
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Edward Atkinson papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the correspondence and writings of Edward Atkinson, industrialist, insurance executive, and advocate for various social and political causes.

Biographical Sketch

Edward Atkinson was born on 10 February 1827 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Atkinson intended to enter Harvard College in 1843 but, due to financial difficulties, began employment at the age of sixteen with the dry-goods merchant Read and Chadwick in Liberty Square, Boston.

Atkinson had a mind for business and accounting and within a few years became treasurer for cotton mills operated by J. C. Howe and Company. He learned the cotton trade thoroughly, becoming an expert in all facets of the industry. This work ethic would follow him throughout his life, as would an interest in a wide range of subjects.

After many years dedicated to the cotton industry where he oversaw a large number of mills from Massachusetts to Maine, Atkinson changed his focus and spent the rest of his life in other fields. Among his many fields of endeavor were railroad expansion, statistics, nutrition, civic affairs, free trade, political, economic, and social reform, anti-slavery and the new south, fire insurance and prevention, and agriculture.

Through the 1880s and 1890s, Atkinson sought to improve education and awareness in the field of home economics. This lead him to the invention of his Aladdin cooker, or oven. The Aladdin oven allowed food to be cooked in great quantities while using less fuel. Subsequent to the introduction of the Aladdin oven, Atkinson turned his attention to dietetics. This led to the publication in 1896 of his The Science of Nutrition which included contributions by experts in the field of dietetics and cooking.

Atkinson received numerous honorary degrees including an LL.D. from the University of South Carolina, a Ph.D. from Dartmouth College, and an honorary membership in the Harvard University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Atkinson was a member of the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, and from 1878-1905, was President of the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

Atkinson married Mary Caroline Heath in 1855. They had nine children in 13 years, two of whom died in infancy.

Edward Atkinson died on 11 December 1905. In 1934, Harold Francis Williamson's Edward Atkinson: The Biography of an American Liberal: 1827-1905 was published.

Collection Description

The Edward Atkinson papers consist of loose correspondence, 1819-1920; printed materials, 1860-1916; 83 letterbooks, 1853-1905; and one financial ledger, 1871-1876. The bulk of the collection is stored offsite. Six of the letterbooks and one extra-large oversize box containing newspapers, ca. 1861-1887, and clippings, ca. 1860-1893, is stored onsite at Ms. N-298.

The loose correspondence is divided into eleven separate subseries: ten series containing correspondence between Atkinson and specific individuals and an eleventh, the largest, consisting mostly of incoming business correspondence. The individuals represented in the separate series of correspondence are Wilbur Olin Atwater, Thomas F. Bayard, Jonathan Chace, John Murray Forbes, Franklin L. Ford, Charles Nordhoff, Charles Eliot Norton, John Ott, Edward Lillie Pierce, Ellen H. Richards, and David Ames Wells.

The bulk of the loose correspondence includes letters to Atkinson from hundreds of people. In addition to the individuals listed above, Atkinson sent and/or received letters to/from Presidents James A. Garfield and William McKinley, Dr. Henry P. Bowditch, Andrew Carnegie, George Washington Carver, W. E. B. DuBois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Thomas Alva Edison, Worthington C. Ford, William Fowler, Samuel Gompers, George F. Hoar, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Arthur Lyman, Theodore Lyman, William Ralls Morrison, Walter H. Page, Robert Treat Paine, H. H. Richardson, John Daniel Runkle, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Charles Sumner, and Booker T. Washington, among others.

Restrictions on Access

The Edward Atkinson papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

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I. Loose Correspondence, 1819-1920

Arranged into series by correspondent and arranged chronologically.

The majority of the letters to and from Edward Atkinson pertain to business matters; however there are letters to family members, as well. Also included are drafts of letters to editors, press releases, speeches and talks, and other compositions. The letters and occasional writings by Atkinson in this series document his deep involvement with manufacturing and industrialization, fire prevention and insurance, the abolition of slavery, statistics, economics, and the science of dietary, nutritional, and educational awareness. His prominence in these fields is evidenced by letters he received from across the United States, as well as France, Germany, England, Japan, and Russia, among others. This series is divided into eleven subseries consisting of letters Atkinson received (General Correspondence) and those from selected business acquaintances. The bulk of Atkinson's outgoing correspondence can be found in Atkinson's letterbooks.

Close I. Loose Correspondence, 1819-1920

Letterbook Index

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The index is alphabetical by last/company/other name and is transcribed exactly from indexes in the letterbooks. The volume number precedes the page number; for example 2.197 is Volume 2, Page 197.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]

Abel, John J., 39.439

Abel, Mrs. Mary Hinman, 31.403, 32.444, 35.191, 35.208, 35.254, 39.455, 40.9, 40.163, 40.331, 42.162, 45.186, 46.543, 57.390

Abbot, E. V., 77.211

Abbot, Everett B., 70.359

Abbot, Dr. Lyman, 66.135

Abbott, Dr., 74.650

Abbott, Edward Miles, 62.950

Abbott, Edwin H., 47.348, 48.668, 78.950

Abbott, Everett B., 69.215

Abbott, Hon. J. G., 3.162, 8.142, 8.190, 8.282

Abbott, Dr. S. W., 61.673, 70.66

Abbott Insurance Agency, 67.185

Abstract of Address, 39.61

Act, 37.209, 37.234

Act relating to Fire Escapes, 45.62

Adams, Brooks, 54.841, 70.932

Adams, Hon. Charles E., 66.607, 66.635, 67.103, 67.552, 69.460, 71.274, 71.481, 74.491, 77.295, 78.313, 79.497

Adams, Charles Francis, 46.704, 58.943, 62.589, 62.647, 62.658, 64.556, 64.996, 71.508, 73.557

Adams, Dr. Charles Kendall, 47.23

Adams, H. C., 40.26

Adams, Rev. John Coleman, 72.953

Adams, Mrs., 51.257

Adams, President, 33.305

Adams, Samuel, 79.154

Adamson, Hon. W. C., 68.483

Adamson, William, 9.390, 10.15, 10.17, 10.33

Addams, Jane, 45.590

Addendum, 37.208

Addison, Rev. D. D., 66.379, 67.386

Adler, E. A., 55.336

Adler, Rev. Felix, 78.722, 78.733

Advance (Chicago), 33.468

Advance Gin and Mill Co., 63.734

Advertiser, 51.138, 55.159, 58.314, 58.926, 58.927, 72.549, 76.923

Aerated Bread, 66.117, 66.162

Agassiz, Prof. Alexander, 25.113, 59.572, 64.673

Agricultural Commissioner, 18.153, 18.228, 27.385, 34.74, 45.668

Agricultural Experiment Station, 51.171, 64.84, 64.291, 65.403, 65.408, 72.569, 73.588

Aiken, William Hartley, 32.192

Air Moistener, 61.550

Aladdin Oven, 37.437

Alaska Gold Mining Co., 76.753

Alden, H. M., 6.196, 6.253, 6.283, 6.285, 8.340, 8.393, 41.17

Aldrich, G. J., 59.432, 59.509

Aldrich, Hon. Nelson W., 37.449, 43.274, 45.454, 50.93, 50.94, 56.688, 58.24, 62.972, 63.148, 63.256, 63.465, 69.821, 69.957

Aldrich, S. N., 17.231

Aldrich, T. B., 12.81

Alexander, Hooper, 40.310, 40.347, 40.487, 41.162, 41.325

Alexander, James W., 65.181, 65.287, 65.288

Alexander, J. H., 26.429

Alexander, S., 27.457

Alger, A. B., 27.484

Allaire, S. G., 8.205

Allan, Ethan, 7.163

Allbutt, Prof. Clifford, 78.507

Allbutt, Prof. Thomas C., 78.314

Allen, 5.338

Allen, A. A., 74.51, 74.157, 74.770

Allen, A. F., 64.998, 65.82

Allen, A. M., 8.251

Allen, John A., 67.525

Allen, John H., 40.194

Allen, John M., 61.991

Allen, Julian, 29.290

Allen, R. M., 62.125, 62.210

Allen, Stephen M., 10.84

Allen, Thomas Grant, 55.745

Allison, Hon. Mr., 2.258, 2.270, 2.278, 2.287, 3.105, 3.146, 3.323, 3.358, 3.590

Allison, W. C., 10.229

Allison, Hon. William B., 9.120, 9.138, 23.349, 43.125, 43.191, 45.191, 45.281, 49.570, 49.593, 51.295, 54.445, 62.211, 63.448, 65.252, 71.588, 71.597, 78.360

Alrich, N. W., 15.104

Alsop, Rev Reese F., 59.546

Alston, Rev. P. P., 73.633

Altmayer, Maurice, 65.706

Alvard, Henry E., 18.210, 18.252

Alvord, Henry E., 46.460, 46.475, 71.965

Amé, Monsieur, 8.42

American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 76.357

American Academy of Political & Social Science, 44.624

American Architect, 10.181, 21.393, 25.177, 25.263, 28.132, 29.85, 32.212, 35.18, 41.209, 43.233, 47.704, 49.675, 62.233, 62.234, 62.291, 65.568, 65.738, 72.167

American Artisan, Tinner & House Furnisher, 45.383

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 18.145, 18.165, 48.100, 56.30

American Bank Note Company, 43.62, 46.634

American Bankers Association, 28.98

American Belgian Lamp Co., 40.87

American Cotton Co., 60.696

American Cotton Improvement Co., 73.815

American Cotton Manufacturer, 76.58, 76.59, 77.661

American Economic Association, 56.689

American Garden, 30.422

American Geographical Society, 54.116, 77.493

American Kitchen Magazine, 59.244, 59.245, 68.282

American Miller, 26.110, 52.722, 65.561, 72.502

American Statistical Assoc., 6.460

American Travelers Defense Association, 66.687

Ames, Mr., 4.310

Ames, Rev. Charles G., 47.333, 69.339

Ames, F. M., 42.401

Ames, Miss, 62.60

Ames, Miss Lucia True, 60.92, 61.954

Ames, Gov. Oliver, 12.61, 12.230, 22.493, 29.445, 43.441, 43.498, 45.480, 77.212

Ammidown, E. H., 22.201

Amory, 28.484

Amory, C. W., 38.251

Amory, Captain Copley, 47.130

Amory, E. L., 77.112

Amory, Frederic, 20.266, 39.412, 55.815, 66.301, 72.488, 77.303, 77.705, 77.781

Amory, Harcourt, 63.333

Amory, Dr. Robert, 57.1

Amthor, Willard L., 78.213

Anderson, E. Ellery, 47.323, 47.335, 47.549, 47.623, 49.88, 49.96, 49.137, 49.161, 49.258, 49.281

Anderson, George W., 45.15

Anderson, John R., 66.930

Anderson, President M. B., 31.50

Anderson & Simpson, 8.119, 8.458

Andrew, 29.480

Andrew, Governor, 2.77

Andrew, John F., 36.482

Andrew, Mrs. Julia E., 56.753

Andrews, President E. Brown, 51.929, 51.968, 52.37, 52.315, 58.144

Andrews, George L., 2.621

Andrews, R. D., 73.342

Andrews, Mrs. Julius/E. M., 78.3, 78.32, 78.324, 78.593

Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, 39.175

Andros, R.S.S., 2.34

Androscoggin Mills, 7.376, 52.253

Angus, James, 61.191

"Another New Departure," 43.303

Appleton, D. & Co., 48.382, 48.401

Appleton, D. T., 20.146

Appleton, Col. Daniel, 59.988, 60.99, 60.258

Appleton, Francis H., 52.594, 52.867, 54.34, 60.526, 60.651, 60.703, 60.775, 60.791, 60.793, 60.794, 60.813, 60.861, 60.899, 61.94

Appleton, Nathan, 55.627

Appleyard, T. J., 29.246

Architectural Review, 44.124

Arens, Mrs., 78.121

Arkansas Democrat, 55.827

Arkansas Governor, 67.968

Arkell, Bartlett, 43.280, 43.375, 44.327, 45.200, 50.676, 51.318, 54.942, 58.265, 58.266, 58.270, 58.322, 58.490, 60.118

Armington, 2.400, 2.402

Armour Packing Co., 64.229, 64.455

Arms, Georgie, 25.487

Armstrong, G. Fr. & others, 46.80

Armstrong, G. W., 16.431

Armstrong, R. B., 77.485

Armstrong, General S. C., 11.38, 11.86, 11.117, 13.40, 20.27

Armstrong, William G., 3.205

Armstrong, W. N., 11.53

Arnold Print Works, 26.376

Arnold, Mrs. Horace D., 65.860

Arnold, Mrs. N. E., 52.386

Arnold, R. H., 67.839

Arnot, Raymond H., 67.579, 67.624, 68.398, 68.483, 69.537, 73.404, 74.928

Arnot, Robert H., 76.265

Arthur, Alexander A., 40.57, 40.483

Arvine, F. W., 19.77, 19.135

Asbestos Paper Co., 66.148, 69.483

Ashbury, Daniel, 8.444

Ashley, Charles S., 23.301

Ashley, Professor W. J., 69.602, 69.637

Ashton, J. Hubley, 7.183, 7.189, 7.196, 7.205, 7.265, 7.494, 8.151, 8.185, 8.303, 8.312, 8.326, 8.345

Ashton, R. P., 71.217

Ashton, Ralph S., 58.141, 59.507, 60.166, 62.287, 63.889, 68.124, 70.160, 76.553

Ashworth, J. T., 47.80

Aspinwall, William, 29.241, 30.231, 42.336

Asquith, Charles H., 77.197

Associated Press, 41.277, 56.586, 65.983

Aston, Ralph S., 57.945

Atkins, E. F., 72.683, 72.709

Atkins, Edwin F., 63.873

Atkins, Elisha, 5.54

Atkins, S. G., 35.149

Atkinson, Charles F., 14.260, 31.421, 64.406, 73.849

Atkinson, Miss C. P., 77.540, 77.720, 77.790

Atkinson, Dr., 68.957

Atkinson, Dr. Edmund C., 78.681, 78.899

Atkinson, Edward, 11.258, 13.72, 16.46, 26.159, 33.58, 33.172, 33.292, 38.230, 42.203, 42.211, 42.218, 42.219, 46.695a, 47.202, 47.467, 48.417, 48.732, 50.635, 51.388, 51.463, 52.339, 52.447, 69.306, 77.290, 77.958, 78.496

Atkinson, Mrs. Edward, 34.368, 38.390

Atkinson, Rev. E. L., 28.97, 49.357, 49.387

Atkinson, Miss E. P., 56.902, 62.289

Atkinson, E. W., 22.135, 47.371, 50.461, 50.622, 61.834, 63.21, 63.45, 63.129, 63.431, 63.673, 64.616, 76.663

Atkinson, Mrs. E. W., 63.281

Atkinson, F. L., 74.344

Atkinson, George, 55.39, 55.46, 55.142, 69.740, 69.772, 77.43, 77.490

Atkinson, Gov. George W., 64.801

Atkinson, H., 47.698

Atkinson, Henry/Harry M., 31.18, 36.56, 36.149, 36.164, 47.2, 52.616, 55.928, 55.941, 56.11, 56.37, 56.182, 57.273, 62.791, 62.813, 62.877, 62.979, 63.630, 71.43, 73.691

Atkinson, H. F., 65.458

Atkinson, Rev. J. C., 64.323

Atkinson, J. F., 50.106

Atkinson, J. L., 63.2, 63.112

Atkinson, J. T., 19.193, 34.2, 49.313

Atkinson, James S., 13.384, 13.422

Atkinson, Joshua L., 62.808

Atkinson, Mrs. N. B., 49.385

Atkinson, Robert W., 41.36635, 44.381, 45.467, 45.645, 46.42, 62.786, 62.815, 62.875, 63.600, 66.151, 69.539, 74.288, 74.341, 74.354, 74.360, 74.368, 74.384, 74.397, 77.974

Atkinson, Miss Sarah, 52.927

Atkinson, T. H., 8.246

Atkinson, T. R., 73.75

Atkinson, Dr. W. B., 61.939

Atkinson, William, 62.164, 62.165, 74.962, 76.581, 77.21, 77.28, 77.729, 78.278

Atkinson, Prof. William P., 32.442, 37.325, 39.5, 39.52, 39.115

Atkinson, W. Y., 65.267

Atkinson & DeSaussure, 31.74

Atlanta, 32.164

Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 33.90

Atlanta Constitution, 14.375, 33.453, 34.10, 34.92, 34.111, 34.461, 34.462, 35.95, 40.80, 40.143, 40.179, 40.360, 40.457, 41.300, 63.6

Atlanta Journal, 40.494, 54.979, 65.22

Atlanta Union, 55.156, 55.829, 55.842

Atlantic Monthly, 71.97

Atsatt, 26.48

Atterbury, Rev. W. W., 49.104

Attorney General, 48.485

Atwater, Miss Helen W., 68.500

Atwater, Prof. Wilbur O., 18.1, 18.108, 18.158, 18.307, 18.313, 18.404, 18.408, 19.34, 19.123, 19.357, 20.479, 21.32, 21.176, 22.15, 22.24, 22.42, 22.254, 22.476, 26.498, 27.214, 29.54, 29.60, 29.92, 29.99, 29.244, 29.365, 30.194, 30.278, 30.488, 32.21, 33.28, 36.327, 38.206, 38.219, 38.491, 42.170, 42.231, 44.408, 45.118, 45.207, 45.217, 45.474, 45.735, 46.31, 46.58, 46.104, 46.138, 46.624, 48.325, 48.742, 49.39, 49.198, 49.248, 49.336, 50.329, 50.432, 52.137, 54.97, 57.40, 57.796, 57.861, 57.886, 74.856

Austin, Alfred, 62.840

Austin, Benjamin W., 29.315

Austin, Hon. O. P., 64.304, 64.484, 66.372, 66.373, 66.674, 66.928, 66.962, 67.983, 68.447, 69.82, 69.119, 69.120, 69.149, 69.179, 69.404, 69.424, 69.754, 71.422, 71.605, 71.881, 72.36, 72.214, 72.455, 72.481, 72.661, 72.990, 73.173, 73.174, 73.951, 73.956, 74.45, 74.147, 74.414, 76.586, 76.628, 76.658, 77.386, 77.455, 77.479, 78.214, 78.250, 78.285, 78.328, 78.379, 78.423, 78.444, 79.550

Autobiography, 27.26, 27.44, 28.118

Automatic Sprinklers, 50.368

Ayer, Ira, 62.448, 62.593

Aylesworth, Barton O., 71.47

Ayres, Rev. M. C., 64.756, 66.111, 68.83, 68.84, 68.347, 68.533

return to top of index

Babb, Benjamin, 4.9

Babcock, John B., 73.213, 74.841, 77.893

Babcock, Miss L. Frances, 54.592

Bacheller, Irving, 67.221, 67.227, 67.359, 67.365, 67.418, 67.435

Bacheller Bros., 23.19

Bacon, Edwin M., 35.102

Bacon, Horace C., 5.479, 5.483, 5.489

Bacon, John E., 2.514

Bacon, J. P., 77.220

Bacon, Dr. Leonard Woolsey, 77.102

Bacon, Samuel A., 38.490

Bacon, Rev. T. S., 66.133

Bagehot, Walter, 3.53

Bagley, George B., 33.324

Bagley, Mrs. George B., 39.155

Bagley, George F., 4.383

Bagshaw, William, 7.393, 7.410, 7.451, 8.28

Bagshaw & Co., 7.61

Bagster, C. B., 29.305

Bailey, A. M., 51.357

Bailey, Andrew J., 54.572

Bailey, Isaac H., 37.415, 51.574

Bailey, J. A., 71.863

Bailey, Dr. J. M., 12.461

Baillie, James B., 73.240

Baird, Henry Carey, 4.214, 6.199, 17.80, 17.311, 17.387, 18.224, 38.50, 38.84, 45.109, 45.421, 47.615, 47.654, 48.126, 48.159

Baird, Mrs. Matthew, 28.294

Baird, Prof. S. T., 10.58, 11.293, 11.425, 11.492, 12.15

Baker, 8.449

Baker, A. W., 76.443

Baker, B. F., 15.188

Baker, B. T., 5.427

Baker, E. W., 76.199, 77.360, 79.116

Baker, Edward W., 73.185

Baker, Miss Florence E., 56.791, 71.985

Baker, Frederick W., 56.884

Baker, G. E. Lloyd, 51.668

Baker, Hon. George H., 8.310

Baker, George O., 10.132, 10.147, 10.150, 11.51, 13.178

Baker, Hon. Jehu, 27.468, 27.470

Baker, Ray S., 65.10, 65.11

Balch, H. H., 12.113, 25.29

Baldwin, 26.288

Baldwin, E. C., 55.468

Baldwin, F. P., 35.244, 35.299

Baldwin, F. Spencer, 63.539

Baldwin, W. H., Jr., 56.1, 56.66, 56.215, 56.275

Baldwin, William H., 79.334

Baldwin Bros. & Co., 7.191

Baldwin Locomotive Works, 47.416

Ball, D. C., 56.122, 56.332, 65.559, 65.566, 65.686, 65.717

Ball, Spencer F., 65.525

Ballantine, H., U.S. Consul, 46.498

Ballard, F. W., 18.342, 19.133, 20.481, 21.420, 22.203, 22.228, 22.238

Ballou, O. A., 6.110, 7.434, 7.479

Baltimore Manufacturers Record, 46.171, 46.369, 56.849, 77.75

Baltimore Sun, 67.484

Bamberger, Dr. Ludwig, 26.149, 45.235, 46.327, 51.604, 60.49

Bancroft, Frederick, 73.366

Bancroft, J. C., 61.620

Bancroft, Gen. William A., 78.169, 78.683

Bankers Magazine, 55.368, 55.451, 55.561

Banks, Rev. L. A., 40.101, 40.201

Banning, Kendall, 78.205

Barbour, Alfred L., 62.624, 65.40, 69.464, 69.488, 72.792

Barbour, Miss Grace F., 77.131

Barbour, R. P., 74.449

Barclay, James W., 16.368, 17.67, 17.176

Barclay, Robert, 69.596, 74.478, 74.493

Barclay, Sir Thomas, 74.540, 74.716, 74.751, 76.184, 76.831a, 77.279, 78.89, 78.97, 78.172

Bardwell, F. N., 39.424

Baring Bros & Co, 2.6, 2.8, 2.45, 2.46, 2.53, 2.117

Barker, C. I., 5.259, 5.291, 5.299, 5.304, 5.328, 6.101, 6.284, 6.327, 6.374, 6.381, 6.440, 6.443, 6.486, 7.453, 7.473, 8.5, 8.222, 9.311, 9.332, 9.333, 10.435, 12.365, 12.672, 29.451, 30.151, 44.212, 50.534, 50.535, 50.615

Barker, Wharton, 69.763

Barlow, Mrs. Ellen Shaw, 59.659

Barlow, General F. C., 3.301, 3.312, 3.315, 3.329

Barlow, W. H., 35.196

Barnes, Henry B., 12.66

Barnett, Mrs., 29.259

Barret, Thomas T., 68.479, 68.551, 68.653, 68.715

Barrett, Col., 69.466

Barrett, E. S., 55.783, 55.811

Barrett, F. N., 20.229, 22.241, 22.488, 26.412, 39.15, 47.227, 47.274, 47.742, 50.359, 51.558, 71.707, 71.789, 76.725, 76.767, 76.830

Barrett, John, 67.854

Barrett, Miss, 65.487

Barrett, Col. Richard F., 79.378

Barrett, Thomas Towles, 69.308, 69.570, 69.646, 70.244

Barrington, Miss, 32.32

Barron, W. E., 39.262, 39.313

Barrows, Hon. J. S., 60.484, 60.494

Barrows, Mrs., 38.108

Barrows, Rev./Hon. S. J., 43.287, 62.904, 62.905

Barrows, Col. William E., 14.84, 16.207, 36.418, 37.173, 37.183, 41.81, 45.172, 55.816, 57.335

Barstow, C., 1.156

Bartels, W., 8.15

Bartelsen, Neal J., 62.417

Bartholdt, Hon. Richard, 78.234

Bartlett, Charles W., 79.168

Bartlett, Hon. S. C., 29.262

Barton, S. R., 8.188

Bass, Mrs. Rosa M., 74.9, 74.315, 74.964, 77.266, 77.762, 77.900, 77.978

Batchelder, Charles C., 71.718, 71.739

Batchelder, Frank A., 49.437

Batchelder, Gen. R. N., 55.86

Bateman, Sir Alfred E., 22.230, 22.252, 22.361, 42.483, 63.499, 63.817, 69.141, 69.324, 69.816a, 73.855, 74.193, 74.369

Bates, Edwin & Co., 23.431

Bates, Eli, 29.68

Bates, George A., 31.67

Bates, Governor, 73.479, 73.532, 73.767

Bates, J. L., 11.7

Bates, Jacob P., 45.620, 45.642

Bates, James H., 49.559

Bates, Mr., 35.496

Bates, Phineas, 34.190

Bates, W. A., 67.594

Battelle, Joseph, 45.664

Battison, William J., 74.706

Bauer, A., 79.230, 79.243

Bawden, Rev. H. H., 40.140, 41.355

Baxter, Capt. William J., 72.735

Bayard, Hon. Thomas F., 13.111, 14.147, 14.197, 16.109, 16.438, 17.225, 17.475, 18.13, 18.20, 18.53, 18.61, 18.161, 18.178, 18.184, 18.188, 18.269, 18.285, 18.288, 18.388, 18.410, 20.344, 20.385, 23.86, 23.167, 23.206, 23.210, 23.266, 23.409, 23.444, 25.82, 25.95, 25.98, 25.134, 25.135, 25.220, 25.267, 25.316, 25.323, 25.332, 25.386, 25.460, 54.524, 55.235, 55.804, 57.889

Bayles, Dr. James C., 72.604, 72.703, 73.971, 74.250, 74.292, 74.571, 74.701, 74.897, 74.951, 77.232, 77.250, 77.285, 77.658, 77.708, 77.709, 77.794, 78.277, 78.694, 78.705

Bayley, J. J., 7.404

Beach, Charles M., 22.31

Beal, Miss Mary, 77.437, 77.719, 77.968, 78.322

Beal, Prof. William, 51.59

Beale, Prof. William, 19.97, 26.479, 32.118

Bear, William C., 12.271

Bear, William E., 54.79, 54.224, 54.255, 54.356, 54.442

Beard, A. W., 12.241

Bearse, Mrs. J. C., 62.269

Beatson, J. W., 72.805, 74.286

Beaulieu, Prof. Paul Leroy, 64.176, 65.36

Beck, S. William, 62.985

Beck, William, 29.202

Beckett, C. H., 10.174, 10.185

Beckett, Prof. George F., 25.266

Bedford, R. C., 54.731

Beecher, G. B., 11.113

Beecher, Henry Ward, 2.716, 3.66

Beetem, Charles Gilbert, 77.897

Begg, Faithfull, 78.843

Beggs, R. H., 67.341

Belin, H. E., 66.11

Bell, C. Moberly, 62.473, 63.145, 63.678

Bell, Ira J., 67.36

Bell, J. W., 62.175

Bell, Moberley, 64.529, 68.959, 69.237, 69.948, 70.920

Bellamy, Edward, 33.345, 34.4

Bellamy Review, 69.511, 69.638, 69.876

Bellinger, James W., 72.799, 73.610, 73.612, 77.807

Bellows, Russell N., 70.489

Belmont, Hon. Perry, 26.302

Belo, A. H. & Co., 77.281, 77.477

Belton Journal, 57.609, 57.621

Bemis, Prof. E. W., 48.371, 48.743

Benefit Associations, 45.144

Benham, General H. W., 5.60

Benjamin, Dr. Marcus, 21.46, 63.951, 63.952, 63.954, 63.959

Bennett, Frank P., 63.180

Bennett, Henry D., 77.69, 77.118

Bennett, James Gordon, 8.411, 8.426, 8.496, 9.15, 10.238, 10.249, 11.213

Bennett, Hon. Joseph, 44.346

Bennett, Senator, 40.235

Benson, Robert, 58.39, 58.381, 58.496, 58.782, 59.220, 59.223

Bent, D. Arthur, 69.190, 69.191

Bent, S. A., 51.819

Bent, William H., 14.318, 47.348, 49.548, 49.550

Bentley, L. E., 77.818

Bernett, R. L., 67.968

Berry, George S., 28.349, 28.416, 29.346, 30.1, 30.447, 43.72, 43.84, 43.151, 45.580

Berry, M. F., 17.71

Bertram, John & Co., 11.312

Bette, Edward, Jr., 25.167

Bevier, Miss Isabel, 73.71

Bickford, Rev. F. S., 67.411

Bicknell, Alfred, 65.755

Bicknell, E. J., 8.438

Bidwell, E. C., 66.28

Bigelow, Hon. E. B., 9.148, 9.433

Bigelow, F. S., 79.437

Bigelow, Rev. Herbert S., 66.509

Bigelow, Martha L., 71.459

Bigelow, Melville M., 77.298, 79.364

Bigelow, Poultney, 13.297, 78.298, 78.304, 78.429

Biggs, D. H., 22.474, 23.17

Billings, Brevet Lieut. Col. John S., 47.218

Bingham, G. W., 56.614

Bingham, Robert, 71.543

Binsse, Henry, 63.940, 64.25

Bird, J. A. & W. & Co., 29.290

Birney, Mrs. Theodore W., 65.274

Birtwell, Charles W., 65.656, 67.669

Bishop, M. J., S. S. T., 46.33

Bishop, Rev. Horace, 55.460

Bishop, Samuel H., 77.481

Black, Chauncey F., 49.127

Black, J. H., 3.73, 3.132, 3.458

Black, William Nelson, 65.945

Blackall, C. H., 38.62

Blackburne, Rev. Foster Grey, 77.538

Blackford, Rev. L. P., 30.198, 48.17

Blackledge, Frank H., 19.493, 20.186

Blackmer, O. C., 55.229, 59.198

Blackstone, L., 22.303

Blackwell, Miss Alice Stone, 72.184, 74.708, 77.869, 77.915, 77.925, 77.926, 77.927, 78.504

Blackwell, Henry B., 64.950, 69.741, 74.960, 77.940, 77.944, 77.946, 77.949, 77.966, 78.16, 78.87, 78.235, 78.336, 78.337, 78.766, 78.809, 79.458

Blaidsdell, Samuel, Jr., 8.299

Blaidsdell, Samuel, Jr. & Co., 8.24

Blaine, Hon. James G., 2.295, 3.94, 3.104, 6.51, 8.330, 8.337, 12.164, 12.212, 32.87, 34.54, 34.277

Blair, J. C., 29.251

Blair, J. C. & Co., 51.352, 51.90, 51.552

Blair, William A., 64.486

Blake, 29.464

Blake, C. F., 108, 115

Blake, G. F. Manufacturing Steam Pump Co., 45.281, 48.320

Blake, Francis, 51.657, 57.352, 57.394, 57.525

Blake, George F., 3.477

Blake, John Aloysius, 12.423

Blake, Prof., 45.358

Blatchford, E. W., 32.394

Bleakie, Robert, 61.746

Bliss, Hon. Charles A., 40.209, 63.449, 63.671

Bliss, Hon. Cornelius N., 61.160, 61.206, 62.145

Bliss, William W., 42.378

Bliven, C. S., 48.368

Blochett, L., 15.162

Blodget, Loren, 26.313

Blodgett, Mr., 9.348

Blodgett, A. D., 8.12

Blodgett, E. F., 56.294

Bloomfield & Co., 25.140

Blue, Prof. A., 63.515, 63.809

Board of Assessors, 6.366

Board of Health of the Philippine Islands, 77.673

Board of Trade of Minnesota, 25.400

Boarding Houses, 32.120

Bodemer, J. G., 26.463

Bodfish, Rev. Joshua P., 32.319

Bodhana, Daniel J., 8.386

Bodine Roofing Co., 36.27

Bodio, 27.1

Bodio, Dr./Prof. Luigi, 57.672, 58.152, 59.184, 59.613, 69.596, 73.506, 73.535

Boedke, Rev. J. C., 74.244

Boggs, Dr., 12.67

Boies, H. M., 43.10

Boies, William J., 68.703, 68.712, 70.126, 71.266, 71.352, 74.835

Boissevain, Charles M., 27.117, 65.39, 69.596

Bok, William J., 44.248

Bolles, E. C., 6.148

Bond, George W., 26.168

Bond, Thos. C., 7.8

Bonner, Chief, 56.399

Bookwalter, John W., 66.922

Borden, Richard B., 79.302

Borden, Spencer, 64.442

Borden, Col. Thomas J., 8.362, 9.160, 9.388, 17.187, 17.348, 17.396, 17.406, 18.60, 25.246, 25.247, 43.317, 62.694

Boreman, W. I., 22.442, 35.462, 36.31

Borum, Samuel R., 50.416, 51.280

Boston & Albany Railroad, 14.120, 36.151, 50.661

Boston & Maine Railroad Co., 45.10

Boston & Philadelphia Brick Co., 39.340

Boston Advertiser, 58.600, 64.38, 64.46, 64.97, 64.635, 64.956, 65.283, 67.443, 67.786, 67.787, 67.870, 68.216, 73.594

Boston Athenaeum, 72.972

Boston Catholic Cemetery Association, 11.183

Boston, City Government, 10.306

Boston Elevated Railroad Co., 73.395, 73.586, 76.28, 77.543, 77.819

Boston Evening Transcript, 79.185

Boston Fruit Co., 74.736

Boston Globe, 28.480, 32.25, 48.150, 54.966, 58.456, 58.466, 58.487, 58.924, 58.925, 67.659

Boston Herald, 33.354, 46.94, 46.220, 46.709, 51.3, 54.66, 54.101, 54.642, 54.812, 55.241, 55.299, 55.313, 55.335, 55.348, 55.404, 55.463, 55.522, 55.649, 58.527, 58.570, 58.738, 59.78, 59.135, 59.302, 59.366, 59.711, 60.66, 60.292, 61.979, 62.460, 64.474, 65.814, 66.271, 66.316, 66.323, 66.663, 70.1, 70.566, 70.804, 71.325, 72.435, 72.436, 73.383, 73.929, 73.930, 74.120, 74.586, 76.51, 76.73, 76.133, 76.172, 76.174, 76.189a, 76.219, 76.255, 76.298, 76.363, 77.277

Boston Journal, 42.388, 56.703, 57.24, 58.922, 58.923, 59.475, 59.476, 67.608, 70.332

Boston Mailing Co., 51.656, 55.227, 58.801, 58.916, 64.634, 64.988, 66.85, 66.86, 66.235, 66.345, 66.423, 66.482, 66.658, 67.173, 77.127, 77.291

Boston Mycological Club, 77.371

Boston Plate & Window Glass Co., 52.776, 52.953

Boston Post, 42.130, 44.342, 58.767, 59.273, 59.302, 68.904

Boston Postmaster, 77.552, 77.888

Boston Society of Natural History, 56.267

Boston Transcript, 47.462, 60.830, 60.831, 60.925, 61.807, 62.67, 62.105, 62.458, 62.752, 63.646, 64.981, 65.31, 65.308, 65.437, 65.442, 65.535, 66.251, 66.450, 66.829, 67.330, 67.728, 67.828, 67.829, 73.4, 73.77, 73.559, 73.592, 73.798

Boston Traveller, 67.988, 67.989

Botsford, Charles H., 54.145, 54.163, 54.436, 54.726

Bouham, John M., 31.53

Bouland, Monsieur, 39.257

Boulden, William, Jr., 51.145

Boutelle, C. B., 29.306

Boutwell, Hon. George S., 2.262, 2.352, 3.381, 3.395, 3.400, 7.273, 62.530, 64.643, 65.301, 66.671, 67.107, 67.125, 67.413, 69.543, 69.841, 69.847, 69.900, 70.5, 70.745, 71.227, 72.345, 74.854, 77.994

Bovee, C. N., 65.67, 65.450a, 65.493

Bowditch, Charles P., 70.568, 72.988, 74.194

Bowditch, E. F., 41.481

Bowditch, Mrs. E. F., 42.159

Bowditch, Ernest W., 69.68, 72.826

Bowditch, Dr. Henry P., 16.45, 30.187, 52.954, 61.601, 73.381

Bowditch, James H., 72.337, 78.945

Bowditch, Miss Katherine T., 63.21, 63.47

Bowditch, Dr. Vincent Y., 73.149

Bowditch, William, 12.152

Bowditch, William I., 65.81, 65.863

Bowdoin College President, 43.434

Bowen, Henry C., 37.425

Bowes & Boo(?), 3.637

Bowie, James, 20.374

Bowker, R. R., 18.493, 19.84, 20.500, 21.251, 22.170, 28.62, 29.232, 32.423, 59.3, 59.769, 59.834, 59.874, 64.770, 66.671, 69.413, 69.820, 70.239, 79.233, 79.293, 79.366

Bowker, W. H., 39.32

Bowles, A. S., 29.195

Bowles, Rear-Admiral F. T., 70.626

Bowles, Samuel, 6.244, 6.250, 6.260, 32.409

Bowley, A. L., 55.9, 55.223

Bowling, R. H., 41.250

Bowman, Capt. Allen H., 55.301

Bowman, Dr. F. H., 16.93, 31.258, 63.753, 64.3, 71.59, 71.563, 71.725

Boyce, James C., 34.229

Boyd, David R., 67.621, 67.685, 67.689, 67.821, 67.968

Boyd, James T., 51.297

Boynton, A. W., 12.70, 12.111

Boynton, Rev. R. W., 62.299, 62.439

Brackett, Governor John Quincy Adams, 42.312

Bradbury, A. W., 27.381

Bradbury, Hon. J. W., 65.102

Bradbury, R. B., 52.639, 52.640

Bradford, Gamaliel, 42.137, 45.420, 52.691, 62.936, 67.602, 67.625, 71.111

Bradlee, N. J., 13.457, 14.55

Bradley, Miss Victoria, 66.71

Bradley & Co., 71.26

Bradshaw, A. M., 20.219

Bradstreet's, 17.286, 17.373, 17.375, 17.404, 22.97, 22.385, 23.143, 25.241, 25.410, 26.44, 26.51, 27.431, 27.497, 28.34, 28.138, 29.358, 30.29, 31.313, 31.358, 34.140, 34.141, 35.64, 37.78, 37.191, 37.197, 37.269, 37.416, 45.119, 52.675, 54.2, 54.264, 54.328, 57.854, 58.256, 58.432, 58.503, 58.763, 58.992, 67.82, 69.516a, 69.845, 71.600, 74.329, 74.659, 76.824, 77.458, 77.563

Bragg, E. S., 58.394

Bramhall, John T., 36.376

Branch, Oliver E., 65.197a

Brandeis, Louis D., 70.44, 79.292

Brandigee/Brandegee, E. D., 73.666, 73.668, 73.739

Brawley, Hon. William H., 44.354, 44.425, 44.476, 45.313

Braynard, E., 16.302

Brayton, H. A., 8.403, 8.407, 8.451, 8.467

Bread Loaf Inn, 45.664

Breckenridge, Hon. Clifton R., 27.190, 27.369, 27.405, 27.407, 28.28, 32.207, 32.333, 33.206, 33.478, 45.37, 45.208, 45.425, 50.201, 50.644, 50.660, 50.695, 51.186, 51.211, 51.256, 51.350, 51.410, 51.49, 51.916, 51.989, 52.19, 52.98, 52.123, 52.309, 61.949, 63.104, 63.154, 66.520, 67.968, 68.191, 68.834, 77.556

Breckenridge, Hon. W. C. P., 20.62, 20.90, 20.402, 20.443, 20.449, 20.476, 21.59, 21.160, 21.166, 21.171, 25.496, 26.21, 26.29, 26.34, 26.52, 26.63, 26.112, 26.174, 26.210, 26.242, 26.257, 26.264, 26.266, 27.3, 27.21, 29.44, 29.151, 37.468, 38.44, 40.419, 41.68, 44.133, 45.473, 50.643, 51.391, 61.412

