
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Atlantic Monthly Magazine records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


These materials from the editorial office files of The Atlantic (Boston, Mass.), under the editorship of Robert Manning, from 1969 to 1974, include correspondence with and records relating to approximately 3,200 authors who submitted their work to the magazine.

Collection Description

The Atlantic Monthly Magazine records consist of 16 record cartons files of the editorial staff of the magazine from August 1969 to December 1974. The records are stored offsite and must be requested by barcode number (see Detailed Description of the Collection). The files consist of originals or carbon copies of correspondence to, from, and about approximately 3,200 authors; interoffice memos and communications about these writers and their submissions for publication; a few subject files; and a small amount of miscellaneous clippings, printed items, and manuscript material.

The bulk of the collection is correspondence, relating to the following:

1. Letters from the (then) current Editor Robert Manning, the past Editor Edward Weeks, and members of the editorial staff to authors and journalists requesting, accepting, or rejecting manuscripts; also, letters with suggestions for editing manuscripts.

2. Personal letters between editors and authors.

3. Letters to and from literary agents.

4. Letters or copies of letters from secondary sources.

The next largest part of the collection consists of memos circulated among the staff which contain opinions of submitted articles, poems, and stories.

The topics included in the name list range over such titles as "Advertising," "Bread Loaf Writers Conference," "Gone With the Wind," "Poems by Atlantic Staff," and "Women's Supplement."

The miscellaneous clippings and letters mostly deal with a specific issue raised by an author.


The files are arranged alphabetically by author or topic and in reverse chronological order (most recent material first) within names.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Robert Manning.

Restrictions on Access

The Atlantic Monthly Magazine records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Carton List

Expand all

Please refer to the alphabetical name and subject index below for a complete list of the names and subjects represented with files in the collection.

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Name and Subject Index

The following list of names and subjects is an alphabetical index of all of the files in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine records. To determine which record carton contains a particular file, refer to the Carton List, which notes the alphabetical range of each carton.

Aaron, Chester
Aaron, Daniel
Aaron, Jonathan
Aaron, Sam
Aasen, Ruth
Abbe, George
Abbey, Edward
Abbott, Raymond
Abel, Elie
Abels, Cyrilly (Literary agent)
Abernathy, Virgina
Abrahams, William
Abrahamsen, David
Abrahamsen, Eileen
Abram, Morris
Abrams, Arnold
Abrams, Jeremiah
Abramson, Rudy
Abubadika, Mwlina Imiri
Accardo, Joseph
Achebe, Chinua
Ackerley, J. R.
Ackerman, Diane
Ackerman, Gordon
Ackerman, Michael
Ackerman, Robert
Agniel, Lucien
Agnon, S. Y.
Ahearn, James
Aiken, Conrad
Aiken, Joan
Aikman, Ann
Aitken, Jonathan
Akagi, H. R.
Akeret, Robert
Akmadulian, Bella
Albaum, Judy
Albert, Michael
Alcorn, Alfred J.
Alden, Vernon R.
Alderman, Bissell
Aldor, Peter
Aldouby, Zwy
Aldrich, Mike
Aldridge, John W.
Aldridge, Robert C.
Alexander, Christopher, et al
Alexander, Edward
Alexander, Garth
Alexander, Ken
Alexander, Lawrence
Alexander, Pamela
Alexander, Ron
Alexander, Shana
Alexandre, Phillipe
Alfred, William
Algren, Nelson
Ali, Pamela
Allen, Archie
Allen, Edward H.
Allen, Fred
Allen, Philip
Allen, Robert
Allen, Sydney, Jr.
Allen, William
Allen, Woody
Allin, Michael
Allison, Graham
Allman, John
Allschwang, John
Aloian, David
Alpert, Richard
Alroy, Gil Carl
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
Alster, Norman
Alther, Lisa
Altschuler, Stephen
Altschull, J. Herbert
Alvarez, Al
Alvarez, Joan
Alwan, Ameen
Amabile, George
Amalrik, Andrei
Amato, Joseph A.
Ambrose, Stephen E.
American Alumni Council
American Bar Assoc.
American Enterprise Institute
Ames, Evelyn
Ames, Lois
Amfitheatrof, Erik
Aminoff, Cary A.
Amis, Kingsley
Amis, Martin
Amison, Leslie S.
Ammons, A. R.
Amory, Cleveland
Amosoff, N.
Ananicz, Frank
Anastas, Peter
Andelman, David A.
Andersch, Alfred
Anderson, Clinton
Anderson, David
Anderson, David E.
Anderson, Dennis
Anderson, Dillon
Anderson, Hesper
Anderson, Jack
Anderson, James T.
Anderson, Peggy
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Stanley
Anderson, William
Andreski, Stanislav
Andrews, Kevin
Andrews, Lewis M.
Andrews, Peter
Androsky, Carol
Andrye, Michal
Angus, Anne
Angus, John
Anh, Le Thi
Anson, Robert S
Anthony, Carol
Antupit, Sam
Appel, Alfred, Jr.
Appel, Benjamin
Apple, Max
Appleby, Jon
Applegate, Jane
Appleman, Philip
Appleton, Jane
Appleton, Seldon
Appleton, William
Applewhite, James
Aptheker, Bettina
Arbib, Robert
Arbolino, Jack
Arbuckle, Vance
Arbus, Diane
Arbus, Doon
Archer, George F.
Archibald, Samuel
Arden, Cathy
Ardman, Harvey Allen
Arehart, Joan Lynn
Arendt, Hannah
Ariyoshi, Koji
Arking, Linka
Arlen, Michael
Arlow, Jon
Armbrister, Trevor
Arms, Mike
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Arndt, Walter
Arnold, Elliott
Arnold, Martin
Aronowitz, Al
Aronowitz, Stanley
Arons, Stephen
Aronson, Harvey
Aronson, Henry
Aronson, James
Arrowsmith, William
Artin, Tom
Asbell, Bernard
Ascoli, Max
Asher, Don
Ashley, Franklin B.
Ashley, Richard
Ashton, John
Aston-Warner, Sylvia
Asimov, Isaac
Askenazy, Natalia
Astley, Joan
Astor, Gerald
Astrachan, Anthony
Astroff, Tony
Atkins, Harry
Atlantic Monthly misc. records (Not in chronological order)
Atlantic Monthly
Atlas, James
Atlee, Samuel J.
Atwood, Margaret
Auberjonois, Fernard
Auchincloss, Louis
Auden, W. H.
Audette, Gerg
August, Paul
Ausland, John C.
Austin, Barbara Leslie
Austin, Granville
Authors League of
Averoff, Evangelos
Avorn, Jerry
Awooner, Kofi
Axelbank, Jay
Ayer, Fred W
Ayers, J. Brandt
Ayers, Noreen
Ayrton, Michael
Azaroff, Leonid V.

