Zerubabbel. Governor Endecott died in Boston on 24 November 1665.

William Putnam Endicott was born in Salem on 5 March 1803, the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Endicott. A graduate of the Harvard College Class of 1822, he served as supercargo aboard ships traveling to Europe and the West Indies before returning to Salem, where he worked for commercial houses. In 1844, he represented Salem in the Massachusetts General Court. He married Mary Crowninshield on 31 January 1826. She bore four children and died on 13 March 1838. In 1844, he married Harriet French Peabody. He owned homes in Milford, New Hampshire, and Salem, where he died on 11 March 1888.

William C. Endicott, Sr. was born 23 November 1826 in Salem, the son of William Putnam and Mary Crowninshield Endicott. He graduated from Harvard College in 1847, studied law, and was admitted to the Essex bar in 1850. He ran unsuccessfully for attorney general in 1866, 1867, and 1869, and for Congress in 1870. In 1873, he was appointed a justice of the state Supreme Judicial Court, a post he held until 1882. Following an extensive tour of Europe, he returned to public and political life in 1884, running unsuccessfully for governor. The following year, he was appointed secretary of war in Grover Cleveland's first cabinet, a post he held until 1889. Returning to Boston, he resumed his law practice until retiring in 1891. He married Ellen Peabody in 1859 and was the father of William C. Endicott, Jr. and Mary C. Endicott. In his private life, he was a member of numerous clubs and civic organizations, including the Saturday Club and the Massachusetts Historical Society. He died on 23 May 1900.

Ellen Peabody Endicott was born in Salem on 21 May 1833, the daughter of George Peabody and Clarissa Endicott Peabody. She was married 13 December 1859 to William C. Endicott, Sr. and had two children: William C. Endicott, Jr. (1860-1936) and Mary Crowninshield Endicott (1864-1957). She was one of the foremost hostesses in Salem, Washington, and Boston, where she enjoyed an active social life until her death on 20 August 1927.

William C. Endicott, Jr. was born in Salem on 28 September 1860, the son of William C. and Ellen P. Endicott. He graduated from Harvard University in 1883 and attended Harvard Law School before beginning his own practice. In 1886, he accompanied his family to Washington, where he served as his father's private secretary. After leaving Washington at the close of the first Cleveland administration in 1889, he resumed his law practice in Danvers until returning to Washington in 1893, first as an attorney specializing in pardons at the Department of Justice and later as private secretary to Attorney General Richard Olney. On leaving Washington, he resumed his practice of law in Boston. His activities in Boston included terms as trustee of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (1822-1936), member (1915-1936) and president (1927-1936) of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and treasurer of the Museum of Fine Arts (1920-1936). He died on 28 November 1936.

Mary C. Endicott (Chamberlain Carnegie) was born on 16 April 1864 in Salem, the daughter of William C. Endicott, Sr. and Ellen P. Endicott. She married British Member of Parliament Joseph Chamberlain, father of future British Cabinet Ministers Arthur Neville and Joseph Austen Chamberlain on 26 November 1888, and moved to England. As Chamberlain's wife, she accompanied him on numerous state visits and served as stepmother to his children. She was widowed in 1914 and in 1916 married William H. Carnegie, the Dean of Westminster. Widowed again in 1936, she remained in England until her death in July of 1957.

Louise T. Endicott was born Louise Marie Thoron in New York on 26 November 1864. The daughter of a socially prominent New York family with strong Boston ties, she was educated in convent schools in the United States and France. She married William C. Endicott, Jr. on 3 October 1889. They had no children. She died on 20 April 1958.

Related families

Joseph Peabody was born in 1757 in Middleton, Massachusetts. He worked as a farmer before serving in the American Revolution as a soldier and sailor and later as a commercial sailor. In 1791, he retired from the sea and became a part owner of ships trading with the East Indies, the West Indies, and Europe. He married Elizabeth Smith in 1794. He became one of Salem's richest merchants and, following his death in 1844, left a large financial legacy. In 1814, he purchased an estate in Danvers that later became the family's summer home. Two members of the Endicott family, Moses and Samuel, were employed by him as ship captains, and his granddaughter Ellen married William C. Endicott, Sr. in 1859.

George Peabody was born in Salem on 23 September 1803, the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Peabody. He graduated from Harvard in 1824. He married Clarissa Endicott in 1825 and was the father of four children, including Ellen Peabody Endicott. He served on his father's ships before returning to work in his father's counting house and serve as president of the Salem Bank. He died on 3 January 1892.

Joseph Chamberlain was born 8 July 1836 in Birmingham, England, and was an industrialist before becoming mayor of the city and later a member of Parliament. He rose through the ranks, eventually becoming secretary of state for the colonies in 1895, where he served until 1905. He was married three times and fathered seven children, including Joseph Austen Chamberlain (1860-1933), British chancellor of the Exchequer, and Arthur Neville Chamberlain (1869-1941), chancellor of the Exchequer and prime minister. He married Mary C. Endicott, his third wife, in 1888 and died on 6 August 1914.

Collection Description

The Endicott family papers consist of 37 cartons of manuscripts (stored offsite), as well as 2 oversize boxes and 1 extra tall volume (stored onsite), arranged into nine series. The papers document the activities of the Endicott family of Salem and Boston from 1612 to 1958. The bulk of the collection dates from 1860 to 1936 and consists of the personal papers of William C. Endicott, Sr., attorney and secretary of war in the first Grover Cleveland administration (1885-1889); his wife Ellen Peabody Endicott; their son William C. Endicott, Jr., a Boston attorney and civic leader; their daughter Mary C. Endicott Chamberlain Carnegie, the third wife of British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain; and Louise (Thoron) Endicott, the wife of William C. Endicott, Jr.

In addition, there are historical and genealogical research materials gathered by the family, including information on John Endecott, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; and Joseph Peabody, a Salem merchant and the grandfather of Ellen Peabody Endicott. Also included are papers of members of related families and Endicott household records.

Family correspondence (1799-1957) forms the largest single series in the collection and is arranged in subseries by family member. Ellen (Peabody) Endicott (Mrs. William C. Endicott, Sr.) was the most prolific family correspondent, in particular with her mother Clara Endicott Peabody and her daughter Mary; the latter correspondence extends over 57 years.