Breed, Francis W., 34.377, 35.106, 36.257

Brewer, M. S., 51.292

Brickbuilder Publishing Co., 46.378

Bridgman, H. L., 15.199, 50.314

Briggs, 66.16

Briggs, David, 11.198

Briggs, Lucius, 22.467, 52.804

Brigham, Miss L. F., 58.123, 59.295

Brigham, Miss Sarah P., 59.485

Brigham, William E., 73.540, 73.542, 73.573

Bright, John A., 2.222, 8.101, 8.182, 8.189, 8.324, 9.268, 9.344, 9.347

Bright, Col. Richard, 66.61

Bristor, George R., 67.647

Bristow, B.H., 7.224

British Association for Advancement of Science, 16.288

British Silver and Its Costs, 61.445

British Uralite Co. Ltd., 71.61

Brock, Hon. S. G., 32.79, 32.99, 32.323, 32.337, 36.473, 37.20, 38.298, 39.246, 40.24, 40.79, 40.279, 41.13, 42.177, 43.319, 45.663, 46.26, 46.463, 48.4

Brockway, Z. R., 45.595, 45.686

Brodie, George, 10.30

Brodie, W. H., 2.71, 8.331, 8.352, 8.357

Brodwell, 3.158, 3.725

Bromley, Isaac H., 47.272

Brookline Assessors, 9.29

Brookline Chronicle, 35.160, 35.247, 35.248, 40.378, 40.387, 42.154, 48.31, 48.146, 62.884, 65.649, 65.791, 65.792, 67.539, 68.855, 70.60, 70.599, 72.815, 73.716, 74.473, 77.420, 77.464, 77.522, 77.524, 77.770, 78.346, 79.193, 79.273, 79.359, 79.411, 79.527, 79.559

Brookline Education Society, 73.375

Brookline Educational Society, 74.446

Brookline High School, 35.21

Brookline Historical Publication Society, 67.253

Brookline Public Library, 72.986

Brookline Savings Bank, 9.8, 9.10

Brookline Schools, 35.130

Brookline Selectmen, 28.165, 29.405, 33.137, 42.338, 47.125, 62.695, 68.764, 78.527

Brookline Telephone Co., 20.485

Brookline Water Commissioners, 14.273

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 74.65, 76.241

Brooks, A. W., 64.479

Brooks, C. P., 61.344, 62.508

Brooks, John G., 73.125, 73.141

Brooks, Rev. John Graham, 71.354, 74.11, 76.271, 76.291, 78.727

Brooks, Judge C., 50.22

Brooks, Mrs. J. E., 45.160

Brooks, Prof., 63.644

Brooks, Rev. John Graham, 29.261, 32.182, 35.184, 39.47, 39.70, 40.3, 43.78, 44.24, 50.481, 54.846, 54.847, 68.788, 68.789, 69.695, 69.696, 72.540

Brooks, John M., 39.297, 39.418

Brough, William, 51.947, 62.775, 66.238

Brown, A. D., 8.124

Brown, Archer, 72.586

Brown, Hon. Charles F., 50.361, 50.403

Brown, Charles S., 40.214

Brown, David, 52.898, 55.607, 55.734

Brown, Edward D., 56.570

Brown, Dr. Francis H., 55.801

Brown, Glenn, 72.510

Brown, H. R., 45.26

Brown, H. W., 59.646, 59.647, 59.654, 59.704, 59.717, 59.719, 59.767, 59.846, 60.163, 60.543, 60.609, 60.656, 60.769, 61.348, 62.31, 62.32, 62.308, 62.309, 62.318, 62.345, 62.372, 62.420, 62.422, 62.494, 62.496, 62.665, 62.666, 62.686, 62.692, 62.724, 62.793, 62.851, 62.870, 62.921, 62.937, 63.5, 63.11, 63.253, 63.453, 64.409, 64.888, 64.970

Brown, Henry W., 23.19, 68.286, 68.763, 70.366, 70.610, 71.777, 71.882, 74.698, 74.926, 74.969, 74.970, 76.42, 76.86, 76.93

Brown, Henry W. & Co., 72.710

Brown, Rev. Howard N., 21.12, 30.190, 30.202, 34.200, 34.203, 34.254, 35.118, 44.222, 51.689

Brown, J. B., 17.50, 20.28

Brown, J. C., 52.610, 52.636, 52.709, 52.744, 52.762

Brown, J. F., 62.997, 63.131

Brown, J. Stanley, 38.490

Brown, James, 1.108. 1.113, 1.119

Brown, James H., 61.912

Brown, Julius M., 11.181, 11.182

Brown, R. M., 29.270

Brown, Ronald K., 71.36

Brown, S. B. & Co., 22.61

Brown, Sylvester, 47.692

Brown, Vernon H., 15.190

Brown, W. G., 72.775

Brown, William Garrott, 72.361

Brown, W. M., 34.255, 34.288, 34.324

Brown & Sharp Msg Co., 16.331

Bruce, O. B., 47.649

Bryan, Clark W., 23.469, 31.379, 31.425, 34.246, 35.109, 35.110, 38.88, 38.247, 38.487, 40.404, 41.79, 41.294, 41.410, 42.6, 42.482, 45.181, 45.646

Bryan, Clark W. & Co., 43.376, 46.66, 46.177

Bryan, Henry L., 25.143, 25.283, 25.296, 25.326, 26.32

Bryan, Joseph, 62.270

Bryan, Hon. William J., 58.881

Bryan, W. S., 67.559

Bryant, C. B., 73.561, 73.562, 73.577, 73.578, 73.616, 73.661, 73.746, 74.113, 76.192, 76.216

Bryant, Captain Charles, 32.417, 49.290, 59.450

Bryce, Prof. James, 77.347, 78.927

Bryce, Lloyd, 33.179, 49.101, 49.113, 50.161, 56.433, 56.461, 56.484, 56.573

Buchanan, Hon. John P., 44.53

Buck, R. H., 42.467

Buckley, William A., 67.105, 67.191

Budden, W. H., 16.146

Buel, Samuel, Jr., 46.318

Buell, C. C., 27.262

Bugbee, James M., 56.662

Buhler, Henry W., 78.269

Bull, Mrs. Ole, 42.298, 52.956

Bullock, Hon./Gov. A. H., 64.684

Bullock, Prof. C. J., 78.818

Bullock, Rufus D., 11.367, 11.397

Bullough, John, 19.259

Bumstead, Prof., 43.94

Bunker, Alfred, 33.396

Burbank, Luther, 77.932, 78.171, 78.216, 78.342

Burby, Charles, 23.117

Burdick, A. M., 26.458

Burditt, 23.261

Bureau of Labor Statistics (St. Paul), 46.410

Burgess, Frank, 35.177

Burgess, W. H., 8.121

Burheim, Bauer & Co., 23.464

Burk & McFetridge, 27.388

Burke, E. A., 11.64

Burnard, Brown & Co., 8.148

Burnett, Col., 54.7

Burnett, Edgar A., 60.149

Burnett, Joseph, 46.204, 46.606, 46.610, 46.626, 51.832

Burnett, Joseph & Co., 45.58

Burnham, Austin A., 63.403, 63.416, 63.511, 63.541, 63.783, 64.206, 69.522

Burnham Choate, 9.300

Burnham, John W., 59.397, 59.748

Burnham, Williams & Co., 68.938, 71.554, 71.593, 71.609

Burns, W. R., 42.449

Burr, Thomas S., 39.355

Burrows, Edwin, 77.293, 77.395, 77.457

Burt, D. Arthur, 35.348, 71.951, 77.22

Burton, Hon. Theodore E., 77.736

Burton, Theodore M. C., 71.176, 71.235, 71.262, 71.279

Burwell, W. M., 8.26, 11.142

Bush Terminal Co., 77.141

Butler, Rev. E. R., 65.179, 65.265

Butler, F. D., 67.167

Butler, John R., 63.335, 63.510

Butler, Hon. M. C., 56.309

Butler, R. F., 52.577

Butler, William Mill, 56.807, 56.828

Butterworth, Hon. Benjamin, 25.67, 34.320, 34.358, 34.459, 35.140, 35.144, 35.240, 36.79, 36.117, 36.449, 36.484, 37.290, 38.141, 42.63, 42.221, 42.324, 42.367, 43.366, 43.367

Butterworth, John, 7.273, 9.17, 12.392

Button, William G., 70.491

Bynum, Hon. William D., 45.106, 51.14, 58.559, 58.592, 58.593

return to top of index

Cable, George W., 32.184, 33.381, 33.437, 38.123, 51.778, 51.843, 51.882, 51.927, 51.953, 52.9, 52.279, 52.314, 67.823

Cable, Mrs. George W., 57.206, 58.209

Cabot, Edward J., 39.474

Cabot, Edward T., 50.33

Cabot, Mrs. Elizabeth, 48.693

Cabot, Miss, 15.133

Cabot, Samuel, 29.311, 54.936

Caffery, Hon. Donelson, 51.641, 51.673, 51.696, 60.878, 60.947, 62.429, 62.708, 64.81, 64.555, 64.647, 64.812, 64.855, 65.347a, 65.362, 65.388, 65.428, 65.462, 65.486, 65.874, 67.192, 67.440, 67.587, 68.28, 68.170, 68.221, 68.660, 68.707, 70.29, 70.86, 74.720

Caffery, Mrs. Donelson, 65.462

Caffery, Miss Gertrude, 66.180

Caird, Sir James, 11.188, 16.257, 16.364, 28.86, 28.460, 29.366

Caldwell, John E., 52.984

Calef, Alden D., 44.340

Calhoun, John C., 13.201, 22.374, 26.46, 34.117, 69.867

Calhoun, J. Edward, 10.32

Calkoen & Loon, 8.253, 8.333

Callahan, 62.546

Callahan, J. M., 55.445

Callaway, James, 66.610, 66.780, 66.785, 68.749

Cameron, Hon. Don, 9.195

Cammon, Hon. J. G., 65.258

Campbell, Douglass, 48.227

Campbell, Mrs. Helen, 76.339, 77.747, 77.755

Campbell, W. B., 9.46

Camphausen, Edward, 35.1581

Campion, James E., 65.972

Canavan, M. J., 72.223

Cannon, LeGrand B., 18.147, 18.308, 18.337, 19.366, 38.73, 38.91, 38.191, 38.268

Cantrell, W. M., 64.53

Cantrell, Mrs. W. M., 60.48

Cantwell, J. J., 67.100

Canwell & Co., 46.180

Capehart, Dr. William R., 51.172

Carden, Rev. Joseph, 67.351, 67.376

Carey, Augustus C., 17.241

Carey, H. C., 3.92

Carlile, William Warren, 70.481, 70.630, 70.635, 70.783, 77.537

Carlisle, Hon. John G., 15.79, 32.51, 32.195, 32.330, 32.336, 33.328, 33.408, 34.21, 34.159, 34.366, 34.384, 34.436, 35.31, 35.171, 35.265, 35.312, 35.408, 35.430, 35.431, 35.445, 35.454, 35.497, 36.17, 36.33, 36.51, 36.67, 36.183, 40.437, 41.331, 44.493, 46.39, 46.548, 46.729, 47.250, 47.308, 47.340, 47.479, 47.505, 47.511, 47.606, 47.655, 48.14, 48.233, 48.272, 48.362, 50.206, 50.231, 52.139, 52.327, 52.637, 52.652, 52.742, 52.783, 54.21, 54.413, 55.58, 55.112, 55.118, 55.215, 55.543, 55.584, 55.601, 55.646, 55.716, 55.737, 56.262, 56.282, 56.293, 56.336, 56.393, 56.425, 56.472, 56.701, 56.841, 56.844, 56.855, 57.693, 58.431, 58.715, 59.43, 59.383

Carlisle, William Warrand, 63.238, 63.546, 63.576, 63.961, 64.788, 66.730

Carmack, Hon./Senator E. W., 64.809, 64.865, 66.116, 67.124, 71.750, 71.838, 71.847, 71.849, 71.870, 71.926, 71.945, 71.948, 72.19, 72.34, 72.229, 72.285, 72.335, 72.366, 72.406, 72.492, 73.254, 73.279, 74.41, 74.93, 74.108, 74.298, 74.458, 74.610, 74.629, 74.704, 74.760, 74.800, 74.807, 74.815, 77.787, 77.930, 78.85

Carman/Carmen, Prof. A. P., 72.717, 73.640

Carnegie, Andrew, 20.484, 21.57, 30.167, 32.299, 32.328, 32.354, 32.381, 33.295, 33.308, 33.473, 33.475, 35.231, 35.297, 36.347, 36.434, 38.391, 38.488, 44.218, 44.243, 45.465, 46.69, 48.25, 50.348, 50.428, 50.486, 52.92, 54.417, 56.321, 56.460, 56.524, 56.609, 56.744, 56.793, 57.103, 59.430, 59.835, 64.554, 64.571, 64.582, 64.613, 64.714, 64.767, 65.47, 65.124, 65.155, 65.220, 65.250, 65.294, 65.644, 65.646, 65.683, 65.701, 65.871, 65.918, 66.34, 66.284, 66.340, 66.444, 66.753, 67.58, 67.259, 67.478, 67.697, 69.562, 69.599, 70.532, 70.882, 70.922, 71.756, 72.112, 72.294, 72.526, 73.775, 74.348, 74.359, 74.373, 74.411, 74.539, 74.580, 74.598, 74.640, 74.774, 76.488, 77.424, 78.481, 78.484, 78.546, 78.596, 78.822, 79.296

Carpender, George N., 25.320

Carpenter, D. B., 40.122

Carpenter, Warren, 66.718

Carr, J. P., 62.273

Carret, James R., 36.189, 36.423, 36.456, 37.3, 37.170, 37.397, 37.466, 44.303, 44.303

Carrington, Earl of, 79.351

Carrington, Lord, 79.349

Carroll, Dr. H. K., 56.188, 58.399, 58.419, 58.420, 58.802, 58.852

Carruth, Charles T., 25.472

Carruth, H. S., 48.249

Carson, J. D. & Co., 10.94

Carter, 25.462, 38.140, 38.312, 38.329

Carter, Charles L., 48.405

Carter, Rev. Clark, 72.582, 72.592

Carter, E. A., 63.272

Carter, A., 72.251

Carter, George T., 54.597, 54.989

Carter, J. B., 58.446

Carter, J. Heneage, 30.486

Carter, James C., 55.144, 55.191, 55.282

Carter, James Richard, 64.918, 64.931

Carter, John W., 40.492, 46.709

Cartmell, P. M., 58.759

Carup, D. N., 35.173

Carus, Dr. Paul, 55.662, 55.714, 55.882, 74.111

Carver, Prof. T. N., 79.259

Cary, Edward, 20.141, 34.118, 50.746

Casas, William B. de las, 52.163

Case, James F., 41.450

Case, Rev. Lorenzo D., 69.462, 69.737, 70.82

Case School of Science, 21.453

Casey, James D., 69.577

Casey, Hon. Lyman R., 45.545, 46.16, 46.437

Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., 12.83

Cassidy, Patrick, 67.77

Casson, Herbert N., 70.716, 70.731, 70.793, 70.797, 70.836, 73.93, 78.133

Cate, George H., 74.985

Catechism, 26.55, 26.113

Cattell, Prof. J. McKeen, 72.130, 72.139, 72.507, 77.772

Caulthurst, Hon. John O., 74.924

Cement Age, The, 78.139

Census, 58.388, 58.772

Census of Wages & Prices, 45.418

Century Co., 13.363, 28.290, 28.375, 29.179, 29.197, 35.187, 35.442, 35.443, 35.457, 35.458, 65.613

Century, 40.320, 41.79, 42.301, 44.203, 45.35, 60.443, 67.657, 68.796, 68.797, 68.808

Cernuschi, Henri, 51.783, 56.738

Chace, Hon. Jonathan H., 4.341, 9.291, 13.35, 13.322, 13.336, 14.361, 14.466, 14.471, 15.1, 15.15, 15.49, 15.61, 15.71, 15.74, 15.86, 15.123, 16.85, 16.105, 16.476, 20.233, 21.53, 21.80, 22.255, 22.284, 22.302, 23.216, 23.278, 26.324, 26.344, 26.348, 27.353, 33.83, 33.407, 34.413, 34.422, 38.200, 48.494, 52.750, 57.319, 59.898, 60.983, 61.41, 61.136, 63.344, 68.43, 68.238, 68.241, 69.420

Chace, Simeon B., 25.246, 25.247, 50.591, 50.612

Chadbourne, P. A., 10.172, 10.177

Chadwick, David, 33.319

Chadwick, Rear Admiral F. E., 78.373, 78.432, 78.436

Chadwick, George, 78.48

Chadwick, Dr. James Read, 78.409, 78.410, 78.450, 78.895, 78.953

Chaffield, Frank, 58.890

Challenge, 69.855

Challenge Wind Mill & Feed Mill Co., 74.48

Chain Method of Interrogation, 33.222, 33.223

Chairman of Section I, 56.30

Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, 44.225, 47.167

Chairman of the Committee on Railroads, 68.361

Chairman of the Committee on Statistical Information, 79.498

Chairman of the Democratic Committee, 77.385

Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, 45.61

Chamberlain, Hon. D. H., 65.587

Chamberlain, Dr., 59.914

Chamberlain, E., 8.45, 46

Chamberlain, Eugene T., 35.492, 36.44, 36.295

Chamberlain, Donner & Co., 6.362, 7.19, 7.59, 7.132

Chamberlain, Loyed E., 77.514, 77.515, 77.516, 77.806, 77.863, 77.867, 78.82, 78.618

Chamberlain, Dr. L. T., 57.528, 60.753, 62.642, 62.659

Chamberlayne, Dr. C. F., 47.734, 63.594, 68.989, 69.105, 71.754

Chamberlin, E. M., 23.324

Chamber of Commerce, 51.615, 52.208, 58.390, 63.106, 79.250

Chambers, Cyrus, Jr., 72.789, 72.824

Champney, Miss Rena, 38.43

Chandler, 23.121

Chandler, Alfred D., 46.1, 46.32, 46.226, 46.270, 73.25

Chandler, E. H., 70.592, 77.324

Chandler, G. B., 16.80

Chandler, Hon. L., 8.4

Chandler, P. W., 14.65, 14.110

Channing, Miss Eva, 38.328

Channing, Hon. F. A., 59.27, 59.795, 59.904, 62.688, 63.570, 73.829, 74.70, 74.85, 74.91, 74.185, 76.492, 77.431, 77.475, 79.149, 79.257, 79.283, 79.310, 79.353, 79.369, 79.495

Channing, Dr. Walter, 69.728, 72.603, 74.948

Channing, Mrs. Walter, 65.128

Channing Hall Lectures, 42.296

Chapin, C. W., 6.3, 6.15, 6.17, 6.21

Chapin, H. M., 3.56

Chaplin, Rt. Hon. Henry, 52.560

Chaplin, Herman W., 51.404, 52.603, 60.347

Chaplin, Prof. Winfield Scott, 39.302, 39.323, 39.363, 39.380, 39.389, 40.170

Chapman, Charles H., 52.735

Chapman, Dr. John, 29.126

Chapman, K. D., 20.80

Chapman, Mrs. Max, 7.148

Chapman, Robert B., 22.351, 29.203, 29.354, 50.497

Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co., 7.51

Chard, Thomas S., 45.359

Chase, A. J., 42.124, 44.125

Chase, George B., 71.879

Chase, George S., 67.64

Chase, Dr. H. Lincoln, 57.32, 57.61, 57.162, 57.204

Chase, H. S., 44.385, 69.482

Chase, Harvey S., 40.11, 55.936

Chase, Simeon B., 56.61

Chase, Stephen, 65.63

Chase, T. G., 4.182

Chase, W. J., 32.402

Chase & Co. Express, 33.322, 59.33

Chase & Sanborn, 61.875, 71.493, 77.756

Chase's Express, 48.666

Chattanooga Tradesman, 51.20, 56.464, 56.538, 56.556, 56.681, 56.817, 63.114, 67.497, 67.511

Chautauquan, 39.19

Chavalier, Michael, 7.398

Cheetham, J. Taylor, 6.131

Cheney, Mrs. Adelaide Atkinson, 58.807

Cheney, Mrs. Ednah D., 48.545

Cheney, F. W., 14.18, 28.164, 34.18, 50.328, 50.353, 50.743, 52.465

Cheney, Mrs. O. A., 71.249

Cheney, William H., 73.399

Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Co., 68.622

Chester, W. R., 68.193, 69.794, 71.94, 71.850

Cheyney, W. J., 8.385, 8.394

Chicago, Merchants of, 23.380

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, 52.557

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co., 74.223

Chicago Daily News, 55.502

Chicago Inter-Ocean, 43.209, 43.290, 45.137

Chicago Press Clipping Bureau, 56.41, 56.729, 57.964

Chicago Record, 55.92, 55.102, 55.154, 55.237, 55.268, 55.337, 55.388, 55.412, 55.413, 55.557, 55.582, 55.605, 55.644, 55.653, 55.758, 58.524, 58.618, 58.796, 58.832, 58.843, 65.812, 69.52

Chicago Times Herald, 55.89

Chicago Tribune, 3.453, 3.454, 3.455, 72.966

Chickering, George H., 12.161

Chidlow, Prof. David, 66.217

Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, 63.902, 63.903

Chiefs of Agricultural Experiment Stations, 60.252

Child, Prof. F. J., 8.33

Child, Mrs. Frances J., 65.947

Child, H. L., 58.402, 58.899, 59.540

Child, Hon. Sirus, 2.224, 2.256, 2.308, 2.311, 2.323, 2.331

Childs, A. H. & Co., 3.586

Chilton, Robert S., 18.25

Chisholm, George G., 34.70, 34.219

Chittenden, Lieut. H. M., 45.302

Chittenden, Hon. S. B., 8.292, 9.107, 9.295, 16.430

Choate, Hon. C. F., 51.184

Choate, Joseph H., 54.779, 55.400

Christian Herald, 69.555

Christian Register, 43.453, 56.952

Chronicle, 15.211, 50.460, 72.616, 78.782

Chronicle Co., 50.200

Church, Prof. A. H., 42.128

Churchill, J. W., 21.301

Citizen, 67.166

Citizens of Nashville, 23.466

City Club, 77.251, 77.270, 77.439, 77.909, 78.96

City of Boston, 71.636

Claflin, H. B. & Co., 10.18, 13.160

Claflin, John, 11.231, 11.243, 11.454, 18.216, 71.788

Clark, 6.371, 6.372

Clark, A. H., 59.733, 59.752

Clark, B. Preston, 78.892

Clark, Charles D., 25.172, 25.198, 25.235, 25.292, 25.356, 25.380

Clark, Charles F., 65.342

Clark, Charles Heber, 26.325, 29.187, 64.846

Clark, E. C., 70.248

Clark, Edward E., 77.956

Clark, Edward S., 20.283

Clark, Rev. Francis E., 55.693

Clark, F. W., 73.435

Clark, Dr. G. B., 76.934, 78.724, 78.844

Clark, G. M., 79.253

Clark, George, 73.837, 73.838, 73.843

Clark, Prof. J. B., 51.895

Clark, J. C., 49.355, 49.480

Clark, J. S., 39.394

Clark, John B., 19.47

Clark, Jonathan M., 11.355

Clark, Samuel A., 72.884

Clark, W. A., 70.478

Clark, William, 56.558

Clarke, Col. Albert, 38.226, 38.274, 46.407, 46.447, 46.470, 46.481, 48.724, 49.698, 49.729, 54.432, 54.513, 57.489, 66.514, 66.538, 66.539, 67.774, 71.817, 72.929

Clarke, Christopher, 33.450

Clarke, Mrs. Edith, 38.177

Clarke, George G., 9.144

Clarke, J. W., 11.208, 65.49, 65.60, 65.71, 65.92, 65.93, 65.105, 68.867

Clarke, James W., 61.883, 61.884, 67.772, 67.805, 67.806, 67.811, 67.815

Clarke, William H., 51.472

Clay, 30.496

Clay, Thomas H., 76.731, 77.554, 77.602, 77.726, 77.975, 47.581

Clegg, Thomas, 1.182

Clegg & Knowles, 8.366

Cleland, Elizabeth J., 40.65

Clemens, Samuel L., 71.5

Clement, 18.112, 45.43, 46.599, 55.112, 55.123, 55.798

Clement, Edward H., 51.826, 60.337, 61.806, 62.104, 63.591, 63.593, 63.764, 63.918, 63.919, 64.646, 64.679, 64.680, 65.291, 65.442, 65.534, 65.535, 65.669, 65.672, 65.714, 65.719, 65.809, 65.933, 65.944, 66.29, 66.97, 66.513, 68.157, 69.89, 69.619, 69.620, 69.813, 71.248, 73.83, 73.295, 73.296, 73.699, 73.756, 73.757, 73.760, 74.6, 74.200, 74.307, 74.308, 76.112, 76.562, 76.667, 79.180, 79.184

Clement, H. E., 49.739

Clerk of the District Court, 49.727

Cleveland, 56.417, 56.687

Cleveland, Grover, 25.340, 26.296, 27.136, 27.437, 35.286, 37.463, 38.280, 40.221, 40.225, 45.278, 45.587, 47.1, 47.326, 47.362, 47.430, 47.504, 48.50, 48.64, 48.98, 48.219, 48.392, 48.432, 48.456, 48.488, 48.590, 48.744, 49.43, 49.44, 49.144, 49.286, 50.248, 51.479, 52.332, 52.538, 52.554, 52.597, 52.809, 52.829, 57.75, 60.119, 60.194

Cleveland, Mrs., 50.641

Cleveland, Rev. William N., 25.476

Click, J. W., 45.337

Clissold, H. R., 72.479

Clute, Dr. C., 60.362

Clute, Lemuel, 66.107

Coale, George G. O./O. G., 66.170, 66.171, 69.558, 72.834, 73.459

Coats, W. H., 69.667

Cobb, Albert W., 76.325, 77.90

Cobb, Henry Ives, 45.430

Cobb, Jonathan C., 59.36, 59.137

Coburn, F. D., 52.661, 55.354

Cochran, Haywood, 41.107

Cochran, John H., 8.256, 8.460

Cockburn, George J., 74.246, 74.399, 74.565, 74.567, 74.887, 74.903, 76.244, 76.248, 76.322

Cocke, Charles H., 41.451

Cockran, W. Bourke, 58.571, 58.734, 59.922

Cockrell, Hon. F. M., 50.163

Cockrill, S. R., 11.302, 12.42

Coddington, H. P., 62.522

Codman, Col. Charles, 16.224

Codman, Charles R., 5.450, 39.146, 64.740

Codman, James M., 11.435, 38.190, 65.80, 78.394

Codman, James M., Jr., 62.427, 67.159

Codman, Julian, 77.308

Codman, William C., 45.661

Codman, William C., Jr., 45.692

Coe, George S., 8.267

Coe, Henry F., 44.326

Coffin, W. E., 36.417

Coffin, W. H., 45.203, 46.591, 51.939

Coggeshall, R. C. P., 31.263, 31.418

Cohen, Charles J., 73.405

Cohen, Jacob, 14.191

Cohen, Octavius, 2.660

Colby, Gilman, 21.130

Cole, A. H., 2.546, 2.548

Cole, Mrs. Anne Frances, 66.887

Cole, Rev. S. V., 59.478

Cole, William M., 40.2

Coleman, 22.261

Coleman, Joseph G., 59.427

Coleman, William Macon, 74.581

Coles, John S., 26.187

Collar, Mr., 15.91

Collar, W. C., 11.87

Collier, Rev. H. Price, 32.259

Collier, Peter Fenelon, 51.226, 51.558

Collingwood, H. W., 35.474

Collins, Charles, 22.119

Collins, Henry, 44.304

Collins, Gen. P. A., 69.679, 69.710, 70.107, 70.169

Collins, Hon./Mayor Patrick A., 20.248, 42.102, 71.533, 71.654, 73.270, 76.568, 78.302, 78.333

Collins, W. H., 45.110

Colman, Hon. Norman J., 25.150, 26.315, 27.492

Colton, Prof. Henry E., 36.432

Coman, Miss Katharine, 38.419, 58.977, 59.260

Comery, Thomas B., 51.274, 51.58

"Comfort in the Kitchen," 57.115

Commander of Artillery Co., 8.124

Commercial Academy, 7.31

Commercial Traveller's Home Magazine, 59.931

Commercial Union, 28.455, 28.498

Commissioner of Agriculture, 45.668

Commissioner of Education, 29.390, 47.680, 48.76, 79.30, 79.80

Commissioner of Education Japan, 41.43

Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 51.185, 55.47

Commissioner of Patents, 72.788

Commissioner of Pensions, 62.153, 62.158, 73.47, 73.101, 73.133, 76.548

Commissioner of Savings Banks, 41.98, 45.404, 60.598

Commission for Investigating the Conduct of the War, 64.237

Committee on Investigation of Fire Service, 48.338

Committee on Mercantile Affairs, 20.224, 78.138

Committee on Military Affairs, 55.275

Committee on Prudential Fire Association, 23.3

Committee on Railroads, 10.39

Committee on the Shaw Monument, 38.60, 46.695, 51.156, 55.148, 58.939, 58.941

Committee on Towns, Massachusetts Legislature, 74.816

Committee to cooperate with World's Congress Auxiliary, 48.100

Communication by Wireless from Wise Town, 76.52

Comptroller of the Currency, 37.88

Comstock, William T., 35.24, 35.301

Conant, C. A., 61.918, 62.307, 66.413

Conant, Charles A., 55.749, 55.755, 55.800, 56.58, 56.664, 58.286

Conant, Charles P., 8.169

Conant, Edwin, 2.306, 2.334

Conant, John H., 27.326, 28.14, 28.22, 29.267, 29.400, 29.413, 30.56, 30.84, 35.87

Conclusion, 37.441

Condon, R. J., 77.646

Conlan, George B., 68.686

Connell, Prof. J. H., 50.304, 52.245, 67.338, 67.968

Connelly, M. A., 69.76

Conro, Miss Emma O., 45.90, 46.702, 47.457, 50.130, 50.243, 52.362, 52.396, 52.547, 52.624

Conro, Miss Laura D., 44.484

Consul-General of the U.S., Paris, 77.309

Contributors, 65.17

Converse, John H., 59.716, 71.620

Consolidated Ice Machine Co., 31.80

Constable, Howard, 60.824

Contributor's Club, 71.97

Converse, D. E., 11.380

Converse, John H., 57.494, 57.553, 57.600, 57.713, 60.217

Cook, Charles S., 67.188

Cook, Rev. George W., 40.140

Cook, J. B., 12.457

Cook, John H., 27.365

Cook, Messieurs, 22.232

Cook, Prof., 9.179

Cook, Mrs. T. D., 42.113

Cooke, Prof. Josiah P., 26.156, 26.230, 34.470, 36.155

Cooking Apparatus, 18.427, 18.434

Coolidge, 71.740

Coolidge, Francis L., 59.113

Coolidge, Harold J., 62.690

Coolidge, J. Randolph, Jr., 72.975

Coolidge, T. J., Jr., 45.160

Coolidge, T. Jefferson, 26.60, 32.282, 56.70, 63.776

Cooper, Frank J., 55.896

Cooper, James M., 4.185

Cooper, W. V., 78.928

Co-operative Lumber Co., 20.216

Corbin, Austin & Co., 25.102

Cordley & Hayes, 29.199

Corlette, Dr. Cyril E., 77.557

Cornish & Congdon, 2.294

Correspondence Schools, 63.342

Corser, F. C., 41.352

Corson, J., 29.26

Cortelyou, Hon. George B., 73.482, 73.534, 73.975, 74.946

Cossa, Prof. Luigi, 12.25

Cotton, 2.2, 2.111, 2.283, 2.472, 3.28, 3.99, 8.469, 10.167, 11.40

Cotton Address, 31.199

Cotton Exhibition, 11.147, 12.285

Cotton Planter's Journal, 62.941

Cotton, Wool & Iron, 20.446

Countess of Harwick, 67.945

Country Gentleman, 50.435, 50.483, 52.878, 57.284, 61.928, 61.929, 62.829, 62.830, 62.849, 63.324, 77.132, 77.837

County Commissioners, 55.703, 55.704

Courtenay, William A., 51.769

Courtis, W. M., 69.17, 73.36

Courtney, Leonard H., 62.122, 77.274, 77.497, 77.498

Covert, James W., 37.278, 37.475

Cowes, E. O., 44.343

Cowherd, Hon. W. S., 76.405, 76.494, 76.558, 76.649, 76.813, 76.890

Cowlam, George B., 36.152, 49.302, 49.670, 55.91, 63.726, 63.755

Cowley, Charles, 48.462, 51.208

Cowperthwaite, J. Howard, 44.470

Cox, Eckley B., 54.52

Cox, Harold, 69.416

Cox, Hon. John D., 3.714, 8.226, 9.258

Cox, Joseph L., 65.819

Cox, Hon. N. N., 67.234

Cox, Hon. Samuel S., 26.338, 27.96, 27.171, 27.334, 27.352, 27.363, 27.368

Crabbs, G. D., 78.870

Crafter, William F., 55.15

Crafts, Samuel D., 40.474

Craighead & Kintz Manufacturing Co., 29.32

Craigie, Major/Sir P. G., 63.667, 69.596, 72.707, 78.849, 79.53

Crance, M., 16.253

Crane, E. B., 52.592, 52.831

Crane, E. T., 55.664

Crane, Walworth D., 5.43, 5.57, 6.203

Crane, Gov. Winthrop M., 69.231, 69.732, 71.243

Crane, Zenas M., Jr., 17.323

Crapo, Henry H., 70.439, 70.538, 70.557

Crapo, Hon. William W., 9.79, 9.113, 9.135

Credit, 35.180

Cree, Thomas K., 68.887

Crisk, Hon. Charles F., 43.198, 43.236, 43.261, 44.108, 45.13

Crooks, James W., 67.12

Crooks, J. H. (page 753 F. & R. book), 66.815

Crosby, Everett U., 70.565, 74.145, 76.254

Crosby, W. W., 64.5, 64.254

Crosby & Gregory, 20.360, 33.346

Crosby Rolling Milling Co., 38.15

Crosier, Samuel H., 16.394

Cross, Mrs. Charles F., 79.295

Cross, David, 10.95

Cross, J. W., 28.478

Crosthwait, S. W., 67.26

Crowe, John M., 59.675

Crowley, John F., 79.443

Crozier, Charles, 9.313, 9.317

Cuba, 65.489

Cuckson, Rev. John, 74.605

Culberson, Hon. C. A., 72.194, 72.195, 72.202, 72.205

Cullom, Hon. Shelby M., 17.437

Culp, J. M., 74.353

Cultivator and Country Gentlemen, 58.215

Cummings, 14.266

Cummings, Charles A., 69.304

Cummings, John, 7.385, 9.89

Cummings, Prof., 69.932

Cumnock, A. G., 6.394, 6.410, 6.414, 6.470, 7.22, 7.25, 8.388, 10.270

Cumnock, John W., 34.357

Cunningham, F. H., 13.374

Cunningham, John, 16.121

Curie, Smith & Mackie, 42.437, 43.139

Currie, W. K., 68.109

Currier, Hon. C. A., 62.790

Curry, Rev. J. L. M., 71.384, 71.398

Curry, Hon. J. M. S., 23.137

Curson, Miss Mary R., 8.232

Curtis, C. P., Jr., 69.456

Curtis, G. P., 9.35

Curtis, Mrs. H. P., 73.129

Curtis, Miss K. A., 42.300

Curtis, Hon. W. E., 56.270

Curtis, W. M., 68.946

Cushing, Edward, 1.209, 1.218

Cushing, Grafton D., 73.764, 73.770, 74.132

Cushing, J. S., 63.897

Cushing, Marshall, 76.213, 77.205, 77.301, 77.325, 78.311, 78.625, 78.626, 78.646

Cutter, John D., 23.458

Cutting, Frederick L., 61.722

Cutting, R. L., 69.833, 69.884

Cyphers Incubator Co., 65.443

return to top of index

Dabney, Dr./Pres. Charles W., 51.56, 51.105, 51.277, 51.302, 51.817, 56.375, 62.317, 67.968, 73.692, 73.722, 74.682

Dabney, Dr. C. W., Jr., 52.297, 52.321, 52.326, 52.513, 52.943, 57.373, 57.502, 57.792, 57.848, 59.997, 60.316, 61.445, 61.560, 61.901

Dabney, Prof. R. H., 73.214, 73.319

Daggett, J. G., 29.46

Daily Advertiser, 2.178, 2.204, 3.461, 3.485, 6.278

Daily Commercial Bulletin, 16.324, 21.421, 31.477, 37.359, 37.428, 37.456, 41.143, 42.64, 45.399, 48.122, 72.79, 79.4

Daily Record, 8.445

Daily State Chronicle, 35.162

Daily Sun, Attleboro, 63.199

Daily Sun, St. John, N. B., 76.531, 76.653

Daland, Tucker, 52.78

Dale, Rev. E., 59.281

Dalla Volta, Prof. Richard, 21.285

Dallas, Yriv B., 11.383

Dalton, Charles H., 9.288

Daly, Hon. Charles P., 54.116, 57.455, 57.493, 57.496

Damrell & Upham, 46.322, 54.781, 55.721, 56.458, 59.976, 59.977, 60.339, 65.236, 66.385

Dana, 26.276

Dana, Arnold G., 69.759

Dana, Charles, 6.99, 6.213, 9.6, 9.24, 10.69, 19.9

Dana, Prof., 25.113

Dana, Richard H., 6.418

Dana, William B., 2.401, 7.272, 7.295, 7.429, 7.438, 9.52, 11.52, 11.72, 11.78, 12.91, 27.252, 71.343

Danforth, Charles F., 77.369, 77.436, 77.898, 79.156

Danforth, James H., 8.58

Danforth's Express Co., 77.180, 77.292, 77.695

"Danger Ahead," 43.377

Daniell, Clermont J., 47.696

Daniell, Miss Maria, 41.371, 42.219

Daniels, D. H., 32.486

Daniels, Leverett R., 72.784

Daniels, W. M., 55.636

Daneilson, 3.601

Danielson, J. W., 6.87, 6.328, 6.354, 6.376, 7.181, 7.493

Dannifelt, Juhlin, 8.176

Danover, G. M., 51.307

Dargan, Col. John J., 65.134, 65.223

Dart, William B., 46.595

Darwin, Horace, 59.963

Dassi, Count, 8.59, 8.61

Daval, Stephen, 7.292

Davenport, William, 54.54

Davidson, Miss L. Lois, 78.584

Davidson & Son, R. F., 11.279

Davis, C. Wood, 65.602, 65.787, 66.38, 66.143, 66.144, 69.617

Davis, F. L., 65.468

Davis, F. S., 40.7, 42.313

Davis, Hon. George E., 36.306

Davis, J. Alba, 66.30

Davis, Miss Katherine, 45.268

Davis, L. Shannon, 32.495

Davis, Dr. M. E. Yorke, 46.494

Davis, S. M., 9.435

Davis, Saul C. & Co., 3.181, 3.270

Davis, William H., 11.284, 30.291

Dawes, 5.354, 5.381, 5.386

Dawes, Miss Anna, 30.495, 35.473

Dawes, Hon. Henry L., 20.346, 21.143, 26.19, 26.122, 26.199, 26.236, 26.323, 27.450, 29.268, 29.295, 33.72, 33.113, 33.166, 33.198, 33.313, 34.310, 35.304, 35.468, 36.46, 36.54, 36.94, 36.249, 37.383, 37.423, 38.153, 38.173, 42.345, 42.370, 43.476, 45.526, 45.638, 47.484

Dawes, Senator, 46.561

Dawson, Hon. N. H. R., 28.309

Day, David T., 27.64

Day, R. L. & Co., 67.933, 67.943

De Brebrian, Louis, 9.25

De Foville, Alfred, 25.388, 32.147

De Lacroix, Louis, 57.986, 74.607

De Lagotellerie, Maurice, 71.561

De Lissa, Alfred, 36.139

De Saussure, G. R., 51.473

Deacon, C. R., 57.557

Deane, Charles P., 40.426

Deane Steam Pump Co., 40.286

Dearness, Rev. William, 66.164

Debs, Eugene V., 45.613, 45.622, 45.627

Decker, Casper G., 77.16

Dedericke, P. K., 11.143, 13.217, 13.299, 13.359, 14.1, 39.5

Degen, Henry D., 51.511

Deere, John, 66.978, 76.383

Deere, Mrs. Charles, 72.755

Deere & Co., 48.310, 51.97, 52.278, 59.213

Deerfoot Farm Co., 66.393

Deering, William, 11.81, 11.90

Deering Harvester Co., 59.191

Defects in the Mechanism of Exchange, 37.109

Delano, Oliver B., 18.440, 33.27

Delano, F. W., 5.214

De Lissa, Alfred, 64.352

Delmar, A., 2.559, 2.615

Deming, Horace E., 26.465, 46.523, 46.744, 47.155, 50.142, 51.50, 51.65, 51.96

Democrat, 61.56

Democratic Club of the City of N.Y., 43.374

Democratic Opportunity & Duty, 36.166, 36.185

Dennis, C. H., 55.77, 55.653, 55.838

Denny, C. S., 45.584

Denny, Henry G., 76.337

DeNormandie, Charles L., 66.572, 66.678

Dentir, John, 8.207

Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, 74.770

Department of Agriculture, 52.684, 58.904, 77.989, 78.312

Department of Geology, 77.528

Depew, Hon. C. F., 47.471

Depew, Chauncy M., 16.255, 25.357, 32.341, 32.404, 34.53, 37.137, 52.472, 52.950, 57.664, 59.238