B., Julio Faundez
Barber, Asa
Babcox, Deborah W.
Bach, John M.
Bach, Julian
Bachrach, Judy
Backman, Brian
Backon, Mitch
Bacon, Martha
Baer, Barbara Lyn
Baer, Joshua
Baez, Joan
Bagdikian, Ben H.
Bagg, Robert
Bagnold, Enid
Baguedor, Eve
Bahls, Jo
Bahr, Jerome
Bailey, Geoffrey
Bailey, George
Bailey, George B.
Bailey, Loring M., Jr.
Bailyn, Bud
Baker, Brock
Baker, Carlos
Baker, Kenneth
Baker, Liva
Baker, Pauline H.
Baker, Ray Palmer
Baker, Raymond W.
Baker, Russell
Baker, William A.
Baker-Carr, Janet
Balaban, John
Balboni, Philip S.
Baldick, Robert
Baldwin, Frank
Baldwin, James
Balfour, Honor
Balk, Alfred
Ball, George W.
Ball, Gordon
Ball, John
Ballantine, Lesley Frost
Ballantyne, Shelia
Ballard, Allen B.
Ballard, J. G.
Ballard, James
Ballendorf, Dirk A.
Ballou, Ellen B.
Balz, Daniel J.
Balzer, Richard
Bamber, Linda V.
Bane, Mary Jo
Bang, Molly Garrett
Banker, John
Bankowsky, Richard
Banks, Russell
Bannon, Marianne
Banville, John
Banville, Leu
Barash, Asher
Barba, Harry
Barber, Benjamin R.
Barber, Cynthia
Barber, James D.
Barber, Noel
Bard, Berna
Barker, George
Barkin, Haskell
Barlay, Stephen
Barnard (Anon.)
Barnard, John L. ("Gus")
Barnes, Harper
Barnes, Middy
Barnes, Peter
Barnes, Phoebe
Barnet, Richard
Barnett, A. Doak
Barnett, Jonathan
Barnstone, Willis
Barr, Donald
Barr, Stephen
Barrreno, Maria Isabel
Barrett, F. Fox
Barrett, Jim
Barrows, Anita
Barrows, Frank
Barry, Anne
Barshay, Shirley
Barth, John
Barth, Romona
Barthelme, Donald
Barthelme, Rick
Bartlett, Joseph W.
Barzun, Jacques
Basic Books
Baskin, Leonard
Bass, Ellen
Bass, George
Bassette, John C.
Bates, H. E
Bates, William E.
Battin, M. Pabst
Battle, Lucius D.
Battle, Richard V.
Bauer, Barbara
Bauer, Douglas
Bauer, Kate
Bauer, Marian
Bauer, Steven A.
Baumback, Jonathan
Baur, Stuart
Bayer, Ann
Bazelton, David
Beagle, Peter
Beal, Mary (M. F. )
Bean, Henry S.
Beattie, Ann
Beatty, Ross, Jr.
Beatty, Warren
Beckenstein, Myron
Becker, Ernest
Becker, Jared
Becker, Stephen
Beckett, Samuel
Bedard, Brian
Bedell, Madelon
Bedford, Sybille
Beecher, Russell S.
Beekman, E. M.
Beeman, Carol
Beer, William
Beerbohm, Max
Beers, Burton F.
Behn, Robert D.
Beichman, Arnold
Belden, George
Bell, Dan
Bell, David
Bell, Malcolm H.
Bell, Marvin
Bell, Millicent
Bell, Quentin
Bellamy, Joe David
Belliveau, W. E.
Bellow, Saul
Belman, Murray J.
Belmont, Elsie
Beloff, Nora
Bemesderfer, Karl J.
Benchley, Nathaniel
Benchley, Peter
Bendat, James R.
Bendiner, Elmer
Bengis, Ingrid
Ben-Jacob, Jeremiah
Bennett, Cindy
Bennett, Frederick (Sir)
Bennett, Gordon A.
Bennett, Hal
Bennett, John B.
Bennis, Warren G.
Benson, Arnold
Benson, Elizabeth Polk
Benson, Herbert
Benson, R. Michael
Bent, Edward
Bentley, Beth
Bentley, Eric
Bentsen, Lloyd
Benzaquin, Paul
Berg, Stephen
Berger, Bob
Berger, Jason
Berger, Joe
Berger, Marilyn
Berger, Michael
Berger, Oscar
Berger, Peter
Berger, Philip
Berger, Raoul
Berger, Robert G.
Berger, Samuel R.
Berger, Tom
Bergon, Frank
Bergonzi, Bernard
Bergreen, Laurence
Bergstein, Elanor
Beriro, Darrall
Berkley, Sandra
Berkman, 'Cele
Berkow, Ira
Berland, Theodore
Berlin, Ira
Berlin, Lucia
Berman, David
Berman, Edgar
Berman, Sam
Berman, Susan
Bermant, Chaim
Bernard, Jean
Bernard, Kenneth
Bernays, Anne
Bernhard, Joe P.
Bernhardt, Gerard, Jr.
Bernikow, Louise
Berns, Walter
Bernstein, Burton
Bernstein and Woodward
Bernstein, Jeremy
Bernstein, Leonard
Bernstein, Leonard S.
Bernstein, Peter
Bernstein, Richard
Bernstein, Tom
Berriault, Gina
Berrigan, Daniel
Berry, Leonard J.
Berry, Wendall
Berryman, John
Bershstein, David A.
Berson, Lenora E.
Berton, Lee
Berton, Ralph
Best, Eric
Bethell, Nicholas
Bethell, Tom
Betjemen, Sir John
Betsky, Celia
Bettelheim, Bruno
Bettman, Otto
Betts, Doris
Bevington, Helen
Beye, Charles R.
Bhargava, G. S.
Bhatty, Margaret R.
Bibbs, Hart Leroy
Bichara, Paul F.
Bichsel, Peter
Biddle, Bill
Bienen, Henry
Bierhorst, John
Bing, Rudolph
Bingham, June
Bingham, Sallie
Binkley, Anne
Binkley, Fred
Binstock, Jeanne
Binzen and Dauhen
Bird, Caroline
Birdwell, Lloyd W.
Birns, Laurence
Birnstein, Ann
Bishop, Elizabeth
Bissell, Richard
Bitker, Marjorie M.
Bittinger, David
Black, David
Black, Edwin (re: John Kennedy assassination)
Blackburn, Al
Blackburn, Dan
Blackburn, Mark
Blackburn, Sara
Blaine, Graham
Blaine, P. T.
Blaisdell, Harold F.
Blaise, Clark
Blake, Patricia
Blake, Peter
Blankfort, Michael
Blassingame, John W.
Blauner, Bob
Blaustein, Arthur
Blecher, George
Bleuel, Haus Peter
Bliss, Edward, Jr.
Bliss, Jonathan
Bliven, Bruce
Block, Herbert L.
Blodget, Townsend
Blood, Marje
Bloodworth, Dennis
Bloom, Bridget
Bloomfield, Harold
Bloomfield, Lincoln P.
Blotner, Joseph
Blount, Roy
Blum, Howard
Blumenfeld, Yorick
Blumenthal, Judy
Blumenthal, Marcia
Bly, Robert
Bobick, Mark
Bobley, Edward
Bobula, Ida
Bock, Richard
Bockius, W. L.
Bode, Carl
Boeri, Davi
Boesch, Mark J.
Boeth, Richard
Boffey, Philip M.
Bogart, Jeffrey
Bohlen, Charles E.
Boland, Charles H.
Boline, O. E.
Bolles, Edmund Blair
Bolling, Richard
Bolte, Charles G.
Bond, Harold
Bongartz, Roy
Bonham, Margaret
Bonner, Thomas N.
Bontley, Thomas
Bookman, Charles
Bookshelf (Edward Weeks Column )
Booth, John E.
Booth, Philip
Boothe, Anna
Boren, James
Borestone Moutain Poetry Awards
Borges, Jorge Luis
Bortoli, Georges
Boston, Robert
Botond, Patricia
Botrall, Ronald
Botwin, Carol
Boucher, Sally
Bourgholzer, Frank
Bourjailey, Vance
Bourland, D. David, Jr.
Bourne, Patricia
Bourne, Randolph (1886-1918)
Bovey, John
Bowen, Catherine Drinker (Bulk: Corres - with Edward Weeks)
Bowen, Charles
Bowen, Croswell
Bowen, Ezra
Bower, George
Bower, Joseph
Bowers, Faubion
Bowers, John
Bowling, Lawrence E.
Boyd, Blanche
Boyd, Brendon
Boyd, James
Boyd, Malcolm
Boyer, Brian
Boyer, Ernest
Boyle, Andrew
Boyle, Harry J.
Boyle, Richard
Boyle, T. Coraghessan
Boyle, Thomas F.
Boylston, Helen D.
Boynton, Laurie
Boyte, Harry C.
Bracken, Peg
Brackenbury, Rosalind
Bradbury, Malcolm
Bradbury, Ray
Bradbury, Will
Bradlee, Ben
Bradley, David
Bradshaw, Jon
Bradsher, Henry
Brady, Joan
Braithwaite, E. R.
Braly, Malcolm
Braly, Mark
Brand, Stewart
Brandeis, Jonathan
Brandi, John
Brandon, Henry
Brandow, Jonathan
Brandt and Brandt
Brandt, Tony
Branson, Branley A.
Braude, Michael
Braudy, Susan
Brauner, Charles
Brautigan, Richard
Braverman, Katherine
Braxton, Jodi
Bread Loaf Writers Conference
Brecher, Edward
Bredes, Don G.
Breggin, Peter R.
Breitrose, Henry
Brelis, Dean
Bresler, Fenton
Bretnor, Reginald
Brett, Peter
Brett, Robin
Brewer, Anita
Brewster, Kingman
Brickman, Ravelle
Brigham, Besmilr
Brill, Steven
Brinkley, David
Brittain, Victoria
Brochin, Yuri
Brock, Edwin
Brock, Horace Wood
Brockway, George
Broder, David
Broder, Gloria
Broderick, Peter
Brodeur, Paul
Brodie, Fawn
Brodsky, Joseph
Brogan, Denis
Brogyamji, G.
Brom, Thomas K.
Bromell, Henry
Broner, E. M.
Bronfenbrenner, Urie
Bronowski, Jacob
Bronte, Charlotte
Brook, Alexander
Brook, Stephen
Brooke, Edward W.
Brooke, Marcus
Brooks, Bob
Brooks, Paul
Brooks, Robert
Brooks, T. E.
Brooks, Thomas R. (Mr. & Mrs.)
Brooks, Valerie
Brookter, Marie
Brophy, Brigid
Brotherton, Joe
Broudy, Harry
Browder, Clifford
Brower, Brock
Brower, Ken
Brown, Barbara
Brown, Barry
Brown, Christy
Brown, Clarence
Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Brown, David W.
Brown, Dee
Brown, Edmund G.
Brown, Harry
Brown, J. Douglas
Brown, James O.
Brown, Janice A.
Brown, Joanna
Brown, Lester
Brown, Richard
Brown, Robert
Brown, Rosellen
Brown, Sam C.
Brown, Sam W.
Brown, Steven D.
Brown, Stuart
Browne, Corinne
Browne, Joy
Browne, Michael D.
Brownell, Gordon
Browning, Frank
Brownmiller, Susan
Broyles, William
Bruchac, Joseph
Bruck, Connie
Brudney, Dan
Brull, Frank
Brunazzi, Elizabeth
Bruns, Deborah
Brustein, Robert
Brutus, Dennis
Bryan, C. D. B.
Bryant, Nelson
Bryant, William
Bryson, John
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchan, Alastair
Buchan, Perdita
Buchanan, Cynthia
Buchwald, Art
Buck, Pearl
Buckborough, Burnett
Buckle, Richard
Buckley, Kevin
Buckley, Reid
Buckley, Tom (re: Tenn. Williams)
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Buckner, Floyd
Buechner, Frederick
Buhler, Franchot
Bullen, Robert
Bullis, Jerald
Bullock, Chris
Bullock, Paul
Bulman, Mary
Bumpus, Jerry
Bundeson-Waugh, Lynn
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William P.
Bunker, Ed
Bunker, Elaine
Bunker, John
Bunting, Charles T.
Bunting, John R.
Bunting, Josiah III
Bunzel, John
Burack, A. S.
Burbridge, Nick
Burch, Marcia
Burden, W. Douglas
Burdett, David R.
Burdett, Harold N.
Burg, Victor
Burger, Knox Assoc.
Burger, Warren
Burgess, Anthony
Burgess, Linda
Burke, France
Burke, James Lee
Burke, John
Burke, Vincent
Burkhart, Kathryn
Burkhart, Tess
Burland, Brian
Burleigh, Ray
Burlingame, Edward L.
Burnette, Robert
Burnford, Sheila
Burnham, Sophy
Burns, James M.
Burns, Scott
Burns, Thomas S.
Burnshaw, Stanley
Burris, Steve
Burroughs, William
Burroway, Janet
Burroway, Janet
Burrows, Abe
Burrows, Miles
Burrows, William
Burwell, Rex
Busby, Horace
Busch, Frederick
Busch, Noel
Bush, Bracha
Bush, Vannevar
Butler, Diana
Butler, Jack
Butler, James N.
Butler, Mary
Butler, Robert O.
Buttitta, Tony
Button, Robert E.
Buttram, Jacquelin
Buxton, Frank W.
Byrd, C. Maxine
Byrd, Max
Byrom, Bill