In addition to the family correspondence, the five principal family members are represented in five separate series of personal papers which fill 23 cartons and constitute the bulk of the collection. Spanning the years 1845-1958, each series is further subdivided into subseries pertaining to each individual's life, interests, and activities. Included are personal letters; ephemera (defined as incidental and miscellaneous printed material that has not been separately cataloged due to its transitory nature, such as calling cards, invitations, place cards, and miscellaneous circulars); and bound volumes, such as diaries, scrapbooks, and account books.

The William C. Endicott, Sr. papers, the largest of the five principal member series, cover his career as a prominent Essex County attorney, politician, state Supreme Judicial Court judge, and secretary of war in Grover Cleveland's first cabinet. Included are materials documenting the capture of Geronimo in 1886 and controversies over attempts to return captured Confederate battle flags in 1887. His papers consist of correspondence, legal case files, diaries, letterbooks, and scrapbooks. Ellen P. Endicott's papers document nearly 70 years as a wife, mother, and social figure in Salem, Washington, and Boston. Papers of her daughter Mary C. Endicott cover her life as a social figure in Washington and England, in particular from 1889 to 1914 during her marriage to British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain. The William C. Endicott, Jr. papers consist of materials connected to his career as an attorney, civic and social figure, and philanthropist. Among these are files from his service as president of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1927-1936. The Louise T. Endicott papers document her life as a Boston social figure and wife of William C. Endicott, Jr. Her diaries and engagement books record the family's activities over a 70-year period from 1884-1954.

Families related to the Endicotts are also documented through original manuscripts and transcribed documents of the Ward, Peabody, Crowninshield, Gardner, and Gray families. A series of household records includes correspondence, bills, invoices, and guest books pertaining to the Endicott family's homes in Salem, Danvers, and Boston. The historical/genealogical papers series contains research notes and transcribed documents on the family's history and origins by William C. Endicott, Sr.; William C. Endicott, Jr.; and Mary C. Endicott.

Acquisition Information

The Endicott family papers were donated to the MHS in several installments between 1916 and 1958. William C. Endicott, Jr. transferred substantial portions of his father's papers in 1916 and 1922. Large donations were also made by Louise T. Endicott in 1940 following the death of William C. Endicott, Jr. The bulk of the remainder of the collection was transferred to the MHS in 1958 by Benjamin W. Thoron and Walter Muir Whitehill following the death of Louise T. Endicott.

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Endicott family papers (except two oversize boxes and one extra tall volume) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Family correspondence, 1617-1957

Family correspondence is the largest series in the collection. It consists of letters written between members of the Endicott family and related families, the bulk written by five principal family members: William C. Endicott, Sr.; Ellen P. Endicott; Mary C. Endicott; William C. Endicott, Jr.; and Louise T. Endicott. Much of the family's domestic life was chronicled by its female members, specifically Mary and Ellen Endicott, whose correspondence spans 57 years. The earliest documents were produced by John Endecott, the family's first ancestor in New England, and include certificates, letters, and indentures. Correspondence among members of the larger extended Endicott family is located in the first subseries, followed by family correspondence of each of the five principal family members.

See also the personal papers of each family member in Series II-VI.

A. General family correspondence, 1617-1948

Arranged chronologically.

General family correspondence consists of letters and telegrams between members of the extended Endicott family. The bulk of this correspondence was produced by members of the Peabody and Mason families, specifically Fanny P. Mason, William P. Mason, and Fanny Lithgow (Payson) Prince. Several items by John and Zerubabbel Endecott are also included.

Carton 1SH113L SFolder 1

John Endecott documents, 1617-1660

Carton 1SH113L SFolder 2

Zerubabbel Endecott deed, 1678

Carton 1SH113L SFolder 3-22


Carton 1SH113L SFolder 23

1900 (Letters on the death of William C. Endicott, Sr.)

Carton 1SH113L SFolder 24-32


Carton 1SH113L SFolder 33-34

1927-1928 (Letters on the death of Ellen Endicott)

Carton 1SH113L SFolder 35-40


B. William C. Endicott, Sr. family correspondence, 1835-1895

Arranged chronologically by correspondent.

William C. Endicott, Sr.'s family correspondence consists of letters and telegrams between himself; the other four principal family members; his father William Putnam Endicott (1802-1888); and members of his extended family, including Timothy Endicott, George Peabody, Endicott Peabody, and William Mason. The letters concern family matters, such as the health of various members, events, and the operation of the Endicott household. They also refer to William C. Endicott, Sr.'s careers as attorney, justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and secretary of war in Grover Cleveland's first administration (1885-1889).

See also Series II, William C. Endicott, Sr.'s personal papers.

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 1-2

William C. Endicott, Sr. general family correspondence, 1859-1889

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 3-12

William C. Endicott, Sr. - William P. Endicott, 1835- 1888

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 13-19

William C. Endicott, Sr. - Ellen P. Endicott, 1857-1889

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 20-23

William C. Endicott, Sr. - William C. Endicott, Jr., 1868-1895

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 24-25

William C. Endicott, Sr. - Mary C. Endicott, 1869-1894

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 26

William C. Endicott, Sr. - Louise T. Endicott, 1889- 1892

C. Ellen P. Endicott family correspondence, 1842-1927

Arranged chronologically by correspondent.

Ellen (Peabody) Endicott's family correspondence comprises the largest single subseries within this series. A prolific writer, Ellen Endicott corresponded frequently with other family members, especially her mother Clara Endicott Peabody and her daughter Mary C. Endicott. Other family members include William C. Endicott, Jr., George A. Peabody (father), and George A. Peabody (brother). Most of her correspondence chronicles family activities.

See also Series III, Ellen P. Endicott's personal papers.

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 27-30

Ellen P. Endicott general family correspondence, 1842-1926

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 31-50

Ellen P. Endicott - Clara Peabody, 1853-1889

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 51-54

Ellen P. Endicott - George Peabody (father), 1856-1889

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 55

Ellen P. Endicott - George A. Peabody (brother), 1855- 1907

Carton 2SH113M TFolder 56-58

Ellen P. Endicott - William H. Carnegie, 1915-1927

Carton 3SH113N U

Ellen P. Endicott - Mary C. Endicott, 1870-1897

Carton 4SH113P W

Ellen P. Endicott - Mary C. Endicott, 1898-1912

Carton 5SH113Q X

Ellen P. Endicott - Mary C. Endicott, 1913-1922

Carton 6SH113R Y

Ellen P. Endicott - Mary C. Endicott, 1923-1927

D. Mary C. Endicott family correspondence, 1871-1957

Arranged chronologically by correspondent.

