
Guide to the Microfilm and Digital Edition

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Collection Summary


The papers of William Heath document his Revolutionary War military service in the Continental Army as a field commander (1776-1777) and as commander of the Eastern District (March 1777-June 1779) and the Lower Hudson (New York) district (June 1779-1783).

Biographical Timeline

2 March 1737
Born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Payson) Heath.
19 April 1759
Married Sarah Lockwood of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Elected member of the Massachusetts General Court representing Roxbury.
Joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in Boston.
Re-elected to the Massachusetts General Court.
8 December 1774
Appointed brigadier-general by the Provincial Assembly of Massachusetts.
Member of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.
June 1775
Promoted to the rank of major-general of Massachusetts forces.
At the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Appointed brigadier-general of the Continental Army under George Washington.
9 August 1776
Promoted to major-general in the Continental service.
January 1777
Led an unsuccessful attack on Fort Independence (ICY).
Placed in command of the Eastern Military District, with headquarters in Boston.
Placed in command of the Lower Hudson District while George Washington was in Yorktown with main army.
1 July 1783
Returned to his farm in Roxbury, Massachusetts.
Served as a member of the state convention which ratified the Constitution.
Member of the Massachusetts Senate.
Appointed judge, Probate Court, Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
Elected lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts, declined to serve.
24 January 1814
Died in Roxbury, Massachusetts.

Collection Description

The William Heath papers consist of 46 reels of microfilm. The bulk of the collection concerns military matters during the American Revolution. Heath served in the Continental Army from its inception to its dissolution in 1783. The papers cover his service as a field commander, 1776-1777; his command of the Eastern District, March 1777-June 1779; and the Lower Hudson District, June 1779-1783. The collection consists of loose papers, diaries, and orderly books.


This collection consists of 31 numbered volumes on 46 reels of microfilm. Reels 1-26 contain loose papers formerly bound into 26 volumes. These materials are arranged chronologically according to the original sequence in the volumes. The items have two sets of numbers on them: 1) the original volume and page numbers which are marked on the back of each document and 2) a second set of page numbers on the front of each document assigned during disbinding. Although the page numbers changed slightly, the order of the documents remained the same. The volume and reel numbers are equivalent, although many reels have been split between two reels of microfilm. Volume 17, for example, is located on reels 17 and 17B.

Each item has been individually cataloged in the MHS manuscript catalog, published by G. K. Hall in 1969 as the Catalog of Manuscripts in the Massachusetts Historical Society. Each entry contains a volume and page number indicating its exact location on the microfilm. Because the materials are not in perfect chronological order and because many documents have been misfiled, this is the most exact way of locating a document on the microfilm.

If the G. K. Hall catalog is not available, two indexes are helpful in determining the approximate location of items on the microfilm. The first index is known as the "26 Volume Index" and is Volume 27 of the collection. It has been filmed at the beginning of each reel except for the split reels described above. Volume 27 was not filmed separately and does not have a corresponding reel number: there is no reel 27. The second index is actually an individual volume index filmed at the beginning of its corresponding reel. Both indexes contain an alphabetical list of names and page numbers. The separate volume indexes also contain occasional descriptions of the contents of documents.

Both indexes refer only to the original numbering system. Page references in the indexes do not match the page numbers on the front of each document, but the items remain in their original order.

Reels 28-29 contain Heath's orderly books, 1776-1783. Reel 29B also includes miscellaneous papers, 1775-1872 (see collection description for more information). Heath's diaries, 1775-1804, are on reels 30-31.

Acquisition Information

The papers were purchased from the heirs of William Heath by Amos A. Lawrence, who in turn donated them to the Massachusetts Historical Society in May 1859. Additional miscellaneous materials were donated in 1970 by Mrs. Robert G. Peck of Chicago, Illinois.

Other Formats

On microfilm, P-205, 46 reels.

Selections published in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 5th series, Vol. 4 (1878); 7th series, Vols. 4 and 5 (1904-1905).

Portions of this collection are available as color digital facsimiles.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Note: If it is available, consult the published Catalog of Manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society, (G. K. Hall, 1969) to determine the volume and page number of each individual document.

Note: There is no reel 27. The contents of volume 27 appear at the beginning of each reel except where the reels have been split: i.e., on reel 12, but not 12B, etc.

Papers, 1774-1814

The papers, 1774-1814, contain correspondence from prominent political and military figures of the time, including over 300 pieces of correspondence from George Washington. Subjects include recruitment, troop movements, appointment of officers, pay, courts-martial, morale, discipline, desertion, and British prisoners of war. There are numerous warrants, petitions, guard reports, and returns. Many letters concern provisions, arms, and ammunition. The letters relate primarily to the details of military life and the conduct of the war.