Cabbell, Paul
Cabot, Robert
Cabot, Robert C.
Cadwallader, Mervyn L.
Cady, Jack
Caesar, Terry
Cagney, James
Cahill, Susan
Cain, Seymour
Caldwell, Joseph
Califano, Joseph
Calisher, Hortense
Callahan, Daniel
Callen, Earl
Callery, Sean
Calvino, Italo
Came, Barry
Cameron, Donald
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Angus
Campbell, Christian
Campbell, Colin G.
Campbell, H. J.
Campbell, James
Campbell, John F.
Campbell, Robert M.
Campion, Frank D.
Camps, Frederico
Camus, Albert
Cane, Melville
Canfield, Cass
Cannon, John P.
Canson, Jack
Canton, Donald J.
Cantor, Jay
Cantril, Albert
Cantwell, John
Cantwell, Robert
Canty, Don
Canzoneri, Robert
Canzoneri, Vincent
Capa, Cornell
Capitman, William
Caplan, Leslie
Caplan, Lincoln
Caplan, Thomas
Capote, Truman
Capp, Al
Caputi, Anthony
Caradon, Lord
Carawan, Guy and Candie
Cardenal, Ernesto
Cardozo, Nancy
Cardwell, Guy
Carey, Robert D.
Carl, Ann
Carlisle, Henry
Carlson, Duane
Carlson, Elliott
Carlson, Joel
Carlson, John B.
Carlson, Joyce T.
Carlson, Peter
Carlson, Roy D.
Carlton, Natasha
Carney, Kay
Carnochan, W. B.
Carpenter, Elizabeth
Carr, Donald E.
Carr, Gladys
Carr, John
Carr, Virginia S.
Carrighar, Sally
Carroll, Denis
Carroll, Gladys H.
Carroll, John S.
Carroll, Jonathan
Carroll, Paul
Carroll, Wallace
Caurruth, Hayden C.
Carson, E. J.
Carson, Gerald
Carson, Josephine
Carter, Malcolm N.
Carter, Mary
Carter, Paul A.
Carter, Philip D.
Caruba, Alan
Carver, Ray
Casey, Connie
Casey, Jane Barnes
Casey, John
Casey, Michael
Casey, Rick
Caskey, Nancy
Cassidy, Robert
Cate, Curtis
Cater, Douglass
Cates, William C.
Catledge, Turner
Catt, Ivor
Catton, William, Jr.
Caudill, Henry M.
Cavafy, Constantine P.
Cavanagh, John E.
Cavander, Kenneth
Cavander, Sasha
Ceram, C. W.
Cerami, Charles
Chace, James
Chaffin, Lillie D.
Chaikin, Miriam
Chalidze, Valery
Chamberlin, E. R.
Chamberlin, Wilt
Champion, C. A.
Chandler, David
Chandler, Otis
Chandler, Polly (Dorothy)
Chandrasekhar, S.
Chang, Susie S.
Chapin, Kim
Chapin, Louis
Chaplin, George
Chapman, Carleton
Chapman, William
Charter, SPR
Charyn, Jerome
Chasan, Daniel
Chase, Allan
Chase, Linda
Chase, Naomi F.
Chasin, Helen
Chatain, Robert
Chatenever, Richard
Chatham, Russell
Chau, Tran Ngoc
Chavannes, Marc
Chavez, Cesar
Chayes, Abram
Chayes, Antonia
Chazen, Larry
Cheek, Mary Tyler
Cheever, Fred
Cheever, John
Cheever, Mary
Chen, Jack
Chernaik, Judith
Chernoff, Sanford
Chernow, Ron
Cherry, Kelly
Chesler, Phillis
Chesser, Lewis
Chester, Alfred
Chevigny, Paul
Cheyfitz, Eric
Chiang, Cecilia
Chibka, Bob
Chicago, Judy
Chickering, Sherman B.
Chieffet, George
Child, Charles
Children's Magazine
Childress, William
Childs, Marquis
Chin, Ai-li
Ching-lin, Wang
Chinnock, Frank W.
Chioles, John
Chisolm, Shirley
Chmaj, Betty
Choate, Hall and Stewart
Choate, Robert B.
Choffy, Larry
Chomsky, Noam
Chorover, Stephen
Chriss, Nicholas
Christgau, Bob
Christian, Bill
Church, Richard
Churchill, Allen
Churchill, Tom
Chute, Joy (B. J.)
Chwast, Seymour
Ciardi, John
Cipes, Robert
Cirino, Robert
Claflin, Edward
Clagett, John (re: Tommy Hitchcock)
Claggett, Donald
Claiborne, Craig
Claiborne, Robert
Claiborne, Sybil
Claremon, Neil
Clark, Alexander
Clark, Ana
Clark, Blair
Clark, Eleanor
Clark, Jim
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Naomi
Clark, Ramsey
Clark, Robert
Clark, William