Mary C. Endicott's family correspondence spans a wide range of dates and subjects. It covers her life from a young girl growing up in Salem, as a member of Washington society during her father's term as secretary of war in the first Cleveland administration, her marriage to British colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain, and her later life as a member of English society. Significant correspondence within this subseries comes from the other four principal family members, in particular her brother William C. Endicott, her sister-in-law Louise T. Endicott, her cousin Fanny P. Mason, and her step-grandchildren Beatrice and Ida Chamberlain.

See also Series IV, Mary C. Endicott's personal papers. For correspondence with her mother and father, see William, Sr. and Ellen P. Endicott's family correspondence.

Carton 7SH113S Z

Mary C. Endicott general family correspondence, 1871- 1948

Carton 8SH113T -

Mary C. Endicott - Louise T. Endicott, 1888-1957

Carton 9SH113U .

Mary C. Endicott - William C. Endicott, Jr., 1873-1936

E. William C. Endicott, Jr. family correspondence, 1863-1936

Arranged chronologically by correspondent.

William C. Endicott, Jr.'s family correspondence dates from his early years until his death. The bulk concerns family activities and the operations of the household. Some correspondence concerns his genealogical research and his involvement in numerous clubs and civic organizations.

See also Series V, William C. Endicott, Jr.'s personal papers and Series IX, Historical/genealogical papers. For William C. Endicott, Jr.'s correspondence with other family members, see William, Sr. and Mary C. Endicott's family correspondence.

Carton 10SH113VFolder 1-15

William C. Endicott, Jr. general family correspondence, 1864-1936

Carton 10SH113VFolder 16-44

William C. Endicott, Jr. - Ellen P. Endicott, 1863-1927

F. Louise T. Endicott family correspondence, 1876-1957

Arranged chronologically by correspondent.

Louise T. Endicott's family correspondence begins prior to her marriage to William C. Endicott, Jr. in 1889 and continues to her death in 1958. Most of her correspondence consists of letters among several family members, including Mary C. Endicott and Ellen P. Endicott. She also corresponded with members of the Thoron and Mason families.

See also Series IV, Louise Endicott's personal papers. For correspondence with the other principal family members, see William, Sr., Ellen, and Mary C. Endicott's family correspondence.

Louise T. Endicott's correspondence with Mary C. Endicott's stepchildren, British statesmen Austen and Neville Chamberlain, along with Chamberlain items from Series VII, have been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

Carton 11SH113W $Folder 1-7

Louise T. Endicott general family correspondence, 1876-1957

Carton 11SH113W $Folder 8-13

Louise T. Endicott - Ellen P. Endicott, 1889-1926

II. William C. Endicott, Sr. papers, 1842-1902

The papers of William C. Endicott, Sr. cover the years 1842-1902, with the bulk produced between 1852 and 1889. This series is divided into eight subseries covering his life and career as a politician, attorney, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justice, and secretary of war in the first Grover Cleveland administration (1885-1889). His papers constitute the largest series for any one family member in the collection and include letters, telegrams, calling cards, scrapbooks, legal briefs, and memoranda.

See also William C. Endicott, Sr.'s family correspondence in Series I; Series VIII, Household and travel records; and Series IX, Historical/genealogical papers.

A. Personal correspondence, 1847-1899

Arranged chronologically.

William C. Endicott, Sr.'s personal correspondence spans the dates 1847-1899 and includes letters to and from friends and business associates.

A separate box containing letters from special correspondents, including longtime Harvard University president Charles Eliot, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Melville Fuller, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell, Francis Parkman, U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, and Presidents Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison, has been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

See also William C. Endicott, Sr.'s letterbooks in this series.

Carton 12SH113X /Folder 1-37

B. Legal papers, 1852-1895

Arranged chronologically by case.

This subseries consists of legal correspondence (1852-1895), dockets, and briefs produced from 1853-1891 by William C. Endicott, Sr. as a lawyer in Salem and Boston and as a justice of the state Supreme Judicial Court. Other items in this subseries include commissions, rulings, the first death sentence he delivered as a member of the Supreme Judicial Court (1879), and a will which he helped execute.

Carton 12SH113X /Folder 38-47

Legal correspondence, 1852-1895

OS Box 1Folder 7

Legal commissions, 1852-1874

Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1182 (oversize).
Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 1-3

Haskins vs. Hamilton Insurance Co., 1853-1855

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 4-6

Tyler vs. Currier, 1856-1857

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 7-10

Phillips vs. Tudor, 1856-1857

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 11

Peabody vs. County Commissioners, 1857

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 12

Prescott vs. Pulsifer, 1857

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 13

Arthur vs. Flanders; Osgood vs. Fernald, 1857

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 14-16

Rogers vs. Jackman, 1857-1858

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 17

Baker vs. Fernald; Russell vs. Howe, 1858

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 18

Peoples Insurance Company vs. Black; Dow vs. Bullock, 1858

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 19

Ladd vs. Kimball, 1858

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 20

Tyler vs. Jackson, 1858; Rogers v. Newburyport RR., 1859

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 21

Tenney vs. Poor, 1860

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 22

Aushelot Bank vs. Pearson; Bartlett vs. Kidder, 1860

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 23

Nichols vs. Sanborn, 1860

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 24

Rogers vs. Newburyport; Sparhawk vs. Salem; Hildreth vs. Martin, 1860

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 25

Carlton vs. Pierce, 1860

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 26

North Andover vs. Groveland, 1860; Row v. Edmunds, 1861

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 27

Clark v. Fletcher; Merrill v. Chase, 1862

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 28

Pettingill v. Porter, 1862

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 29

Stickney vs. Salem, 1862

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 30

Currier vs. Hale, 1862-1863

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 31

Gloucester vs. Gaffney; Fletcher vs. Webster; Webb vs. Neal, 1862-1863

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 32

Essex vs. Low; Harden v. Newhall, 1863

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 33

Todd vs. Rowley, 1863-1864

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 34

Eaton vs. Boston and Lowell Railroad, 1865-1866

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 35

Fowler vs. Perley, 1866

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 36

Wonson vs. Wonson, 1867

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 37

Manning vs. Albee, 1867

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 38

Foote vs. Salem, 1867

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 39

Benjamin Porter will, 1854; executed, 1867

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 40

Ham vs. Salem, 1868

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 41

Salem Turnpike vs. Essex; Rhodes vs. Salem Turnpike, 1868

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 42

Esty vs. Currier, 1868

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 43

Peabody vs. Norfolk, 1868

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 44

Hoyt/Markey vs. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.; Cleveland vs. Ware, 1868-1869