Derby, E. Haskett, 3.153

Derby, Nelson L., 23.448

Derdeyn, R., 63.737, 63.738, 63.749, 67.338

Devereaux, N. E., 63.714, 63.728

Devers, Hon. Charles, 8.335

Devil's Stock, 37.217

Devney, Joseph J., 79.407

Dewey, Prof./Dr. Davis R., 27.122, 27.177, 32.149, 34.28, 47.737, 60.829, 61.794, 61.863, 61.867, 70.112, 70.113, 70.142, 73.495, 73.505, 73.863, 73.901, 74.820, 74.872

Dexter, George, 50.74, 65.206

DeWolf, Gilman F., 13.435

Dexter, George, 14.474, 19.469, 20.266, 25.246, 25.247, 25.279, 25.284, 25.370, 34.289, 34.291, 34.292, 34.354, 39.52, 52.161, 52.230, 52.239, 52.240, 56.60, 56.589

Dexter, Julius, 8.1

Dexter, Mrs. Rose L., 57.830

Deyo, Charles, 33.229

Dharmapala, The Anagarika, 74.447, 76.988, 79.520

Dickinson, Mrs. Lizzie S., 42

Dibble, A. W., 26.447

Dietary, 26.167

Dietz, William G., 58.838, 58.982

Dillon, Sidney, 6.35

Dingee, J. H., Jr., 10.250, 10.261

Dixie, 62.778, 64.491

Dixon, H. O., 8.249

Doane, Monsigneur G. H., 56.351, 62.737

Doblin, C. E., 33.443

Dobson, William, 11.310

Dobson & Barlow, 11.82, 11.176, 11.197, 11.311, 46.402

Dodge, Charles R., 62.510, 65.217

Dodge, F. W. & Co., 77.923

Dodge, Hon. J. R., 9.271, 10.224, 21.49, 26.491, 27.39, 29.392, 35.472, 36.2, 43.49, 46.15, 47.45, 47.103

Dodge, Miss M. A., 40.33, 40.72

Dodge, Col. T. A., 12.56

Dodge, Hon. William E., 6.191, 58.445, 59.894, 59.949, 62.543, 64.842

Dodsworth, 25.369

Dodsworth, J. W., 29.307, 29.312, 63.936

Dodsworth, W. A., 77.757

Dodsworth, William, 10.47, 17.109, 17.192, 17.445, 18.26, 18.344, 37.345, 37.359, 37.366, 41.142, 41.149, 41.196, 45.98, 45.277, 49.234, 49.264, 49.279, 49.288, 49.314, 49.430, 49.568, 50.631, 51.66, 51.621, 51.984, 54.637, 54.695, 54.698, 54.721, 54.773, 54.850, 54.856, 54.873, 54.916, 54.932, 54.940, 55.155, 55.200, 55.315, 55.321, 55.350, 55.378, 55.776, 55.777, 55.823, 56.314, 56.326, 56.976, 56.991, 57.192, 57.620, 57.666, 60.40, 61.74, 61.767, 61.903, 61.919, 61.920, 61.945, 62.434, 63.202, 63.454, 63.457, 63.544, 63.870, 63.881, 63.949, 68.18, 68.72, 71.404, 72.124, 72.141, 72.142

Dolbear, Prof. A. E., 59.443, 78.30

Dole, Rev. Charles F., 68.69, 71.344, 72.971, 78.441

Doliber, Mrs. Ada Ripley, 69.780

Doliber, Thomas, 52.913

Dolman, William H., 33.120

Donald, Dr. E. Winchester, 65.663, 72.637, 72.741

Donald, Mrs. E. Winchester, 76.191

Donnell, George S., 52.249

Donner, Arthur J., 52.448

Doolittle, Oscar E., 45.13

Dorrance, Samuel R., 11.392

Dorrestein, C. A., 77.160

Doubleday, Page & Co., 73.333

Dougherty, Capt. William E., 10.266

Douglas, Charles H., 77.914

Douglas, Governor, 78.703

Douglas, James, 64.193

Douglass, W. A., 64.275

Douglass, W. L., 77.278, 77.508, 77.737, 77.861, 77.872

Dow, G. F., 64.757

Dow, Mrs. Mary E., 31.332

Dowd, Jerome, 44.349, 45.297

Downey, Wallace, 77.450

Downie, William, 7.119

Downs, George M., 50.121

Dowse, William B. H., 9.279

Draper, Eben S., 62.328, 62.415, 69.935, 76.67

Draper, George, 11.474

Draper, George & Sons, 10.148, 29.63, 29.87, 29.98, 29.113, 29.174, 29.185, 29.234, 29.391, 31.239, 32.372, 57.991, 64.303

Draper, General William F., 11.314, 31.439, 31.467, 31.485, 31.492, 32.14, 32.37, 32.86, 32.177, 32.209, 38.32, 38.235, 38.253, 39.39, 39.45, 39.139, 40.46, 40.126, 48.346, 49.414, 49.616, 49.654, 50.609, 51.416, 52.206

Draper Co., 63.727

Dredge, James, 72.664, 72.728

Dreher, William C., 47.731, 49.253

Drew, Charles H., 14.359

Drew, E. B., 49.603, 71.67

Drew, G. F., 15.120

Droppers, Garrett, 67.31, 67.175

Drown, Prof. T. M., 52.427, 52.483

Dry Goods Bulletin Co., 12.269

Dry Goods Economist, 57.498

Dryden, John F., 69.975

Duane, P. J., 46.629

DuBois, Prof. W. E. B., 67.311, 67.396, 67.417, 67.498, 70.927, 71.173, 71.256, 71.300

Dudley, Dr. Charles B., 32.246

Dudley, Rev. James B., 77.350, 77.512, 77.718, 77.764

Dudley, Hon. W. W., 15.31

Duff, Sir M. E. Grant, 78.547

Dugdale, R., 11.59

Dumont, N., 11.158, 11.326, 13.41

Dunbar, B. S., 4.87, 8.240, 10.151, 13.158

Dunbar, Prof. C. F., 27.137, 29.479

Duncan, A. G., 77.856, 77.858, 77.878, 77.913

Duncan, B. Odell, 38.454, 39.24, 58.169

Duncan, Blanton, 3.708

Dunlap, J. R., 70.26, 70.36, 70.51, 70.99, 70.101, 70.122, 70.267, 70.268, 73.21

Dunlap, John A., 49.126, 49.130, 49.157, 49.232, 49.327, 49.494, 55.290, 55.291, 55.637, 55.639, 55.830, 56.34, 56.383, 56.751, 56.761, 58.7, 58.53, 58.64, 59.268, 59.296, 59.326, 59.327, 59.354, 59.392, 59.502

Dunlap, John R., 38, 47.399, 57.922, 57.979, 73.43

Dunn, James R., 39.191

Dunn, John H., 54.772

Dunne, Edmund F., 59.307

Dunscomb, J. W., 3.152

Dun's Review, 69.444

Dupee, Henry D., 63.181

Dupee, James A., 18.52

Durand, E. Dana, 70.420, 70.441, 70.597

Durant, H. W., 35.334

Dutton, 52.562

Dutton, S. T., 61.612, 61.869, 68.322, 68.465

Dwight, D. A. & Co., 2.151

Dwight, Foster, 1.129

Dye, Franklin, 58.687, 59.530, 66.576

Dyer, Captain, 78.948

return to top of index

Eagle Cotton Gin & Co., 12.340

Earle, A. S., 7.149

Earle, E. A., 9.51

Eastman, Ambrose, 30.306, 32.2, 36.425, 36.436, 39.16, 39.193, 46.550, 48.514, 49.140, 50.169, 50.280, 50.350

Eastman, Samuel G., 41.183

Easton, Frederick, 35.440

Eaton, Russell W., 74.613

Eaton, Maj. S. B., 3.424

Eaton, Cole & Burnham, 17.167

Eckels, Hon. James H., 52.586, 55.67, 55.537, 55.989, 57.238

Economic Club, 77.659

Economist, 52.860, 54.92, 54.346, 54.969, 55.279, 56.85, 57.709, 58.60, 58.247, 63.504, 63.505

Eddy, 39.452

Eddy, Charles G., 39.161, 39.252

Eddy, Mr., 48.352

Eddy, Thomas, 33.220, 35.235

Edes, Henry H., 20.241, 34.334, 76.188, 76.212

Edgar, W. C., 35.226, 35.349

Edgeworth, Prof., 72.748

Edgeworth, Prof. F. Y., 37.453, 55.996, 56.303

Edison, Thomas A., 10.77, 57.299, 66.952

Editorial, 25.397

Edmands, George F., 9.320

Edmands, Col. T. F., 60.176, 60.819

Edmonds Brothers, 50.66

Edmonds, R. H., 35.309, 35.476, 36.58, 36.84, 36.162, 36.213, 36.235, 36.241, 36.248, 36.269, 36.286, 36.289, 36.333, 36.350, 36.355, 36.382, 36.400, 36.421, 36.430, 36.445, 36.494, 37.4, 37.263, 38.174, 39.256, 39.345, 39.402, 40.203, 42.25, 43.484, 50.427, 50.504, 51.34, 51.97, 51.188, 51.645, 51.656, 51.714, 51.993, 52.1, 52.282, 52.353, 52.398, 52.715, 55.195, 55.203, 60.200, 62.350, 62.531, 62.532, 62.657, 64.965, 65.29, 65.429, 65.460, 68.547, 68.859, 70.330, 70.352, 71.132, 71.155, 71.173, 71.271, 71.276, 71.301, 71.322, 71.333, 72.127, 72.186, 72.275, 72.286, 73.603, 74.176, 74.512, 74.521, 74.533, 74.739, 74.978, 76.14, 76.35, 76.147, 76.194, 76.657, 76.672, 76.739, 76.766, 76.917, 76.946, 76.956, 76.974, 77.19, 77.73, 77.75, 77.88, 77.114, 77.170, 77.174, 77.228, 77.453, 77.784, 77.815, 78.430, 78.815, 78.830, 78.834, 78.946, 78.972, 79.19, 79.42, 79.198, 79.336, 79.342, 79.394, 79.525

Edmonds, William H., 56.506

Edmunds, Hon. George F., 61.510, 61.530

Edward VIII and others, 78.364, 78.365

Edwards, Ernest, 6.41, 6.85, 20.121, 20.183, 20.489, 21.9, 22.33, 22.143, 22.198, 22.212, 22.424, 22.494, 23.21, 23.57, 23.64, 23.126, 23.172, 23.228, 23.277, 23.293, 23.416, 23.77, 25.69, 26.417, 27.165, 27.295, 27.304, 28.71, 29.220, 31.443, 32.318, 34.105

Edwards, George Clifton, 73.847

Edwards, R. H., 33.344

Edwards, W. J., 78.981, 78.985, 78.986, 79.2, 79.21, 79.37, 79.38, 79.60, 79.62, 79.63, 79.124

Eggleston, W. G., 57.808

Egleston, Prof. Thomas, 38.432, 38.449, 38.480, 38.487, 39.10, 39.49, 39.71, 39.80, 39.93, 39.109, 39.162, 39.216, 41.439, 42.125, 42.383, 42.462, 44.52, 45.594, 45.635, 45.724, 46.559, 46.592, 46.618, 47.381, 50.282, 50.297, 51.627, 52.818, 57.288, 59.117, 59.311

Ehrich, Louis R., 66.246, 66.574, 66.671, 66.789, 67.569, 76.411, 76.525, 77.373, 78.280

Einstein, William, 59.299

Elder, Cyrus, 29.132

Eliot, President Charles W., 30.267, 30.293, 33.267, 41.382, 50.594, 51.126, 51.153, 51.164, 51.487, 51.571, 51.582, 52.337, 59.200, 59.02, 60.516, 61.871, 62.589, 62.606, 63.277, 73.679, 73.719

Ellis, Dr. George E., 29.347

Ellis, George H., 36.276

Ellis, John, 10.200

Ellis, John B., 76.925

Ellison & Co., 9.355

Ellison & Heywood, 3.196

Elliot, 5.20, 9.234, 20.496

Elliot, Charles, 16.27

Elliot, E. B., 19.286, 19.466, 22.280, 22.295, 23.38, 23.241, 23.377

Elliot & McKeener, 3.156

Elliot, B. A. & Co., 37.64

Elliott, Henry R., 47.616

Ellis, Dr. George E., 21.66

Ellison, Thomas, 56.74

Ellsworth, 22.49, 22.51, 22.67, 22.307

Ellsworth, James W., 35.8

Ellwanger, 78.600

Elmira Knitting Mills, 73.390

Elwell, F. Edwin, 58.967, 76.982

Ely, Dr., 32.119

Ely, F. W., 19.221

Ely, Hugh B., 18.443, 18.482

Ely, Prof. Richard T., 20.37, 23.287, 25.33, 25.461, 35.230

Ely, Wm., 2.318

Emery, Charles E., 14.484, 15.38

Emery, Francis F., 37.231

Emery, Frederic, 57.911, 59.314, 60.326, 65.734

Emery, H. Hubert, 13.257

Emery, Horace L., 11.219

Emery, Luson & White, 55.843

Emery, S. M., 64.285

Emery, Woodward, 55.623

Emmett, W. T., 11.92, 31.285

Emmons, Prof. S. F., 25.187, 62.917

Emory, Frederic, 58.518, 61.256, 61.268, 61.375, 62.54, 63.767, 63.843, 63.844, 63.908, 63.993, 66.867, 67.968, 68.772, 69.102, 69.233, 70.503, 70.504, 70.613, 70.614, 72.273, 72.367, 72.619, 72.695, 73.602

Endicott, 11.413, 11.442, 31.71

Endicott, Charles E., 16.136

Endicott, Henry B., 79.554

Endicott, William, 39.459

Endicott, William, Jr., 64.769

Engineering Magazine, 41.251, 47.165, 49.494, 49.691, 52.213, 52.244, 52.273, 54.58, 55.69, 55.194, 55.290, 55.291, 55.625, 55.986, 56.80, 56.525, 56.685, 56.736, 56.967, 57.439, 57.539, 57.699, 58.51, 58.64, 59.529, 60.439, 70.26, 70.36, 70.51, 70.99, 70.101, 70.122, 70.267, 70.268

Engineering News, 57.3, 57.439, 57.539, 65.526

Engineering & Mining Journal, 40.316, 45.386

English Cotton Spinning, 5.101

English Educational Commission, 74.207, 74.209, 74.211

Enquirer, 66.992

Epping, H. H., 37.394

Epping, Hauserd (?) & Co., 3.117, 3.218, 8.248

Ernst, 22.370

Ernst, C. W., 27.373, 29.44, 29.180, 34.495

Errickson, Edwin, 33.181

Estcourt, J. H., 3.719

Ester, Dana, 56.719

Estes, Charles, 13.65

Estes, Dana, 62.13, 64.868

Estell, J. H., 6.227

Evans, 10.252, 10.253

Evans, Hon. H. Clay, 62.320, 62.411, 66.751

Evans, Prof., 25.113

Evarts, Hon. William M., 3.471, 8.424, 8.433, 8.452, 8.472, 9.98

Evening Post, 51.44, 51.908, 54.117, 54.118, 54.187, 54.595, 54.632, 56.819, 57.563, 61.847, 61.876, 65.277, 66.732, 69.928, 71.973, 72.463, 72.732, 73.813, 74.836, 76.361, 76.817, 77.272, 77.740, 77.828, 77.831, 77.848, 78.175, 78.795

Everett, Dr., 46.511

Everett, Dr./Hon. William, 28.268, 32.379, 48.162, 49.510, 49.557, 51.133, 54.709, 54.811, 56.37, 56.572, 56.811, 57.546, 63.275, 63.286, 64.685, 64.882, 66.147, 67.626, 67.630, 69.934, 70.141, 70.798, 71.813, 71.841, 73.877, 74.192, 74.513, 74.541, 74.548, 74.829, 76.272, 76.502, 76.536, 77.896, 78.808

Every Evening, 57.767

Every Man his own Landlord, 45.498, 46.72

Ewen, Edward S., 22.35, 22.90

Executive Committee, 58.880, 58.881

Expenditures on Ware and Warfare, 76.717

Expenditures, U. S. A., 47.252

return to top of index

Fabyan, George F., 71.507, 72.926

Facts and Figures: The Basis of Economic Science, 76.677

Fairbanks, J. W., 50.299

Fairchild, 21.479

Fairchild, Hon. Charles S., 18.233, 18.266, 19.75, 19.101, 21.488, 22.27, 22.28, 22.339, 23.133, 23.353, 23.413, 23.487, 25.110, 25.111, 25.154, 25.170, 25.418, 25.432, 27.181, 27.281, 27.328, 27.378, 27.434, 28.74, 46.205, 47.342, 47.364, 47.390, 47.573, 47.595, 49.89, 52.949, 57.306, 61.388, 61.903, 61.945, 61.947, 70.577

Fairchild, H. J., 10.19, 10.43, 10.57, 10.78, 10.111, 12.12, 12.168, 12.282, 12.313, 12.325, 12.382, 12.408, 12.475, 14.262, 23.342, 26.272, 26.375, 46.541, 46.565, 52.210, 57.104, 64.781, 67.53, 67.162

Fairchild, L., 8.296, 9.387, 9.431

Falkner, Prof. Roland P., 59.438, 70.485

Fannin, James H., 25.174, 30.352

Fanshawe, E., 46.574

Farelley, Patrick, 66.113

Farlow, John S., 19.250, 19.272, 29.163

Farlow, Prof., 72.803

Farm, Field, and Stockman, 40.53, 41.57, 41.409

Farm & Home, 69.573

Farm Mortgage, 27.57

Farmer, The, 26.432

Farmer, George C., 15.145

Farmer, Miss Sarah J., 73.35

Farms, Homes and Mortgages, 45.119

Farnam, Prof. Henry W., 57.542, 70.93, 74.808a, 78.286

Farnsworth, T. D., 5.16

Farnam, Prof. Henry W., 58.283, 60.539, 62.837

Farnum, Oliver, 30.381, 31.231

Farquhar, A. B., 30.282, 30.361, 32.117, 33.165, 33.188, 33.239, 33.258, 33.266, 33.316, 33.365, 33.438, 34.16, 34.48, 34.89, 34.136, 34.150, 34.439, 34.440, 34.491, 35.86, 35.204, 35.475, 36.161, 36.165, 36.194, 36.272, 36.422, 38.42, 38.77, 38.86, 38.315, 41.131, 41.318, 43.301, 43.331, 44.13, 46.634, 48.285, 48.750, 49.50, 49.627, 51.732, 51.738, 51.900, 52.13, 54.472, 54.508, 54.544, 54.545, 54.547, 54.593, 54.605, 54.615, 54.657, 56.76, 56.741, 57.346, 58.89, 58.404, 58.683, 59.253, 59.348, 59.470, 59.491, 59.506, 59.510, 59.513, 59.539, 59.541, 59.549, 59.619, 59.631, 59.703, 59.721, 59.817, 59.818, 59.840, 59.919, 60.1, 60.114, 60.124, 60.170, 60.231, 60.303, 60.323, 60.328, 60.383, 60.583, 60.595, 60.630, 60.660, 60.661, 60.671, 60.729, 60.737, 60.738, 60.768, 60.777, 60.803, 60.846, 60.850, 60.867, 60.902, 60.903, 60.957, 60.982, 61.3, 61.64, 61.113, 61.115, 61.130, 61.145, 61.186, 61.221, 61.233, 61.264, 61.274, 61.320, 61.353, 61.356, 61.445, 61.462, 61.479, 61.482, 61.525, 61.604, 61.610, 61.640, 62.366, 62.456, 62.725, 62.771, 62.792, 62.946, 62.954, 63.21, 63.868, 64.410, 67.968, 71.116, 71.168, 71.190, 71.196, 71.441, 71.451, 71.486, 71.530, 1.886, 72.132, 72.333, 72.545, 72.563, 72.605, 72.726, 72.736, 72.740, 77.372, 78.598, 78.651, 78.663, 78.666, 78.758, 78.798, 78.958, 78.990, 79.56

Farquhar, Edward, 66.125, 69.385, 69.427, 72.750

Farquhar, Henry, 52.292, 52.365, 52.478, 57.268, 67.536

Farquhar, R. & J. & Co., 65.761, 65.916, 77.173, 77.428, 78.435

Farrar, Sir/Lord Thomas H., 18.264, 23.234, 23.428, 25.221, 25.451, 27.166, 27.307, 27.399, 27.403, 27.454, 28.119, 28.228, 29.256, 37.127, 49.532, 52.322, 52.467, 54.563, 54.960, 55.221, 55.564, 55.819, 58.753, 59.178, 59.358, 59.420, 59.824

Farrer, Lord, 56.695, 56.698, 56.771, 57.139, 57.786, 60.204, 60.208, 60.892, 61.17, 63.21, 63.38, 63.133, 63.475, 63.583, 63.634, 63.683, 63.823, 63.833, 64.109, 64.869, 65.145, 65.202, 65.691, 65.699, 65.710, 66.119, 66.310, 67.266

Farwell, John W., 59.13

Farwell, W. W., 2.729

Fatman & Co., 8.231, 8.280

Faulkner, H. D., 28.488

Fava, Baron, 23.49

Fava, Francis R., Jr., 46.552

Faxon, H. H., 60.686, 62.121, 62.155, 62.281, 62.490

Faxon, Dr. W. L., 25.185

Fay, Clement K., 21.109

Fay, C. N., 77.769

Fay, F. B., 11.204

Fay, Joseph S., 9.294, 48.373

Fegan, James J., 66.717

"Felicitas," 51.912

Felton, W. H., 11.199

Felton, William S., 71.755, 71.809

Fenno, Isaac & Co., 9.299, 19.231

Ferrell, Garland P., 78.40

Ferrin, A. D., 30.107

Ferris, J. T., 19.351, 19.429, 20.82, 20.106

Ferry, D. M. & Co., 20.326

Fessenden, Lizzie, 76.910

Fessenden, Hon. William O., 2.285, 2.385, 3.275

Fetter, Dr. Frank A., 71.83, 77.311, 77.312, 77.313

Fetzer, John C., 72.580, 73.28, 73.44, 73.339, 73.886, 74.225, 74.247, 74.265, 74.284, 74.501, 74.520, 74.775, 79.30a, 79.57

Field, George P., 34.67

Field, R. M., 45.414, 51.679

Field, Hon. W. A., 10.268

Fields, Mrs. Annie T., 29.492, 30.13, 40.374, 42.263, 44.321

Fifield, Mrs., 46.671

Filene, William Sons Co., 78.45

Fillebrown, C. B., 69.705, 69.816, 71.668, 73.558, 77.486

Filly, Mark R., 61.864

Filmer, John, 36.267

Financial Chronicle, 71.493

Financial & Industrial Record, 55.469

Financial Strength & Weakness, 37.30

Fink, Albert, 11.364, 11.394, 11.399, 11.401, 11.440, 11.449, 12.123

Fink, Mrs. Cary N., 66.672

Finkelnburg, Hon. G. A., 3.729

Finlen, M., 20.87

Finley, W. D., 47.117

Fire, 32.123

Fire Insurance, 10.71

Fire Marshal, 41.91

Fire and Water, 48.205

Fire and Water Engineering, 78.92

Firebaugh, W. H. & Co., 34.75, 34.211, 34.435, 44.426

Fireman's Function in the Prevention of Loss by Fire, The, 76.780

Fireproof, 73.257

First Draft of a Proposal for Starting and Inquiry Club, 42.245

Fish, C. H., 77.254, 77.521

Fish, C. W., 54.703

Fish, Frederick S., 74.232

Fish, Hon. Hamilton, 7.226, 7.279, 7.297, 7.357, 7.412, 7.465, 8.117

Fish, Stuyvesant, 23.33, 23.47, 73.983, 74.4, 74.5, 74.522, 74.770

Fishback, W. M., 22.246

Fisher, Miss Elizabeth F., 67.280, 68.368

Fisher, George J., 9.287

Fisher, Herbert, 77.103

Fisher, Irving, 45.90

Fisher, J. W., 29.1

Fishery Question, 28.230

Fiske, Andrew, 55.65, 56.426

Fiske, Mrs. F. S., 60.563

Fiske, H. A., 70.565

Fiske, Prof. John, 52.802, 69.61

Fitch, Rev. Frederick M., 65.950

Fitchburg Woolen Mills, 22.63

Fitzgerald, J. E., 19.292

Fitzgerald, Walter S., 51.58

Fitzhugh, Thornton, 34.1

Five or More Clubs, 28.64

Flather, F. A., 77.122

Fleming, W. B., 68.773

Fleming, William, 12.254

Fleming, William H., 67.380, 71.257

Flemming, James, 38.368

Fletcher, Charles, 50.521, 50.540

Fletcher, H. H., 60.453

Fletcher, Thomas, 71.308, 71.452, 71.688

Flint, Francis G., 33.54

Flitcraft, William Z., 57.843

Flood, H. C., 38.34

Flood, Dr. T. L., 21.368

Florence Machine Co., 31.290

Floyd, 25.137

Flynt Building Co., 23.79, 23.80, 39.193, 42.276

Fogg, Francis A., 34.158

Fogg, William, 22.76, 70.553

Folger, C. J., 15.121

Folsom, Mrs. Catherine A., 27.271

Folsom, Charles E., 76.631

Fontaine, Francis, 40.323, 40.391, 52.549

Food, 21.356

Food Power, 41.128

Foord, John, 47.11

Foote, Allen Ripley, 58, 78.7

Forbes, Allan, 69.296

Forbes, J. Malcolm, 50.197, 50.573, 50.596, 50.606, 50.716

Forbes, John Murray, 6.14, 9.42, 11.8, 11.410, 11.447, 13.277, 15.508, 20.15, 22.156, 29.318, 29.334, 35.326, 43.278, 46.163, 46.228, 46.274, 46.697, 47.262, 47.711, 47.712, 48.213, 48.391, 49.400, 49.504, 51.51, 51.512, 51.777, 52.352, 52.534, 55.731, 56.181, 57.895, 58.50, 58.154, 58.986, 59.580, 59.955, 60.282, 61.59, 61.91

Forbes, R. W., 7.500

Forbes, W. Cameron, 78.198

Forbes, William H., 32.406, 70.639

Forbes, W. T., 66.230

Ford, Franklin, 19.161, 19.176, 19.227, 19.255, 19.290, 19.296, 19.320, 19.322, 19.331, 19.339, 20.84, 20.138, 21.23, 21.30, 21.55, 21.63, 21.78, 22.108, 22.120, 22.413, 23.404, 23.441, 29.457

Ford, Robert E., 67.848

Ford, Worthington C., 14.321, 17.404, 20.324, 20.352, 20.480, 21.372, 21.418, 21.428, 21.444, 21.455, 21.463, 26.298, 27.2, 28.47, 28.70, 28.490, 49.38, 49.110, 49.141, 49.190, 50.219, 50.598, 50.674, 51.22, 51.72, 51.197, 51.217, 51.285, 51.394, 51.514, 51.759, 52.235, 52.517, 52.588, 54.408, 54.409, 55.199, 55.239, 55.249, 55.296, 55.441, 55.458, 55.466, 55.467, 55.472, 55.473, 55.490, 55.966, 55.978, 56.125, 56.195, 56.805, 56.862, 56.957, 57.511, 57.569, 57.661, 58.206, 58.279, 60.43, 60.720, 61.71, 61.380, 63.157, 64.70, 64.432, 64.893, 64.943, 64.977, 67.120, 67.220, 71.142, 71.855, 72.977

Fordney, Hon. J. W., 67.9

Forester, The, 77.101

Forsyth, James B., 28.319, 29.52

Fort, Homer, 3.376, 7.137

Fortune, T. Thomas, 67.577

Forum, 29.61, 29.178, 40.392, 45.543, 51.752, 56.39, 56.966, 57.11

Foss, 46.300

Foss, Eugene N., 72.49, 73.50, 76.296, 76.567

Foster, Alfred D., 74.724

Foster, Hon. Charles, 44.77, 46.379

Foster, C. H. W., 62.1, 62.16, 62.43, 62.612

Foster, Frank K., 52.69, 62.599, 65.245, 65.297

Foster, George, 65.157, 65.820, 66.585

Foster, Hon. George E., 72.610

Foster, Emory, 62.1000

Foster, John W., 9.362

Fowle, George M., 8.56, 8.71

Fowler, Hon. Charles N., 57.414, 62.984

Fowler, T. McKenzie, 78.938

Fowler, William, 15.108, 16.375, 16.463, 17.263, 18.368, 20.115, 20.458, 21.288, 21.345, 23.189, 25.216, 26.331, 26.484, 29.71, 29.215, 30.123, 31.212, 32.111, 33.7, 35.71, 36.301, 36.464, 37.125, 38.132, 39.325, 41.280, 42.184, 43.183, 45.282, 47.700, 48.264, 48.459, 48.565, 48.619, 49.85, 49.308, 49.459, 49.591, 50.283, 50.344, 50.688, 51.600, 52.125, 52.502, 52.837, 54.26, 54.555, 54.960, 55.364, 55.725, 55.802, 55.980, 56.498, 57.834, 58.385, 58.862, 58.895, 59.420, 59.458, 59.828, 60.204, 60.892, 61.487, 61.627, 61.774, 61.969, 62.132, 62.224, 62.331, 62.335, 62.713, 62.757, 63.21, 63.36, 63.133, 63.219, 63.236, 63.297, 63.298, 63.472, 63.475, 63.555, 64.120, 64.233, 65.8, 65.230, 65.691, 65.697, 66.55, 66.308, 66.310, 66.528, 67.266, 67.452, 67.710, 67.730, 67.968, 68.112, 68.249, 68.504, 68.663, 68.74, 68.892, 69.160, 69.437, 69.529, 69.733, 69.890, 70.78, 70.96, 70.231, 70.259, 70.517, 70.534, 70.667, 70.780, 70.913, 71.54, 71.336, 71.375, 71.397, 71.462, 71.551, 71.730, 71.990, 72.91, 72.154, 72.267, 72.401, 72.712, 72.874, 72.941, 73.56, 73.203, 73.248, 73.330, 73.428, 73.606, 73.674, 73.710, 73.819, 73.869, 74.29, 74.87, 74.276, 74.573, 74.786, 74.811, 74.989, 76.203, 76.475, 76.638, 76.792, 76.834, 76.881, 77.263, 77.498, 77.568, 77.849, 78.99, 78.201, 78.221, 78.388, 78.696, 78.751, 79.346

Fox, Hon. G. V., 11.105

Fox, Jabez, 16.135

Fox, James W., 20.29, 39.74, 45.392

Fox, John Pierce, 62.330

Fox, John W., 61.643

Fox, Col. W. F., 72.66

Foxwell, Prof. H. S., 43.65

Francis, James B., 39.206

Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 38.317, 38.349, 41.283, 41.341, 44.387, 44.399, 45.161

Franklin Institute, 51.828

Franklin Publishing Co., 67.309

Franklyn, Charles, 46.351

Franks, R. A., 65.464

Fraser, W. Lewis, 28.174

Frazier, Lieut. Joseph, 52.428

Frear, Dr. William H., 77.574, 78.494, 79.405

Free Workmen's Union, 71.719

Freed, W. A., 66.37

Freeman, John F., 73.917

Freeman, John R., 72.221, 73.265, 73.286, 73.393, 76.360, 77.59, 77.523

Freeman, Dr. Roland G., 77.587, 77.676

Free Silver Coinage: Why Not?, 39.88

Free Soil Reunion, 27.357

Frelinghuysen, Hon. Frederick. T., 14.420

Fremantle, Hon. Sir C. W., 46.78

French, Asa P., 78.331

French, B. F., 67.600

French, E. V., 62.451

Frewen, Morton, 19.27, 19.260, 19.353, 55.74

Frier, W. E., 33.101, 33.402

Frisbee, F. Center, 72.514

Frisby, Dyke & Co., 9.278

Frost, George, 6.390

Frost, R. S., 7.318, 7.320

Frothingham, Louis A., 74.617, 77.644

Frothingham, Rev. Paul, 69.726, 69.757, 69.991

Frye, Hon. William P., 7.334, 22.263, 69.177

Fuguay, Joseph D., 67.824

Fujinara, Hon. Tanaka, 10.117

Fuller, F. V., 60.541

Fuller, H. E., 77.45

Fuller, L. K., 69.825

Fuller, O. E., 33.491

Fuller, Hon. Robert O., 34.402

Fuller, William A., 64.102, 64.869

Fuller & Warren Co., 25.366

Fulton, A. W., 59.694, 71.31

Fulton, Rev. Dr., 44.27, 44.464

Furth, Frank J., 66.195

return to top of index

Gaffield, 46.504

Gage, Hon. Lyman J., 22.187, 22.383, 25.271, 26.161, 34.177, 34.196, 34.250, 38.194, 38.492, 39.83, 46.568, 54.786, 54.883, 54.898, 57.308, 57.785, 60.42, 60.111, 60.809, 60.990, 61.162, 61.283, 61.445, 61.462, 61.479, 61.484, 61.965, 62.38, 62.231, 62.253, 62.257, 62.258, 62.389, 62.524, 62.528, 63.968, 64.34, 64.68, 64.112, 64.145, 64.180, 64.277, 64.436, 64.464, 64.481, 64.599, 64.607, 64.721, 64.726, 64.793, 64.795, 64.860, 64.895, 64.896, 64.947, 65.158, 65.159, 65.776, 66.472, 66.640, 67.719, 68.173, 69.121, 69.158, 69.540, 69.594, 71.314, 71.367, 71.429, 71.502

Gaines, Hon. J. W., 65.927

Gairdner, Charles, 37.275

Galbraith, J., 63.662

Gallagher, William, 42.237

Gallagher, Mrs. William, 51.117

Galloway, Dr., 78.220

Gallup, W. A., 72.676, 79.118

Galveston News, 55.548, 58.150, 59.24, 62.181, 63.114

Galvin, Dr. George W., 63.338, 69.915, 73.497

Galvin, John Mitchell, 77.678

Gamay, Dr. Edward, 7.266

Gandara, Alvaro de la, 8.228, 8.344, 8.415

Ganes, Richard V., 22.269, 22.345

Gannett, Henry, 52.572, 52.873, 52.940, 63.680, 70.942, 71.958, 71.979, 79.476

Gano, John A., 31.383, 42.453, 51.118, 52.541

Gans, August E., 66.473

Garfield, Hon. James A., 2.310, 3.407, 3.613, 11.2, 11.157, 11.177, 11.180, 11.194

Gardner, Frank S., 20.38

Gardner, J. B., 52.939, 59.137

Gardner, J. F., 3.561

Gargan, T. J., 67.246

Garland, A. M., 25.38

Garo, J. A., 17.246

Garrett, Col. C. W., 12.311, 12.394, 20.56, 27.219

Garrison, Francis J., 76.695, 76.715

Garrison, William Lloyd, 65.852, 66.845, 66.904, 76.348, 76.439, 77.665

Garsed, Richard, 6.475

Gary, Hon. James A., 61.205, 61.426, 61.473, 61.799, 61.822, 61.902, 61.903, 61.944, 61.945, 61.976, 62.6

Gary, James S., 76.4

Gas, Doe, & Co., 19.224

Gaston, Hon. Athelston, 69.859

Gaston, Gov. William A., 6.304, 74.63

Gastrell, J. P. Harris, 51.983, 68.666, 71.135, 76.195

Gatewood, Surgeon J. D., 61.913, 62.8

Gatton, Capt. Douglas, 11.50

Gault, Mrs. M. B., 42.399

Gawler, Henry, 32.297

Gay, George W., 36.472

Gay, Richard L., 71.572, 72.731, 72.943, 72.944, 74.737, 77.247, 77.248, 77.452, 77.578, 77.650, 77.754, 77.863, 77.867, 77.877

Gaye, Kinazbao, 8.73, 8.127

Gayer, Hon. Edward, 8.14

Gentlemen, 72.902

Geological Department, 74.470

George, Henry, 20.96, 22.56, 22.121

George, Hon., 49.483

George, Hon. J. Z., 51.632

George, Senator, 38.54, 46.288, 46.449

German-American Button Co., 78.439

German American Insurance Co., 36.483

German Kali Works, 69.18

Getchell, Miss Emily, 55.630

Gettys, R. P., 71.895

Ghost, A. M., 55.243

Gibbon, Mrs., 30.449

Gibbs, W. W., 59.940, 59.986, 60.7, 60.38, 60.81v90

Gibbs, Dr. Wolcott, 26.172, 52.348

Gibson, R. S., 7.424

Giffen, Dr./Sir Robert, 21.145, 21.352, 29.74, 41.115, 41.360, 51.539, 54.84, 55.470, 70.812, 76.702, 77.495, 77.498

Gilbert, David B., 57.210

Gilbert, Edward H., 50.556, 62.110, 62.112, 62.113

Gilbert, William H., 23.197, 23.294, 30.226

Gilder, Richard Watson, 21.183, 21.247, 21.313, 21.327, 21.333, 21.364, 21.369, 21.469, 22.6, 22.14, 22.43, 22.85, 22.115, 22.126, 22.177, 22.180, 22.349, 22.387, 22.398, 22.423, 22.431, 23.66, 23.238, 23.312, 23.325, 23.460, 26.69, 27.124, 27.163, 29.327, 30.136, 30.146, 30.171, 30.497, 32.17, 32.35, 32.167, 32.206, 32.285, 32.322, 32.417, 32.432, 33.4, 33.17, 33.99, 33.118, 33.129, 34.19, 35.22, 35.60, 35.210, 35.441, 35.442, 35.443, 36.453, 36.492, 38.389, 39.249, 43.17, 52.584, 52.757, 52.815, 59.428, 60.605, 60.653, 62.59, 62.63, 62.95, 62.302, 62.303, 65.613, 70.187, 74.380

Giles-Puller, Mrs., 70.950

Giller, Major E. A., 28.490, 29.34

Gillespie, Mrs. E. D., 38.276

Gillett, Hon. Frederick H., 58.779

Gillette, R. S., 43.132

Gilman, Pres. Daniel C., 32.376, 38.340, 47.27, 47.116, 47.180, 48.436, 54.924, 55.163, 55.676, 56.799, 56.815, 56.857, 56.992, 62.545, 62.565, 64.393, 64.447, 67.392

Gilman, G. D., 77.514, 77.515, 77.516

Gilman, N. P., 54.973

Gilmore, James R., 31.20, 33.180, 36.363

Gilmore, Miss Laura Edmonds, 45.484

Ginn, Edward, 62.742

Ginn, Edwin, 65.354, 65.383, 74.352, 77.664

Ginn & Co., 62.960

Ginsburg, B. W., 77.649

Githens, W. H. H., 35.352

Givens, Judge M. C., 58.156, 58.157

Gladstone, Hon. William E., 9.421

Gladstone Lamp Co., 31.211, 31.223, 31.389

Glen, Francis Wayland, 64.210

Glenn, John M., 72.557, 72.591

Glenny, W. H. Sons & Co., 39.376

Glidden, H. H., 69.16

Glover & Shipley, 2.711, 7.724

Glover, S. T., 2.733

Godfrey, C. B., 58.958

Goddard, E. W., 40.474

Goddard, J. W., 2.696, 2.714, 2.725, 2.739

Goddard, M. E., 2.72

Goddard, Morrill, 51.613, 51.672, 51.725, 51.844, 51.987, 52.15, 52.100, 52.191, 52.373

Goddard, Rev. T. W., 47.642, 57.917, 57.962

Goddard Bros., 7.436, 7.466

Goddard, William, 16.400, 56.776, 59.17

Goden-Smith, 8.179

Godkin, 2.565, 2.668, 2.684, 2.699, 7.449

Gogin, Thomas, 64.386

Goskin, E. L., 51.886

Goetz, Henry A., 29.96, 29.458

Gompers, Samuel, 30.490, 31.45, 62.579, 62.597, 62.605, 62.617, 62.660, 62.751, 62.798, 66.346, 66.671