Clarke, Arthur C.
Clarke, Austin
Clarke, Gerald (re: Gore Vidal)
Clarke, Philip
Claus, George
Clay, Grady E.
Clayton, John
Cleghorn, Reese
Cleveland, Harlan
Clifford, Clark
Clifford, Denis
Clifton, Lucille
Clinard, Turner N.
Clinchy, Evans
Cline, Victor B.
Clotfelter, James
Clurman, Harold
Clymer, Adam
Coakley, Frank
Coan, Howard
Cobb, Carl M.
Cobb, Edward
Cobb, Sheila
Cobb, William
Coblentz, Stanton A.
Coburn, Andrew
Cockburn, Alexander
Cockburn, Claud (re: Evelyn Waugh)
Coffey, Marilyn
Coffey, Shelby
Coffin, Harriet
Cohen, Arthur
Cohen, Benjamin V.
Cohen, David K.
Cohen, Edward M.
Cohen, Jerome A.
Cohen, Judith Beth
Cohen, Peter
Cohen, Richard M.
Cohen, Stanley
Cohn, Jules
Cohn, Robert
Coker, Elizabeth
Cole, Doris
Cole, Gloria
Cole, Jack
Cole, K. C.
Cole, Larry
Cole, Lewis
Cole, Robert
Cole, Tom
Colebrook, Joan
Coleman, Gary
Coleman, Lee
Coleman, William S.
Coles, Robert
Collett, Walter
Collier, Barnart L.
Collier, D. G.
Collier, Ernest
Collier, James L.
Colligan, Elsa
Collingwood, G. Harris
Collins, Carvel
Collins, Michael
Collins, Mimi
Collins, R. L.
Colwin, Laurie
Coman, Dale R.
Comer, James P.
Compa, Lance A.
Conaway, James
Condon, Richard
Cone, Fairfax
Conly, Richard D.
Conn, Stephen R.
Connell, Evan
Connery, Donald S.
Connor, Anthony
Conover, Roger
Conroy, Pat
Constable, Anne
Conversi, Leonard
Conway, John
Conway, Mimi
Cook, Blanche W.
Cook, Bruce
Cook, David A.
Cook, Don
Cook, Fred
Cook, Joan
Cook, John
Cook, M. M.
Cook, Robin
Cooke, Barclay
Cooke, Bob
Cooke, Jerry
Cooley, Peter
Coombs, Orde
Coon, Carleton
Cooney, Timothy
Cooper, Blair
Cooper, Chester
Cooper, Louise F.
Cooper, Paulette
Cooper, Philip
Cooper, Robert
Coopersmith, Paul
Copaken, Richard
Copeland, Miles
Corbett, Scott
Corbin, Annie
Corbin, William
Corfman, Eunice
Corley, Angus
Corman, Avery
Corodimas, Peter
Corsi, Jerome R.
Corson, William
Cortazar, Julio
Cortese, James
Cortright, David
Corwin, Phillip
Cosgrove, John
Cosman, Anna
Coss, Frank
Cosselboom, Kathy G.
Cosselboom, Ray
Costonis, John J.
Cott, Jonathan
Cottle, Thomas J.
Coughlin, George G.
Coursen, Herbert
Cousins, Norman
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves
Cowan, Geoffrey
Cowan, Les
Cowan, Paul
Cowan, Peter
Cowley, Malcolm
Cowley, Rob
Cox, Archibald
Cox, Arthur M.
Cox, Don
Cox, Harvey B.
Cox, Henry
Cox, John
Coyle, June West
Coyne, John
Craig, Gordon
Craig, John
Cramer, Alex
Cramer, Richard
Cranston, Alan
Cravens, Gwyneth
Cravens, James
Crawford, Malcolm
Crawford, Max
Crawford, Michael
Crawford, Robert E.
Creal, Margaret
Creel, Stephen
Creelman, Doris
Crenner, James
Crews, Harry
Crichton, Michael
Crick, Sir Francis
Crist, Judith
Critchfield, Richard
Crittenden, Jordan
Croce, Arlene
Crocker, Shannon
Crockett, Jim
Cronbach, Lee J.
Cronin, Anthony
Cronin, Michael P.
Cronin, Rosemary
Cronin, Thomas E.
Cronkhite, Leonard W.
Crosby, Harry
Crosby, Kip
Crosman, Coral
Cross, Gilbert
Cross, Jennifer
Crouch, Stanley
Crouse, Timothy
Crown, James
Crowther, Frank
Crowther, Rodney
Croyden, Margaret
Crumbine, Nancy Jay
Crumley, James
Cruse, Harold
Cubbage, Jean
Cuddihy, John
Cuddy, Page
Cullen, Robert
Cullinan, Elizabeth
Cullinan, Neil M.
Culmsee, Carlton
Cumming, Joseph B.
Cummings, Richard
Cunningham, Maureen
Cunningham, Phyllis F.
Cuomo, George
Curley, Daniel
Curran, Mary D.
Currie, R. Hector
Currier, Richard L.
Curry, William N.
Curtin, George A.
Curtin, Sharon
Curtis, C. Michael
Curtis, Charlotte
Curtis, Richard A.
Curtis, Sheldon
Curtis, Walt
Curtiss, Mina
Curzon, Daniel
Cushman, John
Cuskey, Walter R.
Cutler, Lloyd

Dabney, Dick
Dabney, Lewis M.
Dabney, Sarah
Dacey, Philip
Dahm, Paul C.
Daley, Bob
Dalmas, Herbert
Dalton, Patricia
Daly, Mary
Dam, Hari N.
D'Amato, Tony
Dammann, Tom
Dana, Robert
Dane, Grace
Dane, John
Danghausen, Franz
Daniell, Rosemary
Daniels, John
Daniloff, Nicholas
Daniloff, Ruth
Danker, Frederick E.
Dankleff, Richard
Dann, Michael
Danzig, Doroles
Danzig, Phillip
d'Arazien, Steven
D'Arcy, Kevin
Darden, Genevieve
Dark, Harris E.
Darrach, Brad
Darrow, Dan
Darst, Steve
Davenport, Glen
Davenport, Guy
Davenport, Stephen
Davenport, Will
David, James
David, Saul
Davidon, Ann
Davids, Richard C.
Davidson, Daniel I.
Davidson, Donald W.
Davidson, Martin C.
Davidson, Sara
Davie, Michael
Davies, John Paton
Davies, Peter
Davies, Stephen
Davis, Angela
Davis, Brandon
Davis, Burke
Davis, Catherine
Davis, Clive
Davis, Clyde
Davis, David B.
Davis, Douglas
Davis, Fitzroy
Davis, Grace
Davis, Jack
Davis, Jeffery
Davis, John
Davis, L. J.
Davis, Maggie
Davis, Michael
Davis, Millard
Davis, Monte
Davis, Wayne
Davison, Peter
Dawkins, Cecil
Day, Douglas
Dayal, Rajeshwar
Dean, Karen
Dearden, Warren
Dearing, Albin
deAtley, Elizabeth
De Bell, Garrett
de Bernard-Kurakin
de Castro, Bart
De Castro, F. D.
de Chardin, Pierre T.
Deck, John
DeCrow, Karen
Decter, Midge
Deedon, Steven
Deedy, John
Deford, Frank
De Frees, Madeline
De Friez, Albert I
De Gaulle, Charles
De Giacomo, Robert J.
Degnan, James P.
De Gramont, Nancy Ryan
de Gramont, Sanche
de Grazia, Alfred
de Grazia, Sebastian
Deighton, Len
Deitch, Joe
de Jenkins, Lyll G.
DeLacy, Justine
Delaney, T. Gerald
de la Roch, Mazo
Delattre, Pierre
Delbanco, Nick
DelGado, Marcel
Delibes, Miguel
Delillo, Don
de Lissoroy, Peer
Dell, Virginia
Deloria, Vine
Delson, James
Delson, Robert
DeMarie, Ellen
De Marinis, Rick
De Mille, Agnes
Deming, Angus
Demmon, Calvin
Demornex, Jacqueline
DeMott, Benjamin
Dempsey, Timothy
Denby, David
Denevi, Marco
Denker, Henry
Dennis, Carl
Denton, Frank
De Rachewiltz, Mary
Derecsky, Charles
Derecsky, Susan
Der Hovanessian, Diana
Dermand, K. O.
de Ropp
Dershowitz, Alan M
de St. Phalle, Wendy
Desan, Wilfred
de Schweinitz, George
Des Pres, Terrance
Dessart, Gina
de Stefano, Eugene
Dry, Stanley
Duberman, Martin
Dubus, Andre
Dudman, Richard
Duffy, Margaret
Duffy, Robert
Dugan, Alan
Dugger, Ronnie
Duggin, Richard
Duhl, Leonard J.
Duhul, Yousuf
Dulack, Thomas
Dulany, Harris
Dulles, John Foster
Dumas, Gerald
Duncan, Angus
Duncan, Patricia
Dundy, Elaine
Dunlap, Carol
Dunlop, John T.
Dunn, Douglas
Dunn, William
Dunne, John Gregory
Dunning, Lawrence
Dupree, Brick
Durban, Karen
Durdin, Tillman
Durnbaugh, Linda
Durniak, John
Durr, Virginia and Clifford
Durrell, Gerald
Dursin, Harold
Durso, Joseph
Duscha, Julius
Dutourd, Jean
Dutton, Fred
Du Val, Philip L. R. (re: Manning's mission of the magazine)
Dwyer, David J.
Dybek, Stuart
Dyk, Timothy
Dykeman, Richard M.
Dylan, Bob
Dyson, Esther

Eagleton, Thomas
Earls, William J.
Eastburn, George
Eastlake, William
Eastman, Max
Easton, Carol
Easton, Robert
Eaton, Charles Edward
Eberhart, Richard
Eberstadt, Nick
Ebon, Martin
Edel, Leon
Edelman, Peter
Edelman, Richard
Edelstein, Alex
Edgar, William J.
Edmiston, Susan
Edmonds, Mark
Edmonds, Walter D.
Edsall, Thomas B.
Educational Testing Service
Edwards, Alicia B.
Edward, David V.
Edwards, Ellen C.
Edwards, Julia
Edwards, Margaret
Edwards, Page, Jr.
Edwards, Selden, S.
Efferding, John D.
Efird, Susan
Egan, Cy
Egan, James
Egan, John C.
Egerton, John
Ehrlich, Daphne
Ehrlich, Harold B.
Ehrlich, Paul & Anne
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaus
Eiges, Sydney
Eimerl, Sarel
Einfrank, Aaron, R.
Eisele, Albert (re: article on flap between W. Mondale and E. McCarthy)
Eisen, Helen D.
Eisenberg, Lee
Eisendrath, Charles R.
Eisley, Loren
Eisman, Eugene
Ekaete, Genevieve
Elahi, Nasik
Eldridge, Joseph
Elegant, Robert
Elfin, Margery
Elias, Christopher
Eliot, Alexander
Eliot, Anne
Elkin, Stanley
Elliff, John T.
Elliott, George P.
Elliott, Charles
Elliott, E. E.
Elliott, Osborn
Elliott, Sumner L.
Ellis, Charles
Ellis, Grover
Ellis, H. F.
Ellis, Jessie Lee
Ellison, Burns
Ellison, Burns
Ellison, Jessie T.
Ellison, Ralph
Ellithorpe, Harold
Ellsberg, Daniel
Ellsworth, A. Whitney
Elman, Richard
Elmore, Robin
Elon, Amos
Ely, David
Emerson, Ralph
Emery, Thomas
Emshwiller, Carol
Engel, Lehman
Engelman, E. M.
Engh, Jeri
Engle, Paul
Englemayer, Sheldon
English, Isobel
English, John W.
English, Michael
Englund, Steven
Ennis, Bruce
Enthoven, Alain
Enzensberger, Hans
Ephron, Nora
Epps, Garrett
Epstein, Charlotte
Epstein, Daniel Mark
Epstein, Helen
Epstein, Jason
Epstein, Joseph
Epstein, Leslie
Epstein, Perle
Epstein, Perle
Erdmann, Steve
Erhart, Stephen
Erickson, Erik (re: right to publish)
Erikson, Joan
Erlanger, Steve
Esslen, Rainer
Esterow, Milton
Ethier, Rachel
Ettinger, El'zbieta
Etzioni, Amitai
Evans, Christopher
Evans, Eli
Evans, Jeptha
Evans, Larry
Evans, Oliver
Evans, Rowland & Novak, Robert
Evans, William E.
Everett, John R.
Everson, William
Everts, Elizabeth
Evett, Robert
Ewing, David W.
Ewing, James D.
Exley, Fred (re: Edmond Wilson)
Eyges, Doris
Eyl, Thomas B.