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 45

Kingsford vs. Hood, 1870

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 46

Tapley vs. Martin, 1870

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 47

Commonwealth vs. Chase; Smith vs. Wakefield, 1870

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 48

Brown vs. Brown; Elveth vs. Burnham; Friend vs. Gloucester; Noyes vs. Merrill; Low vs. Ives; Sewell vs. Sullivan; Ward vs. Salem Street Railway; Wilson vs. Underhill; Hayes vs. Harmony Grove, 1871

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 49

Lynn vs. Nahant; Fogg v. Nahant, 1871

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 50

Dockets, 1871

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 51

Supreme Judicial Court service, 1873-1882

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 52

Searles will case, 1891

Carton 13SH113Y +Folder 53

Miscellaneous papers, 1854-1890

C. Speeches and memorials, 1851-1891

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains William C. Endicott, Sr.'s speeches delivered between the years 1851 and 1891. Many of these are handwritten copies delivered to lyceum groups in Salem. He also wrote political speeches on behalf of the Constitutional Union Party campaign in 1860 and his own gubernatorial campaign in 1884, as well as memorials between 1857 and 1871.

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 1-3

Speeches, undated

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 4-13

Speeches, 1851-1891

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 14

Memorials, 1857-1871

D. Secretary of war papers, 1885-1889

Arranged chronologically and by correspondence type.

The majority of this subseries consists of correspondence to and from William C. Endicott, Sr.'s office as secretary of war in Grover Cleveland's first administration (1885-1889). Some items were addressed to Endicott's adjutant, Capt. Richard C. Drum. Subjects addressed in these papers include: the appointment of a collector for the port of Boston (1885), the capture of Geronimo (1886), efforts to quell Native American disturbances (1885-1887), and controversies over the return of Confederate battle flags (1887). Also included are items from fellow cabinet officers, a group of letters from Cleveland and a letter from Benjamin Harrison accepting Endicott's resignation as secretary, and ephemera relating to Endicott's term in office.

Endicott's letters from Cleveland and Harrison have been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

See also Endicott's letterbooks, diaries, and scrapbooks which cover this period.

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 15-19



Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 20

Correspondence - Nomination

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 21

Cabinet correspondence

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 22-41

Business correspondence

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 42



Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 43

Cabinet correspondence

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 44-57

Business correspondence

Carton 14SH113Z %Folder 58



Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 1

Cabinet correspondence

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 2-12

Business correspondence

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 13-14



Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 15

Cabinet correspondence

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 16-24

Business correspondence


Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 25

Cabinet correspondence

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 26-27

Business correspondence

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 28-32

Printed materials, 1886-1888

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 33-34

Miscellaneous, 1888-1889

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 35

Visiting books, 1887-1888

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 36

Clippings, 1885-1889

E. Harvard University materials, 1843-1896

Arranged by subject.

From his first association with Harvard College as a student from 1843-1847 until his resignation from the Harvard Corporation in 1895, William C. Endicott, Sr. produced a variety of materials concerning his relationship with the school. These papers include grade reports, law school records, moot court case files, records of his activities as an overseer and member of the Harvard Corporation, and items relating to alumni activities.

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 37

Undergraduate materials, 1843-1844

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 38-39

Bills, 1843-1847

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 40-43

Essays, 1843-1847

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 44

Notebook of quotes, 1843-1847

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 45

Graduation program, 1848

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 46

Legal essay, 1849

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 47

Law school admission ticket, 1849

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 48-49

Moot court notes, 1849

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 50

Alumni materials, 1879-1896

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 51-52

Board of Overseers/Corporation materials, 1876-1895

Carton 15SH1141 9Folder 53

Harvard University Club, 1891-1892

F. Diplomas, awards, and certificates, 1847-1889

Arranged chronologically.

Items include a certificate and diploma from Harvard College (both 1847), an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Harvard (1882), and a certificate of membership in the Essex Agricultural Society.

OS Box 1Folder 8-17
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1182 (oversize).

G. Miscellaneous and ephemera, 1842-1902

Arranged chronologically.

Calling cards, programs, lists, invitations, transcripts, biographical materials, dance cards, and other miscellaneous printed material dating from 1842-1902.

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 1

Ephemera, calling cards, undated

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 2

Ephemera, undated

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 3-6

Ephemera, 1842-1900

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 7

Memorials and material on the death of William C. Endicott, Sr., 1900-1902

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 8

Verse, undated

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 9

Verse, 1848-1880

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 10

Club rosters, 1857-1896

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 11

Biographical information, undated

H. Bound volumes, 1845-1900

Arranged chronologically by format.

This subseries contains diaries, letterbooks, scrapbooks, notebooks, and an account book.

1. Diaries, 1858-1893

Arranged chronologically.

William C. Endicott, Sr.'s diaries cover the years 1858-1864, 1866, 1869, 1871-1884, 1886-1888, and 1890-1893. There are, in addition, transcripts of four years of diaries kept between 1858 and 1861.

Diary transcripts, 1858-1861

Carton 16SH1142 AFolder 12-40


Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 1


Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 2

1860, 1861

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 3

1862, 1863

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 4

1864, 1866

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 5

1869, 1871

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 6

1872, 1873

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 7

1874, 1875

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 8

1876, 1877

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 9

1878, 1879

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 10

1880, 1881

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 11

1882, 1883

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 12

1884 (2), 1886

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 13

1887, 1888

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 14

1890, 1891

Carton 17SH1143 BFolder 15

1892, 1893

2. Letterbooks, 1885-1889

Arranged chronologically.

Six letterbooks contain copies of Endicott's outgoing personal and business correspondence written between 1885 and 1889, including letters written as secretary of war.

See also Endicott's secretary of war papers.

Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 1


Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 2


Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 3


Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 4


Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 5


Carton 18SH1144 CFolder 6


3. Scrapbooks, 1885-1900

Arranged chronologically.

Five scrapbooks (one oversize) of clippings (including two kept during his term as secretary of war), a scrapbook of invitations, and a scrapbook of calling cards.

See also Endicott's secretary of war papers.

Scrapbook, 1885-1889

Extra tall volume.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-1182 (XT).
Carton 19SH1145 DFolder 1

Scrapbook, 1885-1889

Carton 19SH1145 DFolder 2

Scrapbook, calling cards, 1885-1889

Carton 19SH1145 DFolder 3

Scrapbook, invitations, 1888-1889

Carton 19SH1145 DFolder 4

Scrapbook, clippings, marriage of Mary C. Endicott, 1888-1890

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 1

Scrapbook, 1898-1900

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 2

Scrapbook, obituaries, 1900

4. Other bound volumes, 1845-1889

Arranged chronologically.