Gonner, Prof. E. C. K., 52.988

Gooch, Hon. D. W., 3.379

Good Housekeeping, 35.110, 78.57, 78.61, 78.437

Goodale, Alfred M., 39.34, 39.43, 39.103, 39.121, 56.67, 56.221, 57.359, 60.915, 61.147, 65.227, 65.480, 65.497, 65.498, 67.80, 68.423, 71.7

Goodale, Edwin, 55.402

Goodale, Prof. George L., 42.175, 47.219, 61.748, 72.684, 72.804, 72.828, 77.681

Goodall, Edwin, 55.562

Goode, Prof./Dr. G. Brown, 36.113, 38.17

Goodrich, Commander C. F., 54.900

Goodrich, Miss Henrietta I., 72.524

Goodspeed, C. E., 77.739

Goodwill, 64.914

Goodwin, Rev. C., 66.919

Goodwin, C. J., 10.1, 10.89, 10.203, 10.234, 18.81, 18.332, 19.52, 20.49, 22.45, 22.83, 22.440, 23.180, 34.31, 34.39, 34.135, 45.498, 45.506

Goodwin, Parke, 4.1, 4.15, 4.43, 4.55, 4.111, 4.124, 4.128, 4.153, 4.158, 4.163, 4.168, 4.181, 4.288, 4.301, 4.302, 4.312, 4.322, 4.329, 4.349, 4.438, 4.441, 5.36, 5.92, 5.416, 5.442, 5.486, 6.29, 6.47, 6.63, 6.83, 6.90, 6.93, 6.97, 6.106, 6.121, 6.144, 6.160, 6.228, 6.293, 6.294, 6.300, 6.314, 6.323, 6.324, 6.330, 6.332, 6.335, 6.336, 6.349, 6.353, 6.392, 6.415, 6.433, 6.434, 6.446, 6.448, 6.467, 6.488, 6.500, 7.29, 7.83, 8.183, 14.131, 14.199, 17.342, 52.946

Gookin, F. W., 67.426, 67.477

Gordell, C., 21.268

Gordon, Clarence, 15.24

Gordon, D. J., 55.746

Gordon, Rev./Dr. George A., 73.617, 76.48

Gordon, Senator/Hon. John B., 47.486, 49.488

Gordon, William C., 63.437

Gorham, Albert, 67.968

Gorham Manufacturing Co., 57.867, 59.115

Gorman, W. R., 29.418

Goschen, Hon. George J., 25.126, 27.268, 27.422, 56.708, 57.65

Goshorn, A. T., 35.273

Goss, C. P., 33.455

Gould, Dr. Benjamin A., 38.78, 38.83, 57.920

Gould, Dr. E. R. L., 47.509, 47.520, 47.666, 48.470, 61.325, 61.354

Gould, Dr. George M., 78.155

Gould, Henry A., 14.405

Gould, Jay, 9.358, 13.150

Gould, John, 19.107

Goulding, W. F., 6.444

Goumons, 8.400

Government of the United States, 40.267

Gowdy, Hon. John K., 77.660

Gowing, Richard, 20.153, 31.451, 35.236, 62.948

Grady, 13.57, 13.338

Grady, H. W., 15.40

Grainey, Mr., 67.51

Grandin, J. Livingston, 65.305, 65.356, 65.542

Grant, Charles, 71.449

Grant, E. B., 11.211

Grant, Robert, 33.76

Grant, Ulysses S., 3.730, 6.307, 7.371, 8.235, 8.270, 8.284, 8.294

Graves Miss Julia O., 42.297

Gray, E. B., 28.152

Gray, Hon. George, 47.580, 47.471, 47.580, 50.14, 50.60, 61.792

Gray, H. O., 54.108

Gray, J. P., 62.451, 77.399

Gray, Joseph P., 73.731

Gray, Louis F., 51.709

Gray, Russell, 38.128, 38.197, 38.231

Greeley, Gen. A. W., 31.293, 48.457, 55.379, 55.380

Green, J. Frederick, 78.828

Green, Dr. J. Orne, 32.191, 32.244

Green, John E., 45.566, 45.639

Green, Louis A., 66.244

Green, Mason A., 51.465

Green, Mrs. Metta A., 34.235

Green, Hon./Dr. Samuel A., 13.470, 13.497, 14.1, 14.10, 77.826

Greene, H. W., 54.984

Greene, Thomas L., 33.376

Greene, Col. William B., 3.488, 36.9, 36.195

Greene, William D. B., 35.185, 35.425

Greene, William G., 69.538

Greenhalge, Governor, 55.85, 55.141, 56.750

Greenleaf, Mrs. James E., 72.742

Greenough, William W., 17.157

Greenwood, John, 16.287

Greenwoods Co., 54.370

Gregory, 19.22, 20.380, 23.161

Gregory, George W., 29.103, 29.388, 33.93, 37.495

Greiner, T. A., 46.656

Grever, Prof. C. B., 25.77, 25.321

Gried, John A., 51.896, 51.963

Grier, James M., 32.241

Griffen, B. J., 66.126

Griffin, 68.758

Griffin, John, 61.865

Griffin, S. B., 78.894

Griffis, Claude F., 77.202

Griffis, Rev. William E., 43.155, 43.265

Griffiss, Raymond L., 77.591

Griffith, C., Assistant General Secretary, 70.845, 70.848, 70.957

Grimes, General Bryan, 8.430, 8.461

Grimes, Hon. J. W., 2.706, 3.48, 3.57

Grimké, E. St. Julien, 34.339, 35.105

Grinnell, Dr. Ashbell P., 72.408, 72.562, 72.602

Grinnell, F. W., 70.64, 70.410, 77.185, 77.943, 78.29, 78.42, 78.86, 78.316, 78.317, 78.327, 78.473

Grinnell, Frederick, 11.276, 11.324, 14.87, 16.281, 16.283, 16.300, 19.197, 23.202, 25.446, 28.206, 29.165, 71.528

Grinnell, J. S., 4.488, 42.289

Grinnell, William F., 22.415, 29.5

Grinnell Manufacturing Co., 27.318

Griscom, William Wade, 51.408

Grosvenor, William M., 4.39, 4.48, 4.67, 4.89, 4.112, 4.140, 4.143, 4.151, 4.201, 4.237, 4.239, 4.248, 21.384

Grow, A. R., 69.963

Grozier, E. A., 44.475

Grundy, William H., 30.498

Guastavino, Mr. R., 32.200, 32.455, 32.496

Guerard, Dr. Arthur P., 64.7

Guething, C. Theodore, 25.1

Guild, 6.453

Guild, Curtis, 51.794

Guild, Curtis, Jr., 33.285, 33.286, 34.418, 34.434, 34.457

Gum-Carbo Co., 77.140

Gunshaw, Robert, 15.174

Gunton, George, 45.610, 46.113

Gurney (written by H. W. Torrey), 4.77, 4.86

Gustus, J. E., 59.384

Guthridge, Jules, 67.306

Guthrie, Eugene P., 64.290

Guyot, Monsieur Yves, 64.984, 66.108, 69.596, 72.483, 73.705, 77.648, 77.777

Gwyer, 8.309

return to top of index

H, C. D., 15.184

Hadfield, R. A., 48.1, 54.352

Hadley, President, 67.394

Hadley, Prof. Arthur T., 46.178, 57.832, 66.181

Haggerty, James, 29.321

Hague, Prof. James D., 25.113, 25.153

Hague, T. O., 55.713, 55.735

Hale, Charles, 2.683

Hale, Rev./Dr. Edward Everett, 29.328, 34.374, 36.217, 37.493, 46.633, 61.856, 61.941, 62.160, 69.411, 70.35, 70.412, 70.414, 72.536, 73.33, 74.534

Hale, Hon. Eugene, 73.17

Hale, George S., 51.341

Hale, J. H., 52.264, 52.293

Hale, Miss Susan, 39.364, 39.373, 39.399

Haliburton, R. G., 57.363

Hall, Arthur P., 76.17

Hall, Prof. Asaph, 59.944

Hall, Bolton, 55.503, 69.166

Hall, Edwin H., 78.545

Hall, Edwin L., 38.196

Hall, Mrs. Edwin L., 38.38, 38.69, 38.196

Hall, Pres. G. Stanley, 47.568, 47.671, 51.708, 52.526, 52.529, 56.511

Hall, Nelson & Co., 58.112

Hall, Thomas & Son, 62.468

Hallbach, Dr. H. B., 60.420

Halliburton, A. J., 52.607

Hallocke, Charles A., 15.35

Hallowell, Col. N. P., 46.538, 67.96

Hallowell, R. P., 65.826

Halsted, B. D., 12.141

Ham, E., 51.563

Hamilton, Prof. C. J., 77.168

Hamilton, Dr. J. Lawrence, 57.397, 57.645, 57.715, 57.753, 57.909

Hamlin, Hon. Charles S., 43.440, 45.666, 46.176, 46.248, 46.406, 46.727, 47.428, 48.355, 48.422, 48.478, 48.524, 48.550, 48.634, 48.675, 48.689, 48.749, 49.15, 49.41, 49.69, 49.99, 49.146, 49.147, 49.285, 49.324, 49.403, 49.535, 49.597, 49.657, 49.694, 50.146, 50.153, 50.230, 50.398, 50.408, 50.419, 50.735, 51.26, 51.27, 51.125, 54.134, 54.137, 54.218, 54.706, 54.799, 54.837, 54.908, 54.911, 54.920, 54.957, 55.54, 55.185, 55.186, 55.269, 55.393, 55.397, 55.399, 55.433, 55.444, 55.481, 55.496, 55.508, 55.512, 55.532, 55.608, 55.610, 55.645, 55.648, 55.660, 55.661, 55.670, 55.709, 55.729, 55.821, 55.866, 55.888, 55.917, 55.931, 55.939, 55.965, 55.994, 56.18, 56.29, 56.31, 56.44, 56.98, 56.115, 56.148, 56.171, 56.193, 56.200, 56.206, 56.208, 56.252, 56.442, 56.468, 56.502, 56.503, 56.625, 56.829, 57.94, 57.114, 57.173, 57.453, 57.725, 57.900, 58.2, 58.93, 58.107, 58.155, 58.195, 58.430, 58.447, 58.459, 58.691, 58.896, 60.178, 60.216, 60.259, 60.280, 60.418, 60.429, 60.486, 61.49, 61.50, 63.280, 65.531, 67.429, 72.44, 72.480, 76.500, 77.505, 77.564, 78.289, 78.290, 78.343

Hamlin, E. S. & Co., 57.497

Hamlin, N. P., 26.321

Hamlin, Miss Sarah D., 51.593

Hamlin, William G., 11.78

Hammond, 32.414

Hammond, Genl., 3.230

Hammond, Col. Harry, 11.385, 11.404, 60.571, 67.198, 76.379, 76.449, 76.541, 76.619

Hammond, J. H., 10.263

Hammond, J. S., 77.245, 77.252, 77.440, 77.745, 77.839, 77.874

Hammond, Noah, 28.487

Hammond, Dr. William A., 3.311

Hampton, Charles S., 67.692, 67.693, 70.593

Hancock, Hon. Lewis, 48.396

Hanford, G. B., 26.169

Hanks, Charles S., 12.146

Hanley, Charles A., 69.577

Hanna, H. H., 59.667, 61.537, 63.303

Hanna, W. W., 77.99

Hanson, Mr., 47.159

Hanson, S. A., 50.494

Harbor & Land Commissioners, 54.9

Harcourt, Prof. A. Vernon, 52.295, 52.318, 73.970, 74.268, 74.417

Hardenbrook, W. Ten Eyck, 79.241

Harderman, Thomas, 11.417

Hardie, Robert G., 63.818

Hardy, A. H., 34.416

Harlin, James S., 76.795

Harlow, Abner, 70.385, 70.389, 70.437

Harper & Bros., 10.53, 10.61, 60.918, 60.926

Harper, William R., 43.226, 45.340

Harper's Weekly, 51.379, 55.493, 55.499, 58.788, 59.750, 60.376

Harriman, O., 13.399

Harrington, Walter L., 67.756

Harris, E. P., 25.328, 27.279, 60.884, 62.162

Harris, Edward, 4.52

Harris, F. A., 25.273

Harris, F. H., 2.80

Harris, Prof. George, 61.659

Harris, H., 6.479

Harris, W., 5.349

Harris, W. G., 71.717

Harris, W. H., 63.278

Harris, W. T., 71.170

Harris, William A., 34.208

Harris, Hon. William G., 57.943

Harris, Hon. William T., 48.158, 48.182, 56.561, 56.607

Harris & Vermillion, 50.155

Harrison, President Benjamin, 29.313

Harrison, F. E., 9.214

Harrison, James P., 58.87, 58.325

Harrison, Randolph, 19.363

Hart, Prof. Albert/Alfred Bushnell, 67.745, 71.179, 71.189, 77.322, 77.397, 77.433

Hart, Mayor Thomas Norton, 29.45, 29.156, 29.158, 32.139, 32.428, 33.34, 33.42, 33.139, 33.256, 69.946

Harte, Bret, 11.216

Harter, Hon. Michael D., 21.492, 22.249, 22.329, 23.103, 25.430, 38.64, 38.110, 38.149, 38.237, 38.271, 38.301, 40.233, 41.342, 41.491, 42.265, 42.268, 42.285, 42.335, 43.42, 43.120, 43.185, 43.286, 43.355, 43.382, 43.395, 43.479, 44.3, 44.281, 44.332, 44.398, 45.70, 45.122, 45.331, 45.397, 45.405, 45.432, 45.557, 45.603, 45.611, 45.625, 45.737, 46.65, 46.179, 46.262, 46.297, 46.353, 46.458, 46.682, 47.138, 47.205, 47.270, 48.111, 49.453, 50.473, 51.76, 51.90, 51.120, 51.140, 51.688, 51.913, 51.960, 52.10, 52.463, 54.20, 54.433

Hartford Scientific Society, 59.52

Hartwell, Gen. Alfred S., 65.133

Hartwell, Edward Mussey, 51.728

Harvard Law Review, 64.917

Haskell, Judge A. C., 30.256, 30.309, 56.410, 61.187, 77.685

Haskell, Edwin B., 62.867, 77.697

Haskell, E. H., 10.153

Haskell, Captain H. L., 40.35

Haskell, L. C., 3.529, 3.569

Hassam, John T., 36.481, 45.9, 45.31, 47.518

Hastings, F. H., 40.173

Hastings, Hugh, 76.26

Hatch, Capt. E. E., 67.305

Hatch, Mrs. H. M., 22.453

Hatch, Keener & Clute, 77.169

Hattens, Hon. W. H., 78.19

Haunson, John T., 46.219

Havemeyer, Theodore A., 39.110, 41.472, 42.448, 45.578, 46.8, 51.486, 55.720, 56.455, 56.485

Haverhill Gazette, 13.347

Havermeyer, Theodore J., 38.294

Hawley, Governor, 9.118, 9.168

Hawley, Joseph P., 56.688

Hawley, Hon. Joseph R., 7.307, 56.757, 56.766, 66.128

Hay, Hon. John, 66.9

Hay, W. M., 79.374

Hayden, H. R., 57.250

Hayden, Lewis, 9.373

Hayes, C. H., 72.963

Hayes, Hon. E. B., Mayor, 46.745

Hayes, George Co., 72.568

Hayes, John L., 13.11, 13.69, 13.120, 21.47

Hayes, William A., 63.54

Haygood, President, 16.348, 16.359

Haynes, John, 50.211

Hayward, E. H., 26.142

Hayward, Miss Emily, 23.372

Hazard, Rowland G., 13.12, 14.364, 18.195, 18.262, 26.22, 26.102, 49.637, 54.907, 58.77, 76.130

Head, Charles D., 5.244, 20.304

Head, Franklin H., 52.39

Head, R. C., 72.493

Healey, John, 79.402

Heath, A. H., 26.456

Heath, Charles H., 3.267, 5.361, 13.44, 29.116, 45.157 51.124, 59.335, 59.468, 59.542, 59.568, 59.606, 59.702, 59.749, 59.755, 59.847, 59.848, 59.884, 61.857, 61.898, 63.162, 64.255, 64.338, 67.375, 72.836, 74.252, 74.454, 74.466, 77.17, 77.47, 77.128, 77.137, 77.142, 77.143, 77.151, 77.153, 77.409, 77.410, 77.443, 77.463, 77.487, 77.491, 77.535, 77.763, 77.782, 77.795, 77.842, 77.876, 77.895

Heath, D. C., 65.930, 74.297, 77.759

Heath, Miss Eadith de C., 77.271, 77.299, 77.300, 77.630, 78.224

Heath, G., 20.210

Heath, George M., 77.633

Heath, Guy D., 77.765

Heath, Jefferson T., 72.497

Heath, Reginald C., 77.121, 77.159, 77.394, 77.907

Heath, William, 4.420, 5.176, 5.228, 8.111, 8.137, 8.156, 12.170

Heath, William & Co., 3.502, 3.508, 3.519, 3.521

Heinsheimer, Norbert, 48.271

Heliotype Printing Co., 15.240

Helm, Elijah, 57.680, 64.87, 70.482, 71.714

Helm, Mrs. M. Ellen, 78.157

Helms, Rev. E. J., 77.817

Hemenway, Alfred, 62.368

Hemphill, I. C., 30.177

Henderson, C. A., 7.415, 9.353, 58.198

Henderson, C. C., 69.490

Henderson, J. A., 37.293, 37.371

Henderson, John Y., 78.843

Henley, J. P., 3.727

Henry, Alfred J., 58.470

Henry, Robert L., 40.48

Henry, Prof. W. A., 64.311

Hentz, Henry, 57.659, 57.723, 58.8, 58.100, 65.522

Hentz, H. & Co., 8.318

Hepburn, 56.253

Hepburn, Hon. A. B., 74.163

Hepburn, Hon. William P., 73.210

Hepworth, George H., 57.883, 58.115, 58.182

Herald, 18.422, 22.478, 23.251, 23.405, 26.386, 26.409, 26.420, 26.422, 29.23, 32.109, 38.213, 38.254, 42.31, 46.709, 47.433, 47.661, 48.725, 49.388, 49.610, 50.600, 52.391, 52.667, 57.377, 77.338, 77.339, 77.358, 77.400, 77.413, 77.674, 77.722, 77.730, 77.751, 78.119, 78.529, 79.424, 79.425

Herbert, Hon. Hilary A., 46.185, 46.215, 48.508, 48.633, 52.716, 52.814, 55.373, 55.484

Herman, Raphael, 50.888

Herrmann, Gustave, 8.421

Herschel, Lord, 62.137, 63.916

Herschel, Winslow H., 69.588

Hersh, Nelson, 70.303

Hetherington, John B., 16.388

Hewins, W. A. S., 55.954

Hewitt, Hon. Abram S., 7.381, 7.471, 8.283, 9.88, 9.154, 9.159, 9.207, 9.328, 9.346, 9.354, 9.394, 9.405, 9.409, 9.432, 13.259, 13.436, 13.452, 14.27, 14.94, 14.423, 14.436, 15.421, 17.215, 20.467, 21.26, 22.55, 36.89, 36.105, 36.135, 36.149, 36.214, 36.237, 36.270, 39.278, 43.13, 52.28, 52.203, 52.204, 52.214, 56.874, 56.894, 56.929, 57.457

Heywood, E. H., 3.641

Hicks, Frederick C., 79.441, 79.478

Higgins, Martin P., 70.470, 70.644, 70.704

Higgins, William & Son, 6.224, 6.311

Higginson, Col. Henry L., 14.127, 14.146, 34.261, 36.99, 39.190, 46.107, 46.315, 49.394, 50.362, 56.133, 57.508, 64.731, 73.514, 73.526

Higginson, Col. T. Wentworth, 57.491, 67.19

Higgs, Henry, 55.312, 56.655, 58.388, 62.452

Higham, Rev. J. B., 57.174, 61.644

Highland, J. H., 52.658

Hill, Charles S., 15.13, 26.300, 30.193, 31.57

Hill, Hamilton A., 19.395

Hill, Hawthorne, 46.615, 52.222

Hill, J. J., 70.868

Hill, Jerome, 55.970, 56.84, 60.510, 60.683, 60.756, 60.865, 62.274, 77.100, 77.657

Hill, John, 8.199, 8.220, 33.61, 55.853

Hill, Rev. Johnson W., 71.984

Hill, Hon. Joshua, 13.501

Hill, Samuel, 52.824

Hills, 20.242

Hills, Henry A., 40.425

Hills, Henry H., 29.58

Hills, J. L., 52.274

Hills, Thomas, 29.189, 29.200, 35.200

Hills, Turner & Co., 45.148

Hilton, R. M., 46.59

Hind, Hon. Charles, 6.316

Hine, C. C., 19.446, 20.394, 21.229, 26.283, 26.311, 26.328, 26.346, 26.356, 29.17, 29.395, 41.92, 46.738, 48.520, 52.148

Hine, C. C. & Son, 76.109

Hineman, Jason, 29.249

Hines, Henry L., 61.174, 64.762

Hinkel, Frank Whitehill, 51.62

Hinman, Charles W., 47.16, 47.92, 47.94

Hinshaw, G. W., 61.370

Hiscock, Hon. Frank, 20.328, 20.337, 20.381

Hiss, George B., 73.461, 73.504, 73.537

Hitchcock, D. B., 44.506

Hitchcock, Ethan A., 71.153

Hitchcock, Henry, 3.209, 3.216, 3.257, 3.268, 3.290, 3.296, 3.298, 3.307, 3.533, 3.573, 5.192, 5.200, 5.204, 5.206, 5.208, 5.277, 5.279, 5.282, 5.288, 5.322, 5.365, 7.2, 17.200

Hitchcock, Lubke, & Player, 5.148, 5.162, 5.166, 5.168, 5.169, 5.180, 5.184, 5.185, 5.211, 5.217, 5.224, 5.237, 5.248, 5.273, 5.274, 5.280, 5.285, 5.293, 5.294, 5.313, 5.315, 5.320, 5.326, 5.328, 5.344, 5.352, 5.353, 5.359, 5.449, 5.451, 5.465

Hitchcock, Ripley, 49.456, 49.542, 49.630, 51.397, 51.409

Hitchcock, Romyn, 50.677

Hitt, R. R., 11.428

Hittell, John S., 58.11

Hoar, E. R., 5.388, 6.26, 6.158

Hoar, Hon./Senator George F., 9.259, 21.143, 30.428, 37.201, 42.360, 43.29, 49.420, 49.442, 49.743, 50.277, 50.321, 51.847, 55.943, 56.688, 59.362, 59.386, 59.695, 59.808, 60.226, 60.278, 60.353, 60.556, 60.624, 61.529, 61.577, 61.895, 62.149, 62.190, 62.201, 62.213, 62.241, 62.796, 63.567, 63.827, 63.853, 63.858, 63.933, 64.351, 64.517, 64.528, 64.532, 64.539, 64.546, 64.617, 64.625, 64.636, 64.748, 64.790, 64.813, 64.832, 64.883, 64.953, 64.967, 64.968, 64.972, 64.980, 64.990, 65.59, 65.99, 65.131, 65.306, 65.335, 65.368, 65.579, 65.580, 65.914, 66.305, 67.430, 67.436, 67.462, 67.503, 67.533, 67.562, 67.858, 67.919, 67.923, 68.33, 68.87, 68.129, 68.176, 68.220, 68.438, 68.439, 68.467, 68.484, 68.850, 68.865, 69.31, 69.92, 69.109, 69.154, 69.155, 69.180, 69.185, 69.647, 69.659, 69.746, 69.750, 69.904, 69.938, 69.951, 69.956, 69.965, 69.979, 69.986, 70.6, 70.12, 70.106, 70.131, 70.197, 70.574, 70.584, 70.656, 70.657, 70.690, 70.747, 70.808, 71.2, 71.117, 71.503, 71.512, 71.515, 71.526, 71.539, 71.630, 71.854, 72.50, 72.110, 72.206, 72.232, 72.300, 72.324, 72.356, 72.445, 72.720, 72.745, 73.66, 73.74, 73.138, 73.198, 74.327, 74.528, 74.663

Hoar, Samuel, 50.681, 50.698, 50.718, 50.731, 50.740, 68.295, 68.312, 68.373, 68.375

Hoar, Hon. Sherman, 36.357, 36.370, 43.487, 45.29, 45.75, 45.100, 45.178, 45.240, 45.364

Hoard, D. Blakeley, 60.602, 60.770

Hobart, 31.133

Hobbs, William, 8.414

Hobson, Prof. John A., 73.976

Hodge, William L., 44.424

Hodges, N. D. C., 52.902

Hoes, Chaplain R. R., 66.827

Hoeveler, Mother Ottelia, 65.349

Hoffman, Mrs. H. C., 29.177

Hogg, Alexander, 41.161, 48.445, 52.494, 63.126, 69.170, 69.962

Hogg, Hon. James S., 58.713, 77.529, 77.580, 77.594a, 77.841

Hoglund, Otto M., 28.16

Holbrook, Francis W., 23.351, 23.418, 25.12

Holbrook, G. D., 78.359

Holcomb, Governor, 54.994, 55.88

Holden, George B., 72.58

Holden, George Pickup, 74.726

Holdredge, Mrs. Annie M., 67.493

Holland, Mrs. Harriet N., 34.323

Holland, W. H., 52.939

Hollingsworth, A. L., 78.359

Hollis, Edward F., 77.773

Hollis, Henry F., 72.304

Holloway, Rev. E. S., 30.11

Holman, S., 72.970

Holmes, 33.178

Holmes, George F., 35.225

Holmes, George K., 49.712, 49.721, 51.474, 51.504, 51.554, 51.564, 52.188, 52.250, 52.590, 52.599, 52.632, 52.888, 52.976, 55.222, 70.688, 70.967, 77.466

Holmes, John H., 35.101, 36.404, 36.415, 37.229, 37.351, 38.253, 39.42, 41.394, 41.493, 42.107, 44.35, 44.246, 44.413, 44.448, 45.402, 45.437, 45.449, 45.540, 45.707, 46.116, 46.175, 46.575, 47.477, 48.121, 49.57, 49.107, 49.172, 49.315, 49.326, 49.577, 50.41, 50.145, 50.158, 50.167, 50.400, 50.581, 50.600, 51.426, 51.446, 51.456, 51.457, 51.543, 51.671, 51.740, 51.863, 54.448, 54.580, 54.812, 58.823, 58.903, 58.935, 59.31, 59.53, 59.105, 59.185, 59.280, 59.767, 59.856, 60.65, 60.66, 60.334, 60.398, 60.448, 61.226, 61.227, 61.275, 61.445, 61.462, 61.479, 61.480, 61.859, 61.860, 61.990, 62.668, 62.928, 63.39, 63.57, 63.58, 63.970, 63.971, 64.610, 66.272, 66.297, 66.323, 66.479, 66.661, 66.693, 66.694, 66.750, 66.794, 67.184, 69.333, 71.324, 76.50, 76.613, 76.843, 77.241, 77.314, 77.315, 77.972

Holmes, William H., 40.258

Holt, Byron W., 61.948, 62.221, 76.377, 76.937, 76.980, 78.22, 78.39

Holt, Hamilton, 66.292

Holt, Leo W., 1.153, 1.154, 1.179

Holton, E. D., 8.269

Holyoke Evening Telegram, 77.46

Homans, Dr. John, 55.747, 73.208

Homans, Miss, 31.271

Homans, Sheppard, 34.263

Home & Farm, 29.170, 52.793, 54.5, 61.522

Home Culture Club, 55.841

Home Magazine, 60.262

Honey, 3.266

Hooper, Edward W., 50.362

Hooper, Franklin W., 58.202

Hooper, J. T., 35.275

Hooper, Saul, 2.209, 2.261

Hooper, William E. & Sons, 18.113, 33.149

Hopkins, C. A., 30.429, 31.262, 31.376, 31.405, 57.370

Hopkins, Ernest Martin, 77.236, 77.284

Hopkins, George B., 51.570

Hopkins, J. Castell, 64.771

Hopkins, J. L., 58.690

Hopkins, Louisa Parsons, 41.49

Hopkins, S. C., 46.12

Horsfall, John C., 56.617

Horton, 18.130

Horton, T. E., 56.40, 56.68

Hoswell, Miss Charlotte R., 28.52

Hotchkiss, Henry, 15.241

Hotchkiss, Jed, 11.87

Hotchkiss, Samuel, 29.196

Hotel Auditorium Annex, 77.405

Houghton, George C., 62.573

Houghton, H. O., 46.117, 76.983

Houghton, H. O. & Co., 77.32, 77.49, 77.50, 77.91

Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 60.379, 61.36, 61.151, 62.537, 62.684, 76.592a, 76.676, 76.684, 77.31, 77.72, 77.105, 77.139, 77.149, 77.152, 77.216, 77.217, 77.629, 77.703, 77.741

Houston Cotton Exchange, 64.939

Hovey, E. C., 43.483, 45.11, 48.144, 48.237, 63.229

Hovey, George, 1.729

Hovey, George O., 51.463

Hovey, H. S., 9.50

Hovey, Miss Marion, 10.210, 21.447, 39.244, 41.411

Hovey Trustees, 77.139a

How to burn a hospital, 73.135

How to make money plenty in Iowa, 48.113

How, Jared, 58.309, 58.718

How, R. & Co., 39.21

Howard, Charles H., 40.16

Howard, L. O., 68.636, 68.690, 68.843, 68.844, 72.74, 72.169, 74.437, 74.503, 77.653

Howard, Major General, 2.594

Howe, Archibald M., 66.8, 66.9

Howe, C. H., 11.156

Howe, Frederic C., 51.977

Howe, George C., 26.379

Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, 43.276, 43.338, 50.575, 52.270

Howe, Marshall O., 54.306

Howe, Samuel, 28.292, 34.231

Howe National Bakery, 20.131, 20.156

Howell, Clark, 68.369

Howell, Major/Mayor Evan P., 27.138, 40.367, 77.113

Howell, W. B., 65.140, 65.269, 65.358

Howells, W. D., 73.290

Howes, Osborne, 26.395, 52.113, 52.252, 56.656, 57.7, 58.728, 58.729, 58.852, 59.33, 60.102, 61.531, 62.403, 63.124, 63.907, 64.22, 64.157, 64.335, 64.403, 64.609, 71.263, 71.291, 76.630, 76.750, 76.765, 76.787, 77.188, 77.230, 78.158, 78.362

Howes, Osborne, Jr., 41.83, 43.350, 45.732, 46.338, 46.483, 46.502, 46.583, 47.357, 47.386, 48.28, 49.153, 50.45, 50.449, 51.84, 51.252, 51.535, 51.708, 51.904

Howland, Charles H., 39.150

Howland, R. S., 36.308, 36.444, 37.282

Hoy, Hon. John, 77.467

Hoyt, Col. A. H., 70.377

Hoyt, Hon. John W., 45.182

Hubbard, Charles W., 46.217

Hubbard, Elbert, 69.829, 69.869

Hubbard, Gardiner G., 5.392

Hubbert, George, 55.152

Huber, Prof. F. R., 61.951

Hudson, Edmund, 33.342, 37.190, 37.247, 37.289, 37.407, 37.419

Hudson, M. R., 34.425

Hughes, C. C., 69.711

Hughes, D. G., 8.341

Hughes, Mrs. Sarah Forbes, 67.553, 74.54

Hughes, W. H., 78.777, 78.781

Hughes, Mrs. W. H., 65.276, 76.673

Hughes, W. Hastings, 11.453

Hulbert, Alderman, 5.295

Hulbert, G. H., 19.124, 19.171

Hull, George H., 69.212

Hunnicutt, J. W., 3.22

Hunt, B. W., 74.996, 76.286

Hunt, Prof. T. Sterry, 10.211, 17.237

Hunt, William P., 35.298

Hunter, S. V. A., 38.395

Huntington, C. P., 10.231, 11.84, 12.64, 12.344, 12.346, 12.379, 15.100, 23.61

Huntington, E. H. M., 12.19

Huntington, H., 1.68, 29.407

Huntington, J. F., 2.451, 2.479, 2.567

Huntington, P. O., 14.435

Hutchcraft, B. R., 40.288

Hutchins, E. C., 1.61

Hutchinson, Edward P., 68.643

Huyler's Confectionery, 77.280

Hyatt, Prof. Alpheus, 64.392

Hyde, Henry D., 2.95

Hyde, John, 49.397, 63.687, 63.689, 63.724, 64.124, 64.154

Hyde, Louis H., 39.18, 45.527, 45.612, 47.15

Hyde, William A., 51.580

return to top of index

Iles, George, 17.98, 28.156, 30.186, 30.446, 36.399, 55.748, 67.318, 68.649, 68.657, 70.269, 71.653, 73.498, 73.735, 79.131, 79.265

Imbiot, Mon. A, 7.257, 7.276

Immigration, 47.240

Imperial University of Agriculture, 57.739

Imperial & Royal Austro-Hungarian Legation, 70.484

Independent, 37.168, 57.736, 58.803, 78.445, 78.509, 78.511, 78.512, 79.151

Independent Republicans, 76.969

Independent Voters of Massachusetts, 76.614

Index Publishing Co., 38.500

Indian Orchard, 34.31, 34.39

Indiana Bent Rung Ladder Co., 72.893, 73.14

Industrial Commission, 67.774

Industrial Peace, 47.50

Industrial Review, 13.494

Information Desired by Edward Atkinson, 79.227

Ingle, Edward, 71.331, 71.360, 71.383

Inman, John H., 36.273, 38.136, 38.220, 39.143, 39.174, 39.218, 39.314, 55.140

Inman, Samuel M., 11.357, 11.426, 11.453, 11.466, 11.484, 11.488, 12.10, 12.23, 12.55, 12.84, 12.166, 12.419, 12.430, 13.77, 13.88, 13.265, 13.443, 14.255, 21.359, 32.315, 46.506

Inquirer, 48.609

Institute Fair, 14.394

Insurance Engineering, 72.885, 72.886

Insurance Journal Co., 73.144

Insurance Magazine, 77.970

Insurance Monitor, 17.123, 26.356, 55.516

Insurance News, 16.191

International Commercial Museum, 67.23

International League of Press Clubs, 72.410, 72.411

International Statistical Association, 41.37

Invention, 2.452, 5.441

Interview, 36.206, 66.332, 66.357, 66.392, 66.469, 76.113

Introduction, 36.3, 37.439

Introduction to the Treatises on the Cost of War and Warfare, 76.634

In the Matter of Pensions, 44.232

Iron Age, 29.375, 35.452, 35.460, 71.804, 77.327

Irving, T. C., 30.482

Irwell, Lawrence, 48.739, 51.377, 51.412, 51.442, 52.644, 55.64

Isler, C. F., 55.491

Israels, Lehmann, 9.355

Italian Consul, 21.181

Ivers & Pond Piano Co., 64.301

Ives, T. M., 67.899, 77.30, 77.294, 77.329

Ivins, William M., 71.113, 71.213, 71.752

Ivy, Thomas P., 12.257, 12.261, 13.384, 13.422, 14.54, 14.113, 14.119, 14.208, 14.219, 14.347, 14.456, 14.458, 15.10, 15.65, 16.217, 20.361, 29.238

return to top of index

Jackson, A. W., 70.77

Jackson, City Engineer, 46.480, 46.577

Jackson, Charles C., 38.343, 38.421, 47.307, 50.625, 52.681, 52.844, 54.59, 57.290, 57.657, 61.255, 62.559, 64.158

Jackson, J. F., 49.64, 49.110, 58.726, 59.118, 60.139, 63.87, 67.644, 67.964, 67.968, 70.217, 70.253, 70.455, 77.97

Jackson, R. Raynersford, 9.103, 9.420

Jackson, William, 49.669, 51.253, 55.165

Jackson & Curtis, 33.32, 51.868, 51.912, 77.1, 77.980, 77.993

Jacobi, Dr. Abraham, 77.583

Jacobs, Elias, 27.53, 27.55, 27.319

Jacobs, P. H., 51.183

Jacques, A. P., 29.231

Jamaica Pond Ice Co., 33.352

James, Hon. Darwin R., 19.462, 20.345

James, Prof. Edmund J., 25.124, 25.158, 36.252, 36.411, 37.60

James, John J., 51.361

James, Prof. William, 59.989, 60.105, 60.740, 60.772, 60.954

Jameson, Dr. R. E., 45.228

Jamison, Prof. J. F., 31.406, 32.416

Janes, Dr. Lewis G., 61.439

Jaques, William Henry, 70.323

Jarvis Conklin Mortgage Trust Co., 41.465, 42.252

Jarvis, Dr. Edward, 10.269

Jaynes, W. B., 61.271

Jeans, J. S., 21.73, 21.264, 22.357, 29.356, 30.147, 31.318, 32.16, 32.154, 35.45, 35.207, 35.364, 45.636, 52.440, 52.601, 55.514

Jefferds, W. R., 13.424, 13.433, 13.456, 14.112

Jefferson, Joseph, 73.891

Jendwine, J. W., 62.826

Jenney, A. M., 9.363

Jenney, Hon. Lester, 78.211

Jenkins, C. M., 1.64

Jenkins, R. E., 48.529

Jenkinson, A. M., 67.62

Jenks, Charles N., 19.104

Jenks, Dr./Prof. J. W., 54.403, 54.404, 56.287

Jenney, Lester W., 70.385, 70.389, 70.437

Jennings, John F., 71.627

Jennings, W. H., 8.49, 10.23

Jephson, Rev./Dr. A. W., 74.567, 74.887, 76.158, 76.249, 76.538

Jephson, Cockburn, & Rathbone, 76.163

Jerome, District Attorney, 78.709

Jerome, William Travers, 21.385, 21.406

Jersey, Lord, 57.728, 60.857, 61.318, 64.92, 68.401, 68.794, 70.948, 72.101, 72.378, 72.722, 74.593, 76.126, 76.503, 78.903

Jewell, 6.396

Jewell, Harvey, 6.302

Jewell, Hon. Marshall, 3.288, 6.263, 7.373

Jewett, Miss Sarah Orne, 51.507

John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., 79.562

Johnson, 30.412

Johnson & Co., 51.174

Johnson, B. F., 71.580

Johnson, E., 3.741

Johnson, Edwin L. & Co., 23.263

Johnson, Prof. Emory R., 67.346

Johnson, George, 52.546, 55.846, 58.203, 67.959, 67.968, 74.846

Johnson, Harvey, 39.287

Johnson, Hon. H. U., 62.626, 62.655, 62.740, 62.913, 65.366

Johnson, J. G., 66.795

Johnson, R. U., 33.364, 34.184, 34.388, 39.372, 40.37, 74.394

Johnson, Rossiter, 16.269, 17.75

Johnson, Samuel, 51.463

Johnson, Hon. Thomas L., 49.529, 49.682, 67.24

Johnson Harvester Co., 59.40

Johnston, 40.195, 51.427, 51.836, 51.837, 54.94, 55.278, 55.279, 55.683, 56.81, 63.504, 63.505

Johnston, D. J., 8.412, 8.476, 18.278, 19.355, 49.294, 49.408, 51.139

Johnston, George, 38.19

Johnston, J. B., 52.107

Johnston, Prof. Joseph F., 70.733

Johnston, Joseph, Jr., 76.803

Johnston, Robert, 2nd, 12.75

Johnston, W. M., 77.58, 77.282, 77.593

Johnstown Democrat, 74.679

Joint Committee on the Judiciary, 45.61

Jones, Beverly, 61.811

Jones, C. H., 49.422, 49.507, 49.539, 50.446, 52.889, 52.890

Jones, Hon. James K., 51.529, 51.589, 51.629, 51.680, 51.699, 51.772, 51.935, 52.140, 52.151, 52.152, 52.176, 52.192, 52.193, 57.15, 57.18, 57.691, 57.801, 57.937, 64.936, 64.957, 65.41, 65.115, 65.167, 65.197, 71.511, 71.550

Jones, Jerome, 16.278, 20.494, 36.317, 73.736, 77.107

Jones, Maj. J. F., 13.141, 13.192, 13.243, 13.350, 13.495, 14.42, 14.217, 14.433, 14.460