Faber, Harold
Fader, Daniel
Faessler, Shirley
Fahey, Simon
Fainlight, Ruth
Fair, Charles
Fairbairn, Anne
Fairbank, John K.
Fairfield, John
Fairlie, Henry
Fallon, Richard H.
Fallows, James
Fancher, Betsy
Fandel, John
Fang, Irving E.
Farago, Sebastian
Farb, Peter
Farber, Norma
Farber, Stephen
Fargo, Sondra
Farley, William H., Jr.
Farmer, Richard N.
Farney, Dennis
Farnsworth, Clyde
Farr, Finis (re: John O'Hara)
Farrell, Kirby
Farrell, Warren
Farrow, Peter
Farson, Daniel
Farson, Richard
Farzan, Massud
Fasolo, Ugo
Fasteau, Marc
Fathy, Hassan
Faulkner, William
Faust, Irvin
Fay, Martha
Featherstone, Jay
Feder, Bernard
Feeley, Constance
Fehl, Philipp
Fehrenbach, T. R.
Feibleman, Peter S.
Feifer, George
Feiffer, Judy
Feigen, G. M.
Feigon, Lee
Feiler, Ben
Fein, Robert
Feinbloom, Richard
Feinstein, Elaine
Feld, Ross
Feldman, Irving
Feldman, Ruth
Fellini, Federico (re: Pauline Kael)
Fellmeth, Robert C.
Fellowes, Peter
Felstiner, John
Fenimore, Watson
Fentress, Calvin
Ferazani, Larry
Ferguson, Chris
Ferguson, Sanford
Ferguson, Sarah
Fernando, Patrick
Ferril, Thomas H.
Ferrini, Vincent
Ferry, Richard T.
Feshbach, Herman
Fetler, Andrew
Fetler, James
Fetterley, Judith
Feydy, Anne
Fialka, John J.
Fichter, Bob
Fiedler, Leslie
Field, Martha
Fierst, John
Fife, Gerald
Fifield, William
Filene, Peter
Filer, Tom
Filvaroff, Joan B.
Findlay, D. K.
Findley, Timothy
Fine, Philip
Fineberg, Jonathan
Fineberg, Richard
Finley, Joseph
Finn, Checker
Finn, David
Finney, Jim
Firchow, Peter
First, Elsa
Fischel, Elizabeth
Fischer, C. O.
Fishcetti, John
Fisher, Frank
Fisher, M. F. K.
Fisher, Peter
Fisher, Walter T.
Fishman, Katherine D.
Fitzgerald, A. Ernest
Fitzgerald, Frances
Fitzgerald/Perkins/Ober Correspondence
Fitzgerald, Robert
Fitzgibbon, Constantine
Flaherty, Doug
Flaherty, Joe
Flajser, Steven H.
Flanigan, James
Flannery, Harry W.
Flaugher, Ronald L.
Fleming, Donald H.
Fleming, Harold
Fleming, Karl
Fleming, Tom
Fletcher, Christopher
Fletcher, Henry
Fletcher, Joseph
Fleu, Richard
Fliegel, Dorian
Flink, Stanley
Flint, Emily
Flippen, Charles C.
Flokos, Nicholas
Flood, Charles
Floore, Frances
Flynn, Brian
Flynn, John
Foa, Sylvana
Fodor Modern Guides
Fogel, Edward
Fogel, Ephim
Fogel, James H.
Fogel, Joel S.
Fogel, Robert
Fok, Pat
Foley, Dan
Foley, Martha
Fontaine, Elizabeth
Forbes, Allan, Jr.
Forbes, Calvin
Ford, Ann
Ford, Dan
Ford, Jerry
Ford, Jessie Hill
Ford, Maurice
Ford, Richard
Forma, Warren
Forssmann, Werner
Forster, E. M.
Fosdick, Raymond
Foucault, Michael
Fowles, Jib
Fowles, John
Fox, Frank
Fox, Gail
Fox, Jonathan
Fox, Robin
Fradin, Dennis
Frady, Marshall
Fragola, Anthony
Franck, Thomas M.
Francoeur, Anna/Robert
Frank, Jeffrey
Frank, Reuven
Frankel, Ma
Frankel, Stanley
Frankenberger, Wayne
Frankfort, Ellen
Franklin, Edward
Franklin, J. Thomas
Franks, Lucinda
Fraser, Ronald
Frazier, George
Frede, Richard
Frederick, Cindy
Frederick, K. C.
Frederiksen, Alan
Free, Lloyd A.
Freed, Donald, et al
Freedland, Richard M.
Freedman, Max
Freeling, Nicolas
Freeman, Arthur
Freeman, Elizabeth
Freeman, Howard E.
Freeman, J. R.
Freeman, Jo
Freeman, John
Freeman, Robert E.
Freeman, S. David
Freeman, Stephen G.
Fremont-Smith, Eliot
Frenaud, Andre
Freud/Jung Letters (1906-1914)
Freudenheim, Milt
Freund, Paul
Friar, Kimon
Fricker, Richard L.
Friedan, Betty
Friedberg, John
Friedman, Alan
Friedman, B. H.
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Friedman, David J.
Friedman, Gilbert/Plotkin, Irving
Friedman, Jaime
Friedman, Joyce
Friedman, Murray
Friedman, Myra
Friedman, Paul
Friedman, Sande
Friedman, Thomas
Friedrich, Otto
Friend, David M.
Friendly, Alfred
Friendly, Fred
Friggens, Paul
Frisch, Max
Fritchey, Clayton
Frith, Nigel
Fritz, Jean
Froemke, Janet N.
Fromberg, Doris
Fromkin, David
Fromm, Erich
Frost, Ellen
Frost, Michael
Frost, Robert
Frye, Alton
Fryer, Lee
Fuchs, Lawrence
Fulbright, William
Fuller, Blair
Fuller, Helen
Fuller, Jack
Fuller, Michael H.
Fulman, Diane F.
Fultz, Max G.
Furland, Richard
Furlong, William B.