Includes a book of poetry and verse from 1845, a wastebook (1852-1869) containing business records, a book of dinner lists, and a book list from his term as secretary of war.

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 3

Verse, 1845-1857

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 4

Waste book, 1852-1869

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 5

Dinner lists, 1885-1889

Carton 20SH1146 EFolder 6

Book lists (Washington), 1885-1889

III. Ellen P. Endicott papers, 1857-1924

A. Personal correspondence, 1857-1924

Arranged chronologically.

Ellen P. Endicott's personal correspondence dates from 1857-1924, with the bulk between 1870-1885. Most of her letters are found in Series I, Family correspondence, where she is the most prolific correspondent.

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 1


Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 2-10


Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 11-12

Letters, telegrams on the death of William C. Endicott, Sr., 1900

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 13-16


B. Miscellaneous, 1893-1909

Arranged chronologically.

Calling cards and place cards.

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 17

C. Bound volumes, 1885-1912

Arranged chronologically.

These include an account book of purchases and investments (1902-1912), three visiting lists, and a scrapbook kept in Washington during her husband's tenure as secretary of war.

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 18

Calling list, 1885-1889

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 19

Calling list, 1885-1889

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 20

Calling list, 1885-1889

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 21

Scrapbook, invitations, 1886-1889

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 22

Scrapbook (with William C. Endicott, Sr.), 1887-1907

Carton 21SH1147 FFolder 23

Account book, 1902-1912

IV. Mary C. Endicott papers,

See also Series IX, Historical/genealogical papers.

A. Personal correspondence, 1885-1949

Arranged chronologically.

Mary C. Endicott's personal correspondence was written between 1885 and 1949, with the bulk between 1889 and 1936. Many letters were exchanged between Mary and her friends in America after her move to England in 1889. Despite the fact that she was the third wife of Joseph Chamberlain, only a few letters contain references to English political affairs.

Letters written by Joseph Chamberlain have been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

See also Series I, Mary C. Endicott's family correspondence.

Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 1


Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 2-40


B. Ephemera, 1879-1957

Arranged chronologically by format.

This subseries consists of invitations, calling cards, and clippings.

Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 41-42


Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 43-46


Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 47

Wedding invitations, undated

Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 48-54

Wedding invitations, 1889-1944

Carton 22SH1148 GFolder 55

Clippings, 1889-1940

C. Bound volumes, 1876-1902

Arranged chronologically by format.

1. Diaries, 1882-1902

Arranged chronologically.

Mary C. Endicott's diaries prior to 1885 describe her life in Salem, those from 1885 to 1889 cover her activities in Washington as a daughter of the secretary of war, and others written later contain information about her time in England.

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 1


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 2


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 3


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 4


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 5


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 6


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 7


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 8


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 9


Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 10


2. Miscellaneous bound volumes, 1876-1891

Arranged chronologically.

Miscellaneous bound volumes include a scrapbook kept between 1876-1881, two commonplace-books from 1877 and 1881, a 1878 composition book, a book of lists and notes from 1888-1889, and two visiting lists from 1889 and 1891.

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 11

Scrapbook, 1876-1881

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 12

Commonplace-book of poetry, 1877

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 13

Composition book, 1878

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 14

Commonplace-book, 1881

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 15

Lists, notes, 1888-1889

Carton 23SH1149 HFolder 16-17

Visiting lists, 1889, 1891

V. William C. Endicott, Jr. papers, 1869-1936

The papers of William C. Endicott, Jr. cover the years 1869-1936, with the bulk between 1883 and 1936.

See also Series IX, Historical/genealogical papers; Series VIII, Household records; and William C. Endicott, Jr.'s family correspondence in Series I.

A. Personal correspondence, 1877-1936

Arranged chronologically.

William C. Endicott, Jr.'s personal correspondence dates between 1877 and 1936, with the bulk from 1883-1930.

Letters between William C. Endicott, Jr. and select correspondents, including Richard Olney, Henry Cabot Lodge, Theodore Roosevelt, and John Singer Sargent, have been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 1-3


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 4


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 5

Harvard University letters, 1878-1883

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 6


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 7-11

Engagement letters, 1889

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 12

Wedding letters, 1889

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 13-15


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 16-17

Letters on the death of William C. Endicott, Sr., 1900

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 18-35


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 36

Letters on the death of Ellen P. Endicott, 1927

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 37-41


Carton 24SH114A IFolder 42

Letters on John Endecott tercentenary medal, 1932- 1933

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 43-48


B. Addresses and memorials, 1892-1935

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains originals and copies of addresses, speeches, and memorials written or delivered by William C. Endicott, Jr.

1. Addresses, 1892-1935

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 49-50

2. Memorials and obituaries, 1892-1935

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 51

Hannah Crowninshield, undated

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 51

Richard Denison Rogers, 1892

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 51

Timothy Endicott, 1893

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 51

Quincy Adams Shaw, 1918

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 51

John D. Henley Luce, 1921

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 52

Francis Randall Appleton, 1931

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 52

Augustus Hemenway, 1931

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 52

Ernest Henry Wilson, 1931

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 52

Joseph Peabody, 1931

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 53

Allen Curtis, 1935

Carton 24SH114A IFolder 53

Mrs. John Lawrence, 1935

C. Clubs and organizations, 1892-1936

Arranged by organization.

William C. Endicott, Jr.'s activities as a civic leader are documented in materials related to the clubs and organizations to which he belonged. This subseries contains papers kept between the years 1892 and 1936, with the bulk between 1920 and 1936. The papers include general files (arranged chronologically) and files on specific clubs, such as the Massachusetts Historical Society, for which he served as president from 1927-1936.

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 1-16

General files, 1892-1936

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 17

Humane and Agricultural Societies picnic, 1916

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 18-19

Humane Society, 1909-1927

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 20

Essex Agricultural Society fund drive, 1933

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 21-31

Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, 1915-1936

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 32-45

Massachusetts Historical Society, 1915-1936

D. Diplomas, appointments, and certificates, 1874-1897

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries includes a diploma from the Salem Grammar School (1874), a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College (1883), and appointments and certificates dating from his period of service with the Department of Justice in the second Grover Cleveland administration (1893-1897).