Jones, Judge J. W., 39.280

Jones, Judge Leonard A., 64.85

Jones, Richard Lloyd, 74.555, 74.685, 74.750

Jones, Senator, 9.133, 9.166

Jones, W. Ripley, 28.148

Jones, William F., 23.486, 25.8

Jones, McDuffee & Stratton, 42.132, 47.597, 56.541

Jordan, A. H., 76.954

Jordan, Hon. Conrad N., 18.291, 18.321, 19.348, 49.256, 49.278, 52.359, 54.752, 54.789, 54.836, 55.298, 55.879, 55.901, 57.768

Jordan, Pres. David Starr, 67.379

Jordan, G. Gunby, 62.376

Jordan, J. M., 77.471

Journal, 47.302, 47.311, 56.703

Journal of Commerce, 7.285, 49.363, 51.596, 54.39, 54.39, 54.695, 54.698, 54.721, 54.773, 55.315, 55.321, 55.948, 57.382, 58.964, 63.202, 63.203, 68.19, 68.73, 72.79, 72.80, 76.365

Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin, 77.725, 77.735, 77.748, 77.757

Journal of the Franklin Institute, 43.332

Jowett, Edmund, 35.483

Joy, Charles H., 12.87, 19.318

Joyce, George F., 22.89

Judd, Emerson W., 35.300

Judge of Norfolk County, 8.493

Judiciary Committee, 17.279

Justice, A. R., 58.750

Juvenile Monthly, 68.261

return to top of index

Kane, Frederick L., 46.36

Kaneko, Baron, 78.255

Kansas City Times, 62.282

Kansas Governor, 67.968

Kay, James Murray, 43.199, 64.717, 64.757, 67.620, 77.349, 77.682

Kealing, H. T., 68.697

Keane, Bishop, 56.337, 56.431, 57.408

Kedzie, Mrs. Nellie S., 49.416

Keech, C. T., 67.628

Keene, S. D., 20.197

Keene, William G. S., 20.202, 40.242, 44.123, 47.16, 47.123

Keene, William Henry, 36.380

Kehew, Mrs. Mary Morton, 65.228, 65.654

Keith, Alfred E., 56.917, 56.936

Kellen, W. V., 50.596

Kelley, Thomas J., 72.625

Kellogg, D. O., 20.25, 20.83, 25.344, 25.385, 25.422, 25.456

Kellogg, Dr. F. H., 57.732

Kellogg, Dr. J. H., 51.271

Kelly, 1.151

Kelly, H., 44.217

Kelly, J. M., 77.111

Kelsey, 1.12

Kelsey, Captain A. H., 3.176, 3.619, 3.736, 39.117, 45.616

Kelsey, A. W., 2.390, 66.477

Kelsey, A. Warren, 65.917

Kelsey, S. T., 10.31

Keltie, J. Scott, 57.486, 57.868, 57.956, 63.585, 63.762

Kennard, F. H., 64.1003

Kennard, Martin P., 15.218, 46.736, 50.659, 51.49, 52.229, 52.387, 54.727, 59.538

Kennard, Parry, 77.441, 77.545, 77.597

Kennedy, Alfred L., 12.263, 13.3

Kennedy, Crammond, 67.22

Kennedy, John C., 45.746

Kenney, C. H., 51.636

Kenney, Horace, 54.41, 62.618, 62.739

Kenney, John B., 73.599, 73.622, 73.636, 73.639, 73.694, 77.332, 77.333, 77.396, 77.419, 77.434, 77.473

Kenney, Mrs. Samuel W., 59.361

Kenrick Bros., 22.68, 23.50, 23.73, 23.296, 25.270, 27.143, 29.82, 29.138, 29.274, 29.297, 29.361, 32.281, 32.404, 34.286, 34.396, 40.493, 41.120, 41.138, 41.332, 45.96, 47.154

Kent, Harvey, 4.215, 11.83

Kent, S. E., 5.309

Kent, Willard, 72.688, 72.749, 72.870, 73.191, 77.44

Kent, William, 35.380, 72.588

Kerr, Hon. M. C., 4.91, 4.100, 4.113, 7.235, 7.249

Kessler & Co., 3.223

Keyes, Francis, 68.304

Kiaer, Prof. A. N., 66.278

Kidder, Peabody & Co., 66.764, 67.138

Kihn, A. C., 28.258

Kilburn, Edward, 13.480, 15.122

Kilburn, John, 11.175

Killebrew, Col./Prof. J. B., 36.401, 63.98, 67.968, 71.604, 71.684

Kimball, Albert N., 78.490

Kimball, David, 33.53

Kimball, David P., 60.91

Kimball, F. A., 64.252, 64.299, 67.95, 68.399, 69.536

Kimball, Miss G. S., 46.430

Kimball, H. I., 11.111, 11.121, 11.144, 11.299, 11.320, 11.335, 11.351, 11.353, 11.370, 11.478, 12.11, 12.46, 12.69, 12.233, 12.258, 12.279, 12.316, 12.326, 12.432, 12.438, 12.441, 13.7, 13.185, 14.242, 14.111, 14.116, 17.295, 52.8

Kimball, Hon. James P., 21.174, 27.210, 35.82

Kindermann, C., 50.471

King, Prof. D. B., 19.392, 25.113

King, D. E., 79.126

King, Daniel Webster, 58.222

King, George P., 7.484, 12.62, 12.172, 12.218, 12.257

King, Philip, 70.711

King, W. Douglas, 60.223

King, William A., 63.705, 63.707

Kingsbury, Frederick J., 36.263

Kinney, John B., 73.554, 73.555

Kinsey, O. P., 51.369

Kipling, Rudyard, 52.634

Kirchhoffer, Mrs. Clara, 45.40, 45.319, 45.572, 51.640, 61.413, 65.973, 76.105, 77.933, 78.1

Kirchoff, C., 55.856

Kirchoff, C., Jr., 29.420

Kishi, Seuchi, 65.6, 71.340

Kitson, Arthur, 54.722

Kittredge, A. O., 39.254

Kittredge, E. W., 4.225, 4.299

Kittredge, Henry G., 47.625, 63.857, 63.1003, 64.18, 64.19, 74.584

Klapp, Lyman, 10.14

Kline, M. M., 44.03

Knapp, F. N., 9.146

Knapp, L., 39.466

Kneeland, E. H., 52.308

Kneeland, Samuel, 7.100, 7.101, 7.110

Knight, Stephen A., 64.873

Knight, T. P., 9.351, 10.35, 10.64, 10.129, 10.279

Knight & Hammond, 8.136

Knott, Richard W., 11.99, 14.415, 19.405, 47.19

Knowlton, George H., 58.780

Knowlton, Hon. Hosea M., 64.922, 70.120

Knox, Hon. John Jay, 17.143, 17.196, 17.209, 17.224

Kohler, Max J., 79.472

Koller, Mrs. W. H., 55.570

Koppe, William, 47.197

Korosi, Joseph, 69.596

Krider Co., Peter L., 57.968

Kroidl, Dr. Lorenz, 55.889

Kruesi, Walter E., 77.749

Kubrick, Baron, 9.73

Kurino, Mr., 55.110, 55.230

return to top of index

LaBeaume, E. W., 73.977

Labor, J. J., 11.304, 11.359

Labor Leader, 29.9

Labouisse, J. W., 2.589, 45.260, 45.306

Lacey, Hon. E. S., 37.149, 38.344, 38.441, 43.324, 43.475, 43.494

Lacher, J. H. A., 23.259

Lacy, B. R., 51.739

Ladd, W. J., 12.40

Lake, L. S., 28.44

Lalance & Grosjean Manufacturing Co., 27.36, 38.20, 38.163

Lamar, Hon. Lucius Q. C., 9.308, 15.135, 18.371, 22.81

Lamb, Col. Henry/Harry W., 45.115, 52.631, 58.221, 60.369, 60.390, 60.482, 60.593, 60.668, 60.669, 60.704, 60.706, 60.716, 60.805, 62.623, 63.348, 63.363, 63.364, 63.543, 64.211, 64.212, 64.645, 64.755, 67.323, 70.619, 73.96, 73.641, 73.642, 73.655, 73.743

Lamb, John, 27.414

Lambert, R. R., 51.881

Lamoreaux, 51.424

Lamoreux, C. W., 40.165

Lancaster, Mr., 37.343

Land, 26.191

Land & Immigration Dept., MO, KS & TX Railway System, 77.125

Landers, A. P., 77.917

Landers, C. M., 71.663

Landers, Charles S., 48.467, 50.25, 60.333, 67.283

Landis, Frederick B., 40.314

Landlord (Bideford), 69.743

"Landlord, Every Man His Own," 46.72

Landreth, Prof., 49.531

Lane, 16.391

Lane, Frank T., 55.600

Lane, J. H., 18.392

Lane, J. M., 20.474

Lane, John, 51.957

Lane, John C., 58.538, 58.503, 58.787, 59.137

Lane, Jonathan A., 50.423, 52.648, 52.828, 52.939

Lane, L. K. H., 49.254, 51.488

Lane, W. C., 36.364

Lane Brothers Co., 65.570

Lang, Thomas L., 26.121

Lang, Thomas S., 34.210, 40.394, 52.481, 52.629, 52.906

Lang, Col. Thomas S., 3.626, 30.494

Langford, J. T., 7.97, 7.140, 8.3

Langford, William S., 39.408

Langley, J. M., 18.164

Langmaid, Dr. Samuel W., 77.799

Lanman, Prof. Charles R., 51.349, 51.368, 55.919, 59.278, 59.319, 65.964, 74.24, 74.142

Lanza, Prof., 13.115, 19.219

Lapham, Oscar, 43.486

Larrabee, P. J., 32.365

Latham, Arthur H., 39.485, 59.531, 70.537, 70.556, 70.650, 72.754

Lathrop & Co., 16.270

Laudreth, Burnet, 22.390

Laughlin, Charles, 34.132

Laughlin, Prof. J. Laurence, 22.448, 28.285, 29.251, 33.442, 34.343, 39.243, 39.290, 46.713, 47.275, 48.327, 49.437, 54.476, 55.331, 57.524, 57.559, 71.666, 71.704

Lauman, Prof. C. R., 32.317, 32.367

Lavasseur, Prof. Emile, 60.157

Laveleye, Emile, 26.457

Lawes, Sir J. B., 65.315, 65.379, 65.740, 65.742, 65.804

Lawrence, Amos A., 13.477, 16.96

Lawrence, Margaret Woods, 40.70

Lawrence, Phineas, 26.103

Lawson, Victor F., 58.501

Leach, E. O., 56.826

Lease, Joseph, 71.73, 73.822

Leavitt, Rev. F. J., 66.266

Ledyard, T. D., 36.21

Lee, Alderman, 48.289

Lee, Ashton, 79.6

Lee, Dr. C. C., 20.58

Lee, George Winthrop, 72.537

Lee, Col. Henry, 9.42, 40.13, 40.42, 41.106, 43.279, 46.411, 46.662, 47.273, 50.539, 50.639, 50.667, 51.165, 52.333, 52.358, 55.109, 58.11, 58.741, 58.775, 58.808, 59.207, 59.770, 60.87, 60.107, 60.172, 60.183, 60.215, 60.225, 60.238, 60.239, 60.254, 60.284, 60.339, 60.349, 60.372, 60.384, 60.427, 60.505, 60.587, 60.807, 60.889, 60.951, 60.994, 61.38, 61.77, 61.96, 61.198, 62.423, 62.454, 63.819

Lee, Joseph, 33.427

Lee, Higginson & Co., 12.89, 14.69, 14.473, 36.410, 46.307, 46.373, 69.293

Lee, Tweedy & Co., 11.283

Leech, Edward O., 46.140, 56.529

Leeds, Arthur A., 57.227

Lees, Theodore F., 16.314, 16.424, 17.65, 17.277, 17.449

Leese, Joseph, 9.64, 18.73, 73.702, 74.28

Leeson, J. R., 33.323, 33.394, 40.199, 43.224, 43.260, 43.366, 43.455, 43.485, 44.2, 55.171, 56.470, 71.977

Leeson & Breed, 34.405

Lefevre, 3.240, 3.278, 3.282, 3.652, 17.140

Lefevre, Hon. G. J. Shaw, 52.71, 52.223, 52.303, 52.442, 52.935, 54.358, 54.732, 54.744, 54.854, 55.62, 56.731, 57.364, 57.543, 57.571, 58.462, 61.319, 61.958, 62.351, 64.1000, 69.517, 70.959, 78.552, 78.789, 78.791, 78.930

Lefevre, Hon. J. S., 76.200

Legal Tender, 8.144

Leggett, Hon. M. D., 4.95

Lehmann, F. W., 70.952, 70.969

Leigh, Oliver H. G., 36.178

Leighton, George E., 38.109, 38.305, 38.347, 42.280, 43.93, 48.220, 48.647, 70.628, 70.833

Lenox, Miss Katherine, 78.402

Leroy, James A., 77.435

Leslie, A. M., 26.196

Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 37.214, 37.317, 37.358

Leslie's Weekly, 60.116

Levasseur, Prof. Emile, 62.504

Leverich, G., 6.207

Levi, Prof. Leone, 17.116

Levy, Rabbi J. Leonard, 78.177, 78.178

Levy, George Raphael, 51.73, 51.704

Levy, Prof. Raphael Georges, 54.483, 55.322, 56.621, 61.386, 63.21, 63.34, 64.764, 65.38, 65.888, 67.757, 67.896, 69.604, 70.124, 70.308, 78.737

Lewis, C. W., 14.355

Lewis, G. R., 55.8

Lewis, Henry, 5.296, 5.311, 5.318, 8.78

Lewis, J. V., 21.76

Lewis, J. W., 78.418

Lewis, Weston, 17.129

Lewiston, Mayor of, 32.405

Lewiston Daily Sun, 77.7, 77.8

Lewiston Sun, 76.940

Libby, 10.20

Libby, E. H., 35.246

Libby, Jonas, 9.290

Libby, H. J. & Co., 6.66

Librarian, Boston Athenaeum, 51.341, 66.428

Lieber, Dr. Francis, 3.141

Life, 65.733

Lightbourn, A. W., 61.598, 61.688, 61.689, 61.780, 61.781

Lincoln, A. W., 39.101

Lincoln, Albert L., Jr., 31.217, 43.105, 43.140, 44.298, 45.574, 48.198

Lincoln, Allen B., 41.202

Lincoln, Leontine, 77.595

Lincoln, William H., 22.47, 37.180, 50.264, 50.338, 55.554, 62.834, 69.151, 74.475, 74.504

Linder, George, 52.533

Lindsay, Dr. J. B., 61.457

Lindsley, Dr. Charles A., 62.556

Linsley, Dr. John L., 31.92

Lippincott, J. B. & Co., 15.47, 62.419

Lippitt, Col./Gov./Hon. Charles Warren, 8.489, 9.1, 9.14, 9.19, 9.32, 32.1, 33.2, 41.99, 45.292, 47.603, 56.531, 56.560, 58.124, 58.168

Literary Digest, 55.787

Littell, Robert S., 29.66

Littell, Miss Susan, 39.49

Little, Arthur D., 77.750, 77.840

Little, C. H., 77.589

Little, James L., 13.50, 13.81, 13.120, 13.140, 13.401, 13.429, 14.329, 14.408, 15.11

Little, John Mason, 54.65, 56.654, 62.185, 69.745, 77.514, 77.515, 77.516

Little, Brown & Co., 6.261, 9, 76.335

Littlefield, Hon. Charles E., 68.175, 78.83

Littlefield, H. W., 43.489

Livermore, Col. Thomas L., 59.722

Livesey, Francis B., 66.33

Lloyd, H. D., 63.107, 67.534

Lloyd, Henry, 65.478, 65.529, 66.671, 69.472, 69.934, 73.32

Lloyd, T., 55.951, 56.152, 56.277, 57.771, 58.80, 58.81, 61.327, 64.169, 69.596

Locke, E. A., 33.458

Lockwood, 3.662, 8.213, 8.350

Lockwood, Amos A., 2.419, 9.28

Lockwood, A. D., 6.65, 6.133, 7.177, 7.264, 10.126, 11.376, 11.431

Lockwood, Mrs. Belva A., 77.492

Lockwood, E. L., 52.544

Locomotive Fireman's Magazine, 45.458

Loden-Smith, 8.92, 8.179

Lodge, Hon. Henry Cabot, 43.166, 49.417, 49.440, 49.512, 49.553, 71.510, 71.548, 71.586

Lombard, George B., 45.654

London Chamber of Commerce, 79.132

Long, Francis G., 67.738

Long, Sir John, 79.191

Long, Gov./Hon. John D., 13.17, 13.36, 13.409, 13.464, 15.42, 55.120, 64.422, 64.462

Long, Nathaniel O., 58.816

Long, Robert, 33.380

Longstreet, J. G., 33.374

Longworth, F. Y., 63.308

Longyear, John M., 72.996

Lopez, Senor Sixto, 69.425

Lord, John S., 17.337, 18.297, 45.495, 46.164, 48.745

Lord, Walter, 9.68

Lord, William A., 67.99, 67.178

Lorimer, Rev. George C., 56.73

Loring, General, 19.269

Loring, Hon. George B., 6.183, 12.292, 12.487, 13.309, 13.356, 14.205, 16.149

Loring, Harrison, 31.11

Loring, S. E., 51.970

Loring, Samuel D., 50.445

Loring, Thatcher, 58.567

Los Angeles Times, 49.633

Lothrop, Thornton K., 77.213

Lothrop Publishing Co., 55.733, 55.508

Louden Machinery Co., 77.979

Louisiana Experiment Station, 63.601

Louisiana Governor, 67.968

Love, A. H., 72.275

Love, Alfred H., 66.242, 71.705

Lovering, Charles L., 39.154

Lovering, Henry L., 13.187

Lovering, H. M., 73.591

Lovering, Prof. Joseph, 32.369

Lovering, Hon./Dr. William C., 17.73, 17.369, 27.114, 40.112, 40.130, 45.662, 49.726, 50.17, 50.91, 50.150, 50.218, 52.446, 59.643, 60.403, 60.458, 60.967, 61.33, 61.101, 63.140, 63.142, 63.622, 63.641, 63.686, 64.891, 66.204, 72.758, 72.759, 72.760, 72.764, 72.809, 72.858, 72.895a, 73.12, 73.95, 73.130, 73.271

Low, A. A., 11.305

Low, John, 35.415

Low, Hon./President Seth, 33.69, 67.891, 67.908

Lowe, Arthur H., 42.396, 51.779

Lowell, 19.490

Lowell, Miss Amy, 72.612

Lowell, Arnold, 78.41

Lowell, Augustus, 17.193, 32.308, 58.849, 59.776, 63.893, 64.775, 65.70, 65.110

Lowell, Charles, 58.552, 65.225

Lowell, Mrs. Charles R., 22.316, 22.331, 22.376, 27.260

Lowell, Mrs. C. R., 70.90

Lowell, F. C., 60.319, 60.340, 60.411

Lowell, Mrs. J. L., 72.390

Lowell, Hon. John, 52.79, 60.483

Lowell, Mrs. Josephine Shaw, 59.983, 60.85, 67.981, 72.443, 74.105, 77.547, 77.570, 78.147

Lowell Textile School, 63.605

Lowry, Col., 51.213

Lubbock, Sir John, 57.197

Lubke & Player, 4.449, 4.450, 4.460

Lubke, George, 6.446

Luce, Robert, 41.148, 74.745, 74.746, 74.777, 74.778

Lumber Trade Journal, 60.640

Lungren, C. W., 38.203

Luquer, Rev. Lea, 54.906

Lyman, Arthur T., 25.359, 29.98, 33.412, 36.24, 36.447, 38.311, 38.474, 40.91, 42.494, 49.704, 50.193, 50.293, 50.350, 50.602, 50.603, 50.632, 50.739, 51.54, 51.214, 51.919, 51.972, 51.991, 52.361, 52.791, 56.684, 58.534, 59.527, 60.131, 60.169, 60.374, 60.400, 60.451, 60.573, 60.582, 60.826, 61.82, 61.197, 62.402, 62.980, 64.385, 72.512, 72.520, 72.543, 72.566, 77.875

Lyman, Mrs. Arthur, 77.724

Lyman, Herbert, 65.480, 65.497, 65.498

Lyman, Theodore, 15.153, 16.9, 16.32, 16.56, 16.467, 16.472, 17.74, 27.10, 34.148, 35.465

Lynch & Moore, 74.242

Lynn Transcript, 47.187

Lyon, Prof., 56.452

Lyon, Rev./Dr. W. H., 65.214, 65.397, 65.546, 67.358, 67.631, 68.142, 69.787, 69.953, 71.9, 71.224, 78.738, 78.739

return to top of index

M., B., 33.348

Macalister, James, 33.494, 34.194

Macallum, Prof. A. B., 60.533, 60.950

MacDonald, J. M., 13.203

MacFarland, Henry, 65.780, 65.828

MacIver, David, 4.166

MacIvor, Dr., 39.266

Mackay, August, 9.84

Mackay, H. W. Boyd, 59.190

Mackay, Thomas, 51.763

Mackie, C. P., 67.968

MacLennan, W. F., 76.401

Macleod, Henry Dunning, 34.472, 35.197, 52.101, 52.143, 52.247, 63.572, 63.579, 64.128, 71.277

Macmahon, Major P. A., 70.847

Macmillan Co., 78.134

Macmillan & Bowes, 63.887

Macomber, A. E., 31.432

MacVeagh, Hon. Wayne, 56.307

Macy, Morton, 71.157

Maddocks, F. H., 58.229

Maddox, Robert F., 66.974

Mae, 8.361

Magoun, H., 10.48

Magruder, L. W., 55.590

Magruder, William P., 74.465

Magruder, Prof. William T., 68.482, 68.543, 68.691

Maiben, John S., 27.144

Mail & Express, 58.727, 58.774

Makenzie, Robert, 9.375

Makepiece, Rev. F. B., 54.944

Mallet, Bernard, 34.218, 38.176

Mallet, Prof. J. W., 26.383, 64.137, 64.281, 77.990

Malloy, Patrick, 77.792

Manchester Courier, 57.106

Manchester Examiner & Times, 10.40

Manchester Guardian, 72.1, 72.23, 74.172, 77.221, 77.774, 77.981, 78.35, 78.376, 78.544

Mandell, George S., 66.836, 67.728

Maney, D. D., 55.72

Manhattan Press Clipping Bureau, 56.348

Manley, Miss Hattie J., 45.193

Mann, Prof. Alfred, 73.94

Mann, Charles H., 8.89, 8.90, 8.103, 8.104

Mann, Thomas R., 67.357

Manning, Hon. Daniel, 20.209, 20.264

Manning, Secretary, 21.273

Manning, S. W., 70.817

Manton, E. E., 9.221

Manual Training School, 68.518, 68.729

Manufacturers Insurance Co., 13.43

Manufacturers Record, 28.397, 29.118, 29.125, 37.189, 38.24, 38.52, 40.133, 41.403, 41.476, 44.30, 46.171, 46.369, 48.541, 48.729, 50.440, 50.505, 52.1, 52.282, 52.353, 52.728, 54.895, 55.82, 56.849, 59.812, 59.813, 60.200, 62.349, 64.344, 65.83, 66.295, 66.868, 67.709, 67.740, 69.908, 70.279, 70.286, 70.293, 70.294, 70.330, 70.352, 70.603, 70.758, 72.276, 72.287, 74.285, 74.506, 76.121, 76.629, 76.643, 77.228, 77.368, 78.451, 78.658, 78.770, 78.772, 79.199, 79.203, 79.245, 79.463, 79.565

Mapother, W. L., 78.510

Marble, Manton, 3.565, 3.680, 6.37, 17.459

Marcy, Dr. Henry O., 36.437, 56.924

Marm, Ludovic, 51.190

Marquand, J. P., 9.62

Marsh, C. W., 26.89, 26.305

Marsh, Hon.George P., 9.40

Marshall, Prof. Alfred, 35.424

Marshall, Miss Bertha Cowan, 79.299, 79.365, 79.393

Marshall, Charles H., 65.875

Marshall, E. C., 59.547

Marshall, Edward, 68.32, 69.23a, 69.30, 69.40, 69.79, 69.106, 69.137, 69.144

Marshall, V. H., 64.156

Marsland, George, 18.187, 18.323, 18.365, 36.120

Marston, B. W., 52.921, 54.17

Martin, A. A., 77.573, 77.663, 77.733, 77.775

Martin, Hon. Augustus W., 45.82

Martin, Charles E., 6.88

Martin, John B., 20.151, 42.445, 44.296, 45.381

Martin, T. H., 62.777, 62.778, 63.67, 63.72, 63.89, 64.743, 64.744, 65.106

Martin, W. B., 34.90

Martin Process & Chemical Co., 29.335

Marvel, 26.12

Marvin, W. T. R., 35.137

Mason, Consul, 51.586

Mason, Miss Ellen F., 65.533

Mason, Eveleen Laura, 71.700

Mason, Hon./Consul General Frank H., 61.812, 67.962, 67.968, 68.188, 69.186, 69.332, 70.155, 70.297, 70.512, 71.935, 73.700, 76.262, 77.310, 77.429, 77.577

Mason, Hugh, 8.380

Mason, Hon. John M., 47.226

Mason, Lyman, 6.459

Mason, M. B., 77.104, 77.206, 77.207, 77.307, 78.359, 78.464

Mason, Samuel, Jr., 13.393

Mason Machine Co., 42.223

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 13.405, 15.111, 26.400, 77.679

Massachusetts Members and Others Using Boilers, 78.478

Massachusetts Reform Club, 59.418

Mather, 29.140

Mather & Platt, 67.401

Mathews, Byron C., 62.709

Mathews, Frederic, 77.438

Matin, M. Georges, 66.233

Mattapoisett Selectmen, 70.385, 70.389, 70.437

Matteson, David M., 73.345, 73.346, 73.484

Matthews, Hon./Mayor Nathan, Jr., 33.325, 37.491, 38.22, 38.95, 38.228, 38.272, 38.374, 43.128, 47.485, 49.496, 52.87, 52.112, 58.392

Matthews, S. W., 29.408

Maxim, Hudson, 69.520, 69.608, 71.64, 71.144, 71.607

Maxwell, C. F., 60.12

Maxwell, George H., 69.523

Maxwell, W. H., 55.633

May, Mrs., 27.277

May, Rev. Samuel, 65.854

Maynard, George C., 46.743

Maynard, Hon. Harry, 8.405

Mayo, H. B., 38.335

Mayor of Boston, 57.80

McArthur, Robert, 46.566, 50.147

McBee, W. B., 77.123, 77.234, 77.407, 77.408

McBride, Mrs. Marian A., 41.307, 41.347, 58.990, 59.137, 63.609, 63.624

McBryde, President J. M., 29.97, 30.103, 30.149, 30.185, 30.217, 30.254, 31.356, 32.183, 35.80, 48.585, 49.120, 49.246, 49.293, 57.871, 61.497, 62.192, 62.263, 67.968

McCabe, F. R., 77.235

McCall, Hon. John A., 19.14, 19.54, 64.453

McCall, Hon. Samuel W., 64.322, 68.60, 69.666, 69.689, 74.695, 77.243, 77.699, 78.34

McCarthy, P. B., 77.894

McCarthy & Haynes, 30.245

McCartney, James S., 57.656

McCarty, Col. W. F. M., 36.424

McCauley, Edward, 72.738

McCleary, Hon. James T., 57.662, 57.876, 58.47, 60.392, 63.513, 71.370, 71.393

McClure, Col. A. J., 57.626

McClure, Col. A. K., 66.134

McClure, P. F., 27.147

McClure, S. S., 30.462, 42.48, 42.442, 42.481, 43.24, 43.71, 43.82, 43.98, 43.179, 43.197, 43.269, 43.289, 43.345, 43.465, 45.466, 51.19, 51.64, 51.860, 52.833, 52.904, 52.931, 54.424, 55.63

McClure Co., S. S., 64.389, 67.353, 71.206, 71.245

McClure's Magazine, 65.256, 68.879

McClurg, A. C. & Co., 67.556

McConnell, S. A., 66.184

McCormick, John, Jr., 17.135, 17.139

McCormick, Robert, 35.240

McCormick, Joseph S., 47.500

McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., 59.128

McCoy, Joseph S., 58.305, 58.448, 72.989, 73.11

McCullock, Hon. Hugh, 2.12, 2.21, 2.23, 2.25, 2.32, 2.61, 2.91, 2.103, 2.108, 2.111, 2.126, 2.154, 2.191, 2.397, 2.408, 2.426, 2.607, 2.618, 2.619, 2.648, 2.672, 2.673, 2.677, 2.691, 3.4, 3.6, 3.10, 3.14, 3.27, 3.42, 3.46, 3.71, 3.82, 3.88, 3.124, 3.129, 3.130, 3.131, 3.143, 3.331, 3.428, 3.432, 3.436, 3.498, 3.504, 3.516, 3.540, 3.594, 10.62, 17.4, 17.60, 17.62, 17.90, 28.286

McCurdy, Dr. J. H., 61.57, 61.138

McDaniell, Rev. B. F., 62.400, 62.413

McDonald, B. P., 55.289

McDonald, H. P., 58.171

McDowell, Major Henry S., 34.222

McDuffie, Charles D., 48.165

McDuffie, Frederic C., 65.938

McFadden, George H. & Bro., 72.452

McFarren, J. B., 13.23

McGee, H. G., 56.962

McGee, Prof. W. J., 66.172, 70.835

McGehee, Montford, 19.56

McGill, Miss Eliza A., 67.302

McGuy, Richard, 40.299

McHugh, L., 19.1

McKay, Walter, 50.518

McKenzie, E. B., Jr., 49.302

McKinley, Pres. William, 62.795, 62.934, 63.446, 63.786, 63.885, 64.519, 64.721, 65.126, 65.163

McKinley, Hon. William, Jr., 42.306, 43.123, 43.468

McLaren, William P., 55.343

McLeod, Henry Dunning, 51.606, 51.934, 56.192

McMahon, P. A., 73.670

McMaster, Prof., 55.233

McMillan, F. D., 54.61

McMillan, J. H., 37.307

McMillin, Hon. Benton, 46.97, 51.141, 51.429, 57.764, 62.973, 64.649

McMillan, Senator, 67.980

McMullen, James H., 6.77, 6.135, 6.187, 6.359, 6.435, 7.192, 7.388, 51.398, 51.414, 51.433, 51.454

McMurray, J. S. & Co., 2.641

McMurtrie, Horace, 7.67, 10.184

McNiett, Rev. George L., 56.265

McPherson, J. B., 77.156

McPherson, Hon. J. R., 35.370, 35.373, 35.411, 36.45, 36.48, 36.96, 36.148, 36.202, 36.204, 36.229, 36.238, 36.252, 37.265, 38.270, 46.375, 46.665, 47.508, 47.514, 48.56, 49.406, 50.489, 50.628, 50.656, 51.158, 51.169, 51.196, 51.231, 51.236, 51.247, 51.269, 51.275, 51.308, 51.400, 51.421, 51.453, 51.55

McVane, Prof. S. M., 50.364, 51.11

McVea, James, 3.64

McVicar, Miss Matilda C., 51.91

McVickar, Mrs. E. W., 43.318

Mead, Edwin D., 32.231, 41.241, 63.613, 63.929, 63.930, 65.958, 66.99, 66.247, 67.295, 67.687, 67.715, 68.709, 68.722, 70.292, 77.134, 77.148, 77.154, 78.905, 78.906, 78.922, 78.932, 78.936

Mead, F. S. & Co., 58.242

Mead, Mrs. Lucia Ames, 72.938

Meagher, W. N., 55.431

Meaney, John P., 21.278, 21.304, 21.335, 21.341, 21.376

Meany, John P., 22.72, 22.75, 22.184, 48.79, 68.149

Meany, J. W., 21.258

Means, James, 19.378

Medill, J., 3.532, 3.543

Meekison, Hon. C. C., 66.31

Meier, E. D., 55.790, 56.555, 59.586

Meier, H. H., 11.328

Meier, Theodore G., 55.785

Meigs, Henry V., 33.133, 34.193

Meigs, Gen. M. C., 11.174a, 19.23, 19.64, 23.434, 29.277, 29.494, 30.485, 33.43

Meir, Adolphus R. C., 6.218

Meir, Adolphus & Co., 7.70, 7.112, 8.265, 9.99

Mellen, E. B., 68.412

Mellen, Hon. J. H., 57.68

Memerth, C., 6.146, 6.162

Memorandum, 26.247, 27.455, 34.114, 35.346, 38.356, 39.53, 40.107, 40.375, 40.409, 41.214, 47.9, 48.480, 49.716, 52.133, 61.599, 71.267, 71.864, 73.164, 76.31, 76.102, 76.385, 76.850, 79.7, 79.169, 79.235, 79.444, 79.473, 79.485

Memorandum of the Discussion at the Meeting of the Water Works Engineers, 72.912

Memorandum upon the Improvement of the Cotton Bale, 56.5

Memo of Testimony before Selectmen, 46.61

Men of Mark, 78.713, 78.714

Mendell, Nathan S., 70.385, 70.389, 70.437

Mendenhall, Prof./Pres. T. C., 22.286, 22.322, 25.70, 37.22, 52.993, 67.48

Mendum, Samuel W., 33.131, 55.197

Mendum, W. B., 23.199

Menu of an Informal Dinner for Ten People, 79.179

Merchants Club, 37.343

Mercier, A., 8.455

Merriam, Hon. William R., 72.420, 72.460, 72.476, 73.237, 73.239

Merrick, Timothy, 13.483, 25.362

Merrill, Mrs. E. M. H., 56.300

Merrill, Hon./Maj. George S., 34.326, 52.291, 60.754, 64.899, 64.900

Merrill, Major, 54.532

Merriman, Charles H., 9.333, 27.33

Merriman, Edward F., 12.270, 12.300

Merritt, Schuyler, 67.110

Mersick, C. S., 36.412

Merttens, P., 73.830

Metcalf, 2.22, 2.44, 2.57, 2.94, 2.99, 2.101, 2.439, 2.498, 2.588, 3.475

Metcalf, Jesse, 4.10, 9.262, 26.226, 35.414

Metcalf, Lorettus Sutton, 23.215, 23.224, 27.84, 27.85, 27.94, 27.97, 27.118, 27.189, 27.202, 27.205, 27.209, 27.225, 27.255, 27.340, 27.367, 27.390, 27.432, 27.491, 28.8, 28.11, 28.21, 28.42, 28.82, 28.84, 28.95, 28.288, 28.291, 28.348, 28.418, 28.459, 28.464, 28.483, 28.489, 29.61, 29.178, 29.233, 29.468, 30.195, 31.475

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 69.966

Metropolitan Park Commission, 52.165

Meyer, Dr./Prof. A. B., 74.596, 74.612, 78.967

Meyer, Dr. A. D., 72.691

Meyer, Dr. R., 16.43

Meyers, R. A., 69.228

Michaelis, George V. S., 77.305

Middleton, James, 35.444, 35.456, 36.22, 36.243

Mifflin, George H., 79.496

Milburn, John D., 11.408

Miles, H. E., 42.484

Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 76.301, 76.328

Milinowski, Mrs. Harriet Ransom, 62.730

Millard, Nelson, 72.559

Millbury, Arthur W., 55.593

Miller, 67.800, 67.802

Miller, 46.149, 46.158, 46.168, 50.465, 51.447, 51.491, 60.888

Miller, C. R., 54.515, 54.669, 62.79, 62.81, 62.82, 62.96, 62.97, 62.136, 76.809

Miller, David, 22.243

Miller, Dickinson S., 25.484

Miller, F. T., 78.43

Miller, George D., 69.943

Miller, Dr. George L., 57.947, 58.130, 59.535

Miller, George Max, 67.106

Miller, George Stark, 46.11

Miller, Henry F. & Sons Co., 77.86

Miller, H. V. M., 12.142, 12.162

Miller, James W., 15.179

Miller, L. W., 57.280, 59.431, 63.647, 64.319

Miller, Mr., 44.449, 44.505, 45.356, 45.436, 45.448, 45.600, 48.593, 49.1, 49.6

Miller, Robert, 69.990, 70.25

Miller, Robert, Jr., 76.598

Milliken, Samuel, 67.467, 67.544, 68.100

Mills, Arthur, 25.146, 30.113, 50.452, 50.661, 50.671, 57.987

Mills, Major D., 74.843

Mills, D. O., 61.662, 72.240

Mills, David, 7.234

Mills, Halford L., 51.187, 51.371, 71.390

Mills, H. Charles, 62.687

Mills, Hon. Roger Quarles, 26.2, 26.280, 32.334, 32.359, 34.205, 34.399, 37.95, 37.133, 45.250, 46.56, 46.143, 46.170, 46.212, 46.294, 46.360, 46.368, 47.576, 49.382, 49.438, 49.516, 49.684, 50.224, 50.226, 50.227, 50.237, 50.294, 51.199, 51.227, 51.283, 51.332, 51.411, 51.451, 52.93, 52.720, 54.612, 56.111, 56.178, 57.695, 65.873

Mills, Roswell, 52.680

Millstone, 10.180

Mills & Morgan, 46.53

Mims, John J., 64.1004

Minneapolis Times, 49.606

Minot, Dr. Charles S., 30.230, 31.287, 32.103, 32.270, 32.271, 35.439, 36.497

Minot, Dr. J. J., 36.304

Minot, William, 51.938

Minot, William, Jr., 28.1, 30.405, 33.149

Minshall, F. W., 59.442

Minturn, Hugh, 60.868

Minturn, R. B., 4.244, 4.253, 4.257

Minturn, Mrs. S. S., 65.923

Mississippi Wire Glass Co., 78.823

"Mistake and a Misfortune," 46.678

Mitchell, H. B., 26.228

Mitchell, J. W., 39.131

Mitchell, James L., 51.626

Mitchell, Hon. John H., 34.209

Mitchell, Hon. John L., 65.666

Mitchell Bros. & Co., 64.280

Mixter, Charles, 3.690

Mixter, Dr. Samuel J., 46.698, 47.300, 71.637

Mize, William J., 67.876, 69.12, 69.85

Modern Housekeeping, 79.397

Modern Miracle, 31.453

Moffitt, F. W., 62.991

Moir, Archibald, 9.77

Monaghan, Hon. James C., 67.968

Moncheur, Le Baron, 78.471

Monckton, George E., 63.118, 65.129

Montgomery, P. A., 18.431, 19.51, 19.74, 19.109, 19.138, 19.281, 21.51, 30.362

Moody, Helen Watterson, 44.461

Moody, Hon. William H., 72.264, 72.290, 72.316

Moon, W. E., 67.338

Mooney, William A., 52.657

Moore, 4.256, 7.275

Moore, Beverley K., 55.176

Moore, E., 35.215

Moore, Edgar B., 51.59, 51.222

Moore, F. C., 27.383, 47.350, 48.116, 48.141, 66.461

Moore, James H., 11.90

Moore, Prof., 25.113

Moorhead, J. Turner, 4.17

Moran, Senator, 60.291

Mordecai, Gratz, 26.9

Morehead, F. C., 11.28, 11.57, 11.464, 12.1, 12.8, 12.33, 12.50, 13.91, 13.154

Morehouse, W. Noyes, 28.496

Morgan, George W., 4.217

Morgan, James, 74.277, 74.278

Morgan, J. Kansas, 46.218

Morgan, M. M., 65.411

Morgan, Senator, 45.461, 45.485, 45.530

Morgan, Theodore M., 28.260

Morley, Hon. John, 9.366, 9.423, 10.26, 74.161

Morning Mercury, 77.209

Morril, Hon. Lot. M., 7.488, 8.86, 8.229

Morrill, Justin S., 2.225, 2.227, 2.309, 2.335, 2.342, 2.353, 2.525

Morris, Augustus, 7.378

Morris, Edward S., 25.240

Morris & Ireland, 19.368, 20.270

Morrison, Hon. William R., 7.308, 14.22, 14.32, 14.180, 14.195, 14.211, 15.25, 15.34, 15.37, 15.55, 15.58, 15.69, 15.72, 15.79, 23.153, 57.98

Morrow, Henry W., 44.248

Morse, C. F., 39.75

Morse, Mrs. C. W., 42.99, 42.211

Morse, Prof. Edward S., 17.453, 36.457, 39.60, 40.98, 54.475, 55.973, 58.300, 63.563, 63.674, 63.804, 64.753, 64.847, 67.550, 70.31, 71.827, 72.199