G. N. B.
Gable, Tom P., Jr.
Gabor, Dennis
Gadd, David
Gaffney, Mason
Gafford, Charlotte
Gage, Larry
Gage, Nicholas
Gailar, Joanne
Gaines, Charles
Gaines, Ernest
Gaines, Steven
Galassi, Jonathan
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galdston, Richard
Gale, Glen Ross
Galef, Jack
Gall, Norman
Gallagher, Gregory
Gallagher, Tess
Gallahue, Jack
Gallaway and Johnson
Galler, David
Gallery, John A.
Gallico, Paul
Gallup, Donald
Gallwey, Timothy
Galvin, Brendan
Galvin, John T.
Galvin, Ruth M.
Galyean, Gary
Gambler's World
Gans, Curtis
Ganz, Earl
Gapay, Les
Garaudy, Roger
Garcia, John D.
Gardiner, John R.
Gardner, Howard
Gardner, Hugh
Gardner, John
Gardner, Paul
Gardner, Richard
Gardner, Stephen
Garrett, George
Garrison, Glen E.
Garson, Barbara
Garvey, Linda
Gass, Oliver
Gass, William
Gast, Monte
Gates, Louis S.
Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan
Gauthier, Guy
Gavras, Emma B.
Gavron, Daniel
Gaylin, Willard
Gaynor, Janie T.
Geesman, John
Geha, Joseph
Gehrung, Fred
Geiffert, Mrs. Franklyn
Geiger, Erwin P.
Geist, Richard A.
Geist, Robin
Gelb, Barbara
Gelb, Leslie
Gelber, Leonard
Gelford, Rhoda
Gellen, Martin
Gellert, Judith
Gelles, George
Gellhorn, Martha
Gelmis, Joseph
Gelzinis, Peter
Gendzier, Irene
Genet, Jean
Geniesse, Jane
Genovese, Eugene
Geohegan, Thomas
George, Alexander
George, Ben
George, Jean
George, Judith
Geracimos, Ann
Gerald, John Bart
Gerassi, Fernando
Gerber, Merrill Joan
Gergen, Kenneth
Gerhard, Sandra
Germanacos, N. C.
Gernes, Sonia
Geogiannis, Nichols
Gerratt, Malcolm
Gerzon, Mark
Gettleman, Susan
Geyelin, Philip
Geyer, Georgie Anne
Gezork, Ellen
Ghigna, Charles
Ghose, Zulfikar
Giannaris, George
Gibb, Walter M.
Gibbons, Euell
Gibbons, Maurice
Gibbons, Sam
Gibian, George
Gibney, Frank
Gier, Regina E.
Giffen, Lee M.
Gifford, K. Dun
Gifford, Sanford
Gifford, Thomas
Gilbert, Celia
Gilbert, William
Gilden,K. B.
Gilfeather, George W. (Silly poems by Atlantic Staff)
Gilfillan, Edward
Gilgun, John
Gill, Brendan
Gillenkirk, Jeffrey
Gillespie, Alfred
Gillespie, Charles
Gillespie, Robert
Gillette, Charles
Gillette, Paul
Gillette, Philip
Gilliatt, Penelope
Gillie, Angelo
Gilliland, Elizabeth
Gillmore, Katie S.
Gilluly, Dick
Gilman, Richard
Gilmattin, Lee
Gilmore, Arthur L.
Gilpatric, Madelin
Ginensky, Richard
Gingher, Marianne
Gingrich, Arnold
Ginna, Robert E.
Ginzberg, Eli
Ginzburg, Natalia
Giovannini, Joseph
Giroud, Francoise
Gisvold, Per
Gitlin, Todd
Gittelson, Irja
Gittelson, Natalie
Giuliani, Vin
Glab, Edward
Gladstone, Frances
Gladwyn, Lord
Glancy, Dorothy
Glaser, Milton
Glaskin, G. M.
Glass, Andrew
Glass, Joanna
Glass, Roger
Glasser, Ronald
Glasser, William
Glassgold, Peter
Glassman, James
Glassner, Barry
Glaze, Andrew
Glaze, Eleanor
Glazer, Nathan
Gleason, Bill
Gleason, Gene
Gleason, Judith
Gleason, Ralph
Gleason, Tom
Gleeson, Willard
Glenn, Michael
Glennon, Frances
Gleenon, Maurade
Glickman, Sylvia
Gloag, Julian
Gluck, Louise
Glueck, Grace
Glynn, Lenny
Glynn, Thomas
Goddard, Donald
Godwin, Gail
Goganian, Jean
Goheen, Robert
Golab, Jan
Gold, Don
Gold, Herb
Gold, Ivan
Gold, Judy
Gold, Melissa D.
Gold, Robert
Gold, Victor
Goldberg, Gerald Jay
Goldberg, James
Goldberg, Lester
Goldberg, Steven
Golde, Roger
Golden, L. L. L.
Golder, W. Evan
Goldfarb, Ronald L.
Goldfein, Alan
Goldin, Hyman
Goldhaber, Samuel
Golding, William
Goldknopf, David
Goldman, Albert
Goldman, Emmanuel
Goldman, Marshall
Goldman, Peter

Goldner, Virginia
Goldsborough, James O.
Goldschlager, Seth
Goldschmidt, Jean
Goldschmidt, Walter
Goldsmith, J.
Goldston, Robert
Goldwasser, Tom
Goldwater, Barry
Gollin, James
Gomes, Rudolph
Gone with the Wind
Gonick, Francine P.
Gonzales, Jack
Gonzales, Larry
Good, Paul
Good, Robert
Goodale, Alfred M.
Goodell, Charles
Goodman, Denise
Goodman, Ellen
Goodman, George J. W.
Goodman, John
Goodman, Mark
Goodman, Miriam
Goodman, Paul
Goodman, Robert
Goodman, Walter
Goodrich, David
Goodwin, Doris (See: Janeway, Michael See also: Kearns, Doris)
Goodwin, Donald W.
Goodwin, Michael
Goodwin, Richard
Goodyear, Toni
Goran, Lester
Gordimer, Nadine
Gordon, James
Gordon, John
Gordon, Robert
Gordon, Ruth
Gordon, Suzanne
Gore, Albert
Gore, Patricia Lynden
Gorey, Edward
Gorham, William
Gornick, Vivien
Goshgarian, Gary
Gossage, Howard
Gottlieb, Annie
Gottlieb, Daniel
Gottlieb, Elaine
Gottlieb, Martin
Gottschalk, Mary
Gould, Elaine
Gould, Floyd J.
Gould, Jean
Gould, Lois
Gould, Randall
Gould, William
Goulden, Joseph
Goulding, Philip
Goulet, Dennis
Gowrie, Grey
Goyen, William
Grace, Nancy
Grady, James
Graff, Henry
Graham, David
Graham, Frank
Graham, Gene
Graham, J. Maxtone
Graham, John A.
Graham, Jorie
Graham, Katharine
Grambs, David
Grans, Cesar
Grant, Donald
Grant, G. G.
Grant, Louis T.
Granzow, Sandra
Grass, Gunter
Gratwick, Geoffrey
Gratz, Roberta
Gravel, Mike
Graves, Alison
Graves, John
Graves, Ralph
Graves, Robert
Gray, Alice W.
Gray, Farnum
Gray, L. Patrick
Gray, Martin
Greeley, Andrew
Green, Fitzhugh
Green, Galen
Green, Gerald
Green, Hannah
Green, Mark
Green, Martin
Green, Murray
Green, Randall
Green, Randall L.
Green, Roy (Memos)
Green, Susan
Greenbaum, William
Greenberg, Alvin
Greenberg, Barbara
Greenberg, Dan
Greenberg, Joanne
Greenberg, Peter S.
Greenberg, Sanford
Greenberg, Selig
Greenberger, Martin
Greenblatt, Howard
Greenburg, William
Greendale, Alexander
Greene, A. C.
Greene, Graham
Greene, Robert
Greene, Wade
Greenfeld, Jeff
Greenfield, Jerome
Greenhaw, Wayne
Greenlee, Ruth
Greenstein, David
Greenway, H. D. S. (David)
Greenya, John
Greer, Gordon
Gregor, Arthur
Gregory, Blanche (Agent)
Gregory, Dick
Greider, William
Grendahl, Spencev
Grenier, Richard
Grey, M. C.
Grier, William
Griffin, C. W.
Griffin, Roy
Griffin, Susan
Griffin, Walter
Griffith, Thomas
Griffith, William
Grimond, John
Grinspoon, Lester
Grinstead, David
Grobel, Lawrence
Groff, James W.
Gronoset, Dagfinn
Gronowicz, Antoni
Gropman, Dan
Gross, Amy
Gross, Joel
Gross, Kenneth
Gross, Mark Alan
Gross, Theodore
Grossbach, Robert
Grosser, Morton
Grossman, Edward
Grotta, Daniel
Grove, Lee
Grover, Preston
Grow, Gerald
Grubb, Davis
Gruber, Charles
Gruen, John
Gruening, Ernest
Grughn, Ruth
Guber, Selma
Gubser, Nicholas J.
Guerard, Albert
Gerard, Maclin
Guetti, James
Gullen, Abraham
Gullette, Margaret
Gunderson, Joanna B.
Gunn, James
Gunther, Jane
Gupte, Pranay
Guralnick, Estelle
Guralnick, Peter
Gurganus, Allan
Gusewelle, C. W.
Gustafson, James
Gustaitis, Rasa
Guthman, Edwin
Gutierrez, Jose
Gutkind, Lee