Carton 25SH114B JFolder 46

E. Ephemera and printed materials, 1872-1936

Arranged by subject.

William C. Endicott, Jr.'s ephemera and printed materials include pamphlets relating to his work as private secretary in the secretary of war's office and president of the Board of Trustees of the Girls Reform School of Washington, D.C., as well as miscellaneous items relating to the Massachusetts and Harvard tercentenary celebrations.

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 1

Immigration Laws of the U.S., 1887

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 2

Quarantine Laws of the U.S., 1887

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 3

Laws of the Girls Reform School, 1894

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 4

Report of the President of the Girls Reform School, 1894

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 5

Report of the Board of Trustees of the Girls Reform School, 1895

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 6-8

Laws of the Girls Reform School, 1896-1898

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 9


Carton 26SH114C KFolder 10-28


Carton 26SH114C KFolder 29-30

Massachusetts tercentenary, 1930

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 31-32

Harvard, 1883-1928

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 33-35

Harvard tercentenary, 1936

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 36-37

Musical Clubs of Boston, 1930-1936

Carton 26SH114C KFolder 38-39

Clippings, 1888-1926

F. Bound volumes, 1869-1936

Arranged chronologically.

Bound volumes kept by William C. Endicott, Jr. date from 1869-1936 and consist of seven letterbooks (1889-1934), a commonplace-book (1877-1929), a notebook, two scrapbooks, two diaries (1887-88), and an account book (1921-1930). The volumes also include letterbooks relating to his administration of the George Peabody and Fanny (Payson) Prince trusts.

See also Louise T. Endicott's diaries in Series VI, which were also used as engagement calendars by William C. Endicott, Jr.


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 1


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 2


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 3


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 4


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 5


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 6


Carton 27SH114D LFolder 7


Carton 28SH114E MFolder 1

Scrapbook, 1869-1936

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 2

Commonplace-book, 1881-1932

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 3

Harvard Class Day list, 1883

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 4

Scrapbook, clippings, 1884-1885

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 5

Diary, 1887

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 6

Diary, 1888

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 7

Fannie (Payson) Prince trusteeship (letterbook), 1909- 1927

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 8

George Peabody trusteeship (letterbook), 1900-1932

Carton 28SH114E MFolder 9

Account book, 1930-1931

VI. Louise T. Endicott papers, 1863-1958

Louise T. Endicott's personal papers date from 1863-1958, with the bulk between 1889 and 1945.

A. Personal correspondence, 1883-1957

Arranged chronologically.

Louise T. Endicott's personal correspondence covers the period 1883-1957, with the bulk between 1895 and 1940. This subseries also includes letters to friends and social acquaintances prior to her marriage in 1889 to William C. Endicott, Jr.

See also Series I, Family correspondence.

Carton 29SH114F NFolder 1


Carton 29SH114F NFolder 2


Carton 29SH114F NFolder 3-7

Engagement letters, 1889

Carton 29SH114F NFolder 8-22


Carton 29SH114F NFolder 23-32

Letters on the death of William C. Endicott, Jr., 1936- 1937

Carton 29SH114F NFolder 33-34


Carton 29SH114F NFolder 35-36

Letters on a memoir to William C. Endicott, Jr., 1937- 1938

Carton 29SH114F NFolder 37-41


B. Ephemera, 1894-1956

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains calling cards, invitations, and other ephemeral materials.

Carton 29SH114F NFolder 42-45


Carton 29SH114F NFolder 46-48


C. Bound volumes, 1863-1958

Arranged chronologically by format.

1. Diaries/engagement books, 1884-1954

Arranged chronologically.

Louise T. Endicott's diaries/engagement books span a 70-year period. The volumes through 1936 also served as William C. Endicott, Jr.'s engagement calendars.

Carton 30SH114G OFolder 1

1884, 1886

Carton 30SH114G OFolder 2

1890, 1892

Carton 30SH114G OFolder 3

1893 (2)

Carton 30SH114G OFolder 4


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 5


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 6


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 7


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 8


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 9

"Engagements," 1902

Carton 30SH114G OFolder 10


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 11


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 12


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 13


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 14


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 15


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 16


Carton 30SH114G OFolder 17


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 1


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 2


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 3


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 4


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 5


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 6


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 7


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 8


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 9


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 10


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 11


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 12


Carton 31SH114H PFolder 13


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 1


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 2


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 3


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 4


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 5


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 6


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 7


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 8

1930 (2)

Carton 32SH114I QFolder 9


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 10


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 11


Carton 32SH114I QFolder 12


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 1


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 2


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 3


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 4


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 5


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 6


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 7


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 8


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 9


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 10


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 11


Carton 33SH114J RFolder 12


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 1


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 2


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 3


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 4


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 5


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 6


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 7


Carton 34SH114K SFolder 8


2. Other bound volumes, 1863-1958

Arranged chronologically.

These include an expense book kept by Louise (Thoron) Endicott and other members of the Thoron family, two autograph books, a guest register, a dinner guest list, a visiting book, a Christmas card list, and a book of notes on the death of William C. Endicott, Jr.

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 9

Household expense book, Thoron family and Louise Thoron Endicott, 1863-1887

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 10

Autographs, 1877-1878

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 11

Autographs, 1879-1881

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 12

Guest book, 1923-1930

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 13

Wedding cards and announcements, 1889

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 14

Guest book, 1927-1958 (163 Marlborough St.)

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 15

Notes on the death of William C. Endicott, Jr., 1936

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 16

Notebook, 1944-1949

Carton 34SH114K SFolder 17

Notebook, 1948-1951

VII. Related family papers, 1672-1940

This series contains personal papers written by families related to the Endicotts, including the Ward, Crowninshield, and Peabody families. The papers include correspondence, diary transcripts, and business records.

Papers of the Chamberlain family have been removed to the Endicott family autograph collection.

A. Miscellaneous third-party letters, 1845-1940

Arranged chronologically.

Miscellaneous third-party letters include items collected by, but not connected to, members of the Endicott family.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 1-3

B. Legal papers, 1672-1869

Arranged chronologically.

Miscellaneous legal papers include deeds, property, and probate records. Copies are included.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 4-6

C. Crowninshield family papers, 1800-1888

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of several members of the Crowninshield family of Salem, including correspondence of Benjamin Crowninshield (1768-1818) and John Crowninshield (1825-1890). Included are family and business letters.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 7-11

D. Peabody family papers, 1812-1859

Arranged by correspondent.