Morse, Edward W., Jr., 67.886

Morse, Horace H., 72.470

Morse, John T., 21.235

Morse, John T., Jr., 60.91

Morse, Leopold, 10.268

Morse, Hon. R. M., 2.579

Morse, S. F. B., 76.741a, 76.769

Morss, J. B., 5.308

Morton, D. C., 29.337

Morton, George B., 52.439

Morton, Professor Henry, 6.69

Morton, Hon. J. Sterling, 48.443, 48.474, 48.531, 48.587, 48.607, 48.642, 48.643, 48.651, 49.10, 49.11, 49.13, 49.56, 49.109, 49.115, 49.204, 49.230, 49.250, 49.340, 49.343, 49.381, 49.429, 49.433, 49.500, 49.578, 49.659, 50.55, 50.86, 50.585, 50.669, 51.41, 52.115, 52.155, 52.183, 52.185, 52.224, 52.276, 52.434, 52.684, 52.692, 52.729, 52.746, 52.764, 52.817, 52.886, 54.150, 54.248, 54.416, 54.496, 54.510, 54.583, 54.584, 54.690, 54.760, 54.769, 55.331, 55.352, 55.362, 55.363, 55.715, 55.874, 55.922, 55.974, 55.984, 56.13, 56.45, 56.46, 56.82, 56.97, 56.114, 56.163, 56.214, 56.647, 56.663, 56.678, 56.696, 56.722, 56.781, 56.869, 56.963, 57.460, 57.587, 57.700, 58.744, 58.898, 58.918, 59.43, 59.59, 59.467, 59.484, 59.614, 59.697, 59.727, 59.937, 60.56, 60.155, 60.181, 60.228, 62.827, 62.939, 62.989, 63.191, 63.192, 63.315, 63.369, 63.400, 63.414, 63.429, 63.432, 63.485, 63.486, 63.525, 63.589, 63.716, 63.863, 63.871, 63.911, 63.938, 64.696, 65.57, 65.298, 65.323, 65.563, 65.723, 65.759, 67.965, 67.968, 70.234

Morton, Joy, 48.444

Morton, Hon. Oliver P., 3.548

Morton, Hon. Paul, 71.22, 71.151, 71.925, 74.770, 74.823, 78.600

Mosby, John S., Jr., 67.56

Moseley, E. A., 79.278

Mosely, Alfred, 73.964, 73.991, 74.36, 74.204

Moses, Marquis de, 22.319

Mosher, Mrs. A. M., 39.26

Mother Superior, St. John's Home, 66.232

Motley, Thomas, Jr., 51.463

Mowry, S. W., 9.281

Mowry, William S., 76.914

Moxon, Rev. Philip S., 44.323, 44.459

Mudge, Hon. E. R., 7.184, 12.109

Muhleman, M. C., 52.916

Muhlmann, 70.500

Mulcahy, James, 77.330

Mulhall, Michael G., 21.144, 69.418

Muller, Miss Maxwell, 39.406

Mulligan, B. J., 29.194

Munro, David A., 78.955, 78.959, 78.960, 78.978, 78.979, 79.15, 79.29

Munroe, William, 5.38

Munsell, Eugene & Co., 30.308

Munsell's, Joel Sons, 77.201

Munsterberg, Prof., 74.690

Munson, Dr. H. J., 67.148

Murdock, Miss Anna C., 37.161, 46.740, 47.692

Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 76.141, 76.165

Murphy, J. H., 65.981

Murray, D. Christie, 52.559, 52.574, 52.630

Murray, Dr. David, 8.106

Murray, Kenric B., 78.843

Murray, Capt. M. S., 78.877

Music, 10.119

Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 46.77

Myer, Dr. Lucy Ryder, 36.231

Myers, Allen O., 66.911, 66.920, 66.942, 66.977, 66.989, 66.992, 67.1, 67.43

Myers, James J., 60.566, 60.758, 60.759, 62.940, 63.350, 63.377

Myrick, Herbert, 55.167, 64.575, 64.921, 65.177, 65.211, 65.728, 65.730, 79.228

return to top of index

Naoroji, Hon. Dadabhai, 66.545

Nash, Samuel Y., 47.38

Nation, 54.600, 54.604

National Association of Fire Engineers, 40.425

National Business League, 68.97

National Cooperative Library Association, 67.146

National Geographical Society, 78.240

National Sound Money League, 68.285

Navigation Act, 8.145

Neal, Burton W., 58.646

Neal, T. B., 62.789, 62.835, 62.900, 62.926, 62.945

Negley, General, 4.135

Neill, Bros. & Co., 2.81

Neill, Wm. M., 2.161, 2.164, 2.189, 2.199, 2.433

Neill, Wm. M. (letter by him), 2.138

Neilson, Robert G., 14.297

Nelson, H. L., 15.36

Nelson, Prof. Henry Loomis, 54.405, 54.742, 54.875, 55.387, 55.439, 55.459, 55.525, 55.542, 55.555, 55.598, 56.32, 56.42, 56.79, 56.144, 56.149, 56.348[A], 56.379, 56.380, 56.644, 58.263, 58.667, 58.668, 58.699, 58.709, 59.345, 59.396, 59.886, 63.675, 63.761, 64.707, 64.911, 65.929, 67.557, 71.856, 77.430, 77.654

Nelson, Hall & Co., 58.336

Nestos, R. A., 73.188

Nettleton, A. B., 11.469

Nevill, Lady, 37.82

New Bedford and Onsett Railway Co., 72.787

Newburgh, J. B. & Co., 23.249

Newbury, Prof. J. S., 25.113, 25.317

Newbury Church, England, 54.112

Newcomb, Prof. H. T., 64.557

Newcomb, Prof. Simon, 30.158, 32.478, 46.545, 51.930, 76.924

Newell, F. H., 77.827

Newell, W. H., 38.124

New England Farmer, 30.139

New England Free Trade League, 52.868

New England Grocer, 58.889

New England Historic Genealogical Society, 67.640

New England Magazine, 56.121

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 46.77

New England Pottery Co., 20.201, 41.453

New England Telephone & Telegraph Co., 28.9, 28.10

New England Textile Machinery Co., 20.282

New England Women's Club, 58.338

New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, 7.79

New Orleans Times, 2.132

New Orleans Times-Democrat, 68.134

Newport Lead Works, Agent, 4.434

New Southwest, 76.718

New South West Publishing Co., 77.686

Newton, Hon. Isaac, 2.394, 2.422, 2.489, 2.586

New York, 66.115

New York Central Railroad, 16.293

New York Chief of Police, 46.429

New York City Postmaster, 77.507

New York Coal Co., 77.269, 77.489

New York Daily Bulletin, 11.271

New York Evening Post, 32.202, 34.176, 59.300, 67.656, 67.787

New York Herald, 58.182, 65.836, 68.919, 68.920, 69.30, 69.40, 69.79, 69.106, 69.137, 69.144

New York Journal, 58.288

New York Sun, 23.361, 56.944, 56.945, 57.28, 57.81, 57.132, 59.993, 62.248

New York Sunday World, 32.396, 64.798, 64.799

New York Times, 37.227, 40.253, 41.62, 45.436, 46.355, 46.363, 46.376, 49.60, 50.465, 54.156, 54.156, 62.82, 62.97, 65.844, 65.896, 66.212, 66.216, 71.42, 71.489, 74.602, 76.785, 77.242, 77.337, 77.339, 77.353

New York Tribune, 48.65

New York World, 54.62, 61.883, 61.884, 65.93, 66.880, 66.881, 67.158, 67.227, 67.359, 67.365, 68.211, 68.429, 69.802

Neymarck, Alfred, 66.494, 70.493

Nicholas, J. Howard, 32.482

Nichols, J. L., 41.257

Nichols, Lyman, 3.630, 9.292

Nichols, Mrs., 11.193

Nimmo, John, 4.276, 4.296

Nimmo, Joseph, Jr., 10.196, 10.225, 11.34, 11.35, 12.105, 13.219, 14.447, 14.454, 16.259, 16.321, 16.335, 16.337, 16.433, 16.487, 17.86, 17.105, 17.115, 17.146, 17.150, 17.367, 17.461, 18.59, 18.363, 20.396, 22.300, 27.126, 27.158, 31.304, 40.300, 40.315

Nitti, Prof., 57.581

Noble, E. J., 72.577, 72.733

Nordhoff, Charles, 2.200, 2.234, 2.513, 2.556, 2.637, 3.7, 3.225, 5.303, 7.187, 8.85, 8.252, , 8.264, 8.404, 8.447, 8.491, 10.70, 10.121, 13.148, 16.4, 16.33, 16.123, 16.184, 17.42, 17.206, 17.221, 17.224, 17.258, 17.297, 17.325, 17.326, 17.350, 17.365, 17.491, 18.5, 18.35, 18.37, 18.38, 18.43, 18.71, 18.86, 18.89, 18.268, 18.412, 19.106, 19.332, 19.436, 19.445, 19.478, 20.13, 20.41, 21.84, 21.402, 21.430, 27.231, 27.232, 27.246, 27.408, 28.300, 28.301, 28.445, 29.350, 32.293, 33.418, 33.420, 34.26, 34.268, 34.433, 34.483, 35.6, 35.484, 36.7, 38.280, 39.3, 39.327, 41.54, 41.494, 45.560, 46.489, 47.87, 47.721, 48.191, 49.201, 49.359, 50.365, 50.683, 51.459, 51.745, 52.128, 52.871, 54.168, 55.13, 55.201, 55.847, 55.937, 56.497, 58.132, 58.359, 58.362, 58.933, 59.125, 59.270, 59.283, 59.374, 59.448, 59.973, 61.67, 61.840, 62.800, 63.21, 63.37, 63.517, 63.529, 63.618, 63.990, 64.134, 64.815, 65.416, 66.290, 66.994, 67.574, 67.950, 68.668, 69.4, 69.6, 69.717, 70.102, 70.724

Norfolk County Commissioners, 55.703, 55.704

Norman, J. H., 27.242, 27.344, 30.483, 46.68

Norman, W., 64.964

Norman Paper Co., 43.115, 46.588, 47.14, 51.382

Normandy, James, 20.374

Norris, Hugh L., 25.381

North, Frederick O., 71.218, 72.697, 72.780, 74.419, 74.477, 77.753

North, S. N. D., 39.67, 39.112, 41.178, 43.158, 45.6, 45.206, 45.315, 46.562, 46.586, 47.245, 47.318, 48.69, 48.138, 48.176, 51.375, 51.422, 54.755, 58.937, 63.74, 63.368, 63.995, 64.56, 64.64, 64.257, 64.266, 64.356, 65.400, 69.502, 71.215, 71.273, 71.516, 71.814, 72.474, 72.506, 72.593, 73.527, 74.302, 74.592, 76.267, 76.293, 76.331, 76.431, 76.510, 76.576, 77.109, 77.157, 77.158, 77.198, 8, 77.555, 77.600, 77.672, 78.813, 78.846, 79.482

North American Review, 48.699, 50.3, 50.26, 50.65, 51.48, 51.179, 51.182, 55.807, 67.581, 67.645, 67.726, 68.777, 68.778, 68.842, 70.319, 71.566, 71.675, 78.935, 79.16

Northcote, Sir Stafford, 34.58

Northen, Hon. W. J., 68.29

Northern Indiana Normal School, 51.386

Northwestern Miller, 31.453, 35.335, 37.406, 46.602

Norton, 32.284

Norton, A. B., 72.790

Norton, C. B., 13.56

Norton, Prof. Charles Eliot, 40.371, 56.653, 57.181, 57.208, 77.684, 77.969

Norton, Prof. Charles L., 64.159, 65.512, 65.551, 66.141, 66.162, 66.168, 66.229, 67.345, 69.545, 69.548, 69.606, 70.94, 70.178, 70.743, 71.124, 71.428, 71.737, 71.867, 71.901, 72.393, 72.678, 72.952, 72.962, 73.288, 77.54, 77.55, 77.62, 77.200, 77.286, 77.474, 77.801, 77.804, 78.232, 78.265, 78.299, 78.306, 78.491, 78.535, 78.753

Norton, Ex, 34.100, 34.106, 34.115, 34.182, 34.245, 35.193

Norton, J. L., 8.465

Norton, Prof. L. T., 19.130, 19.315, 30.214

Norton, S. F., 55.652, 55.687

Note, 36.196

Notice, 45.234

Notman, Peter, 22.216, 22.288

Nott, Richard W., 55.157

Nourse, B. F., 2.702

Nye, General, 8.227

return to top of index

Obear, E. G., 4.440, 4.485, 5.153, 5.157, 5.178, 5.210

Obear, E. G. & Co., 3.201, 3.227, 3.234, 3.252, 3.275, 3.281, 3.287, 3.291, 3.295, 3.306, 3.316, 3.319, 3.328, 3.371, 3.491, 3.518, 3.634, 3.646, 3.649, 3.668, 3.699, 3.740

O'Brien, Hon. Hugh, 26.424

O'Brien, Robert L., 70.185, 70.221, 70.222, 70.224, 70.249

O'Brien, Thomas D., 64.698

O'Callaghan, Daniel J. M., 70.168

Ochs, 62.70, 72.341

Ochs, George W., 52.789, 56.622, 56.683, 56.715, 56.865, 59.266, 59.451, 59.517, 59.559, 59.560, 59.563, 59.830, 59.879, 60.164

O'Connor, E. J., 16.214

O'Donnell, J., 35.309

Ogden, R. D., 65.51

Ogden, Robert C., 73.780, 73.783, 73.923

Ogden, Rollo, 77.848

Oglesby, T. K., 21.194

O'Gorman, P. C., 77.462

Oklahoma Governor, 67.968

Olanesco, Gregoire P., 63.730, 72.431

Olcott, H. S., 9.57, 9.400, 10.165, 11.344

Old Corner Book Store, 77.6, 77.38, 77.476, 77.575, 77.798, 77.860, 77.942

Olin, Hon. William M., 51.822, 52.438, 52.486, 52.990

Oliver, H. K., 16.178

Oliver, Mrs. Susan L., 23.348

Olmstead, Dwight H., 35.307, 35.329, 35.350, 35.383, 35.422

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 57.151

Olmstead, James M., 72.148

Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot, 52.521

Olney, Hon. Richard, 48.442, 48.503, 48.527, 48.730, 55.438, 56.666, 76.846, 76.866, 77.541

O'Malley, Charles J., 67.940

Oman, Prof. Charles W. C., 67.825, 68.5

O'Neil, Thomas A., 47.221

Orange Judd Co., 71.956

Ordway, George F., 61.486, 63.636

Ordway, Prof. John M., 11.346, 16.40, 16.48, 60.565, 60.745

Ordway & Co., 19.122

Orkin, Jacob I., 77.510

Orleman, Miss D. M., 68.943

Ormsbie, H. H., 9.357, 52.112

Orr, A. E., 51.493

Osborne, D. M. & Co., 30.371, 48.367

Osborne, Gen. F. A., 14.228, 51.402

Osborne, Harriet C., 71.798, 71.920

Osborne, J. N., 4.221

Osborne, T. M., 68.886, 68.936, 69.67, 69.88

Osgood, J. R., 6.427, 13.174

O'Sullian, Jeremiah T., 58.730

Otey, Hon. Peter J., 67.483, 67.506, 68.271, 71.591, 71.618

Otis, Pattee & Co., 4.176, 4.202

Ott, John, 8.389, 9.78, 9.102, 12.243, 16.415, 46.703

Overton, Dr. Frank, 62.749

Owen, Charles D., 20.279, 20.302, 20.379, 20.406, 20.433, 20.455, 23.347, 25.464, 26.37, 26.196, 26.215, 47.195

Owen Bros., 10.46

Ozier, Col. J. D., 13.95

return to top of index

Pacher, Gustav V., 73.277

Page, C. J., 59.938

Page, Dr. Charles E., 57.401

Page, H. E., 45.138

Page, James A., 59.598

Page, Mrs. Mary Hutcheson, 64.538

Page, Thomas Nelson, 74.557

Page, Walter H., 38.324, 39.45, 40.119, 40.192, 40.207, 40.263, 40.281, 40.302, 40.307, 40.312, 40.325, 40.354, 41.61, 41.90, 41.125, 43.81, 44.337, 44.370, 45.66, 45.81, 45.132, 45.166, 45.227, 45.261, 45.328, 45.407, 45.739, 46.259, 46.417, 46.529, 46.558, 46.636, 46.723, 46.736, 47.215, 47.279, 48.672, 48.708, 48.728, 48.741, 50.111, 50.143, 50.160, 50.279, 51.43, 51.94, 51.134, 51.173, 51.342, 51.384, 51.406, 51.440, 51.496, 51.535, 51.581, 51.705, 51.709, 51.748, 51.804, 51.887, 52.106, 52.217, 52.299, 52.360, 52.364, 52.516, 52.941, 54.199, 54.304, 54.422, 54.478, 54.609, 54.639, 54.808, 54.921, 55.271, 55.295, 55.345, 55.568, 55.617, 55.732, 56.706, 56.989, 59.259, 60.487, 61.112, 61.165, 62.316, 63.553, 63.665, 63.861, 63.882, 64.402, 64.433, 65.87, 66.719, 71.167, 72.150, 73.374

Page Woven Wire Fence Co., 65.268

Paine, H. G., 55.497, 55.530

Paine, Robert Treat, 57.228, 60.52, 60.466, 63.693, 72.601

Paine, Robert Treat, Jr., 17.211, 48.195, 48.210, 50.579, 51.407, 54.185, 54.206, 54.316, 54.317, 54.333, 54.334, 54.514, 54.519, 54.560, 54.571, 54.839, 54.919, 54.956, 55.164, 55.351, 55.355, 55.578, 55.583, 58.145, 58.185, 58.234, 59.145, 59.175

Paine, Sidney B., 13.104

Paine III, W., 9.31

Palfrey, F. W., 2.731

Palfrey, John G., 69.739, 69.742, 69.868, 69.899, 69.962, 70.87

Palfrey, Miss Sarah Hammond, 65.946

Palgrave, R. E. Inglis, 36.137, 37.202, 54.296

Palmer, E. H., 64.551

Palmer, George W., 20.54, 20.147, 20.199

Palmer, Prof., 72.346

Palmer, Senator, 35.260

Palmer, Hon. T. W., 45.651

Palmer, William H., 8.308

Palmer, Hon./Gen. William J., 67.470

Palmieri, Henry, 69.428

Parady, Senor F., 8.134

Pardee, Benjamin S., 14.229

Pardee, John S., 62.218, 62.223

Parish, 1.186

Parsons, H. deB., 69.403

Park, James, Jr., 2.562

Parker, Judge Alton B., 76.747, 76.772, 76.891, 77.93, 77.182, 77.184, 77.233, 77.258, 77.331, 77.336, 77.339, 77.355, 77.374, 77.375, 77.401, 77.403, 77.442, 77.482

Parker, E. L., 77.857

Parker, Edward W., 45.655, 45.672, 51.659, 51.702

Parker, George A., 66.226

Parker, Lewis W., 78.897

Parker, Miss Martha E., 64.709, 66.63, 66.102

Parker, Percy L., 73.857

Parker, Philip S., 74.500

Parker, W. E., 32.485, 67.393

Parker, Walter E., 59.85

Parker, Willard, 26.47

Parker, William Whitwell, 65.948

Parkhill, S. J., 55.272

Parkhurst, Rev. C. H., 62.738

Parks, Rev. Leighton, 69.723, 69.724

Parks, Samuel C., 69.947

Parrish, Lydia, 39.483

Parrish, W. P., 38.63

Parsons, 46.161

Parsons, C. C., 59.893

Parsons, Rev. E. B., 66.987

Parsons, H. C., 11.130, 11.259, 11.333, 11.427, 33.5

Parsons, Henry D. G., 51.835, 51.877

Parsons, J. Russell, 26.70, 26.84

Parsons, T., 6.290, 6.399

Parsons, Theophilus, 63.843, 63.844, 79.98

Patrick, John T., 32.397, 34.44

Partridge, Daniel, 11.307

Patent, Commissioner, 2.504, 27.417, 29.382

Patten, Prof. Simon N., 33.332

Patterson, James, 65.375

Patterson, Hon. J. W., 20.407

Patterson, Hon. Thomas M., 72.108, 72.123

Paul, M. C., 66.205

Payson, Samuel R., 10.186, 14.185

Peabody, Prof./Dr. F. H., 60.938, 74.426, 74.434

Peabody, George Foster, 59.644, 59.682, 62.124, 64.736, 66.27, 67.199

Peabody, Dr. George L., 77.585

Peabody, Henry W., 59.13

Peabody, Miss Lucia M.[W.?], 63.182

Peabody, Robert S., 11.414

Peabody & Stearns, 17.558

Peacedale Manufacturing Co., 55.872

Peakes, T. B., 10.55

Pealle, W. A., Jr., 30.64

Pearsons & Taft, 25.233

Pease, J. N., 49.283

Pechin, Edmund C., 50.215, 51.609, 52.382

Pechin, Mrs. Edward, 49.27

Peel, Hon. George, 58.343, 58.543, 58.564, 58.747, 58.752, 58.773, 58.824, 58.997, 59.521, 59.796, 60.875

Peel, Sir Robert, 34.61

Peers of the Realm, 32.144

Peetles, A. B., 57.31

Peffer, William A., 52.389

Peirce, A. L., 69.443

Peirce, Joshua, 62.588

Pell, Robert, 2.640

Pemberton, Miss Caroline H., 68.625, 68.698

Penalty of Militarism, 71.1001

Penn, John C., 55.20

Penniman, Charles, 3.332, 3.393

Penniman, Thomas, 77.348

Penniman, W. B. D., 70.471

Pennsylvania Railroad, 52.489

Penny Magazine, 58.103, 58.187

Pensions, 44.232

Perkins, A. M. & Sons, 33.279

Perkins, Charles E., 3.560, 6.25, 6.95, 33.459

Perkins, Edward C., 58.722

Perkins, Edward N., 39.109

Perkins, Frederick H., 60.28

Perkins, John M., 67.445

Perris, G. H., 76.323, 77.778

Perry, Bliss, 72.226, 72.318, 72.397, 72.398, 73.546, 79.281

Perry, C. F., 28.20

Perry, O. H., 77.218

Perry, Prof., 10.154, 10.162

Peters, Col., 13.159, 13.248

Peters, F. C., 2.720

Pettigrew, Senator/Hon. Richard F., 68.208, 69.886

Phelps, Hon. E. J., 57.193, 57.296, 57.300, 57.301, 57.635

Phelps, Willis, 6.167

Phenis, Albert, 77.357, 77.390, 77.392

Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 7.340

Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 67.98, 67.165, 67.222, 67.878

Philadelphia North American, 9.83

Philadelphia Record, 63.383, 63.396, 71.711

Philippson, P., 22.310

Phillips, C. H., 66.899, 66.900

Phillips, J. S., 64.535

Phillips, N. A., 71.812

Phillips, S. B., 29.91

Phillips, W. P., 43.316

Phillips, Wendel, 5.467, 7.38

Phillips, Willard P., 55.303

Phillips, William B., 72.869

Phillips, William P., 54.11, 54.390

Philpot, Henry J., 12.208, 14.39, 14.77

Phipps, Benjamin, 59.13

Phipps, Henry, 65.389, 66.74, 66.369, 73.401, 77.237, 77.414, 77.957, 77.963, 78.77, 78.80, 78.769, 79.134

Phipps, Henry, Jr., 32.252, 32.467, 35.290, 55.509

Phipps, William, 70.884

Photo-Gravure Co., 23.345, 26.327, 26.369, 33.290

Pickering, Professor Edward C., 4.395, 56.940

Pidgin, C. F., 76.788, 77.66, 77.108, 77.203

Pierce, Andrew G., 7.215, 7.355, 12.93, 33.173, 39.168, 39.344, 44.387, 45.615, 47.15, 50.220, 57.517

Pierce, Hon. Edward L., 27.351, 36.140

Pierce, H. M., 23.466

Pierce, Hon. Henry L., 37.72, 37.273, 47.372, 56.548

Pierce, Joshua, 26.251

Pierce, Otis N., 18.36, 38.33, 38.62, 41.36

Pierce, Phineas, 45.735, 46.211, 48.541, 50.431, 61.903, 61.945, 64.141

Pierce, S. S. & Co., 38.461, 63.82

Pillsbury, Hon. A. E., 50.691, 66.36, 66.53

Pillsbury, Charles A., 25.117, 26.33

Pilot, 73.634, 73.698

Pilsbury, L. D., 10.124

Pioneer Press, 48.719

Pitman, Judge, 5.333

Pittsburgh Brass Co., 42.318, 51.81

Pittsburgh Commercial, 4.136

Pittsburgh Reduction Co., 34.106

Planter's Journal, 11.159

Platt, O. H., 3.235

Platt Bros. & Co., 9.95, 12.399

Plaur, Thomas G. and others, 77.693

Playfair, Sir/Lord Lyon, 21.282, 28.202, 28.368, 45.68, 51.39, 51.177, 52.324, 56.716, 56.886, 56.981, 59.23, 59.131, 60.151

Plenge, Dr., 77.717

Plumb, C. S., 52.319

Plympton, Prof. G. W., 52.468

Poland, J. P., 50.125

Poli-Con, 40.151

Polk, 12.38

Polk, Hon. Trusten, 5.12, 5.70, 5.73, 5.125, 5.155, 5.183, 5.360, 5.406, 5.413

Pollett, J. S., 64.179, 64.593

Pond Machine Tool Co., 51.620

Poor, Henry V., 22.210, 22.236, 28.91, 28.208, 28.313, 28.467, 32.340, 37.303, 38.284, 38.313, 38.342, 47.503, 48.252, 49.54, 51.551, 52.749, 56.927, 60.19, 61.763, 61.796, 69.919, 70.81, 71.950

Poor, H. V. & H. W., 29.393, 55.446, 58.853

Poor, Miss Lucy T., 56.414

Poor & Greenough, 29.65, 29.70, 29.81, 29.149, 29.191, 29.253, 30.117, 32.296, 32.329, 32.363, 33.28, 45.10, 45.439

Pope, A., 14.33

Pope, A. A., Manufacturing Co., 31.393

Pope, Col. Albert A., 46.216, 77.547

Pope, George W., 19.222

Pope, William F., 74.564, 76.519, 76.828, 77.656, 78.5

Pope Manufacturing Co., 52.576, 55.327

Popoff, W., 41.469

Popular Science Monthly, 31.100, 31.110, 31.128, 43.196, 55.832, 64.298, 64.460, 66.144, 68.726, 68.990, 69.262, 70.982, 71.34

Porter, Alexander S., 50.709, 54.364, 62.296, 71.912, 71.987, 76.441, 77.389, 77.655, 77.901, 77.921a

Porter, C. H., 44.341

Porter, Hon. Horace, 69.896

Porter, Hon. James D., 18.311

Porter, Prof. J. M., 66.489

Porter, John Addison, 22.438

Porter, Miss Katharine C., 74.107

Porter, Hon. R. P., 45.393, 45.456, 46.30, 46.462, 48.440, 48.629, 49.25, 49.84

Porter, Robert P., 23.41, 31.245, 31.344, 32.159, 33.31, 33.221

Porter, Dr. William P., 52.539

Post, 78.404, 78.405, 78.457, 78.458, 78.467, 78.468, 78.604, 78.605, 78.610, 78.612, 78.970

Postmaster General, Fourth Assistant, 77.594, 77.598, 77.688

Potter, E. C., 35.37

Potter, J. S., 17.415, 18.10, 18.57, 18.167, 18.169, 18.395, 19.62, 19.70, 19.168, 19.312, 19.334, 19.341, 20.237, 20.262, 22.356, 26.304, 32.126, 33.185, 47.638, 48.351, 48.547, 49.70, 49.228, 49.328, 50.404, 50.444, 51.101, 51.498, 52.370, 52.650, 52.698, 52.736, 52.928, 54.747, 56.632, 56.755, 59.567, 59.624, 59.660, 59.669, 59.756, 59.774, 61.634, 62.109, 62.469, 62.475, 70.979, 71.37, 71.166, 71.209, 71.246, 72.51, 72.779

Potter, Miss, 23.97

Potter, Orlando B., 11.97, 11.355

Potter, Thomas B., 3.657, 11.12, 11.69, 28.114, 32.350, 37.422

Potter, Rev. W. D., 73.966

Potter, William F., 35.195, 36.232

Potts, Benjamin C., 27.487, 35.202, 35.233

Potts, Charles W., 36.259

Powell, Prof., 25.113

Powell, R. W., 59.759

Powers, A. E., 15.167, 15.177

Powers, L. G., 49.715, 51.366, 51.441, 52.476, 52.564, 52.612, 52.708, 52.722, 52.726, 52.825, 55.453, 56.279, 56.616, 56.661, 57.218, 57.295, 57.550, 57.637, 57.678, 57.783, 57.833, 57.905, 58.3, 58.12, 58.21, 58.38, 58.54, 58.105, 58.173, 58.180, 58.281, 58.450, 58.453, 58.483, 58.749, 58.847, 58.953, 59.141, 59.170, 59.286, 59.372, 59.409, 59.618, 60.3, 60.658, 60.718, 61.69, 61.108, 61.169, 61.184, 61.304, 62.215, 62.232, 62.247, 63.391, 63.392, 63.566, 63.729, 64.558, 65.272, 65.338, 65.415, 65.418, 65.492, 65.596, 70.697, 70.763, 70.764, 70.765, 70.883, 71.126, 71.172, 71.284, 71.516, 71.546, 71.715, 71.796, 71.842, 71.853, 71.996, 72.13a, 72.432, 72.459, 72.831, 74.585, 76.415, 76.604, 77.783, 79.511, 79.514

Powers, Mrs., 26.82

Powers, Hon. Samuel L., 71.319, 74.304, 74.609

Powlison, Charles F., 64.776

Prang, Louis, 59.882

Pratt, F. B., 50.331

Pray, Thomas, Jr., 12.406, 12.451, 14.442, 16.215, 19.316

Preface, 30.235

Preface Aladdin Oven, 37.437

Preface to Pamphlet Edition, 36.287

Prensyner, Mrs. Roxana B., 47.156

Prentice, Sartell, 9.48

Presbrey, F. S., 46.398

Prescott, F. W., 7.387, 9.7

Prescott, Oliver, Jr., 70.170

Press, Members of, 22.7, 22.11

Preston, E. G., 58.417

Preston, Gustavo, 41.198

Preston, Mr., 55.622

Preston, Hon. R. E., 58.2, 58.372, 61.217, 61.558, 62.431

Price, 18.437

Price, Col. J. A., 29.276, 29.296, 32.395

Price, Rev./Dr. J. C., 33.232, 33.366, 33.432, 33.492, 37.130, 46.76, 46.342

Price, Professor, 4.209, 4.303, 19.88

Prince, Morton, 71.644

Prime, S. T. K., 16.170, 20.107, 25.324, 26.414, 26.441, 38.351, 49.28, 49.83, 49.111, 51.7, 56.463, 61.190, 61.259, 63.785

Primrose, W. S., 23.138

Print Works & Dye Works, 77.196

Pritchett, President H. S., 69.412, 71.355, 71.484, 71.485, 72.261, 78.233, 78.307, 78.370, 78.391

Procter, Prof., 11.136, 12.483, 20.124

Procter & Gamble Co., 68.696

Proctor, Mr., 48.217

Proctor, Prof./Hon. John R., 41.256, 42.46, 43.22, 44.396, 65.186

Proctor, Hon. Redfield, 63.874, 63.999

Proctor, Thomas E., 19.86, 29.42

Produce Exchange, 52.569

Pro Forma, 49.158

"Progress of the South," 56.92

Protection to Miners of Iron Ore, 42.497, 43.1

Provand, A. D., 25.455, 65.30, 65.199, 65.373, 65.435, 65.691, 65.698, 73.826, 73.827, 73.902, 74.50, 74.409, 77.150, 79.416

Providence Journal, 20.109, 45.416, 51.138, 62.928

Providence Postmaster, 77.406

Prudential Life Insurance Co., 69.975

Pryor, J. W., 77.36

Public, 69.492, 69.493

Public Opinion, 47.398

Public Printer, Washinton, D.C., 77.520

Public Revenue, 37.249

Publicity, 78.425, 78.426

Pugh, J. C., 77.603, 77.606, 77.634, 77.732

Pulsford, Edward, 77.675

Pumpelly, Prof. Raphael, 25.238, 25.349, 38.397, 39.189, 72.783

Punchard, E. O. & Co., 29.373

Purdy & Arnold, 31.223

Purdy, J. E. & Co., 67.95

Putnam, Prof./Dr. F. W., 18.144, 18.247, 18.248, 18.249, 23.316, 30.181, 30.448, 35.467, 40.362, 40.468, 41.440, 46.546, 46.600, 55.982, 56.462, 58.380, 58.584, 58.585, 63.545, 63.852

Putnam, Rev. George A., 43.312

Putnam, George Haven, 17.149, 17.239, 17.254, 17.255, 17.288, 17.286, 22.259, 59.533, 59.990, 74.892

Putnam, George M., 65.518

Putnam, George P., 16.187, 16.275, 16.290, 16.297, 16.474, 16.494

Putnam, Henry H., 64.10

Putnam, Herbert, 60.553, 61.24, 61.789, 62.982

Putnam, H. H., 77.945

Putnam, J. P., 19.480

Putnam, James, 3.247

Putnam, W. L., 26.354

Putnam's Sons, George P. 16.309, 16.320, 16.428, 17.89, 17.166, 17.235, 17.293, 17.456, 17.476, 18.88, 20.99, 20.155, 21.44, 21.64, 23.321, 23.338, 23.356, 25.40, 25.347, 27.19, 27.270, 28.170, 29.3, 29.243, 29.281, 29.324, 30.120, 30.175, 30.201, 30.233, 30.235, 30.237, 30.239, 31.308, 31.309, 31.348, 31.362, 31.424, 32.133, 32.151, 32.153, 33.94, 35.78, 36.282, 36.304, 36.312, 46.89, 46.96, 46.159, 46.308, 46.516, 51.820, 56.854, 56.890, 56.924, 59.490, 60.54, 62.134, 62.615, 68.228, 74.866

Pyle, J. G., 35.175, 44.235, 50.10, 52.377, 52.474, 55.572

return to top of index

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 27.221

Question Clubs, 30.50

Quincy, 17.315

Quincy, Mayor/Hon. Josiah, 37.396, 48.226, 48.228, 48.288, 48.603, 49.81, 49.497, 60.257, 60.945, 60.952, 60.989, 61.79, 61.153, 61.202, 62.436, 62.466, 62.477

Quinlan's Stables, 77.179

Quinn, Francis A., 40.484

Quint, Rev. A. H., 54.750

return to top of index

Rabbeth, Frank J., 60.324, 63.849

Race Problem, 33.78

Raffalovich, Prof. Arthur, 17.236, 23.148, 23.232, 72.260, 72.483

Railway Age, 18.448, 19.5, 36.486

Railways, Committee on, 23.15011

Rand, McNally & Co., 72.964

Rand & Avery, 14.343

Randall, Hon. Samuel, Jr., 18.451, 18.470, 18.498

Randolph, Edmund D., 54.197

Ransdell, Hon. John E., 74.790

Rapp, Walter, 58.971

Rathbone, H. R., 74.567, 74.887

Raum, Hon. Green B., 34.426, 45.470, 45.713, 46.306, 47.99, 47.170, 47.209, 47.282, 48.45, 48.82

Ravenel, H. E., 46.444

Rawle, Francis, 27.301, 27.305

Rawle, James, 27.335

Rawson, Sir Rawson W., 21.222, 21.347, 21.414, 22.22, 23.77, 23.158, 26.467, 27.263, 27.337, 49.568, 55.22, 55.957, 55.995, 60.554, 60.755, 60.871, 61.81, 61.110, 61.159, 61.183, 61.208, 61.317, 63.905, 64.89, 66.179, 66.415

Ray, James A., 67.535

Ray, J. J., 8.108

Raymenton, Dr. William H., 30.393, 30.410, 34.338, 34.382, 37.148

Raymond, Edward W., 46.237

Raymond, Dr. J. H., 31.361

Raymond, Prof. Rossiter W., 25.113, 39.320

Read, Henry, 23.367

Read, Miss Sarah Elizabeth, 71.128

Reading, R. J., 57.252

Reagan, Hon. John H., 59.25

Reall, Joseph H., 11.215, 11.343, 11.387, 11.390, 11.400, 11.403, 11.412, 11.423, 11.438, 11.443, 11.444, 11.446, 11.448, 11.483, 12.156, 12.159, 12.244, 12.246, 12.335, 12.339, 12.383, 12.391, 12.427, 12.468, 13.467, 14.275, 14.288, 14.468, 14.489, 17.77, 17.321

Receipt, 40.218

Record, 21.436, 57.655, 58.524

Redding, R. J., 60.307, 64.325

Redfield, William C., 57.820, 57.829, 59.204

Redpath, James, 20.398, 21.293

Reed, Miss M. G., 68.136

Reed, Hon. Thomas B., 42.415, 62.935, 64.342, 64.362, 65.899

Reed, William Howell, 47.712, 51.20, 52.7

Reeder, Dr. David H., 62.842, 62.843

Rees, J. K., 55.178

Reform Club, 7.349, 7.350, 51.171, 73.186, 73.187, 77.411, 77.796, 78.60

Regan, John W., 48.184, 48.186

Regan Brothers, 72.607

Registrar of Deeds, 45.298

Registrar of Titles, 32.289

Reid, A. H., 26.99

Reid, H. P., 13.396

Reid, John H., 25.459, 26.28

Reis, Jayme Batalha, 7.362

Rels, George L., 74.590

Remsen, Dr. Ira, 38.413, 38.455, 38.475

Renten, D. H., 39.296

Replies to Questions put by the Manufacturer's Club, 41.24

Republican, 77.627, 77.904, 77.954, 77.955

Resolutions, 39.31, 45.541, 46.235, 46.291

Resumption Act, 8.288

Revenue, 11.3

Reynolds, Dr. Edward, 46.9

Reynolds, Hon. John M., 48.423

Reynolds, P. C., 12.493, 13.375

Reynolds, Robert J., 43.406

Rhawn, William H., 55.16, 55.214, 56.127, 56.173, 56.196, 56.212

Rhoades, John Harsen, 61.167, 61.338, 62.486, 62.516, 62.611

Rhodes, Bradford, 37.288, 37.318, 51.490, 51.513, 56.404

Rhodes, Bradford & Co., 55.24

Rhodes, James Ford, 45.334, 59.584, 59.586, 59.616, 60.191, 60.932, 63.10, 63.310, 63.842, 64.693, 71.723, 73.522

Rhodes Journal of Banking, 51.872

Rice, Gov. Alexander H., 8.500

Rice, A. T., 11.195

Rice, A. W., 5.463

Rice, Elmer C., 50.42

Rice, George M., 7.146, 7.310, 7.320

Rice, Isaac L., 55.677

Rice, J. L. G., 21.407

Rice, William B., 34.337, 52.237

Rice, Hon. William G., 57.740, 69.95, 77.15, 77.23, 77.24, 77.37, 77.41, 77.96, 78.330

Rice, Barton and Faley, 16.245

Rich, Rev. A. J., 39.32

Rich, Edgar J., 62.243

Rich, William T., 10.67

Richards, C. R., 57.304, 57.331

Richards, Calvin, 25.156

Richards, Dexter N., 50.420

Richards, Mrs. Ellen H., 9.397, 11.74, 11.241, 11.352, 11.430, 19.67, 19.71, 19.237, 28.5, 29.30, 29.47, 29.57, 29.315, 29.444, 30.276, 30.339, 31.164, 32.97, 32.236, 32.269, 32.382, 32.403, 33.288, 34.108, 34.488, 35.91, 35.283, 35.285, 35.384, 36.233, 36.328, 36.432, 36.457, 37.170, 37.240, 38.195, 38.364, 38.443, 38.444, 38.464, 39.118, 39.188, 39.370, 39.435, 39.454, 40.87, 40.351, 41.133, 41.230, 41.326, 41.449, 42.28, 43.174, 43.321, 43.491, 44.67, 44.273, 45.33, 45.112, 45.117, 45.161, 45.169, 45.216, 45.285, 45.291, 45.345, 45.591, 45.671, 45.687, 46.75, 46.180, 46.589, 46.617, 48.584, 49.72, 49.122, 49.136, 49.35, 50.221, 50.558, 50.601, 51.23, 51.55, 51.154, 51.207, 51.387, 51.695, 51.891, 52.136, 52.149, 52.187, 52.221, 52.301, 52.331, 52.397, 52.480, 52.525, 52.550, 52.582, 54.512, 54.897, 55.691, 55.865, 56.457, 56.557, 59.608a, 60.327, 61.156, 62.558, 62.734, 67.956, 79.231