Reel 1

Vol. 1, 18 August 1774-31 October 1776

Reel 2

Vol. 2, 1 September-19 December 1776

Reel 3

Vol. 3, 19 December 1776-7 April 1777

Reel 4

Vol. 4, 7 April-1 June 1777

Reel 5

Vol. 5, 2 June-31 July 1777

Reel 6

Vol. 6, 1 August-25 October 1777

Reel 7

Vol. 7, 25 October-26 December 1777

Reel 8

Vol. 8, 1 January-13 March 1778

Reel 9

Vol. 9, 14 March-31 May 1778

Reel 10

Vol. 10, 1 June-2 August 1778

Reel 11

Vol. 11, 2 August-12 October 1778

Reel 12

Vol. 12, 12 October 1778-3 May 1779

Reel 12B

Vol. 12, 4-20 May 1779

Reel 13

Vol. 13, 21 May-10 August 1779

Reel 13B

Vol. 13, 10-31 August 1779

Reel 14

Vol. 14, 1 September-23 December 1779

Reel 14B

Vol. 14, 24-31 December 1779

Reel 15

Vol. 15, 1 January-13 February 1780

Reel 15B

Vol. 15, 13 February-22 April 1780

Reel 16

Vol. 16, 22 April-12 August 1780

Reel 16B

Vol. 16, 12-30 August 1780

Reel 17

Vol. 17, 31 August-12 November 1780

Reel 17B

Vol. 17, 13-23 November 1780

Reel 18

Vol. 18, 23 November 1780-15 January 1781

Reel 18B

Vol. 18, 15 January-15 February 1781

Reel 19

Vol. 19, 15 February-7 April 1781

Reel 19B

Vol. 19, 7 April-30 May 1781

Reel 20

Vol. 20, 4 June-14 September 1781

Reel 20B

Vol. 20, 14-23 September 1781

Reel 21

Vol. 21, 23 September-20 October 1781

Reel 21B

Vol. 21, 20-30 October 1781

Reel 22

Vol. 22, 1-30 November 1781

Reel 22B

Vol. 22, 30 November-23 December 1781

Reel 23

Vol. 23, 23 December 1781-5 February 1782

Reel 23B

Vol. 23, 5-22 February 1782

Reel 24

Vol. 24, 22 February-10 April 1782

Reel 24B

Vol. 24, 10 April-8 May 1782

Reel 25

Vol. 25, 8 May-17 July 1782

Reel 25B

Vol. 25, 17 July-6 August 1782

Reel 26

Vol. 26, 6 August-23 December 1783

Reel 26B

Vol. 26, 28 January 1784-3 January 1814

Orderly books, 1776-1783

The orderly books, 1776-1783, are located on reels 28, 29, and 29B. They contain resolves sent by the Continental Congress and the war office, general orders and appointments from George Washington, and Heat's orders to his commanding officers in the field. The orderly books are general and procedural in nature.

Subjects covered in the orderly books are: army and camp regulations for officers and soldiers, behavior, morale, desertion, discipline, punishment, courts-martial, the abuse of private and public properties (plunder and pillage of fields, gardens, and fences), prisoner-of-war care, health, and sanitation. There are detailed instructions for alarms and the use of arms and ammunition.

There are gaps in the orderly books. There are no orders from July 1778-February 1779, March 1780-January 1781, and December 1782-March 1783. Entries within the volumes are not in strict chronological order, particularly from 23 June 1779-July 1781 during Heath's command of the Lower Hudson district.

Some sections of the orderly books were filmed out of order.

Reel 28

Vol. 28, 17 August 1776-3 February 1780

Orders for 30 June-7 November 1779 are followed by Massachusetts Bay accounts and receipts with William Heath for monies paid and received for enlisting troops, 21 October 1779-3 February 1780. There is a single oversize account dated 1 April 1780.

Reel 29

Vol. 29, 7 February 1780-10 July 1782

Begins with orders 23 June 1779-5 February 1780. (Many are not in strict chronological order.) Orders for 26 January-21 February 1780 follow 23 April 1781. (These entries are not in chronological order.) Orders for 18 April-2 May 1782 follow 20 June 1782.

Reel 29B

Vol. 29, 11 July 1782-22 June 1783

Miscellaneous papers, 1775-1872

Miscellaneous papers, 1775-1872, located on Reel 29B include non-military materials. There are receipts for Heath's funeral in 1814 and a receipt to Samuel Heath dated 1744 (this item falls outside the nominal inclusive dates of the collection).

Reel 29B

Diaries, 1775-1804Digital Content

The diaries of William Heath, 1775-1804, are located on microfilm reels 30 and 31. There are gaps from December 1798-July 1801 and 22 August 1802-February 1803.

Diary entries during the war include Heath's comments on daily military life. Subjects covered during the war years include location and possible movements of the enemy, main and Northern Army locations, marches, brigade distribution, prisoner escapes, courts-martial, executions, work details, the reenlistment of troops, the personal health of Heath (including his smallpox inoculation on 21 April 1776 and its after effects), and the movements of the French fleet and army. Some battles and skirmishes are also described. Friendly and enemy casualty figures are often listed.

After the war, diary entries refer to global events, including politics, wars, and natural catastrophes, in particular French politics and conflicts between 1789 and 1793. Daily weather reports are given, as are family milestones, i.e., births, marriages, and deaths.

Original volumes 30 and 31 each contained multiple diaries.