This subseries contains papers of the Peabody family of Salem, including Joseph Peabody (1757-1844) and George Peabody (1803-1892), relating to the family's business and personal lives.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 12

Joseph Peabody, 1819-1826

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 13

Joseph W. Peabody, 1839

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 14

George Peabody, 1812-1859

E. Ward family papers, 1799-1938

Arranged by subject.

The Ward family papers contain original and transcribed correspondence, obituaries, mortgages, and wills. The transcripts were used as research notes by William C. Endicott, Jr. Also included are annotations and notes of Thomas Wren Ward's grandson George Bucknam Dorr.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 15

Ward family, undated

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 16-18

Ward family correspondence, 1840-1902

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 19

Ward family correspondence (fragments), 1853

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 20

Thomas Ward diary (typescript), 1834

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 21

Thomas Ward diary (typescript), 1855

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 22-24

Thomas Ward correspondence, 1799-1853

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 25

William Ward mortgage (typescript), undated

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 26

William Ward correspondence (typescripts), 1799-1820

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 27

William Ward will (typescript), 1824

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 28

Ward family genealogy (typescript), undated

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 29

Ward family, Canton House history by George Bucknam Dorr, 1938

F. Gray-Gardner papers, 1703-1812

Arranged by family member.

The Gray-Gardner papers contain transcripts of documents produced by members of these two families.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 30

Prayer on death of Mrs. Gray (typescript), undated

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 31

Samuel Gray will (typescript), 1812

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 32

Gardner family transcripts, 1703, 1708

VIII. Household and travel records, 1792-1956

A. General household records, 1861-1954

Arranged by subject.

General household records contain correspondence, lists, deeds, ledgers, ephemera, bills, and invoices relating to the Endicott households in Salem, Washington, and Boston.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 33-49

Bills and correspondence, 1861-1954

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 50-51

Inventories and lists, 1865-1927

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 52

Deeds and leases, 1872-1898

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 53-56

Reception lists, 1886-1889

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 57

Guest list, Washington, D.C., tea, 1893

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 58

Interior decorating ledger, 163 Marlborough St., 1898

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 59-63

Dinner lists, 1910-1947

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 64

Architectural drawings, undated

B. Travel records, 1913-1931

Arranged chronologically.

Travel records contain receipts and bills documenting the family's journeys to Europe and Egypt.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 65-69

C. Peabody Farm records, 1792-1956

Arranged by subject.

Peabody Farm records relate to the family's summer home in Danvers, Mass. and include vital records for livestock, permits, receipts, lists, bills, and a visiting book.

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 70

Bills and correspondence, 1894-1941

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 71

Tuberculin inoculation records, 1900-1904

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 72

Cows' registration certificates, 1901-1911

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 73

Sire records, 1906

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 74-75

Bird permits and purchases, 1919-1926

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 76

Fair premiums, undated

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 77

Garden purchases, undated, 1899-1927

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 78

Inventories, 1940-1942

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 79

Visiting book, 1905-1956

Carton 35SH114L TFolder 80

Land records, 1792-1940

IX. Historical/genealogical papers, 1612-1947

Historical/genealogical papers relate to research into the history and genealogy of the family by William C. Endicott, Sr.; William C. Endicott, Jr.; and Mary C. Endicott. They include transcripts of original documents, research notes, correspondence, forms and charts, registers, and ephemeral materials.

A. Correspondence, 1878-1944

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Historical/genealogical correspondence contains letters on research and publications on the family's history and origins.

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 1-13

Correspondence, 1878-1944

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 14-15

Correspondence, letters of thanks relating to John Endecott and John Winthrop, 1930-1931

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 16-20

Correspondence relating to Memoir of Samuel Endicott, 1925

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 21-26

Correspondence relating to Smith-Blanchard Family Gatherings, 1929-1934

B. John Endecott papers, 1612-1665

Arranged chronologically.

Transcripts of John Endecott papers relate to the life and work of Governor John Endecott, including letters, official papers, and other items relating to his service to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. These items were used in research on his life and career. Items are filed by the date of the original manuscript or document.

See Series I, Family correspondence, for the few original John Endecott documents in this collection.

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 27


Carton 36SH114M UFolder 28

Transcript of colonial charter, 1628

Carton 36SH114M UFolder 29-47


C. Research notes, 1628-1936

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Research notes consist of handwritten notes, transcripts, and lists. Papers prior to 1665 relate primarily to the life and career of John Endecott, while those after that date center around the family as a whole. These papers were compiled by William C. Endicott, Sr. and William C. Endicott, Jr. Items are filed by the dates of the original document.

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 1-4

Research notes on John Endecott, undated, 1628-1928

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 5

Property records, 1657-1681

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 6-8

Notes on family portraits, John Endecott portrait, 1873- 1923

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 9

Notes on family portraits, Frick Gallery notes, 1932

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 10

Notes on family portraits, Joseph Peabody portrait, 1935

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 11-12

Notes on Weymouth, England, John Endecott monument, 1914

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 13

Endecott pear tree data, 1936

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 14-17

Research notes, 1909-1931

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 18

Research notes, Devonshire, 1914

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 19

Research notes, William C. Endicott, Sr., undated

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 20

Miscellaneous biographical forms, 1807-1931

D. Miscellaneous, 1915-1947

Arranged by format.

Miscellaneous items include ephemera and clippings.

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 21


Carton 37SH114N VFolder 22

Clippings, undated, 1915-1931

E. Bound volumes, 1901-1931

Arranged by subject.

Bound volumes include notebooks and other volumes relating to the family's history and origins, including notes, burial, and vital records.

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 23

Burial ground records, ca. 1914-1917

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 24

Death records, ca. 1909-1910

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 25

Birth/marriage records, ca. 1909

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 26-28

Notebooks, undated

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 29

Indexed Genealogical Register, c. 1901

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 30

Burial ground inscriptions notebook, 1912

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 31

Burial ground notebook, 1916

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 32

Tercentenary medal notebook, 1930

Carton 37SH114N VFolder 33-34

Blanchard gravesites, 1920, 1931

Materials Removed from the Collection

Printed Materials Removed from the Collection

For a list of printed materials removed from this collection, see Curator of Manuscripts.

Grover Cleveland - Benjamin Harrison Letters

The following is a list of letters written by Grover Cleveland and one letter by Benjamin Harrison. The Cleveland and Endicott letters have been removed to the Endicott Special Collection and are stored onsite. See the guide to that collection for more information. Other letters between Cleveland and Endicott can be found in the Cleveland Papers in the Library of Congress.