Hacker, Andrew
Hackett, Walter
Hackworth, D. H.
Hadley, Arthur
Haggin, Bernard
Hahn, Nicolas
Hahn, Robert S.
Haig-Brown, Roderick
Halberstam, David
Hall, Donald
Hall, James B.
Hall, Sarah M.
Halperin, Morton
Halpern, Daniel
Hamer, Martin J.
Hamilton, Alice
Hamilton, John D.
Hammer, Armand
Hammer, Charles
Hammer, Richard
Handke, Peter
Handlin, Oscar
Hangen, Welles
Hannigan, Paul
Hansen, Ron
Hanson, Howard
Hanson, Nels
Hapgood, Fred
Harding, Katherine
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Harkness, Marjorie
Harmer, Carter
Harman, Ruth
Harney, Kenneth
Harper, Michael
Harpprecht, Klaus
Harriman, Jane
Harriman, W. Averell
Harrington, Alan
Harrington, Michael
Harrington, Michael J.
Harris, Fred R.
Harris, MacDonald
Harris, Mark
Hartley, Anthony
Hartman, Carl
Hass, Robert
Hatch, Francis W.
Hay, Jacob
Hayden, Julie
Hayes, Marcia
Hayes, Peter
Hayes, Phil
Hazard, Leland
Hazo, Samuel
Hazzard, Shirley
Healey, Denis
Hebald, Carol
Hebert, Anne
Hecht, Anthony
Hecht, Florence
Heffner, Richard D.
Heilbroner, Robert
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemphill, Paul
Hemsley, Stuart
Henahan, John
Henning, Joel F.
Henry, DeWitt
Henry, John
Hentoff, Nat
Herget, J. Barlow
Heritage, John
Hernstein, Richard
Hersey, John
Hersh, Burton
Hersh, Seymour
Hershman, Marcie
Hess, John
Hess, Karen
Hewitt, Geof
Heyman, Arlene
Heymann, Philip B.
Hiatt, Fred
Hiatt, Howard H.
Hickey, Jerrold
Higgins, George
Higgins, James
Higgins, Judith
Hightower, John
Hills, L. Rust
Hilton, Michael
Hinckle, Warren
Hitchcock, Tommy (See: Clagett, James)
Hoagland, Edward
Hoagland, James
Hoch, Paul
Hochman, Sandra
Hochstein, Rolaine
Hodgson, Godfrey
Hoerr, John
Hoffman, William
Holbrooke, Richard
Holden, John S.
Holland, Gerald
Holroyd, Michael
Holt, John
Homans, George
Honig, Donald
Honig, Edwin
Hook, Sidney
Hoopes, Townsend
Hope, Jack
Hopkins, Jeannette
Horne, Ralph A.
Horowitz, Irving L.
Hosken, Franziska
Hotchner, A. E.
Hough, John
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Houriet, Robert
Household, Geoffrey
Howard, Katherine
Howe, Fanny
Howe, Irving
Howe, Mollie (Mary Manning)
Howe, Russell W.
Hower, Edward
Howes, Barbara
Howland, Bette
Hoyt, Edwin
Hubbard, Howard
Hubbard, Margaret
Hudson, Helen
Huff, Robert
Hughes, John
Hughes, Mary Gray
Hughes Olwyn (re: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath)
Hughes, Richard
Hughes, Ted (See: Hughes, Owlyn)
Hughes, Thomas
Hugo, Richard
Hulme, Kathryn
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunsberger, Bruce
Hunt, Todd
Hunter, Frederic
Huntley, Chet
Hussey, Anne
Hutchins, Francis
Huxtable, Ida L.
Hyman, Stanley, Mrs. (Phoebe Pettingell)

Idema, James
Iglauer, Edith
Ignatow, David
Ingram, Timothy
Inkeles, Ann
Isaacs, Harold
Iseman, Marjorie
Iseman, Peter
Ivins, Molly

Jackel, Karen
Jackson, Bruce
Jacobs, Jay
Jacobs, Paul
Janeway, Elizabeth
Janeway, Michael (re: Doris K. Goodwin)
Janos, Leo (re: Georgia O'Keefe)
Janus, Pat
Jencks, Christopher
Jenkins, David
Jennings, Gary
Johnson, Denis
Johnson, Nicolas
Jones, Landon Y.
Jones, Richard
Jong, Erica
Josephy, Alvin
Judson, Horace
Junkins, Donald
Just, Ward

Kael, Pauline (See also: Fellini, Federico)
Kaiser, Robert
Kanfer, Stefan
Kann, Peter R.
Kanon, Joseph
Kaplan, Justin
Karnow, Stanley
Karp, Richard
Kateb, George
Katz, Harvey
Katz, Menke
Kauffmann, Stanley
Kaufman, Irving
Kay, Jane Holtz
Kazin, Alfred
Kearns, Doris (See also: Janeway, Michael)
Keats, John
Keith, Agnes Newton
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennedy, Eugene C.
Kennedy, Eugene T.
Kennedy, John (See: Black, Edwin)
Kennedy, Mopsy Stange
Kennedy, Robert, Jr.
Kennedy, Roger G.
Kennedy, William
Kennedy, X. J.
Kenny, Herbert A.
Kermode, Frank
Kevles, Barbara
Kidder, Tracy
Kiker, Douglas
King, Larry L.
Kinnell, Galway
Kistiakowsky, G. B.
Kittredge, William
Klappert, Peter
Kleinfield, Sonny
Knight, Wallace E.
Koestler, Arthur
Koffend, John B.
Komer, Robert W.
Komroff, Manuel
Koning, Hans
Korda, Michael
Korry, Ed.
Kotlowitz, Bob
Kozol, Jonathan
Kraft, Joseph
Krahn, Fernando
Kramer, Mark
Kristol, Irving
Kronenberger, Louis
Kumin, Maxine
Kunitz, Stanley
Kuzma, Greg
Kwitney, Jonathan

Labov, William
LaFeber, Walter
Lake, Carlton
Lambert, Gavin
Lamorte, Pat
Lamport, Felicia
Lanes, Selma G.
Langer, Elinor
Lasson, Kenneth
Lavin, Mary
Leary, Mary Ellen
Lee, Mark
Lelchuck, Alan
Leonard, George
Leonard, John
Leontief, Wassily
Lerner, Max
Lerner, Michael
Lescaze, Lee
Levin, Bernard
Levin, Eric
Levin, Harry
Levine, Irving R.
Levine, Philip
Levine, Richard
Levy, Alan
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Flora
L'Heureux, John C.
Lichtenstein, Grace
Lifton, Robert Jay
Lindebergh, Charles
Linden, Eugene
Linden, Thomas
Lindsay, John V.
Lippmann, Walter
Lipset, Seymour M.
Lipsick, Joseph
Lister, R. P.
Longworth, Richard
Loory, Stuart
Lord, John
Lorenz, Clarissa (Aiken)
Louchheim, Katie
Lowell, Robert
Lowry, Malcolm
Lucas, Christopher
Lukas, J. Anthony
Lydon, Michael
Lynden, Patricia
Lyons, Louis

McCabe, Bruce
McCabe, Robert
McCarthy, Abigail
McCarthy, Eugene (See also: Eisele, Albert)
McCarthy, Mary B.
Maccoby, Michael
McConkey, James
McCord, David
Macrorie, Ken
MacDonald, D. R.
MacDonald, Dwight
McGahern, John
McGill, Ralph
McGovern, Eleanor
McGovern, George
McGuane, Thomas
McHugh, Heather
McIlwain, William F.
McKeown, Tom
MacLeish, Archibald
McLuhan, Marshall
McMurtry, John
McMurty, Larry
McPhee, John
McPherson, Harry
McPherson, James
MacPherson, Myra
Maddocks, Melvin
Madison, Peter
Magazine Publishers Association
Maguire, Daniel
Mailer, Norman
Malamud, Bernard
Maloney, Ralph
Malraux, Andre
Manchester, William
Mangakis, George
Mann, Thomas C.
Mannes, Myra
Manning, Margaret
Manning, Mary (Molly Howe)
Manning, Richard
Manning, Robert (See also: DuVal, Philip)
Marcus, Steven
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
Martin, Harold H.
Martin, William C.
Martinson, Harry
Marx, Wesley
Masefield, John
Matthews, T. S.
Matthews, William
Matthiessen, Peter
Mauldin, Bill
Mayer, Jean
Mayer, Martin
Medsger, Betty
Mehta, Ved
Meisler, Stanley
Melvin, Russell
Meredith, Scott
Meredith, William
Merriam, Eve
Merrill, James
Mertou, Thomas
Merwin, William S.
Middleton, Drew
Midwood, Barton
Miller, Arthur
Miner, Margaret Minot, Stephen
Minty, Judith
Minus, Edward
Miranda, Gary
Mission of the magazine (See also: DuVal, Philip)
Mitchell, Don
Mitford, Jessica
Moffitt, John
Molyneux, Tom
Moncrief, W. A.
Mondale, Walter (See also: Eisele, Albert)
Mooney, Michael
Moore, Brian
Moravia, Alberto
Morgan, Frederick
Morgan, James
Morgan, Robin
Morgan, Speer
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Mornell, Pierre
Morris, James
Morris, Willie
Morris, Wright
Moses, Robert
Moss, Howard
Moulton, Elizabeth
Mountzoures, H. L.
Mowat, Farley
Moyers, Bill
Moynihan, Daniel P.
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Mumford, Lewis
Mungo, Raymond
Munro, Eleanor
Murphy, Richard W.