Reel 30Box 43Folder 1Digital Content

30 June 1775-6 March 1776

Reel 30Box 43Folder 2Digital Content

20 March-30 October 1776

Reel 30Box 43Folder 3Digital Content

31 October 1776-27 February 1777

Reel 30Box 43Folder 4Digital Content

14 March 1777-15 May 1778

Reel 30Box 43Folder 5Digital Content

16 May 1778-7 March 1779

Reel 30Box 43Folder 6Digital Content

23 June 1779-29 February 1780

Reel 30Box 43Folder 7Digital Content

8 March-22 June 1779

Reel 30Box 43Folder 8Digital Content

1 March-4 December 1780

Reel 30Box 43Folder 9Digital Content

5 December 1780-9 May 1781

Reel 30Box 43Folder 10Digital Content

13 August-15 November 1781 (in volume); 16 November-11 December 1781 (attachment)

Also includes expenses (on last page of volume): 21 August-16 September 1781.

Reel 30Box 43Folder 11Digital Content

12 December 1781-28 April 1782

Reel 30Box 43Folder 12Digital Content

29 April-30 August 1782

Reel 30Box 43Folder 13Digital Content

31 August-30 November 1782

Reel 30Box 43Folder 14Digital Content

1 December 1782-6 April 1783

Reel 30Box 43Folder 15Digital Content

7 April-21 October 1783

Reel 30Box 44Folder 1Digital Content

22 October 1783-16 February 1784

Reel 30Box 44Folder 2Digital Content

17 February-29 February 1784

Reel 30Box 44Folder 3Digital Content

1 March-11 August 1784

Reel 30Box 44Folder 4Digital Content

12 August 1784-13 February 1785

Reel 31Box 44Folder 5Digital Content

14 February-13 June 1785

Reel 31Box 44Folder 6Digital Content

14 June-29 July 1785

Reel 31Box 44Folder 7Digital Content

30 July-7 September 1785

Reel 31Box 44Folder 8Digital Content

8 September-5 December 1785

Reel 31Box 44Folder 9Digital Content

6 December 1785-12 August 1786

Reel 31Box 44Folder 10Digital Content

13 August-6 September 1786

Reel 31Box 44Folder 11Digital Content

7 September 1786-12 January 1787

Reel 31Box 44Folder 12Digital Content

13 January-2 April 1787

Reel 31Box 44Folder 13Digital Content

2 April-18 July 1787

Reel 31Box 44Folder 14Digital Content

19 July-4 November 1787

Reel 31Box 44Folder 15Digital Content

5 November 1787-23 March 1788

Reel 31Box 44Folder 16Digital Content

24 March-8 June 1788

Reel 31Box 44Folder 17Digital Content

9 June-13 July 1788

Reel 31Box 44Folder 18Digital Content

14 July-9 December 1788

Reel 31Box 44Folder 19Digital Content

10 December 1788-26 April 1789

Reel 31Box 44Folder 20Digital Content

27 April-3 November 1789

Reel 31Box 44Folder 21Digital Content

4 November 1789-16 May 1790

Reel 31Box 44Folder 22Digital Content

17 May-5 June 1790

Reel 31Box 44Folder 23Digital Content

18 December 1790-20 January 1791

Reel 31Box 44Folder 24Digital Content

21 January-25 August 1791

Reel 31Box 44Folder 25Digital Content

26 August 1791-27 January 1792

Reel 31Box 45Folder 1Digital Content

28 January-9 July 1792

Reel 31Box 45Folder 2Digital Content

10 July-9 December 1792

Reel 31Box 45Folder 3Digital Content

10 December 1792-25 March 1793

Reel 31Box 45Folder 4Digital Content

26 March-13 November 1793

Reel 31Box 45Folder 5Digital Content

14 November 1793-27 May 1794

Reel 31Box 45Folder 6Digital Content

28 May-5 December 1794

Reel 31Box 45Folder 7Digital Content

6 December 1794-8 June 1795

Reel 31Box 45Folder 8Digital Content

19 February-13 October 1796

Reel 31Box 45Folder 9Digital Content

14 October 1796-12 July 1797

Reel 31Box 45Folder 10Digital Content

14 July 1797-8 January 1798

Reel 31Box 45Folder 11Digital Content

19 June-20 November 1798

Reel 31Box 45Folder 12Digital Content

10 August 1801-21 August 1802

Reel 31Box 45Folder 13Digital Content

26 November 1803-28 September 1804

Reel 31Box 45Folder 14Digital Content

1 March-26 November 1803

Preferred Citation

William Heath papers, Massachusetts Historical Society

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792.
Hancock, John, 1737-1793.
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806.
Lee, Charles, 1731-1782.
Sullivan, John, 1740-1795.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.


United States. Continental Army. Eastern District.
United States. Continental Army. Lower Hudson District.
United States. Continental Army--Officers.


Courts-martial and courts of inquiry.
France--History--Revolution, 1789-1799--Foreign public opinion, American.
Hudson Highlands (N.Y.)--History--Revolution, 1775-1783.
Orderly books.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--American forces.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Campaigns.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Equipment and supplies.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Muster rolls.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Personal narratives.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Prisoners and prisons.