Richards, Prof. Robert H., 78.392, 78.433, 78.469

Richards, Prof. Robert W., 25.113, 47.650

Richardson, 29.107

Richardson, Charles F., 33.67, 35.35

Richardson, Miss Ellen A., 58.981

Richardson, George C., 8.360, 13.120

Richardson, G. C. & Co., 7.160

Richardson, Gedney K., 43.97

Richardson, Hayden, 64.236

Richardson, J. D., 71.482

Richardson, Hon. W. A., 3.643

Richie, F. M., 55.603

Richmond, 11.318

Richmond, Howard, 33.25

Richmond News, 72.163

Ricketson, Miss Angeline, 20.24

Rideoute, Miss C. L., 12.320, 12.375, 12.447, 13.47, 14.299, 18.115, 18.126

Riddell, Miss M., 57.339

Ridgeway, Prof., 57.748

Riis, Jacob, 57.155, 57.214, 57.261

Riley, James, 58.468

Riley, Walter, 31.334

Ring, David, 37.458

Ring, Hiram P., 3.297

Ripley, E. P., 74.770

Ripley, J. T., 55.440

Ripley, T. W. Co., 77.14, 77.52, 77.89, 77.136, 77.146, 77.871, 77.912, 77.919

Ripley, William W., 33.296

Ripley, Prof. William Z., 49.251, 70.206, 70.208, 71.182, 71.210, 72.838, 72.865, 72.983, 72.995, 73.368, 74.808, 77.797, 77.814

Ritchie, Ryerson, 39.30

Rives, Francis R., 42

Rix, B. S., 27.426

Robb, Ellis D., 52.608

Robbins, Hon. Gaston A., 51.77

Robbins, Hayes, 79.112

Robbins, Reginald C., 62.275, 65.86

Robbins, Royal, 46.686

Roberts, Edwards, 49.268

Roberts, Ellis H., 27.311, 27.336

Roberts, George E., 59.136, 71.412, 79.304, 79.354, 79.488, 79.533, 79.542

Roberts, J. P., 52.676

Roberts, M. G. L., 72.846, 72.850, 73.489, 73.490

Roberts, Thomas, 32.451

Roberts & Fellows, 26.268

Roberts-Austen, W. C., 70.810

Robertson, John M., 67.378

Robeson, Mrs. Louis, 59.210

Robinson, Charles, 7.486, 7.497

Robinson, Edward, 59.439

Robinson, George A., 22.223

Robinson, Dr. Gilman P., 62.259

Robinson, Henry A., 51.816, 52.145

Roche, John R., 31.376, 32.57

Rockefeller, John D., 73.508, 73.783

Rockwell & Churchill, 64.587, 64.588, 65.954, 65.955, 66.5, 66.581, 66.582, 66.660, 66.792, 66.803, 66.808, 67.397

Rodgers, Charles D., 20.275, 20.311, 20.399

Rodman, W. M., 2.159

Roederer, Mon. Louis, 7.469

Rogers, George K., 47.54

Rogers, Henry M., 47.13

Rogers, Henry Wade, 42.458

Rogers, Hon. John Rankin, 69.851

Rogers, Prof., 9.297, 12.97, 27.29

Rollins, Hon. E. A., 3.172

Rollins, Hon. E. H., 2.577

Rollins, F. W., 25.293, 29.410, 29.421, 29.456, 34.417, 35.206, 51.948, 63.266, 63.344

Rollins, J. R., 10.127

Romeike, Henry, 31.489, 45.18

Rood, Charles D., 76.368

Roosevelt, R. B., 64.240, 64.242

Roosevelt, Theodore, 71.410

Root, Hon. Elihu, 69.35, 69.127

Root, L. Carroll, 57.959

Ropes, John C., 66.193, 66.194, 66.213, 66.860

Roscoe, Sir Henry, 54.129

Rose, Mr., 45.667

Rosebault, Charles J., 68.882, 68.953, 69.27, 69.358, 69.378, 69.431, 69.451, 69.467

Rosekam, W. B., 38.441

Ross, 6.209

Ross, Judge Alexander, 58.311

Ross, D., 12.360

Ross, L. S., 26.221

Ross, M. D., 13.28, 14.487, 18.475

Ross, Morris, 59.9

Rosser, General Thomas L., 26.67, 26.106, 55.263

Rossi, Dr. Egisto, 21.226, 23.155

Rotch, A. Lawrence, 62.271, 62.360

Rotch, Arthur, 31.292

Round, William M. F., 29.401, 29.416, 52.354

Rounsaville, J. W., 40.251

Rovere, C., 10.195

Rowe, Senator, 62.513

Rowlands Frederic J., 58.725

Royal, William L., 60.6

Rubenstein, Philip, 77.780, 77.791

Rucabado, Francisco, 74.252, 77.120

Ruck, Hon. J. M., 34.112

Rugby Land Co., 14.335

Rugg, Charles P., 46.635, 46.692

Runkle, John Daniel, 9.70, 9.92, 9.119, 39.295, 39.348

Rupert, Charles G., 77.967

Rusk, Hon. J. M., 42.261, 45.295

Russell, 23.185, 34.157

Russell, Charles P., 77.727

Russell, Charles Theodore, Jr., 55.369

Russell, George W., 52.733

Russell, Col. Henry S., 19.63, 54.428, 54.463, 72.547

Russell, Hon. John E., 72.899

Russell, J. S., 46.524

Russell, Hon. John E., 46.233, 46.290, 50.47, 50.175

Russell, Joseph B., 56.691

Russell, Miss Rose A., 39.318

Russell, Dr. S. B., 4.72

Russell, Hon. Thomas, 4.314, 8.115

Russell, William A., 58.410

Russell, Gov. William E., 32.468, 33.82, 33.363, 39.192, 39.461, 41.109, 41.231, 41.358, 43.314, 45.223, 45.365, 45.441, 45.457, 46.446, 46.479, 47.196, 56.686, 57.777, 58.97, 58.109, 58.221

Russel & Co., 12.73, 12.465

Rutter, Frank R., 72.67

Ryan, Thomas, 67.362

Ryckman, J. W., 11.263, 11.266, 11.309, 11.315, 11.330, 11.353, 11.463, 12.13, 12.302, 13.230, 17.112

Ryder, Dr. Isaiah, 25.384

return to top of index

Sabin, A. H., 41.262

Sabine, H., 17.233, 17.269

Sabine, W., 16.177

Sachs, Edwin O., 63.789, 71.165, 73.392

Sackett Wall Board Co., 51.886

Sadler, Dr. M. E., 72.158

Safe Construction of City Warehouses, 41.269

Sagamore, 59.87, 71.122

Salem Press, 36.4, 36.118

Salisbury, Lady, 37.385

Saltonstall, Henry, 14.242, 18.141, 20.126, 20.354, 25.489, 26.30, 26.93, 26.170, 26.214, 32.279, 32.324, 32.353, 33.44, 33.45, 46.555, 48.11, 48.59, 48.358, 48.431, 50.332, 51.478, 52.567

Saltonstall, Leverett, 41.283

Salvage, C. M., 8.438

Sampson, Alman, 11.305

Sampson, Joseph, 40.141

Sampson, Mrs. Flora D., 61.868

Samson, Felix, 55.825, 55.833

Sanborn, F. B., 16.319, 17.18, 67.489, 78.845

Sanborn, Miss Kate, 50.298

Sandford, Dr. E. W., 4.282

Sandford, John, 6.185

Sands, Mahlon, 4.37, 4.49, 4.235, 4.241, 4.246, 4.275, 4.294, 4.308, 15.43

Sanford, 56.495

Sanford, Arnold B., 48.468

Sanford, Mr. D. S., 58.837, 60.16, 67.332, 67.632, 67.679, 67.768, 67.783, 67.856, 73.953, 77.155

Sanford, J. O., 54.31

Sanford & Kelly, 63.754

Sangrumet, Marshall P., 5.434

Sanial, Lucien, 78.368

Saraydarian, M. B., 8.408

Sargent, Dr., 23.421, 23.467, 63.234

Sargent, Prof. Charles S., 13.181, 34.23, 52.86, 55.588, 60.386

Sargent, Frederick Leroy, 65.328, 65.346

Sargent, Henry B., 32.48

Sargent, Mrs. Mary E., 34.253, 34.485, 35.53, 35.177

Saturday Evening Post, 41.100

Sauerbeck, Augustus, 54.365, 54.619, 54.866

Saunders, Benjamin, 1.172

Saunders, F. E., 31.359

Saunders, Rolfe S., 11.186

Savage, Henry, 68.637

Savannah Bulletin, 56.295

Saville, Caleb, 38.419

Saville, Somes & Co., 35.61

Saward, F. E., 71.885

Sawyer, C. H., 36.334

Sawyer, H. M., 77.71

Sayer, H. N., 14.353

Sayles, William R., 28.438

Sayward, William H., 33.149, 59.396, 77.199, 77.638

Scates, Miss Mary E., 70.246

Scates Medical Co., 52.355

Schedule of a Tariff of Revenue, 4.104

Scheffler, Frederick L., 34.124

Schiff, Jacob H., 54.678

Schleicher, Hon. Gustav, 7.222, 8.473

Schlesinger, 57.684, 57.685

Schlesinger, B., 64.692

Schlesinger, Barthold, 44.502, 49.3, 54.893, 58.897, 59.14, 60.532

Schoenhof, Jacob, 17.125, 17.470, 20.271, 66.228

Schofield, Genl., 3.700

School Committee of Boston, 33.281

School Committee of Brookline, 50.194

Schulz, Jackson S., 7.280, 19.11

Schurz, Hon. Carl, 4.35, 7.347, 8.398, 8.435, 8.477, 9.13, 10.199, 10.209, 10.255, 10.259, 10.260, 10.264, 10.276, 11.316, 25.435, 25.444, 25.474, 26.71, 37.414, 65.184, 65.685, 66.914, 66.948, 68.111, 79.91

Schurz, Henry, 57.923

Schwab, Gustav H., 60.36160.576, 69.115, 69.132, 69.147, 69.257, 70.4, 70.21, 70.30, 70.127, 70.164, 70.196

Schwab, Prof. John C., 51.954, 63.697, 63.766

Schwamb, Prof. Peter, 55.930, 58.537

Science, 18.316, 25.225

Scott, 17.177, 23.288

Scott, Arthur J., 21.1, 33.356, 36.42, 36.297, 37.75, 37.401, 38.290, 39.330, 39.351, 40.445, 42.189, 45.463, 46.50, 46.362, 46.496, 48.259, 48.551, 50.57, 50.108, 51.965, 52.89, 52.963, 54.479

Scott, Charles T., 78.931

Scott, C. P., 71.1000, 72.699, 76.958, 76.973, 77.116, 77.189, 77.191, 77.221, 77.822, 78.47

Scott, D. H., 70.810, 73.670

Scott, E. Kilburn, 77.124

Scott, Frank H., 12.230, 22.71

Scott, Hugh, 5.88

Scott, J. Arthur, 34.476

Scott, Thomas A., 8.125

Scoville Manufacturing Co., 33.455

Scribner's, Charles & Son, 10.251, 11.280, 11.360

Scribner's Monthly, 11.11, 63.372

Scroggs, C. J., 44.344

Scudder, C. W., 23.141

Scudder, Samuel H., 11.55

Searles, John E., 60.780, 60.872, 61.16, 61.94, 63.152, 63.293, 63.651, 63.772, 63.846, 64.75

Sears, 65.73, 65.483, 65.514

Sears, C. E., 48.190

Sears, F. B., 40.39, 40.40, 55.623

Sears, Francis B., 57.633

Sears, Henry F., 50.362

Sears, J. Montgomery, 13.352, 47.135, 47.156, 47.389, 61.615, 61.814

Sears, Vinton A., 39.211

Seattle Post Intelligencer, 58.539

Seaver, Edwin P., 34.90, 36.336, 39.259, 43.91, 45.601, 56.366, 56.489, 62.285

Seay, Samuel, 58.326

Secretaries of the British Association, 70.957

Secretary of Agriculture, 52.419, 61.164, 63.698, 76.743, 78.532

Secretary of the Board of Trade, 50.311

Secretary of the Bureau of Commerce, 77.941, 78.218, 78.558, 78.652, 78.654

Secretary of the Carnegie Research Trust, 78.603, 79.221

Secretary of the Committee, Democratic Headquarters, 77.215

Secretary of the Congregational Club, 43.202

Secretary of the Democratic Club, 50.520

Secretary of the Department of Health, 77.746

Secretary of the Interior, 61.160

Secretary of the Proposed Exhibition, 51.102

Secretary of the Treasury, 47.525, 55.646, 55.737, 77.456

Secretary of the University Club, 43.349

Secretary of War, 65.774

Secretary of War (England), 8.10

Sedgwick, Prof. William T., 51.344, 51.718, 60.559, 64.398, 70.218, 70.236, 70.251, 70.272, 70.288, 70.289, 71.14, 72.785, 77.98

Seely, G. B., 22.328

Seely, H. B., 72.631

Seiler, M., 23.177, 23.226

Seitz, D. T., 45.105

Selectmen, 65.625, 65.626, 65.800

Selfridge, Admiral, 77.484

Seligman, Prof. Edwin R. L., 30.153, 36.356, 62.723, 69.533

Sellers, William, 55.859, 55.870

Semple, Samuel & Sons, 8.138

Senn, C. Herman, 72.34

Serena, Arthur, 78.843

Sessions, Hon. William R., 52.556, 52.596, 52.801, 52.867, 54.249, 65.476

Sewall, Henry, 55.428

Sexton, Laurence/Lawrence E., 59.96, 64.876

Seymour, 2.153

Shackleford, Hon. Dorsey W., 74.968

Shadwell, Bertrand, 66.653

Shailer, Prof., 23.173

Shaler, Prof. N. S., 11.347, 25.83, 25.85, 25.93, 25.113, 25.136, 25.315, 31.130, 36.264, 36.292, 38.234, 38.252, 39.212, 42.144, 42.364, 43.399, 46.35, 46.201, 46.371, 47.96, 47.109, 47.585, 47.601, 48.154, 48.168, 48.204, 48.376, 48.402, 48.447, 48.516, 49.29, 57.628, 59.923, 61.973, 62.62, 62.63, 62.92, 62.959, 65.398, 67.938, 68.656, 68.659, 68.781, 77.843, 77.873

Shanley, Rev. Walter J., 77.296

Sharp, Walter, 41.93

Shattuc, Hon. W. B., 66.698, 66.826, 66.859, 66.896, 67.6

Shattuck, George O., 37.176, 37.198

Shaver, Henry C., 47.714, 48.88, 48.102, 48.661, 49.446, 55.540, 55.541

Shaw, Col. A. D., 14.463

Shaw, Albert, 39.395

Shaw, Mrs. Francis G., 60.816, 65.7, 65.174

Shaw, Mrs. Helen L., 51.296

Shaw, Hon. Leslie M., 73.178, 73.222, 73.231

Shaw, Miss, 52.509

Shaw, Mrs. Sarah B., 65.886, 67.995

Shaw, Travis, 8.245

Shaw, W. A., 55.545, 55.674, 55.836, 55.979, 56.150, 56.203, 56.675

Shaw, W. B., 60.44

Shaw Monument, 9.42, 38.60, 46.695, 49.347, 59.107, 59.726, 60.943, 60.975

Shaw Monument Inscriptions, 46.333

Shearman, Thomas G., 17.184, 54.901

Shedd, J. Herbert, 77.92

Sheedy, J. E., 59.137, 59.44, 59.166

Sheldon, George P., 36.407, 37.11

Sheldon, Joseph, 54.899

Sheldon, W. A., 64.445

Sheldon Manufacturing Co., 33.276

Shenck, 3.369

Shepard, Harvey N., 46.423

Shepard, John, 48.179, 48.338, 64.461, 78.14

Shepard, W. B., 11.272

Shepherd, I. M., 78.615

Shepley, D. E. & Co., 25.5

Shepley, George L., 70.715

Shepley, George P., 78.868

Shepley, James R., 2.666

Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, 30.391

Sheppard, J. W., 68.761, 72.274, 72.656

Shepperson, Alfred B., 10.208, 28.101, 42.60, 42.83, 46.19, 49.61, 51.210, 51.254, 51.353, 51.381, 51.635, 51.781, 52.909, 58.407, 60.432, 61.220, 61.227, 67.109, 69.703, 71.353, 77.178, 79.52, 79.367

Sherley, T. H., 45.606, 45.696, 46.7

Sherman, Charles W., 73.726, 77.187, 77.204, 77.626

Sherman, Isaac, 6.189, 6.320, 7.416

Sherman, Hon. John, 7.220, 7.242, 38.14, 43.18, 49.191, 49.192, 60.750, 61.20, 62.197

Sherman, W. F., 69.223

Sherry, A. G., 72.429

Sherwood, Mrs. M. E., 47.258

Shields & Brown Co., 29.298, 29.391, 32.125, 32.201

Shippen, Edward, 8.441

Shoe & Leather Reporter, 37.346, 37.291

Shook, A. M., 50.341, 55.180, 55.266, 55.898

Shoom, A. M., 61.341

Shreveport Times, 77.662

Shuler & Benninghofen, 51.255

Sibler, Dr. C., 49.399

Sibley, Frank S., 71.585

Sickels, Mrs. Emma C., 57.93

Sidgwick, Prof. Henry, 56.733

Sidney, Shepard & Co., 40.473

Siegel Cooper Co., 63.335, 63.347

Sigsbee, Mrs. Charles D., 68.535

Silsbee, F. H., 6.201

Silsbee, George S., 63.649

Silver, 38.403

Silver Burdett & Co., 60.751

Silver Danger, 17.203

Silver, Memorial on, 19.440

Silver Propositions, 17.492

Silverman, J. J., 72.704

Simmonds, J. Edward, 51.493

Simmons College Dean, 78.270

Simons Manufacturing Co., 17.250

Simons, Stephen B., 43.472

Simpson, A. H., 26.350

Simpson, Louis, 47.394

Singerly, W. M., 26.178

Single Tax Review, 74.874, 74.875

Sioux City Tribune, 58.355

Skinner, D. S., 9.116

Skinner, Senator, 71.770

Slack, C. W., 3.526, 4.352, 11.184, 11.217, 11.470

Slade, William, 52.647

Slater, W. A., 13.253, 13.269, 13.446, 16.73

Slavery, 3.473, 3.474

Slayden, Hon. James L., 65.544, 65.648, 65.765, 66.599, 66.671, 66.675, 67.61, 67.750

Slayden, S. W., 34.225, 39.469

Sleeper, J. Henry, 14.355

Slicer, Rev. Thomas R., 20.145

Small, Rev. Samuel White, 30.14, 39.37

Small, Maynard & Co., 79.95

Smalls, A. Y., 39.389

Smalley, E. V., 60.444, 60.525, 61.586, 62.266, 62.347, 62.501, 63.171, 63.808

Smart, W. G. H., 60.162

Smiley, Dr. Albert K., 60.332

Smiley, E. E., 67.968

Smith Bros., 34.114

Smith, Almon J., 77.256

Smith, Amos D., 7.85, 7.98

Smith, Archibald, 52.520

Smith, Arthur, 29.105

Smith, Ashbel, 8.208, 8.210, 8.329, 8.367

Smith, Bolton, 19.287

Smith, C. D., 64.330

Smith, Hon. Charles Emory, 66.966, 73.905, 76.905

Smith, Charles M., 6.140, 6.141

Smith, Charles Stewart, 30.431, 31.24, 31.53, 31.73, 49.672, 49.742, 50.183, 50.188, 51.493, 51.541, 51.722, 52.209, 52.226, 54.314, 69.397

Smith, Chauncey, 28.337, 45.592

Smith, Clarence W., 54.240

Smith, Datus C., 22.435

Smith, Edward J., 44.155

Smith, Edwin B., 31.441

Smith, Edwin Burritt, 64.915, 64.934, 65.64, 66.275, 66.328, 66.516, 66.517, 66.575, 66.671, 67.81, 67.322, 67.592, 68.3, 69.65, 69.528, 69.611, 74.825

Smith, Elizah, 8.168

Smith, Mrs. Ellinor, 54.493

Smith, Eugene A., 21.185

Smith, Frank Hopkinson, 67.494

Smith, Franklin, 68.476

Smith, George Armitage, 76.229

Smith, George P., 2.566, 2.584, 8.258, 8.268, 8.302, 10.262, 11.89, 19.16

Smith, George Plummer, 26.160

Smith, George R., 25.48

Smith, George Williamson, 27.119

Smith, Prof. Goldwin, 35.258, 42.431, 58.56, 58.199, 58.557, 58.875, 60.4, 61.246, 72.419, 74.705, 78.465

Smith, H. B., 72.452

Smith, Hon. Hoke, 48.453, 52.482, 52.625, 52.907, 54.833, 55.34, 55.358, 55.507, 56.83, 56.92, 57.746, 60.382, 62.848, 70.205

Smith, Howard Leslie, 66.14, 66.51, 66.78, 67.137

Smith, Irvine, 48.616, 49.33, 49.94

Smith, J. B., 7.90, 7.162

Smith, John A., 69.430

Smith, Gov. John B., 48.291

Smith, O. J., 72.347, 72.350

Smith, O. R., 11.476, 12.14

Smith, Prof. Richmond Mayo, 28.279, 33.338, 35.84, 60.823, 62.929, 62.978

Smith, Robert R., 33.263, 35.6, 67.840

Smith, Robert W., 64.999

Smith, S. L., 28.2, 70.840

Smith, Sir Swire, 26.125, 51.666, 51.845, 52.131, 52.423, 52.768, 54.148, 54.272, 54.273, 54.294, 54.394, 56.840, 58.839, 60.934, 61.213, 62.816, 63.21, 63.35, 63.133, 63.352, 63.399, 64.869, 65.855, 66.309, 66.310, 67.266, 67.465, 67.797, 67.802, 68.574, 70.509, 70.737, 70.902, 72.714, 73.326, 74.89, 74.272, 74.273, 77.498, 78.792, 78.939

Smith, Thomas P., 3.538, 3.575, 3.686

Smith, W. Wickham, 43.165

Smith, Wellington, 55.162

Smyth, E. A., 67.843, 68.458

Smyth, Ellison A., 72.60, 72.152

Smyth, Rev. Newman, 18.213

Smythe, Ellison A., 49.466

Snelling, G. F., 45.12

Snelling, Samuel G., 20.100

Snow, George G., 49.132, 49.154, 49.165

Snow, B. W., 54.853

Snow, W. B., 51.791

Snyder, E. B., 5.341

Snyder, Harry, 73.480

Snyder, M. L., 59.289

Social Economist, 45.547

Socialistic Labor Party of Minneapolis, 28.76

Socialistic Review, 69.69, 69.271

Society of Arts, 12.121

Soetbeer, Dr. Adolph, 26.39, 26.470

Soher, William D., 61.311

Sohier, William D., 65.201, 65.209, 65.224, 71.995, 72.987

Solicitor General of the United States, 42.244, 42.322, 42.464

Some Visionary Suggestions and Questions Based on Common Sense, 76.927

Somes & Co., 6.139

Sooysmith, William, 71.746

Sound Money Committee, 61.721, 61.824

South, 2.111, 2.115, 28.391

South Atlantic Quarterly, 78.125

Southern Cultivator, 3.703

Southern Fancier, 50.565

Southern Farm Magazine, 76.421

Southern Planter, 46.267

Southern Railway Co., 74.290

Southern Review, 52.639, 52.640

Southwick, Edward M., 42.95

Spahr, Dr. Charles B., 23.175, 23.220, 23.279, 25.14

Spalding, M. D., 6.248, 6.269, 6.277, 10.187, 10.190

Spalding, Mr., 44.174

Spaulding, E. G., 7.406

Speakman, Walter, 77.884

Spear, William G., 60.82

Speare, Victor I., 52.368

Spectator, 28.130, 37.69, 37.70, 52.565, 52.620, 57.706, 58.702, 62.56, 62.290, 63.909, 70.907, 70.908, 73.650, 74.646, 76.69

Spectator Company, 55.311

Spencer, A. W., 54.852

Spencer, C. A. W., 35.203

Spencer, Herbert, 40.47

Spencer, Trask & Co., 72.968

Spielmann, M. H., 69.224, 69.399, 69.400, 70.744

Spiess, Dr., 38.393

Spillman, W. J., 77.666

Spinner, F. E., 3.441

Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, 10.226, 10.419, 10.434, 11.69, 11.71, 11.107, 17.402, 65.228

Spontaneous Combustion, 26.436

Sprague, Carleton, 68.230, 68.231

Sprague, Hon. Charles F., 60.271, 60.465, 62.905, 63.304, 64.814, 67.916, 68.140

Sprague, Edwin L., 77.514, 77.515, 77.516, 77.805, 77.859, 77.863, 77.867, 77.971, 79.88

Spring, John R., 61.736

Springer, Myron, 61.199

Springer, Hon. W. M., 43.422, 49.145, 49.747, 50.748

Springfield Board of Trade, 64.772, 64.783

Springfield Daily Republican, 78.383

Springfield Republican, 12.396, 54.104, 54.918, 54.953, 54.104, 54.918, 54.953, 55.1, 55.411, 57.229, 63.658, 65.622, 65.747, 66.325, 67.17, 67.787, 69.278, 69.783, 70.3, 70.69, 70.713, 70.802, 71.967, 73.450, 74.150, 74.151, 74.271, 74.300, 76.342, 78.300, 78.858, 78.880, 78.882, 79.325, 79.408

Springfield Union, 69.1

Springsteed, Mrs. Annie F., 25.352

Spurr, H. W. & Co., 67.382

Spurrier, W. A., 67.326

St. Gaudens, Augustus/Auguste, 14.58, 15.20, 15.226, 16.81, 20.196, 20.222, 21.497, 37.426, 43.99, 43.282, 44.410, 46.86, 46.139, 46.295, 46.316, 46.339, 46.354, 46.426, 46.510, 46.674, 46.694, 46.731, 47.7, 47.524, 47.611, 47.694, 48.214, 48.287, 48.406, 48.500, 49.17, 49.265, 49.299, 49.325, 49.370, 49.401, 49.425, 49.619, 49.667, 49.703, 49.706, 50.482, 50.542, 50.560, 51.31, 51.61, 51.115, 51.146, 51.175, 51.544, 51.665, 51.715, 51.726, 51.758, 51.959, 52.150, 52.393, 52.443, 52.679, 54.170, 54.763, 55.183, 55.274, 55.694, 56.225, 56.373, 56.756, 58.15, 58.17, 58.49, 58.806, 58.870, 59.99, 59.316, 59.371, 59.483, 59.607, 59.754, 60.86, 60.239, 60.244, 60.285, 60.346, 60.498, 60.561, 61.5, 61.99, 61.155, 61.335, 61.434, 62.554, 62.746

St. Gaudens, Mrs. Auguste, 44.57, 49.102

St. John, H. W., 57.336

Staats, Mrs. Elizabeth, 30.403

Stackpole, J. Lewis, 48.655

Staigg, Mrs. Annie, 50.578

Staigg, Mrs. R. M., 42.91

Stamford, Lord, 72.891

Standard, 35.356, 36.38, 47.396, 63.610, 73.37, 74.13, 74.545

Stanford, J. O., 52.974

Stang, Edward, 66.911, 67.422, 67.496, 68.108

Stansbury, C. F., 58.96

Stanwood, Daniel C., 70.173

Stanwood, Edward, 50.593, 62.277, 62.621, 63.617, 63.775, 64.200, 64.425, 64.544, 66.127, 71.136, 71.578, 71.772, 71.801, 72.843, 73.41, 73.744, 74.190, 74.681, 74.893, 74.900, 74.910, 74.937, 74.957, 74.994, 77.565, 77.635, 77.671, 77.689, 77.742, 77.808, 77.921, 78.641, 78.725a, 78.756, 78.887

Stanyan, Capt. J. M., 45.652, 49.52

Starwood, A. G., 48.352

Starwood, Edward, 30.296, 30.365, 36.247, 38.265, 39.124, 45.7, 55.334, 55.403, 55.465

State Board of Health, 69.575

Statist, 56.154, 57.297, 63.355, 64.14, 64.170, 65.241

Statistical Society, 10.215, 12.318

Staymates, B. F., 76.485, 76.779

Stead, W. T., 71.434

Steam Users' Association, 55.883

Stearns, Charles H., 65.866, 70.237

Stearns, Ephraim, 64.307, 64.308

Stearns, J. B., 3.464

Stearns, John G., 33.149

Stearns, Mrs. Anna M., 28.170

Stearns, R. H. & Co., 78.51

Stebbins, Geo. B., 2.242

Stebbins, Rev. M. C., 28.96

Steel, 33.239

Stephens, Ezra F., 52.834, 52.948

Sterling, Mrs. Cordelia I., 40.21

Sterling, Mrs. E. C., 39.203, 39.267, 51.92

Sterling, Henry, 74.44, 74.128

Sterne, Louis, 34.480, 37.330, 37.442, 43.255, 46.689, 47.200, 47.599, 48.216, 48.412, 52.342

Sterne, Simon, 47.369, 48.215

Stetson, Joseph Austin, 38.338

Stevens, Albert C., 26.75, 26.108, 26.147, 26.152, 26.158, 26.179, 26.238, 26.358, 26.481, 27.324, 27.485, 28.33, 31.358, 34.29, 34.140, 34.141, 37.122, 37.151, 37.167, 37.207, 37.215, 37.224, 45.728, 48.7, 48.57, 48.140, 48.177, 52.609, 52.820, 52.865, 52.899, 52.910, 52.919, 52.929, 52.995, 54.45, 54.186, 54.263, 54.327, 54.451, 54.453, 58.86, 58.223, 58.264, 58.502, 58.503, 58.660, 58.661, 58.710, 58.778, 58.814, 63.838, 64.16

Stevens, B. F., 47.281, 48.49, 48.76

Stevens, B. T., 50.407

Stevens, Hazard, 70.939, 71.141, 71.286, 71.570, 71.582, 72.434, 72.967, 73.548, 73.605, 74.136, 74.364

Stevens, M. T., 66.280

Stevens, O. B., 71.418

Stevens, Senator, 45.741

Stevens, Prof. Walter Le Conte, 68.945

Stevenson, Hon. Adlai E., 49.673

Stevenson, Constable, 59.119

Stevenson, Katharine Lente, 69.831

Stevenson, Miss, 9.434

Stevenson, Robert H., 63.440, 63.442, 63.637

Stewart, A. T., 2.465, 3.715

Stewart, C. H. K., 66.776

Stewart, Perez M., 74.801, 77.283, 78.95, 78.440, 78.575, 78.576

Stewart, William, 71.295

Stewart, William P., 30.26

Stillwell, James W., 33.448

Stimpson, Frederick E., 48.131

Stimson, F. J., 51.951

Stirling, W. R., 26.406

St. John Globe, 77.162

Stocking, Rev. Charles H. W., 58.781, 60.923, 62.249

Stockton, 18.192

Stockton, Howard, 14.72, 20.266, 35.346, 39.382, 52.755, 52.986, 55.587, 55.961, 60.965, 63.793, 65.262, 65.378, 66.153, 69.663, 71.386, 73.363

Stockwell, Thomas V., 47.280

Stone, 6.358

Stone, Galen L., 60.198, 62.240

Stone, Joseph, 6.409, 6.439

Stone, R. C., 14.231, 22.456

Stone, William J., 76.315

Storer, John H., 76.651, 76.758

Storer, Miss Minnie A., 60.148

Storer, W. B., 15.75

Storey, Moorfield, 19.434, 26.1, 34.471, 46.150, 46.415, 46.461, 64.856, 64.886, 64.949, 65.364, 65.906, 65.951, 66.166, 66.236, 66.270, 66.671, 66.685, 66.813, 72.301

Storrow, Charles, 69.960

Stowe, E. A., 50.135

Stowe, William E., 11.212

Stowell, George M., 38.372

Straw, Hon. E. A., 9.109

Straw, H. F., 44.445

Streeter, Dr. John W., 76.869

Streeter, T. W., 73.660

Strong, George S., 32.338

Strong, Henry, 66.336, 66.849

Strong, Rev. Josiah, 57.838, 57.864

Strong, Wilson V., 51.380

Strachey, Mrs. Amy, 51.911

Stuart, Rev. T. McK., 66.568, 66.701

Stubbs, Dr. W. C., 62.1003, 64.326, 64.877, 67.338, 67.968

Studebacker Wagon Co., 47.419, 47.542

Stumuhers, R., 65.204a

Sturgis, Russell, 62.947, 62.962, 64.101, 69.470, 69.473, 70.274

Sturgis, Thomas, 67.968, 71.728

Sturtevant, J. M., 4.469

Sturtevant, Samuel, 4.459

Stuyvesant, William S., 47.613

Suburban, 68.158, 69.383

Suddoth, Titus, 52.380

Suggested Titles, 27.296

Suggestions to Mr. Howes, 71.251

Sullivan, J., 58.323, 58.476, 58.477

Sullivan, Hon. John A., 77.789

Summerhayes, C. K., 33.462

Sumner, Hon. Chas., 2.213, 2.291, 2.622, 2.623, 2.625, 2.629, 2.726, 3.114, 3.149, 3.165, 3.187, 3.198, 3.250, 3.253, 3.300, 3.309, 3.334, 3.347, 3.361, 3.385, 3.408, 3.611, 4.161, 4.174, 4.178, 4.262

Sumner, Mrs., 10.231

Sumner, Mrs. Helen R., 51.221

Sunday Herald, 18.340, 44.144, 77.816

Superintendent of the Census, 65.469, 65.752, 67.92

Superintendent, Land Dept., A. Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Co., 70.862

Sutherland, Duke of, 73.267

Swan, Charles H., Jr., 51.559

Swan, William W., 58.117, 58.138

Swank, James M., 11.94, 14.101, 14.137, 14.232, 14.236, 14.444, 16.15, 26.316, 28.274, 28.289, 29.20, 29.40, 29.88, 29.127, 29.309, 29.317, 29.394, 29.419, 31.123, 31.150, 31.303, 31.316, 31.350, 31.364, 31.371, 31.446, 35.205, 48.302, 55.580, 55.602, 55.626, 55.632, 55.640, 55.655, 61.440, 61.548, 61.572, 62.141, 62.204, 68.791, 71.792, 71.810, 71.824, 71.846, 73.154, 73.194, 73.219, 73.939, 77.287, 77.938, 78.550, 78.623, 78.971

Sweating System, 40.154

Sweet, Hon. Edwin F., 77.57

Swift, Morrison J., 50.438, 50.530, 50.571

Switzler, Hon. W. F., 22.58, 22.373, 23.27, 23.246, 26.35, 27.412, 27.445, 28.50, 29.53

Sylvester, J. W., 51.104

return to top of index

Table Talk Publishing Co., 25.144, 25.192, 26.4

Taft, 2.462

Taft, B. F., 18.122

Taft, E. P., 16.69, 51.248, 51.309, 51.448, 56.233, 56.641

Taft, Hon. William H., 77.360, 77.445, 77.469

Tagliapietra, Mrs. Margaret T., 76.516, 76.575

Talbot, E. H., 19.174

Talbot, Miss Marian, 29.124, 29.429

Talbott, Henry, 50.745

Talmage, Rev. T. DeWitt, 31.307

Tanner, George C., 40.169

Tapel, Hon. Gustave, 67.237

Tarbox, Hon. John K., 19.163, 19.196

Tariff, 2.487, 8.146, 14.302, 25.210, 25.246, 28.250, 31.471, 35.445, 35.78, 46.484

Tariff Reform Club, 44.100, 46.536

Tatlow, J. T., 76.344

Taussig, Prof. Frank William, 25.80, 25.94, 25.108, 25.201, 25.454, 25.458, 32.378, 41.118, 43.150, 51.545, 56.824, 57.548, 61.648, 65.681, 65.716, 66.475

Taylor, 77.110

Taylor, Col., 59.32, 59.68, 59.334, 70.703, 72.511

Taylor, J. J., 11.19

Taylor, J. M., 39.217, 50.172

Taylor, J. W., 60.676

Taylor, S. Lester, 3.506, 3.524, 3.545, 3.554, 3.556, 3.567, 8.266, 21.65

Taylor, T. Albert, 6.31

Taylor, William, 7.247

Taylor, William & Sons, 13.239

Tedder, Henry M., 71.3

Teffshansky, Max, 73.615, 74.371, 76.522, 78.581

Teffshansky, Peter, 78.31

Temple, Hon. Oliver P., 68.618, 68.719

Texas & Australia, 61.689

Texas Governor, 67.968

Textile Excelsior, 63.261

Textile Manufacturer, 55.478

Textile Mercury, 60.697

Textile Record, 12.221

Textile World, 64.19

Thacher, H. C., 45.542

Thatcher, John Boyd, 50.222

Thayer, Henry R., 52.104

Thayer, Prof. James B., 5.110, 5.114

Thayer, Prof. James D., 35.274, 35.296, 35.333

Thayer, Samuel J. F., 14.204

Thayer, Prof. W. R., 47.627, 58.149

Thayer, William R., 52.561

Thayer, Dr. William Henry, 61.173

Thigpen, Joseph P., 8.241

Thomas, A. C., 78.386, 78.805, 78.807

Thomas, A. W., 69.15

Thomas, C. H., 12.228

Thomas, J. M., 34.152

Thomas, John Lloyd, 62.520

Thomas, J. W., Jr., 74.770

Thomas, Mrs. M. Louise, 45.134

Thomas, Rev. Reuen, 64.703, 64.844

Thomas, Gen. Samuel, 12.107

Thomeley, James, 11.30

Thompson, 2.646, 3.32, 36.394

Thompson, Daniel G., 22.100, 22.337, 22.348, 22.375, 42.410

Thompson, Sir Henry, 29.433, 37.1, 37.186, 37.384, 37.433, 39.169, 39.413, 71.304, 71.783, 72.32, 74.755

Thompson, Henry Yates, 49.468, 63.298, 63.319, 63.810, 63.832, 68.549, 70.928, 72.107, 78.901

Thompson, Prof. Robert Ellis, 13.253, 43.73, 43.152, 43.216

Thomson, Clifford, 10.109

Thomson, Frederick Whitley, 74.438

Thomson, J. L., 44.274

Thorp, 51.618

Thorp, J. G., 54.100

Thring, Lord, 46.537, 47.743, 54.70, 54.229, 55.486, 55.696, 57.421, 61.657, 62.601, 65.3, 73.896

Thudichum, Dr. J. L. W., 56.933

Thurber, Francis B., 18.301, 25.298, 25.309, 25.373

Thurston, R. H., 28.25, 28.43, 28.116, 28.171

Tichenor, 46.710

Tichenor, George C., 47.633

Tickell, I. Arscott, 39.354

Ticknor, Miss Anna E., 57.221

Tierney, John, 66.929

Tiffany, W. G., 57.541

Tiffany & Co., 23.335

Tileston, J. B., 44.64

Tileston, Roger E., 74.530

Tillinghast, C. B., 55.624

Tilyou, Vincent, 11.226, 11.265

Tin Plate Question, 34.440

Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 77.760, 77.899

Titus, N. C., 67.402

Tobacco Journal, 49.139

Tobey, Hon. Edward S., 25.101, 25.149

Tobey, Horace P., 45.409, 45.439

Tobin, 6.286

Tod, Mrs. J. Kennedy, 78.21

Todd, Hon. A. M., 66.644

Todd, E. M., 57.211

Todd, W. M., 77.779

Toes, Mr., 2.840

Togus Hospital, 10.27

Toledo Journal, 66.248

Tolman, George, 71.710, 71.880

Tomlinson, Miss Anna B., 59.807

Tompkins, Calvin, 55.491, 57.478, 57.479, 57.858, 57.904, 58.100, 58.181, 58.188, 58.220, 58.226, 58.272, 58.482, 58.991

Tompkins, Dr. Frederick J., 49.166

Tompkins, Isaac B., Jr., 67.527, 68.367

Tone, B. H., 8.110

Tonge, Robert, 55.883

Toppan, Charles W., 19.87

Toppan, Robert Noxon, 55.240

Toppan, R. W., 78.359

Toronto Address, 31.59

Torrens, Sir Robert, 32.291

Towers, John, 12.389, 13.256

Towne, Edward C., 56.36

Towne, Henry R., 35.73, 35.89

Townley, T. O., 33.56

Townsend, Mrs., 77.231

Townsend, Mrs. Elizabeth Delano, 45.430

Townsend, Mrs. John P., 52.702

Townsend, Mrs., 37.204, 51.63, 73.264

Toy, Prof. C. H., 61.559

Tradesman, 32.287, 39.255, 52.845, 54.200, 54.259, 54.380, 54.381, 54.819, 54.857, 56.538, 56.556, 56.681, 62.3