Nabokov, Vladimir (See also: Appel, Alfred)
Naipaul, V. S.
Nash, Ogden
National Book Awards
National Journal
National Magazine Award
Navasky, Victor
Neely, Richard
Nelson, Jack
Neruda, Pablo
Newman, Edwin
Nicol, Charles
Nobile, Philip
Nolan, Martin F.
Noll, Bink
Nordhoff Laura G. W.
North, Sandie
Nossiter, Bernard
Novak, Robert

Oakes, David
Oates, Joyce Carol
Ober, Harold Associates
O'Brien, Conor Cruise
O'Brien, Edna
O'Brien, Patricia
O'Connell, Shaun
O'Connor, Edwin
O'Connor, Flannery
O'Connor, Frank
O'Donnell, Terence
O'Faolain, Sean
O'Gorman, Ned
O'Hara, John (See: Farr, Finis)
O'Kai, John
O'Keefe, Georgia (See: Janos, Leo)
O'Keefe, Patrick
Olsen, Tillie
O'Neil, Paul
O'Reilly, Jane
Ormand, John
Osborne, John
Osmond, Humphrey
Ostroff, Anthony
Owen, Henry

Page, Bruce
Page, Joseph
Page, Susan
Paley, Grace
Palmer, Robert
Parker, Gail
Parker, Maynard
Parks, Gordon
Pastan, Linda
Paton, Alan
Paz, Octavio
Peck, Robert
Peers, William R.
Percy, Walker
Perl, Jeffrey
Perlberg, Mark
Perlman, Jeffrey
Petrie, Paul
Phillips, Kevin
Phillips, Marjorie
Pichaske, David
Piercy, Marge
Piker, Myron
Pilpel, Harriet F.
Pincus, Walter
Plath, Sylvia (See also: Hughes, Olwyn)
Plaut, James
Plaut, Martin
Plumly, Stanley
Poems by Atlantic Staff (See: Gilfeather, G. W.)
Poirier, Richard
Polk, James
Pollitt, Katha
Pond, Elizabeth
Porter, Katherine Anne
Poulin, Al, Jr.
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Anthony
Powell, Douglas H.
Powers, Tom
Powledge, Fred
Pritchard, William
Pritchett, V. S.
Prose, Francine
Prussing, Laurel
Putnam, Clay
Puzo, Mario

Raab, Lawrence
Rabassa, Gregory
Ralbovsky, Martin
Ramsey, Jarold
Ramsey, Judith
Ranney, George, Jr.
Rapaport, Roger
Rascoe, Judith
Rathvon, Henry
Ravenal, Earl C.
Ray, David
Raymont, Henry
Regnier, Nita
Reich, Bob
Reid, Alastair
Rembar, Charles
Reston, James, Jr.
Reubens, John B.
Reynolds, Margaret
Rextroth, Kenneth
Rhodes, Richard
Richards, I. A.
Richardson, Elliott
Richler, Mordecai
Riesman, David
Ritch, John B.
Rivers, Larry
Robinson, Paul A.
Rogers, David
Rohwer, William D.
Rollins, William
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Root, William P.
Rosenberg, Liz
Rossi, Alice S.
Rosten, Leo
Rostow, Eugene V.
Rostow, Wait
Roszak, Theodore
Roth, Henry H.
Roth, Philip
Rothschild, Donald
Rothschild, Emma
Rousmaniere, John
Rovere, Richard
Rowan, Roy
Rubin, Trudy
Rudman, Mark
Rumford Press (See: Backon, Mitch)
Rukeyser, Muriel
Russell and Volkening
Rustin, Bayard
Ryan, John F.

Sagan, Carl
Sagoff, Maurice
Salisbury, Harrison
Saltonstall, Leverett
Samuels, Charles T.
Sandy, Stephen
Saroyan, William
Sarris, Andrew
Sarton, May
Sayles, John
Schanberg, Sydney
Schanche, Don A.
Schickel, Richard
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schorer, Mark
Schrag, Peter
Schulder, Diane
Schwaab, Edleff
Schwartz, Lloyd
Scott, Rachel
Scoval, Carl
Seagrave, Sterling
Sedgwick, Ellery
Sedgwick, R. Minturn
See, Carolyn
Seeger, Murray
Seidman, Hugh
Senesi, Mauro
Serrin, William
Sexton, Anne
Shackford, Robert
Shah, Linda
Shapiro, Harvey
Shapiro, Harvey D.
Sheed, Wilfred
Sheehan, Edward R. F.
Sheehan, Laurence
Shenker, Israel
Shepard, Stephen B.
Shetzline, Mary Beal
Shorris, Earl
Shulman, Colette
Shulman, Alix K.
Shultz, Henry
"Signature" Series
Sibler, John R.
Silberman, Charles
Silman, Roberta
Simon, Eliav
Singer, Isaac B.
Sisk, John
Sissman, L. Edward
Sitwell, Edith
Skillings, Roger
Skinner, B. F.
Skow, Jack
Sleeper, Jim
Smith, Adam
Smith, April
Smith, Dodie
Smith, Donald
Smith, Hedrick
Smyth, Paul
Snow, C. P.
Snyder, Benson R.
Snyder, Margaret H.
Snyder, Robert
Sokolov, Raymond
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Sontag, Susan
Sorel, Edward
Sorel, Elaine
Spacks, Barry
Sparks, Will
Spence, Jonathan
Spencer, Elizabeth
Spender, Stephen
Spingarn, Natalie D.
Spitzer, Philip G.
Spivack, Kathleen
Spooner, John
Stafford, Jean
Stafford, William
Stanford, Ann
Stansky, Peter
Stanton, Maura
Stanton, Will
Starbuck, George
Stassinopoulos, Arianna
Steegmuller, Francis
Steel, Ronald
Stegner, Page
Stegner, Wallace
Stein, Jane
Steiner, George
Stent, Gunther S.
Sterling, Claire
Stern, Paula
Stern, Philip
Stevens, Georgina
Stevenson, Janet
Stiles, Martha Bennett
Stock, Irvin
Stokebury, James
Stoop, Norma
Stout, Richard
Strand, Mark
Strong, John
Strong, Jonathan
Strozier, Robert
Strucinski, Mitchell
Suyker, Betty
Swados, Harvey
Swan, Jon
Swenson, May
Swigart, Rob
Symington, James
Szasz, Thomas

Talarico, Ross
Tate, James
Taylor, Adrian
Taylor, Telford
Terkel, Studs
Terrill, Ross
Tevis, Walter
Texas (State of)
Theroux, Alexander
Theroux, Paul
Thomas, Lewis
Thompson, Marilyn
Thomson, James C.
Thornhill, Arthur
Thurber-Benchley Contest
Tiger, Lionel
Tillinghast, Richard
Time, Inc.
Todd, Richard
Todd, Ruthven
Todd, Susan
Toperoff, Sam
Trillin, Calvin
Trilling, Diana
Trilling, Lion
Tuchman, Barbara
Tugwell, Rexford
Tyler, Ralph
Tynan, Kenneth
Tyrmand, Leopold

Udall, Stewart
Ulam, Adam
Ulmer, Melville
Ungar, Sanford
Ungehever, Friedel
Ungerer, Kathy
Updike, John

Van den Haag, Ernest
Van Doren, Mark
Vendler, Helen
Vidal, Gore (See also: Clarke, Gerald)
Viorst, Milton
von Hoffman, Nicholas
Vonnegut, Kurt
Vorenberg, James
Voznesensky, Andrei

Wagoner, David
Wakefield, Dan
Waldo, Richard
Walden, William
Walker, John
Walsh, Donald D.
Ward, Andrew
Ward, Hiley
Warner, Denis
Warner, Steve
Warren, Robert Penn
Watson, James D.
Waugh, Evelyn (See: Cockburn, Claud)
Wayman, Tom
Weales, Gerald
Weeks, Edward A. (See also: Bowen, Catherine D.)
Weesner, Ted
Weinraub, Bernard
Weismiller, Frances
Wellford, Harrison
Wernick, Robert
Wheeler, Michael
Wheelock, John H.
Whipple, Addison B. C.
Whipple, Charlie
White, Merry
White, Theodore H.
Whitman, Alden
Whitman, Ruth
Wicker, Tom
Wilbur, Richard
Wilder, Thornton
Wilkes, Paul
Will, George
Williams, Joan
Williams, Miller
Williams, Tennessee (See: Buckley, Tom)
Wills, Garry
Wilson, Carter
Wilson, Edmund (See also: Exley, Fred)
Wilson, George C.
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, James Q.
Wilson, Mitchell
Wilson, Robley
Wise, David
Woiwode, Larry
Wolff, Geoffrey
Wolff, Robert Lee
Women's Supplement
Woodley, Richard
Woods, William C.
Work Supplement
Wright, J. Patrick
Wright, James

Yarmolinsky, Adam
Yarmolinsky, Avrahm
Yergin, Daniel
Yglesias, Jose

Zelver, Pat
Zinberg, Norman
Zinsser, William
Zuckerman, Mortimer
Zwerdling, Daniel

Preferred Citation

Atlantic Monthly Magazine records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Bellow, Saul.
Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 1897-1973.
Coles, Robert, 1929-
Drew, Elizabeth, 1935-
Dunne, John Gregory, 1932-2003.
Eberhart, Richard, 1904-2005.
FitzGerald, Frances, 1940-
Ford, Jesse Hill, 1940-
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006.
Gold, Herbert, 1924-
Graves, Robert, 1895-1985.
Herrnstein, Richard, 1930-
Higgins, George V., 1939-1999.
Just, Ward S.
Kazin, Alfred, 1915-1998.
Kronenberger, Louis, 1904-1980.
Mailer, Norman.
Malamud, Bernard.
Manning, Robert, 1919-2012.
McPherson, James Alan, 1943-
Mitford, Jessica, 1917-1996.
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976.
Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938-
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. (Arthur Meier), 1917-2007.
Sheed, Wilfred.
Sorel, Edward, 1929-
Terrill, Ross.
Updike, John.
Warren, Robert Penn, 1905-1989.
Weeks, Edward, 1898-1989.


Authors, American.
Authors, English.
Women authors.

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