  • List of Grover Cleveland letters:
    • 7 August 1885
    • 14 October 1885
    • 22 December 1885
    • 28 May 1886
    • 13 October 1886
    • 22 October 1886
    • 28 October 1886
    • 4 November 1886
    • 5 November 1886
    • 17 November 1886
    • 20 December 1886
    • 20 January 1887
    • 7 February 1887
    • 7 February 1887
    • 18 April 1887
    • 20 May 1887
    • 22 July 1887
    • 15 September 1887
    • 25 October 1887
    • 13 December 1887
    • 7 April 1888
    • 20 April 1888
    • 30 October 1888
    • 9 December 1888
    • 19 December 1888
    • 25 January 1889
    • 16 February 1889
    • 18 February 1889
    • 23 February 1889
    • 4 May 1891
    • 3 November 1981
    • 30 May 1892
  • Benjamin Harrison letter:
    • 5 March 1889

Photographs Removed from the Collection

The following photographs were removed from the Endicott family papers and placed in the MHS Photo Archives, July 1996.

  • A. Eight (8) photo albums. Album subjects include:
    1. Portraits of men (mostly unidentified).
    2. Portraits of prominent men and their wives.
    3. Portraits, members of the class of 1883, Harvard College, including William C. Endicott, Jr.
    4. Series of photographs related to the life and career of Winfield Scott Hancock.
    5. Series of photographs related to the life and career of Ulysses S. Grant.
    6. Portraits of European royalty and other prominent persons.
    7. Views of the Danvers farm, including the house and gardens.
    8. Portraits of Civil War figures and other prominent Americans.
  • B. One (1) document box of glass plate negatives.
  • C. One (1) document box of tintypes.
  • D. Seven (7) oversize boxes of photographs. Subjects include:
    • One (1) box, interior views of 163 Marlborough St., Boston, 1900-01.
    • One (1) box, interior views of 163 Marlborough St., Boston, 1913.
    • Three (3) boxes of family portraits, undated
    • Two (2) boxes of architectural views of Salem and Washington, D.C.
  • E. Six (6) manuscript boxes of photographs. Subjects include:
    • Three (3) boxes of portraits.
    • Three (3) boxes of miscellaneous views.

Museum Objects Removed from the Collection

The following items have been removed from the Endicott Family Papers and have been placed in the Society's museum collection, August 1996:

Book Plates

"Founded (beehive seal) AD 1791 Massachusetts Historical Society"(triangle of 3 bees)

"From the Fund Bequeathed to the Massachusetts Historical Society By James Savage Received ______ (with MHS Seal above image of) James Savage Born July 13, 1784 Died March 8, 1873 (flanked by volumes and inkwell.) Line engraving on wove paper, c. 1875. Artist: Forbes Lithograph Co.

"Massachusetts Historical Society" (MHS seal and motto) "Bought with the income of the fund bequeathed by Mrs. Charlotte Augusta Langdon (Cook) Sibley of Groton In Memory of Her husband, John Langdon Sibley." Etching on wove paper, October 1910. Artist: Sidney Lawton Smith.

"Massachusetts Historical Society" (MHS seal and motto at top of decorative stone) marked "Massachusetts Historical Society Founded AD 1791". Etching on wove paper (20th century, early) Artist Sidney Lawton Smith.

"Massachusetts Historical Society" (MHS seal and motto at top of decorative stone tablet) marked "Quid Melius Bonotate Et Beneficia The Massachusetts Historical Society From the fund Bequeathed by the Reverend Robert Cassie Waterson." Etching on wove paper, August, 1908. Artist: Sidney Lawton Smith.

"Massachusetts Historical Society," (MHS seal and motto at top of decorative stone frame around view of Boston State House) "Printed for the Massachusetts Historical Society From the Fund Given by William Bradford Homer Dowse." Etching on wove paper, 1919. Artist: Sidney Lawton Smith.

Massachusetts Historical Society, (MHS seal and motto) "Bought With the Income of the Fund Bequeathed by John Langdon Sibley. Received 19__" (lamp atop 3 vols. of Sibley's Harvard Graduates). Etching on wove paper, November 1910. Artist: Sidney Lawton Smith.

"Massachusetts Historical Society (arms & crest of Boylston Family with motto Humani Bona Animi) Library of Henry Adams Given by Brooks Adams and Charles Francis Adams January IX MCMXIX" Line engraving on wove paper, 1930. Artist: Alfred J. Downey.


Field glasses given to Capt. William Cogswell, 2nd Regiment Mass. Vol. Infantry by William C. Endicott, Sr., 25 May 1861.

Field glasses case, leather, given to Capt. William Cogswell by William C. Endicott, Sr., 25 May 1861.

Mourning Ring, Crowninshield funeral ring made in 1761 by Paul Revere.

Mary Endicott, lock of Mary Endicott's hair, c. 1865.

William C. Endicott, Jr., Lock of baby hair of William C. Endicott, Jr., c. 1860.

Two (2) British campaign ribbons, House of Commons seat for Birmingham, c. 1905.

Essex Agricultural Society, several 1st and 2nd Premium blue ribbons.

Preferred Citation

Endicott family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Carnegie, Mary Crowninshield Endicott Chamberlain, 1864-1957.
Chamberlain, Joseph, 1836-1914.
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908.
Endecott, John, 1588?-1665.
Endicott, Ellen Peabody, 1833-1927.
Endicott family--Genealogy.
Endicott, Louise Thoron, 1864-1958.
Endicott, William Crowninshield, 1826-1900.
Endicott, William Crowninshield, 1860-1936.
Endicott, William Putnam, 1803-1888.
Geronimo, 1829-1909.
Mason family.
Mason, William P., (William Powell), 1835-1901.
Peabody, Clara Endicott.
Peabody family.
Peabody, George, 1804-1892.
Peabody, Joseph, 1757-1844.
Thoron family.
Ward family.


Massachusetts Historical Society.
Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court.
United States. President (1885-1889 : Cleveland).
United States. President (1893-1897 : Cleveland).
United States. War Dept.


Boston (Mass.)--Social life and customs.
Cabinet officers--United States.
England--Social life and customs.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.
Peabody Farm (Danvers, Mass.).
Politicians--United States.
Politicians' spouses--United States.
Salem (Mass.)--Social life and customs.
United States--History--1865-1898.
United States--Politics and government--1885-1889.
Washington (D.C.)--Social life and customs.
Women's commonplace-books.