Tradesman Publishing Co., 51.74, 56.464, 56.538, 56.556, 56.681, 61.993, 64.435, 64.510, 64.549, 64.994, 67.324, 71.293

Trainer, W. E., 51.563

Trainer, William E., 71.365

Transcript, The, 26.352, 44.402, 45.44, 54.459, 54.501, 55.722, 57.891, 58.640, 58.685, 77.640, 78.137, 78.239, 78.348, 78.349, 78.358, 79.175

Trask, H. A., 70.181

Trask, Rev. J. Nelson/Nelson J., 64.334, 68.502

Treasury Report, 1.35

Trempler, Ott, 8.416, 8.497

Trench, Charles, 46.248

Trenholm, W. L., 51.693, 51.717

Trevelyan, G. M., 73.39

Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 74.668, 74.840, 74.925

Tribune, 2.514, 4.196, 46.21, 47.160

Tribune Theater Commission, 74.644

Trofimoff, Miss Sophie, 45.524

Troinitsky, Nicholas, 62.707, 65.448, 69.596

Troughton, Charles W., 64.161

Trowbridge, Prof., 77.62

True, Prof./Hon./Dr. A. C., 52.578, 62.386, 63.32, 63.70, 64.71, 64.197, 65.253, 67.968, 68.64, 68.144, 69.949, 70.368, 72.515, 72.682, 77.210, 78.46

Trueblood, Rev./Dr. B. F., 54.991, 57.814, 59.870, 59.871, 59.902, 60.694, 62.869, 65.494, 70.778, 70.993, 73.914, 74.601, 76.561, 77.117, 77.147, 78.954

True Protection by Exemption from Taxation, 76.896

Truesdale, W. H., 78.207, 78.281

Trumbull, Gen. M. M., 36.27541.448, 45.25, 46.13, 47.118, 50.599

Trumbull, Mrs. M. M., 42.218

Tucker, 67.968

Tucker, H., 55.443

Tucker, Hon. John Randolph, 57.761

Tucker, L. G., 55.456

Tucker, Luther & Son, 52.172

Tucker, President, 78.116, 78.393

Tucker, William R., 56.613, 56.619

Tuckerman, Joseph, 59.208

Tuckerman, Leverett S., 52.160

Tullock, Thomas L., 3.18, 3.245

Turner, Hon. Henry G., 52.664

Turner, Henry R., 41.435

Tuttle, George H., 71.646

Tuttle, Prof. Herbert, 34.336, 34.344

Tuttle, Lucius, 78.395, 78.415

Twentieth Century Club Executive Committee, 77.288

Twentyman, A. E., 77.820

Twichell, A. H., 11.331

Twichell, Hon. Giney, 3.373, 3.581

Tyler, Mr., 5.245, 12.41

Tyler, H. B., 44

Tyler, H. W., 62.711

Tyler, J. J., 11.49, 11.62, 11.68

Tyler, Richard K., 34.153

Tyler, Stephen B., 72.518

Tyng, Stephen H., 45.218

return to top of index

Udell, Alva, 65.990, 65.991

Uhl, Edwin F., 56.877

Underwood, F. H., 18.359

Underwood, William L., 64.550

Union Club, 52.996, 58.127, 66.459, 76.975, 77.576, 77.651, 79.100

Union Club House Committee, 46.698, 47.604

United States Civil Service Commission, 64.526

United States Consul at Hamburg, 32.290

United States Consulate, 57.417

United States Minister at Lima, Peru, 34.431

University of Virginia Dean, 78.399

University of Virginia Rector and Visitors, 73.664

University of Virginia Secretary or Dean, 78.162

Uniwin, T. Fisher, 66.84

Unwin, T. Fisher, 25.176, 73.948, 73.993, 74.134

Upton, George K., 48.334

Upton, J. K., 51.548, 54.406, 55.679, 55.719, 55.728, 55.998

Urling, Ray Green, 72.931

Utah Governor, 67.968

Utley, A. J., 66.377

Utley, Charles H., 54.790, 54.885, 55.302

return to top of index

Valentine, A. B., 76.527, 76.588

Valentine, Edson B., 70.588

Valentine, John J., 54.876, 55.526, 65.834, 65.959, 66.609, 66.625, 66.671, 66.703, 67.161

Van Bibber, Andrew, 65.850

Vance, R. J., 50.313

Vance, Senator, 36.107

Van Horn, Sir William, 59.369, 59.445, 59.503, 59.996

Van Landingham, John, 73.762

Van Lew, John A., 3.20

Van Orman, W. H., 49.528, 49.688

Vansant, John L., 48.344

Van Schoonhoven, Rev. L., 67.795, 67.857, 67.936

Vantin, 10.283

Van Vlissingen, Arthur, 64.938

Van Vorhis, Flavius J., 66.138, 66.198, 66.252, 66.348, 66.408, 66.464, 66.558, 66.625, 66.734, 66.790

Van Vorst, Miss, 73.334

Veazie, F. A., 5.94

Verner, Rev. Samuel Phillips, 63.15

Vest, Hon. George G., 47.588, 47.644

Vest, Senator, 35.367

Viaux, Frederic H., 55.26, 55.35, 58.73, 60.351, 60.368, 60.410, 60.532, 62.319, 62.340, 63.376

Vicar or Rector of the Old Parish Church, Bury, 76.707, 77.306

Vicars, T. & T., 46.535

Victor Manufacturing Co., 68.292, 77.4

Victualling Department, 42.474

Villard, H., 11.189

Villard, Henry, 64.713, 67.258

Vincent, George E., 48.589

Vincent, James, Jr., 58.617

Vinton, Lindley, 33.421

Voice, 37.498, 42.463, 54.863, 56.304, 60.324

Volta, Prof. Richard Dalla, 77.384, 77.427

Von Boeckman, Paul, 77.323, 77.885

Von Brookfeldt, A., 11.102

Von Juraschek, Dr. Franz, 69.596

Von Kubeck, Baron Max, 45.155, 56.521, 71.102, 73.872, 76.609

Von Mayr, Dr. Georg, 69.596

Von Schulze-Gaevernitz, Dr. F. G ., 41.485, 45.290

Vose, George L., 15.240

return to top of index

W, E. A., 15.213

Wade, H. L., 73.357, 73.358, 73.439, 73.549, 73.569, 73.600

Wade, J. M., 67.279

Wade, Levi C., 12.27, 37.57, 37.295

Wade, Rufus R., 33.265

Wadleigh, Hon. Bainbridge, 7.396

Wadlin, Horace E., 40.295

Wadlin, Horace G., 68.751

Wadsworth, Joseph, 73.431, 73.453

Wadsworth, Mary, 76.697

Wages, 36.69

Wagner, Prof. Wilhelm, 49.411

Wahl, William H., 21.221, 25.329, 25.355, 51.828

Wainwright, Henry C., 29.185

Wainwright, Henry C. & Co., 19.95, 21.348, 21.446, 29.185, 30.232

Wainwright, Mrs. Richard, 63.631

Wainwright Manufacturing Co., 23.230, 23.419, 36.381, 36.387

Waite, 10.197

Waite, Frederick C., 46.661, 47.40, 47.144

Wakingham, Lord, 65.222

Walcott, Governor Roger, 60.35, 60.255, 62.72

Walcott, Dr. H. P., 20.486, 20.492

Waldo, C. A., 34.186

Walker, 21.427

Walker, Gen. Francis Amasa, 13.165, 13.272, 13.419, 22.293, 22.301, 22.324, 25.195, 25.493, 26.166, 33.302, 33.303, 37.267, 41.85, 45.262, 46.551, 51.372, 52.30, 54.500, 54.523, 54.539, 54.562, 54.912, 55.23, 55.628, 55.685, 58.978, 59.234, 59.492, 59.706

Walker, George, 9.376, 10.108

Walker, Col. J. B., 8.159

Walker, Hon. J. H., 35.217, 35.245, 42.346, 42.372, 42.459, 43.90, 43.153, 43.187, 43.246, 43.457, 44.17, 50.4, 50.154, 50.241, 50.312, 54.608, 54.717

Walker, John A., 36.180, 37.200, 38.40, 38.72, 38.116, 38.355, 38.372, 40.210

Walker, John H., 41.185, 41.217

Walker, Joseph, 62.806, 74.423, 79.451

Walker, Hon. Joseph H., 38.169, 38.172, 38.202, 38.360, 39.410, 39.479, 46.241, 46.289, 46.319, 48.543, 49.244, 49.377, 49.415, 49.558, 49.714, 51.300, 51.979, 52.4, 52.36, 52.45, 52.344, 52.382, 58.857, 62.53, 62.534, 62.863, 68.684, 76.571, 77.546, 77.560, 78.325

Walker, Gen. T. A., 7.366, 7.408, 8.53, 10.54, 10.59, 10.85, 10.88, 10.92, 14.243, 14.253, 14.342, 14.469

Walker, T. B., 51.87

Walker & Pratt Manufacturing Co., 61.710, 61.711, 68.527

Wallace, Alfred Russell, 19.346, 20.18

Wallace, David, 54.16, 59.746

Wallace, Henry, 62.142, 62.207, 62.667

Wallace, Jacob, 30.323

Wallace, Major W., 14.104

Walmsly, 77.417

Walmsley, Herbert E., 73.753, 74.14, 78.538

Walsh, Joseph C., 64.978

Walsh, Patrick, 42.426

Walsingham, Lord, 19.203

Walton, George, 44.325

Walton, Joseph, 15.202

Ward, Andrew H., 49.499

Ward, Hon. Elijah M. C., 7.329, 7.336, 8.97

Ward, George C., 2.33, 2.48

Ward, Herbert D., 68.610

Ward, Joseph, 10.80

Ward, Samuel. G., 2.248

Ward, W. E., 20.30

Ward, William, 8.297

Warder, J. H., 72.578, 72.617

Wardle, J. A., 51.362

Ware, 12.126, 12.409, 14.182, 14.189, 14.202, 22.99, 22.118, 25.424

Ware, Hon. Eugene F., 74.722, 76.690, 77.214, 77.255, 77.268, 77.544

Ware, Hon. E. T., 74.764

Ware, Francis C., 77.257

Ware, Prof. William Rotch, 5.231, 5.238, 5.369, 15.92, 15.148, 32.211, 32.212, 37.172, 54.958, 56.670, 57.651, 62.354

Waring & Wilder, 1.230

Warner, Hon. A. J., 15.481, 17.487, 18.62, 18.191, 18.326, 18.418, 18.492, 20.133, 20.166, 38.369, 38.440

Warner, Charles Dudley, 68.629, 68.688

Warner, Hon. John DeWitt, 55.245, 55.292, 55.323, 55.349, 55.410, 55.454, 55.461, 55.483, 55.495, 55.511, 55.527, 55.533, 55.567, 55.678, 55.682, 55.920, 56.646, 64.648

Warner, Hon. Willard, 21.7

Warr, George C., 6.352

Warren, C. H., 74.770

Warren, Charles, 59.406, 59.407, 59.455, 62.445, 64.140, 64.178, 64.231, 64.253, 64.272, 65.353, 67.543

Warren, Edward R., 65.726, 73.730, 77.119, 77.129, 77.135, 77.181

Warren, Fiske, 69.616, 71.837

Warren, Henry J., 52.21

Warren, Mrs. Henry, 44.335, 45.17

Warren, Dr. John Collins, 52.999, 62.172, 62.251, 64.340, 65.519a, 68.428, 69.678, 70.39, 70.172, 71.91, 71.460, 72.808, 73.372, 74.929, 76.41, 77.734, 77.793, 77.964, 78.124

Warren, Mrs., 22.380

Warren, S. D., 56.848, 78.231, 78.267

Warren, S. D. & Co., 77.246, 77.335, 77.494, 77.506, 77.551, 77.572, 77.631, 77.652, 77.696, 77.704, 77.886

Warren, S. Edward, 54.625, 55.534

Warren, Samuel D., 71.238, 74.484

Warren, Senator, 40.235

Warren, Winslow, 29.287, 31.255, 44.501, 60.279, 64.608, 64.818, 65.344, 65.367, 65.864, 65.869, 65.894, 67.46, 67.68, 67.339, 67.563

Warwich, Miss, 51.290

Warwick, Countess of, 67.945

Washburn, C. F., 22.40

Washburn, C. G., 60.144, 76.289

Washburn, E. B., 7.244, 7.364, 7.394, 7.467, 7.477

Washburn, George F., 69.435

Washburn, Paul, 44.294, 44.374

Washburn, William B., 5.74

Washburn & Crosby Co., 45.528

Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., 30.374

Washington, Booker T., 52.149, 59.415, 59.724, 60.586, 60.695, 60.797, 60.917, 61.7, 61.543, 68.955, 70.309

Washington Mills, 27.154

Washington Post, 57.654

Watanabe, Chiyosaburo, 51.598, 56.312, 57.919, 59.497, 60.869, 61.366, 62.767, 62.769, 63.501, 63.996, 64.449, 65.14, 69.603, 70.564, 71.338, 73.181, 73.656, 74.689, 76.274, 76.306, 77.824

Water Commissioners, 47.498, 48.269

Waterloo, Stanley, 56.451, 56.856, 57.125

Waters, John R., 72.690

Watkins, James L., 67.948

Watkins, J. E., 38.460, 38.481, 38.493, 39.16, 39.24, 39.74, 39.94

Watkins, L. D., 52.497

Watson, H. C., 70.418

Watson, Horace H., 65.755

Watson, Dr. Irving A., 28.269, 30.227, 34.62

Watson, Dr. William, 45.50, 52.778, 52.859, 62.500, 72.643, 74.559, 74.652, 74.934, 76.386, 76.395, 76.451, 77.240, 77.908, 77.910

Watterbury, W. W., 6.178

Watterson, 21.328

Watterson, Henry, 44.339

Watts, Frederick, 8.197, 8.201

Watts, Isaac, 8.307, 8.347, 8.364, 8.377, 8.423, 8.428

Wayman, Col., 51.797

Wead, Leslie C., 65.382

Weaver, Rufus, 46.401

Webb, Edward G., 8.84

Webb, Sydney, 62.576

Webber, 2.494, 6.6, 6.8, 7.391, 17.457

Webber, Col. Samuel, 51.326

Webster, Franklin, 46.592, 73.519

Webster, Prof., 77.62

Webster, W. A., 64.783

Weeden, William B., 51.264

Weeks, Allen S., 25.31

Weeks, George, 12.79

Weeks, Joseph D., 17.282, 17.294, 22.19, 22.37, 22.59, 22.93, 22.234, 26.253, 26.285, 44.494, 45.57, 45.151, 45.163, 45.420, 46.525, 46.723, 51.432, 51.439, 52.430, 57.160, 57.303

Weil, Benjamin L., 45.398

Welch, E. B., 3.459

Welch, Herbert, 57.153

Welch, J. W., 42.254

Weld, A. Davis, 36.138

Weld, Frances M., 7.107, 7.115, 9.219, 15.141

Weld, Stephen M., 65.74, 66.188, 66.249, 66.261, 66.263, 66.265, 66.300, 66.303, 66.333

Weld & Stockton, 15.203

Welles, F. A., 11.349

Welles, Mrs. George W., 73.517

Wellington, H. W., 3.687

Wells, Amos R., 49.561

Wells, Benjamin H., 36.261, 36.451, 38.119

Wells, Miss Clara L., 36.325, 37.23

Wells, Hon. David A., 2.16, 2.122, 2.216, 2.229, 2.253, 2.313, 2.327, 2.339, 2.345, 2.354, 2.355, 2.357, 2.359, 2.361, 2.362, 2.369, 2.381, 2.382, 2.387, 2.404, 2.406, 2.431, 2.441, 2.449, 2.460, 2.466, 2.468, 2.480, 2.485, 2.492, 2.508, 2.516, 2.520, 2.521, 2.529, 2.536, 2.538, 2.540, 2.543, 2.551, 2.554, 2.571, 2.598, 2.600, 2.604, 2.608, 2.612, 2.740, 3.35, 3.90, 3.94, 3.101, 3.102, 3.122, 3.190, 3.322, 3.341, 3.366, 3.409, 3.417, 3.447, 3.453, 3.464, 3.493, 3.514, 3.552, 3.577, 3.621, 3.676, 6.204, 7.74, 7.186, 11.16, 11.33, 11.138, 12.71, 13.340, 14.326, 15.63, 15.70, 15.73, 15.76, 15.83, 15.102, 15.439, 15.490, 15.500, 15.507, 16.31, 16.63, 16.72, 16.267, 16.417, 19.229, 20.40, 20.50, 20.169, 20.477, 21.97, 21.120, 21.155, 21.188, 21.322, 21.330, 22.84, 22.173, 23.451, 25.203, 25.393, 26.135, 26.216, 27.112, 27.179, 27.462, 28.307, 29.182, 29.219, 29.302, 32.265, 32.361, 33.16, 33.119, 33.179, 33.230, 34.51, 34.162, 34.217, 35.69, 35.79, 35.140, 35.180, 35.182, 35.237, 35.276, 35.302, 36.279, 36.463, 37.54, 37.323, 38.179, 38.198, 38.225, 38.243, 38.350, 40.189, 40.239, 40.470, 41.11, 41.30, 41.70, 41.95, 41.240, 41.267, 41.344, 42.2, 42.44, 42.85, 42.111, 42.118, 42.124, 43.284, 43.307, 43.320, 43.356, 43.461, 44.83, 44.210, 44.231, 44.375, 45.133, 45.147, 45.166, 45.179, 45.233, 45.335, 45.440, 46.231, 46.466, 46.476, 46.477, 46.512, 46.517, 46.522, 46.643, 46.653, 46.711, 46.734, 47.126, 47.222, 47.223, 47.321, 47.473, 47.482, 47.523, 47.551, 47.570, 47.583, 47.612, 47.725, 48.15, 48.77, 48.278, 48.295, 48.296, 48.539, 48.542, 48.627, 48.639, 48.665, 48.667, 48.676, 48.713, 49.19, 49.87, 49.168, 49.170, 49.173, 49.189, 49.196, 49.247, 49.266, 49.337, 49.354, 49.402, 49.573, 49.736, 50.101, 50.120, 50.261, 50.319, 50.459, 50.583, 50.702, 51.51, 51.103, 51.229, 51.286, 51.327, 51.499, 51.519, 51.522, 51.635, 51.686, 51.712, 52.127, 52.272, 52.842, 54.723, 54.734, 54.844, 54.871, 54.904, 54.923, 54.938, 55.333, 55.510, 55.535, 55.803, 55.875, 55.999, 56.52, 56.146, 56.160, 56.194, 56.223, 56.251, 56.342, 56.361, 56.439, 56.480, 56.796, 57.35, 57.38, 57.188, 57.202, 57.334, 57.475, 57.488, 57.522, 57.547, 57.612, 57.669, 57.780, 57.819, 57.982, 57.995, 58.58, 58.192, 58.212, 58.274, 58.374, 58.474, 58.475, 58.621, 58.625, 58.740, 58.766, 58.988, 59.86, 59.228, 59.401, 59.423, 59.471, 59.799, 59.877, 60.289, 60.313, 60.456, 60.568, 60.749, 61.66, 61.123, 61.294, 61.442, 61.535, 61.851, 61.852, 61.893, 62.803, 62.919, 63.83, 63.155, 63.160, 63.527, 63.597, 63.664, 63.1001

Wells, David Dwight, 63.512, 65.524, 65.543

Wells, Dr. Frank, 39.219

Wells, Walter, 4.13

Wells, Webster, 4.295

Welsh, Francis Ralston, 66.49, 66.112

Welsh, Herbert, 65.890, 66.917, 66.986

Wendell, Prof. Barrett, 77.40, 77.53, 77.891

Wendell, Jacob, 9.143, 9.157, 23.403, 26.361, 26.381, 27.91, 44.242, 44.333, 51.463

Wentworth, George A., 57.969

Wentworth, Hon. John, 2.230

Wentworth, Miss S. E., 39.172

Wentworth, W. H., 57.395, 63.896

Werner Co., 76.406

West, Goldsmith Bernard, 33.460, 33.489, 34.238, 34.345, 34.415, 36.431, 38.330, 39.122

Western Farm Mortgages, 27.57

Westgate, A. W., 22.77, 22.340, 22.452

Westinghouse Electric Co., 34.240

Westminster Gazette office, 77.687

Westminster Review, 29.36, 29.250

Weston, Edward, 14.386

Westover, M. F., 76.859

Westover, M. T., 71.915, 72.853

Wetherbee. J. O., 58.452

Whaley, W. B. Smith, 70.459, 70.460

Wharf, Edward H., 37.461

Wharton, Hon. William F., 34.429, 42.79, 45.608, 46.720

What fools these people be!, 48.661

What is it that hurts the farmer?, 48.103

Wheat, Our Supply Financial Sheet Anchor, 41.284

Wheat Supply, 26.360

Wheeler, Everett P., 27.127, 27.160, 39.65, 50.239

Wheeler, Dr. H. J., 73.618

Wheelwright, Charles S., 40.258

Wheelwright, Edmund M., 44.275, 51.660

Wheelwright, George W., 45.228, 78.359

Wheelwright, John W., 64.839

Wheelwright & Haven, 30.174

When to Look at Gift Book in the Mouth, 71.229

Whipple, George M., 17.249

Whipple & Walling, 20.239

Whitaker, Prof. Channing, 8.69, 8.72, 8.76, 8.77, 15.212, 17.434, 21.107

Whitburn, John, 77.889

Whitcomb, Charles W., 32.142, 32.161, 32.142, 32.161, 32.410, 32.494, 48.200, 48.394

White, 26.444, 38.167, 38.171, 38.212

White, Hon. Andrew D., 62.455, 67.968

White, Edwin M., 28.372, 29.115

White, Hon. F. E., 9.381, 47.358, 47.375, 47.635, 48.393

White, H. H., 1.140

White, Horace, 3.62, 3.68, 9.58, 11.396, 11.434, 12.362, 23.314, 23.329, 25.449, 32.122, 33.467, 33.477, 34.72, 35.105, 35.116, 35.186, 35.243, 36.250, 36.458, 37.306, 39.81, 42.465, 45.424, 45.82, 49.134, 50.181, 50.213, 50.254, 50.263, 50.296, 51.527, 51.910, 54.117, 54.632, 54.934, 54.954, 56.318, 56.354, 56.411, 56.429, 57.51, 57.123, 59.714, 61.89, 61.875, 61.876, 62.729, 63.657, 65.118, 65.292, 65.892, 65.911, 65.935, 66.10, 66.40, 66.315, 66.316, 66.765, 67.447, 67.634, 67.635, 69.11, 69.142, 69.211, 69.266, 69.373, 70.265, 71.134, 72.176

White, James T. & Co., 63.213, 63.214

White, Joseph H., 59.13, 72.572, 72.573

White, Hon. Stephen M., 65.108

White, Thomas G., 40.226, 40.284, 41.452, 50.576

White, William H., 77.2

White & Lee, 72.940

Whiteley, William, 65.949

Whiten Machine Co., 6.481

Whitin, Arthur F., 15.181

Whitin, John C., 8.376

Whiting, F. W., 12.333

Whiting, George A., 29.169

Whiting, Prof. Henry L., 55.597

Whiting, J. S., 56.906

Whiting, William B., 9.218, 51.136

Whitley, John R., 19.36, 20.22, 22.213, 23.53

Whitman, 22.333

Whitman, Henry L., 69.145

Whitman, W. G., 52.368

Whitman, William, 23.303, 23.304, 26.217

Whitmore, W. H., 17.118

Whitney, Hon. E. D., 56.474, 56.665

Whitney, H. W., 76.6, 76.101

Whitney, Henry M., 34.284, 37.444, 41.233, 42.365, 57.12, 57.263, 57.310, 74.763, 76.38, 76.45, 76.152, 76.153, 76.180, 76.207, 76.269, 76.336, 76.354, 76.404, 76.440, 76.556, 76.764, 76.800, 76.921, 77.39, 78.236, 78.556, 78.582, 79.148, 79.161, 79.163, 79.387

Whitney, J. N., 18.182, 20.1, 29.127, 29.186, 29.291, 34.369, 43.308, 43.418, 44.36, 44.184, 44.236, 45.71, 45.103, 45.614, 45.675, 46.620, 46.631, 46.663, 46.707, 46.746, 46.747, 47.24, 47.107, 47.207, 47.339, 47.426, 47.459, 47.518, 47.471, 47.572, 47.686, 48.86, 48.132, 48.189, 48.207, 48.232, 48.306, 48.365, 48.383, 48.446, 48.501, 48.572, 48.606, 49.600, 50.629, 51.144, 51.166, 51.216, 51.254, 51.317, 51.577, 52.429, 52.580, 52.761, 54.757, 55.422, 55.529, 55.558, 55.563, 55.593, 55.612, 55.667, 66.603, 66.720, 69.236, 69.303, 71.716, 71.818, 72.217, 72.224, 77.680, 77.692, 77.870, 78.622, 78.735, 79.526

Whitney, J. P., 17.100

Whitney, Mr., 40.423

Whitney, W. F., 66.412

Whitney, Prof. William, 25.113

Whittall, J., 22.3

Whittemore, Henry, 36.411

Whitten, Miss Helen A., 34.407

Whittier, C. A., 62.11

Whittier, Gen. Charles A., 66.201, 66.223, 66.259, 66.283, 66.298, 66.307

Whittington, Moses, 3.133, 15.182

Whitworth, F. R., 69.250

Who's Who in America, 77.996

Wicks, M. L., 41.219

Wiener, Leo., 66.960

Wigfall, F. H., 25.438

Wight, H. K., 67.85, 67.86

Wight, P. B., 10.157

Wight, T. B., 77.177

Wilburn, Miss Cora, 66.79

Wild, Edward. A., 2.159, 2.347, 2.416, 2.437, 2.454, 2.499, 2.532, 2.653, 10.113, 29.475, 34.309

Wild, Mrs., 2.655

Wild, Mrs. Francis E., 51.347

Wild, Stephen M., 61.653, 61.655

Wilder, Prof. Burt G., 77.33

Wilder, Gen. John T., 14.5, 36.349, 36.391, 36.452

Wilderming, Herbert, 76.450

Wiley, Harvey W., 77.412

Wiley, Mrs. Lavinia J., 31.14

Wilkinson, Col. J. B., 70.165, 70.214

Wilkinson, Mrs. John, 45.742

Willard, Mrs. Francis E., 42.127

Willes, W. D., 57.338, 57.656

Willets, Gilson, 77.887

Willey, D. A., 52.418, 52.614

Williams, A. & Co., 11.278

Williams, B. W., 42.298

Williams, Charles A., 32.488, 44.497

Williams, Dr. Charles H., 74.201, 79.113

Williams, Chauncey P., 48.46

Williams, Hon./Rev. F. H., 63.410, 63.433, 66.888

Williams, F. L., 33.121

Williams, Hon. George Frederick, 44.70, 44.72, 44.131, 44.254, 44.351, 44.503, 46.418, 46.501, 46.531

Williams, Dr. Harold, 76.837, 76.904

Williams, Henry B., 20.464

Williams, J. H. & Co., 57.89

Williams, John L. & Sons, 77.922

Williams, John L., 69.712, 69.803, 69.838, 69.893, 72.136, 72.208, 72.376, 72.472, 72.822, 73.419, 73.457, 73.773, 74.553, 76.919, 76.978, 77.5, 77.51, 77.115, 77.130, 77.133, 78.261, 78.305, 78.335, 78.400

Williams, Mrs. John L., 69.682

Williams, John M. S., 2.185, 5.492

Williams, Hon. John Skelton, 71.351, 72.957, 73.16, 73.70, 73.170, 74.391, 74.975, 76.85, 76.334, 76.349, 77.788

Williams, M. & C. A., 27.387

Williams, Maurice, 2.3, 2.37, 2.40, 2.65, 2.74, 2.85, 2.88, 2.93, 2.98, 2.118, 2.156, 2.182, 2.193, 2.197, 2.280, 2.348, 2.633, 2.643, 3.1, 3.24, 3.86, 3.119, 3.170, 3.219, 3.536, 3.583, 3.608, 3.663, 3.672, 3.684, 4.348, 4.369, 5.121

Williams, Moses, 7.376, 8.163, 9.362, 14.438, 34.155, 34.280, 34.421, 39.177, 41.28, 48.449, 54.72, 55.536, 55.730, 56.207, 58.27, 58.178, 63.162, 64.908, 65.897, 70.435, 70.496, 70.650, 71.537, 72.635, 72.800, 72.930, 73.575, 77.56, 77.706

Williams, Mrs. Moses, 55.55, 55.743

Williams, Ora, 67.327

Williams, Samuel, 62.74

Williams, Mrs. S. E., 66.76

Williams, Sydney A., 31.401

Williams, Talcott, 68.671

Williamson, Alexander M., 29.57

Williamson, C. H., 58.491

Williamson, Miss Grace, 54.33, 54.748

Willimantic Linen Co., 8.212

Willis, Edwin, 45.339

Willis, Major L., 10.128

Wills, Henry B., 9.385

Willson, T. E., 66.132

Wilmerding, Herbert, 74.631

Wilshire, H. Gaylord, 38.342, 69.842

Wilson, 6.10

Wilson, A. J., 73.425

Wilson, Charles C., 51.443

Wilson, George, 51.493

Wilson, H. C., 39.488

Wilson, Hon. Henry, 2.62, 2.276, 2.284, 2.351, 2.365, 2.373, 2.378, 2.620, 3.134, 3.136, 3.374, 3.694, 4.482

Wilson, J. H., 16.426

Wilson, Hon. James, 61.164, 72.659, 78.607, 78.676, 78.687, 78.888, 78.889, 79.46, 79.224, 79.522

Wilson, Hon. James F., 51.949

Wilson, Gen. James H., 12.210, 51.470

Wilson, Hon. James S., 3.371

Wilson, Mrs. L. L., 68.532

Wilson, Dr. W. P., 59.635, 59.636, 59.715, 61.17, 67.381, 67.492, 67.682, 67.966, 67.968, 68.93, 68.528, 68.566, 68.640, 69.204, 69.285, 72.243

Wilson, Hon. William F., 26.95

Wilson, Hon. William L., 34.47, 35.188, 37.47, 37.152, 37.162, 37.213, 37.276, 38.12, 38.207, 39.405, 39.467, 40.334, 40.369, 41.385, 41.426, 42.357, 42.366, 43.52, 43.160, 43.244, 43.315, 43.492, 44.204, 44.276, 45.87, 45.266, 45.396, 45.423, 46.421, 46.729, 47.133, 47.181, 47.332, 47.385, 47.402, 47.427, 47.507, 49.371, 49.515, 49.543, 49.546, 49.563, 49.586, 49.589, 49.599, 49.614, 49.692, 49.740, 49.748, 50.414, 50.476, 50.503, 50.587, 50.607, 50.619, 50.634, 50.685, 50.713, 51.107, 51.192, 52.366, 52.738, 52.819, 55.309, 56.701, 58.285, 59.545, 61.31, 65.198

Wilson, W. P., 66.515, 66.954

Wilson, William P., 76.23, 76.304, 76.353

Wilton, William H., 5.343

Wiman, Erastus, 23.363, 25.363, 25.403, 27.429, 29.342, 30.118, 35.330, 36.87, 36.319, 36.344, 38.61, 41.64, 41.369, 42.201, 45.273, 48.321, 51.151

Windmuller, Louis, 55.430, 65.121

Windom, William B., 29.292, 30.430, 34.492, 35.27, 35.39, 35.170

Wines, Dr. F. H., 65.432, 65.507

Wing, A. T., 34.86, 35.192

Wingate, Charles F., 3.139, 3.364, 21.214, 26.42, 43.311, 51.846, 55.330, 59.916, 62.36, 76.214

Winkle, E. Van, 15.236

Winslow, Erving, 64.581, 64.675, 64.734, 64.735, 64.737, 64.754, 64.785, 64.945, 65.171, 65.229, 65.246, 65.327, 65.377, 65.395, 65.445, 65.457, 65.655, 65.715, 65.779, 65.790, 65.796, 65.833, 66.1, 66.4, 66.7, 66.24, 66.52, 66.105, 66.241, 66.245, 66.273, 66.287, 66.302, 66.401, 66.448, 66.462, 66.488, 66.506, 66.570, 66.605, 66.662, 66.663, 66.677, 66.711, 66.721, 66.727, 66.831, 66.894, 66.980, 66.999, 67.441, 67.507, 67.508, 67.708, 68.195, 68.380, 68.426, 68.679, 68.680, 69.169, 69.199, 69.200, 69.264, 69.295, 69.328, 69.544, 69.564, 69.918, 70.641, 71.323, 71.638, 71.891, 72.54, 72.370, 72.482, 72.530, 72.739, 72.994, 73.246, 73.940, 73.961, 74.75, 74.76, 74.182, 74.183, 76.798, 76.903, 77.262, 77.534, 77.721, 77.903, 77.929, 77.935, 77.965, 78.152, 78.156, 78.186

Winsor, Mrs. Ernest, 51.58

Winsor, Justin, 12.140, 32.239, 32.267, 33.92, 33.111, 33.451, 34.50, 43.76, 46.722, 47.640, 47.665, 48.502, 51.170, 51.219, 51.279, 54.174, 56.353, 56.492, 59.709

Winston, T. S., 10.22

Winthrop, 20.77

Wise, Peyton, 59.91

Wisner, W. H., 11.224

Wist, C. N., 66.484

Withington, M. C. D., 9.434

Wofford, William T., 11.209

Wolcott, Col., 14.251

Wolcott, Dr., 77.936

Wolcott, Dr. H. P., 52.77

Wolcott, Gov., 59.915, 61.42, 61.625, 64.804

Wolcott, Lieut. Gov., 51.869

Wolcott, Hon. Roger, 68.418, 68.542

Wolcott, Mrs. Roger, 72.992

Wolff, Charles H., 7.418, 7.483

Wolff, H., 71.16

Wolff, Max, 66.54

Woman's Journal, 69.658, 74.676, 77.758

Women's Club, 61.787

Wood, C. E. S., 66.671, 66.781

Wood, David S., 44.347

Wood, E. J. C., 42.293

Wood, Hon. Fernando, 9.100, 9.122, 9.177, 9.203

Wood, G. W., 62.278, 77.29

Wood, George, 57.428

Wood, George & Co., 9.432

Wood, L. M., 25.311, 25.371

Wood, S. G., 2.130

Wood, T. W. & Son, 57.781

Wood, Walter, 70.980

Wood, Walter A., M. & R. Co., 46.24, 46.118

Wood, Walter A. M. & R. Machine Co., 45.522, 59.62

Woodbridge, Prof., 30.325

Woodbridge, Prof. S. H., 74.741

Woodbury, C. J. H., 55.673, 55.686, 56.364, 58.879, 64.12, 64.17, 64.29, 64.828, 65.88, 65.248, 65.261, 65.713, 74.15, 74.16, 74.99, 74.100, 74.321, 77.106, 77.208

Woodbury, Dr., 7.105

Woodford, Prof. Arthur Burnham, 55.19

Woodruff, Clinton R., 70.304

Woods, Dr. Charles D., 35.141, 38.482, 39.17, 46.647, 46.690, 47.43, 47.297, 47.346, 76.826

Woods, Joseph E., 51.270, 51.291

Woods, Justus O., 21.87

Woods, Samuel D., 73.663

Woodward, Prof. C. M., 26.163, 26.224

Woodward, George E., 7.150, 7.166, 7.217, 7.232, 7.270, 7.298, 7.301, 7.315, 7.351, 7.389, 7.440, 8.20, 8.413

Woodward, Robert S., 78.671, 78.729, 78.803

Wool, 71.198

Wool Record, 61.816, 61.858

Woolen Census, 45.195, 45.195

Wooley, Hon. C. W., 19.158

Wooten & Harrison, 11.277

Worcester, Dr. Charles P., 61.618

Worcester, Hon. Dean C., 78.933

Word, John F., 14.281

Work & Wages, 23.470

Workers Educational Club, 67.725

Workman's Free Union, 47.63

World, The, 39.165, 49.741, 79.174

World's Fair, 31.481

World's Work, 73.804, 73.805

Wormeley, Miss Catharine P., 37.83, 37.124

Worthington, Charles, 11.296

Worthley, George H., 51.515, 67.852

Worthy, Mark J., 29.130, 29.168

Wright, A. F., 59.426

Wright, A. M., 5.397, 5.398, 6.231, 6.472, 8.263, 22.95

Wright, C. B., 11.66, 11.206

Wright, Col./Comm./Hon. Carroll D., 16.459, 16.460, 18.486, 21.178, 21.274, 21.286, 22.265, 22.279, 27.199, 27.384, 27.424, 28.306, 30.6, 41.86, 41.137, 41.203, 41.362, 41.398, 42.390, 42.413, 42.472, 45.349, 45.685, 45.711, 46.696, 47.495, 47.629, 47.669, 48.152, 50.71, 50.287, 50.310, 51.319, 51.396, 51.403, 51.413, 51.437, 51.497, 51.514, 51.623, 51.692, 51.888, 52.81, 52.454, 52.518, 55.613, 56.726, 57.789, 57.810, 58.2, 58.105, 67.819, 72.730, 73.273, 79.286

Wright, Elizur, 13.62

Wright, H. K., 67.47

Wright, F. E., 2.657

Wright, J. M., 15.125

Wright, Dr. Max, 8.384

Wright, P. B., 79.545

Wright, Theodore, 34.425

Wright, Walter C., 67.678, 69.857, 69.931

Wright, William P & Co., 2.67

Wright & Potter, 6.152

Wyckoff, Rev. Walter A., 63.373, 64.165

Wyman, Edward, 5.157

Wyndham, Capt., 76.915a

Wyndham, Hugh, 7.359

return to top of index

Yale Review, 63.780

Yonge, George, 10.29, 10.38

Yorston, John C. & Co., 62.523

Youmans, V. T., 64.443

Youmans, W. J., 27.25, 27.44, 28.60, 31.100, 31.110, 31.128, 31.385, 32.391, 33.132, 34.214, 34.379, 35.107, 35.108, 35.139, 35.152, 35.282, 35.332, 35.365, 35.379, 35.494, 36.386, 36.477, 37.365, 38.71, 38.486, 41.78, 42.98, 43.307, 45.231, 46.349, 49.733, 50.325, 63.895, 63.965, 63.967, 64.83, 64.364, 64.365, 64.716, 65.240, 65.244, 65.273, 65.402, 65.431, 65.490, 66.142

Young, A. N., 25.390

Young, Charles L., 59.13

Young, Charles S., 46.408

Young, Edward, 61.981

Young, James T., 73.686, 78.321

Young, Mrs./Miss Louisa C., 72.500

Young, T. M., 72.272, 72.648, 77.260

Young Men's Democratic Club, 40.219, 40.222, 56.669

Younglove, J. G., 1.53

Youngman, W. S., 58.579, 58.580

Youth's Companion, 50.550

return to top of index

Ziegler, W. P. & Co., 55.482

Preferred Citation

Edward Atkinson papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Bowditch, H. P. (Henry Pickering), 1840-1911.
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881.
Gompers, Samuel, 1850-1924.
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.
Kellogg, John Harvey, 1852-1943.
McKinley, William, 1843-1901.
Nordhoff, Charles, 1830-1901.
Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908.
Paine, Robert Treat, 1835-1910.
Richards, Ellen H. (Ellen Henrietta), 1842-1911.
Runkle, John Daniel, 1822-1902.
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907.


Brookline (Mass.)--Description and travel.
Free trade.

Materials Removed from the Collection

The following photographs were removed from the collection for storage and cataloging with the MHS Photograph Collection:

Carte de visite of H. Waddell, Jr., 1876
Carte de visite of Leo O'Hara, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of M. R. de Vasioncellas, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of William W. Hulse, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Gustav Herrmann, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Charles H. Wolff, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Giuseppe [Darry?], ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Max Weigert, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of W. D. Lockwood, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of E. Richardson, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Isaac Watts, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of Sam Webber, ca. 1876
Carte de visite of John Ott, 26 Apr. 1877

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